Vegetables are healers. A


Vegetable garden around village house seemed like a real jungle to the boy. He remembered how in the spring he and his mother had fun digging beds and planting seeds. Then there was bare soil in the garden. And now the vegetables have grown so much that you can’t even see your mother.

The boy walked along the path and saw that his mother was sitting on the ground and holding her heart. She said forcefully:

It’s okay, son, our vegetables will put me in order. They will expel diseased cells from my heart, and in their place they will grow new, strong and healthy ones.

We need to call the doctor! - the boy was scared.

He helped his mother get home and dialed the ambulance number. The doctor, having examined my mother, sternly said: “You urgently need to go to the hospital.”

It's okay, son, everything will be fine. Today you will stay with the neighbors, and tomorrow your grandmother will come,” Mom tried to smile, but her lips did not obey.

And so my mother was taken to the hospital. The boy went into the garden and stopped near a large pumpkin. He stroked her orange side and cried:

Mom thought you would fix her heart.

Suddenly the pumpkin opened, and a woman in a fluffy orange dress and a green cape with a hood appeared in front of the boy. The stranger's eyes glowed tenderly. The boy shuddered and whispered:

My name is Ilyusha, and who are you?

I am the ruler of the Vegetarian Kingdom, Aunt Pumpkin.

“My mother is sick,” the boy complained.

I know, Ilyusha, and that’s why I invite you to stay in our kingdom. The child cannot be left alone.

Aunt Pumpkin waved her hand, and her pumpkin instantly turned into a round orange house with a green roof.

The green door swung open and the boy found himself in the pumpkin house. Aunt Pumpkin seated the boy at a round table under an orange lampshade, put on an apron sewn in the shape of a large letter with pocket pumpkins, and began to bustle about.

Soon bowls and cups appeared on the table. They contained everything: baked pumpkin, pumpkin porridge, pumpkin broth with honey, jam and candied fruits of an appetizing amber color. Ilyusha immediately felt that he was hungry. The food was so delicious that the boy could not stop until he tried everything.

Soon he felt himself falling asleep right at the table. Aunt Pumpkin picked him up and carried him into the bedroom. Lying in her warm embrace, Ilyusha asked:

Aunt Pumpkin, how can the ruler of the kingdom be as kind and gentle as you? It seemed to me that a ruler should be strict and important.

For us vegetables, the ruler is the one who has the most good qualities and properties. Pumpkin is the head of the pumpkin vegetable family and the most big vegetable earth - it accumulates so many good substances and vitamins that it is impossible to list them. We are extremely beneficial for the stomach and intestines. Today you ate a lot of different pumpkin dishes and didn’t feel heavy in your stomach, did you? - asked Aunt Pumpkin.

At home, my stomach often hurts after eating, but now it doesn’t at all. Aunt Pumpkin, will my mother get better? - the boy asked sadly.

We will help her get better. I will give her a bottle of gourd with healing pumpkin juice. In the meantime, relax and listen to a fairy tale about a pumpkin.

Why was the pumpkin the ruler of the Vegetarian Kingdom?

What gift would you like to receive from Aunt Pumpkin?

If you met someone who thought pumpkin was not a healthy food, how would you convince them otherwise?

Draw Aunt Pumpkin and her pumpkin house.

Imagine yourself visiting Aunt Pumpkin and make up a story about it.

In distant Laos, a lonely old man settled in a house on the edge of a village. The old man inherited this house from his brother. In the middle of the house there was a large orange pumpkin hanging on a vine, and one day the old man decided to cook dinner from it. As soon as he brought the knife to cut the pumpkin, a golden-haired girl in an orange dress jumped out. She handed the old man a jar of pumpkin seeds and said:

I give you these seeds. Grow pumpkins from them and feed them to people.

Who are you, beautiful stranger? - the old man exclaimed, but the girl disappeared.

“I will help you with advice,” the voice rang.

The old man dug up the rocky field behind the house and began to grow pumpkins. They produced excellent harvests, and the old man generously shared his pumpkins with everyone.

Most often he visited his old neighbor. She could no longer walk, and spent days lying alone while her children worked in the fields.

The old man brought pumpkins to the grandmother, and she said with pity:

You poor old man, you have nothing. Take some rice from us for dinner.

“I may be poor, but my house is no worse decorated than the rich,” the old man laughed in response. - Multi-colored pumpkins hang everywhere, as if New Year's toys. And my magic golden pumpkin will bring me happiness.

“It’s better if she gives you money,” the grandmother was angry.

Eat my pumpkins every day and you will become younger, like me.

I can’t get my youth back, I just wish I could get out of bed,” my grandmother dreamed.

A week later, meeting his grandmother at the well, the old man was delighted:

You see, you didn’t believe that my pumpkins would lift you up.

Soon a rumor spread throughout the village that the old man had grown magical pumpkins. People began to come to him for advice, and no one left him without help. The old man did not shave money from anyone for pumpkins. To the happy mother, who brought him a silver coin in gratitude for the birth of her son, he explained:

thank the pumpkin you ate whole year! It was her wonderful vitamin E that saved you from infertility.

Always eat pumpkin. It will strengthen the baby’s bones and make your milk tasty and plentiful.

One day a woodcutter came to the old man. The tree hit him on the leg, and the wound festered.

I'm not a doctor, but my magic pumpkin is as good as a doctor.

Now I will wash the wound with fresh pumpkin juice and make a bandage with pumpkin pulp so that the suppuration will go away. And eat these pumpkins: they contain great amount zinc, useful for wound healing,” the old man explained.

Soon the woodcutter brought the old man a bundle of fresh firewood and said:

Look, grandfather, not a trace of the wound remains. The pumpkin pulp helped village beauties maintain a fresh complexion, and saved the local shopkeeper from obesity. When all the fields in the area burned out from a terrible drought, the pumpkin in the old man’s garden turned green, as if nothing had happened. Orange pumpkin flowers, huge as glasses, fed several bee families with nectar at once, and the old man gave birth to unusually tasty pumpkins.

On next year It rained all summer, and the crops in the fields were wet. The magic pumpkin advised the old man to hang the pumpkins on supports so that the breeze would blow through them. The harvest was a great success, and the old man fed the whole village with his pumpkins.

Then the elders from five villages in the area invited the old man to a council and said:

Our fields are depleted and people are starving. They say you have a magic pumpkin that gives wise advice. Let him advise how we should continue to live.

“There’s no need to ask for advice here,” the old man answered, “plant a pumpkin: it’s not afraid of drought or rain, and the harvest is huge.” You just need to prevent the weeds from drowning out the results, and then the pumpkin will protect itself with its large leaves.

They listened to the elders and planted pumpkin seeds everywhere, which the old man gave them. From these seeds, pumpkins with amazing healing properties spread across the earth. Since then, in Laos and China, pumpkin has been called the king of vegetables and a symbol of rebirth, and its seeds are considered the food of immortality.

Why did the old man from the fairy tale hang golden pumpkin in the middle of your room?

Divide the children into pairs. One person in the pair is Aunt Pumpkin, the other is her guest.

Children create a skit-dialogue between a pumpkin and a guest of the Vegetarian Kingdom, which should include information about the pumpkin.

Children stand in a circle.

One of them sits in the center of the circle. Everyone walks around him and sings: “Grow faster, pumpkin, this wide, this high, this beautiful. Grow up and feed (heal) Natasha (the name of a child from the circle is called). The child in the center of the circle says what he can do to feed or cure the named child. Then the named child stands in the circle and the game continues.


"Pumpkin Pie"

pumpkin-400 gr.; - egg - 3 pcs. ; low-fat cottage cheese - 250 gr.; hard cheese- 5g.

coriander; nutmeg; pepper to taste.

Grate the pumpkin on a fine grater. Beat cottage cheese with eggs and mash into a pumpkin, add spices and mix everything. Place the mixture in a mold greased with vegetable oil and bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Finally, sprinkle with grated cheese.

Pumpkin cutlets

pumpkin-500g. onions - 2 pcs. flour 300 gr. egg 2 pcs.;

Grate the pumpkin on a fine grater, add flour, eggs, finely chopped onion, and salt to taste. Mix everything and mold for 15 minutes. cutlets. Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Serve with sour cream.

Pumpkin pilaf

pumpkin - 500 gr.

boiled rice - 1 cup.

raisins - 0.5 cups.

honey - 2 tbsp. lie

walnuts-2 tbsp. lie

Cut the pumpkin into cubes, add boiled rice, soaked raisins, nuts and honey. Place in the oven in a pot for 10-15 minutes. Instead of raisins, you can add any other dried fruits.

Pumpkin dessert

pumpkin - 500 gr.

apples - 3 pcs.

honey - 2-3 tbsp. lie

chopped nuts - 2-3 tbsp. lie

Cut the pumpkin into cubes and place in a mold. Cut the apples into slices and place on the pumpkin. Drizzle everything with honey and sprinkle with nuts. Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Ilyusha woke up and was surprised to realize that he was lying in an unfamiliar orange room. The door opened and Auntie entered the room

Pumpkin. The boy immediately remembered how he got into the vegetarian


Run, take a walk a little, your friends are waiting for you,” Aunt Pumpkin smiled.

Ilyusha came out and saw in front of him a boy dressed in dark green trousers and a jacket. Seeing Ilyusha, the boy chattered cheerfully:

Hello, I'm the boy Ogurchik, and you're Ilyusha. Aunt Pumpkin told me about you. Look, I prepared horse sticks for us. Go!

The boys sat astride the sticks and rushed off. The cucumber said as he walked:

I'm caring for cucumbers in the greenhouse. If they are cold, I close the windows: cucumbers do not like cool weather. And cucumbers are constantly asking for a drink; it’s not for nothing that they consist of ninety percent water. In short, there are a lot of worries.

The boys galloped to the greenhouse. Huge leaves hung on stiff stems. Cucumbers and cucumbers were hidden under them. Yellow flowers were blooming everywhere, and bees were flying from one flower to another.

Whoa, I need to water my pets again - the boy Cucumber stopped.

Let’s bring them cold water from the well,” Ilyusha suggested.

What are you saying, - the boy Cucumber was scared, - they will immediately catch a cold and get sick. They can only drink warm water from a barrel.

The boys ran with buckets to the big barrel and back ten times until they gave everyone something to drink. After hard work, Ilyusha became hungry.

Help yourself with cucumbers,” suggested the boy Cucumber.

“Can you eat cucumbers?” Ilyusha remarked, “you yourself said that they consist of water.”

This is water with a capital W. . Mother Nature cleanses it, and therefore it removes poisons from the body. In addition, cucumbers contain sugar, potassium, calcium, silicon, fluorine and sulfur,” said the boy Ogurchik.

Why so many things? - Ilyusha was surprised.

What do you mean why? - answered the boy Cucumber, - for health.

You need microelements to keep your teeth, skin and hair healthy and beautiful.

Will cucumbers help my mother? - Ilyusha asked.

They contain potassium, which is needed by the heart, and cucumber seeds clean blood vessels,” explained Ogurchik.

“Wonderful,” Ilyusha rejoiced.

“Eat cucumbers with the skin: it contains more vitamins,” the boy Cucumber taught him.

Having refreshed himself, the boy Cucumber told Ilyusha the story of his parents - the first cucumbers on earth.

One of the children is a boy, Cucumber. He says: “Whoever is born with a cucumber is rewarded by nature...” and touches one of the children. The one he touched must name one property of a cucumber. Therefore, he changes places with the boy Cucumber, and the game continues.

Draw cucumber country.

The noble Raja of India had an only daughter. The Raja dreamed of finding a groom for her in order to transfer his rule to him in his old age. But the suitors went around the rajah's house because his daughter had an evil character. Besides, her face was full of pimples, and the more angry she got, the more pimples she got.

“My daughter,” her father once told her, “today is the full moon, let’s raise a prayer to heaven and ask for a good husband for you.”

“Oh, father, leave me alone,” the daughter answered with irritation. -Will suitors look at me if I have acne?

But the father’s words sank into the girl’s heart, and when the full moon rose above the horizon, she prayed:

Oh, Heaven, make my life happier and my face cleaner.

As soon as she uttered these words, the Earth Fairy flew into the room and said:

It's all your bad character's fault.

Help me change it Kind fairy, - the unhappy girl begged.

The fairy handed the girl a bundle and explained:

You will find a seed in the bundle. Plant it in a pot, put it in a warm place and water it often. On the fifth day a sprout will emerge from it, and on the tenth the first leaf will appear. At first, its leaves will grow slowly until the plant strengthens its roots, and then things will go faster. In a month, the plant will bloom, and after flowering, oblong green vegetables - cucumbers - will appear on it. When the first cucumber ripens, a miracle will happen. All this time you must not offend anyone.

The rajah's daughter did everything as the fairy ordered, but a week passed and the sprout did not appear. Only then did the girl remember the fairy’s words, “You must not offend anyone.” But she was rude to her father and threw the maid with a ladle when she was slow to arrive with the fashion. On this day, the girl asked the maid for forgiveness, and she prepared a delicious dinner for her father. The old Raja burst into tears of joy, but it was difficult not to be angry with anyone. The next day, the rajah's daughter saw beggars in the courtyard. Just as she was about to shout at them, she remembered the fairy’s words and ordered them to give the beggars food. At this moment the maid shouted joyfully:

Madam, a sprout has appeared in your pot! Everything happened as the fairy predicted. The first leaf appeared after ten days, and then leaves began to appear every day. A long vine grew from the pot and bloomed with yellow flowers. Soon, in place of one flower, a tiny cucumber with pimples appeared. Every day the cucumber became more and more fragrant. The rajah's daughter admired him, and one day she could not stand it and, kissing the cucumber, exclaimed: “How good you are!”

At that same moment, the cucumber turned into a slender young man in a green suit. On his head was a small gold Crown, similar to a cucumber flower.

The young man bowed gallantly and said: |

Hello, beauty, I am Prince Cucumber. - Marry me.

Fine! - the girl exclaimed, - but my face...

I can also offer you a jar of cucumber-honey infusion, which gives the skin a velvety feel, or a bottle of old cucumber juice, which rejuvenates the skin and smoothes out wrinkles.

Prince, you are simply lovely,” exclaimed the Rajah’s daughter. “These magical cucumber remedies will help many girls and women... - become beautiful and healthy,” the prince picked up. - We will open a cucumber beauty institute.

Prince, will we have children? - The rajah’s daughter looked down.

Of course,” the prince answered cheerfully, “what kind of happiness is without children?” Look at the cucumber from which I emerged: it has four family chambers, each containing a hundred lovely little white seeds. Let's eat this cucumber and we will have the same number of children.

The Raja was in seventh heaven, and the wedding was celebrated for a whole month. Prince Cucumber received the title of Rajah, and his numerous offspring spread cucumbers all over the world.

Imagine yourself as a professor at the Cucumber Academy and give a lecture about cucumbers.

How is a person's health related to his character?

If the rajah's daughter had not changed, would the earth fairy have been able to help her?

Who in your family could benefit from the Cucumber Beauty Institute?

Draw a large cucumber on the board and list the different types of cucumbers. For example: sweet, juicy, salty. All of the above must be written down in a cucumber drawn on the board. After that, come up with funny tales about the life of cucumbers. For example, a fairy tale about a thick pickled cucumber

Draw a prince who emerged from the very first cucumber.

Fresh cucumbers - 500 gr.

fresh mint leaves

food ice, salt to taste.

Wash the cucumbers, cut into thin circles and place in

Salad bowl. Sprinkle with mint leaves to taste and food cubes

ice. Pour in 2 tablespoons of salted cold water.

Fresh large cucumbers - 4 pcs.

vegetable oil- 0.5 glass.

Spices and salt to taste.

Grate cucumbers on a fine grater, mix with vegetable

Oil and spices. Sandwich with cucumber mixture -

A great way to quickly satisfy your hunger. You can add eggs or fish to the mixture to taste.

When Cucumber told Ilyusha the story about his parents, the boys again jumped on their stick horses and rushed through the cucumber thickets. In the far corner of the greenhouse, the boy Cucumber suddenly braked:

Whoa, what a problem! - he was upset, - look, the whole leaf is shrouded in cobwebs and has turned yellow. This is ours worst enemy- spider mite. It sucks the juices out of the cucumber vines and destroys them. We must go to Uncle Zucchini and Aunt Patisson. The same misfortune recently happened to them, and they found weapons to fight this enemy.

Let's gallop quickly! - Ilyusha exclaimed, and the boys rushed off.

They stopped at a long wooden house with two doors and a transparent roof. There was a sign on the house: “Vegetable pumpkins: zucchini and squash.”

Are zucchini and squash pumpkins? - Ilyusha was surprised.

Of course, they are Aunt Pumpkin's cousins. We cucumbers are also related to her.

We have a large family, but we are all different in character. Aunt Pumpkin is the most respectable. She grows to enormous sizes and does everything slowly. It takes at least four months to ripen, and then it sits for a long time and gains sweetness.

Zucchini and squash ripen twice as fast. It’s better not to store them for a long time, they become coarse and lose their taste,” explained the boy Cucumber and knocked on both doors.

The first doors swung open, and out came the tall Uncle Zucchini in a baggy light green suit with dark stripes.

“What’s that knock, what’s that fire? - he asked sternly.

Trouble is, the cucumbers were attacked by a spider mite,” the boys said in unison.

Then the second doors opened, and Aunt Patisson, looking like a plate, emerged from them in a light green silk skirt with frills.

Who attacked? “Oh, tick, I can’t stand this,” Aunt Patisson exclaimed and fainted.

What a sissy! Boys, quickly bring water - we need to bring her to her senses, - Zucchini ordered.

When water was poured on my aunt, she opened her eyes and asked:

What should we do now?

“Give a worthy rebuff to the enemy,” Zucchini explained angrily.

“Uncle, don’t be angry with me,” asked Aunt Patisson, “I’m very sensitive: I can stand the cold worse than you, and pests offend me more often, and I ripen longer.” Fortunately, my nutritional qualities do not suffer from this - they are even higher than those of zucchini. It is not without reason that squash is used as a dietary product for liver diseases.

You women always exaggerate: all vegetable pumpkins are healthy. I am also used in dietary nutrition and recommended to those who have diseased heart and poor blood vessels, as well as in obesity, anemia and kidney disease. “Even though I have less minerals, I ripen faster and am less capricious, so I’m more widespread than you, squash,” Uncle Zucchini proudly declared.

Uncle, let's not argue. Each of us has great strengths and little weaknesses. Let’s think about how to help,” the aunt said peacefully.

There's nothing to think about! You know that a decoction of onion peels and baveria, a predatory fungus that saved you from spider mites, helps against mites. Maybe you still have it?

“Oh, baveria fungus,” Aunt Patisson remembered. - He took refuge in my damp and warm corner. I'll lend it for a while. But bring it back when it defeats the spider mite. I may need it myself.

The boys promised, jumped on their stick horses and rushed off to save the cucumbers.

What Uncle Zucchini and Aunt Patisson were like!

Come up with a story about how three friends lived; vegetables: zucchini, squash and pumpkin.

Guess what vegetables we are talking about:

After lying for a year, it will not lose its sweetness; boxes and vessels can be made from it; from lying for a long time, they lose their taste, they ripen quickly.

Make up a story about a fat man who was helped to lose weight by his zucchini friend.

Zucchini (medium) -0.5 pcs.

Lettuce leaves - 5 pcs.

Cucumber – 1 pc.

Cheese - 50 gr.

Cut the zucchini into 1cm slices. Place slices of cheese and cucumber slices on top of the zucchini and wrap in a lettuce leaf.

young zucchini - 300 gr.

apples - 2 pcs.

pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.

onions - 2 pcs.

mayonnaise (sour cream) - 0.5 cup.

dill to taste.

Wash the zucchini and apples, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Add

chopped cucumbers, onions, dill, mix everything with mayonnaise. Sprinkle dill on top.

zucchini or squash (medium) - 1 pc.

sour cream (yogurt) -1 cup.

egg - 2 pcs.

cheese - 100 gr.

breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp. l.

Cut the zucchini into circles 1 cm thick, place on a baking sheet, pour sour cream and beaten egg on top. Sprinkle with grated cheese and breadcrumbs. Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

When Plusha returned from his walk, Aunt Pumpkin said:

It's time for us to go to the root crop council.

What root vegetables? Why am I needed on the council? - the boy was surprised.

Radishes, radishes, turnips, beets and carrots are called root vegetables because their roots are thick, like fruits,” Aunt Pumpkin explained affectionately.

Ilyusha nodded his head and followed Aunt Pumpkin. They went down into some kind of underground passage and soon found themselves in a huge, dimly lit hall. Vegetables were sitting on black and crumbly walls along the walls.

It’s dark here, and the sofas are like garden beds,” Ilyusha shuddered.

Root crops live in the dark underground. And instead of sofas there are actually garden beds: there is nothing more comfortable than Mother Earth,

said Aunt Pumpkin and led Ilyusha to an orange lady with a long green bun.

I am Senora Carrot! Sit down next to me, boy. I hope we've met before? - asked the lady.

Yes, my mother gave me carrots. She said that it contains a lot of carotene, from which growth vitamin is obtained. “It’s just that I haven’t grown up,” Ilyusha answered.

Your mom is right. However, carotene is absorbed only with fats. Therefore, you need to add butter or sour cream to the carrots,” explained Signora Carrot.

Dear root vegetables, you know Ilyusha, but he doesn’t know many of you. Introduce yourself and tell us about your troubles, - opened

Advice from Aunt Pumpkin.

A fat vegetable in a black suit with a green haircut stepped forward. Do you recognize me, Ilyusha? - he asked.

“You look like a black bitter radish,” the boy answered. - When I cough, my mother cuts out the middle of the radish and puts a stalk of honey there. After some time, healing juice appears. It clears up the cough.

Bravo, Ilyusha, but did you know that radish, in addition to coughs, cures thirty more diseases. For the ancient Greeks, it was the main vegetable crop, and the Japanese cannot imagine dinner without radish. They are as tender as a radish and tasty as a cabbage stalk. In Japan, they even grow meter-long radishes; they salt and ferment them, like cabbage. I want to tell you one thing


Dear Radish, let me interrupt you,” a ringing voice rang out, and the lady stood up from the sofa. yellow dress with a green fluffy bun on her head. Wine bun on her head. - We agreed that the presentation would be short. You are still respected, despite your bitterness.

They completely forgot about turnips. I'm sure the boy didn't even try me.

I haven’t tried it, but my mother read me a fairy tale about a turnip,” Ilyusha consoled Turnip.

Soon I will live only in a fairy tale for children, but before, steamed turnips were the first dish for many peoples. In ancient times it was eaten instead of potatoes. Now people have forgotten that I improve vision and can treat inflammation,” Turnip sighed sadly and returned to her sofa.

Don’t be upset, Auntie Turnip,” the Radish girls in pink skirts and pink bows on green tails. - Here we, Radishes, are not upset, although we only live for a month and are poorly stored. But we are the first spring vitamins, and this is an honor.

“You chatterers are too young to understand our troubles,” said the lady sitting on the next sofa.

Ilyusha immediately recognized her as Beetroot. The lady was dressed in a burgundy velvet dress, and on her head was a hat with green feathers streaked with burgundy.

“How beautifully she is dressed,” Ilyusha whispered.

Yes, it’s rich here, it’s grown most of all: for sugar, for people, and for livestock feed,” Carrot explained to Ilyusha.

“I don’t think I should complain,” Beet continued her speech. - My three types: sugar, table and fodder beets are grown everywhere. I can also store the longest of all vegetables. I have a lot of vitamins, sugar, protein and mineral salts. I am especially proud of my protein betaine, which even cancer is afraid of. However, all my treasures disappear without a trace if you cook me without the skin and tail. In addition, five to six hours after cooking, harmful nitrites form in me, which disrupt blood function. Just imagine, people often eat me not immediately after they cook me, but the next day and even every other day. The refined sugar they make from me also spoils my health. So it turns out that instead of benefit, I bring only harm! - The beet cried and could not speak.

I heard, Ilyusha, how root vegetables are upset because people know little about them healing properties. What should we do? - Black Radish asked Ilyusha.

We need to ask scientists to write books about you,” the boy suggested.

Scientists have already written books about us. However, adults don’t read them to children, and they need us first of all,” noted Aunt Pumpkin.

Then we need to come up with fairy tales for the children,” Ilyusha decided.

Great advice. We will tell you tales about vegetables, and you pass them on to the children,” the root vegetables were delighted.

What are vegetables with edible roots called?

What happens if: you cook beets without the skin and without the tail, you don’t eat the beets immediately after cooking, you eat beets regularly?

Which countries love radishes the most?

Why do people start growing less turnips?

Make up a story about how Radishes celebrated the birthdays of spring vegetables.

Come up with a recipe for beetroot cake.

“A long time ago, a woodcutter forgot his lunch in the forest - a bundle of boiled carrots. At night, gnomes emerged from the ground. They found the bundle and tasted the carrots. They liked the carrots so much that, in gratitude for the treat, the gnomes put a gold bar in the bundle. After that, the woodcutter abandoned his work and spent whole days laying out bundles of boiled carrots in the forest in the hope of getting gold again. Until now, gullible people carry bowls of carrots into the forest, dreaming of getting rich, but, alas, they find nothing in them,” she finished grandmother's fairy tale

Mashenka thought about gnomes all night, and the next day she asked her grandmother to cook boiled carrots for lunch. Seizing the moment, the girl hid several carrots in a bundle and went into the forest. U tall pine she put the bundle of carrots on the ground, and attached a note on top: “Dear gnomes, please help yourself. I don’t need gold, just to look at you once.”

The next day Mashenka found a crystal and a green leaf under the tree with a note: “Thank you for the carrots. Look at this lens and you will see us.”

Holding her breath, Mashenka raised the lens to her eyes and saw through it a ruddy old man in a green shirt down to his toes, combing his beard in front of a silver mirror.

Hello, Mashenka. “I’m the eldest gnome,” the old man said affably.

Hello, why is your shirt long? - Mashenka blurted out.

This is my nightgown. I spent the whole night picking berries and now I’m going to bed.

Please talk to me a little,” Mashenka asked.

Okay, I feel better today thanks to your carrots. You see, my cheeks are rosy. If you want to have a healthy glow on your cheeks, eat carrots every day.

So gnomes really like carrots? - the girl asked with interest.

Like is not the right word - we need carrots. Dwarves grow very slowly: in a hundred years - half an inch. Carotene, which is in carrots, enters the body and turns into growth vitamin and helps us grow faster. A lack of carotene causes “night blindness” - loss of vision in dim light. We live underground, and therefore carrots are more valuable to us than gold,” the gnome explained.

Dear gnome, do you only eat boiled carrots? - ask Mashenka.

We also like raw carrots, but boiled carrots are more suitable for me. “I am already eight hundred years old, and I am going to rest,” said the dwarf and disappeared.

On this day, Mashenka many times carried bunches of fresh carrots to the old pine tree, which she secretly pulled out from her grandmother’s garden bed. The grandmother, seeing the empty garden bed, blamed the neighbor boys.

In the evening Mashenka again brought the lens to her eyes. This time her friend was dressed in a green caftan with scarlet trim and a green cap.

Good evening, did you like my carrots? – Mashenka asked.

Mashenka, you snatched it secretly from your grandmother, and she blamed the boys. “We could make our own way underground to any garden, but not a single gnome will ever take someone else’s,” the gnome said angrily.

Dear gnome, forgive me, I’ll tell grandma everything, and next year I’ll plant carrots myself,” Mashenka apologized and suggested:

Would you like me to bring you carrot seeds and you can grow carrots in the forest?

The senior forestry gnome smiled:

We are not angry, you tried for us. Unfortunately, carrots are running wild in the forest; and wild carrots contain little carotene.

The next year, Mashenka, as promised, grew a bed of carrots herself and took them to the gnomes. Since then, she never forgot to treat the gnomes with carrots. When Mashenka grew up, she became a vegetable grower and grew many varieties of carrots. She always took the orange carrots to the gnomes, because they had the most carotene. The gnomes especially liked Vitamin carrots, which contain twice as much carotene as all other varieties.

Why did Mashenka want to see the gnomes?

What substance is there in carrots the most?

Which carrots do you like: raw or boiled?

What benefits did carrots bring to gnomes?

Imagine that the gnomes invited Mashenka to their underground kingdom for a carrot festival. Describe this holiday.

Draw a forest gnome and come up with a story about how he and Masha grew carrots.

carrots - 2 pcs.

Beetroot - 1 pc.

Radish (grated) - 1 tbsp. lie

Green peas (canned) - 0.5 cups.

Mayonnaise - 0.5 cup.

Boil carrots and beets, peel and cut into thin slices. Add peas, grated radish and stir. Salt and pepper to taste.

Carrot pie.

carrots - 2 pcs.

egg - 3 pcs.

low-fat cottage cheese - 300 gr.

honey - 2 tbsp. lie

cinnamon 1 tsp.

zest of one orange.

Grate the carrots. Mix all products. Place in a baking dish greased with vegetable oil in a 2 cm layer. Sprinkle zest on top. Place in a not too hot oven for an hour.

carrots-2 pcs. , raisins 2 tbsp. lie , dates 0.5 cups.

chopped nuts (any) - 3 tbsp. false,

sweet fruit juice - 0.5 cups, honey or sugar - to taste.

Finely chop the carrots, add honey or sugar to taste, raisins, dates, nuts. Wash everything down with fruit juice and stir.

Carrots - 2 pcs., plantain - 8 leaves, sour cream 5 tbsp. lie , vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. lie

Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Wash and chop the plantain. Mix everything. Add vegetable oil. Salt and sugar to taste. Drizzle with sour cream.

In one basement, in three cozy compartments, three sister beets were stored: fodder, table and sugar. One day people loaded all the sugar beets into baskets and took them away. There was only one beet left, accidentally forgotten in the corner. She rolled out to her sisters and said:

You see, they have already taken me away: people need sugar beets most of all; sweet sugar is made from it.

Don’t think, sugar, that people only need you more. “You can’t make borscht or vinaigrette without me,” the beetroot responded.

“I’m no less useful than you,” the fodder beet said offendedly. - Although I am not as sweet as sugar, and not as tender as table, I am much bigger than you. In winter, the cows will not give milk to people without me.

The sisters almost quarreled, but at that moment the Earth fairy looked into the basement to admire the work of her hands. The fairy heard the argument of the three sisters and suggested to them:

Dear sisters, I will turn you into girls and send you to those times when beets were not known. Let's see which one people like the most.

The fairy touched with a magic wand to three sisters, and at that very moment they turned into three girls. The oldest and tallest was dressed in simple peasant clothes. The middle one, round and ruddy, wore a crimson sundress and a green caftan. And the fairy dressed the youngest - the most slender, with a sugar-white face - in a crimson silk skirt and a white sheepskin coat.

Three sisters went along the road and ended up on a farm. The older sister was taken to work in the barnyard, the middle sister was hired as a cook, and the younger sister was assigned to nurse the children.

The older sister began to feed the cows fodder beets. The cows eagerly devoured a couple of large beets a day and an armful of straw for a snack, and the milk flowed like a river. The chickens also did not refuse the beetroot treat. In winter, the owner's geese were sick without fresh greens, but as soon as chopped beets were added to their food, they immediately recovered. The owner said contently to the new cowgirl:

You, girl, have magical hands. Before we didn’t have enough milk, but now we have plenty of everything: milk and cream.

These miracles are made by my assistant - fodder beets,” the girl answered and showed the owner the huge root vegetables. The farmer was delighted and decided to allocate a field for fodder beets next year.

Everyone liked the new cook too. Her fragrant borti vitamin vinaigrettes were so tasty that she prepared them every day. The owner, a plump woman, often had headaches. One day she could not move due to pain. The cook brought her a cup of beet juice with honey, and gradually passed.

What kind of wonderful medicine did you give me? - the hostess asked the girl.

This is beetroot juice. Overweight people need to eat boiled beets more often. It will improve the health of the heart, blood vessels, liver and intestines, the girl explained.

A farmer heard this and immediately decided to plant several beds of table beets in his garden.

And the children fell most in love with their younger beet sister. The hostess noticed that the new nanny was rewarding the children with white pieces for obedience and asked:

What do you treat your children to?

I spoil you with sugar,” the girl answered. - You don’t often give honey to children, and kids sometimes want sweets.

Where do you get money for sugar? - the owners were amazed. (In those days, sugar big money stood).

I don’t have money, but I made sugar myself from sugar beets. Try it, it’s no worse than the overseas one,” the girl suggested.

handing the hostess a piece of sugar.

The hostess tried it, told her husband about everything and suggested

Let's plant a field of sugar beets and extract our own sugar from it.

The owner was doubtful at first, but when he drank tea with sugar from sugar beets, he immediately agreed and immediately decided to plant. By spring, the carrots and turnips became flabby, the cabbage withered, and the beets lay fresh.

The sisters never decided which of them was more important to people, because people liked all of them, and they have all served them since then.

What beet dishes do your family prepare? Which of the three sisters did you like best, and why?

What did you learn about the three types of beets from this fairy tale? Who in your family needs beets most?

Draw the beet sisters and tell us how they helped people with their beets. Tell the story of how the beet sisters invited you to a beet feast.

Beets - 1 pc., apple - 2 pcs., cheese - 100 g, sour cream - 200 g, herbs, sugar or honey to taste

Grate the boiled beets, apples and cheese on a coarse grater, pour in sour cream, and stir. Sprinkle with parsley.

Add granulated sugar or honey to taste.

Beets - 1 pc., flour - 100 gr., sour cream (cream) - 300 gr., honey or sugar - 3 tbsp. spoon, vanillin - 0.5 tsp, cinnamon - 0.5 tsp, soda - 0.5 tsp.

Boil the beets, peel and grate. Mix with sour cream

cinnamon, vanilla, flour, soda and sugar. Knead the dough and put it in the refrigerator for an hour. Grease a baking sheet with oil and spoon out the dough in portions. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

Little Hans went to school for the first time. He was in a sad mood: his father had not returned from the voyage, and no one knew where he was. The house ran out of money, and only the garden supported it. On the first day of school, the mother gave her son a delicious crab and radish.

“Son,” she told Hans, “there is a sign: whoever goes to school with a radish on the first day will always study well.” Little Hans studied diligently, although his mother sometimes gave him one radish for lunch. Because of this, the boys began to tease him about the radish.

Mother gently reassured Hans: “There’s nothing to be ashamed of. When your grandmother had lower back pain, she would rub it with radish juice and the pain would go away. I myself treated you for a cold with radish juice and honey. Once a wound on my leg festered, and radish helped here too.”

Mother’s words consoled Hans, but he still flinched when the guys shouted: “Hey, Radish is eating radish.”

One day the teacher, hearing this, asked: “So you call Hans Radish”?

Everyone became quiet, and the teacher calmly continued:

That's right, Hans is like a radish with his good qualities.

Radish contains a lot of sugar, proteins and vitamins, and Hans is rich in hard work, diligence and accuracy.

Teacher, radishes are bitter, rough food for the poor,” someone remarked.

You're wrong, my friend. Even kings eat it with pleasure. For those who overeat at feasts, radish improves digestion and revives appetite. Since then, Hans' nickname began to sound respectful. But he didn’t have to study for a long time, because the Garden could not feed them. When Hans told his mother that he had been accepted as a cabin boy on the ship, she burst into tears.

Don’t cry, mother,” Hans consoled her, “look, they gave me an advance.”

This money will help you live until I return.

Hans put one radish and a bag of radish seeds in his sailor's chest as a keepsake of home and went to the ship. He experienced many adventures while swimming. One day the ship was caught in a storm and was badly damaged. For a whole week the ship tossed through the stormy sea, and everyone was happy when they saw the island in the distance. Unfortunately, the island turned out to be deserted. Repairs had to be made, and provisions were running low. Hungry Hans decided to eat his old shriveled radish, and then she spoke:

Don't eat me, Hans. There are edible herbs and berries here on the island, I will show them to you. And the radish seeds that you took at home can be planted. You will get an excellent harvest and save everyone from hunger.

At first Hans was dumbfounded, but quickly came to his senses and didn’t mind. He took a shovel and quickly loosened the gerbil patch of soil on the shore.

On the sand I will be bitter. In the center of the island the soil is volcanic, there I will grow juicy,” the radish noted. Hans had to work hard to loosen the volcanic soil, but the friendly shoots of radishes made the work worth it. The young man protected them from weeds and watered them with water from the stream, and the radish praised him:

That's right, if the radish is thirsty, it will grow dry and bitter. And harvest the harvest in exactly two months.

If you grow me longer, I will grow huge, but I will become bitter and rude.

It’s a pity, mother didn’t know and always kept the radishes in the ground until autumn,

so that the big one can grow,” Hans sighed.

Don’t worry, Hans, you will see your mother,” the radish consoled, and the young man felt better.

Everyone was happy when Hans reaped the harvest. The radishes grew three times larger than in their homeland. The sailors happily ate the vitamin-rich vegetable and joked: “You are Hans the Big Radish.” Soon the ship's repairs were completed and it arrived at its destination port. The captain sent the crew ashore. Hans went wandering around the city and soon found himself at the market. He was looking at rows of unfamiliar fruits when he suddenly heard a voice that

shouted in his native language:

Buy radish, Japanese daikon radish. This is the largest radish in the world, measuring a meter in length.

Hans rushed towards the voice and was dumbfounded. He recognized his father. Father and son hugged tightly and told each other about everything for a long time. It is impossible to convey the joy of a mother when my son and father returned. The captain paid Hans generously and tried to persuade him to stay, but he said:

No, I will treat people with vegetables. I dream of growing the same huge daikon radish that grows in Japan, or the lobi radish, the seeds of which I bought in China.

Hans became a famous gardener. He developed and distributed many vegetables in Europe that had never been heard of here before. Until his old age, his name was Hans - the Big Radish, and he was proud of his nickname.

How does radish help people?

What would you do if someone called you a nickname?

What makes radishes bitter?

What vegetables are your friends like? Draw your friends as different vegetables.

Come up with a legend about how the bitter radish became sweet.

Medium radish - 1 piece, carrot - 1 piece, apple - 1 piece, sour cream - 5 cups, onion, dill, salt to taste.

Grate the radish and apple on a coarse grater. Season with sour cream. Place in a salad bowl, sprinkle with chopped green onions and dill on top.

1 large radish, raisins - 0.5 cups, walnuts - 3 tablespoons, honey or sugar - to taste

Grate the radish, add honey, finely crushed nuts, raisins. Mix everything.

medium radish - 1 pc.

carrots - 1 pc.

processed cheese - 100 gr.

vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. lie

green onions, salt to taste.

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the cheese into small cubes, mix everything, season with oil and sprinkle with chopped green onions.

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman, his granddaughter Mashenka and the dog Zhuchka with the cat Murka. They lived in a house on the river bank, the Old Man fished, the old woman and her granddaughter ran the household, the Bug guarded everyone, and Murka caught mice. They lived well when the old man had a catch, but if the fish were not caught, they sometimes went hungry.

Once the cat Murka caught a mouse for dinner, and he squeaked:

Let me go, Murka, I will do you a service.

“I’ll eat you, then your service will be, this will be your service,” the cat tells him.

If you eat me, you will only have lunch alone, and if you have mercy, I will feed you all lunch,” the mouse squeaked.

The cat Murka was surprised, but still let the mouse go. Less than five minutes have passed when the mouse returns and brings Murka a tiny grain.

“You decided to laugh at me,” the cat hissed, “even a mouse wouldn’t have enough of this crumb for lunch.”

Don’t give me food, Murka, but ask the old man behind the house, where you throw away fish waste and ash, to dig up the ground and plant this seed there. A turnip will grow out of it, it’s a treat for everyone,” the mouse answers.

Murka believed the mouse and gave the grain to the old man. He planted the seed as the mouse ordered, but said with doubt: “It’s unlikely that anything will grow from such a crumb, our weather is cold, frosts often happen.”

But the seed bravely sent out a green sprout from the ground, and the frost did not destroy it. The summer that year was cool, but the sprout grew and turned into a large fluffy bush.

In the evening, after watering the turnips, the whole family sat down near the bush. Grandfather repaired nets, grandmother told fairy tales, and granddaughter Mashenka, dog Zhuchka and cat Murka listened to fairy tales. Even a little mouse came running, jumped around the bush and squeaked:

Grow, grow turnips, big, not small.

And the turnip grew big, big, bigger than a loaf, bigger than a house.

Grandfather began to pull turnips out of the ground, but could not pull them out. Grandfather called grandmother, therefore his granddaughter, Zhuchka and Murka. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. Then out of nowhere a mouse jumped out. He grabbed it along with everyone else, pulled, and the turnip was pulled out of the ground. Huge, round, amber. Turnips were steamed, boiled, stewed and lived happily all winter. Grandfather eats steamed turnips, and his liver pain will go away. He caught a cold in his liver and cold water. Grandma eats baked turnips, her old eyes begin to see better. My granddaughter eats it boiled and the skin on her face becomes smooth. Since infancy, her skin was bad from a lack of vitamins. The dog Zhuchka and the cat Murka also did not refuse turnips. And the mouse was treated to steamed turnips, and they also gave a bundle home for the mouse family. Every day they ate more turnips, but they did not decrease.

This wonderful turnip will feed the whole people,” said the old man and he turned out to be right.

In the spring, when buds appeared on the turnips, they planted them back in the ground. The turnips sent out arrows with flowers, and light yellow pods with seeds grew from them. The old man collected the seeds and distributed them to all the people. Since then, they began to plant turnips in Rus' and say: “Crumbs are in the ground, and yellow ones come out of the ground.”


All Magic power The first turnip split into many turnips. They did not grow as big as the first one, but people were fed and treated. And so that the story about the turnip would not be forgotten, the mouse wrote it down on a turnip leaf.

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale:

Why do you think the first turnip grew so huge?

Who in your family benefits from turnips especially, and why?

Draw a turnip from a fairy tale and its owners.

Imagine that the family from the fairy tale invited you to the East for a turnip dinner. Describe the dishes and come up with recipes for their preparation.

Separate the children into groups and invite them to role-play this tale.

Write a story about how a magic turnip grew in your garden.

How is turnip different from other root vegetables, and how is it similar to them?


Raw food salad

medium turnip - 1 pc.

onions - 1 pc.

yogurt (unsweetened) - 2 tbsp. lie

honey - 2 tbsp.

Grate the turnips and finely chop the onion. Then add honey, yogurt and mix everything.

medium turnip - 2 pcs.

egg - 1 pc.

cheese - 100 gr.

garlic - 2 cloves.

Wash the turnips, peel and cut into pieces. Place the turnip pieces on the baking sheet. Grate the cheese, replace it with chopped garlic and an egg and pour this over the turnip pieces. Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

In ancient times, people collected roots, but they often went hungry, especially in winter when snow covered the ground. Then people bowed to Mother Earth and asked for help.

“Okay,” agreed Mother Earth, “I’ll send the Earth fairy to you.” The fairy taught how to grow large and juicy roots - root vegetables.

“Thank you, fairy,” people thanked. - We no longer need to look for food, it grows near our house. But the trouble is, at the end of summer, root vegetables give up their juiciness to the seeds, so they cannot be stored for the winter. Help us grow such root vegetables that they will be stored and juicy all winter.

Then the Earth Fairy ordered the root crops to only accumulate juices in the first year, and to produce flowers and seeds in the second year. Now a person collected tasty root vegetables in the fall and fed on them all winter, and planted the remains in the ground as seeds in the spring.

Thank you, fairy, people thanked us for providing us with food for the winter. - But we have a new problem: now root crops take a long time to ripen, and at the beginning of summer we are starving.

The Earth Fairy thought for a long time and came up with a radish that grows quickly and feeds people in the spring and early summer. The fairy gave mustard oils to the radishes to make it spicy. For nutritional value I added protein, carbohydrates and mineral salts to it. Since then, radishes have become the first spring vitamin.

“Excellent radishes,” people were delighted, “it’s a pity they don’t grow much.” It blooms quickly and becomes rough.

If you plant radishes again, you can get three harvests over the summer. Only long radishes summer days We don’t like it. If you cover it after seven in the evening and open it in the morning, it will grow juicier,” explained the Earth fairy.

The root vegetables told the boy fairy tales, and he asked

You don’t know, dear root vegetables, where the Earth fairy has flown,

When did you fulfill all the people’s requests? I want to ask her to add

vegetables contain vitamins that will cure my mother’s sick heart.

The Earth Fairy stayed with the man forever, because he had an innumerable number of desires,” the vegetables laughed. - Don’t worry, she will fulfill your request too.

How should you care for radishes to prevent them from growing rough?

Which properties of radishes do you like?

What other vegetables, besides radishes, are the first to come to people after winter?

Make up a story about how the Radish girls opened a spring cafe, where they prepared dishes from the earliest spring vegetables.

Draw a Fertility Fairy with a basket of vegetables.

radishes - 400 gr.

fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.

cheese - 200 gr.

sour cream - 0.5 cups.

green onions - 1 bunch

dandelion leaves - 1 bunch.

garlic - 2 cloves

salt to taste.

Cut the radish and cucumber into rings. Add chopped dandelion leaves. Stir and season with sour cream. Sprinkle grated cheese and garlic on top.

radishes - 400 gr.

cottage cheese - 200 gr.

milk - 2 tbsp. lie

vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. lie

greens, salt to taste.

Chop the radishes, mix with cottage cheese, vegetable and salt. Decorate the salad with parsley and dill.

The boy left the root council and went out to get some fresh air.

Kar! Kar! Miracle powder for the best vegetables! - a large gray crow croaked over his ear.

What kind of powder?! - Ilyusha was surprised.

Don't listen to her, boy. Shoo, damn it! - the hare shouted from the bushes.

Kar! Kar! Stupid! - the crow shouted as it flew away.

Do hares live in the Vegetarian Kingdom? – Ilyusha was surprised.

I was invited here as the best specialist according to the nightshade family,” explained the hare.

Specialist in what family? - the boy asked in amazement.

According to guests from America, the nightshade family. Aren't you familiar with tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and peppers? Let’s go to my tomato kingdom, I’ll tell you everything,” the hare suggested.

The boy and the hare entered the greenhouse and found themselves in a real forest. The tomato stems were intertwined into a thick thicket and hung along the paths on pendants. Clusters of green and blushing tomatoes and clusters of yellow flowers were visible everywhere. There was such a strong tomato smell in the greenhouse that Ilyusha winced and said:

I love tomatoes, but the tomato smell makes me dizzy.

It's nothing you can do. They are from the nightshade family, known for their toxicity. The stems and leaves of the tomato are poisonous, but the fruits are of excellent quality. Signor Tomato is the champion of vitamin C among vegetables. This vitamin and organic acids give tomatoes an incomparable taste.

“Aunt hare,” the boy asked, “why did you drive away the crow?”

This harmful bird almost killed my pets,” the hare sighed. - Tomatoes are capricious plants. I have to look after them from morning to evening. One day a crow flew in and started cawing:

Kar! Have you heard about the miracle growth powder? We brought it to the forest store from the magical island. No one waters there, and unprecedented harvests are collected. Run to the store before everything is gone.

Will this powder harm my tomatoes? - I doubted, but the crow convinced me to try. My tomatoes looked bad that day. I decided that the powder would improve the situation, and diligently sprinkled each bush; the next day the tomatoes grew noticeably.

“Just like in a fairy tale!” - I was delighted and we were even more delighted. A week later the first harvest ripened.

Soon I opened a tomato cafe! At first everything was going great, but one day I noticed that my wonderful porridge was left on the plates, and the old hedgehog spat out the minor cutlet and left, slamming the door. Hedgehogs don’t understand anything about tomatoes,” I reassured myself, but after trying the cutlet, I realized that it was tasteless.

Grabbing the basket, I ran to the greenhouse to collect new harvest and fix everything as soon as possible. It was stuffy and damp in the greenhouse. I chose the largest tomato and tried it: it was tasteless.

Frightened, I began to try all the tomatoes in a row, but nothing

There wasn't even an ounce of taste from them. The stuffiness makes my head feel

I was spinning and I almost fell. Suddenly someone called me from the far corner of the greenhouse. I hardly parted the huge bushes and saw a small tomato bush.

Why are you so tiny? - I was surprised.

I'm an ordinary bush. You forgot, bunny, what ordinary bushes look like. You didn't notice me and that's why you never sprinkled me with the terrible powder. Today my first tomato is ripe, try it,” the bush suggested.

It was a surprisingly sweet tomato. I thanked the bush and asked why he calls my powder terrible

Eh, little hare, the bush sighed, “you should have seen how your powder rises up the stems, settles in the fruits and eats their sweet pulp, filling everything with its countless grains.” You should have listened to how the tomato stems, leaves and fruits moaned from this powder! But you don't us

What have I done?! - I cried, and tears also dripped from the tomato leaves.

Hare, all is not lost yet,” the little bush shouted to me. - Pull out and burn all the infected tomato bushes, and grow new tomatoes from my seeds.

So I only had one bush left, but he gave me a whole basket of excellent pomi

Amrita-Rus, 2008

We have already read one of the books in this series here: As it turns out, the idea of ​​good fairy tales does not end with this book, but is just beginning. It’s somehow unfashionable these days to talk and write loudly about moral values, about patriotism and even the beauty of the world around us. More other books and other programs. For parents, the more valuable publications were and remain those that teach understanding eternal values: friendship, respect for parents, respect for one’s history, wisdom of ancestors. Nothing can be done about it - not even television.

Project " Good fairy tales" - these are several books devoted to the above topics. They are intended for reading to children from 2 to 6 years old, or older. The books contain thematic cycles of fairy tales and poems on certain topics. It is known that children better comprehend any knowledge through a fairy tale. The books by teachers Lopatina and Skrebtsova contain fairy tales, assignments for them, and questions on the topic. The titles of the books speak for themselves: “About the most important things” ( Psychological tales for children), "Wisdom for every day" (365 wise advice for children and parents), “Secrets of Mastery” (100 lessons about professions and masters), “The Beginnings of Wisdom” (50 lessons about good qualities), “Fairytale Health Guide in three volumes,” and so on.

In 1998 Russian Association publishers awarded these books an honorary diploma, calling them " The best books of the year".


One morning in a hot desert, where morning and day are equally hot, a flower was born. It was a cactus. He became the tenth child in big family. All children in this family received a strict education. They were entitled to only a drop of moisture per week. This upbringing bore fruit. The cacti grew hardy and silent. They knew how to endure without asking unnecessary questions. The tenth child was different. He asked questions. First to his mother and brothers, and then, without waiting for their answer, to everyone he saw around. “I wonder if it’s possible to drown in the sand? - thought the cactus. “Is the sky also sand? But why is it a different color? Why does it cry so rarely, because its tears give us so much freshness!? His mother was angry and grumbled: “You ask too much... for a cactus. You must be silent and endure... like the rest of us!” But the cactus did not want to endure it. The unbearable coldness emanating from his proudly silent, so invulnerable brothers tormented and burned his heart. And he spoke with the sun and sands, the wind and rare rain, and at night - with distant stars. They all sang to him their songs about the earthly and heavenly worlds, about the lives of others...

"Other! I wish I could see them!” - the cactus dreamed.

The sands told him about people. They knew an infinite amount about people! These were fascinating stories: funny and sad, alarming and even scary. "People! How do they look? If only I could touch them with needles,” sighed the dreamer. “Ha ha ha,” the stars laughed. “People don’t like prickly ones. They run away from the one who hurts them... They need to shine, then they also glow and stay with you... forever,” the stars said. “The sands tell us that people know everything in the world. They are not silent like us...,” the cactus thought. “Yes, they are not silent... If their tongue is silent, then their eyes, heart and soul speak,” the stars said to the cactus. "Soul! What is this? Do we, cacti, have this?!” - asked the cactus. And then one day a miracle happened. The cactus saw the people and heard their words: “What a creature, desert! A harsh kingdom of monotony and silence! She greets only with the thorns of plants, and only if this is regarded as a greeting. Are the fragrant flowers of the meadows comparable to these ugly ones...” The cactus realized that they were talking about him. For the first time he learned that he was ugly and ugly. He wanted to cry. And drops of tears actually appeared on him, seeping through the thin needles. “Look, a crying cactus! - one of the people noticed and touched him. - Its needles don’t prick at all, it’s probably some kind of the new kind non-thorny cacti. I wonder if there are many of them here?” - and people looked around them. Other cacti grew to the side. People approached them, bent down and immediately pulled their hands back - the sharp needles hurt their fingers painfully! “Yes, apparently he’s the only one here, so gentle!” - people said, returning to the amazing cactus. The cactus almost died of happiness when he saw people approaching him again. As they approached, their faces lit up with indescribable delight: “Look! Miracle of beauty! Snow-white miracle! Treasure! The fragrance of all the flowers of the earth cannot be compared with its enchanting aroma. God, aren’t we dreaming about this!” - and people froze in front of the cactus in silent admiration. “What are they talking about? Yes, people are very strange: sometimes they call me a freak, sometimes they freeze in admiration before something in me,” the cactus was surprised. And the beautiful flower, a miracle of beauty, inexorably grew and grew from it. The whole space around was fragrant. And a wondrous light emanated from the snow-white miracle born of the cactus. It was night. The sky, strewn with stars, seemed to open its arms to a magical cactus flower. Under the twinkling stars, he looked divinely beautiful. The stars said to the cactus: “Now you have seen the soul... Your flower has revealed it in people... You are happy.”

(fragment from the book "BEGINNINGS OF WISDOM")

It turns out that you can also teach drawing through a fairy tale. For any type of creativity, attitude is very important. Mothers know how difficult it is to seat a child who is actively running around the apartment at a table for modeling or drawing - or, in principle, is not in the mood for any creative activity. Restless, as teachers say. But this is not a diagnosis. And it’s never too late to introduce drawing – you can do it through a fairy tale. It is easy for young children to come up with fairy tales on the go; parents use their imagination. And to help older children, please, a book.


Creative task “Look carefully”

For ten seconds, the teacher shows the children a still life, and then asks them to describe it from memory. Then the children look at the same still life for five minutes. During the second viewing, the teacher turns on the music and asks the children to imagine that they are picking up certain objects depicted in the still life, talking to them and using them.

Together with the teacher, the children discuss how they perceived the still life during the first and second viewings.


Questions and tasks for conversation:

- What can a still life tell about the artist’s character?

- If you had to draw a still life for your mother (father, grandmother, grandfather), what would you depict in it?

- Can a still life be more interesting than a portrait or landscape? What should be depicted in a still life so that it cannot be forgotten?

- What still life would you paint for a person who is seriously ill?

(excerpt from the book “COINTS TELL STORIES. How to teach everyone to draw”).

Attitude is important for any activity, even if it is a holiday. Here's what amazing story invented by the authors of “good fairy tales” about birthdays.

Sasha woke up with a feeling of celebration. There was a brand new scooter next to the bed and a soccer ball on the chair. "Today is my birthday!" - the boy remembered. He quickly jumped up and ran out of the room. Everyone congratulated and kissed the birthday boy. Friends came to visit with gifts. Best friend Sashi - Vadik, brought a homemade machine as a gift and said:

- This machine has a secret. If you turn the steering wheel to the right, you will return to your birthday and get another holiday. You've always dreamed about this.

Everyone laughed at Vadik's joke. Sasha liked the book about racing cars the most. Friends looked at this book for a long time, and then staged a scooter racing competition in the yard. After tea and cake everyone got ready to leave.

- Sasha, do you want to turn the steering wheel of the car? – Vadik suddenly asked.

Sasha laughed and turned the steering wheel.

He woke up again in his bed and was amazed to see two completely identical scooters in his room. Only one was dusty, and the other was new and shiny. Two soccer balls lay next to the scooters. Two identical new suits hung on a chair. Sasha chose one that was slightly wrinkled and had a stain on the elbow. Still doubtful, he left the room. Congratulations and exclamations rang out again. Friends came to visit again. When Zhenya handed Sasha a book about racing cars, Sasha shuddered and whispered:

- I already have one.

“So what, give the extra book to someone,” Zhenya suggested.

“Everyone at the table,” my mother called cheerfully.

Sasha was so full that he couldn’t even eat a portion of his favorite salad. And the other guests hardly touched the food. Mom got upset and began to clear the untouched dishes from the table.

“Let’s look at your book about racing cars,” Vadim suggested.

- I don’t want to, we’ve already looked. Give it all back. It’s not at all interesting to celebrate the same birthday twice,” Sasha shouted.

“Well, then turn the steering wheel of the car in the other direction,” Vadim answered calmly.

Sasha grabbed the car and quickly turned the steering wheel. Friends have disappeared. Sasha stood alone with a typewriter in his hands in the middle of the room.

“Sasha, help me clear everything off the table, and then you can play with the car,” mom asked.

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale "TWO BIRTHDAYS":

Would you like to have two birthdays a year or even more?

If you had a time machine, how would you use it? Make up a story about it.

Why did the boy from the fairy tale refuse his second birthday if he had twice as many gifts?

Make up a fairy tale about how one wizard took away birthdays from harmful children, and how the children got their birthdays back.

(excerpt from the book “Visiting the Holiday”).

Teaching letters and numbers through play is generally a sacred thing. Especially if you want to educate your child before school, and this desire has already become a widespread trend. Nowadays there is a lot of debate about whether it is worth loading a child with knowledge before school, whether this will be an overload. Experts are sure – no, it won’t. Children love to learn more than anything else, no matter how strange it may sound. It depends on how you teach them. Studying with the help of parents through game uniform– you can’t think of a better way to spend your time.

Letter G

We met a gosling and a puppy on the road.

“Rrrr,” the puppy growled, “I’ll bite you!”

“Shhh,” the gosling hissed, “I’ll pinch you.”

“You can’t talk so rudely,” said the letter G sternly.

She gave the puppy “woof-woof” and the gosling “ha-ha-ga.”

“Ga-ha-ha,” cried the gosling, “let’s play.”

“Woof-woof,” answered the puppy, “let’s run a race.”

In the evening the gosling said to the puppy:

- Ha-ga-ga, - let's go visit me, I'll treat you to peas.

“Woof-woof,” answered the puppy, “you are very hospitable.”

What treat will the letter G prepare for you?

(excerpt from the book “The Good ABC”).

Parents clearly know that children cannot play around with water, spilling it on the floor, they cannot take matches and cannot eat soil, bring home dirty stones, and so on. But they don’t always understand what to explain to children natural phenomena It’s possible not only through “you can’t.” When a child early childhood knows what water is and why it is needed, he himself will not try to pour it on the head of his closest parent. And he will persistently look for matches later - in school age, when everyone plays with them, one way or another. Despite the fatality (it will still spill, it will still set fire, it will still dig in the ground) - no one has canceled the need for correct settings. They will still get stuck in your head and someday give you the necessary guidelines.

Who needs some water?

A girl was running in the yard and accidentally stepped on a puddle. She shouted angrily:

- You, the water, wet my shoes. Go away!

The large puddle instantly evaporated.

- Meow, girl. Have you seen a puddle here? “I’m thirsty,” the kitten asked the girl.

The girl didn’t answer him and went to the other end of the yard. Flowers grew there. Their heads drooped and plaintively asked: “Drink, drink!”

The girl also felt hot, and she ran home. In the room, she saw with horror that there was little water in the aquarium. Her favorite fish were floundering among the algae.

“Mom,” the girl screamed. - I urgently need water for the fish.

- What a problem! There is no water in the taps. You can't wash your face. “You can’t cook dinner,” Mom answered.

- Mom, can some water disappear if someone offends it? - the girl asked quietly.

“Maybe, but she will definitely return if she asks for forgiveness,” my mother answered seriously.

The girl closed her eyes and whispered: “Vodichka, excuse me and come back soon. Everyone feels bad without you."

- Daughter, water is running from the tap again! - Mom was happy.

The girl poured fresh water for the fish and looked out the window. In the yard, a kitten was drinking from a puddle.

Questions and tasks:

Turn on the music. All children are trickles of water. If the music is quiet, the streams swirl smoothly and slowly. If the music is loud, the streams spin quickly, colliding and rolling away from each other.

What does water look like when it's smiling or angry?

Draw a portrait of water.

(excerpt from the book “Tales of Mother Earth”).

This review uses information from the website

Read fairy tales, old and young,
And there will be harmony in your house,
And everything in life will come true,
Don't be afraid to learn wisdom!

Poet-bard Maria Skrebtsova

“A fairy tale makes a child cry and laugh, worry and hope, in one word, feel. But a sensitive person himself is capable of creativity” (Maria Skrebtsova, Alexandra Lopatina).

A fairy tale can become a wise teacher, a kind assistant and even a doctor for a child! Don't believe me? Today we bring to your attention an interesting technique from kind writers and storytellers, authors of more than 50 books for children and parents. The method of “good fairy tales” by Skrebtsova-Lopatina.

Skrabtsova Maria and Lopatina Alexandra
are the authors of a series of books for classes on moral and creative education children. Their books are kind, wise, educational and educational tales. These books are for those who want to interest children in learning and reading, teach them to comprehend and solve their problems, help them understand the laws of goodness and justice, and teach them to see the beauty and diversity of life.

The lessons in the books consist of fairy tales, games, conversations and tasks aimed at deep understanding of a particular topic and developing the creative potential of children.

The authors have collected more than 200 similar tales and written more than 1000 on various topics. They use the works of Russians and foreign classics, folklore of more than 100 countries of the world. These are not textbook works, included in many anthologies, but fairy tales, parables of the classics, unknown to a wide range of readers, original works of the authors themselves, which require joint reading by an adult and a child.

What is unique about the book authors’ methodology?

If a traditional domestic school involves the development of skills logical thinking child, then the authors turn to the personal understanding of what each reader read. Assignments for fairy tales encourage children and adults to jointly reflect on their life experiences, their relationships with others, and help children solve their pressing problems of communication with peers, understanding in the family, and the formation of positive self-esteem.

The most important thing in books A.A. Lopatina and M.V. Skrebtsova – their focus on developing in the child the desire and ability to think creatively and analyze the world, study yourself from the standpoint of goodness, justice, love. The tasks of the books help children become more confident, more patient, learn to listen and hear others, develop creatively, accept inconsistency and diversity, establish harmonious relationships with parents and peers.


Maria Skrebtsova, 1968 Birth. She graduated from college foreign languages named after Maurice Thorez in 1990. Teacher French, author of two poetry collections, published in 1993 and 1994.
Alexandra Lopatina, born in 1951, teacher of world artistic culture and history of religion, graduated from the institute in 1976.

Wise tales

Wise fairy tales are written not only for children, but also for adults who still have a child's soul, not crushed by the hardships of adult life.

Dear parents, grandparents, read wise fairy tales with your children, sparing no effort and time, read the fairy tales out loud. Just like in the good old days, when there was no radio or television, adults read good fairy tales to children, introducing their children to adult life with the help and protection of magical powers.

A fairy tale amuses, a fairy tale touches, a fairy tale captivates. But with all this, she invariably poses questions; the fairy tale wants the child to think!

What to read:

Ecological education of preschool children, from the series “conversations about education”

Ecological tales about Little Drop of Water, Birch Leaf and Green Friends - indoor plants, good lyrical poems unobtrusively cultivate in children a love for the world around them, an understanding of good and evil. They teach the child to comprehend the world around him not only with his mind, but also with his heart, and this is the most important thing for environmental education person

The magical world of music.

The book contains more than 150 fairy tales, poems and stories with questions, creative tasks and games.

Eternal wisdom of fairy tales.

Moral lessons in legends, parables and fairy tales of the peoples of the world

The book contains wise tales, parables and legends different nations world: Russian fairy tales, Chinese fairy tales, Indian fairy tales, fairy tales of the peoples of the North, fairy tales of the peoples of Africa and others. The book is intended for classes with children 6-9 years old and for home reading. The book Eternal Wisdom of Fairy Tales will help children understand their inner world of experiences and feelings, and will also help parents establish a dialogue with their own children based on trust and mutual understanding.

600 creative games for big and small.

Games for classes moral education communication and observation skills are taught in the creative development of personality; foster a sense of mutual assistance and cooperation; develop imagination and intuition, dexterity and eye; help in studying various subjects of the school curriculum, as well as in carrying out extracurricular activities. Games are written with different age characteristics. The materials in the book are intended for teachers, educators and parents.

  • teach attentiveness and observation;
  • develop creative potential child;
  • help to master the school curriculum;

Fairy tale mathematics.

This book, in an entertaining and fairy-tale form, invites children on their first journey through the land of Mathematics. Good fairy tales, poems and games from Fairytale Mathematics will make this journey joyful and creative. Funny pictures for coloring and creative tasks will help children understand and love mathematics.

Photos of books and annotations from the website of the publishing house "Amrita-Rus"

- Anya, eat. Look how delicious the porridge is! - Mom gently persuaded, but the girl silently shook her head in response.

Mom was desperate. For a month now, her daughter had been lying sad and pale in bed and refusing everything. The doctor said that the girl had a lack of interest in life and a loss of strength, and only a miracle could help. The last hope remained for the old doctor. The old man retired a long time ago, but people said that in his time he worked miracles.

“Unfortunately, I don’t go anywhere anymore, and besides, your girl has nothing to worry about,” the old doctor answered her mother’s request.

- What could be worse if a child does not want to live! – the mother exclaimed in despair and the doctor suddenly changed his mind.

Dressed in brown raincoat, a brown hat and with a brown bag in his hands, the old man entered the girl’s room, but she did not even look at him. Mom wanted to take the doctor’s cloak and hat, but he stopped her with a gesture and began to tell her: “A great event happened in a distant chocolate country.

A chocolate scientist discovered our country with his new telescope. All the chocolate men shouted hurray, but the astronomer said sadly: “My new telescope is so powerful that I was able to see one little girl. She's sad all day and doesn't eat anything, and it's terrible."

The chocolate men were very upset and decided to send us an airship with a magic chocolate bag. The chocolate in this bag cures all illnesses and sorrows. Today I looked out the window and saw this chocolate ship land near my house. There was a note there: “For Anyuta! Adds joy, strength and health.” That's why I brought this bag to you. But, please excuse me, I wasted one chocolate bar on the way. Near the school, a boy was crying because he was not included in the game. I gave him a chocolate bar and he shouted: “Hey guys, I have something delicious”! Instantly a crowd of children gathered around him, and everyone happily began to gobble up the chocolate. And a minute later the boy was happily playing with everyone.”

When the doctor finished his story, the girl, opening her eyes wide, whispered:

-Who are you, a chocolate wizard!?

“Of course,” the old doctor smiled. He took a beautiful bag of chocolate from his suitcase, put it on Anyuta’s bed and left.

“I don’t know how to thank you, doctor,” my mother said joyfully in the hallway, trying to give the old man all her savings.

— I don’t need money. A rich lady sends me a bag of chocolate every year in gratitude for the fact that I also cured her son. Better spend your money on small chocolates. From time to time, put them in the girl’s bag. “She needs chocolate to strengthen her vitality,” the old doctor said goodbye.

Mom did just that. Unfortunately, all her savings quickly melted away. She was a good dressmaker and earned good money, but chocolate at that time was so expensive that only rich people could buy it.

When Anyuta discovered that the package was empty, she was upset at first, but after thinking about it, she told her mother: “Nothing, New Year is coming soon and the wizard has a lot to do. But when he delivers all the gifts to the children, he will certainly send me the most beautiful chocolate.”

Mom's heart sank anxiously. There was no more money, and suddenly her cheerfully chirping girl would get sick again without receiving a chocolate gift. When her daughter fell asleep, her mother took her only treasure from the chest of drawers - a pearl necklace that she had inherited from her grandmother - and ran to the candy store.

The next morning she cheerfully said to her daughter:

— The chocolate wizard sent a letter. He asks you to go to the candy store and choose the biggest chocolate bar.

- Mommy! But you have to pay money in the store, but we don’t have it?! – Anyuta was scared.

“The wizard sends chocolate from his country to this store, and he has made a rule that once a year one child receives chocolate gift for free. This year he chose you.

When they entered the store, the girl's eyes immediately stopped on a huge golden box. chocolates in the center of the display case. The chocolate figurines, wrapped in multi-colored foil with shiny stars, looked wonderful. And in the center of the box lay a large chocolate star.

The girl looked pleadingly at the store owner, and he immediately understood everything. Taking the box from the display case, he handed it to Anyuta with the words: “Only yesterday they brought it from magical land especially for you".

The girl clapped her hands cheerfully, and when she saw the picture on the top lid of the box, she froze. It depicted low trees with large leaves and inflorescences pink flowers. From the tree trunks grew bunches of funny yellow and red cucumbers with short tops. Near the trees, black people in loincloths were putting fruits into huge vats. And the king sat on the golden throne and drank chocolate from a golden bowl.

- This is a chocolate country! - Anyuta exclaimed.

“That’s right, ma’am, this is South America.” There is a chocolate tree growing in the tropical forests. It blooms and bears fruit all year round. Each of these funny cucumbers contains fifty chocolate seeds. At first they are bitter, but after the seeds lie in the vats and all the pulp of the fruit rots, they acquire a pleasant chocolate taste,” the owner flashed with his knowledge.

- I wish I had one chocolate seed. “I would grow a chocolate tree and give its fruits to those who cannot buy chocolate for themselves,” the girl said dreamily.

- This is impossible. The chocolate tree grows in the tropics and loves the heat. It freezes even at fifteen degrees Celsius,” the seller explained.

The girl thanked the owner and left, clutching the precious gift to her chest. Mother and daughter stopped on the porch. A group of ragamuffins kicked the black boy, and he sobbed bitterly and muttered: “You didn’t let me look, you didn’t let me look!”

- Don't you dare! Why are you beating him? - the girl screamed loudly, pushing the boys away.

- Don’t let him whine, there’s nothing else to see anyway! – the eldest boy muttered gloomily.

- What did he want to see? – the girl was surprised.

“Your box,” grinned another boy, dressed in such rags that it seemed his clothes consisted of nothing but holes. He spat and explained:

— Some people buy chocolate, while others just look at it. Your box showed up today, and that black man had no right to go near the window until we'd seen enough.

In response to these words, the girl showed the guys a picture on the top lid of the box.

“You see, this is a chocolate country, and this boy comes from the chocolate kingdom, that’s why he is so black,” Anyuta explained.

“We can also look at your chocolates,” the boys asked after examining the picture.

Opening the box, the girl said:

— This chocolate is from a magical land and it can make any wish come true.

- How I would like my mother to recover and come to the hospital. “One feels bad,” the ragged man in rags suddenly sighed.

- Take one chocolate bar, eat it with your mother, and she will get better.

The boy blushed like a lobster and pulled out a chocolate bunny in blue foil from the box.

“And I would like to go to a driver’s school and drive trains,” said the eldest boy.

“Then take a small train in red foil,” the girl suggested...

One by one, the boys said their wishes and each took a chocolate figurine. The last one left was the black boy.

- To you the most main gift, this big chocolate star, because you come from a chocolate country,” Anyuta said cheerfully.

“And I want to get there,” he whispered, holding out both hands towards the magical gift.

- Of course you'll get there. “You will become a traveler and visit many wonderful overseas countries,” the girl reassured him.

- Daughter! After all, this is your gift, and you didn’t keep anything for yourself,” my mother said in shock.

— My wish came true when I received this box. But that was just one gift, and now there are ten of them,” Anyuta laughed.

When mother and daughter approached the house, the store owner caught up with them. He handed the woman a package with a necklace and said:

- Take it, I saw everything through the window. Let, as the wizard ordered, once a year one child receives a chocolate gift for free.