How to make cottage cheese at home. How to make hard cheese at home? Homemade hard cheese recipe

There is a huge selection of processed cheeses on store shelves, and often your hands naturally reach for a box of delicious buttercream. However, after looking at the impressive composition of the product, interest in it quickly fades away. We suggest you study a recipe that will tell you how to prepare processed cheese at home. For some, such a procedure will seem extremely difficult, but believe me, it is not difficult to do and does not take long, so let’s understand the intricacies of preparing this dish.

What, what, what is our processed cheese made of? The name of this product speaks for itself - yes, to get it, the raw materials that make up the base of the cheese simply need to be melted. This is what happens in industrial production.

The most common cheese, for example, Tilsit or Emmental, is melted, butter, milk powder, salt melters (E additives that scare us so much) and water are added.

And this is the composition of a good quality product made at the enterprise of bona fide manufacturers. One can only imagine what kind of powders and E-shells are added to cheeses that are cheaper and produced by no one knows who and where.

But even a small child can eat processed cheese made with his own hands without fear, because it contains only natural and even very healthy ingredients.

At home, we simply do not have those additives that are so necessary for factory-made cheese to enhance the taste, increase production volumes, and even not stick to foil!

So, homemade processed cheese consists of the most banal, but very healthy product - cottage cheese or milk with the addition of cottage cheese! And soda is used as a melting agent. It’s all so simple to the point of genius.

The production of this product, for sure, has always seemed like a complex technological process that can only be carried out in production workshops with a bunch of automated equipment and dosing equipment.

But we assure you that every housewife has everything needed to prepare it in her kitchen. And the process itself takes about half an hour, taking into account all the culinary procedures. Our step-by-step recipe will tell you how to easily and quickly get delicious processed cheese.

Homemade processed cheese from cottage cheese


  • — 100 g + -
  • — 500 g + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • 1 pinch or to taste + -
  • Soda - 1 tsp. (or 5 g) + -

Homemade cream cheese recipe

First, let's prepare the kitchen equipment.

We will need:

  • blender or mixer;
  • a saucepan with boiling water on the stove - for melting cheese in a water bath;
  • container for whipping all ingredients. It should be taken into account that this container should be conveniently placed on the pan over the water bath;
  • heat-resistant containers for the finished product.
  1. Place the cottage cheese in a container and break it up with a blender so that a situation does not arise where the curd grain in the homemade cheese does not melt. You can, however, rub it through a sieve or mince it, why not. Whipped cottage cheese turns out to be very thick in consistency, almost like plasticine.
  2. Add butter and eggs to the cottage cheese. Add baking soda and a pinch of salt, as well as spices if desired. Beat with a blender until smooth.
  3. Now place the container with the resulting mixture over boiling water in a saucepan and stir constantly. Melting time takes about 5 - 10 minutes. When the mixture is completely melted and looks like liquid processed cheese, pour it into the prepared container.

After cooling, the product is ready for use. In total it turns out to be about 700 g, which is not so little, you will agree.

As you can see, it is very easy to prepare processed cheese at home, the main thing is that you have plenty of crispy bread at home on which all this splendor can be spread. And as soon as the cheese runs out, you can easily cook it again.

Processed cheese: milk recipe

If for some reason your family doesn’t eat eggs, you can make cheese for your family from milk, provided that you can’t do without cottage cheese in this recipe. We will tell you how to make this product at home with your own hands.


  • Butter at room temperature – 100 g;
  • Full fat milk – 1 l;
  • Cottage cheese (preferably homemade) – 1 kg;
  • Soda – 1 tsp;
  • Salt – 1 tsp;

Of course, there are also special features for gourmets. You can add any seasonings to this cheese to your liking: paprika, dried garlic, ground black or red pepper, finely chopped herbs. Yes, even finely chopped ham, pickles or fried mushrooms. In general, everything your heart desires.

Homemade processed cheese is very easy to prepare, the main thing is to prepare it from high-quality (real) cottage cheese. Delicious, beautiful, healthy, real processed cheese made from cottage cheese.

To make processed cheese, I buy homemade cottage cheese at the market. Cottage cheese should not be sour, of any fat content. Cottage cheese that has been frozen will also work. Making processed cheese is also a good way to process some stale cottage cheese.


cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
soda - 0.5 teaspoon;
salt - 1 teaspoon;
chicken egg - 1 pc.


Pour water into the pan (about 1/3) and put it on fire. You also need to choose a smaller metal bowl or saucepan; we will cook the melted cheese in a water bath.
Grind the cottage cheese, salt, soda and egg well in a blender.

You will get a pleasant, “fluffy”, homogeneous curd mass without lumps.

Next, transfer the curd mass into a metal bowl and remove the pan of boiling water from the heat. Place the bowl on the pan and return the pan with the bowl to the heat. Water should not touch the bowl. We built a water bath.

We constantly stir our curd mass and it melts before our eyes and turns into melted cheese, the consistency of hot custard. It will take about 7 minutes for the cottage cheese to melt completely.

If the cottage cheese is very watery, keep the cheese in a water bath a little longer to let the excess liquid evaporate. Then everything is simple, remove the pan from the heat, you can cool a little cheese in a spoon and taste, add salt if necessary. Pour the cheese into a bowl or container and cool slightly. As it cools, a film forms on the surface of the cheese, which easily disappears when stirred. Stir the cheese at room temperature, cover with a lid or cling film. Place in the refrigerator until completely cooled.

It’s convenient to make melted cheese in the evening, and in the morning you will have delicious cheese sandwiches with a cup of coffee.

This is a basic cream cheese recipe. If the cottage cheese is low-fat, you can add 50-100 grams of butter. Processed cheese can be made with sugar and vanilla, you can add herbs, garlic and spices. You can also make good cheese without the egg. Try, experiment and make homemade cheese to your taste.

To make processed cheese from cottage cheese at home, you need, firstly, a clear and understandable recipe with a photo, and secondly, a certain skill. I will try to describe the process in the smallest nuances, and it is their correct implementation that is the key to success. I must admit right away that I did not cope with the task the first time. Although I already had some experience in home cheese making. Once upon a time I already tried to make cheese myself, it was hard cheese and the only thing I remember is that it was prepared from cottage cheese and milk, it turned out tasty, but very little. :) Because it seemed to me that it would be quite easy to prepare processed cheese at home. I found a recipe where everything seemed to be written out simply and clearly, I tried to cook it, but it didn’t work out that way. It turned out that there are quite a few nuances in this simple matter. After 3 unsuccessful attempts, I finally came out with delicious homemade processed cheese. I will tell you about all my mistakes and failures below. I hope my story will help you avoid trouble and you will definitely succeed the first time. I would like to warn you right away that the main thing in preparing processed cheese from cottage cheese is the quality of the original product. If you come across cottage cheese with additives or made in violation of technology, it will not make cheese. Therefore, I advise you to take cottage cheese for the first time at the market, from a trusted seller (there is usually a queue of at least several buyers).


  • cottage cheese – 2 packs (450-500 g),
  • large egg – 1 pc.,
  • butter – 100 g,
  • salt - to taste,
  • soda – 1 tsp,
  • dried herbs, seasonings and spices - to taste.

How to make processed cheese from cottage cheese at home (recipe with photo)

The mixture for cooking cheese is prepared very quickly, so first place a saucepan filled with water about 2/3 full of water on the stove. Plus, you will additionally need a container of a smaller diameter than this saucepan, which can be used for a water bath. For me, this is a regular plastic container for the microwave. I put cottage cheese in it.

Add butter, chopped into cubes, to the cottage cheese. If the oil is completely icy, you can slightly melt it.

Now we arm ourselves with a blender and turn the grainy curd mass into as homogeneous as possible. In the future, this will help get rid of harmful grains that do not want to melt completely. If you don’t have a blender, no problem! A regular fork will also work fine. Mash the mass with it as finely and uniformly as you can.

As soon as the water in the larger saucepan boils, reduce the heat on the burner to medium and place the curd mass in a water bath. It is important that the container with the cheese preparation does not touch the bottom of the pan with water.

After literally 2-3 minutes, you will notice that the curd mass slowly begins to melt and becomes viscous, like melted hard cheese.

We begin to intensively stir the mass until the curd grains are completely dissolved. As soon as they are all melted, remove the cheese from the water bath, add salt and herbs/seasonings to it to taste. In general, you can use any fillers to your taste as additives to processed cheese. I added a little paprika and a mixture of Italian herbs. A very tasty cheese is obtained by adding garlic and fresh herbs or finely chopped mushrooms. It turns out original and no less tasty with a sweet filling: jam, honey, jam, etc. The kids especially like this option.

Once again, intensively knead the cheese mass and pour it into prepared containers. After a couple of hours, the processed cheese will have cooled down and can be used. Homemade processed cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. It can be spread on bread, added to pasta (it melts when hot, like regular cheese), made into snack rolls, etc.

Since I didn’t get the processed cheese right the first time, I’ll tell you a little about the difficulties that may arise in the process of preparing it.

What to do if the cottage cheese does not melt?

There are two options here.

1) If the cottage cheese has melted, but not completely, and massive and noticeable grains remain, you can try adding just a pinch of soda. This will help melt them. If the grains are small, you don’t have to add soda - they will disperse on their own when they stand to cool.

2) And an option when the cottage cheese does not want to melt at all. This, unfortunately, also happens. It's all about the quality of the cottage cheese. It can be of any fat content, the main thing is that it is natural, not frozen or overcooked. Correctly chosen cottage cheese begins to melt almost immediately. If after 5-15 minutes you do not notice any changes in the curd mass, do not suffer and do not hope that a little more and the process will begin. It won't work! Trust the person who has more than once spent 2 hours uselessly waiting and stirring the curd mass in the hope that it is about to turn into cheese. It’s better to remove it from the heat and place it somewhere in cheesecakes or cheesecakes, for example.

Another point: if almost all of the cottage cheese has melted, and small grains do not give up even after an additional portion of soda, remove it from the stove. If you leave it longer than necessary, the reverse process will begin - i.e. the cheese mass will begin to turn into grainy again. In this case, the product will also be spoiled.

Yantar, Orbit, Omichka. With these words, probably many people have associations with processed cheese. Delicious sticks in foil packaging have been on store shelves since Soviet times, but the composition of today's cheeses leaves much to be desired. But our hands are not for boredom? Let's use them to make processed cheese from cottage cheese at home. There is no need to be afraid, it is easy and completely short-lived. But the taste is finger-licking good. The finished product, flavored with herbs and spices, can be spread on breakfast sandwiches for a whole week, or, for example, you can prepare a pita roll with Jewish salad.

How to make cream cheese at home


  • Cottage cheese of any fat content - 450-500 g (two packages of 180 g each)
  • Large egg - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 100 g.
  • Salt - to taste (I used a pinch, 1/3 teaspoon)
  • Baking soda - 1 teaspoon
  • Dried seasonings, herbs (you can use herbs de Provence, dried garlic, etc.) - to taste, I used 1 tbsp. heaped spoon

Making processed cheese from cottage cheese

The mixing of cottage cheese with the rest of the ingredients happens so quickly that it is better to immediately put water in a saucepan for a steam bath. Fill 2/3 of the ladle and bring to a boil.

Place the cottage cheese (both packs) into a large bowl in which it will be convenient for us to stir. butter (100 g), cut into small cubes, 1 egg. Mix everything thoroughly.

Add baking soda (1 teaspoon) to the cheese mixture. You can add baking soda before mixing.

We use a “knife” (immersion) blender attachment to turn the mixture into a homogeneous one.

Place the bowl with the mixed contents in a water bath. Set the fire to medium. We take a spatula in our hands and constantly stir the mixture.

After a few minutes, you will notice how the curd mass begins to melt, strings will appear when you lift the spatula - signs of melting of the curd.

If you've ever made hot sandwiches in the microwave, then you've already seen a similar process. When hard cheese starts to melt, it looks about the same.

We continue to vigorously stir the cheese mixture, trying to dissolve absolutely all grains, even the smallest ones. The mixture will become more and more homogeneous, viscous, and shiny. Once all the lumps have disappeared, remove the bowl from the water bath and set it aside.

If you like cottage cheese baked goods, take note

Now your favorite seasonings and salt are used. I used a mixture of spices for adjika, and the result was very tasty.

Supplement options vary and depend entirely on your taste! For example, you can add fresh chopped herbs and garlic, you can season the cheese with chopped olives or vegetables.

Stir the mixture and pour into molds.

Cover the processed cheese with cling film so that it does not become covered with a thickened crust on top. In a few hours, the processed cottage cheese will be completely ready. This is how easy it is to prepare a delicious delicacy at home.

What to do if the cottage cheese does not melt?

  • Poor quality cottage cheese. It lies in a lump in a water bath and does not want to melt at all. It will be great if you choose farm or village cottage cheese for making cheese, purchased from trusted sellers. Please note: at the market there is always a queue for such people to buy goods. I used both village cottage cheese and cottage cheese from the supermarket (in the photo recipe I have a product from the Udoevo company with 9% fat content)
  • Good cottage cheese begins to melt almost immediately. You shouldn’t wait 30-40 minutes thinking that the product is about to start melting. It’s better to immediately remove the container from the water bath and place the mixture in or.
  • If small lumps remain in the curd mixture, you can add an additional pinch of baking soda. Do not overdo it with the amount of soda; too much will spoil the taste of the product. Keep in mind that very small grains may disperse later during the cheese infusion.
  • Keep an eye on the melting time. If you keep the curd mass in a water bath, the reverse process may start and the mixture will begin to turn into curd again and clump.

I hope that my experience will be useful to you and you will get the best processed cheese at home, which will not even compare in taste to store-bought cheese.
On our video channel on You Tube I posted a video recipe for processed cheese from cottage cheese, I hope you like it =)

Bon appetit!

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Many people believe that making cheese on their own is impossible, so they buy various cheeses like Hochland or Almette from store shelves. Needless to say, such cheeses are full of various preservatives, and they cost quite a lot of money.

An excellent alternative to such products will undoubtedly be making cheese from natural ingredients - milk and cottage cheese.

In this article you can see recipes for the most popular curd cheeses, which, in addition to having an excellent taste, will also be highly natural.

In modern life, this in many ways becomes the biggest advantage, because such products are very difficult to find.

Classic curd cheese

This recipe has indeed already become a traditional option for making cottage cheese at home.

We owe its appearance to the total shortage that lasted for a long time in the USSR, and the current sanctions, which primarily deprived Russian shelves of quality cheese, only reinforced the interest in reviving the recipe.

This recipe involves making homemade cheese that contains the maximum amount of natural ingredients. With all this, it is quite simple to make.

  • 1 kg of whole cottage cheese;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 100 gr. drain oils;
  • 1 tsp. spoon of rock salt;
  • 1 tsp. spoon of baking soda.

Cooking time: approximately 4 hours.

Amount of calories: 140 Kk per 100 g of product.

  1. Take country cottage cheese and pour it into a saucepan with a fairly thick bottom, sprinkle it with soda. You need to mix it thoroughly with your hands until the large lumps disappear. Leave the mixture for 3 hours at room temperature;
  2. Look carefully at the color of the cottage cheese, it should be slightly yellowish. If the mass has acquired the appropriate color, then you can proceed to the immediate continuation. The next ingredients are eggs and melted butter. Add salt and stir thoroughly until the ingredients are completely combined;
  3. Prepare a water bath; the curd should remain in it for about 25 minutes, stirring constantly until the mass melts and becomes liquid and homogeneous. After this, remove the pan from the stove;
  4. The resulting cheese mass should be placed in a bowl, then pressed with a fork. Wait until the mixture cools down, then put it in the refrigerator. Store for approximately 2 weeks in a container that has access to air.

Product made from homemade cottage cheese and milk

  • 1 kg of fat cottage cheese;
  • 1 liter of whole milk;
  • 1 tsp. spoon of sea salt;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tsp. spoon of baking soda;
  • 100 gr. drain oils

Preparation time: 45 minutes + 1 day in the refrigerator.

Amount of calories: 145 Kk per 100 g of product.

  1. Take a large saucepan or cauldron into which you should pour all the available milk. Boil it over medium heat;
  2. At this time, you should rub the cottage cheese through a sieve so that it obtains a homogeneous structure. For the same purpose, you can use a meat grinder or simply mash with a fork;
  3. Transfer the pureed cottage cheese into boiled milk, then reduce the heat to low. The mixture should be simmered for about 15 minutes, stirring constantly;
  4. The prepared mixture will be whey with small lumps of cottage cheese. Next, you should prepare the gauze, you need to fold it in half and pour the serum onto it. Wait until the liquid has completely drained. All this will take only 5 minutes;
  5. Melt the butter in a frying pan, then pour in the curd mixture, egg, salt and soda. Everything should be cooked over low heat, stirring constantly until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Wait until the mass is ready, and it will acquire plasticity;
  6. Place the cream cheese in a bowl and then place it in the refrigerator. The result will be a little more than half a kilogram of curd cheese.

Processed cheese from village cottage cheese

A very simple and quick recipe for making processed cheese from cottage cheese at home, it will almost instantly provide you with a delicious product that will be a wonderful addition even to the holiday table.

  • 400 grams of village cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 g plums. oils;
  • ½ tsp. spoons of salt;
  • ½ tsp. spoons of soda.

Cooking time: about 15-20 minutes.

Amount of calories: 144 Kk per 100 g of product.

  1. You should first melt the butter in any way. At the same time, add soda to the pan with cottage cheese, after which the mixture should be kneaded with your hands;
  2. Take a blender and add the curd mixture into it. Beat the egg first in a separate container, and then pour it into the blender bowl. You should also add oil there;
  3. Now, using a blender, you should grind the curd mass; you can also use a sieve. The cottage cheese should become a very soft, homogeneous mass, which is why it will have a delicate taste;
  4. Place a glass bowl in a water bath and place the cottage cheese in it. Using a wooden spatula, stir constantly until the melted cheese reaches a suitable consistency after about 10 minutes;
  5. After the cheese mass is cooked, you should salt it and remove it from the steam. If desired, add some spices to the mixture or season with herbs for taste;
  6. The resulting cheese should be slightly liquid, but still viscous. Pour it into the mold and leave to cool. You should store it for no more than a week, then the cheese will become a little bland.

Making Adyghe cheese

  • 1 liter of fat milk;
  • 1 kg of village cottage cheese;
  • 100 g plums. oils;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 tsp. spoons of salt.

Cooking time: about 9 hours.

Number of servings: 150 Kk per 100 g of product.

  1. Take a large saucepan with a thick bottom, pour milk into it, and then bring it to a boil over fairly high heat. Add cottage cheese to the milk, after which you should almost turn off the heat and continue cooking, stirring constantly, for about 40 minutes;
  2. When the whey and curd mass is ready, you should take a colander and put a double layer of gauze in it. Pour the mixture onto it and wait until all the excess liquid is gone;
  3. Take a new pan, put cottage cheese in it and add pre-beaten eggs, melted butter and salt to it. Cook for about 10 more minutes. At this stage, the cheese can be considered ready; all that remains is to transfer it to a bowl and leave it in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning you can treat yourself to a piece of fresh Adyghe cottage cheese.

What delicious things can you make from cabbage? Bigus from fresh cabbage: prepared according to Polish traditions. Perfect solution!

Read about how to choose a beef heart and how to cook it deliciously in the next culinary article. Housewives, take note!

And here are recipes for unusual champignon shish kebab. Well, just lick your fingers!

Homemade Italian ricotta

At the moment, ricotta is considered the most delicious of the known curd cheeses. It can be perfect not only for breakfast, but will also become the basis for many interesting recipes.

  • 2 liters of fat milk;
  • 1 tsp. spoon of white sugar;
  • 100 ml lemon juice;
  • ½ tsp. spoons of salt.

Production time: half an hour + a couple of hours for cooling.

Amount of calories: 60 Kk per 100 g of product.

  1. The milk should be poured into a fairly large saucepan with a thick bottom. Place it over medium heat, then add sugar and salt. Milk should be heated without allowing it to boil. This is the main condition when preparing homemade ricotta. If the milk boils, further actions no longer make any sense;
  2. At the moment when it seems that the milk begins to boil, you should immediately remove the pan from the heat and pour in lemon juice. It is he who will push the fermentation reaction in the milk, after which curd will begin to form. Leave the mixture to cool;
  3. Place two layers of cheesecloth in a large colander, then place it over a large bowl. Pour the fermented milk into a colander, after which the gauze should be tied around the edges and hung so that the liquid drains freely. The time it takes for the ricotta to drain depends on the consistency you want the cheese to be. However, it is not recommended to keep it for more than 7 minutes, otherwise it will become quite dry.

If you can’t buy natural village cottage cheese, then it’s better to try making it at home instead of store-bought cottage cheese. So, you will be more confident in its quality, and it will also be better suited for making homemade cheese.

It is quite easy to control the hardness of cheese using butter. The less you put it in, the harder it will be and vice versa. But you should not increase the amount of oil consumed by more than half.

Making cheese using cottage cheese is most suitable for beginner cheese makers, because it saves quite a lot of time.

Adding various additives to the cheese, such as cumin, paprika and other spices, will add some flavor to your homemade cheese and will also help you play with the taste sensations.