Art is part of the spiritual culture of humanity. Spheres of spiritual culture: science, religion, art, cinema and theater

Spiritual culture is a set of intangible elements of culture: norms of behavior, morality, values, rituals, symbols, knowledge, myths, ideas, customs, traditions, language.

Spiritual culture arises from the need for comprehension and figurative-sensual mastery of reality. IN real life is realized in a number of specialized forms: morality, art, religion, philosophy, science. All these forms human life are interconnected and influence each other.

Morality is a system of norms and rules governing communication and behavior of people, ensuring the unity of public and personal interests. Morality fixes the idea of ​​good and evil, honor, conscience, justice, etc. These ideas and norms regulate the behavior of people in society.

Moral principles:





Morality is a system of values ​​that exist in the form of unconditionally universal principles of human existence; a system of unwritten laws that reflect generally accepted norms and assessments of human actions.

Morality is manifested in a person’s attitude towards friends, family, team, homeland, the people as a whole, and towards himself.

The main criterion of morality is a sense of responsibility to the team, society, oneself, homeland, etc.

Morality is a given, but morality is a reality

Conscience is the internal regulator of all our actions.

Moral norms are rules of behavior that prescribe to a person what actions he should or should not perform.

Religion- this is a worldview, attitude and the behavior of people determined by them. Based on the belief in the existence of a supernatural realm.

Religious Studies– a special science that studies religion as a special sphere of human culture.

World religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam

National religions: Confucianism (China), Judaism (Polestine), Sinthaism.

Religion serves the needs of the spirit; man turns his gaze to God. Science demonstrates the successes of the cognitive mind of man.

The values ​​of spiritual culture (moral, aesthetic, religious) embodies and realizes the social nature and creative activity of man himself, and reproduces the conditions of his specifically human existence.

· MORALITY acts, as a rule, as an “unwritten law”, realizing its regulatory function, first of all, through everyday consciousness.

· RELIGION(piety, piety, shrine) - worldview, worldview, attitude, as well as the associated behavior of people and the forms of its conceptualization, determined by the belief in the existence of a supernatural sphere, articulated in mature forms.
Religion presupposes the dominance in the human soul of a sense of dependence and obligation in relation to a transcendental and secret force that provides support and is worthy of worship.
Religion reflects the desire of man and society for a direct connection with the Absolute (God, gods). This is an ideological mechanism that ensures the solidarity of people and the integrity of society through the sacralization of basic social ties. In ethics and ritual, religion reveals to people a wide horizon of concepts, explains to them the meaning of life, guarantees highest values and norms, makes a person a member of the spiritual community, endows him with a spiritual homeland, provides justification for protest and resistance to everything unrighteous.

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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

"MATI - Russian State Technological University

them. K. E. Tsiolkovsky"

in cultural studies

Art as a form of culture

Moscow 2013

  • Content
    • 1. Introduction
    • 4. Forms of culture
    • 6. Conclusion

1. Introduction

This topic of the essay became relevant to me due to the fact that I was interested in how to connect culture with art. I was interested in the question: “How do they interact?” I had a desire to understand in more detail the structure of art and culture. This topic is relevant at the moment and interests a certain group of people. This group is expanding due to the accessibility of culture to society.

2. Introduction to the concept of “culture”

The word culture in different times used under different concepts. This word first appears in Roman texts and implies the cultivation of the soil, while in the first century BC the Roman orator Marcus Tulius Cicero, speaking about cultivation for the first time, spoke about the upbringing and education of youth. In the era of enlightenment, culture was understood as the history of spirits, spiritual development person. Culture in this era was synonymous with the intellectual, moral and aesthetic understanding of man. At the moment, the concept of culture refers to the fundamental concepts in social science. IN ordinary consciousness it refers to evaluative concepts and refers to personality traits. One of the definitions of culture: “is a historically determined level of development of society and man, expressed in the types and forms of organization of people’s lives and activities, as well as in the material and spiritual values ​​they create,” but modern science There are too many definitions of culture to cover them all.

3. Introduction to the concept of “art”

In the most general sense, art is craftsmanship whose product provides aesthetic pleasure. In the 20th century, three main approaches emerged in the understanding of aesthetic pleasure: realistic, objectivist, and relativistic.

A realistic approach, when the aesthetic qualities of an object are inherent in it and do not depend on the observer. An approach that also considers the aesthetic properties of an object to be immanent, but to some extent dependent on the observer, is called objectivist. The approach according to which the aesthetic properties of an object depend only on what the observer sees in it, and different people can perceive different aesthetic qualities of the same object is usually called relativistic. WITH last point In view, an object can be characterized depending on the intentions of its creator (or lack of any intentions), for whatever function it was intended. For example, a cup, which in everyday life can be used as a container, can be considered a work of art if it was created only for applying an ornament, and the image can be a handicraft if it is produced on an assembly line.

Art is divided into types: art, literature, music, architecture and applied arts.

4. Forms of culture

Culture is usually divided into several forms of culture, such as: material culture, spiritual culture, information culture and physical culture.

Material culture- transformation natural materials and energy in accordance with human purposes, the creation of an artificial habitat. This also includes a necessary and sufficient set of technologies for the preservation and development of this environment. Material culture creates and sets the standard of living of society, shapes the material needs of people and offers ways to satisfy them.

Spiritual culture includes products of human spiritual activity that exist primarily in an ideal form: concepts, ideas, beliefs, feelings and experiences that are accessible to the consciousness and understanding of all people. Information culture - its basis is knowledge about the information environment, the laws of its functioning, the ability to navigate information flows, effective life activities and in the information society.

Physical culture is the transformation of the biological principle in man himself; formation of socially necessary skills, abilities and qualities of the human body.

5. Art like special shape culture

culture aesthetic art art

The cultural phenomenon of art is directly related to human creative activity. Art is one of the elements of culture in which artistic and aesthetic values, this is a form of sensory knowledge of the world, in art a person’s creative abilities are manifested, art is the process of a person’s mastery of artistic values.

Any object on which the beam fell artistic knowledge appeared in his light as a thing humanized, spiritualized, socially significant, i.e. as a value. It was the value of being that turned out to be the subject of artistic knowledge, and therefore a person’s attitude to reality, the way he perceived, experienced and comprehended the world around him, was not taken outside the boundaries of this object, but was located in it itself as a side tenaciously fused with its objective content. In humans creative thinking and the artistic creativity that embodied him were formed to the extent that he acquired the ability to realize his emotional reactions, to highlight in them what has universal significance.

Artistic perception is an open system that has a goal outside itself - such a goal is the processing and objectification of the results of perception, i.e. creating a work of art that would convey this information to other people. Aesthetic consciousness does not contain the immanent, i.e. internal necessary, implementation impulse; it encourages a person to act only in those cases when the object does not satisfy him aesthetically and he strives to give it the missing beauty or grandeur - this is how an aesthetic attitude arises, for example, in a gardener who lays out a park and reorganizes the natural given. If an object evokes aesthetic admiration in a person, it seems to paralyze his practical actions, demanding the preservation of this object exactly as it is - this is how careful attitude to all natural phenomena and things in which we find genuine aesthetic value and which would only suffer from any alteration.

The main object of art is the spiritual content of human social existence (lifestyle, way of thinking, worldview, worldview of society, ideals, psychology - the spiritual culture of a given era). The content of art contains double knowledge - knowledge about the world and self-knowledge of the artist. The method of cognition is concrete-figurative, different from the abstract-logical one characteristic of science.

6. Conclusion

Thus, this essay examines such aspects as: features of art as a special form of culture, the structure of art and culture, definitions of terms, etc.

Man differs from all animals in that he has the ability to create. He creates thanks to the power of thought, the power of his mind. A person can think and generate ideas. Ideas at work, at home, at school, in art, etc.. Ideas that he must bring to life and show to the world. Thanks to just one idea you can become rich, famous or simply deserve the attention of people. Art is the embodiment of ideas and images into objects that people can hear and see.

Bringing ideas to life is an art, and culture is a set of sustainable forms human activity, therefore art is a form of culture and they are interconnected.

List of used literature

1. Lecture notes on cultural studies by teacher Tamara Ivanovna Balakina

2. Website

3. Wollheim 1980, op. cit. Essay VI. pp. 231-39.

4. Aliev, Alex. (2009). The Intentional-Attributive Definition of Art. Consciousness, Literature and the Arts 10

5. Website

6. Kagan M.S. Philosophy of culture. M.: PRIOR, 2004. P. 133.

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Spiritual culture

1 Art as part of spiritual culture

2 Morality as a form of spiritual culture

3 Philosophy - as part of spiritual culture

4 Religion as an element of spiritual culture

Spiritual culture of the individual

1 The influence of science and education on the spiritual development of the individual

Problems of modern national culture


List of sources used


“A person becomes fully human only in the process of culture, and only in it, at its peaks, do his highest aspirations and possibilities find expression. Only by these achievements can the nature or purpose of man be judged.” G.P. Fedotov (1886-1951) Russian religious thinker and historian

Spirituality is a property of the nature of man himself; it is something unique, exceptional, and the most important thing that distinguishes man from other highly developed living beings; it is something that is even difficult to define in words.

Human spirituality is the wealth of thoughts, the strength of feelings and beliefs, it is the quality of consciousness.

The spiritual life of society is a combination of all types of spiritual development of the world, a way of social life that ensures the production of spiritual values ​​and the satisfaction of people’s spiritual needs. Spiritual life is not withdrawal into oneself, but the spiritualization of everything around us.

Self-movement acts as a way of existence of society and can be expressed both in forms of self-disintegration and in forms of self-development. The distance from the form of self-disintegration to the form of self-development is determined by the level of self-organization of society. In relation to society, the criterion that indicates the ratio, on the one hand, of reserves, real opportunities accumulated in society, and, on the other hand, their implementation at the level of a given self-organization, becomes especially important. This ratio determines the extent to which the self-movement of society becomes its self-development.

Spiritual activity is carried out for the sake of satisfying spiritual needs, that is, the need of people to create and master spiritual values. The most important among them are the need for moral improvement, satisfaction of the sense of beauty, and essential knowledge of the world around us. Spiritual values ​​appear in the form of ideas of good and evil, justice and injustice, the beautiful and the ugly, etc. The forms of spiritual development of the surrounding world include philosophical, aesthetic, religious, and moral consciousness. Science is also considered a form of social consciousness. The system of spiritual values ​​is an integral element of spiritual culture.

Culture is the world of man, his way of being. This is a set of forms and results of human activity, entrenched in social practice and transmitted from generation to generation with the help of certain sign systems, as well as through learning and imitation. Researchers have identified dozens of functions of culture in society. The main functions of culture include:

) regulatory function (regulation of human behavior, patterns of behavior);

) educational and educational function (the level of personal culture is determined by familiarization with cultural heritage, transfer of social experience);

) integrative function (culture unites people, ensures the integrity of society);

) value function (formation in a person a certain system values, worldview).

1. Spiritual culture

Spiritual culture is part of the general system of culture, including spiritual activity and its products. This is a kind of integrity of literature, art, science, morality, religion. Spiritual culture characterizes the inner wealth of a person, the degree of his development, shapes the personality - its worldview, views, attitudes, value orientations.

Spiritual culture arises from the need for comprehension and figurative-sensual mastery of reality. In real life it is realized in morality, art, religion, philosophy, science. All these forms of human life are interconnected and influence each other. Morality fixes the idea of ​​good and evil, honor, conscience, and justice. These ideas and norms regulate the behavior of people in society.

Art includes aesthetic values ​​(beautiful, sublime, ugly) and ways of creating and consuming them.

Religion serves the needs of the spirit; man turns his gaze to God. Science demonstrates the successes of the cognitive mind of man.

Philosophy satisfies the needs of the human spirit for unity on a rational (reasonable) basis.

.1 Art as part of spiritual culture

In the spiritual culture of society, art occupies a special, important place - the sphere of spiritual and practical activity of people aimed at artistic comprehension and exploration of the world; one of the ways of aesthetic exploration of the world. A remarkable property of art is its ability to unite people, to evoke the same feelings and thoughts in them. It allows him to play special role in the system of interethnic and interhuman understanding, turns it into universal language international communication. It brings peoples together and allows them to get to know each other better.

Art in society performs the function of orienting a person and pulling him up to a certain level of culture, the level of thinking, understanding, penetration of thought, creation, feeling into the spiritual life of society and the spiritual world created by society as a special habitat for human residence. If we are really dealing with genuine art that adequately expresses its essence and corresponds to its concept, then it will inevitably and inexorably serve progress, since it is based on the comprehension of man in his continuous ascent along the line of internal spiritual improvement, enrichment, acquisition of new opportunities and strengths, new qualitative definitions. Without turning to art, without interacting with it, no civilized society is possible. In relation to the self-organization of society, art acts as a mechanism that performs the functions of control and self-control over the course of development of society, as an instrument that tests the measure of society’s humanity and the degree of its humanistic determination. In this case, art acts as a mirror into which society can look, in which it can study itself in strictly human dimensions and evaluate the degree of its compliance with attitudes and definitions coming from the content and meaning of human life.

Art is one of the forms of knowledge of life. The role of art in knowledge is especially great spiritual world person. It penetrates into the deep processes of personality psychology, reveals the most complex interaction of thoughts, feelings and will.

From the very beginning of its existence, art was called upon to ennoble, improve, and humanize society, man and nature. In modern society, it is an important sphere of its culture, its specific language in which it speaks to a person, affirming beauty and goodness.

Art educates and shapes a person’s personality, his attitude to life, allows him to better understand his place in life, helps shape a person’s behavior in certain life situations, teaches him kindness, courage, justice, honesty, hard work - in a word, everything beautiful that is characteristic of people . Art influences a person, orients and improves him morally.

Art acquires relatively independent development in the structure of society, however, retaining as its leading function the provision of a person with the necessary spiritual experience as an internal condition for the self-organization and self-movement of society. Art is all in to a greater extent becomes a means of transferring a person to the highest levels of culture, irreplaceable by any other mechanisms, to those levels that provide society with its real progressive development based on the competence and understanding sensitive intelligence of its members. That is why the weakening of the activities of artists, the deformation of the functions of art and the distraction of artistic creativity from its main goals and objectives lead to a significant decrease in culture among the mass of the population. This happens not due to the fact that people gradually descend, not having art as a good guide and an important stimulus, but because they stop rising, remain in other levels and layers of culture, do not realize the need and do not experience the need and desire to rise higher . Thus, an inhibitory effect occurs in the processes of self-organization and self-development of society, due to insufficient receptivity of consciousness, insufficient agility and flexibility of thinking, insufficient horizons, spiritual experience to ensure an effective system of self-organization and its self-development.

Art, being a fairly independent and important sphere of society’s culture, actively interacts with other forms of spiritual culture - religion, morality, science.

1.2 Morality as a form of spiritual culture

Morality is a special area of ​​culture and it differs from other forms. Morality is a system of norms of behavior of people accepted in society. Morality is a special form of social consciousness and a type of social relations. Morality covers moral views and feelings, life orientations and principles, goals and motives of actions and relationships, drawing the line between good and evil, conscience and dishonesty, honor and dishonor, justice and injustice, normality and abnormality, mercy and cruelty, etc. .

It guides people to take into account not only their own interests, but also the interests of others. Since the nature of people is the same, with all the diversity of known moral systems, we can talk about common universal moral values ​​and norms, thanks to which mutual understanding and coexistence of representatives is achieved different cultures. As moral values All nations respect honesty, loyalty, respect for elders, courage, hard work, responsibility, patriotism and other ethical virtues.

.3 Philosophy - as part of spiritual culture

Philosophy is a special form of knowledge of the world, a specific form of human spiritual activity, developing a system of knowledge about the fundamental principles and foundations of human existence, about the characteristics of human relations to nature, society and spiritual life in all its manifestations. In its searches, philosophy starts from literature, art, art criticism, political and legal consciousness, everyday thinking, which constitutes the spiritual part of culture and society.

Being a spiritual expression of human activity, philosophy tries to understand various aspects of the world through the prism of the unique personality of a particular person. In philosophy, the main place is given to attempts to rationally explain the world.

Among the diverse functions of philosophy, all higher value V modern conditions acquires its prognostic function, its active and active participation in foreseeing and predicting the ideals of the future, a more perfect structure of human life, in the search for new ideological orientations. There is an urgent need to develop such models and scenarios for the development of mankind, when the tendency towards increasing unity and integrity of the human community does not contradict national interests states, historically formed spiritual and cultural traditions, the way of life of every people.

The development of universal human values ​​has become extremely important. Almost all the greatest thinkers of our time pose and discuss this problem in one way or another. It is possible that in the near future there will be an intensification of the tendency for philosophy to acquire its status as a kind of body of practical wisdom. During its formation, philosophy had this status, but then lost it, abstracted from the real demands and needs of a specific living person. Philosophy, apparently, will try to become again - of course, taking into account all the realities of our time - necessary for a person in understanding and solving problems that arise during its Everyday life.

spiritual humanistic society personality

1.4 Religion - as part of spiritual culture

Religion arose in ancient times and, having undergone various changes, continues to influence the behavior and actions of many people today. This is due to the fact that in the history of mankind there was not a single people who did not know religion. In any society, religion, as part of culture, is one of the main social factors.

Religion is a necessary component public life, including the spiritual culture of society. In religion, as a form of spiritual exploration of the world, a mental transformation of the world is carried out, its organization in the mind, during which a certain picture of the world, norms, values, ideals are developed that determine a person’s attitude to the world and act as guidelines and regulators of his behavior. In modern conditions, the role of religion cannot be considered the initial and determining one, although religion has an big influence on economic relations and other spheres of social life. The religious factor influences the economy, politics, interethnic relations, family, culture through the activities of believing individuals, groups, organizations, sanctioning certain views. Religion influences society according to its specific features, reflected in creed, cult, organization, ethics, rules of attitude towards the world.

Both philosophy and religion, in competition with art, strive to master and assimilate its forms, its technology of communication with the widest (as well as with the narrowest, most selected) audience. And if religious and church directions in the course of the development of the culture of society are oriented in influencing the organization and self-organization of society on the standards and examples of the past, then art and artistic culture in its objective meaning, the real sense serve precisely in the direction of overcoming the past, self-renewal, self-organization and self-development. What philosophy develops theoretically as an understanding of the world, art and religion strive to master it practically. But if religion masters the traditional, stable world, then art masters the world of movement, development, self-renewal, self-organization, the world of contradictions, the world of forecasts and foresight, an intuitive sense of the future and accurate highlighting of its smallest sprouts and signs in the modern.

2. Spiritual culture of the individual

The spiritual culture of an individual includes knowledge, faith, feelings, needs, abilities, aspirations, and goals of people. The spiritual life of an individual is impossible without experiences: joy, optimism or despondency, faith or disappointment. It is human nature to strive for self-knowledge and self-improvement.

Spiritual culture is the most important, basic characteristic of a person. It manifests itself as the individual’s aspiration towards chosen goals and values, as the ability for spiritual life. However, this ability is inherent in the individual potentially, therefore a system of specially created psychological and pedagogical conditions and means for its effective formation is necessary. One of the effective means of forming a person’s spiritual culture is art as a system of humanistic and spiritual values.

Included in the content of aesthetic education, the humanistic values ​​of art as a system of emotional-value attitude towards beauty are potentially present there and need to be identified. Having been identified, didactically processed and accepted by the teacher as a personal system of values, they can become the basis for the formation of the spiritual culture of modern schoolchildren who, due to age characteristics, show increased interest in searching value orientations and the meaning of life.

The formation of a person’s spiritual culture on the basis of the humanistic values ​​of art should be carried out not as the acquisition of knowledge in various fields of art, but as the appropriation of spiritual and moral values, the disclosure creativity students, the formation of their intrapersonal guidelines.

It is necessary to have a clear concept and system of methods and forms of teaching that create motivational support for the activities of teachers and students through experiences, empathy, knowledge and comprehension of images of art.

A teacher who shapes spiritual culture modern schoolchild, must have a number of professional and personal qualities: to be a teacher of Art, to act as a bearer of culture, to carry it within oneself; provide support for individual spiritual and creative development and personal self-development; provide identity required space for adoption independent decisions, freedom of choice of content and methods of creative activity in various fields of art.

.1 The influence of science and education on the spiritual development of the individual

Of all areas of spiritual culture, science and education are the most closely interconnected and interdependent.

The role of education is manifested in how it influences the formation of personality. Many personality traits of a person are determined not only by natural data, but also acquired in certain conditions social life. Education cannot help but correct the personality and form certain of its qualities. It depends on the educational environment, knowledge structures and educational technologies, educational processes. Education is intended to develop professional consciousness. The most important of those human qualities that are determined by education are:

human value system. As knowledge is acquired and skills are mastered, a person’s value system is enriched and adjusted. Education connects humanitarian values ​​with professional ones, enhances the effectiveness of certain types of values, motivates the social significance of human activity;

the system of interests is also influenced by education.

Interest is the desire to achieve a certain result. Education expands a person’s capabilities in setting goals for his activities and makes movement towards this goal possible and real. This is connected not only with building a professional career, but also with the spiritual satisfaction of a person;

education changes the quality of human activity and increases its intellectual component;

only in the educational process is it possible to recognize and effectively develop a person’s individual abilities;

Education is the basis of an individual's career trajectory. It opens up ways for further professional growth and development;

social status a person is also determined by education. The situation in society cannot but worry the individual. Education promotes the ability to consciously regulate or change this situation. The result of all these factors is the role of education in the formation of culture, both personal and public.

Science cannot carry out its functions without good educated people; Education without science is an empty phrase. The promotion and implementation of new ideas in the humanitarian sector of science, the development of the principles of the new Russian economy, ways to create a civil society and the rule of law, obtaining reliable information about the past of the Motherland and the world require a significant number of educated economists, lawyers, and historians. Thus, science and education create the national wealth of the country and themselves act as one of the values, without which the development of society and the formation of personality is impossible.

Society is only able to set and solve large-scale national problems when it has a common system of moral guidelines. And there are these guidelines where they keep respect for native language, To original culture and to original cultural values, to the memory of our ancestors, to every page of our national history.

3. Problems of modern national culture

The crisis situation that has developed in Russia is manifested with particular force in the spiritual life of society. The situation in the culture of our fatherland is assessed as extremely difficult and even catastrophic. With the inexhaustible cultural potential accumulated by previous generations and our contemporaries, the spiritual impoverishment of the people began. Mass lack of culture is the cause of many troubles. The decline of morality, bitterness, the growth of crime and violence - all this appeared on the basis of lack of spirituality. The most significant problems associated with the general state of the spiritual life of Russian society, in my opinion, are the following:

Today, what the intellect, spirit, and talent of the nation has created over centuries is under threat of destruction, ancient cities are being destroyed, books, archives, works of art are being lost. folk traditions skill;

The danger for the country is the plight of science and education. Of particular concern is the younger generation, which is increasingly moving away from spiritual culture. This is largely due to the crisis of the education system, the policy of means mass media which introduce immorality, violence, disdain to profession, work, marriage, family;

The difficult state of national culture is associated with the crisis state of the country's economy in general, and the material and technical support of culture in particular. Today, a tiny part of the state budget is spent on culture. The main emphasis in government cultural policy focused on the development of mass commercial culture. The commercialization of culture significantly reduces its level and, along with it, the cultural level of the people, slows down or completely stops the cultural progress of society;

obvious drop in level artistic taste. Cinema and music are losing popularity. The decline in interest in cinema is largely due to the destruction of the previously existing film distribution system. There is a sharp decline in the role of television in introducing the population to art. Contemporary domestic art is almost completely absent from the preferences of the population. The decrease in demands on the artistic level of works of art led to an expansion of the flow of low-quality literature, cinema, and music, which significantly deformed the aesthetic taste of the population;

There is a significant reorientation of public consciousness - from spiritual, humanistic values ​​to the values ​​of material well-being.

An approach to solving cultural problems in Russia should be sought not externally, but within Russian society itself, to study the processes that took place in it in last decade and developed at the beginning of the 21st century. Of course, it is extremely difficult to regain lost positions in world culture, and to come to terms with the loss means to find yourself on the edge of an abyss in cultural and historical development.


Culture and society are closely connected and cannot exist separately from each other. Culture cannot exist outside of society, society, and, conversely, society is unimaginable outside of culture, manifested in certain types of human activity.

The spiritual life of society is very complex. It is not limited to various manifestations of people’s consciousness, their thoughts and feelings, although we can rightfully say that their consciousness is the core, the core of their personal spiritual life and the spiritual life of society.

A person’s spirituality is determined by his entire life, by how he lives and acts in a given situation, by his attitude towards the world around him. The spiritual world of a person means the possession of important personal qualities: the desire for the height of one’s ideals and thoughts, which determine the direction of all activities. In the process of inner life, a person comprehends what has been done and considers new actions to achieve his goals. Successful or unsuccessful actions again provide food for thought and evaluation. The spiritual world of the individual expresses the inextricable connection between the individual and society. A person enters a society that has a certain spiritual fund, which he has to master in life. The path of spiritual development of a person is endless.

IN Russian society V Lately Unfortunately, the idea that a person is rich only by having material values ​​has become quite widespread. There is a great danger of losing spiritual culture as a value for a generation that lives only by material interests, seeks only benefits for itself and loses the meaning of life because of this. By how closely a person is connected with spiritual culture, one can judge the richness of his soul and intellect, his ability to give birth to new ideas and defend truth, goodness and beauty. It is with the help of culture that unique, inimitable personality traits are formed.


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In the spiritual culture of society, art occupies a special, important place - the sphere of spiritual and practical activity of people, aimed at artistic comprehension and mastery of the world; one of the ways of aesthetic exploration of the world.

Art is as ancient as culture. Its origins go back to primitive era. According to archaeological data, art appeared in the Old Stone Age, i.e. 35-10 thousand years BC The paintings found by archaeologists in caves and sculptural images made of stone and bone.

Man's artistic creativity was preceded by his ability to make tools. It was very long historical period, estimated at tens of thousands of years, during which people already knew how to produce the objects and things they needed, but had not yet done anything resembling art. Because the hand and brain of a person had to mature for creativity, and this maturation occurred in the process of labor mastery of the surrounding world.

The moment a person turns to artistic creativity became greatest discovery, unparalleled in history. For primitive man The initial forms of his artistic activity were the creation of myths, songs and dances, the depiction of animals on the walls of caves, the decoration of tools and the human body. They contributed to the overall unity of people, developed them spiritually, helped them realize their social nature and difference from animals, and ultimately they served the great historical process - the development of human society.

Primitive art was not yet an independent form of activity and was generally syncretic, i.e. holistic in nature, there was no clear division into types. Only with the development of culture does art gradually become isolated into a specific field of activity, and since the emergence of the first civilizations, it exists as independent species human activity, and individual species the arts begin to develop more or less independently.

From the very beginning of its existence, art was called upon to ennoble, improve, and humanize society, man and nature. In modern society, it is an important sphere of its culture, its specific language in which it speaks to a person, affirming beauty and goodness.

In modern society, art performs numerous functions: aesthetic, associated with the transformation of the world on the basis of beauty; hedonistic, giving a person joy and special spiritual pleasure; cognitive, learning the world and man in figurative and artistic forms; educational, shaping a person’s personality by influencing his actions and actions; compensatory, compensating for a person’s dissatisfaction with real life; communicative, being effective means communication in the cultural space.

At the heart of art is the concept of beauty. It is human nature to strive for beauty, since the need to give an aesthetic assessment to the phenomena of reality is inherent in his nature. Beauty can be found everywhere - in nature, technology, human relationships. However, in art the beautiful is in the foreground and is the main object of reflection. Unfortunately, in modern art the difference between beauty and ugliness is often ignored, and even an “aesthetics of schizophrenia” is being developed. But it is not ugliness, but only beauty in art that can evoke aesthetic experience and pleasure in a person.

Art is one of the forms of knowledge of life. Directly following life, concretely embracing it, art often gives such full picture, illuminates such important life details that go unnoticed even social sciences. Art understands the world in figurative and artistic forms, which combine the real and the ideal, the individual and the typical, the figurative and the expressive. Through artistic images, with the power of fantasy and imagination, a person can be transported to any country, any era, acquiring knowledge and experience that would never be available to him in his real life. The role of art is especially great in understanding the spiritual world of man. It penetrates into the deep processes of personality psychology, reveals the most complex interaction of thoughts, feelings and will.

Art educates and shapes a person’s personality, his attitude to life, and allows him to better understand his place in life. Helping to shape human behavior in certain life situations, art becomes a textbook for life. It helps him choose the right path in life, teaches him kindness, courage, justice, honesty, hard work - in a word, everything beautiful that is characteristic of people. Through examples and ideals, art morally influences a person, orients and improves him morally. Therefore, the now fashionable practice of provoking biological reactions in him is by no means a tribute to realism, but an accelerated path to the loss of his civilized appearance, because highest goal art - the elevation of man to the ideal, the message to him is true human qualities, its cultivation.

A remarkable property of art is its ability to unite people, to evoke the same feelings and thoughts in them. This allows it to play a special role in the system of interethnic and interhuman understanding, turning it into a universal language of international communication. It brings peoples together and allows them to get to know each other better.

It is also very important that art can bring people closer to the greatest spiritual treasures of humanity, giving them the opportunity to get closer to the thoughts and feelings of geniuses.

Art is a fairly independent and important sphere of society’s culture, but it actively interacts with other forms of spiritual culture - religion, morality, science, philosophy.

Each work of art represents the result of human activity, behind which stands the personality of the artist. To become an artist, you must have the appropriate natural talent. Every person has a certain amount of artistic ability. But artistic ability in the artist they appear in a particularly developed and concentrated form. An artist, as a rule, has versatility, special flexibility of perception and a breadth of life.

The power of art lies in its accessibility to everyone. But this does not mean that the perception of art does not require preparation. You need to learn to read a book, watch a picture, listen to music. The perception of art is also a talent, spiritual work, a creative act that requires a person to exert his emotions, feelings, imagination, will and intellect. The more a person learns in the field of artistic culture, the brighter and deeper he perceives a work of art.