Racial ethnic linguistic religious composition of the world population. Ethnic composition of the world population

Introduction 3
1 Ethnic and religious composition population Russian Federation and its impact on socio-economic development 4
1.1 Ethnic and religious composition of the population of the Russian Federation 4
1.2 The largest nations and nationalities of the Russian Federation in terms of numbers and their location on the territory of the Russian Federation 7
1.3 The influence of ethno-religious composition on the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation 10
2 Industries of specialization of the Central and East Siberian economic regions 12
2.1 Industries of specialization of the Central Economic Region 12
2.2 Industries of specialization of the East Siberian economic region 15
Conclusion 18
List of sources used 19


Modern humanity is a rather complex ethnic system, which includes several thousand different kinds of ethnic communities (nations, nationalities, tribes, ethnic groups and so on.). Moreover, they all differ from each other both in their numbers and in their level of development. The unevenness of socio-economic, ethnic and demographic processes in the development of the peoples of the world was reflected in its own way in political map peace. All ethnic communities inhabiting the planet are part of just over 200 states. Therefore the majority modern states multi-ethnic.
Vast territories of our country are inhabited by various nationalities and nations. In this regard, the relevance of the chosen topic is manifested.
Goals test work are a consideration of the ethnic and religious composition of the population of the Russian Federation, as well as the determination of the branches of specialization of the Central and East Siberian economic regions.
Based on the goals set, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
1. Determine the ethnic and religious composition of the population of the Russian Federation;
2. Identify the largest nations and nationalities of the Russian Federation in terms of population, and also consider their location on the territory of Russia;
3. Determine the influence of ethno-religious composition on the social economic development RF;
4. Consider the main sectors of specialization of the Central and East Siberian economic regions.
The object of the study is the Russian Federation. The subject of the study is the national and religious composition of the population.
To write this test work, the works of Russian and foreign scientists were used, such as

1 Ethnic and religious composition of the population of the Russian Federation and its impact on socio-economic development

1.1 Ethnic and religious composition of the population of the Russian Federation

Russia is home to more than 160 peoples and nationalities, belonging mainly to four language families: Indo-European (87% of the population), Altai (8%), Ural (2%) and North Caucasian (2%).
Data for the 23 largest groups (96% of the country's population) are as follows (Table 1).
Table 1. Ethnic composition of the population of the Russian Federation in 2002

2002 1989 2002 as a percentage of 1989
thousands of people % to total thousands of people % to total
Whole population 145164 100 147022 100 98,74
Russians 115869 79,82 119866 81,54 96,67
Tatars 5558 3,83 5522,1 3,76 100,65
Ukrainians 2943,5 2,03 4362,9 2,97 67,47
Bashkirs 1673,8 1,15 1345,3 0,92 124,42
Chuvash 1637,2 1,13 1773,6 1,21 92,31
Chechens 1361 0,94 899 0,61 151,39
Armenians 1130,2 0,78 532,4 0,36 212,28
Mordovians 844,5 0,58 1072,9 0,73 78,71
Belarusians 814,7 0,56 1206,2 0,82 67,54
Avars 757,1* 0,52 544,0** 0,37 139,17
Kazakhs 655,1 0,45 635,9 0,43 103,02
Udmurts 636,9 0,44 714,8 0,49 89,1
Azerbaijanis 621,5 0,43 335,9 0,23 185,03
Mari 604,8 0,42 643,7 0,44 93,96
Germans 597,1 0,41 842,3 0,57 70,89
Kabardians 520,1 0,36 386,1 0,26 134,71
Ossetians 514,9 0,35 402,3 0,27 127,99
Dargins 510,2* 0,35 353,3** 0,24 144,41
Buryats 445,3 0,31 417,4 0,28 106,68
Yakuts 444 0,31 380,2 0,26 116,78
Kumyks 422,5 0,29 277,2 0,19 152,42
Ingush 411,8 0,28 215,1 0,15 191,45
Lezgins 411,6 0,28 257,3 0,18 159,97
others and not specified 5780 3,98 4036,1 2,7 143,21
The census showed the groundlessness of fears about a catastrophic reduction in the number of ethnic Russians. The number of Russians decreased by 3%, and their share in the country’s population decreased by 2% (Fig. 1). The main reason for the decline is the low birth rate and high death rate. This is associated with low number of children and high mortality. A secondary factor in the reduction is migration outflow. In general, migration plays a positive role, compensating for the decline in the Russian population. An additional source of demographic replenishment is assimilation in favor of the Russian language and ethnic identity among other groups. In general, we can talk about the numerical stagnation of Russians with a tendency to decline due to demographic aging.

Figure 1. The share of Russians in the population of Russia according to the population censuses of 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 and 2002, in%
A slight reduction was also recorded among the Mari, Udmurts, Chuvash, Mordvins, Khakass, Komi and some others. Some categories, on the contrary, have grown in number (Avars, Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Bashkirs, Buryats, Dargins, Kabardians, Kumyks, Lezgins, Ossetians, Chechens, Ingush, Yakuts). However, this did not cause any radical changes in the ethnic composition of the country's population, except for a strong decrease in the number of Ukrainians, Jews and Germans (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Dynamics of the number of Ukrainians, Jews and Germans according to the censuses of 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 and 2002 (1989 = 100%)
Changes in the national composition are due to three factors:
First factor associated with differences in vital movements of the population;
The second factor is processes in external migration;
The third factor is associated with the processes of change in ethnic identity under the influence of mixed marriages and other phenomena.
Religious composition of the population:
Among the inhabitants of Russia there are peoples who traditionally profess all three world religions - Christianity of the Eastern tradition, or Orthodoxy, Islam and Buddhism. As a result, most of the country's religious map is painted in three colors.
Orthodoxy is traditionally practiced by Slavic peoples - Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians. This religion is widespread in many regions of the country. Islam is widespread mainly in the Volga region, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, the Urals and the North Caucasus. In the North Caucasus, almost all peoples traditionally profess Islam. The only exceptions are the Ossetians, most of who profess Orthodoxy, which came here from Georgia and Byzantium. Buddhism is professed by three Russian ethnic groups - Buryats, Kalmyks and Tuvans, respectively, Buddhism is widespread in the places where these peoples live - in the republics of Buryatia, Kalmykia, Tuva. There are Buddhist communities in various cities and regions of the European part of Russia and in Siberia.
Along with the listed religions, in Russia there are also such Christian denominations as Catholicism and Protestantism. Judaism also became widespread. In the north of Siberia and the Far East, part of the population (Chukchi, Eskimos, Koryaks, part of the Nenets, Khanty, etc.) adhere to traditional beliefs that are closely related to their everyday life and activities, with surrounding nature. Most often these beliefs take the form of shamanism.

1.2 The largest nations and nationalities of the Russian Federation in terms of numbers and their location on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Russia is one of the most multinational states in the world.
The Russian population ranks first - 80%.
The second place in terms of population is occupied by Tatars - 4%
Ukrainians occupy third place – 3% of the population
Fourth place – Chuvash 1.2%
Then Bashkirs - 0.9%, Belarusians - 0.8%, Mordovians - 0.7%, Germans and Chechens - 0.6% each, Avars, Armenians, Jews - 0.4% each, etc.
The share of nations is shown on the map (Figure 3).

Figure 3-Peoples of Russia in the republics and autonomous entities of the Russian Federation
The map gives an idea of ​​the share of titular nations in the republics and autonomous entities of the Russian Federation. The titular peoples include those peoples who have their own national-territorial formations on the territory of Russia. Depending on the number of representatives of the titular nation in the subject (from 50% or more; from 30% to 50%; less than 30%), republics and autonomous entities divided into three groups.
Let us characterize individual nationalities.
AzerbaijanisAccording to the 2002 Population Census, the number of Azerbaijanis living in Russia is 621 thousand people.
Altaians- indigenous people Altai Republic, Altai Territory, Kemerovo Region. The number in Russia is 69.4 thousand people, including 59.1 thousand people in the Altai Republic. They also live in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, etc. According to the 2002 Population Census, the number of Altaians living in Russia is 67 thousand people.
Kalmyks. The main population of Kalmykia (146 thousand people) also live in the Astrakhan, Volgograd, Rostov, Orenburg regions, Stavropol Territory, Siberia, etc. The bulk of believers are Buddhists, some are Orthodox. According to the 2002 Population Census, the number of Kalmyks living in Russia is 174 thousand people.
Kyrgyz. Believers are Sunni Muslims. According to the 2002 Population Census, the number of Kyrgyz living in Russia is 32 thousand people.
Komi-Permyaks, people in Russia. Population 147.3 thousand people, indigenous population of the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug (95.4 thousand) and part of the Perm region. The bulk of the Komi-Permyaks are settled within the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug, where they make up 60% of the population. Komi-Permyaks, who got their name from their place of settlement. The Yazva Komi-Permyaks live in the Perm region in the basin of the Yazva River (a tributary of the Vishera). According to some estimates, there are about 2 thousand people. Zyuzdinsky Komi-Permyaks live mainly in the former Zyuzdinsky (now Afanasyevsky) district of the Kirov region, bordering the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug. According to the 2002 Population Census, the number of Komi-Permyaks living in Russia is 125 thousand people.
Mordva, people in Russia, indigenous population of Mordovia. The population in Russia is 1072.9 thousand people, including in Mordovia 313.4 thousand people, in Bashkiria (31.9 thousand people), Tataria (28.9 thousand people), Chuvashia (18.7 thousand). people), Samara (116.5 thousand people), Penza (86.4 thousand people), Orenburg (68.9 thousand people), Ulyanovsk (61.6 thousand people), Nizhny Novgorod (36.7 thousand people). people), Saratov region (23.4 thousand people), in Siberia and the Far East (more than 80 thousand people). They also live in Kazakhstan (30 thousand people), Ukraine (19.3 thousand people), and Uzbekistan (11.9 thousand people). According to the 2002 Population Census, the number of Mordovians living in Russia is 845 thousand people.
Selkups, people in the Russian Federation. Number of people: 3600. They live in the Krasnoselkupsky district of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and other areas of the Tyumen region (1,600 people), in the Kargasoksky, Parabelsky, Verkhneketsky districts and the rural territory of the Kolpashevsky City Council of the Tomsk region (1,350 people), a small group in the Turukhansky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. They speak the Selkup language of the Samoyed group of the Ural family. The Russian language is also widespread. According to the 2002 Population Census, the number of Selkups living in Russia is 4 thousand people.
Tatars are a people in Russia, the main population of Tatarstan. The number of people in Russia is 5522 thousand people, incl. in Tatarstan 1765.4 thousand people, Bashkiria 1120.7 thousand people, Udmurtia 110.5 thousand people, Mordovia 47.3 thousand people, Mari Republic 43.8 thousand people, Chuvashia 35.7 thousand people, as well as in the regions of the Volga-Ural region, Western and Eastern Siberia and in the Far East. Also living in Kazakhstan are 327.9 thousand people, Uzbekistan 467.8 thousand people, Tajikistan 72.2 thousand people, Kyrgyzstan 70.5 thousand people, Turkmenistan 39.2 thousand people, Azerbaijan 28 thousand people, on In Ukraine there are 86.9 thousand people, in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia there are about 14 thousand people. The total number is 6710 thousand people. According to the 2002 Population Census, the number of Tatars living in Russia is 5 million 558 thousand people.
1.3 The influence of ethno-religious composition on the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation

Table 2 below provides an analysis of the influence of major religions and denominations on the economic development of Russia.

Table 2 - The influence of the world's main religions and confessions on the economic development of Russia
Confession (religion) Ratio of income per person in Russia compared to other countries A comment
Christians in general 5,1 Christian countries are five times richer than all other countries in the world. Christianity has the most positive influence on the economies of the world compared to other religions and ideologies
Protestants 7,95 Protestant countries are eight times richer than all other countries in the world
Catholics 1,49 Catholic countries are one and a half times richer than all other countries in the world.
Orthodox 0,81 Orthodox countries are 1.24 times poorer than all other countries in the world.
Muslims 0,23 Muslim countries are 4.4 times poorer than the rest of the world.
Buddhism 0,15 Buddhist countries are 6.7 times poorer than the rest of the world.
Hinduism 0,086 Hindu countries are 11.6 times poorer than the rest of the world. Of all the world's religions, Hinduism has the most Negative influence on the economies of the world.
Atheism 0,084 Atheist countries are 11.9 times poorer than the rest of the world. The more atheists in a country, the poorer that country is. Atheism as an ideology has the worst impact on the economies of the world.
Christian sects 0,26 Sectarian countries are 3.8 times poorer than the rest of the world.
Communist ideology 0,197 Communist countries are 5 times poorer than the rest of the world.

The table shows that Christianity has the greatest positive impact on the economies of the world compared to other religions and ideologies.

2 Industries of specialization of the Central and East Siberian economic regions

In the economy of any country, region, or region of the world, two functionally heterogeneous groups of industries are distinguished: specializing and servicing.

Sectors of specialization play a leading role in the economic structure of countries and regions and determine their place in the territorial (international, interregional) division of labor. For this reason, industries of specialization are also called core industries, industries of international (interregional) importance.

The specialization of countries and regions is the result of the territorial division of labor; it is due to the ability to produce on their territory certain types of products in quantities significantly exceeding local needs, with relatively low labor costs, that is, the opportunity to develop industries whose products are competitive in the foreign market and are primarily oriented for export.

Thus, the main characteristic feature and distinctive feature of specialization industries is large scale (volumes) and efficiency of production, participation in the territorial exchange (export) of manufactured products.

Sectors of specialization include a vital role not only in the production and export of products, but also in influencing the location of productive forces (the region-forming function of the industry), since it is these industries that serve as the core in the territory, attracting auxiliary service and other complementary industries.

2.1 Industries of specialization of the Central Economic Region

The leading branch of market specialization is highly developed diversified mechanical engineering, which specializes in the production of automobiles, machine tools, tools, instruments, electrical equipment and equipment for the light and food industries. Mechanical engineering in the Central region is characterized by the production of a wide range of products and a high share of the all-Union production of such products as electric motors, machine tools, instruments for monitoring and regulating technological processes, equipment for the forestry, textile, light, food industries, cars, etc. The electronics and radio engineering industry is developed.

The main place in mechanical engineering belongs to transport engineering, which is represented by the production of cars, diesel locomotives, carriages and river vessels. The share of the automotive industry alone in the structure of mechanical engineering is very significant. A major automotive manufacturing center is Moscow, where there are production associations named after I.A. Likhachev (ZIL), the AZLK production association, which produces Moskvich passenger cars. There is a bus plant in Likino-Dulevo (Moscow region). One of the country's largest transport engineering plants is the Kolomensky Diesel Locomotive Plant (Moscow region). The production of shunting diesel locomotives was established at Lyudinovsky (Kaluga region) and Muromsky ( Vladimir region) factories.

Car manufacturing is also developed in the Central region, represented by the Tver Carriage Plant, which produces passenger cars for long-distance trains and electric trains, and the Mytishchi Plant, which produces passenger cars and cars for the metro. Isothermal railcars are produced in Bryansk. Moscow, Rybinsk ( Yaroslavl region) and Kostroma are centers of river shipbuilding and ship repair.

The main center of machine tool manufacturing is Moscow. Here are factories such as “Red Proletary”, which produces serial semi-automatic and automatic machines, the plant named after. Ordzhonikidze, specializing in the production of complex automatic lines and modular machines. Moscow is the largest center for the production of tools (plants “Calibr”, “Frezer”, etc.). Ryazan and Kolomna became major centers of machine tool manufacturing.

The central region has a leading position in the country in the production of instruments, automation equipment and control systems. The main center of this industry is Moscow (factories “Energopribor”, “Fizpribor”, “Manometer”, etc.). Instrument making is also developed in Vladimir, Ryazan, Smolensk and other cities.

Electrical engineering is represented by the Moscow plants "Dynamo", "Moskabel" and plants in Kaluga, Yaroslavl, Alexandrov (Vladimir region).

Tractors and agricultural machinery are also produced in the region. Thus, in Lyubertsy self-propelled combines and mowing machines are produced, in Vladimir - wheeled tractors, in Bezhetsk (Tver region) - flax harvesting machines, in Ryazan and Tula - a variety of agricultural machines and implements.

In Moscow, Ivanovo, Kimovsk ( Tula region) equipment for light industry is manufactured, in Podolsk - for the clothing industry, in Tula - for the knitting industry. There is a printing equipment plant in Rybinsk.

The most important branch of market specialization is the chemical industry. Using local raw materials, the production of mineral fertilizers has been developed, in particular, superphosphate and phosphate rock (in Voskresensk, Moscow region and Polpin, Bryansk region), the production of caustic and soda ash, as well as the production of sulfuric acid, is growing. Novomoskovsk Chemical Plant (Tula Region) produces nitrogen fertilizers and pesticides for agriculture. Nitrogen fertilizers are also produced at the Shchekino Chemical Plant (Tula Region) and in Dorogobuzh (Smolensk Region) at the natural gas, coming from North Caucasus.

The region has developed organic synthesis chemistry, whose enterprises produce synthetic rubber, artificial fibers, and plastics. Synthetic rubber factories are located in Yaroslavl and Efremov (Tula region). They operate tire factories in Moscow and Yaroslavl and a number of rubber plants. Chemical fibers are produced in Tver, Klin, Serpukhov (Moscow region). A new artificial fiber plant was built in Ryazan. Plastic masses are produced in Moscow, Orekhovo-Zuevo (Moscow region) and other cities. The production of photochemical products, medicines, dyes, varnishes and perfumes is widely developed.

The textile industry, the oldest industry in the region, is also an industry of market specialization and occupies a leading place in the country in the production of cotton, wool, linen and silk fabrics. The central region produces more than 85% of all fabrics produced in the country. The cotton industry is represented by the Trekhgornaya Manufactory plant in Moscow, the Glukhovsky Cotton Plant in Noginsk, and a number of plants in Ivanovo, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Tver, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Yartsevo (Smolensk region).

The central region is a large producer of linen fabrics. The main centers of their production: Kostroma, Nerekhta (Kostroma region), Vyazniki (Vladimir region), Gavrilov-Yam (Yaroslavl region) and Smolensk. Enterprises producing woolen fabrics are located in Moscow and its environs, in Bryansk, Ivanovo, Borovsk (Kaluga region). The silk industry is developed in Moscow, in Kirzhach (Vladimir region), Naro-Fominsk (Moscow region), Tver and other cities.

The district's shoe industry produces 12% of the leather shoes produced in the country. Shoe factories are located in Moscow, Yaroslavl, Tver, Ivanovo and other regions. The largest enterprise in the leather and footwear industry is the Moscow factory. "Paris Commune".

The Central region is also characterized by a powerful printing industry. It is an industry of market specialization. In Moscow there are the largest printing plants “Pravda”, “Izvestia” and others, supplying the whole country with their products. The printing industry is also developed in Tver, Vladimir, and Yaroslavl.

Industries that complement the territorial complex. The food industry is developed, represented by enterprises producing confectionery, pasta, bakery, meat, dairy, alcohol and tobacco products. The largest food industry enterprises are located in Moscow. These are the Moscow Meat Processing Plant, the confectionery factories “Red October”, “Rot-Front”, the perfume and cosmetics factories “Novaya Zarya” and “Svoboda”.

A unified energy system has been created in the Central region. It included powerful thermal power plants - Novomoskovskaya, Cherepetskaya (Tula region), Shchekinskaya, Yaroslavlskaya, Kashirskaya, Kostromskaya, Moscow Thermal Power Plant, Konakovskaya, etc. The Smolensk and Tver nuclear power plants were commissioned.

2.2 Industries of specialization of the East Siberian economic region

The sectors of market specialization of the region, which determine its place in the territorial division of labor, include the coal industry, energy, non-ferrous metallurgy, some chemical industries, forestry and fur fishing.

The basis of the industrial complex is the fuel and energy industry, which is based on the use of hydropower resources and coal. Operating large hydroelectric power stations: Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk and small ones - Irkutsk, Khanty and Mayskaya.

Large thermal power plants are located in Angarsk, Berezovsk, Tulun, Chernogorsk, Gusinoozersk, Nazarovo and Norilsk. A large oil refining industry has been created in the region, represented by the Angarsk and Achinsk plants.

In Krasnoyarsk, on the basis of an experimental metallurgical plant, an enterprise in this industry was created - the Sibelektrostal plant. Its products are high-quality metal smelted in electric furnaces.

In addition, there is small-scale metallurgy - open-hearth furnaces of large machine-building plants: the Krasnoyarsk Heavy Engineering Plant and the Irkutsk Plant named after. V.V. Kuibysheva.

A large aluminum industry complex has developed in the Angara-Yenisei region, with enterprises located in Shelikhov, Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk and Sayansk. A large alumina refinery has been created in Achinsk to process nephelines from the Kiya-Shaltyrskoye deposit, which simultaneously produces cement, potash, and soda.

The mica industry has developed in the Irkutsk region.

Enterprises of the chemical and petrochemical industry of the region are located in Angarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Zima, Usolye-Sibirskoye, Belozimenskoye and Achinsk. There is a production association here that produces impact-resistant polystyrene, thermoplastics, plastics, benzene, etc.

In Krasnoyarsk there are enterprises for the hydrolysis of wood, the production of cord fabric, rubber, tires, etc. In Zima there is an electromechanical plant that produces caustic soda and organochlorine products. As a raw material base, he uses local table salt, as well as intermediate products from the Angarsk oil refinery. The Usolsky chemical plant operates in close cooperation with the Angarsk petrochemical complex. Its products include chlorine, caustic salt, calcium carbide, paints and varnishes and other products of organochlorine synthesis.


1. To introduce the peculiarities of the national and religious composition of Russia, with the distribution of people throughout the country.

2. Foster citizenship and patriotism, respect for the culture and history of your country and the peoples inhabiting it.

3. Practice the ability to generalize and systematize knowledge.


Wall maps: “Political and administrative map of Russia”, “Peoples of Russia”, dictionaries, atlases of Russia, atlases of the Volgograd region.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Checking the house. tasks - Testing

We will conduct testing followed by mutual verification (answers are given) sign the work


  1. Population of Russia (millions)

A) 280 b) 354 c) 145

2.Russia’s place by number of inhabitants

A)3 b)6 c)7

3. Natural growth

A) dead b) born c) difference


A) decrease b) renewal c) growth

5.Ratio of men and women in Russia

A)58:72 b)30:60 c)50:75

3. Announcing the topic of the lesson

Please look at the words written on the board:


– Which of you can explain the meaning of these words?

– What are these concepts related to?

How many of you guessed what topic we will study today? Right

Today in class we will continue our acquaintance with the peoples of Russia and find out: what is National composition the population of Russia and how it changed; religious affiliation of peoples.

Write down the topic of the lesson: “Ethnic, national, religious composition of the population of Russia.”(on the board)

– we will work with you according to the following plan: On the desk

1. Language composition population of Russia.

2. Distribution of peoples across the territory.

3. Features of the national composition of the Volgograd region.

4. Religious composition of the Russian population.

5.Practical work.

Our lesson will be held under the epigraph: “from the southern seas to the polar region

Our forests and fields are spread out.

You are the only one in the world, you are the only one...

God-protected, native land!

3. Studying a new topic.

Introductory word from the teacher.

1. Our Motherland is great. Its expanses are vast and beautiful. But the most beautiful thing is our people. Lives in our country great amount There are more than 120 peoples, large and small. But large and small ethnic groups have made and are making their contribution to the development of the country and its culture. Let's remember what ethnicity is? (textbook page-191)

2. 1. Multimedia illustrations-map of nations

What peoples now live on the territory of Russia, and how are they located on the territory of Russia? One glance is enough to see that Russia is a multinational state.

What indicates multinationality? (variety of background colors)

Russia is a multinational country, which means it is also multilingual. Scientists count more than 150 languages. Here, both Russian, which is spoken by 98% of the population in Russia, and the languages ​​of small nations, whose number is only a few dozen, are taken into account on equal terms. Some languages ​​are very similar; people can each speak their own language and still understand each other perfectly. For example, Russian - Belarusian, Tatar - Bashkir, Kalmyk - Buryat. Because groups of languages ​​have a common ancestor language - a proto-language. Ancient tribes who spoke one of these languages ​​moved, mixed with other peoples, and a single language split into several. This is how many similar languages ​​arose. Based on the similarity of languages, the peoples of Russia belong to 4 large language families. Classification of peoples based on the proximity of languages. This choice is justified: the similarity of languages ​​in most cases indicates the kinship of peoples, their common origin.

3. Open the atlas for 9th grade - page 8 - “Peoples of Russia”. All peoples are united into linguistic groups, and groups into families. Read what language families are represented in Russia. Let's take a closer look at them.

4.Working with a table(Alekseev’s textbook 9th grade)

Which language family is the largest? Yes, 89% of the country's population belongs to the Indo-European family.

Let's consider what language groups the Indo-European family is divided into, what peoples belong to it?

Which group is the most numerous and what peoples can be identified in this group?

Using conventional signs, determine in the atlas where these peoples live? -What else large nations Can this family be distinguished from other groups?

Which people of this family are the smallest?

Listen to the sound of the names language families: Indo-European, Altai, Caucasian, Ural. Why are they called that?

2. And now, you follow the same plan (on everyone’s desk)

(language family, language groups, peoples, the most numerous, the smallest, area of ​​residence) using a table and map, try to characterize other language families yourself. 1st row – Altai, 2nd row – Ural-Yukaghir, 3rd row – North Caucasian (answers)

3. We got acquainted with different peoples, now we will once again highlight the most numerous families, groups, and peoples. numbers according to the table.

Look at the Russian flag. White-blue-red. Why Peter 1 chose these colors, there are different versions. I want to offer another symbolic version. Red – had ritual significance among Slavic peoples, blue is the color of the sky, sacred to Turkic peoples, white – the color of snow – traditional for Ural peoples, and the longevity of the flag is akin to the Caucasian people
Slavs, Turks, representatives of the Ural-Yukaghir family and the North Caucasian family, as we just found out, make up the majority, 95% of the population of Russia, the white-blue-red flag of our Motherland can be called a kind of ethnographic map.

4. What is the national composition of the population of our Volgograd region?(on a separate sheet)

5 . Our school is also multinational. Children of three nationalities study there. These are Russians, Chechens, Kazakhs. Our school numbers:

Kazakhs -26; Russians-13; Chechens -10

And we all try to live together.

Article 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

A huge number of peoples inhabit Russia. Every nation is unique, has its own culture, traditions, even character traits(showing photos, multimedia illustrations. Messages, reports on different peoples) . Every nation is unique and talented. We are all different, and at the same time the representatives different nationalities there are many similarities.

So, what conclusions can we draw on the national composition of Russia, on its formation, on the relationship between peoples?

Conclusions: (write in notebook)

1. Russia is a multinational state.

2. The national composition was formed under the influence of historical, economic and political factors.

3. Relations should be built on respect for language, traditions, culture, and customs of peoples.

6. We discussed the national composition, and now we will look at the religious (confessional) composition.

Look at the map of religions - what are the main religions in Russia? (multimedia movie.)

- Which religion predominates ( Orthodoxy).

Compare the map of religions and peoples of Russia. Name the peoples who profess Orthodoxy? Church - film

What religion do the rest of the peoples of the North Caucasus profess?(Islam) What other peoples practice Islam?. Mosque -movie

What is the third religion?(Buddhism). It is professed by only three peoples in Russia, try to identify them correctly Temple-film

What other religions are represented in Russia? (traditional, North)

Consolidation. Practical work: “Define your place among the peoples of Russia”

I hope that you have determined which language family or group your people belong to. I propose, according to the plan (on everyone’s desk), to characterize the people of which you are a representative. 1 – name of the ethnic group, 2 – language family, 3 – language group, 4 – number, 5 – area of ​​settlement, 6 – religion. (children's answers).

6. Summing up the lesson.

What new things have you learned?

Is this topic important for you personally and for the country? Why?

What quality do you need to cultivate in yourself? Why? (tolerance)

At home: §40. Write questions in your notebook after the text.

The globe is inhabited by many peoples (ethnic groups) who are at various stages of socio-economic and cultural development. Ethnic groups are historically established stable populations of people in certain territories who have a common language and common relatively stable cultural characteristics. Historically, the earliest type of ethnic group is the tribe. In the process of the disintegration of the primitive communal system, the new form ethnicity - nationality. The first nations were formed during the slave era. The process of formation of nationalities developed especially widely during the period of feudalism. With the development of capitalist relations and the strengthening of economic and cultural ties, the disunity characteristic of nationalities is eliminated, and they cease to exist in the nation. Nations are distinguished by a stable commonality of territory, economy and culture, common language, general features of national character, clear ethnic identity. But the three-member division of ethnic groups (tribe - nationality - nation) with the division of nations does not reflect the entire diversity of forms of ethnic communities existing on Earth. The picture is complicated by the transitional ethnic groups that exist in many countries (especially in countries of immigration) - immigrants, as well as their descendants, who have partially undergone assimilation by the main nation. They have not yet completely broken away from the people of their native country and have not completely merged into the ethnic group of the host country. their countries (such groups include, for example, Germans, Swedes, Italians, etc. in the USA and Canada). Peculiar “border” groups are also formed outside ethnic boundaries, where two or more peoples are in contact. A characteristic feature of all these groups is the presence dual ethnic identity. The above three-member division also does not take into account the existence of ethnic communities of different taxonomic levels. For example, Pomors - a separate group of Russians, Russians (people, or ethnic group), Eastern Slavs, and finally, Slavs in general - have different taxonomic ranks. and who grew up in the central regions of Russia and in national-territorial entities, formally are one nation, in fact - independent groups. The same set of people can simultaneously be part of several ethnic communities of different ranks, which creates a kind of hierarchy. The opposite processes of ethnic division were characteristic of pre-class society, when population growth led to the division of tribes and the settlement of people around the globe. But in some regions of the world, ethnic division processes continued to play a significant role later. Let us recall that the resettlement of Europeans to America, Australia and partly Africa was accompanied by the formation of new ethnic groups there. New peoples also emerged when single ethnic groups were divided by changing state borders. Among the processes of ethnic unification, consolidation, assimilation, interethnic integration and ethnogenetic fixation are distinguished. Sometimes ethnic development is complex nature, and these processes occur simultaneously. Consolidation is the merging of several related ethnic groups (tribes, nationalities) into a larger nation or the further unification of an established nation as it develops socio-economically and culturally. In the first case we're talking about about inter-ethnic consolidation, in the second - intra-ethnic. Interethnic consolidation accelerates in the case of close kinship between peoples and the similarity of their languages ​​and culture. This process has happened or is happening in many countries around the world. Within any nation there are groups that retain some differences from the main ethnic group. Such groups, called ethnographic (nowadays they are often called subethnic groups), represent isolated parts of a nationality or nation, the culture and way of life of which retain some features (they have their own dialects or dialects, have specific material and spiritual culture, and may differ religiously etc.). Ethnographic groups are often formed when a nationality or nation assimilates a foreign group. Groups are distinguished that differ from the main part of the ethnic group in religious terms. For example, within many of the consolidating nations of Asia and Africa. There are also communities that embrace an entire group of peoples, the so-called meta-ethnic, or supra-ethnic, communities. They unite several peoples who have acquired elements of a common self-awareness, based on ethnogenetic proximity or on long-term cultural interaction, and in a class society, on political ties. Such communities include, for example, Slavic, Roman, Mongolian and other peoples, close not only in languages, but also to a certain extent in culture and way of life. Ethno-confessional meta-ethnic communities developed mainly in the feudal era. For example, Hinduism had a huge influence on the entire social and cultural life of the multilingual peoples of South Asia. Determination of the national composition of the population in various countries ah of the world is a complex matter, because in connection with the development of the processes of assimilation and consolidation in many countries there are quite large groups of the population with transitional forms of culture and national identity. Moreover, it is not necessary to establish what this or that population group represents: whether it is a people (ethnic group), part of a people (subethnic group, ethnographic group), a group of peoples (an interethnic community) or some other community (political, racial, religious) etc.). It must be emphasized that the forms of ethnic community change and become more complex with the development of human society, that is, the national composition of the world's population is constantly evolving. Its development is influenced by various factors. This is also territorial contrast, heterogeneity of natural population movement: some nations have a higher natural increase than others. This includes migration and ethnicity. And the processes of consolidation and assimilation of ethnic groups. Population registration, as we have already noted, is carried out in most countries of the world. However, in many censuses (which in some countries are regularly conducted with late XVIII -- early XIX c.) the national composition of the population is either not determined at all, or is not determined reliably enough. At first, when the concept of “nationality” had not yet been formulated, the tasks of censuses were reduced to recording the languages ​​of the population. Before the First World War, the question of language was included in the census programs of a number of multinational countries in Europe (Belgium, Switzerland, Austria-Hungary), the USA, India, and Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). Question about native language was also asked in the first Russian census in 1897. A direct question about ethnicity (“nationality”) was included only in 1920 in the program of the first Soviet population census. The question about mother tongue (language, as is known, is one of the ethnic determinants) is found in the censuses of a fairly large number of countries, sometimes together with the question about nationality, but more often without the last question (Finland, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, Greece, Turkey , Pakistan, India, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, etc.). In some censuses there are sometimes other questions (tribal, caste, race and religion, country of origin or birth, citizenship) that help correct data on the main ethnic determinants (nationality and language), and in the absence of the latter (which is typical for censuses in many countries of the world) Can be used as indirect data to determine the national composition of the population of a particular country. National factors may overlap with religious ones. For example, in Bulgaria, the definition of nationality is still guided by religion (for example, Muslims are considered Turks regardless of their actual nationality). During the schism of the Bulgarian exarchism, the question of whether someone considered himself an exarchist or a patriarchist (follower of the Orthodox Church of Constantinople) was tantamount to the question of whether he considered himself a Bulgarian or a Greek. The most tragic interethnic conflict between Turkey and Greece in the 1920s, which ended in an “exchange of population,” occurred not on a national basis, but on a religious basis, since Muslims who permanently lived in Greece (especially many of them lived in Crete) had already been At least three generations spoke Greek, and conversely, Christians in Turkey considered Turkish their native language. In the USSR, such autonomies as Adjara and Gorno-Badakhshan were also formed on religious, and not strictly national, grounds.


The ethnic composition of the population is the result of a long historical process mixing and relocation of representatives of different races and ethnic groups. In total there are 3-4 thousand ethnic groups in the world. Some of them have turned into nations, others are nationalities and tribes. The classification of ethnic groups is carried out according to various criteria, the main ones being numbers and language. The vast majority of peoples are small in number. There are about 310 peoples in the world with more than 1 million people, but they make up 96% of the world's population. More than 100 million people comprise 7 nations: Chinese, Hindustanis, US Americans, Russians, Brazilians, Japanese and Bengalis. The structure of the population is also distinguished by language and linguistic classification. This classification allows peoples to be united into language groups with related languages. The largest language family is Indo-European. The languages ​​of this family are spoken by more than 150 peoples of the world, total number 2.5 billion people. Over 1 billion people speak a language of the Sino-Tibetan language family. Depending on the extent to which national boundaries coincide with political ones, single-national states arise ( Western Europe, Latin America) and multinational states(India, Russia). In accordance with the nature of the ethnic (national) composition of the population, 5 types of states are distinguished. IN Lately Conflicts on national and religious grounds that have occurred throughout human history have intensified even more. Perhaps the most violent clashes occur in last years in the CIS. The Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences has prepared a special map that shows 70 hotbeds of territorial and ethnic confrontations and conflicts.


1. http://big-archive.ru/geography/geography_of_the_USSR/46.php

2. http://geopoliton.ucoz.ru/index/0-9

3. http://studopedia.ru/1_75520_geografiya-narodov-mira.html


5. Sidorova E. New sunset old Europe- probability or inevitability // World economy and international relations. - 2008. - No. 6. - P. 104-115.

6. Ilyashev A., Bagirova A., Pavlova L. Demographic program: priorities and implementation mechanism // Economist.- 2008.- No. 6.- P.46-52.

7. http://forum182.ru/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=134


Human race- a historically established group of people who have similar external (physical) characteristics that are inherited.

Composition and structure human races, (%).

Ethnic groups (peoples)- an established stable community of people united by language, territory, economy, culture, national identity and opposing itself to all other similar groups.

In total, there are 3-4 thousand peoples, or ethnic groups, in the world, some of which have formed into nations, while others are nationalities and tribes. Naturally, with such a number of peoples, their classification is necessary. For population geography highest value have classifications of peoples, firstly, by number and, secondly, by language.

The classification of peoples by numbers indicates, first of all, the extremely large differences between them: from the Chinese, of whom there are already more than 1.3 billion, to the Vedda tribe in Sri Lanka or the Botokuds in Brazil, which number less than 1 thousand people. The bulk of the Earth's population consists of large and especially most big nations, while many hundreds of small nations account for only a few percent of the population globe. But its contribution to world culture Both large and small nations have contributed and continue to contribute.

The classification of peoples by language is based on the principle of their kinship.

All languages ​​are united into language families, which are divided into language groups. The most common of them is the Indo-European family.

The languages ​​of this family are spoken by 150 peoples with a total population of more than 2.5 billion people belonging to 11 language groups and living in all parts of the world. IN overseas Europe and America, the languages ​​of this family are spoken by 95% of the total population.

More than 1 billion people speak languages ​​of the Sino-Tibetan family, mainly Chinese, more than 250 million speak languages ​​of the Afroasiatic family, mainly Arabic. The number of most other families is much smaller.

In cases where national (ethnic) boundaries coincide with political ones, mononational states; Most of them are in Europe, Latin America, Australia and Oceania, and the Middle East. There are also binational states- Belgium, Canada. Along with these, there are many countries that represent multinational states; Some of them are home to dozens and even hundreds of peoples. In many cases they have a federal or confederal administrative-territorial structure.

Problems and tests on the topic "Racial and ethnic composition of the population"

  • Population of Eurasia - Eurasia 7th grade
  • Population size and composition - Population of the Earth 7th grade

    Lessons: 3 Assignments: 8 Tests: 1

  • Population and countries of North America - North America 7th grade

    Lessons: 3 Assignments: 9 Tests: 1

  • Population and countries of South America - South America 7th grade

    Lessons: 4 Assignments: 10 Tests: 1

  • Brazil - South America 7th grade

    Lessons: 4 Assignments: 9 Tests: 1

Leading ideas: The population represents the basis of the material life of society, an active element of our planet. People of all races, nations and nationalities are equally capable of participating in material production and in spiritual life.

Basic concepts: demography, growth rates and population growth rates, population reproduction, fertility (birth rate), mortality (mortality rate), natural increase (natural increase rate), traditional, transitional, modern type reproduction, population explosion, demographic crisis, demographic policy, migration (emigration, immigration), demographic situation, age and sex structure of the population, age and sex pyramid, EAN, labor resources, employment structure; resettlement and placement of the population; urbanization, agglomeration, megalopolis, race, ethnicity, discrimination, apartheid, world and national religions.

Skills and abilities: be able to calculate and apply indicators of reproduction, security labor resources(EAN), urbanization, etc. for individual countries and groups of countries, as well as analyze and draw conclusions (compare, generalize, determine trends and consequences of these trends), read, compare and analyze age-sex pyramids of various countries and groups of countries; Using atlas maps and other sources, characterize changes in basic indicators across the world, characterize the population of the country (region) according to the plan using atlas maps.

The ethnic composition of the world's population is the result of a long historical process. This process includes both the settlement of humanity and the adaptation of individual human communities to natural conditions specific territory, and the interaction between human communities (trade, military operations, neighborly relations, etc.) when the exchange took place cultural achievements. Historically, differences have developed that distinguish one human community from another. These differences are primarily language, historical fate, features of management, life, traditions and moral and ethical standards Everyday life. Community of territory and statehood, religion give constancy to one or another community and make it possible to define it as a phenomenon called “ethnos”.
Ethnicity is a stable social grouping of people that arose historically, developed in a certain natural environment and, in the process of development, acquired features unique to it.
Ethnicity is always a unique set of characteristics by which the ethnicity of any person can be determined. This may be the manner of dressing, greeting, eating or sleeping, using certain household equipment or household utensils, etc. That is, the basis of each ethnic group is certain stereotypes and norms that are inherited, forming a certain mental makeup and behavior (mentality). These differences are called traditional (or ethnic) culture. It develops over the course of historical time in the process of adaptation of a certain human community to the conditions of the surrounding natural environment. Human needs for food, safety, warmth encourage the search for means of subsistence in nature, stimulate the creation of tools, weapons, vehicles, construction of housing, its arrangement, etc. This is how a whole complex of elements of material culture is formed, and comprehension of the surrounding world is consolidated in rituals and associated songs, dances, stories, drawings, etc., forms the spiritual culture of a certain ethnic group. Beliefs and religion consolidate the process of formation of moral and ethical norms, values, behavioral stereotypes, and mentality. The basis for the unity of an ethnic group is a system of ethnocultural information between generations, recorded in language.
There are so many languages, so many peoples. As a rule, every nation speaks one language - their native language. The language of the indigenous (most numerous in the state) people receives state status. Bilingualism is predominantly common

in multinational countries where one of the languages ​​is the state language and the second is the native ethnic language, for example in former colonies, where the language of the former metropolis often receives the status of the state language. Already in modern history Humanity knows the facts of the creation of language as a result of constant interethnic contacts. Thus, on the basis of English, French, Spanish and the languages ​​of the local population, a creole language was formed, widespread among the population of South America, “pidgin English” (a mixture of English and Chinese), which is spoken in the cities of the Pacific coast of Asia.
There are about 3 thousand languages ​​in the world, and with dialects this figure will double. However, there are only a dozen and a half of the most common languages ​​spoken by most of humanity. These are Chinese, English, Hindi and Urdu, Spanish, Russian, Bengali, Indonesian, Arabic, Portuguese, Japanese, German, French and some others. Based on the relatedness of linguistic characteristics and origin, languages ​​are combined into language groups, and the peoples of the world are classified according to their common language and relatedness of culture, dividing them into cultural-linguistic families.
The most common cultural and linguistic family is Indo-European. The settlement area of ​​the peoples of the Indo-European language family extends from the coast of the Atlantic Ocean to the coast of the Indian Ocean. In languages Indo-European family 150 peoples communicate, living on all continents and making up the majority in Europe, North America, and Australia. In Europe, 9/10 of the population belongs to three large language groups: Germanic (Germans, Austrians, Swedes, English), Romance (Italians, French, Spaniards, Romanians), Slavic (Russians, Ukrainians, Serbs, Bulgarians, Poles). In Eurasia, peoples of the Ural (Finns, Estonians, Hungarians) and Altai (Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Azerbaijanis, Yakuts, Tatars, Turks) language families are widespread, and the most numerous in Asia is the Sino-Tibetan (Chinese, Tibetans, Burmese) language family . America was predominantly inhabited by Indo-Europeans, Indian peoples(Mayans, Aztecs, Quechuas, Caribou) live in Central and South America, in the north and west of North America live the indigenous peoples of this continent - the Eskimos and Indians. Representatives of the Afroasiatic, or Semito-Hamitic, language family (Arab peoples, Jews, Somalis, Tigre, Berbers, Hausa and others) occupy a compact area of ​​​​South-West Asia and North Africa. In sub-Saharan Africa, the population speaks languages ​​of the Niger-Kordofanian, Nilo-Saharan and Khoisan language families. In addition to large language families, there are many small language families in the world. They are found mainly in areas with complex rugged terrain, on islands, that is, here geographical features influenced the formation of ethno-linguistic diversity.
Ethnic communities represented by tribe, people, nation. A nation is a state of development of an ethnic group, characterized not only by a common origin, territory, language, culture, and the presence of a common market, but also by the creation of statehood and its characteristics, the formation of national consciousness. It is the processes of formation national identity cause national liberation movements inherent in the entire history of the 20th century. Most countries of the modern world are multinational, and the processes of interethnic relations play important role in the internal political life of countries and influence the development foreign policy. Interethnic conflicts often acquire a long-term, crisis-like character. These are the Kurdish problem in South-West Asia, the Tibet problem in China, the problem of Palestine in the Middle East. Numerous conflicts are observed in Central Africa.
Religion, an integral component of the spiritual life of mankind, is to a large extent the basis for normalizing everyday life. This or that religious worldview is reflected in the elements of the material (religious buildings) and spiritual (songs, music, rituals, etc.) culture of each people, determines not only cultural and everyday differences and features of demographic processes, but also influences the political and socio-economic situation of countries and regions.
There are three most widespread religions in the world, which are therefore called world religions: Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism. In addition, a significant part of humanity professes Hinduism, Shintoism, Confucianism, and Taoism.
Christianity is widespread on all continents. It includes three branches - Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. It is professed by more than 1/4 of humanity, of which 3/5 are Catholics, 1/3 are Protestants, 1/10 are Orthodox. Catholicism is widespread in countries Southern Europe, as well as in France, Poland, countries Latin America, selected countries of Western and Southern Africa, in the Philippines. Protestantism is dominant in Anglo-American countries and in Australia. Orthodoxy is adhered to by the Greeks and the peoples of the south Central Europe, CIS countries (Russians, Ukrainians, Georgians, etc.) and Ethiopia.
Followers of Islam make up about 20% of the world's population. Islam is widespread mainly in the countries of Central and South-West Asia, Africa, and Indonesia.
Buddhism and Shinto are practiced by 11% of humanity. There are slightly fewer supporters of Hinduism, Confucianism and Taoism - 7.5%. Buddhism is common in East, Southeast and South Asia. The peoples of South Asia also practice Hinduism. Confucianism and Taoism are prevalent mainly in China.
Among the religions that are ethnic characteristics of a certain people, the most common are Judaism (Jews), Shintoism (Japanese), Sikhism (Sikhs in India), Jainism (Marathas in northern India), etc.
Religion is not ethnic feature, but an integral part of the culture of every nation. Culture is a property human society, which manifests itself in all its ethnic diversity. Each culture is unique, has own story and is always national, no matter what external influences it experiences.
Driving force development of culture throughout the history of mankind there have been innovations relating specifically to the development of productive forces, that is, the improvement of means of labor, tools, equipment and technologies that provide human activity. There are three stages in the development of culture: savagery, when the basis of life support was appropriative management (hunting, fishing, gathering) with its complete dependence on nature; barbarism, which was characterized by a transition to the creation of material wealth (reproductive management - agriculture, cattle breeding); civilization, which is associated with the beginning of writing and the formation of statehood, which gave impetus to the development of cities, metallurgy, science, trade, which consolidated the division of labor and social stratification of the population.
In the entire history of mankind, scientists count no more than two dozen civilizations - unique and inimitable cultures formed by ethnic groups in a certain territory under certain conditions social development. Almost all ancient civilizations arose in the valleys big rivers within the centers of plant cultivation and agricultural development: the cities of Sumer, Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt(IV millennium BC), Harappan civilization of the Indus River Valley (III millennium BC), Shan Kingdom (II millennium BC) and ancient Chinese states in the valleys of the Yellow and Yangtze rivers, ancient Indian river valley civilization Ganges (1st millennium BC), Assyria, Babylon (II-I millennium BC), Eastern Mediterranean states - Palestine, Phenicia, Syria (III-1st millennium BC), ancient Greek (Crito-Minosian, Mycenaean Sh-I thousand. BC e.) civilization, Andean, Mexican, Mesoamerican civilizations (II-I millennium BC), Ancient Rome(1st millennium BC). Each of these civilizations in the process of its development created original culture and management system, has made a significant contribution to the achievements of the present time.
IN modern world Based on the combination of inherited cultural heritage and the most widespread religious doctrines, Western Christian, Orthodox Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, Far Eastern and other civilizations are distinguished. Their influence manifests itself on significant

territories whose population is distinguished by its original value systems and mentality, spiritual and material culture. This gives scientists grounds to identify civilizational macroregions of the world (Fig. 16).

Questions and tasks 1
Define the concept of “ethnic group”, name it characteristic features. Name and show on the map the areas of residence most numerous peoples peace.
What is a “cultural-linguistic family”? Name the most common cultural and linguistic families and their most numerous representatives. Name the main religions of the world. What religions are the most common in Europe? What religions are most widespread in Ukraine? What are the characteristics of civilizational macroregions of the world? Give a description of one of them.