What peoples live in the Ural region. Aborigines of the Urals

Lyubov Fedyakova

Summary of GCD on local history with children of the preparatory group

"Peoples of the Middle Urals"

(teacher L.I. Fedyakova, kindergarten No. 329, Yekaterinburg).

Target: To develop in children an interest in their native land as a part of Russia: in the people different nationalities living in their native land.

Tasks: 1. Introduce children to peoples Sverdlovsk region.

2. Develop children’s ideas about the features ( appearance, national costumes, traditional activities) and cultural traditions representatives of different nationalities native land, Middle Urals.

3. Cultivate respectful, friendly feelings towards people of other nationalities.

Progress of the lesson:

What do we call Motherland?

The land where you and I live!

Children, name your homeland? (children's answers).

Name the region in which we live. (Middle Urals).

Tell me, what is the name of our region? (Sverdlovskaya).

Look at the map of the Sverdlovsk region, it is rich in coniferous and deciduous forests, wild animals. We found out and marked it on the map Beautiful places and sights of our region. And today we will talk about the peoples of the Sverdlovsk region.

Look at each other, are we all the same? (No.) That's right, because among us there are Udmurts, Maris, Tatars, and Russians.

How are we different from each other? (eye color, hair, skin).

Each nation also speaks its own language.

What language do Russians speak? (in Russian).

And the Tatars? (in Tatar). Yaroslav R. please say a few words in Tatar.

What language do the Udmurts speak? (in Udmur). Listen to a poem in the Udmur language, Angelina will tell it. IN.

The peoples of our region know two languages: their national and Russian, since they live in big country– Russia, and the Russian language is the state language.

To get to know the peoples of the Sverdlovsk region better, we will now watch the presentation.

1 slide. Russians.

Consider the Russian national costume. Tell us what kind of clothes Russian people wore.

Which National holidays celebrated? (Epiphany, Maslenitsa, Easter, etc.)

2 slide. Tatars.

Children, how is the Tatar costume different from the Russian one?

Who knows Tatar national holidays?

Most famous Tatar holiday– this is Sabantuy. Celebration of the completion of spring field work. The main, most beloved and most popular view The only remaining competition on Sabantui is sash wrestling. They also conduct horse racing, sack fighting, tug of war, sticks, climbing on high poles with a prize hanging on top, etc.

At the same time, competitions of singers and dancers are held.

3 slide. Bashkirs.

Look how unusual the Bashkir national costume is? What is it decorated with?

Bashkirs are known as wonderful farmers, excellent livestock breeders and skilled beekeepers.

Bashkir national holidays:

Kargatuy is a crow festival, held in March, dedicated to the spring awakening of nature. On this day, porridge was cooked in milk in large cauldrons. While the porridge was cooking, girls and young women decorated the trees with colorful ribbons, rings, and bracelets. There were rugs spread under the trees, and bright woven tablecloths in the center of them. Festive treats were laid out on them.

Jiyin – summer holiday. Sports competitions were organized.

3 slide.Mari- this is very ancient people, they have been known since the 6th century. The traditional occupations of the Mari are agriculture, animal husbandry, beekeeping, and hunting.

The national Mari costume is decorated with embroidery. Pay attention to the headdress, how it differs from other national costumes.

The Mari have maintained a reverent attitude towards nature. The forest is sacred to them. There is a belief that the forest is ruled by the goddess, or mistress, of the forest. Therefore, during any forestry work, it is customary to leave a piece of pancake or flatbread on a stump as a gift to the mistress of the forest.

4 slide. Udmurts. Traditional occupation The Udmurts are farming and livestock raising.

Now look at how beautiful the Udmur national costume is. What did you like about him?

Udmurian folk holidays: Gyryny Poton - the holiday of the first furrow. On the day of the holiday, horse racing was held. It was believed that whoever is the winner will finish the spring plowing earlier. The girls gave towels to the winner of the equestrian competition, and ribbons were woven into the mane of his horse.

Goron Bydton – completion of spring work.

On Udmur holidays the most common musical instrument there were harps.

5 slide. Chuvash.

Do you like the Chuvash national costume? Tell us how the Chuvash dress.

In ancient times, the Chuvash were engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry. Domestic animals were highly valued on the farm. It was customary for the Chuvash to swear by them. During such an oath, a hand was extended over the animals. They believed that if the oath was false, the animal would get sick and die.

Chuvash folk holidays:

Akatui is a holiday of sowing. Adults and children competed in running and organized horse races.

Chukleme – completion of harvesting work.

6 slide. Mordva.

Now look how beautiful the Mordovian national costume is. Mandatory attribute of Mordovian women's suit– a beautiful belt – pulai. Let's say it all together - pulai.

The Mordovians were mainly fishermen, plowmen, livestock breeders and hunters. All Mordovian holidays are associated with their economic activities.

Slide 7 Khanty and Mansi.

In the Far North live the brave, hardworking people- Khanty and Mansi. Let's look at their clothes. Khanty clothes are very warm. Why do you think?

That's right, because it's very cold in the north! Clothes are made from reindeer skins, because, first of all, they must be warm and comfortable. The Khanty and Mansi are dressed in fur pants and a fur shirt with a hood, called a kukhlyanka. Let's all repeat this new word for you together.

Look, national clothes are decorated with fur and embroidery. Patterns representing fish, deer and birds were often embroidered on clothing.

8 slide. All nationalities in our region live in peace and harmony; we have no national hostility. All nations respect each other.

Game "Travel on the map of the Sverdlovsk region." Guys, now we will go on a trip around our region and paste small pictures of peoples in the places where they live.

Every nation, when creating a national costume, sought to make it beautiful, because in the old days such clothes were worn only on holidays.

Andrei D.’s grandmother came to visit us - she is Mari. Look, guys, what a beautiful festive outfit she’s wearing! national costume. Do you like it? Grandma will tell us about the Mari children's games that she played when she was little.

Children play with their grandmother Mari folk game"Pire den pacha-vlak" - "The Wolf and the Lambs." Rule of the game:

They choose a wolf, a sheep, and the rest - lambs. A sheep and lambs are walking along the path, and a wolf meets them. The sheep asks:

Mom tyshte yshtet (What are you doing, wolf)

Tendam vuchem (Waiting for you) - the wolf answers.

Does Molan take memnam into account? (And why)

Pacha-vlakym kochkash. (To eat your lambs.)

After these words, the wolf catches the lambs. The lambs should stand behind their mother, holding hands. They play until the wolf catches all the lambs.

Lesson summary:

What peoples live in the Sverdlovsk region? (Children's answers)

Our country, guys, is strong in its unity and friendship. different nations. Even in our group there are Tatars, Russians, Chuvashs, Maris, and we all live in harmony, we never quarrel!

Publications on the topic:

There has long been a popular saying: “The Urals are the supporting region of the state.” What is “Ural”? Let's take a look at Wikipedia: “The Urals is a geographical region.

Abstract of GCD on local history for the preparatory group


At the end early paleolithic 300 - 100 thousand years ago the settlement of the Urals began. There are two main paths of this movement:

1) From Central Asia

2) From East -European Plain, also Crimea and Transcaucasia.

In 1939, archaeologist M.V. Talitsky discovered a Neanderthal site near the Cave Log on the right bank of the Chusovaya River. Approximate age sites - 75 thousand years.

Such sites are also known ancient man in the Urals like the Deaf Grotto and Elniki-2 in Perm region. The Bogdanovka site, dating back 200 thousand years ago, was discovered in the Southern Urals!

The Neanderthal man of the Paleolithic era was an excellent hunter, knew how to make fire artificially, build primitive dwellings, and make clothes from animal skins. He had human speech and intelligence. He was slightly below average height modern man. Some are bright pronounced features his face - sloping forehead, protruding brow ridges, red hair color. The Neanderthal ate the meat of hunted animals and ate the fruits of plants.

Late Paleolithic

In the middle of the last Vyuri-Valdai glaciation (40 - 30 thousand years ago), a Cro-Magnon man already modern type. The Urals began to be populated quite densely. Now people occupied not only caves, but also built shelters outside them. These were hut-type dwellings made of branches or poles, covered with skins. For long stays, semi-dugouts with a fireplace inside were built. The objects of hunting were no longer mammoths, but smaller animals - bear, deer, elk, roe deer, wild boar, etc. Fishing appeared. Agriculture had not yet appeared.


In the Urals, a climate regime close to the modern one is established, and modern flora and fauna are formed. The influx of tribes to the Urals increased. In its natural geographic areas and zones, linguistic tribal communities began to take shape, which laid the foundation for the future peoples of the Urals. The lifestyle of the Mesolithic tribes of the Urals can be imagined from the lifestyle of the Indians North America. The economy remained a hunting-fishing-gathering economy (6 thousand - early 3 thousand BC).


Archaeological sites are represented by sites, settlements, stone processing workshops, and rock paintings. The region's population is growing. There is a concentration of settlements on the banks of rivers and lakes. There were no sudden natural changes. Mining is a special branch. Workshops for splitting stones were found near flint and jasper outcrops. The Neolithic is the time of polished tools and wooden products (skis, sleighs, boats). Pottery became an important occupation. The first dishes were semi-ovoid or shell-shaped. The surface was covered with patterns consisting of straight and wavy lines, triangles.

Chalcolithic era

The economy is becoming more specialized. Residents Southern Urals are actively engaged in cattle breeding. Products made of native copper were found at Eneolithic sites. In the Southern Urals, a large metallurgical center was taking shape by those standards.

The art of this period is represented by ornaments on ceramics, rock paintings. Images of birds and animals and humans appeared.

Bronze Age

II millennium BC-VIII century. BC e. The time of the dominance of bronze. Ore mining, crushing, and enrichment were carried out at the Tash-Kazgan, Nikolskaya, and Kargaly deposits.

IN last decades More than 20 monuments of the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC were discovered in the Southern Urals. with a circular layout, the most famous of which are Arkaim and the Sintashta settlement. Archaeologists call these monuments “the country of cities.”

Arkaim is a settlement with an area of ​​about 20 thousand m2. The outer circle includes 40 dwellings. They had wells, hearths, and storage pits. Remains of metallurgical production were found (for this period of very large production). The inhabitants of such proto-cities can be considered metallurgists, cattle breeders, farmers and warriors. The settlement has 4 entrances, oriented according to parts of the world. The system of ditches and walls was a complex and beautiful composition. Of course, Arkaim was built according to a well-thought-out plan (which was unusual for that time). It is clear that in the Bronze Age there was a high, interesting culture, the development of which was interrupted for unknown reasons. Today Arkaim is a protected land: protected and fenced, although further excavations are planned.

Iron Age. Formation of the peoples of the Urals. (3rd century AD - beginning of the 2nd millennium AD)

The Great Migration of Peoples is the numerous movements of tribes in the 1st millennium AD, which began with the migration of the Goths from Scandinavia to the Crimea and groups of Xiongnu tribes from South-East Kazakhstan. The reason for this movement could be the drainage of the steppes. It was the Xiongnu, moving through the steppes of the Southern Urals, who mixed here with the local population of Sarmatians and Sargatians, and from the 3rd century they were known as the Huns. Chelyabinsk archaeologists discovered a Hun burial ground in the river basin. Karaganki. The advance of the nomadic steppe tribes drew the forest-steppe and forest tribes of the Trans-Urals and Cis-Urals into its orbit. The formation of the Bashkir ethnic group and the spread of the Turkic language in the Southern Urals are associated with these processes.

People lived in log houses with cellars. They were engaged in shifting farming (they cut down the forest, burned it, and sown barley, peas, oats, and wheat on the ashes). They raised cows, horses, and poultry. Exploring numerous settlements, we learn that iron smelting and metalworking are becoming an important activity. The center for iron smelting in the Kama region was the Oputyatskoe settlement. The main production team was the family. The tribal nobility and military leaders stand out noticeably.

Beginning of the 2nd millennium AD - time of formation modern peoples Ural. The ancestors of the Bashkirs are formed in the steppes of the Aral Sea region and regions of Central Asia, and then move into the steppes and forest-steppes. The ancestors of the Udmurts are formed in the area between the Volga and Kama rivers.

Day national unity celebrated in Russia on November 4. For the Southern Urals with its multinational way of life This holiday is especially important, because about 40 peoples live in the Chelyabinsk region.

National Unity Day is celebrated in Russia on November 4. For the Southern Urals, with its multinational way of life, this holiday is especially important, because about 40 peoples live in the Chelyabinsk region.

Although the largest ethnic group in the Chelyabinsk region are Russians, these people are not indigenous: the first Russian settlements arose in the Southern Urals only at the end of the 17th century in the Techa River basin.

From the point of view of ethnography, Russian South Urals are divided into three groups: descendants of the Orenburg Cossacks, Russian mining workers (mainly workers) and simple peasants, - Associate Professor of the Faculty of History and Philology of ChelSU, Ph.D., told Gubernia historical sciences Andrey Rybalko. - The Tatars are also a non-indigenous people, consisting of several ethnographic groups. The Southern Urals are inhabited mainly by Volga Ural Tatars. They, like the Russians, came to the territory of the Southern Urals during the development of lands in the 17th century.

But the Bashkirs are an indigenous people, like the Kazakhs. In the Chelyabinsk region there are several districts where the Bashkir population predominates: Argayashky, Kunashaksky, Kaslinsky, Kizilsky. The Kazakhs appeared earlier than the Russians in the steppe regions of the Southern Urals. There they are present in almost all settlements, but there are villages in the Kizilsky and Nagaybaksky districts where they make up the majority.

The top ten peoples predominant in the Southern Urals include Ukrainians - descendants of Ukrainian settlers late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century, as well as Germans, Belarusians, Armenians - they are dispersed throughout the territory. There are quite a lot of representatives of the Mordovians. In the Uisky district there is a Mordovian village of Gusary, there is also a Cossack Mordovian locality- Kulevchi in the Varna district, there are many of them in the Troitsky, Chesme and Verkhneuralsky districts.

Top ten most large ethnic groups The Nagaibaks bring up the rear - these people live compactly only in the Chelyabinsk region. This is mainly the Nagaibaksky district - Ferchampenoise, Paris, part in the Chebarkulsky district, as well as in Uysky: Varlamovo, Popovo, Lyagushino, Bolotovo, Krasnokamenskoye. They speak a language that, from a linguistic point of view, is considered Tatar, although they themselves prefer to call it Nagaybak. By religion, the Nagaibaks are Orthodox, and before the revolution they were part of the Orenburg Cossack army, - said associate professor, candidate of historical sciences Andrei Rybalko.

Every nation is unique, people remember and honor their national customs and traditions.

Daria Nesterova

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