Davydychev Lev Ivanovich. About the writer Lev Davydychev according to documents from the state archive of the Perm region

I learned to be cheerful...

For the anniversary of L.I. Davydycheva

Lev Ivanovich Davydychev... His books are loved and read in Russia and abroad. Films have been made and performances have been staged based on his works. The cheerful and wise friend of children and adults would have turned 90 years old on January 1, 2017. He lived a short but very eventful life. For almost thirty years this wonderful man and writer has not been with us. But we still pay tribute to the sparkling talent of our fellow countryman - writer, publicist, playwright - Lev Ivanovich Davydychev.

The future writer was born in 1927 in the city of Solikamsk, Perm Region, into a family of philologists. Since childhood, the boy dreamed of writing books, but the path to writing turned out to be neither easy nor short. Young Davydychev suffered a terrible hard time - the Great Patriotic War. While still just a boy, Leva dreamed of running away to the front as a volunteer, but it didn’t work out, he was still young. It was also difficult in the rear. They were hungry, they worked a lot and hard, and they also had to study. I finished the seven-year school and entered the oil technical school. But Leo’s soul was not in favor of his acquired profession. I wanted something else. I wanted to write! Connect your life with the word, literary work.

And he came to journalism. He started at the newspapers “Zvezda” and “Bolshevik Smena”, worked at the Perm book publishing house, and at the same time studied by correspondence at the Faculty of History and Philology of the University of Perm.

His first book, dedicated to children, was published in 1955, it was called “My Friends, Buddies.” Full of sparkling humor, boyish prowess, carelessness - it immediately found a response in the hearts of young readers. And when in 1962 “The arduous life of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and second-year student, full of hardships and dangers” appeared, the children’s delight knew no bounds. Everywhere they read this book out loud or silently, the laughter was unimaginable.

Lev Davydychev loved to invent, he invented a magnificent plot. And behind the plot discovery a whole chain of adventures was built. Davydychev really wanted to write in such a way that his books would be read by parents and children, so that both could find answers to their questions in them. Lev Ivanovich Davydychev died in 1988.

Children and adults of several generations know and love Davydychev's books. They have been published in large numbers in many languages ​​of the world, performances have been staged based on them, and feature films have been made. The writer's children's creativity is a celebration of laughter, fun, humor, a real celebration of childhood.

The material was prepared by T. G. Lobanova.

Works by L. I. Davydychev, available in the collection of the PKDB named after. L. I. Kuzmina:

The Wizard of a Dacha Village and Other Tales / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1952. − 52 p.

Lieutenant General Samoilov returns to childhood: a novel for children / L. I. Davydychev; artist V. Averkiev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1985. − 380 p. : ill.

The hum of long-distance trains: five notebooks of stories / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Regional Publishing House, 1961. − 208 p. : ill.

My friends, buddies; Life of Ivan Semenov; Lelishna; Hands up! or enemy No. 1 / L. I. Davydychev. − [Reprint]. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1976. − 592 p.

My friends, buddies: humorous stories / L. I. Davydychev; artist G. Valek. − Moscow: Children's literature, 1981. − 318 p. : ill.

The soul is out of place: seven notebooks of stories / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1965. − 292 p. : ill.

Uncle Kolya - priest Popov - cannot live without football: story: [for younger. school age] / L. I. Davydychev; [art. S. Mozhaeva]. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1980. − 198, p. : ill.

The life and suffering of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and repeater / L. I. Davydychev; [art. A. Eliseev]. − Moscow: RIPOL classic, 2015. − 163, p. : color ill. − (Funny stories at school and at home).

Life of Ivan Semenov; Lelishna: stories / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1990. − 278, p. : ill.

The life of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and second-year student: a story / L. I. Davydychev; artist O. Bazelyan. − Moscow: Pushkin Library: AST: Astrel, 2005. − 411, p. : ill. − (Extracurricular reading). − Contents: The life of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and a repeater; Lelishna from the third entrance. − The life of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and repeater; Lelishna from the third entrance.

Ivan Semenov; Uncle Kolya - priest Popov; General Shito-Kryto and others: [stories and novels for children] / L. I. Davydychev; [art. V. Bushuev]. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1986. − 357, p. : ill. − Contents: Hands up! or Enemy No. 1: a novel; Stories: The difficult life, full of hardships and dangers, of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and repeater; Uncle Kolya - priest Popov - cannot live without football.

How a bear ate porridge / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1954. − 8 p. : ill.

Lelishna from the third entrance, or the Tale of a kind girl, a brave boy, a lion tamer, a loser nicknamed Para, a funny policeman and other interesting personalities, which there is no way to list in the title, because it turned out to be too long / L. Davydychev ; [art. O. Davydycheva]. − Perm: Master Key, 2005. − 207, p. : ill.

Lelishna from the third entrance / L. I. Davydychev; [art. E. Volodkina]. − Moscow: RIPOL classic, 2015. − 288, p. : ill. − (Funny stories at school and at home).

The difficult life, full of hardships and dangers, of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and second-year student, written on the basis of the author’s personal observations and stories that he heard from participants in the events described, as well as a certain amount of fantasy / L. I. Davydychev; [art. O. Davydycheva]. − Perm: Master Key, 2006. − 110, p. : color ill.

The difficult life, full of hardships and dangers, of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and second-year student; My friends, buddies; Lelishna from the third entrance / L. I. Davydychev; artist G. Valek. − Moscow: Eksmo, 2011. − 540, p. : ill.

The difficult life of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and second-year student, full of hardships and dangers: a story / L. I. Davydychev; artist G. Sokolov. − Moscow: Machaon: Azbuka-Atticus, 2016. − 142, p. : color ill. − (Cheerful company).

My familiar sparrow: fairy tales: [for preschool age] / L. I. Davydychev; [art. H. Avrutis]. − 2nd ed. − Perm: 2nd book printing house, 1965. − 52 p. : ill.

Stories / L. I. Davydychev. − Sverdlovsk: Sverdlovsk Book Publishing House, 1972. − 272 p. : ill.

Tales and stories / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1978. − 239 p.

Hands up!, or Enemy No. 1: novel: [for medium. school age] / L. I. Davydychev; artist S. Kalachev. − Moscow: Soviet Russia, 1989. − 269, p. : ill.

Hands up!, or Enemy No. 1: novel: [for medium. age] / L. I. Davydychev; artist R. Bagautdinov. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1972. − 429 p. : ill.

Hands up! or enemy No. 1: the novel is a little detective, and even with a scientific and medical bias, and even with a prologue, but without end... / L. I. Davydychev; [art. O. Davydycheva]. − Perm: Master Key, 2006. − 270, p. : color ill.

The longest moment: stories and stories / L. I. Davydychev; [art. V. Kapridov]. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1988. − 282, p. : ill.

Random companion: a story and stories / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1975. − 287 p. : ill.

The old man and his greatest love / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1965. − 32 p. − (Stories about Soviet people).

The suffering of a second-year student Ivan Semenov: a story / L. I. Davydychev; artist A. Shahgeldyan. − Moscow: Strekoza-Press, 2005. − 125, p. : color ill. − (Student's library).

Difficult love: a story / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1955. − 280 p.

At the ringing streams: stories / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: [Perm Book Publishing House], 1953. − 79 p. : ill.

Someone else's suitcase: [for children of primary school age] / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1959. − 28 p. : ill.

Grimy Fedotik: stories for children / L. I. Davydychev; [art. N. Gorbunov]. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1983. − 125 p. : ill.

This Sweet Lyudmila: a novel for children and some parents / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1982. − 316, p. : ill.

This sweet Lyudmila: a novel for children and some parents / L. I. Davydychev; [art. O. Davydycheva]. − Perm: Master Key, 2007. − 255, p. : color ill.

in the publication of which he took a direct part:

Magic basket: poems and fairy tales by writers of the Kama region / E. Trutneva [etc.]; artist A. Stolbova; [comp. And the preface. K. B. Gasheva]. − Perm: MT Perm, 2015. − 118, p. : color ill.

Green miracle: [poems about the Russian forest, trees, about the feelings and thoughts inspired by them] / [comp. L. Davydychev; artist E. Derbilova]. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1991. − 221, p. : color ill.

Kolchanov, A. P. A cheerful life: stories and stories / A. P. Kolchanov; preface L. Davydycheva; artist V. Vagin. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1969. − 497 p. : ill.

Expectation: stories of Perm writers / [comp. L. I. Davydychev]. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1986. − 351 p. − Authors: I. Baygulov, V. Batalov, O. Volkonskaya, V. Vorobyov, M. Golubkov, L. Davydychev, A. Krasheninnikov, L. Kuzmin, I. Lepin, L. Pravdin, O. Selyankin, V. Sokolovsky, G. Solodovnikov, A. Speshilov, V. Chernenko.

Davydychev, L. I. The difficult life, full of hardships and dangers, of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and second-year student; Lelishna from the third entrance: excerpts from stories / L. I. Davydychev // Literature of the Kama region: a reader for the beginning. school : textbook allowance. − Perm, 2000. − P. 68-81: ill.

Davydychev, L. I. My familiar sparrow: [story] / L. I. Davydychev // Literature of the Urals: textbook. manual textbook. type for beginning school − Ekaterinburg, 2006. − P. 348−355.

Comp.: Ch. bibliographer S. Yu. Shtele.

Lev Ivanovich Davydychev.

Lev Ivanovich Davydychev born January 1, 1927, died November 24, 1988 - children's writer. Born in the city of Solikamsk, Perm region, into the family of an employee. In 1946, he entered the correspondence faculty of history and philology at Perm University, after which he worked as a literary employee of the Bolshaya Smena newspaper, and then as an editor at a regional book publishing house. Since 1950 he has been working as a professional writer. The first book for children by L. Davydychev - a collection of stories "The Wizard of the Dacha Village" - was published in 1952. A unique humorist writer has come to children's literature. Humor is necessarily present in each of his works; it is the most important character in any new story. A characteristic feature of Davydychev’s style is the author’s digressions: the writer likes, after stopping the action, to insert several commentary phrases, sometimes seemingly irrelevant, and these phrases are invariably humorous. Davydychev's writing style is very original. Thus, the action of the story “Lelishna from the Third Entrance” begins with a parade of participants, like in a circus, and the plot develops like a circus performance: in three acts with intermissions and bells. Behind this mischievous external plan there is a serious meaning, and the lyrical is organically combined with the comic. And this is precisely what gives the book its special charm. L. Davydychev’s other stories also contain a lot of innovation: “The difficult, full of hardships and dangers, the life of Ivan Semenovich, a second-grader and a second-year student,” “Hands up! or Enemy No. 1” and the novel for high school students “This Sweet Lyudmila.” Davydychev leads his readers to the idea that nobility, loyalty, kindness, readiness to help - all this should manifest itself in people from childhood, that our main calling is to be a Human.

Dear young readers! I offer you several competitions based on the works of Lev Ivanovich Davydychev.
Two participants are selected from each team. They are read aloud a story about why the village of Nizhnie Petushki (the story - “My Friends, Buddies”) received such a name. The task of each group is to prepare their own version of the origin of this name within 10 minutes.
Each team chooses any hero from the writer’s stories and proves to the opposing team why he can be called a friend. During the proof, you can read excerpts from the story and express personal opinions. The competition is worth three points, taking into account the persuasiveness and validity of the answer. Five minutes are given to prepare an answer.
Teams must prepare a dramatization or an expressive reading of the funniest, in their opinion, episode of any of the three stories by L. Davydychev.

Davydychev Lev Ivanovich. Prose writer, children's writer. Born in 1927 in the city of Solikamsk, Perm region. Since 1939 he lived in Perm. From 1941 to 1945 he studied at the Oil School, from 1946 to 1952 - at the Faculty of History and Philology of Perm State University. He worked for some time in electrical exploration at the Krasnokamsk oil field, then in newspapers, at the Perm book publishing house.

He was repeatedly elected executive secretary of the Perm Regional Writers' Organization, and was a member of the board of the Writers' Union of the RSFSR.

Member of the Writers' Union since 1956. The most famous works are “The difficult life of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and a second-year student, full of hardships and dangers,” “Lelishna from the third entrance,” “Hands up, or Enemy number one,” and others.

For his fruitful literary activity he was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin." In 1971 he was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, in 1977 - a Certificate of Honor from the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

Winner of the regional A. Gaidar Prize. Died in 1988.

Main publications:

The Wizard of the Holiday Village: Fairy Tales. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1952. - 52 p.: ill.
Warm Hearts: A Tale. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1953. - 251 p.
At the Sounding Streams: Stories. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1953. - 80 p.
How a bear ate porridge: A fairy tale. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1954. - 8 p.: ill.
Tough Love: A Tale. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1955. - 280 p.
Same. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1957. - 219 p.
My friends, buddies, or the Tale of how the guys lived in Nizhnye Petukhi. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1957. - 58 p.: ill.
Why the girl cried: Three notebooks of stories. - M.: Sov. writer, 1959. - 134 p.
Someone else's suitcase: Stories. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1959. - 30 p.: ill.
My friend sparrow: Fairy tales. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1960. - 36 p.: ill.
Same. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1965. - 52 p.: ill.
The hum of distant trains: Five notebooks of stories. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1961. - 208 p.
The difficult life, full of hardships and dangers, of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and second-year student: A Tale. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1962. - 144 p.: ill.
Same. - Vilnius: Vaga, 1974. - 127 p.: ill. - Lit.
Same. - Warsaw: Krajowa agencja wydawnicza, 1975. - 95 p.: ill. - Polish.
Same. - Prague: Albatros, 1975. - 129 p.: ill. - Czech.
The Old Man and His Greatest Love: Stories. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1965. - 32 p.
The soul is out of place: Seven notebooks of stories. -Perm: Book. publishing house, 1965. - 292 pp.: ill.
Lelishna from the third entrance: A story. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1965. - 200 pp.: ill.
Same. - Vilnius: Vaga, 1971. - 240 p. - Lit.
The same. - Budapest: Mora Terenc Konyykiado, 1981. - 211 pp.: ill. - Weng.
My friends, buddies: Stories. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1966. - 354 pp.: ill.
Same. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1976. - 590 pp.: ill.
Same. - M.: Det. lit., 1981. - 318 pp.: ill.
Hands up! or Enemy No. 1: Romance. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1972. - 430 pp.: ill.
Same. - Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1977. - 315 p. - Est.
Same. - Sofia, 1979.- 448 pp.: ill. (Together with the story "The Life of Ivan Semenov"). - Bolg.
Same. - M.: Progress, 1980. - 319 p.: ill. - English
Same. - M.: Soviet Russia, 1989. - 270 p.: ill.
Same. - M.: Kovcheg, 1996. - 303 p.: ill.
Random Companion: Tales and Stories. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1975. - 286 p.
The Longest Moment: Stories. - M.: Sovremennik, 1977. - 270 p.
Uncle Kolya - priest Popov - cannot live without football: A story. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1980. - 199 pp.: ill.
This sweet Lyudmila: A novel. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1982. - 318 p.
Grimy Fedotik: Stories for children. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1983. - 125 p.
Lieutenant General Samoilov returns to childhood: A novel for children. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1985. -380 p.: ill.
Ivan Semenov; Uncle Kolya - Pop Popov; General Shito-Kryto and others - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1986. - 537 pp.: ill.
Ivan Semenov: A story. - Kyiv: Veselka, 1989. - 130 pp.: ill.
Life of Ivan Semenov; Lelishna: Stories. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1990. - 279 pp.: ill.
The sufferings of second-year student Ivan Semenov: A Tale. - M.: Dragonfly, 1998. - 125 p.: ill.

“There was once such a case: my dad slapped me on the head, I went out into the street, walked, cried and thought: I need to write about this. I was studying in third grade then...” writer Lev Ivanovich Davydychev said in an interview with one of the Perm newspapers.

Much later, his works would be published in the union republics of the former USSR, in Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, as well as in the Bulgarian publishing house "Fatherland", which published the best satirical and humorous works of world literature.

A native of Solikamsk, Lev Ivanovich Davydychev, is known to us primarily as a children's writer. “The arduous life of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and second-year student, full of hardships and dangers,” “Lelishna from the third entrance” - these names immediately come to mind when you hear the name Davydychev. Cartoons and theatrical productions have been made based on his works. “Usually children don’t think about the fact that there is a living person behind the book. But I understood this immediately and thought about it all the time,” Davydychev said in an interview with the Molodaya Gvardiya newspaper in 1986, “at the same time I tried to write poetry. And during the war he suddenly began to write, one might say seriously. For some reason there was a typewriter at home. Wrote a film script. All my life I dreamed of getting into cinema.”

Based on the story by L.N. Davydycheva “Hands up! Or Enemy No. 1,” directed by Vladimir Grammatikov, made a musical film. The following actors starred in it: G. Vitsyn, T. Peltzer, I. Muravyova. Grammatikov’s films were once recognized as the best in the section of children’s and youth films at the international festival in Moscow and San Sebastiano, and “Hands up! Or Enemy No. 1,” according to the unanimous recognition of critics, was the leader at the All-Union Children’s Film Week in Minsk.

Materials about Lev Ivanovich Davydychev are presented in the State Archives of the Perm Region in the collections of other Perm writers. These are collections of newspaper publications, memories of his contemporaries, biographical information, his reviews of the works of other authors, photographs, correspondence, as well as books of novels and short stories with the writer’s autographs.

Lev Ivanovich Davydychev was born on January 1, 1927 in the city of Solikamsk, graduated from a seven-year school in Perm, and then entered the geological department of an oil technical school, where he took the first steps in his literary activity. He was the editor of the newspaper of geologists “Run” and the satirical magazine “Pseudomorphosis according to the Crocodile”, in which, as his fellow student at the technical school Matveev writes, it was not only the students, but also the teachers. After graduating from college, Davydychev was sent to work at the Krasnokamsk oil exploration and there he soon wrote his first work, “A Bottle of Oil,” which was published in one of the Perm magazines. In 1946 he entered the Faculty of Philology of Perm University.

“I started writing from fairy tales, because... it seemed that fairy tales were the easiest to write... much later I realized that this was the most difficult,” says Davydychev.

In 1952, his collection of fairy tales, “The Wizard of the Dacha Village,” was published. The famous “Life of Ivan Semenov” was written by Davydychev based on personal observations and stories that he heard from participants in the events described and, of course, a certain amount of fantasy. “I wrote it somehow unexpectedly for myself,” Davydychev said in an interview with a Perm newspaper, “I didn’t intend to write anything funny.” And behind the fairy tales came the stories “Difficult Love”, “Warning Hearts”, “My Friends, Buddies”, “This Sweet Lyudmila”.

Davydychev worked in district and regional newspapers, in the Perm book publishing house. Since 1956 he has been a member of the Writers' Union. He was repeatedly elected secretary of the Perm Writers' Organization, served on the board of the Writers' Union of the RSFSR, and for more than 20 years participated in the work of the editorial board of the Ural magazine. Awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, the Order of the Badge of Honor. In 1985 By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, Davydychev was awarded the honorary title “Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR.”

But what is most valuable is that his works and films based on them are still loved, read and watched.

His contemporaries, Perm writers and poets, left their memories about him: Alexey Domnin, Vladimir Radkevich; Vladimir Aleksandrovich Chernenko has collected collections of publications about many Perm writers, including Lev Davydychev. The state archive of the Perm region also contains numerous photographs of the children's writer and reviews of his works.

Chief specialist of the department of information, publication and scientific use of documents Yu.V. Tiunova