Games for Unity Day in kindergarten. Scenario of the holiday in the pre-school for the Day of National Unity, material on the topic

Galimova Ashura Akhmedovna
Scenario for the holiday in kindergarten “National Unity Day”

To the music “Me, you, he, she, the whole country together” with flags, children enter the hall and

lined up in 3 columns.

Hall decoration: coats of arms, flags of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Dagestan, on the interactive board slide 1 "Monument to Minin and Pozharsky".

Presenter: - Today we have holiday, which is dedicated to our Motherland. Very soon, on November 4, all of Russia will celebrate holiday« National Unity Day» .

Arina: -IN unity day we will be there,

We'll be together forever

All nationalities of Russia

In distant villages and cities.

Maga: - Live, work, build together,

Sow grain, raise children.

Create, love and argue,

Protect people's peace.

Fatima: - Honor ancestors, remember their deeds,

Avoid wars and conflicts,

To fill your life with happiness

To sleep under a peaceful sky.

Exercise with flags to music "Everybody Needs Peace".

After the exercise, the children disperse and sit in 2 rows opposite each other.

Presenter: - We live in the largest and most beautiful country in the world, in Russia. Russian at all times people loved their homeland. He composed songs, poems, proverbs about her, and performed feats in the name of his native country.

There are many kind and good words in the Russian language that make us feel proud and love. These words: Home, Fatherland, Russia, Fatherland, Yes, Native country. Who can tell what these big words mean?

Child: - This is the region where we were born, where we live, this is our home, this is what surrounds us.

Child: - Wheat field and mountains and forest,

And the hot sun from the high skies,

The birch trees bowed to the ground

We proudly call all this Russia.

Child: (goes to the middle of the hall alone)

If they say the word Motherland

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, in currants in the garden

Thick poplar at the gate.

A modest birch tree by the river

And a chamomile hillock.

Or the steppe is red with poppies

Golden virgin soil

Homeland can be different

But everyone has one.

(The next three children come out together)

Child: -What do we call Motherland?

The region in which we grow.

And the birch trees along which

We walk next to mom.

Child: -What do we call Motherland?

Field with a thin spikelet

Our holidays and songs,

Warm evening outside the window.

Child: -What do we call Motherland?

Everything we cherish in our hearts

And under the blue-blue sky

Russian flag over the Kremlin.

Presenter:- Where does it begin - the Motherland. We'll sing now.

1. Where does the Motherland begin?

With the help of the Arctic in your primer,

From good and faithful comrades,

Living in the neighboring yard.

Or maybe it's starting

From the song that our mother sang to us

Since in any test

No one can take it away from us.

2. Where does the Motherland begin?

From the treasured bench at the gate

From that same birch tree in the field

It grows leaning in the wind.

Or maybe it's starting

From the spring song of a starling

And from this country road

Which has no end in sight.

3. Where does the Motherland begin?

From the windows burning in the distance

From my father's old budenovka

What did we find somewhere in the closet?

Or maybe it's starting

From the sound of carriage wheels

And from the oath that in my youth

You brought it to her in your heart.

(Three children come out)

Child: -Russia is mother! Praise be to you!

Over the centuries you have seen a lot

When could you speak?

You could tell me a lot.

You reflected in the surface of the waters

Both the first Kremlin and the new city

What did our Russian build? people

Under the first pine wall.

Child: -I love you, I understand deeply

Steppes of pensive sadness

I love everything that is called

In one broad word, Rus'.

We are all Russians, we were born here

Roots with Russia forever intertwined

She is both alder and currant

And the great word Motherland.

Ali: -In days of bitter sorrows and grave adversities

Who will help us out? Who will help? Will it save you?

Motherland! Only the Motherland!

In moments of luck, in hours of celebration

What are our thoughts and our words about?

About the Motherland! Only to the Motherland!

Who is connected with both happiness and misfortune

That's why you shine like a star in the darkness.

Oh, Motherland!

Presenter: -Our beloved Motherland is one of the largest countries in the world in terms of territory. Magomed will read a poem about the endless, vast expanses of our Fatherland.

Child: -If for a long, long, long time

We're going to fly on the plane

If for a long, long, long time

We should look at Russia

You'll see then

And forests and cities,

Ocean spaces,

Ribbons of rivers, lakes, mountains.

We will see the distance without edge

Tundra, where spring rings

And then we’ll understand what

Our Motherland is big

An immense country.

Presenter:- Continue the topic (I say the child’s name).

Child: - Ah, my Russia, where can I find words?

To tell the rabble in my song

About daisies, lakes, endless forests

About fields, about open spaces, about bright dreams.

And about how it was strengthened, while the trouble was

And about how proud I was of my sons always.

Sound like this, my song, sound quickly

Oh Russia, about my dear Motherland.

4. Song "Our land"

1. Either birch trees or rowan

Willow bush over the river

Native land forever beloved

Where else can you find one like this?

2. From the seas to the high mountains

In the middle of our native latitudes

Everyone is running, the roads are running

And they call forward.

3. The valleys are filled with sun

And wherever you look

Native land, forever beloved

Everything is blooming like...

(Sat down)

(The child comes out)

Child: -Oh, Russia, a country with a difficult fate

I have you, Russia, as one heart

I'll tell a friend, I'll tell an enemy too

I can’t live without you like I can’t live without my heart.

Presenter: -Yes, Russia was not always strong, united, a powerful state. There were difficult, difficult times in Russia. Unfortunately, throughout history, Russia has been tested many times for its strength; its depths have experienced times when its unity when hostility and hunger reigned in the country. 400 years ago, enemy invasions ruined the country to the ground. Russian land was occupied by Polish enemies. It seemed that the Russian state had perished and would never regain its former power. But people did not want to accept the death of their state. But among the Russian people two wise men were found. One of them came from a simple background people, his name is Kuzma Minin, the other is Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. They turned to everything Russian to the people with a call: “Friends, brothers! Holy Rus' is dying. Let's help the holy Motherland". And they began to collect people into the army, militia.

Guys, what words can you use to describe Kuzma Minin and Prince Pozharsky? (Answers children: brave, courageous, courageous, persistent, strong, heroes, patriots, etc.).

Presenter: - Are there any among you who are so strong and dexterous? Let's prove it with relay races.

1. The jumping relay was invented by hoops.

2. Relay "Snake"- running between the pins

3. Relay "Nimble Rider" (jumping on inflatable rubber balls)

Relay races are held as competitions between two teams.

Presenter: - Let's continue our excursion into history. For almost a whole year, the Russian people gathered strength. Got ready people Russian state of 25 cities. The militia of Minin and Pozharsky marched on Moscow in a large army. The battle for Moscow was stubborn and bloody. With an oath “We will die for holy Rus'!” The militia fought bravely and defeated the fierce Polish enemy. Soon the entire Russian land was liberated, cleared of foreign invaders. This is how the best traits of Russians emerged in difficult times. of people: perseverance, courage, selfless devotion to the Motherland, willingness to sacrifice life for it. now we celebrating National Day militia as honored holiday.

For heroism, for courage and bravery, a monument to Minin and Pozharsky was erected on Red Square.

(Two children come out)

Child: - A good monument has been erected

To two heroes throughout the country

As a sign that he was delivered

From dishonor the native land.

Child: - It is marked with a year, a day

And it's written on it

"Citizen Minin and

To Prince Pozharsky -

Grateful Russia."

(Go to middle of 4 children)

Child: -You can’t argue with history

Live with history

She unites

For feat and for work.

Child: - One state

When one people

When great power

He moves forward.

Child: - He defeats the enemy

United in battle

And Rus' liberates

And sacrifices himself.

Child: - For the Glory of those heroes

We live by one destiny

Today Unity Day

We celebrate with you.

Presenter: - Children, we must not forget that Russia, like other countries, is only strong when it united. This is evidenced by many proverbs and sayings. Let's remember some of them. (Children's answers)

A bad peace is better than a good war

War and fire are no joke

Stand together for peace - there will be no war

Peace is a great thing

Without courage you cannot take a fortress

Hostility does no good

A fight is beautiful with courage, and a friend is beautiful with friendship

Beloved homeland, like a dear mother

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong

On the wrong side, like a nightingale without a song

To live is to serve the Motherland.

For your Motherland you don’t feel sorry for your strength or life

Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her

Presenter: - Well done! You know a lot of proverbs. All of us unites a feeling of pride for one’s country - Russia, for its history. And in National Unity Day we feel with particular strength that we are one mighty Russian people, we have one Fatherland - Russia. And we love our Motherland dearly.

5. Song "My Russia"

1. My Russia has long braids

My Russia has light eyelashes

My Russia has blue eyes

Russia, you look a lot like me.

The sun is shining, the winds are blowing

Showers pour over Russia

There's a colorful rainbow in the sky

There is no more beautiful land

2. For me, Russia is white birches

For me, Russia is morning dew

For me Russia, you are the most precious thing

How much you look like my mother.

3. You, my Russia, will warm everyone with warmth

You, my Russia, can sing songs

You, my Russia, are inseparable from us

After all, our Russia is me and my friends

(The child comes out)

Child: -Unity is all together. This means that everyone is as one, it means that we are all like a family for our Russia - a daughter for someone, a son for someone. And our family is very large, so that Russia can live longer and breathe free forever - we must live in harmony and peace!

(The child goes out to middle)

Child: - People, nation, people -

Bright holiday at the gates

With day unity congratulations

And with all our hearts we wish

Sacred to honor history

And the meadows are spacious

Rivers, villages, cities

We are a great country.

Presenter: - Russia is a multinational country. Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Maris, Buryats and many others live in it peoples, including us – Dagestanis.

Russia - united, powerful, endless, hospitable - extends the hand of friendship and opens its arms to everyone peoples who wishes to live peacefully and happily on earth.

(Two children come out at once)

Raisa: - There are a lot of words in the world

Like snowflakes in winter

But let's take these for example

The word I and the word We.

"I" it's lonely in the world

IN "I" not much use

One or one

It's hard to cope with adversity.

Child Isa: - Word We are stronger than I

We are family and we are friends

We - people, And we - united

Together we are invincible.

Presenter: - Like all countries in the world, like all states existing on earth, Russia has its own flags and coat of arms. A poem will tell about our tricolor (I say the child’s name)

Slide 2. Russian flag

Karim: White color – birch

Blue is the color of the sky

Red stripe

Sunny dawn.

Presenter: White is the color of peace, it says that our country is peace-loving, it does not attack anyone. Blue color is faith, fidelity. People loves his country and defends it. Red is the color of power. This is blood shed for the Motherland.

Now let's play a game "Collect the flag"

(Who can assemble the flag of Russia and Dagestan faster from strips of colored paper).

Presenter: Russia has its own coat of arms.

Slide 3. Coat of arms of Russia.

Child: Russia has a majestic

The coat of arms features a double-headed eagle

So that to the west, to the east

He could have looked right away.

He is strong, wise and proud

He is Russia's free spirit.

Presenter: - Guys, do you know that each state has not only a coat of arms and a flag, but also the main music of the country? What is it called? That's right - this is the Russian Anthem. You know how to listen to the Anthem. Let's stand up. Let the Anthem of our Great Power - Russia - sound for us now.

(listen and sing the Russian anthem, verse 1)

(On the interactive whiteboard, slide 1 again).

Presenter: -We talked about our big Motherland - Russia, but every person also has a small Motherland. What is the name of our small Motherland?

Children: Dagestan

Presenter: - Right. This is our beloved Dagestan, a small republic on the shores of the Caspian Sea in the very south of Russia. Dagestan - Olin is one of the most beautiful and hospitable corners of Russia.

Song "Come to Dagestan"

1. Come to Dagestan

Summer and winter

Come to Dagestan

A friendly crowd.

Come to Dagestan

Guests visit us from different countries

We will meet you with all our hearts

Big salam to you.

2. Dagestan one family

Brothers and sisters

The whole huge country

Visible from our mountains

3. We are proud of our destiny

We all dream together

Serve everyone well

We need it for our homeland.

(Immediately after the song, 4 couples come out to dance)

Dance "Lezginka"

(After the dance everyone stands up)

Presenter: - All classes today we talked about the Motherland. Let's summarize what this means word:

You already know that the Republic of Dagestan, like our entire country, has its own flag, coat of arms and anthem. Different people live here peoples, they speak different languages, but they live amicably and peacefully. Dagestanis love and are proud of their Motherland. People will read poems about it

(Five children come out)

Easley: - Oh, Dagestan, your springs boil with fire

In Talgi, hot streams bubble incessantly.

Maga: - In my land the sun rises

The song flies, the heart sings

A ray of sunshine asks to dance

This is my home, dear Caucasus.

Attaba: - I was born in the mountains, grew up in the mountains

Here people despise lies and fear

Here the young men are like keen eagles

Tenacious, rebellious and courageous.

Ahmed: - And the girls are the beauties of our mountains

No wonder they have been glorified in songs for a long time

You can walk around the entire globe

You won't find such beauties anywhere.

Presenter: - Do you hear the song of the stream?

(Children : This is my homeland)

(Children : This is my homeland)

Do you see the Kremlin star?

(Children : This is my homeland)

The house where your friends live

(Children : This is my homeland)

Your mother's hands

The sound of branches and the sound of rain

And there are currants in the forest?

Children: This is also the Motherland!

Presenter: -Dear friends!

Is our festive the lesson came to an end. We wish you peace, goodness and prosperity. Once again with holiday! With day National Unity. All of us unites Russia and may our love for the Fatherland serve the common good. We wish everyone good health, happiness, success in business.

(Exit to music "I you he she….")

Today is November 4th!
The whole country celebrates National Unity Day!
We congratulate you on this day,
And our holiday begins!

Child 1:
We are small residents of a great country!
We still have our whole lives ahead of us!
We know that our country is strong!
And Russia will always be like this!

Child 2:
There is no better country in the world
We are all proud of you, Russia!
Our country is strong and mighty,
And let everyone know about it!

Child 3:
Tell me, dear Russia,
What is your strength?
We all already know the answer:
Strength lies in the unity of the country!

4. We celebrate Unity Day,
Russia's young holiday,
And we wish everyone
Be loyal to the country with all your heart!

5. Our strength is in unity and brotherhood,
And the enemy cannot defeat us!
So let it become more and more beautiful
The country where we happened to live!

6. A great power is strong
Their sons, daughters...
Russia's glory will fade,
While we are together and united!

7. Our Mother Russia
She will become strong as before.
The holiday is the day of patriotism,
Glory, proud Fatherland!

Song "My Russia"

He is white, blue and red,
And it's called the tricolor.
It flutters proudly over the country,
Tell me, what is it called?

Children answer: Flag.

Do you know what the colors of the flag mean?
Let me tell you a little about him.

And the presenter talks about the flag.

Flag of Russia.

White color – birch. Peace, purity of conscience

Blue is the color of the sky. Loyalty, really.

Red color – Sunrise. Fire, courage, love.

The national flag is raised during ceremonial events and holidays, and at this time the anthem of the Russian Federation always sounds.
Today is a holiday of our state and we will listen to the solemn anthem of our Russia while standing!
The Russian anthem is playing
Next is a competition. Children are divided into two teams. It is advisable for the team to have a number of people that is a multiple of three.
There are balls of three colors on the floor: white, blue, red. Balls according to the number of people in the team (for example, in teams of nine people, which means there are six white, six red and six white balls on the floor).
There are chairs on both sides of the balls (if each team has nine people, then three chairs in a row should be on different sides).
The task of the teams is to “collect” their flag. Those. children run and take balls of certain colors (it should turn out that in a team of nine people, each takes a certain ball, and it should turn out to be three balls of different colors). Next (without prompting), children who have white balls must stand on chairs. Those with blue ones should stand next to them, and those with red ones should sit down in front of those who are standing. All children should hold the balls in front of them with their arms outstretched.
The team that completes the task first wins.

Double-headed eagle as a symbol of Russia.
There is great power in it.
The power of unity and the power of victories...
Double-headed eagle - in Russia...

So that he could immediately look to the west and east.

He is strong, wise and proud. He is Russia's free spirit.
Now don't be lazy
Divide into teams.
We'll play with you
We will collect the country's coat of arms!

Children are divided into two teams. Each team is given the coat of arms of the Russian Federation cut into several parts. The task is to be the first to correctly assemble the coat of arms.

So you and I listened to the anthem, sang and played,
And what was the main thing we learned?

The children hold hands and all say in unison:
If we are united
Then we will be invincible!

On Unity Day we will be close,

We'll be together forever

All nationalities of Russia

In distant villages and cities!

Live, work, build together,

Sowing grain, raising children,

Create, love and argue,

Protect people's peace

To honor our ancestors, to remember their deeds,

Avoid wars and conflicts,

To fill your life with happiness,

To sleep under a peaceful sky.

Anastasia Kirichenko
Entertainment “National Unity Day” in the senior group

Target: Introduce children to peoples of Russia, talk about their culture and customs.


1) Educational - to instill respect for their culture and customs.

2) Educational - new games of different peoples.

3)developing - vocabulary: symbols, coat of arms, anthem, nationality, unity.

Progress of the event:

"We we celebrate unity day. "

We we celebrate unity day,

Russia's young holiday,

And we wish everyone,

Be loyal to the country with all your heart!

A great power is strong

Their sons and daughters.

Russia's glory will not fade,

While we are together we united.

Guys, our whole country celebrates November 4th" National Unity Day"And today we will find out what kind of holiday this is.

At all times, people loved their homeland, were friends, helped each other, united, when trouble threatened the homeland, and together they defended it from enemies. In the name of their native country, feats were performed, songs, proverbs and poems were composed about it.

"What do we call Motherland?"

What do we call Motherland?

The land in which we grow

And birch trees along which

We walk next to mom.

What do we call Motherland?

field with a thin spikelet,

Our holidays and songs,

Warm evening outside the window.

What do we call Motherland?

Everything that we cherish in our hearts,

and under the blue-blue sky,

Russian flag over the Kremlin.

(V. Stepanov)

Let us choose beautiful and gentle words for the word homeland.

We know a lot of songs about Russia, but we really like one. Let's sing it.

- "At my Russia" -

"Flag of Russia"

White color - birch,

Blue is the color of the sky,

Red stripe-

Sunny dawn.

"Coat of arms of Russia"

Russia has a majestic

The coat of arms features a double-headed eagle.

So that to the west and east

He could have looked right away.

He is strong, wise and proud

He is Russia's free spirit.

Guys, do you know that the state has not only a coat of arms and a flag, but the main music of the country? What is it called? That's right, the anthem.

Listening to the "Anthem of the Russian Federation" -

Russia did not immediately become a strong state; the country's power gradually grew. In severe trials and battles, the will was tempered and unity of the people.

"Different people live in Russia peoples"

Different people live in Russia peoples since ancient times.

Some people like the taiga,

For others - the steppe expanse,

Everyone has it the people have their own language and attire.

One wears a Circassian coat,

The other one put on a robe.

One is a fisherman with birth,

The other is a reindeer herder,

One is preparing kumiss,

The other one prepares honey.

one is sweeter than autumn,

For others, winter is dearer.

And my homeland is Russia

We all have one.

We live in Russia in the largest country on Earth. When children wake up at one end, they go to bed at the other; when trees bloom in one place of our country, it may snow in another. to cross our country you need to travel for a whole week by train or a whole day to fly on a plane.


They live there: Khanty, Mansi, Nenets, Buryats, Evenks, Chukchi and Yakuts.

Once a year they gather for the Reindeer Herders holiday. And I suggest you play the game.


You will need 2 teams of 6 children. The first pair is one - a deer, the other - a reindeer herder. The task is to go through the obstacle, go back and give the reindeer team, stand at the end. Whose team completes the relay first wins.

They live there: Circassians, Kumyks, Ossetians Legins, Dargins. This is a land of high mountains, wild rivers, and endless pastures. They possessed many virtues and exceptional qualities, including chivalry, self-respect, wisdom and intelligence. They were also famous for their bravery and horsemanship. National education ennobled their souls, tempered their moral spirit and taught them to endure the fatigue and difficulties of wars and long journeys. The sons of the Circassian nobility were required to be able to entertain guests, breed horses, sleep in the open air, where the saddle served as a pillow. They lived a simple, truly austere life, abstaining from all sensitivity. Thanks to this upbringing, they acquired moral immunity and resilience and could endure severe frosts and heat calmly. As a result, they became by the people, who possessed the best human qualities. and they have national games and we’ll play it now.


You need two children to play. One sits on a chair, the other moves five steps back from him, he is blindfolded and twirled, after which he is given the command to take five steps back and put a hat on the horseman. Then they change places.

We played great, but we need to learn more about our country.


In the past, once a year the Udmurts held a major holiday with prayer, for which residents of 10-12 villages of the district gathered. Thanks to this, the Udmurt’s social circle expanded significantly; he recognized many residents of these villages not only by sight, but also by name.

Everyday mutual visits of relatives of the same village and neighbors also played a major role in the traditional culture of communication. They came to each other without an invitation to consult about some specific matter, inquire about their health, or exchange village news.

The Udmurts used their own names little in everyday communication, since it was believed that frequent pronunciation weakened the protective function assigned to the name. Their game.

Scenario for National Unity Day.

The hall is festively decorated, on the central wall there is the coat of arms and flag of Russia
A song about the Motherland is playing.
Two presenters come out.

Presenter 1:
We invite everyone to the concert. Happy holiday to you!

Presenter 2:
This holiday is the most important, state and glorious.

Presenter 1:
Today, I’m happy to congratulate each of the guys on the holiday.

Presenter 2:
Well, guys, start singing and congratulate everyone on the holiday!
Children sing a song to the melody of the song "Golden Wedding" by the muses. R. Pauls.
-Holiday, the country celebrates a holiday,
Dad, mom and, of course, me.
Day of Russia - my homeland,
Every year is like a glorious anniversary.
At school all boys, girls,
They sing this song together.
Song about the holiday of the Motherland
We must sing loudly and together!

Happy holiday! Happy National Unity Day! Hooray!

Presenter 1:
There were fireworks here,
The school hall became festive.
Presenter 2:
And to continue the holiday,
We need to call the readers.


1. We celebrate Unity Day
Russia's young holiday,
And we wish everyone
Be loyal to the country with all your heart!

2. Our strength is in unity and brotherhood,
And the enemy cannot defeat us!
So let it become more and more beautiful
The country where we happened to live!

3. A great power is strong
Their sons, their daughters...
Russia's glory will fade,
While we are together and united!

4. Our mother Russia
She will become strong as before.
The holiday is the day of patriotism,
Glory, proud Fatherland!

Song “My Russia” -

Old age children:

1. The main thing is together!

The main thing is to be friendly!

The main thing is with your heart burning in your chest!

We don't need indifferent people in our lives!

Drive anger and resentment out of kindergarten!

2.Villages, villages, cities

With bow to the Russian people

Today we celebrate freedom

And Unity Day forever!

Song about the Motherland (old gr.)

Children preg. gr:

  1. 1. The sages have long known:

Where smart thoughts are cramped

There is no envy, no boredom,

There are jacks of all trades there

Sew, cook and draw,

Purely sing and dance

  1. 2. There are a lot of crafts

On earth in Russian there is

And all crafts to us

Can't count it now!

  1. 3. Our Russia is great,

And our people are talented

About skilled craftsmen

Word spreads all over the world!

  1. 4. The spooners will start playing

Your legs will start dancing on their own!

From dawn to dawn

The spoonies are having fun!

Orchestra and ditties.

Old age children:

1. There are such states in the world -
Sunlit regions,
With the singing of birds,
With beeps at dawn
This is our Motherland, friends.

2.Rus...Russia! What a word!
But with a chord of consonant words
Floats, flows in streams
Light music is an eternal call.


1 Vedas:

Who's looking gloomy here?

The music starts again

Get ready kids!

A Russian game is waiting for you!

A game. "Wolves and Hares"

2. Vedas:

Now let's ask the girls here

I'll give them these 3 spindles.

Let the beauties please the people

Who will manage the work forward?

Game "Wind up a ball"


What does it mean: My homeland?
You ask. I will answer:
First the path is earth
Runs towards you.
Then the garden will beckon you
Each fragrant branch.
Then you will see an orderly row
Multi-storey houses.
Then the wheat fields
From edge to edge.
All this is your homeland,
Your native land.
The older and stronger you become,
The more in front of you
She's tempting ways
He will trustfully reveal.

Round dance

Music. Carlson's entrance.
Carlson: Hello, guys! Girls and boys!
There are so many of you! What are you doing here? Will there be jam? What about sweets? I was so out of breath when I flew to you!
Host: Hello, hello, dear Carlson! Apparently you were flying from afar. You must be very tired?
Carlson: Of course, you still ask! I live very far away, in another country, in a very big city, on the highest roof!
Host: Dear Carlson, what is the name of the country in which you live? What is the main city of your country?
Carlson: I don’t know the name of the country and the city! Why should I know? I live on the roof, from there I can see everything and everyone. I fly wherever I want. Do you know the name of your country?!
Host: Of course, Carlson, our guys know both the name of our country and the name of the main city of the country! Really, guys?
Carlson: (asks the children) I don’t really believe it! Well, tell me what country do you live in?! (children's answers)
Host: You see, I told you that our guys know everything! Russia is the biggest country in the world! It occupies the largest and most extensive territory from Europe to Asia. Only in our country there is the polar zone, and the tundra, and the taiga, and the steppe, and the tropics. There are many peoples living in our country, and each people has its own songs, music, culture, customs and rituals. For example, we live in a fertile land, in Buryatia! Guys, what do you know about Buryatia, about our region? (children's answers) And all this is our Russia!
Russia...Motherland...This is the land where you were born, where we live. This is our home, this is everything that surrounds us. Russia...What a beautiful word! Listen - RUSSIA! Here there is dew, and strength, and blue expanses...
The older group will also recite poems about Russia. Come out guys.
Poems about Russia.
- Russia... Like a word from a song,
Birch young foliage
Surrounded by forests, fields and rivers
Razdolie is the Russian soul.

I love you, my Russia
For the clear light of your eyes,
For the mind, for the holy deeds,
For a voice as clear as a stream.

I love you, I understand you deeply
Steppes of pensive sadness
I love everything that I call
In one broad word - Rus'!

2. Presenter:
By the way, dear Carlson, tomorrow is our country’s birthday! This holiday is called the Day of National Unity of Russia. It is celebrated on November 4th.
Like all countries in the world, all states existing on earth, Russia has its own flags and coats of arms. (shows)

Flag of Russia.

White color – birch.

Blue is the color of the sky.

Red stripe -

Sunny dawn.

Coat of arms of Russia

Russia has a majestic

The coat of arms has a double-headed eagle,

So that to the west, to the east

He could have looked right away.

He is strong, wise and proud.

He is Russia's free spirit.

The national flag is raised during ceremonial events and holidays, and at this time the anthem of the Russian Federation always sounds.
Today is a holiday of our state, let us listen to the solemn anthem of our Russia while standing!
The “Anthem of the Russian Federation” is played
A person has one natural mother, and he has one homeland. Her people love her deeply.
He wrote a lot of proverbs and sayings about her. Listen, Carlson, what proverbs and sayings the guys know about the Motherland!
A beloved homeland is like a dear mother.
If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.
To live is to serve the Motherland.
Do not spare your strength or your life for your Motherland.
Motherland, know how to stand up for her.
A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

Well done! Russian people took care of their native land, sang songs about it, worked for the glory of the wealth of their Motherland, and defended it at all times. From time immemorial, the Russian people have been famous for their strength, daring, and brave dexterity. And there have always been heroes in Rus' - such strong men with a kind heart and a pure soul.
Guys, let’s show Carlson how strong, strong, dexterous and daring children live in Russia!
Dear Carlson, don’t you want to compete with us, play, show off your strength and prowess?
Carlson: Of course I do. I’m a man in the prime of his life, I can do anything, I’m stronger than everyone, faster than everyone, more dexterous than everyone, ....
Wait, wait, Carlson, don’t boast in advance. Guys, I suggest you first test yourself for speed. Go out and line up in two teams (10 people each).
Our first task is called "The Fastest". At the signal of the whistle, you will need to take the ball in your hands, run like a snake to the landmark and return to the team.
Get ready! Reade set Go. (music)
Carlson: It can’t be that everyone coped with the task so easily. You give the guys a very easy task. I just came up with such a difficult test that your children definitely won’t be able to cope with it! Like this!
Guys, let's show Carlson that we can cope with even the most difficult tasks. Let him see the fastest, most dexterous and skillful children in our kindergarten. Do you agree? Carlson, set your task!
Carlson: Now, now! My task is the most difficult, even I can’t cope with it! At the signal, you will need to take the ball, hold it between your knees and jump with it to the landmark, and then take the ball in your hands, run to your team and pass the baton to the next participant. We will need two teams of 10 people. Who's ready for the challenge? Come out!
Get ready! Reade set Go. (music)

Carlson: Look, they can do everything, they can do everything! Let's measure our strength! Who will pull who over? Come out the strongest guys. Now I’ll overpower you in an instant, I’ll quickly pull you over to me. Well, let's get started! Get ready! Reade set Go. (Tug of war, Carlson loses) Something is wrong here. You probably showed me your strongest heroes; they have probably been going to school for a long time. It’s not fair, let the younger guys come out, then we’ll see who’s stronger! Tug of war, Carlson loses) What is this? You gave me schoolchildren again. Where are your little ones? Let them measure their strength with me. Tug of war, Carlson loses).
Host: Carlson, don’t be so upset! Just come and visit us in Russia more often. In every kindergarten, in every school, children do physical education and that’s why they are so strong and healthy! You come to our classes, work out with the guys, then you too will become strong, dexterous, and fast!
Carlson: Yes! How strong and fast your dads and moms must be if little preschoolers cope so well with the most difficult tasks! Probably, in Russia the people are the most athletic, the strongest! Really, guys?
But we still wanted to know what country you live in. After all, today we told you about our country - Russia, and we ask you to find out all the most interesting things about your country and next time tell us about your homeland.
I want to give you a gift. At first I thought of giving you a jar of raspberry jam, but I saw how healthy and seasoned they were and decided to give you the juice, because it only adds health to all children and adults! (distributes juice to children).
Host: Thank you, Carlson!
And now it's time for me to go home. I promise to learn everything about my country and tell you about my Motherland next time. Agreed? Goodbye, guys. (flies away)


On Unity Day we will be close,
We'll be together forever
All nationalities of Russia
In distant villages and cities!
Live, work, build together,
Sowing grain, raising children,
Create, love and argue,
Protect people's peace
To honor our ancestors, to remember their deeds,
Avoid wars and conflicts,
To fill your life with happiness,
To sleep under a peaceful sky.

Ved. once again congratulates the children on the holiday, the children leave .

Oksana Malova
Scenario of the holiday for National Unity Day (November 4). For the older group of kindergarten

Celebration scenario for National Unity Day(4 November)

For senior group of kindergarten

Show video “Russia, we are your children”

Leading: A house, as everyone has known for a long time, is not walls, not a window,

These are not chairs with a table: This is not a house.

Home is where you are ready to return again and again,

Home is where they understand you, where they hope and wait,

Where you forget about the bad things is your home.

Our little house is our family, our city,

and the big house is our beloved country, Russia!

Motherland and Unity. There is a deep meaning in this holiday. Russia has been tested many times, has experienced times of hostility more than once. When the country weakened, its neighbors attacked it, trying to conquer lands and enslave our people. We called these times troubled, and also bloody. But the country rose from the ashes again and again. After each tragedy, she only became stronger, the envy of her enemies. Russia did not immediately become a strong state; the country's power gradually increased. In severe trials and battles, the will was tempered, and unity of the people.

1Child: In the morning the sun rises, calls everyone outside,

I'm leaving the house, hello, my Motherland!

I sing, and in the heights the birds sing along with me

The herbs whisper to me on the way: “Hurry up, my friend!

I answer the grass, I answer the wind,

I answer the sun - glory, my Motherland!

A song is being performed "Motherland", music etc. N. P. Bobkova

2 child: Leaf, cut out leaf

Colored by the sun.

You were green in the spring,

And now orange.

3 child: You were hanging on a tree just this morning,

And now suddenly he flew with a fair wind.

Dance "Leaf, leaf fall". The children take their seats.

Leading: The most important city, the capital of our Motherland, is this a city?

Children: Moscow!

Leading: Like all countries in the world, Russia has its own flag and coat of arms.

4Child: The flag can be different, but I like it best

White-blue-red flag of my Motherland.

Red is the blood shed for Rus'.

Don’t be afraid to stand up for your Motherland!

5Child: The blue symbol is eternity, the peace symbol is white.

Respect honesty! Be always brave!

There is strength, power and strength in the Russian flag,

He is a symbol, dignity and honor for us. (E. Nikolaev)

6Child: Coat of arms of the country - a double-headed eagle proudly spread its wings,

Holds the scepter and the orb, he saved Russia

Confirms the coat of arms old independence of the country,

For peoples Our symbols are important throughout Russia.

Leading: The national flag is raised during ceremonial events, holidays, and at this time the anthem of the Russian Federation always sounds. When the anthem plays, people stand up, sing and listen to it while standing, let us also listen to the anthem of our Motherland!

Show video "Anthem of the Russian Federation",

sl. S. V. Mikhalkova, music. A. V. Alexandrova

(Children listen while standing)

Leading: A person has one natural mother, and he has one homeland. Loves you deeply her people. He wrote a lot of proverbs and sayings about her. And what proverbs and sayings about the Motherland do the guys know!

Children: 1. A beloved homeland is like a dear mother.

2. If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

3. Live - serve the Motherland.

4. Don’t spare your strength or your life for your Motherland.

5. Motherland, know how to stand up for her.

6. A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

Leading: How lucky we are, guys, that we were born in such a wonderful country, “where people are all one family, wherever you look, there are friends everywhere!”

The holiday of national unity is a holiday of friendship.

7 Child: Our Russia is great,

And our talented people

About skilled craftsmen

Word spreads all over the world!

8 Child: Look, the painted spoons - small and large!

Beauty and appearance are appetizing!

9 Child: Our spoons go anywhere, you can easily use them

Eating porridge and hitting it in the forehead, we’ll sell it to you, so be it!

10Child: We will take the desired wooden spoons.

And now we will play a Russian dance for you.

"Dance with Spoons", R. n. m.

11Child: Our nesting dolls are a sight for sore eyes, surprising all guests.

As soon as you put them in a row, they will sing for seven days in a row!

12Child: Dust swirls along the path, our nesting dolls start dancing!

The girlfriends are different in height and don't look alike.

We'll sit for a while and look at the girls.

Matryoshka dolls: The painted matryoshka decorated the whole world

He boasts about his clothes, they simply cannot be torn down.

The matryoshka opens and another one appears.

Dance "Matryoshka".

Leading: In Rus' they knew how to not only work, but also have fun.

A game "Pots", R. n. And.

Game for girls "Spindle" (who can wind the thread onto the spindle the fastest)

Boy: We are funny guys, we are just great guys!

Let the music play and we'll dance "Quadrille" Now!

Dance "Quadrille", R. n. P.

13 child: Russian dance, dashing, how good you are.

Here there is prowess and strength, here is the Russian soul.

Dance "Russian Dance", R. n. m.

10Child: On the day of reconciliation and harmony

We congratulate all people

And we sincerely wish you happiness

Holy Rus' for many days.

Leading: I congratulate you on holiday of friendship, unity of Russia.

And I give you this candy heart, put your palms up.

(Treats are distributed)

Leading: Everyone has one homeland, greetings and glory to you,

Invincible country, Russian power!

The children leave the hall to the music.

Publications on the topic:

“National Unity Day” (November 4). Holiday scenario for children of senior preschool age SLIDE No. 1 Presenter: Good afternoon, dear guys and distinguished guests! On November 4th, all of Russia will celebrate “National Unity Day”.

"Day of National Unity". Holiday scenario for children of the preparatory group Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs. Leading. Hello guys! On November 4 we celebrate one of the main public holidays.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group “November 4 - National Unity Day” NOTE on Direct Educational Activities: “Drawing”. MKDOU "Tsarevsky kindergarten" Teacher of the senior group.

Scenario for the holiday “National Unity Day” National Unity Day The hall is festively decorated. The song “About Russia” sounds, the children enter the hall and take their seats. Presenter: Good.

Scenario of the national holiday “Maslenitsa” for senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten Goal: Create a positive holiday mood in children. Program objectives: Educational: To instill a love of folk art.