What haplogroups exist on earth. Russian blood - descendants of the Aryans

20 genera of humanity: what mark does each bear within itself?

Why can’t you read about haplogroups on Wikipedia? How does DNA genealogy work? How many gene mutations have there been during the development of the human race? What was the first human ancestor like 200-250 thousand years ago? What is the difference between the 20 main DNAs - the 20 genera of humanity? Do ethnic groups, nations, and religions have anything to do with the haplogroup? How did it happen that Pushkin is a carrier of haplogroup R1a? Why are there so many representatives of haplogroup R1b in Africa? Can different races meet along the path of a clan? Why do the races continue to be kept separate? Is there a Russian genome? Anatoly Klyosov, founder of DNA genealogy, Doctor of Chemistry, vice president of the American pharmaceutical company Galectin Therapeutics, tells how anthropology is changing, but the haplogroup remains unchanged.

Anatoly Klesov: Firstly, when you ask about haplogroups, do not open Wikipedia. Wasting time and getting incorrect information. The fact is that Wikipedia is a wonderful source, but then when you are looking for established information, say, how many digits are in the number "pi", there are no questions here, or the definition of a triangle. These things have long been debugged and linked to consensus, for such things Wikipedia. When you want to look at haplogroups, I’ll say right away that these are people who write there who don’t understand anything about it. People who think, perhaps, that they understand, but in fact do not understand anything, are guided by something unclear, there is simply a dump of information that is absolutely empty and distorted. The fact is that for this purpose it will be necessary to answer the question of what a haplogroup and a genus are, and why they are completely unrelated, these are such perpendicular concepts. Let's say, ethnicity, nationality, party affiliation, profession, all these things, in fact, are not connected to the same extent with the concept of haplogroup and clan. The point is, what is a haplogroup? And there is a scientific explanation for this, there are scientific criteria. When they began to study DNA, this, I think, is a well-known concept; even people don’t know the details of what it is, but they know that DNA is something in us, in the body, that determines our anthropology and appearance, and hair color, often behavior, in short, all the characteristics that we express and show to each other, it’s all embedded in DNA. DNA is a giant molecule, there are billions of links in this DNA, and every generation it intertwines, half comes from mom, half from dad, and therefore contributes from both the male and female sides, and again a new interweaving is formed. DNA looks like a double helix. One part of the spiral is from mom, the other from dad, here it is a double helix, to some extent, this is also connected, and then the next children again come from the new mom, the dad is intertwined, so each branch is a change. However, part of the DNA is called the Y chromosome, scientifically speaking, the male sex chromosome, it is precisely the sex chromosome, because it determines gender, only men have it, women do not have it, so now archaeologists who are digging are finding the little finger, a fragment of the little finger , before, of course, it was impossible to determine male or female. And then the DNA is extracted, if it works, and there is a Y chromosome, then it is a man, a boy, if there is no Y chromosome, it is a woman. Such things are now much easier to determine in archeology, things that were practically not determined before. So, the fact is that a woman does not have a Y chromosome, and it has nothing to do with gender; she bears a child, a boy or a girl. This is actually such a function from the point of view of the DNA of things. And so a person receives DNA, that is, a man, in this case, he receives the Y chromosome only from his father, not from his mother. And the father from his father, the father from his father, and so on for millions of years without involvement. The same Y chromosome comes from the ancient ancestors of man, the most ancient ancestors of man. Moreover, its structure is almost identical to the one we have. Now, if you take a chimpanzee from a zoo, and take its Y chromosome and analyze it for DNA, then it is 98% the same as ours. Can you imagine how much time has passed? one side and 5 million years in the other direction, that is, our chimpanzee is separated by 10 million years, back to the ancestor and there, it is impossible to measure directly. And over 10 million years, 98% of the Y chromosomes remained unchanged, so the data here is reliable and can be determined, DNA is being studied. And since this is almost unchanged, the chromosome is transmitted, the Y chromosome, it is clear that there are few changes from father to son. Indeed, in the entire Y chromosome, only one mutation occurs per generation, that is, in 22 years, mathematically let’s take approximately a generation, just for the entire Y chromosome. And therefore, this is one mutation per generation, some 1000 generations, 25,000 years, only 1000 mutations are formed, which is elementarily determined by modern methods, each of them can be counted, and each one has already been counted and numbered. And it turned out that if we start from about 200,000 years ago, this was the common ancestor of Homo Sapiens, Homo sapiens, the data may be as follows - the first human ancestor lived 200,000-250,000 years ago, and before that there were already deeper, more archaic ancestors , they had a different anthropology, a different chest shape, they are no longer considered Homo Sapiens, Homo sapiens. It turned out that there are 20 lines of basic DNA, over these 200,000 years they diverged, here are 20 lines, they called it 20 human genera. And each line is determined by one specific mutation, which only this line has. Here the word “line” can be misunderstood; it’s not a line, but actually a bush. At the base of each line there is a point, that is, a person, from him a bunch of descendants, from another line, from him his own cluster of descendants, and the third has his own. These 20 bushes are all of humanity, and each has its own mark, which no other bush has, so this mark determines which bush any of us belongs to. This is a haplogroup, this bush, it’s also a genus. Why genus? The same definition, at the core there was an ancestor, a patriarch, from whom the bush was formed. The word “genus”, in everyday life it has a somewhat vague concept, let’s say. For example, I am from the Klyosov family, and before that there were no surnames, but the family continued to exist, so you can say I am from the family of my grandfather, great-grandfather, and I am from the family of Prince Golitsyn. But before that there were no princes either, so the clan, it shifts, what concept they put into the clan is what they put into it, it’s in everyday life. But this does not contradict anything with what is in science, because in science it is all one big genus, but breaks up into many small subgenera, right down to families, everyday units of humanity. Therefore, I repeat, a haplogroup is one bush, and the age of the haplogroup is often, and it happens that a bush, it then diverges into different bushes, some of which are more massive, and they cover a large part of the population, there are hundreds of millions of people in one bush. And sometimes a bush is singled out, which later formed, but is very massive, while the others almost all died out from the previous bush, so this bush, which is very massive, is called a haplogroup. Now a conditional definition has been adopted, let’s say that a haplogroup is a bush in which there are at least 100 million people, this is a genus, at the heart of this genus there was also one person. Moreover, you understand that it has nothing to do with nationality, because the haplogroup was formed according to different sources, some young 20 thousand years ago, some 40 thousand years ago, 60 thousand years ago, and the oldest 200 thousand years ago. Of course, the concept of “nationality” does not correspond in any way with the concept of “haplogroup”; nationalities were formed quite recently by historical standards. Ethnic groups quite recently too. Ethnicity is again a community of territory, language and place of residence, well, yes, territory is a place of residence, language, and often cultural things, often religion includes the concept of “ethnicity”. Let's say there is an ethnic group, a common large group of Slavs, but the ethnic groups are different. The ethnicity of the Poles, say, is not the ethnicity of the Russians. The ethnicity of Ukrainians, the ethnicity of Belarusians may well, because the language is slightly different, again they have differences in language and territory, and cultural characteristics. Therefore, ethnic groups, nationalities, religion, party affiliation have nothing to do with the haplogroup, with the clan, but it happens that it so happened that this group was formed, it lives in one place, and this ethnic group was formed just within these frameworks, and then This may be quite consistent with the haplogroup; this cannot be ruled out. For example, there are Basques, they have 90% the same haplogroup, R1B. And there is the Basque ethnicity, that is, in this case, the ethnicity and the haplogroup, they are almost simpatico, almost overlapping each other. The fact is that race is a very flexible concept, let's remember Pushkin, such a visiting example. Pushkin has haplogroup R1A, we learned this from his children, his grandchildren, great-grandchildren, this question is already clear. Moreover, Pushkin comes from such a not very important, but noble family, his long-standing ancestor was the governor Radsha, who is sometimes called Racha, and he served under Alexander Nevsky. He has just R1A, the classic Russian titular, if you like, haplogroup in terms of size. And he is R1A, but we know that he is not black, not to a small extent, he is, scientifically speaking, a mestizo, that is, he has anthropology, race, he already has somewhere at the junction between the Caucasian race and the Negroid, African . And, let’s say, he would marry a black woman again, and his children would be even more in the black direction, and they would marry again, that is, 2-3 generations, and it would no longer be distinguishable from black Africans, but the haplogroup was would be R1A, Pushkins. Here is an example that R1A, and these are Negroid. All haplogroups live in Africa, I don’t know, R1A has not yet been found, but R1B millions of people, that is, those who at one time did not come to Europe, but chose freedom, South Africa, their migration path, they settled in the Cameroon region and Chads, and there are millions of people there, they speak local Bantu languages, but they are in haplogroup R1B. Same thing, race is black and R1B. Therefore, the race changes, I repeat, literally in 2-3 generations. I have a collection of photographs, let's say one of them is Khakass. The Khakass, they are Mongoloid, a Siberian people, and he, a Khakas, purely Mongoloid in face, married a blonde Muscovite, it happened, and they had children, the children have grandchildren. And I have a photograph of my granddaughter, they are already Muscovites, as I understand it, and they are playing somewhere in the sandbox, completely blond blondes, indistinguishable from Russians, and my grandfather or great-grandfather was a complete Mongoloid. So here anthropology is changing at the moment. You will leave, I repeat, although it is already clear to everyone, you will go to the American Indians, 2-3 generations cannot be distinguished, but the haplogroup will remain. Therefore, the usual concept, they ask, how can this be, R1A in Altai, where the Mongoloids live, this cannot be, that is, people do not understand that these are different things. A genus that has been going on since ancient times, along this genus path there can be any variations in race, there is no correlation here. For the same reason that in their time the ancient Aryans, they passed through the entire Russian Plain, went further through the southern territories, passed through Central Asia and left many descendants among the Kyrgyz. Among the Kyrgyz, anyone who lived there, was there or passed by knows that there are many blue-eyed, fair-haired Kyrgyz, completely different, he is a Kyrgyz, and therefore here, again, the anthropology of the race, the shape of the eyes, etc. are in no way connected with R1A. Related, in what sense, if you go to a Russian village, of course, you are unlikely to meet many Australian aborigines, American Indians or black Africans there, everyone there will more or less look the same, they will all be fair-haired, the type is known. Why? Yes, because they marry their own people. The point is, why do the races continue to be kept separate? Because they usually marry their own people. Why would a peasant from a Russian village rush to marry the daughter of an American Indian? This happens, but extremely rarely. Firstly, this is true, purely geographically, according to possibilities, we are always on our own. Further, the Mongols have their own standards of beauty, a flat round face, they are like the moon, but for a Russian this is not included in the standard of beauty, he has his own ideas about beauties, so they choose again according to their standards of beauty. And so it turns out that he is more or less alone. If we take the genome, by the way, the question is asked, but what about the genome, is there a Russian genome? No, there is no Russian genome, but, nevertheless, because the Russian genome is again three different, as a rule, basically, three different genera put it together, and each made contributions, some more, some less, but if you take all of Russia go through, make an average genome, and then for Africa an average genome, for Australia, let’s say, an average genome for an aborigine, then, of course, it will be different, so the question always comes down to what we want to see, and what question can you answer with this answer, and what methods we work with, what we actually do. Therefore, the answer, I repeat once again, is important, a haplogroup is neither an ethnicity, nor a race, nor a nationality, and as I say, nor a party affiliation, to emphasize that this is in no way connected, and not a profession, a profession can have different types. This must be differentiated because thousands of people are mistaken in thinking that it has to do with nationalities and races.


(in human population genetics, the science that studies the genetic history of mankind) - a large group of similar haplotypes, which are a series of alleles on non-recombining sections of the Y chromosome. Halpogroups are divided into Y-chromosomal (Y-DNA) and mitochondrial (mt-DNA). Y-DNA is the direct paternal line, i.e. son, father, grandfather, etc., and mt-DNA is the direct maternal line, i.e. daughter, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and so on. The term "haplogroup" is widely used in genetic DNA genealogy.

Haplogroup R1a1 consists of about 300 million men. The first common ancestor of modern R1a1 carriers lived about 300 generations ago.

Distribution of haplogroup R1a:
The percentage shows the share of R1a from the total number of the ethnic group

  • Russians 48%

  • Poles 56%

  • Ukrainians 54%

  • Belarusians 51%

  • Czechs 34%

  • Kyrgyz 63%

  • Shors 56%

  • Altaians 54%

  • Chuvash 31.5%

  • Tajiks 53%

  • Punjabis 54% (Pakistan-India)

  • India as a whole 30%, upper castes 43%

An excursion into the Ancient history of haplogroup R1a

It arose about 15,000 years ago in Asia and subsequently split into several subclades, or, as they are also called, daughter haplogroups. We will look at the main ones - Z283 and Z93. R1a1-Z93 is an Asian marker, characteristic of Turks, Jews, and Indians. With the participation of haplogroup R1a1-Z93, the wheel was invented in the steppe, the first carts were constructed and the horse was domesticated. These were the cultures of the Andronovo circle. The haplogroup quickly mastered the entire strip of Eurasian steppes from the Caspian Sea to Transbaikalia, breaking up into many different tribes with different ethnocultural characteristics.

R1a1-Z283 is a European marker and is characteristic for the most part of the Slavs, but not only, the Scandinavians and the British also have their own separate subclades. In general, today the ancient haplogroup R1a1 is most characteristic of Slavic, Turkic and Indian ethnic groups.

Excavations of the “Country of Cities” in the Southern Urals confirmed that already about 4000 years ago in the fortified settlement of Arkaim there were premises for personal and public use, residential and workshops. In some rooms, not only pottery workshops were discovered, but also metallurgical production.

During the excavations, about 8,000 square meters were uncovered. m of the settlement area (about half), the second part was studied using archaeomagnetic methods. Thus, the layout of the monument was completely established. Here the reconstruction method was used for the first time in the Trans-Urals, and L.L. Gurevich made drawings of a possible type of settlement. R1a1-Z93 was probably one of the main haplogroups in Arkaim and Sintasht.

Currently, most of Europe speaks Indo-European languages, while the haplogroup R1b more specific to Western Europe, and R1a- Eastern Europe. In countries closer to central Europe there are both of these haplogroups. So haplogroup R1a occupies about 30% of the population of Norway, and about 15% in East Germany - apparently the remnants of direct Y-lines of the Polabian Slavs once assimilated by the Germans.

In the second millennium BC, presumably due to climate change or as a result of military strife, part of R1a1 (subclade Z93 and other haplogroups of Central Asia) began to migrate to the south and east beyond the steppe, part (subclade L657) went towards India and, joining to local tribes, took part in the creation of a caste society. Those distant events are described in the oldest literary source of humanity - the Rigveda.

The other part began to move towards the Middle East. On the territory of modern Turkey, they allegedly founded the Hittite state, which successfully competed with ancient Egypt. The Hittites built cities, but could not become famous for the construction of huge pyramids, since, unlike Egypt, the Hittite society was a society free people, and the idea of ​​using forced labor was alien to them. Hittite state disappeared suddenly, swept away by a powerful wave of barbarian tribes known as the "peoples of the sea." In the middle of the last century, archaeologists found a rich library of clay tablets with Hittite texts; the language turned out to belong to the Indo-European group of languages. This is how we gained detailed knowledge about the first state, part of whose male lines supposedly consisted of haplogroup R1a1-Z93.
Slavic subclades of the haplogroup R1a1-Z283 form their own cluster of haplotypes, which are completely unrelated to any Western European subclades haplogroup R1a, nor Indo-Iranian and the separation of European speakers of R1a1-Z283 with Asian R1a1-Z93 occurred approximately 6,000 years ago.

In October 539 (BC), the Iranian Persian tribe captured Babylon, the Persian leader Cyrus decided not to leave, but to seriously settle in the captured city. Subsequently, Cyrus managed to significantly expand his possessions, and thus the great Persian Empire arose, which lasted longer than all the empires in the world - 1190 years! In 651 AD, Persia, weakened by civil strife, fell under the onslaught of the Arabs, and this may have led to a change in the haplogroup composition of the population. Now in modern Iran haplogroup R1a makes up approximately 10% of the population.

Three world religions are associated with the Indo-Aryans - Hinduism, Buddhism and Zoroastrianism.
Zoroaster was a Persian and possibly a carrier of R1a1, and Buddha came from the Shakya tribe of Hindus, among whose modern representatives haplogroups O3 and J2 were found.

Most peoples consist of many haplogroups, and there is no genus that dominates the rest. There is also no connection between the haplogroup and a person’s appearance and, as can be seen, many representatives of the haplogroup R1a1 They even belong to different races. To many R1a1-Z93 are characterized by Mongoloid features (Kyrgyz, Altaians, Khotons, etc.), while carriers of R1a1-Z283 have a mostly European appearance (Poles, Russians, Belarusians, etc.). A large number of Finnish tribes have high percentages haplogroup R1a1, some of which were assimilated with the arrival of Slavic colonists in the 9th century.

Achievements that R1a1 may be related to:

The wheel, carts, horse taming, metallurgy, trousers, boots, dresses, the world's first paved "autobahn" with a length of more than 1000 km with "refueling" stations - replacing horses, and much more.

It is difficult to tell the entire history of the first Indo-Europeans in a short article; only a few historical fragments can awaken interest in the history of the ancient ancestors of the Slavs. Type the words in the search engine Indo-Aryans, Turks, Slavs, Scythians, Sarmatians, Persia, and you will plunge into a fascinating journey through the glorious history of the Indo-European and Slavic peoples.

Haplogroup tree.

Until 2007, no one had carried out detailed reconstructions of childbirth, no one had come up with this idea, and it was not possible to solve such a grandiose task. Many population geneticists have worked with small samples of short 6-marker haplotypes, which allow them to obtain general genographic ideas about the distribution of haplogroups.

In 2009, a professional population geneticist set out to build a detailed family tree of this haplogroup. Faced with a number of problems, for example, calculating large samples of extremely long haplotypes using conventional methods was impossible due to the astronomical number of operations, not a single computer was able to sort through the required number of combinations, but thanks to resourcefulness and the desire to build a tree of one’s haplogroup, these problems were overcome.
After R1a1 many haplogroups began to create their trees.

The haplogroups themselves do not carry genetic information, because Genetic information is located in autosomes - the first 22 pairs of chromosomes. You can see the distribution of genetic components in Europe. Haplogroups are just markers of days gone by, at the dawn of the formation of modern peoples.

Haplogroup R1b

Haplogroup R1b is a parallel subclade to haplogroup R1a. The founder of haplogroup R1b was born about 16,000 years ago in central Asia from the parent genus R1. About 10,000 years ago, haplogroup R1b split into several subclades, which began to diverge in different directions. Some scientists associate the eastern branch - subclade R1b-M73 with the ancient Tocharians, who took part in the ethnogenesis of such a people as the modern Uyghurs.

Promotion haplogroup R1b westward into Europe probably occurred in several stages. Some may be associated with Neolithic migrations from Asia Minor and Transcaucasia, and some with post-Neolithic migrations and the spread of the archaeological culture of the Bell-shaped Beakers.
There is also a version about migration along the North African coast to the Strait of Gibraltar, with further transportation to the Pyrenees in the form of the archaeological culture of the Bell Beakers - but this hypothesis is too much of a stretch. In any case, most European representatives of haplogroup R1b have the P312 snip, which definitely originated in Europe.

After Egyptian scientists analyzed the mummy Tutankhamun, it was found that Pharaoh turned out to be a representative of the haplogroup R1b.

Now the majority of representatives haplogroup R1b1a2 lives in Western Europe, where haplogroup R1b1a2 is the main haplogroup. In Russia, only the Bashkir people have a large percentage of this haplogroup. In the Russian people, haplogroup R1b makes up no more than 5%. During the Peter and Catherine eras, a state policy was pursued to massively attract foreign specialists from Germany and the rest of Europe; many Russian R1b are their descendants. Also, some part could have entered the Russian ethnic group from the East - this is primarily the R1b-M73 subclade. Some R1b-L23 may be migrants from the Caucasus, where they came from Transcaucasia and Western Asia.


Modern concentration haplogroup R1b maximum in the territories of the migration routes of the Celts and Germans: in southern England about 70%, in northern and western England, Spain, France, Wales, Scotland, Ireland - up to 90% or more. And also, for example, among the Basques - 88.1%, Spaniards - 70%, Italians - 40%, Belgians - 63%, Germans - 39%, Norwegians - 25.9% and others.

In Eastern Europe haplogroup R1b much less common. Czechs and Slovaks - 35.6%, Latvians - 10%, Hungarians - 12.1%, Estonians - 6%, Poles - 10.2%-16.4%, Lithuanians - 5%, Belarusians - 4.2% , Russians - from 1.3% to 14.1%, Ukrainians - from 2% to 11.1%.

In the Balkans - Greeks - from 13.5% to 22.8%, Slovenes - 21%, Albanians - 17.6%, Bulgarians - 17%, Croats - 15.7%, Romanians - 13%, Serbs - 10, 6%, Herzegovinians - 3.6%, Bosnians - 1.4%.


In the Southern Urals it is significantly widespread among the Bashkirs - about 43%.

In the Caucasus, Digora was found among Ossetians - 23% and Armenians - 28.4%.

In Turkey it reaches 16.3%, Iraq - 11.3% and in other countries of Western Asia.

In Central Asia, it was found, in particular, in Turkmens - 36.7%, Uzbeks - 9.8%, Tatars - 8.7%, Kazakhs - 5.6%, Uyghurs - from 8.2% to 19.4%

In Pakistan - 6.8%, in India it is insignificant - 0.55%.


Among Algerian Arabs from Oran - 10.8%, Tunisian Arabs - 7%, Algerian Berbers - 5.8%, in Morocco - about 2.5%, in sub-Saharan Africa widespread in Cameroon - about 95% (subclade R1b-V88) .

Which people are the most
ancient on Earth?
Bushmen. Conditional
Adam" (haplogroup A00)
lived in South Africa
approximately 138,000 years
ago and was a bushman.

Below are grouped by
"antiquities" and
genetic relatedness in
percentage of carriers
dominant in
current gene populations
European peoples and their
It's probably hard right away
accept the fact that
Norwegians and Abkhazians, as well as
Basques with Bashkirs
relatives by blood, and
"Aryan" eastern gene
Slavs are more likely Altai,
but genetics is an exact science, and
facts are stubborn things.

*What do the numbers below mean?
In short, they show that 77% of the Scots, for example, and 36% of the Turkomans have one common ancestor, a man who lived approximately 16,500 years ago in southern Siberia.

European haplogroups
(Y-DNA) by time
(“antiquities”) and place
occurrence (names
"E" : "Hamites", ~ 55,000 years
back, East Africa
"G" : "Adygs", ~ 30.000,
Near East
"I" : "dinars", ~ 25.000,
Europe or Asia Minor
"J" : "Semites", ~25.000,
Near East
"L" : "Harappa", ~25.000,
"N" : "Ugrians", ~ 20.000,
Yunnan (China)
"R1a" : "arias", ~ 18.500,
Southern Siberia or Russian
"R1b" : "Celts", ~ 16.500,
Western Asia or South

Language families:
ALT - Altai
AFR - Afroasiatic
ALS - Basque (isolate)
BUR - burushaski (isolate)
IE - Indo-European
KAR - Kartvelian
SK - Sino-Caucasian
URA - Ural

★ "E" - "hamites"
83.1 AFR Somalis
79.5 AFR Oromo (Ethiopia)
57.1 AFR Arabs (Algeria)
52.2 AFR Arabs (Tunisia)
45.8 AFR Amhara (Ethiopia)
45.6 IE Albanians (Kosovo)
39.5 AFR Arabs (Egypt)
31.6 IE Greeks
29.8 IE Macedonian
27.9 AFR Arabs (Morocco)
20.7 IE Bulgarians

Here are the "Bulgars" for you
Slovenian essence..."

★ "G" - "Circassians"
29.0 SK Kabardians

★ "I" - "Dinarics"
63.8 IE Herzegovinians
58.0 SK Dargins
42.3 IE Sardinians (Italy)
42.0 IE Bosnians
40.3 IE Norwegians
40.0 IE Swedes
38.2 IE Slovenes
38.1 IE Croats
35.2 IE Moldovans (Sofia)
33.3 SK Abkhazians
31.3 ALT Gagauz (Kongaz)
29.2 IE Serbs
29.1 IE Macedonians
22.8 Hurray Hungarians
22.2 IE Romanians

...and the Hungarians Finno-Ugric
only by language. And the Dinars
(Vinca culture) seems to be
the oldest in Europe.

★ "J" - "Semites"
82.3 AFR Arabs (Yemen)
71.4 SK Avars (Dagestan)
70.4 SC Chamaly
66.7 AFR Arabs (Qatar)
65.6 AFR Bedouin Arabs
58.1 SK Lezgins (Dagestan)
55.2 AFR Arabs (Palestine)
55.1 SK Andians (Dagestan)
51.2 SK Tabasarans
47.9 AFR Arabs (Oman)
46.1 ALT Kumyks (Dagestan)
45.2 AFR Arabs (Lebanon)
45.0 AFR Arabs (Syria)
43.0 IE Ashkenazi Jews
40.0 IE Muslim Kurds
38.9 IE Greeks (Crete)
37.4 IE Yezidi Kurds
36.5 KAR Georgians
35.0 IE Iranians (southern)
33.5 ALT Turks
32.0 SK Ingush
27.5 IE Albanians
25.0 ALT Balkars

Dagestanis and Cretans,
Georgians and Arabs in one
family. Your deeds are wonderful,

★ "L" - "proto-Indians"
25.0 IE Kalash (Pakistan)

★ "N" - "Finno-Ugrians"
85.1 URA Udmurts
80.0 ALT Yakuts
63.2 Hurray Finns
50.0 Hurray Mari
47.2 HURRAY Sami
43.0 IE Lithuanians
42.1 IE Latvians
40.6 Hurray Estonians
35.1 URA Komi

It turns out that Estonians are smaller
Finno-Ugrians than the former
Indo-Europeans Lithuanians.

★★★ "R1a"
This is generally the end of all statements about the special “racial purity of the Aryans.”
The biggest Aryans -

63.5 ALT Kyrgyz
56.4 IE Poles
53.1 ALT Altaians
47.0 IE Russians
44.8 IE Pashtuns
45.6 IE Belarusians
41.5 IE Ukrainians
39.1 Hurray Mordovian-Erzya
36.0 ALT Karachais
34.7 IE Moldovans-
34.1 ALT Tatars
31.6 ALT Chuvash
27.8 BUR burushaski
26.8 ALT Gagauz (Etulia)
26.5 HURRAY Mordovian-Moksha
25.1 ALT Uzbeks

★ "R1b" - "Celts"
89.0 IE Welsh (Wales)
88.1 BAS Basque
81.5 IE Irish
79.2 IE Catalans
77.1 IE Scots
68.8 IE Bretons
67.9 SK Bagvalintsy
70.4 IE Dutch
68.0 IE Spaniards
66.0 IE Orkneys
65.5 IE Andalusians
63.0 IE Belgians
62.0 IE Italians
62.0 IE Portuguese
56.0 IE Frisians (Holland)
52.2 IE French
50.0 IE Bavarians
47.9 IE Germans
47.5 ALT Bashkirs
42.6 IE Ossetians
41.7 IE Danes
41.4 IE Icelanders
36.7 ALT Turkmens
35.6 IE Czechs and Slovaks
32.4 IE Armenians
32.4 IE Calabrians
32.3 IE Yagnobis
32.0 IE Austrians
29.5 IE Sephardic Jews

HR. History of the emergence and migrations of the most ancient haplogroups.

Alexander Sergeevich Suvorov (“Alexander Suvory”).


Experience in reconstructing the sequence of historical events in time and space in correlation with solar activity.


Part 7. The era of mythical civilizations.

Chapter 50.4. History of the emergence and migrations of the most ancient haplogroups.

A wonderful illustration map from the open Internet (Wikipedia). Many thanks to its authors.

Pay attention to the contours and boundaries of the antediluvian land shelf of continents and continents, to the boundaries of internal and external seas, to the designation of real antediluvian countries - Berengia, Okhotia, the land shelf of East Asia, Meganesia-Lemuria-Mu-Sunda, the Australian-New Guinea-Tasmanian continent of Sahul etc.

The whole world. Migrations of primitive people. Modern humanity. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis is a race of humanity of classical intelligent Neanderthals. Homo sapiens sapiens is the race of humanity of the classical Cro-Magnons. Classic primitive communal system. Socio-economic formation. Modern civilization. Raceogenesis. History of the emergence and migrations of the most ancient haplogroups. 49,000 BC

The existence of archaeological traces of three main routes of migration and settlement of Homo sapiens sapiens or neoanthrope, classical Cro-Magnon, modern man across the continents of the Earth - Austrian, Boreal and African (back to Africa) - exactly corresponds to the routes and regions of origin, migration and settlement of Y-chromosomal (Y) -DNA) and Mitochondrial (mtDNA) haplogroups of the indigenous inhabitants of the Oikumene (inhabited world).

Modern “population genetics” of a person or “population genetics” (a branch of genetics - the science of the patterns of heredity and variability of genetic information or “genetic code”) allows us to determine the occurrence and distribution of changes in the human genetic code in time and space, that is, in the history of mankind ( of humanity) and in the Ecumene (inhabited world).

Changes in genetic information or genetic code inevitably, naturally and naturally occur under the influence of corresponding environmental phenomena (“phenomena of evolution”): mutagenesis of cells of organisms, random drift of genes in a population, natural selection of individuals and migrations of individuals in the environment.

The fact is that each person has his own individual “phenotype” - his appearance, his character, his disposition, his temperament, that is, a set of external and internal characteristics of the body and personality that are formed and formed as a result of individual development or human life activity (ontogenesis ).

Naturally, people have different intellectual abilities, skills, talents and physical capabilities, so they have different phenotypes.

All people (without exception) are born small, naked and defenseless against environmental phenomena. Moreover, they differ from each other in the time of conception, intrauterine development and birth, in weight, in height, in muscle mass, in the level of development of internal organs, in the degree of consequences from the influence of the maternal body and other environmental factors.

However, a person receives the main or “basic” characteristics of the phenotype together with his “genotype” - the set of genes of the whole organism that characterizes the individual (individual). For example, the color and structure of the iris of a person’s eyes (a characteristic of the phenotype) is determined by genetic information or the genetic code formed during the conception of the future person.

Also, the phenotype as a result of natural selection and evolution determines the genetic structure of the population of individuals (individuals). Each phenotype (individual, individual) passes (or does not pass on) its characteristics by inheritance to subsequent generations, to the evolution of the species, to the development of the genotype of the population. This is how “genetic and phenotypic dispersion” occurs.

As a result, over a series of many generations of people, a natural and logical “chain” of cause-and-effect influences is formed:

Hereditary genotype +
genotype of embryo conception +
phenomena (factors) of intrauterine development of the fetus +
environmental phenomena (factors) +
specialization of the development of the organism (individual, individual, personality) +
natural (random) selection and evolution

Together they form =

The corresponding human phenotype, which can be inherited by the corresponding set of genes, followed by conscious cultivation, training, training, education and training. This is ontogenesis...

It is easy to notice that the more significant, energetic, and weighty the impact on a person of the indicated cause-and-effect phenomena (factors), the faster, better and stronger a person adapts, adapts and develops (evolves).

That is why enhanced basic upbringing and education occurs during childhood, adolescence and adolescence - the period of preparation of a young person for an independent “adult” life (dangerous, labor, creative, intense).

Indicators of the phenotype of any person are:

The presence or absence of genetic and hereditary defects (genotype, individual genome);

Indicators of biological tissues and fluids (blood, lymph, juices, etc.);

The level of metabolism in the body at rest and during exercise (strength, endurance);

Level of physical development, type of constitution of the body (morphotype, physique, figure);

Appearance and external behavior (style, role play, presentation);

Norms of functioning and reactions of organs and systems of the body at rest, under load and stress (responsiveness, self-control);

Emotional-volitional dominance of the cerebral hemisphere (left or right);

Type of dominant instinct and temperament (instinct complexes);

Type of mental and intellectual activity (personal capabilities, talent);

Type of dominant needs and goals (wants);

Type of moral values ​​and ideals (assessments, dreams, plans);

Level of social and spiritual aspirations (desires);

Level of social adaptation and degree of recognition of generally accepted practices (discipline);

The presence or absence of signs of illness and disease (immunity).

As a result of ontogenesis in the environment, the phenotypes of the same genotype can be different. In an open, free sunny space, birch and pine trees, for example, grow, as a rule, spreading, spreading, wide, but in a cramped and dark forest - tall, slender, tight...

In human associations and societies, it has long been noticed that in long-term, close, united and strict associations-collectives, people’s phenotypes become typical, similar to each other. Examples of this include hunting groups, robber gangs, military units, monastic orders, etc. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Whoever you mess with, you’ll gain from that”...

That is why the model and example of leaders, who are imitated and followed in literally everything, forms a group and individual phenotype, organizes and streamlines evolution, and passes on the most outstanding (or defective) phenotypes to the offspring. An example is imitation of a leader or Fuhrer...

The author does not even try to hypothetically suggest that intelligent classical Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons of this and subsequent times (50,000-10,000 BC) or the inhabitants of the legendary countries and mythical civilizations of Arctida-Hyperborea, Meganesia-Lemuria-Mu-Sunda and Atlantis knew or could know something about genes, had knowledge of the laws of population genetics.

Otherwise, there would not have been marriage rituals, initiation rites, education of youth through training and training, tests of hunters and warriors, individual or joint rituals of shamans, Vedic and magical practices of sorcerers and witch.

Undoubtedly, primitive people initially honored the phenotypes of their ancestor spirits, totems, parent ancestors, demiour heroes and trickster heroes, stored and protected them in space and time, followed them, imitated them, developed them in their mythological, mythopoetic and abstract thinking and cultural and cult life activity, turned them into archetypes of a clan, people, ethnic group, race.

That is why, in different places of the Oikumene, communities, clans, phratries, tribes, peoples, ethnic groups and races of primitive people inevitably, naturally and necessarily arise with exemplary, stable in time and space, but diverse phenotypes and hereditary genotypes - haplogroups (haploid groups).

A haplogroup is a group of similar haplotypes that have a common ancestor, whose haplotypes had the same mutation (single nucleoid polymorphism).

The author deliberately does not reveal in detail the content of scientific definitions and concepts, leaving this fascinating matter for the most inquisitive, assiduous and persistent readers and researchers. For the purposes and objectives of the “Chronology”, in the author’s opinion, the given definitions are quite sufficient.

So, for example, for the purposes and objectives of “Chronology” it is absolutely necessary to know that haplogroups are Y-chromosomal (Y-DNA), mitochondrial (mtDNA) and MCG haplogroups.

Y-DNA genetic markers are transmitted with the Y chromosome exclusively through the paternal line, that is, from father to sons, but not to daughters.

Mitochondrial mtDNA markers are transmitted through the maternal line, that is, from the mother to all children, sons and daughters.

All female descendants are carriers only of the mtDNA markers of their mothers, grandmothers, and great-great-great-mothers.

All male descendants are carriers of Y-DNA markers of their fathers, grandfathers and mitochondrial mtDNA markers of their mothers, grandmothers, that is, great-great-great ancestors. (Remember this pattern - Author).

MHC or major histocompatibility complex markers are a large part of the genome or a large family of genes that ensure the development and functioning of the immune system. The major histocompatibility complex is an important factor in the formation of full-fledged offspring, a viable and vitally active population (haplogroup).

In the history of modern humanity, as a result of gene mutations, descendants (sons and daughters) were born from one pair of male and female people, who formed the corresponding Y-chromosomal (Y-DNA), mitochondrial (mtDNA) and MHC haplogroups.

There are many more open patterns of population genetics: “bottleneck effect” or “founder effect”, “genetic drift”, “random fluctuations of genes”, “classification of haplogroups”, “haplogroup tree”, “molecular clock”, etc.

As a result, it is possible to reconstruct the history and chronology of the emergence, formation and migrations of haplogroups (ethnic groups, peoples) of modern humanity.

To date, the development of modern population genetics and archaeogenetics, the most likely time of residence of the ancestor-founder of the Y-chromosomal (Y-DNA) male part of the haplogroup Homo sapiens sapiens - the entire race of modern humanity of the classical Cro-Magnons - is 138,000-136,000 BC.

This progenitor of the genotype and archetypal phenotype (in particular, external appearance) of all men of modern humanity on the paternal side is called in science (according to the biblical tradition) “Y-chromosomal Adam.” At the same time, the Proto-Cro-Magnon forefather of the “Y-chromosomal Adam” himself lived on Earth, perhaps even in the period 579,000-235,000 BC.

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), as is known, is transmitted to all male and female children, but only through the maternal line and mutates more often.

The fact is that during the process of sexual generation, the future child (boy or girl) receives nuclear DNA genes equally - from the father and from the mother, and mitochondrial DNA - only from the mother’s egg, only from the mother. At the same time, mitochondrial mtDNA does not undergo half-recombination; changes in it can only occur as a result of rare random mutations.

The proto-Cro-Magnon forefather of the future “Mitochondrial Eve”, just like the great-ancestor of “Y-chromosomal Adam”, lived on Earth long before the birth of the ancestors of modern humanity - in the period 148,000-99,000 BC, with a maximum probability of 124 000-122,000 BC

The difference in the time of emergence and existence of the Y-DNA of “Y-chromosomal Adam” and mtDNA of “Mitochondrial Eve” is explained by the fact that in zoological harem families, when one male individual has several female wives or due to male-male dominance relationships, intimate communicates with an unlimited number of females, then he sharply limits the ability of other males to pass on their chromosomes (genes) to the next generations of the haplogroup.

At the same time, harem polygamy and/or promiscuity relationships (freedom of sexual relations) do not prevent females from passing on mtDNA to their children - boys and girls. This is why physically and genetically women are more “survivable” in their offspring along maternal genetic lines. In addition, males die for various reasons more often than females...

“Y-chromosomal Adam” and “Mitochondrial Eve” are abstract scientific structural-figurative names for a relatively homogeneous ancestral Proto-Cro-Magnon population of primitive people, whose descendants received the corresponding DNA along the direct genetic lines of paternity and maternity.

At the same time, in accordance with the indicated feature of the transfer of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA in the process of sexual generation of humans, it is likely and possible that all modern humanity received mitochondrial DNA from only one woman - the great-great-great-mother of “Mitochondrial Eve”.

The habitat of the said “Y-chromosomal Adam” and “Mitochondrial Eve” was determined by archaeogenetic scientists in East Africa, a vast region located along the East African Rift System, the largest land fault zone in the earth’s crust.

The male genetic descendants of the “Y-chromosomal Adam” directly became haplogroups A and B (VT).

During the period 120,000-75,000 BC. in Africa, as a result of the M91 mutation of the Y-DNA marker in one of the filial generations on the paternal side of the ancestral group “Y-chromosomal Adam,” haplogroup A or the male ancestral group “Adam” of Homo sapiens sapiens arose - the race of modern humanity of the classical Cro-Magnons.

Approximately 108,000-106,000 BC in another filial generation on the paternal side of the ancestral group of “Y-chromosomal Adam” in Africa, another male ancestral group-population “Adam” arose - haplogroup B (BT) of Homo sapiens sapiens - the race of modern humanity of the classical Cro-Magnons.

The predominant carriers of male Y-chromosomes (Y-DNA) of ancestral haplogroup A are the Khoisan, Bushmen and Sudanese.

The Khoisan or Khoisan peoples are a group of peoples of South Africa (Bushmen and Hottentots) who speak Khoisan languages ​​and/or belong to the Kapoid race or Bushman minor race within the greater African Negroid race.

"Khoi" in the Nama language means "man", and "San" means "Bushman" (man of the steppe). As a result, we get the words-concepts: “man of the steppe people”, ancestor, first ancestor, progenitor or “who who”, “someone”, “whoy who”, “someone”, “why?” and “san” - dignified, dignitary, chief, first, dignified, proud, important.

Bushmen or San, Sa, Sonkwa, Masarwa, Basarwa, Kua is the generally accepted name for the oldest indigenous inhabitants of South Africa, the Kapoid or Bushman small race as part of the large African Negroid race, living the traditional way of life of primitive hunters and gatherers, speaking Khoisan languages.

The Bushmen are actually a real, valid and ancient ethnos (ethnotype) of the original male ancestral haplogroup A - carriers of the hereditary phenotypes and genotypes of the “Adams” of Homo sapiens sapiens - the race of modern humanity of the classical Cro-Magnons.

The Bushmen belong to the capoid race or the Bushmen small race, they differ from the classic representatives of the large African Negroid race, and even more so from the representatives of the Equatorial or Australasian Negroid race, with lighter skin of a reddish tint, short stature (up to 150 cm), Mongoloid facial features, thin lips, a tendency to early formation of wrinkles on the face.

The Bushmen do not have a self-name, but in the language of “Nama” (the Hottentot people related to the Bushmen), their name “san” can mean the concepts: “stranger”, “outcast”, “outsider”, “backward”, “underdeveloped”, “incompetent”.

Initially, from the moment of its emergence and for a long time (120,000-5000 BC), the Khoisan peoples of haplogroup A lived and live in South Africa isolated from the rest of the population of the Oikumene (inhabited world). There are even local groups of Khoisan who have not communicated with each other and have not bred together for 30,000 years.

Haplogroup A has subclades (genetic branches) A1, A2, A3 and A00 - one of the probable oldest populations of Afro-Eurasians of a certain haplogroup A-T, which arose perhaps 300,000-250,000 BC.

The carriers of Y-chromosomes (Y-DNA) of haplogroup B (BT) of another paternal line of the ancestral group “Y-chromosomal Adam” are men of almost all other peoples of the Oikumene (inhabited world).

These “Adams” of haplogroup B (BT) are the first originators from Africa (75,000 BC), the first fathers, ancestors, first founders of the Y-chromosomal (Y-DNA) male part of all other haplogroups Homo sapiens sapiens - the race of modern humanity of the classical Cro-Magnons .

The habitat of the “Adams” or the ancestors of men of haplogroup B (HT) are the territories located to the north and east of the South African deserts (savanas) of the Namib. Here in the period 160,000-120,000 BC. inhabited by ancient African hunters and gatherers who communicated with each other in Khoisan clicking languages.

A certain carrier of the great-grandparent Y-DNA of “Y-chromosomal Adam” in the period 59,000-57,000 BC. met with a certain “Mitochondrial Eve”, a carrier of ancestral mtDNA, and together with her gave birth to the entire modern genetic diversity of haplogroups of men and women Homo sapiens sapiens - the entire race of modern humanity, the classical Cro-Magnons.

As a result of evolutionary development, migrations and active communication of the indigenous population of East Africa (possibly robbery of female females), the Y-chromosomes (Y-DNA) of haplogroup B (VT) were concentrated in the territory of the future Ethiopia and Sudan and were preserved in their original form in isolated Ethiopian, Nilo-Sudanese and Pygmy populations.

Here in East Africa, along the maternal ancestral line, the “Mitochondrial Eve” (mtDNA) haplogroups arose - L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7.

One of them is the ancestral haplogroup L3 of Homo sapiens sapiens - the race of modern humanity of the classical Cro-Magnons - formed in the period 104,000-84,000 BC. In other regions of Africa, the vast majority belongs to the African maternal mitochondrial haplogroups L1 and L2.

The ancestral maternal haplogroup L3 of Homo sapiens sapiens - the race of modern humanity of the classical Cro-Magnons - will become the ancestor of several and specifically two daughter haplogroups - M and N, from whose women children (offspring) will be born, the future mothers of the majority of all modern non-African peoples (European, Asian, Indian ).

The ancestral haplogroup L3 has 13 subclades and a large number of subgroups.

At this time (50,000-49,000 BC) in the Saharan savannah, in areas near the west-central African rainforest among the Pygmies (Baka, Mbuti) and Hadza in central-eastern Africa, as a result of M60 mutations, M181 Y-DNA marker in one of the filial generations on the paternal side of the ancestral group “Adams” of the BT haplogroup Homo sapiens sapiens - the race of modern humanity of the classical Cro-Magnons - the ancient Y-chromosomal haplogroup B (Y-DNA) arose.

Pygmies are African peoples, tribes or groups of the large African Negroid race, distinguished by their very small stature, which is why they are called “fist-sized people” or “Negrilli”.

The height of adult male pygmies is from 144 to 150 cm, pygmy skin is light brown, hair is curly, dark, lips are relatively thin. The pygmy phenotype classifies them as a distinct African race (subrace).

In appearance, African pygmies are close to the Negritos of South and Southeast Asia, some islands of Melanesia and the northeastern regions of Australia. However, in terms of genotype, African and other “pygmies” have great differences.

The average population of African pygmies is relatively large (up to 280,000 people), since they live in areas of equatorial tropical forests, where they can live secretly and relatively safely for a long time.

The small physical size and capabilities of the pygmies naturally, inevitably, undoubtedly influenced and are influencing their relationships with other surrounding peoples, which is why (perhaps) they lost their pygmy languages ​​and speak the languages ​​of the surrounding peoples (Efe, Asua, Bambuti). Only the pygmy people (ethnic group) “Baka” will retain their native language.

The Pygmies of the Oecumene lead a purely traditional way of life as primitive hunters and gatherers of the subequatorial, equatorial, and tropical zones (regions, regions, districts).

The predominant carrier of Y-DNA haplogroup B is the extremely small African people “Hadza” (800 people in 2000 AD). The Hadza live in the north of modern Tanzania near Lake Eyasi.

The isolation of the Hadza people (Hadzapi, Hadzabe, Hatsa, Kindiga, Vankindiga, Watindiga, Tindiga, Kangeju - cut off, separate) is manifested and conclusively confirmed by the presence of their special isolated, but living and active independent language "Hadza", as well as the absence of pronounced family ties with other African peoples.

The Hadza people, through the male line of haplogroup B, are genetically more related to the West African pygmies (Mbuti, Aka), and phenotypically to the Khoisan peoples of East Africa. On the maternal side, the Hadza people belong to haplogroups L2 (Pygmies) and L3 (East African peoples).

Probably, at this time (50,000-49,000 BC), the original Hadza clan (people) was the carrier of the genotypes of male and female haplogroups B2b and L3a1.

The Hadza, like the pygmies, lead an exclusively traditional lifestyle of primitive hunters and gatherers.

Y-chromosomal haplogroup B of the African Pygmies, Hadza and Khoizan has 18 subclades and subgroups.

The author will tell you in more detail about the phenotype, morals, customs and life activities of indigenous African peoples in subsequent chapters of the “Chronology”...

Checheno-Ingush haplogroups: J2, J1, F, L3

An attempt to create a DNA genealogy of Joseph, the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ

According to the Holy Books, about 4000 years ago, the common ancestor of the future Jews and Arabs was born in Mesopotamia, and according to the Bible (Old Testament), Torah and Koran, his name was Abraham (Ibrahim). Strictly speaking, it is not known which haplogroup Abraham belonged to, but since the late 1990s Jewish population geneticists have actually postulated that he belonged to haplogroup J1.

In principle, as the author of this study previously showed, the common ancestors of Jews and Arabs of haplogroups J2 and R1a also lived between 4000 and 5000 years ago (Klyosov A.A. Slavs, Caucasians, Jews from the point of view of DNA genealogy. M., Book World , 2015, 351 pp.), but no matter which haplogroup of the three (J1, J2 or R1a) you take, this will not change the conclusions of this study. Therefore, we will assume that this was haplogroup J1, and keep the other options “in reserve.”

So, almost 4000 years ago, one of the owners of haplogroup J1, a resident of the ancient city of Ur, one of the oldest cities in Sumer, left the city with his family and went to the northwest, to Canaan, on the Mediterranean coast. His name was Abram, and he was a descendant of Eber, the great-great-grandson of Shem, the first son of Noah, as the Bible tells. With him were his father Terah, his wife Sarai, and his nephew Lot. The reasons why he left his hometown are unknown. But it is known that at that time Ur fell into economic decline, and many inhabitants who were not engaged in agricultural labor and were not tied to their land holdings migrated from Ur.

Now let us recall why Abraham is preferably classified as haplogroup J1. In fact, at first it was classified as haplogroup J, without detailing the subclade. But then it turned out that it was the J1 haplogroup that was most represented among the Kohanim, they are also Kohanim (which means “priests” in Hebrew), and was most represented in the J1a2b-P58 subclade, namely in the number of 99 people out of 215 tested Kohanim (46% of all ) (Hammer M.F., Behar D.M., Karafet T.M., Mendez F.L., Hallmark B., Erez T., Zhivotovsky L.A., Rosset S., Skorecki K. (2009) Extended Y chromosome haplotypes resolve multiple and unique lineages of the Jewish priesthood. Hum Genet. 126, 707-717). Another 63 Cohens tested haplogroup J2 with subclades, 29%), of which almost half, 31 people, are in the J2a-M410 subclade. Haplogroup R1a had 5 Kohanim, that is, 2.3%.

It is clear that the Kohanim, descendants of Aaron, in turn, a direct descendant of Abraham, if we follow biblical history, can only belong to one subclade, since each subclade of those noted is many thousands of years old. One ancient subclade and only one can be the “subclade of Abraham” and then the “subclade of the 12 tribes of Israel,” that is, the descendants of Abraham, his son Isaac and his grandson (son of Isaac) Jacob. Based on the maximum number of Kohanim, almost half, in the J1-P58 haplogroup, we will further assume that the probability of the “Abraham haplogroup”, and therefore the 12 tribes of Israel (including the tribe of Judah, his descendant King David, and his descendant Joseph Plotnik, which will be discussed below) is maximum for this haplogroup.

John the Baptist is the son of Elizabeth and Zechariah, a priest from the Aaronic family (haplogroup J1), and they gave birth to him at an old age.

Anatoly A. Klyosov,
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor

Haplogroup J2 originated approximately 35,000 years ago in the Middle East (Sumer, Akkad, Elam, Babylon, Assyria)
The world's highest frequency of haplogroup J2 is found among Ingush (88% of the male population) and Chechen (56%) men in the Northeast Caucasus.

Not only the Old Testament, the Psalter, the Gospel tell about these generations of the progenitors of humanity

Ingush - 90%
Chechens - 60%
Jews - 40%
Mishari - 40%
Krits - 40%

Three J2s found at Merovingian burial site (Romano-Frankish transition period)

Merovingians (descendants of Jesus Christ) (French Mérovingiens, German Merowinger or Merovinger) - the first dynasty of Frankish kings in the history of France. The kings of this dynasty ruled from the end of the 5th to the middle of the 8th century in the territory of modern France and Belgium.

It is interesting that the Vainakhs are Chechens and Ingush, the only people in which this ancient haplogroup dominates

The predominant speakers of J2 are Sicilians, Ingush, Shugnans, Chechens, Yagnobis, Dvals, Cypriots, Cretans, Macedonians, Parsis, Greeks of the Northern Black Sea region (Urums, Rumels, Hellenes).
Many ancient Mediterranean and Middle Eastern civilizations flourished in areas where haplogroup J2 was predominant. These are the Chatti, Hurrians, Hittites, Etruscans, Cretans, Greeks, Phoenicians (and their Carthaginian offshoot), Israelites, and to a lesser extent, also Romans, Assyrians and Persians.
Outside the Caucasus, the highest frequency of haplogroup J2 is observed in Cyprus (37%), Crete (34%), Northern Iraq (28%), Sicily (26.5%)
The Romans most certainly contributed to the spread of haplogroup J2 within their borders, judging by the distribution of J2 in Europe (where the frequency is more than 5%), which bears an interesting resemblance to the borders of the Roman Empire. The maximum concentration of haplogroup J2a in the world is on the island of Crete (32% of the population). Subclade J2a3d (M319) is believed to be from Crete.
Haplogroup J2a also reaches high frequencies in Anatolia, the South Caucasus, Chechnya and Ingushetia.

The Rothschild clan belongs to this haplogroup Rothschild DNA Y-J2

The interest in these chains of snips is primarily due to the fact that subclade J1-P58 was previously attributed to the Kohanim (Cohanim), direct descendants of the High Priest Aaron, brother of Moses, who led the Jews out of Egypt approximately 3600 years ago. At first, in the late 1990s, the Kohanim were simply assigned to haplogroup J1 (although the Kohanim, carriers of J2, did not agree, and believed, and continue to believe, that Aaron had a J2 haplogroup). Then, in the most detailed work of the 2000s, Hammer et al (2009) found that testing 215 Cohens diverged into 21 subclades of many haplogroups, of which:

almost half, 46% (99 people) belong to haplogroup J1-P58*,
14% (31 people) – haplogroup J2a-M410,
7% (16 people) – haplogroup J2b-M12,
6% (13 people) – haplogroup J2a-M318,
5.6% (12 people) – haplogroup R1b-M269,
4.6% (10 people) – haplogroup E1b-M123,

The Lubomirskis (Polish: Lubomirscy, Ukrainian: Lyubomirski) are a Polish princely family of the coat of arms "Szrenyava", dating back to the beginning of the 16th century.
Lubomirski Family is J2b2 +L283

According to some already established stereotype, many believe that haplogroups J1 and J2 are Jewish haplogroups. This, of course, is not the case, as can already be seen from the list of some Caucasian ethnic groups above; they are not Jews at all. The common ancestors of haplogroup J2 for many groups in the Caucasus go back to 6-8 thousand years ago, and they came partly with the so-called Uruk migrations from Mesopotamia, partly from Western Asia, partly from the Mediterranean. There were no Jews as such then; Jews and Arabs as ethno-social and religious entities appeared only 4000-3600 years ago.

It is assumed that the haplogroup arose about 105-85 thousand years ago.
Speakers: Pakistanis: Kalash, Pashtuns, Burushi, Ingush, Chechens
Moreover, the haplogroup is present in the gene pool of the Caucasus among Chechens with a frequency of up to 14%, among Ingush - about 3%
There is a version about the origin of the current L3 from the pharaohs, who in turn descended from heaven to create a race of people
branch L3 e

Ingush gene F
Haplogroup F
- Y-chromosomal human haplogroup. From this haplogroup comes most other haplogroups, in total covering about 90% of the modern male population of the planet.

J2 This haplogroup is really very interesting. Firstly, it is part of the J-I cluster, which is the haplogroup of the first modern people of Europe who replaced the Neanderthals. Bratskaya I is the only one that arose in Europe among all haplogroups.
Are the GGs localized territorially among the Vainakhs? Let's say J1 is elevated in a certain territory, L3 is also high, or is everything mixed up and not connected territorially in any way?

That’s the thing: most often it’s mixed up. For example, J2, J1, L3 are distributed from Ingushetia to Dagestan, if we talk about the territory of the Nakhs. But within groups there are some nuances regarding branches. For example, the Galgaev branch is mainly localized only in the Galgaev society in the area of ​​the triangle Targim, Khamkhi and Egikal and nearby villages. The Shatoi branch is localized in the Shatoi region - Khal Keloy, Sattoy, Nuokhoy and nearby villages. I repeat, it is not the haplogroups that are localized, but the branches within the haplogroup. These are most likely teips that have one ancestor from which these branches originated. Also, naturally, in some area there is predominantly one group. For example, among Ch1anti we have so far found only J1, but this is a large society and few people are covered. For example, L3 is located more in the Galanchozhsky and Vedensky districts.

Jesus' Speech on the Cross
Eloi, Eloi! Lamma sabachthani?) One of the words of Jesus on the cross, a quotation from Psalm 21:2: “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matt 27:46; Mark 15:34). In Hebrew this phrase sounds like: "Eli, Eli, Lama Azavtani."

Ingush language Lomma: the day after tomorrow
Chechen language the day after tomorrow (lama): lama
Ingush language Elli: prince
Ingush language Vitani: left
Ingush language az: I, azakh: me
Ingush language loam: mountain
Phoenician language Lamed: l, mountain