Teaching children elements of folk dance. Folk dancing for children

Dance is a language that can be translated and understood by all peoples of the world. No matter what country or nationality it is, it always expresses joy and sadness, events in life, and other feelings and thoughts of humanity.

It all started with simple gestures and facial expressions, and grew into a huge direction modern culture. People have always experienced fear and excitement in front of an unpredictable threat from nature and incredible joy in front of clear skies and bright sun. Depicting your joy in the form of singing, playing, pantomime and dancing, or performing rituals to appease nature - this was called dance.

They began with the transfer of emotions, gradually moved into leisure, degenerating into ballroom dancing, when between tournaments, balls were held in castles. Thus, folk dancing is officially recognized as a profession.

On this moment very popular , where folk dances are taught to both adults and children.

Vintage musical instruments, folklore, different in each region, only adds bright colors into this spectacular performance.
Therefore, more and more parents and teachers are introducing their children and pupils to this art.

Folk dancing for children- it’s not just beautiful, but also useful. With their help, children develop rhythm, memory, thinking, and attention. Such dances give flexibility to the body.

Choreography classes harmoniously develop children physically. They become resilient, gain muscle strength, and their posture is corrected. Permanent physical exercise improve respiratory and cardiovascular system Thus, the child becomes more energetic and active.

Artistic creativity and aesthetic education, the little bit that you can get in the classroom. Arranging round dances, complex figures and formations - all this develops logical, organized thinking.

for children preserve the origins national culture, instills a love of culture, and broadens their horizons, because by studying the dances of the peoples of the world, the child learns the history of other countries, their music and costumes, all this cultivates the roots of morality and education.

It is a well-known fact that the rhythms folk music cause emotional uplift, bring a feeling of joy and satisfaction, therefore folk dances for children, this is exactly the style that you should first enroll your child in, no matter whether it’s a girl or a boy. Boys develop masculinity, because what kind of strength needs to be developed in order to learn how to skillfully perform tricks and jumps. And girls acquire smoothness and grace, stately beauty.

Dance, along with the language, traditions, songs of a particular people can be considered its “ business card" There are many nationalities living on Earth, and almost all of them have their own, special dance culture. Certainly, most of cultures differ from each other, especially if we're talking about about dances from different continents. But, be that as it may, every dance contains the history, traditions and soul of every people.

Some types similar art more common, some less so: for example, in Russia there is and is developing a powerful national school dancing. In addition, Oriental, Indian, Caucasian, Latin American, European, and Irish dances are consistently popular in our country. Over time, our compatriots discover even those that were considered exotic. It's gratifying that dance art close to the younger generation. The children of our city can learn all the intricacies of dances of the peoples of the world in specialized studios, clubs, associations, and experienced teachers skillfully guide and become guides in Magic world body language.

Folk dancing, in addition to excellently developing the spiritual, moral and physical health of children, also allows them to learn more about the traditions and culture of their homeland and other countries. The guys get an excellent opportunity to meet like-minded people, and over time, participate in competitions at the local, national and even global levels.

How to choose a costume for Irish dancing

In a row national dances Irish dances occupy a special place and attract both adults and children with their traditions, flavor, beautiful suits and energy. What exactly is the Irish costume associated with? What tips should you consider when choosing it? If we talk about girls, then the recommended items of clothing would be slippers with soft soles, a wide skirt (the most important thing!) and a short (at least not long) dress. Boys can wear a shirt with wide sleeves, a vest and tight trousers and put on the same slippers made of soft soles or hard ones. Shoes play a big role, since the “main load” falls on the feet: so no heels! As for colors, there is no strict connection to any one option. Of course, if there are any official competitions coming up, then the team can think about the same uniform, which is associated with the Irish state and the traditions of the country.

Choosing clothes for Russian folk dances

So, the child has enrolled in a specialized studio and will study Russian folk dances. What costume will be relevant in this case, what elements of clothing will reflect the soul of the performer? It should display folk motifs, be free, bright and rich in decorations and embroidery. Boys can wear beautiful embroidered shirts with a side collar and woven belts, and girls can wear scarves, kokoshniks and sundresses.

“Movement is life,” we hear quite often, but immersed in our worries and problems, we practically forget about our children. They have much more energy than adults; they need to splash it out somewhere, because in a preschool institution this does not always work out. Yes, they do morning exercises there, but that's all. This is not enough for a growing organism. But what about the internal development of intelligence, attracting a child to art and everything beautiful? It is the parents who should take care of this, looking for a hobby for the baby. Our dance school for the little ones solved this puzzle. There is no need to rack your brains and search the Internet for clubs and sections that accept this age. The best option for a child 3 years old and older is a swimming pool and rhythmic movements to music.

Communicative development

Quite often you can meet a baby on the street or clinic who is shy about everything around him. Does not communicate with peers, avoiding them, hiding behind mom or dad. If parents do nothing, it will be difficult for such a child to adapt to different segments of the population, including at work. In order for a child to grow up successful and self-confident, it is necessary to send him to developmental clubs. Modern dances for young children, videos on the Internet clearly make it clear, they develop the young body not only on the physical, but also on the emotional level - they liberate, strengthen, coordinate, train. Any dance club for children over 3 years old will reveal the child’s potential in the shortest possible time. After just a few lessons, the family will not recognize their fidget, because he will begin to change for the better and at cosmic speed.

Healthy generation

If you want to live an interesting life, develop yourself; if you want to be healthy, toughen up. Any movement strengthens the muscular frame, but modern life pulls us in the other, lazy direction. Why are people obese, and why are children aged 3-4 years overweight? Minimal movements during the day lead to destructive consequences for the body, especially if this same organism is still very small. Long lasting a rhythmic lesson for children 3-4 years old a couple of times a week will completely solve health problems, with curvature of the spine and a weakened immune system. Parents will forget what going to the doctor, sick leave, pills and injections are like. You won't even need to go to the sea to improve your and your child's body. Profitable? And how ! And most importantly - useful.
At this age, a beautiful figure and posture will begin to form in girls, and bones in boys will begin to grow. Our dance club for children from 3 years old competently organizes the child's leisure time, bring your active or modest child to us, change his development today.

What is rhythm and how does it change a child?

This seemingly new word began to appear frequently on the Internet, and in this article we will try to explain what it is and how it affects the development of a child. Many children at a young age love to move to music, jumping, waving their arms, while experiencing emotions of happiness and joy. In this case, you should think about which direction to take your little bunny or sunshine. Modern rhythm has changed significantly and has become more perfect and varied. From the outside it may seem that this is an ordinary exercise accompanied by music, and in part, this is a true statement. But it is very different from the exercises that children do in kindergarten. First of all, she longer Secondly, it is aimed at strengthening and developing bones and muscles.

The level of training determines the group

What movements a child will perform when coming to children's dances for little ones will depend on the teacher. Our school has brought together the best choreographers with special education in the field of dance and pedagogy, so everyone professional the coach will find a common language with any child. Depending on age, each group is selected appropriate program . Small dances for children 3 years old with simple movements, for older children with stretching and a complex set of exercises. And it doesn’t matter what year the baby started going to classes, he will be assigned to a group appropriate preparation. He will feel like a full-fledged member, no different from others.

From simple to more complex

And still the question arises: “Why do we need rhythm for 3-4 years, if there are modern dances that are more interesting and emotionally rich?” Our choreographers recommend this particular direction if the child still does not know how to dance, is modest and shy, and is also underdeveloped. Simple exercises with musical accompaniment do absolutely everything, they are easy to learn and perform. Once you start doing dance lessons for little ones, in the future it will be easier to understand and perform more complex elements. In addition, we record rhythm lessons on video; parents will be able to practice with their baby at home, further stimulating his passion by praising his successes. Come with the whole family to adult and children's educational dances for kids, it will be great and interesting.

History of origin

Several decades ago, rhythmics for children 3 years old was used exclusively for medicinal purposes, but in the 21st century everything has changed. Today it exists in almost every dance school, because its benefits on the children's body are obvious and proven by time. We can say with confidence that every child needs rhythm from the age of 3 for his all-round development, so come to us. The first introductory lesson is free and introductory.

What should dances be like for children 3 years old and older?

It would seem that a child at such a young age can dance if he can barely stand on his feet and practically does not eat on his own. Without developing children's daily life, parents risk ending up with a pinched and constrained child. It is more difficult to find a common language, communicate and spend time with someone like this. To prevent this from happening, take your child to dance from the age of 3 years. Moscow now offers a large selection of schools with excellent choreographers and various modern programs. The benefits that dancing provides are obvious and known since ancient times, and the possibilities today are significantly greater than 10 years ago. What stops parents in this modern age? Often there is a lack of money and time, but a smart dance school for children from 3 years old and beyond has simplified and diversified the interaction of all participants in the process.

Without stress, strengthens and develops the child's body

Almost all modern dances that are available today are presented to the attention of children and parents. interested Most kids, but most often the little ones, are happy to master exercises that seem ordinary at first glance. Health-improving Rhythm for 3-4 years gently and stress-free trains the child’s body, strengthens it and develops it. After this, the child quickly and easily begins to master more complex dance movements, and by the age of 5 he can be released on stage. Not only V physical plan is happening intense development, But And in everyone the rest. Such Baby better hears music, feels dance. For 3 summer girls important posture And V future beautiful figure. For boyThis before Total physical force, dexterity, plastic And reaction.

Let us help you reach your potential

If WhoThat believes, What lessons dancing For children 3 years And more this Not contributeYou deep you are mistaken. Exactly They And Nothing more will contribute formation personalities. Let's together pursuit To healthy generation through music And movement, A our school And dancing For children 3 4 years V this will help. First class free, That's why Come all family funny conduct leisure. Get to know each other With choreographers, With program preparation, look, How baby will communicate With others children And With them to interact. Competently selected under specific age rhythm from 3 years And older will allow open up potential baby even on such early stages his development.
Hobbies can be different, But modern dancing children 3 years are getting used to faster. To make sure V this, Come with his fidgety on introductory lesson.


You can often hear from parents of children who have already learned to walk and talk well about the unbridled energy of their children. Adults, due to constant employment, cannot fully devote their entire day to the child, while children, trying to be understood, heard and loved, demand from their parents increased attention. Common situation? If yes, then you need to take a closer look at your child and determine his interests. Turn on rhythmic music during your morning exercises or watch a couple of video clips together during the day. We noticed that the child catches the rhythm and literally starts dancing at the first sounds of music? So it's time to think about further development talents and enroll him in choreographic classes for preschoolers at our children's dance school!

Children's ballroom dancing (5-6 years old) in the Dance Quarter on Begovaya.

Dance classes for children preschool age We are held in two age groups:

  • for the little ones, dancing for children from one year and nine months;
  • for preschoolers from 3 to 6 years old.

Usually, classes in the youngest age group (2-3 years) are held to the music from their favorite cartoons. To make adaptation in the team easier, During the first lessons, mothers are present with their children. Many movements are aimed at developing correct walking and better orientation in space, and parents, having mastered certain aspects of learning, will be able to additionally practice with their children at home.

Basics of choreography in the group "Baby Dance" taught in game form. At the same time, children get acquainted with the world around them, develop flexibility, coordination of movements, plasticity, and acquire correct posture, learn to feel their body better and get excellent preparation for attending kindergarten! Dance lessons for children early age include musical rhythm, rhythmic and choreographic exercises, studying the basic positions of the arms and legs in dance.

Unlike dancing for the little ones, classes for children from 3 to 6 years old pass without parents. The guys here are better socially adapted in the team, since many of them already attend kindergarten. Therefore, training in preschool groups goes in the following directions:

  • classical choreography for children, ballet;
  • oriental dances for children;
  • hip-hop for children;
  • Latin;
  • variety (modern) dances, consisting of a combination of different styles
  • and other directions.

Each lesson necessarily includes stretching.

Basics of choreography for children. Public lesson hosted by Olga Kovner.

Complex choreographic development for children 5-6 years old. October 2018.

Children's Dance Mix (5-6 years old) in the Dance Quarter on Vernadsky.


To select a branch, use the TABS!

Individual dance lessons for young children suitable in cases where you need to catch up with peers, socialize smoothly, learn an unusual style of dancing, or need staging children's dance , preparation for a competition or performance.

Dance classes with preschool children in our school are held in specially equipped dance halls, equipped with everything necessary: ​​mirrors, children's choreographic machines, rugs.


All our teachers have choreographic and pedagogical education and with specialize in teaching very young children. They successfully combine a friendly and affectionate attitude towards the child with a demanding and serious learning process. Maximum amount There are 8 children in the group, which allows us to pay due attention to each young dancer.

Clothes and shoes for classes should be comfortable. For feet - ballet shoes or Czech shoes (if the baby still has very small feet, and you cannot buy ballet shoes in your size, soft and light shoes will do), clothes - a gymnastic leotard and a skirt for a girl, for a boy - shorts or trousers.

During reporting concerts, which take place twice a year, parents are proud of their little dancers! In addition, in our school children become more disciplined, organized and responsible. Their health and physical fitness improves before our eyes. Isn’t this what every mother wants?

Start developing your children - reveal their dancing talents!

This page will be of interest to those parents who are looking for: dances for children, children's dances, dances for girls, dance school for children, dances for children from one year old, dances for children from 3 years old, choreography for children, ballet for children, hip -hop for children, modern dances for children, rhythmics for children, children's dance school, dance lessons for children.

Even if a child is not inclined towards a career at the Bolshoi Theater, learning to dance will give him a lot. This includes grace, beautiful posture, strong immunity, and self-confidence.

Academy of Arts "Muse"

st. Myasnitskaya, 13, building 20

Over the three years of the Academy's existence, the most best destinations in dance and music, which will allow your child to realize himself and achieve great heights in his chosen field of creativity.

The studio's profile is classical ballet. Soloists teach at school Bolshoi Theater with many years of teaching experience. Created for children from 2.7 years old author's program"Introduction to Ballet", which will help your child gain all the necessary basic skills and discover his talent.

Academy sports ballroom dancing combines sports and art. Breakdancing and hip-hop teams are perfect for boys who want to become strong and strong in spirit. There is a vocal academy for all children, where everyone can take lessons from a graduate of the Gnessin Academy of Music and improve their sense of rhythm.

Moscow School of Irish Dance Maria Singal

Preobrazhenskaya sq., 12

Jig, reel or hornpipe? At Maria Singal's school you can master all the main types of solo and doubles Irish dancing! Moreover, not only to learn the basics, but also to become a professional: students of the institution often participate in international competitions. Now the school's arsenal includes first place in group Irish dancing at the European Championships, second places in solo programs at world competitions and other awards. Perhaps it's all about the quality of teaching. The founder of the school, Maria Singal, is the first certified teacher of Irish dancing in the Russian Federation (TCRG) and a judge of international championships (ADCRG), all teachers undergo advanced training courses abroad. In addition, the lessons do not just study the elements and patterns of dance. The studio provides stretching classes, a special “show class” for stage performances, and exercises to develop a sense of rhythm.

It’s worth bringing your child to Maria Singal’s school and... staying on your own: the groups accept adults without any age limit.

Classical choreography, hip-hop, folk, pop or club dancing– at the Gulliver school there are directions for every taste and age. This is not just about improving posture or showing basic movements. In “Gulliver” they give the opportunity to express themselves through music and dance, charge them with energy, teach them not to be afraid of the stage and prepare them for a brilliant future. Pupils of the school participate in popular TV shows, demonstrate items from the YanaStasia brand, appear in video clips and easily enter the theater universities capital Cities.

Training for schoolchildren takes place 3 times a week for 2 hours and costs 5,500 rubles per month. Children under 7 years old study twice a week for 1 hour. The cost of training is 4000 rubles per month.

House of dance in the cultural center "ZIL"

House of Dance in cultural center“ZIL” is called the epicenter of dance creativity. You can find inexpensive programs here for children of any age and skill level.

In ZIL you are invited to enroll in ZumbaKids classes - for exciting children's parties for children from 3 years old. The soul lies to classical direction? Children's ballet theater has existed in the Palace of Culture since 1982, classes for children over 4 years old include rhythmics, gymnastics, classical, modern dances and even stage practice. And “Young Zilovets” is the oldest ensemble folk dance, teenagers will be interested in visiting a hip-hop studio, street dancing, popping. There are also areas of ballroom and pop-sports dance. Most recently, the Dance Theater opened in ZIL, an association for children 3-12 years old, designed to teach students modern dance. There are budget places.

Eco-club "Umnichka"

Moscow dance studio Eco-club “Umnichka” is a cozy and, importantly, safe space for children different ages. Safe in literally words, environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic materials were used to decorate the premises.

You can sign up for dancing at the development center from 2.5 years old; for the little ones, the optimal direction will be “Dance Rhythm”. For older children - variety dancing(from 3.5 years old), choreography in the ballet hall - from 4 years old. Well, schoolchildren will probably like it modern direction– hip-hop, house and club children's dances. All courses are aimed at small groups of up to 8 dancers; at Umnichka they are taught by “star teachers”. On average, the duration of one lesson is 45-50 minutes.

Yegor Simachev Ballet Workshop

You can experience beauty through classical ballet within the walls of Yegor Simachev’s workshop. Here they instill a love of dancing in children aged two years and older. The best of the most famous choreographic studios Moscow has many branches, so it won’t be difficult to sign up for classes as close to home as possible.

Ballerinas of the Bolshoi Theater and professional choreographers teach beauty and lightness, magical flight in dance. Children can put on a tutu and special shoes for the first time during a trial lesson to feel in their hearts whether ballet is right for them. And even if the child does not want to go on stage in the future, in the studio he will learn to think creatively, work on himself, and acquire graceful posture. Lessons for little dancers and dancers are built in a special rhythm, alternating with game exercises, so everyone will be comfortable.

A subscription for four classes costs 4,000 rubles, a one-time visit costs 1,250 rubles. You can study either in a group with peers or individually. Duration – from one hour.

International Center for Dance and Performance "TSEKH"

Parents and their children can find out what contemporary dance is by enrolling in the dance school of the Tsekh association. This international center able to convince modern dance– this is a special genre.

However, the program covers not only the study of steps, students learn the basics creative movement, participate in nonverbal theater. All teachers of the “Workshop” are young and energetic people who are in love with their work. For children there is a division by age: 3-5, 6-9, 10-12 years. Recruitment for the group is carried out every season.

Enrollment in the dance school under the direction of Alla Dukhova starts from the age of 4. Show ballet “Todes” is a world-famous brand that offers group training for children. Moscow has many branches, and there are no less of them in the regions, so you will definitely be able to enroll in a school closer to home.

You don't have to be of a certain level to attend rehearsals. physical training. Getting to know classical ballet, hip-hop, modern jazz and other dance styles, you can start from scratch. Every workout individual sessions are not provided - it is built according to a certain scheme: warm-up, learning new elements, staging dance number and consolidation of what has been learned. Children in the show ballet “Todes” will be able to participate in competitions, reporting concerts of the studio, outdoor events and not only. Lesson duration – 1 hour 15 minutes.

A boost of energy, self-confidence and impeccable posture, coupled with good mood can be found by choosing your favorite training program in dance school Galla Dance.

Enrollment in children's groups starts from 4 years old; the Zumbatomic direction is open for the youngest. From the age of 6 you can sign up for oriental or ballroom dancing, including fiery Latin American dances. From 13 years old - welcome to ClubDanceTeen. What’s noteworthy is that the parents of their child can get detailed advice from the school’s choreographers to decide which dance style more suitable for a child. Trial lesson free, individual or group training is possible (from 7 to 20 people in a team)


Children can also learn to dance the sparkling lezginka, charging those around them with positivity. Complex, but bewitching art, demonstrates lightness, grace, refined movements and virtuoso music - how can you not like Caucasian dances?

The school “Above the Mountains” offers training in Caucasian and Transcaucasian dances for children over 3 years old. Groups are recruited year-round; you just need to have a tremendous desire to dance. The cost of one lesson for children is 350 rubles, a subscription for 8 lessons is 2800 rubles, there are individual lessons.

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