Irish dance training. Irish dance lessons for beginners: simple movements

Our school invites you to join one of the brightest and most popular of ethnic styles and invites you to Irish dancing. For centuries, the Irish, despite everything, carefully preserved their cultural heritage, thanks to this we are able to enjoy these great style. They are more reminiscent of flying than actual dancing, perhaps this impression is due to the contrast between the fixed body and the fast movements of the legs.Irish dances beautiful and varied. Exists great amount various constantly developing trends.We develop sports direction modern Irish dances, children and adults actively train throughout the year to take part in Russian and foreign competitions. This direction became widely known and became popular after legendary performance show group Riverdance at the Eurovision final in 1996.

The main types of Irish sports dances are:

    Solo according to difficulty levels.

    Group traditional (ceili).

    Staged figure performances with author's choreography.

Irish dancing classes are an excellent opportunity to develop physically; children and adults improve their posture and develop flexibility. Preparing for tournaments will make your child more purposeful and disciplined, he will learn to work on himself and strive for better results, and participation in group dances will teach him to work in a team. The sports component develops the will to win in children and teaches them to cope with failures. This direction is very mobile, so it is great view leisure for active children. Another one important feature is that most of competitions are solo, you don’t need to look for a partner to learn Irish dancing.

We accept everyone. Experience shows that the desire to exercise and grow is more important than initial physical abilities. With the right motivation and stable work, anyone can achieve high results. This is confirmed by the success of our dancers, who successfully perform at competitions of any level - from small Russian ones to European championships.

Our Irish dance school "Phoenix" is one of the best in the north of Moscow; it employs experienced trainers who try to find an approach to any student. Lessons take place in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. If you want your child to have a fun, dynamic and rewarding time, Irish dancing is a great choice. We are located near the Voykovskaya or Sokol (SAO) metro stations and invite all children from 4 years of age to classes, as well as adults without age restrictions. Eat group lessons both for beginners and intermediates. More details can be found on the website below.

Ireland is extraordinary and mysterious country, unique charm which is given by evergreen hills, ancient castles, and of course amazing dancing. National dances They are performed only to Irish music and look very beautiful and spectacular, thanks to the speed of movements and rhythm. Currently it is dance direction extremely popular in many countries. There are many schools and studios that teach the jig, reel or hornpipe, but you can learn how to dance Irish dances on your own. Depending on the technique of performance and the number of participants, the following varieties are distinguished:

  1. Solo, represents rhythmic and precise movements of the legs, while the body and arms are motionless, one person dances.
  2. Group, performed by a group of up to 16 people, and includes elements solo dances with formation into a circle, line or column and the inclusion of hands.
  3. Folk or social, characterized by simple movements reminiscent of a square dance, danced in pairs.

For those who have decided to learn how to dance Irish dances on their own, video lessons for beginners will be an excellent tool. It is better to start with the solo direction, which includes: jig, reel, hornpipe and solo sets.


Performed to violin music. A fun and cheerful jig that consists of traditional jumps and special steps. The jumps are quite high, which makes a lasting impression, but initial stage Don't jump high. First you need to learn how to hold your body correctly and press your hands, and most importantly, land softly. Dynamic and spectacular Irish dancing can be a serious challenge for beginners.


Reel is believed to be of Scottish origin, but has undergone great changes to include truly Irish elements. Great for beginners and is usually the starting point for learning how to dance Irish dance correctly. Can be fast or slow.

Rila performed in fast pace have a set of simple movements, while slow ones are characterized by a more complex set of figures, including high jumps. The technique, depending on the type of shoe, can be soft or hard.


Includes jumping and tap dancing elements, touching the floor alternately with the heel and toe, creating the effect of a drum roll. The hands are usually placed on the belt or extended along the seams, and the swings are made with the leg bent at the knee. It is performed only in hard shoes and is the most difficult to master. Somewhat similar to a reel, the hornpipe has a distinctive dotted rhythm and an emphasis on the first count. It can also be slow and fast.

Set solo dances

A distinctive feature is a special set melody, which can be traditional or original, and its structure differs from the usual one Irish music. To such melodies, unique dance compositions are developed, intended for participation in competitions, which will include complex steps and unconventional elements. The music and steps of solo sets created in the distant past and called traditional are passed down from generation to generation in Ireland.

Irish dancing is not only an amazing boost of positivity and energy, but also a great way to increase stamina and improve physical fitness. Having mastered basic elements, you can continue to use lessons for beginners to learn Irish dancing, or go to a special studio. Speed, clarity and rhythm of movements will come with regular practice.

The portal contains information on where you can sign up for Irish dance classes in Moscow: addresses and telephone numbers dance schools and dance studios, prices for the most popular areas, student reviews. For greater convenience in using the portal and searching for a dance school, we suggest using a convenient filter by area and metro station. Visual tables will help you compare the cost of classes and training in different dance studios city, choosing the best price option.

Irish dancing can easily be called one of the oldest dance styles, the first mention of which dates back to the 11th century. It is difficult to find another dance like this, in which rhythm, fun and energy are so harmoniously intertwined.

Irish dance - style features

Irish step dance, danced solo, is one of the show styles that originated in Ireland. Gradually developing from traditional elements, today it is a very exciting sight. Initially, the dance developed in countries where there was a large Irish diaspora, but over time it gained fans among local residents. This led not only to the emergence of simply demonstration performances and various shows, but also to the development of all kinds of competitions held in Ireland, the USA, England and other countries.

Irish dance is difficult to confuse with others - to distinctive features This includes an almost motionless body, arms down, fast and clear movements of the legs. Due to the fact that the main movements of the dance involve the work of only the legs, there is also a second name for Irish solo dances - step dancing. Although in Russian the word “step” usually means dancing, during which sound is produced with the feet using ringing heels. However, this does not prevent you from dancing Irish dances in shoes with soft soles.

The pattern of steps in Irish dancing is individual in each school and directly depends on the teacher. Each professional teacher personally develops steps for their students. All movements use the same basic elements, but overall each dance is unique.

How will Irish dance lessons be useful?

This is a very proud dance that instills confidence and self-esteem in the dancer. In classes, students learn to feel rhythm and music well, reflecting them in their every movement. Irish dance lessons teach you to constantly listen to your body and fully control it. Since only the legs are used during the dance, the head, body and arms remain motionless - this teaches you to perfectly coordinate your own movements.

When you decide to start learning Irish dancing, you need to take care of your clothes. It should be comfortable and not restrict movement. For girls, light T-shirts, tank tops or blouses, thick tights or leggings, and short skirts that reveal the knees are suitable. You can also exercise in shorts. Their shoes should be given preference to soft models: Czech shoes, ballet shoes, jazz shoes or Irish ones.

Irish dance: training in Moscow

Emotional and energetic Irish dancing is very popular in different countries. For quite a long period of time, interest in them has not waned, and the number of people wishing to engage in them is constantly growing. Fans of Irish dancing in Moscow have long perceived it as a serious sport that requires long training.

Irish dancing has an amazing energetic effect on the audience. People sitting in the hall, watching the dancers beating the rhythm on stage, would gladly join in the dancing. Of particular interest are the unusual poses of tap dancers: top part the body is practically motionless, the arms also do not take part in the dance, but that’s what the legs are capable of! They have the main responsibility for the entire dance.

Irish dancing: from the times of the Druids to the present day

Irish dancing dates back to Druid times. Initially, they had a ritual orientation and were performed in a circle. However, despite their specific purpose, even then they were unusually rhythmic and emotional. In medieval Ireland, a ban on hand movements during dance was imposed by the clergy, believing that it was the activity of the hands that attracted the forces of evil.
Irish dancing as part national culture Ireland for a long time were popular only in their homeland and even in America, since there are many Irish emigrants in this country. But in last decade last century several enchanting Irish ones appeared dance shows, which revolutionized ideas about Irish dancing all over the world.

"Lord of the Dance", "Gaelforce Dance", "Riverdance" - having seen such a performance once, people, as a rule, want to enjoy such a spectacle regularly. In addition, many people think about learning Irish dancing in order to master all the skills of these amazing colorful movements accompanied by fiery and rhythmic music.

Irish dancing in Moscow: exciting, beautiful, healthy

Irish dancing in Moscow attracts people of different ages. Currently operating in the capital a large number of dance schools and studios where experienced teachers give Irish dance lessons to everyone.

Irish dancing is not only a wonderful option for active leisure, but also great way always be in shape. Dance schools in Moscow, the addresses of which you will find on our website, offer individual and group classes for beginners and experienced dancers- for everyone who is ready to tirelessly beat fiery Irish rhythms!