How to learn to dance Irish dances. Irish dance lessons for beginners: simple movements

Sometimes it's quite difficult to know for sure whether a guy likes you or whether he already has a girlfriend. Indeed, it is very important to understand whether the guy you like is single or not. If you're dating a guy, it's important to check that he doesn't have another girlfriend you don't know. Pay attention to our tips to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation.


Part 1

Watch how the guy behaves around you

    Listen to what and how he says when he is near you. Guys don't always admit that they already have a girlfriend. Pay attention if he uses the pronouns “we” and “us” when talking about last weekend or upcoming plans - most likely he has a girlfriend. In addition, he can often talk about some girl, without mentioning the fact that he is in a relationship with her.

    • If a guy reacts negatively to your flirting, it means he is not interested in you, or he has a girlfriend (or both).
    • Some guys flirt with every girl they meet, even if they are already in a relationship. Therefore, do not flirt with a guy until you are sure that he is free.
    • Remember that a guy can be polite and nice even if he has a girlfriend. Don't confuse flirting with being polite.
  1. Pay attention to his body language. Single guys very often try to touch the girl they like, and guys who have girlfriends usually avoid physical contact. In this case, the guy will only hug his friends and relatives. If a guy reacts negatively to your attempts to hug him or sit next to him, he most likely has a girlfriend.

    • Don't force your guy to hold your hand, hug you, or touch you if you notice that he's trying to avoid you. You don't want to ruin his relationship if he already has a girlfriend.
    • A guy can hug all the girls he knows, regardless of whether he has a girlfriend. Therefore, you should not rely on this fact to accurately understand whether this guy is in a relationship.
    • If you notice that a guy is deliberately avoiding your company, most likely he is trying to show you that he is already taken.
  2. You should immediately understand if a guy treats you in a friendly manner. Usually a guy devotes a lot of free time to his girlfriend and gives her romantic surprises. If the guy you like treats you like a friend and doesn't want to spend more time with you, he probably already has a girlfriend. In this case, he will introduce you to his friends as “girlfriend”, “acquaintance”, “friend” and so on. These words are usually used to describe friends.

    Try to understand if he is trying to hide your communication. If you think the guy you're with is cheating on his girlfriend and you're just a "backup option," watch him closely. He may change your name in his contacts and vaguely answer questions about what he is going to do. If a guy limits the time you can call him and send messages, he is most likely trying to hide your communication from his girlfriend.

    • If a guy doesn't introduce you to friends, family, or co-workers, he probably doesn't want anyone to know about your communication.
    • Perhaps you shouldn't interfere in someone else's business and warn the girl that the guy is deceiving her. This could lead to an unpleasant situation for you. So as not to create for yourself unnecessary problems, just exit the game.
  3. Find out how a guy spends his free time. If a guy is in a serious relationship, he usually spends most free time with my girlfriend. If he devotes most of his time to you and his other friends, most likely he is single. If a guy answers that he is free in the evenings and on weekends, most likely he does not have a regular girlfriend.

    Part 2

    Observe how a guy behaves in company
    1. Check out his pages at in social networks. One of the most simple ways to find out if a guy has a girlfriend is to check his profile on a social network (Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram). Observe whether he spends more time with any girl than usual, whether he posts photos with this girl on his profile. In addition, you can simply check the information about himself that he posted on the site to understand whether he has a girlfriend.

      • Check out his friends' pages. Sometimes a guy doesn't make his relationship public and doesn't post photos. In this case, you can check the pages of his friends and followers to see if they have posted photos of the guy you are talking to with any girl.
      • Be very careful not to accidentally like or comment on this guy's old photos or posts. Otherwise, he will receive a notification and think that you are stalking him.
      • Of course, today this is a rare occurrence, but it may well turn out that your boyfriend will not have a page on social networks. In this case, it is much more convenient to check the profile of some of his friends to see if he has photos with this guy on his page (or other information).
    2. To understand whether a guy is in a relationship, just look at his phone. Many guys, like girls, keep photos and messages from a person who occupies an important place in their lives. In this case, you can ask the guy for his phone number and discreetly go into the gallery or messages to confirm your suspicions.

      • Say that your phone is dead and you really need to call urgently - this way the guy won’t suspect anything.
      • Don't violate his personal space. If you are going to get into a guy's phone (in private messages or social networks) without asking, you can easily be found out. Obsessively pursuing a guy is not a good idea.
    3. Watch how he treats other girls. Guys in regular relationships rarely pay much attention to other girls. If this guy is loyal and good, he will not look at girls when they pass by, or comment on their appearance in a conversation with his friends.

      • On the other hand, if you have evidence that this guy has a girlfriend but he still pays a lot of attention to other girls, he might be a cheater, so be careful.
      • If he easily meets other girls, most likely he is alone. In this case, your goal is to attract his attention.
    4. Pay attention to how he flirts. If this guy seems to be flirting with everyone (including you), he's probably single. But keep in mind that many guys are very charming and sweet no matter who they talk to. Therefore, it is quite easy to confuse flirting and charisma. He may have a girlfriend, but he still pays a lot of attention to other girls.

      • Again, don't confuse being friendly with flirting. The main difference is that flirting often involves physical contact and subtle hints of intimacy.
    5. Chat with his friends. Sometimes it's very difficult to understand a guy's intentions, and sometimes he's just too secretive. Meet one of his friends and ask if this guy has a girlfriend. You can approach from afar and start with ordinary questions and hints, or you can ask directly.

      • Try to start with subtle hints. Ask something like this: “Listen, what does your friend usually do in his free time?” or joke: “Oh, where is he going, on a date?”
      • But remember that your conversation can reach the guy you like. Guys gossip about girls in the same way as girls gossip about boys.
      • But if your boyfriend doesn't have a girlfriend, you can let him know that you like him. And the conversation with his friends - good way attract his attention.

    Part 3

    Ask him directly
    1. Ask him if he has a girlfriend. If you're still wondering if he's seeing anyone, you can ask him directly. There is no need to write him SMS and private messages, it is important to talk about it in person to see how he reacts to your question.

One of the ways to avoid many problems and troubles is the ability to recognize people. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to immediately understand their thoughts, character, habits and dreams. After all, this is all a real secret behind seven seals. And if it is sometimes difficult to understand yourself, then what can we say about others. But, despite all the objective difficulties, especially when your future life, it’s worth taking the time to try to get to know the person next to you as best as possible. This will not only help improve your relationship with him, but will also save you from many troubles.

How to find out the essence of a person

There is nothing more difficult than understanding another. Even knowing about existing character traits, it is impossible to predict what people might do. After all, behavior, actions and decision-making are influenced by too many factors, and the combination of these qualities is absolutely unique. But if you set a goal, you can always get the most important information to reduce the risk of someone appearing in life who can ruin it. And here it is very important to remember that it is not his words that say most about a person, but his actions, and it is to them that you should pay attention, first of all, especially in difficult situations. Problems and troubles are a real litmus test, forcing anyone to show their true colors.

A measured and settled life does not require the manifestation of all that we are capable of. This is simply not necessary. But when insurmountable difficulties arise, a person can manifest himself completely unexpectedly, not only for those around him, but also for himself. It is at this moment that we learn much more about ourselves and those around us than before.

When we are under severe stress, we stop thinking about how we look in the eyes of others, and all actions and words reflect our true essence. If you like extreme sports, invite a new acquaintance to test yourself, and carefully watch how he behaves. For those who do not like such activities, all that remains is to wait for a difficult situation for him.

This information is especially important when it comes to your personal life. After all, the behavior of a potential groom or husband will demonstrate how he behaves in difficult and stressful situations which cannot be avoided.

Watching him, how at this moment he manifests himself in relation to those who are dear to him, whether he thinks about their needs or cares exclusively about himself, it is much easier to figure out whether the qualities of this man are suitable for you, whether you have overestimated and idealized him , observing exclusively in ordinary situations.

Unfortunately, many representatives of the fair sex, when meeting a man, are guided only by their feelings for him, without thinking at all about who he really is and whether he is who he claims to be. Not a single representative of the opposite sex will open his soul in the first months of acquaintance; often, even after several years of living together, you can learn a lot of new things about him. They do not tend to share deep feelings and cherished dreams. They are too distrustful and consider frankness a quality unworthy of a real man.

But you, despite his reluctance to open up, for the sake of yourself and, especially, your children, definitely need to communicate with him for as long as possible, without rushing to get married or bring him into the house as quickly as possible. Many problems in life could be avoided if people showed patience and, before taking relationships to the next level, be it personal, friendly, family or business, sought to get to know the person as best as possible and most desirable in the aspects that are most important to them.

To do this, it is not at all necessary to ask what they would do in a given situation. There are practically no people who will readily talk about their own shortcomings. Everyone intuitively tries to understand what they want to hear from them, and they say exactly that. Who wants to come under condemnation or criticism? Over the centuries, many have learned to hide their true goals, because this often allows them to protect themselves from most problems.

Your task is to listen carefully to how and what he talks about, how he behaves towards friends, acquaintances and colleagues, what he says about those who are absent, and how he communicates with those who are lower and higher than him in official position. Of course, this can be done if you work together, but even during meetings, sooner or later he will start talking about what is happening in his life.

And listening to him, you will understand how a person perceives criticism, treats those who are less or more successful, whether he is envious, rude or overly critical. Without even admitting it, when talking, we involuntarily tell our interlocutor what worries us and what we are absolutely indifferent to, but not everyone hears it. Anyone who wants to get to know another must hear and analyze the information received, drawing conclusions that will help determine whether you are looking in the same direction as him, or whether his views on life repel you.

Let's figure out how to recognize a man

It’s easy to avoid many problems in relationships if you immediately set a goal, don’t give in to emotions, and take the decision “Is this representative of the opposite sex right for you” as seriously as possible.

  • When a man takes you seriously, he cares and protects you. To understand whether he is ready to help in any situation, it is enough to turn to him with the most banal request. If he does not strive to help, but finds a lot of excuses to avoid taking responsibility and this is not the first time this has happened, you should think about whether you need such a gentleman. He doesn’t want to do anything now, but what will happen next? Either he will sit on your neck, or he will disappear from the horizon altogether.
  • Pay attention to his hobbies, whether they cause rejection. It’s great when they are common, but it’s okay when they are too different, the main thing is that at least one of them is common or becomes so. It's not difficult when people unite real love. But if your interests have not become common in at least some way, friction may arise.
  • If it is very important for you to help those in need, you love animals, care about poor homeless creatures, and you have a cat or dog at home, taken from a shelter or picked up from the street, it is unlikely that a man or new friend, which strictly do not accept animals, will suit you. Passion will pass, but constant arguments about your desire to do good and a contemptuous attitude towards what is important to you can poison your existence for a long time and leave unhealed wounds in your soul. Fortunately, it happens that after close communication with wonderful and grateful creatures, the stronger sex changes its negative attitude, so have a little patience, and maybe it will become kinder. If he is too cruel, it is hardly worth giving up on yourself for the sake of the low chance that you will get along with someone who is so different from you.
  • Today you can find out about a person using social networks. By looking at the page of someone you are interested in, you will see how many friends he has, what he does, what interests him, who his relatives are, what goals he sets for himself. Pictures, statuses, games, applications and communication on certain topics best characterize him.
  • But the most important thing is what feelings he evokes, whether you feel comfortable next to him. And here you don’t need to analyze, think and remember what you know about him, but just listen to your soul. When everyone around you says how wonderful he is, and you don’t argue with this, but still deep down in your soul you feel some kind of uncertainty, tension or chill, then this is not your person. Sometimes we cannot accurately characterize the actions of others, but our subconscious copes well with this, noticing subtle gestures, facial expressions, intonation and tone. And even if we come to the conclusion that this person is good, but in fact he just skillfully hides his shortcomings or is not suitable for us, intuition will definitely warn. You just need to hear it.

Take the time to get to know the person as well as possible. Only by being able to understand him will you determine for sure whether he is the one you need. Attentive attitude towards others is not just politeness, but a real necessity, which allows you to protect yourself from unwanted acquaintances who can cause harm. As they say in famous aphorism: "Forewarned is forearmed". Take care of yourself and your loved ones and don’t let anyone deceive you or mislead you.


From the very beginning of the relationship, be attentive to the man who happens to be next to you. There are no small details, and it is important to take everything into account. Of course, you can enjoy the ease - they say, let everything go as it goes. But then be prepared to take the result just as lightly - it didn’t work out, you ran away, you turned out to be unworthy, and a lot of time has already been lost.

At the beginning of a relationship, when you just started, pay attention to how your gentleman expresses himself. Surely he was the initiator of the acquaintance - should he have somehow made it clear that he was not indifferent to you? But what happens now? Who is first - him or you? You don't need to consider the number of calls, just note the trend. Does he call your number once a day or once a week? And if you, bored, call him and come across an answering machine, will he answer? If you have to call him a second time, this is a reason to be wary: it does not seem that the boyfriend feels a lack of communication with you.

At the stage when you meet regularly, pay attention to the following little things: whether they open the door for you, whether they give you a coat, a hand when getting off a bus or car. However, if everything is in order, this only indicates that the man has a certain upbringing. If the gentleman does not show politeness, try to track those manifestations that compensate for this shortcoming. For example, he is not too gallant, but he does not allow you to pay for yourself in a cinema, cafe, or museum. From time to time, a man who wants to please his wife gives her small gifts. These will not necessarily be diamonds, the main thing here is attention. If they don’t give you any surprises, this is another reason to think about it. Perhaps the man is not interested in you. According to his status, he is supposed to have a girl with whom he can appear in company or in the theater, but he is not interested in what kind of personality she is.

The next stage of rapprochement adds to your understanding of whether this man is worth your time and effort. For example, he paid for you everywhere on . But now every now and then he strives to ask for a hundred rubles for, or to buy tickets to the cinema (he’s so late!). If his solvency has completely dried up, if a young man in any situation tries to “move out at your expense,” then in front of you is a gigolo. Whether it is worth getting involved with gigolos, even if they are polite in communication, is up to you to decide.

A man who truly likes you will definitely be interested in your affairs. Care from loving man manifests itself in everything. It is important to him what you had for breakfast, whether you are warm, whether you are comfortable. At on a joint hike Such a man will not allow you to carry heavy bags to the store. At evening, he talks not only about himself, but also asks you how your day went.

If all these signs of care and interest are not present, if a man demonstrates only good manners and a willingness to ask you out on a date, it is possible that his plans do not go further. And in this case, only you can decide whether it is worth spending time on a one-time relationship.


Among men who are not too confident in themselves, the “pickup artist” movement is now very fashionable. The goal of a pick-up artist is to get the girl he likes for sex as quickly as possible. To do this, pick-up artists practice dozens of “framing” and seduction techniques. Read about their methods on pick-up artist forums and be prepared to meet such men.

A woman meets the man of her dreams - he is handsome, charming, attentive and ideal in bed. But over time, the happy chosen one begins to understand that in addition to all this splendor there is one significant drawback - she is not the only one. So how to identify and weed out womanizers right away, so as not to suffer from broken heart?

Womanizer: whim or diagnosis?

Almost all women like womanizers. They are devilishly charismatic, experienced and attractive. Polygamy is popularly considered masculine feature, which is impossible to get rid of, but life shows that even the most inveterate womanizer is capable of becoming an ideal husband and a wonderful father. First of all, it depends on the readiness of the man himself to start a family.

If a guy doesn’t want to date a woman anymore, then there’s no point in holding him back.

Also, a man’s behavior is greatly influenced by the world around him. Today it is fashionable to be a male, a macho and a Casanova - this is one of the signs of success among men. In addition, the womanizer’s parents may be to blame for a polygamous attitude to life, who from childhood inspired him that he is the best and not every girl deserves him.

And finally, the behavior of a womanizer can be directly related to his personal characteristics. Most often, there are temperamental, cynical men who perceive a woman as an object of conquest, but nothing more.

How to recognize a womanizer at an early stage

After getting acquainted with him, you should pay attention to a number of certain signs that will give you his passion for women. Firstly, they are sociable, energetic, socially active and are often the life of any company, even unfamiliar ones. Usually they like to dress very conspicuously, visit nightclubs and other establishments where they can meet a girl and conquer another fortress.

Pay attention to – flashy clothes, grooming and Jewelry often serve specifically to prey on impressionable women.

Womanizers know how to speak beautifully and floridly, using various familiar and even slightly obscene phrases in their speech. They also tend to immediately promise you a star from the sky, a house in Nice and a stone wall in the form of a magnificent self. If you have his information, check the boyfriend’s social networks - usually the pages of womanizers are full of photographs different girls and corresponding statuses.

And never forget the basic rule - if a guy doesn’t call you back after a stormy night, don’t look for a meeting with him and don’t try to get through by inventing a bunch of excuses for him. Most likely, you have become another victory in the womanizer’s list, so put your dignity back in place and find yourself a real man with whom you will start dating for real.

For every girl, the most important thing is to feel loved. But sooner or later, each of them wonders how to test a guy’s feelings. To find out the answer to a question of interest, many girls use all sorts of methods, some of which are best not put into practice.

According to statistics, men are less likely to wonder how to check a girl’s feelings. This is explained primarily by the fact that men are more confident in themselves. Women have doubts about their feelings in the following cases:

  • The girl has low self-esteem, she constantly needs proof of love;
  • The acquaintance of a guy and a girl lasts quite a long time, but on his part there are no hints of more serious relationship;
  • The girl is not sure of her feelings young man, and wants to know whether to continue the relationship or end it;
  • In case the guy behaves ambiguously, not showing affection, but also does not break off the relationship.

How to check a young man's feelings

Do you want to know how the man you like feels about you? Look at him as if from the outside. Take a closer look at how he treats you, how he shows his feelings. Every little thing has great importance, for example, he is interested in whether you are dressed warmly, what you had for breakfast, how you are doing at work or at university. If you are eager to know how to test a man for the sincerity of his feelings, listen to the advice of psychologists.

Show feigned indifference

To find out how a guy feels towards you, act out some coldness and indifference, but don’t overdo it! This can be done in the following ways: being late for a meeting, not calling a couple of times at the appointed time, or not answering correspondence. If a young man really likes you, he will want to know the reason for your indifference. But don’t forget, each person has his own limit of patience, don’t get carried away.

Check how serious his intentions are

If a guy is committed to a long-term relationship, he will not be afraid to introduce you to his friends and parents. Inviting you as a couple to a birthday or wedding clearly shows seriousness.

Take a closer look at how seriously a guy takes your personal life

When a young man pays attention to everything that happens in your life, this is good sign. He will rush in when you suddenly fall ill, he will come to see you off on a business trip, in a word, he will not stand aside during serious events in your life. Sudden surprises also indicate strong feelings towards you.

The guy remembers your phone number by heart and all your joint memorable dates.

A person remembers only information that is very important to him. If a young man remembers your favorite color, the date of your first meeting or the moment of your first kiss, then he is not indifferent to you.

The young man does not ignore any change in your appearance.

An excellent sign in the sincerity of male feelings is increased attention to the girl's appearance. New item clothes, changed hair color do not go unnoticed, and this clearly indicates increased interest in the girl. Agree, only a man in love pays close attention to any little details related to the object of his adoration.

Manifestation of jealousy

Male psychology is structured in such a way that each representative of the strong field feels like an owner in relation to the woman with whom he has a certain relationship. Manifestations of jealousy are difficult to ignore - a guy’s face changes if you turn your gaze to other men.

The combination of some of the listed signs clearly indicate that the young man feels for you tender feelings. Be observant, and if you notice that a guy constantly wants to touch you, hug you, you often catch his eye on you - most likely, you will hear a declaration of love in the near future.

How not to check your feelings

However, there are a number of actions that should not be used to test the feelings of a young man.

Extreme checks

Don’t come up with stupid tasks, like if you walk on this roof, it means you love me. Each person has his own degree of manifestation of love, and not every guy is ready to risk his life in order to prove something to you.

Check by jealousy

Another stupid idea to test a man’s feelings. A young man who is too jealous of his girlfriend most likely feels a sense of ownership towards her, rather than a trusting relationship. Therefore, you should not arrange a “sudden” meeting with ex-boyfriend, or writing love SMS from another number, this is not only stupid, but also dangerous.

Temptation check

Many girls try to find out the feelings of a young man with the help of a friend, and in the end they risk being left without a boyfriend and without a girlfriend. Every man is a hunter by nature, and there is always the possibility that he will be led by other prey.

To find out how a man treats you, you don’t need to weave cunning intrigues, be sincere in your relationship, and you will receive the same attitude in return. Love is always visible from a distance; truly close people do not need to test their feelings.

When not to continue a relationship

So, you are dating a guy, or are just planning to do so, but you don’t know how he feels about you. If you don’t have the time and patience to observe his behavior for a while, but you really want to find out, come up and ask directly. It's up to you to decide whether to be in the unknown or hear the bitter reality. You can also find out information of interest from mutual friends and acquaintances, someone will be in the know.

A guy has no serious intentions towards you if:

  • When he meets you, he continues to wander his gaze around. He feels free and pays attention to all female representatives.
  • The tone of his conversation does not change when you communicate, that is, he does not distinguish you from the crowd.
  • A man spends little free time with you. From friends and acquaintances you often hear about his adventures in clubs, but he does not invite you with him.
  • A young man does not give you flowers and nice trinkets.
  • In your presence, he devotes too much time to other pretty girls.
  • The guy doesn’t want to communicate with you by correspondence - on social networks or by phone.
  • In a difficult situation, you have to rely only on yourself, your beloved, there is not even a hint of help from the young man.

If you find several matches in the list, do not be under any illusions, young man you are completely indifferent, and he has no plans to start a serious relationship with you. Try to forget about it, and then something really will appear on your horizon. worthy person who will love you and provide every possible support.

Every woman always wants to know what the young man she likes thinks about her, what feelings he experiences. Sometimes it’s enough to take a closer look at it, and everything immediately becomes clear. If the situation doesn't seem so simple and you want to use additional techniques to check feelings, be careful not to overdo it. Attempts to cause excessive jealousy, seduction by a friend, or correspondence on someone else's behalf from a dating site can only harm your relationship. Be honest and sincere with your chosen one and then in return you will receive the same feelings and emotions.

Studying a guy's qualities is equally appealing to both 13-year-old girls and mature women. Each discovered nuance of character causes a magical delight and becomes an unforgettable experience. Even if you are sure that you have known everything for a long time, unexpected situations will arise that present more and more new surprises. How can you get to know your partner purposefully? There is nothing complicated - ask him questions! Of course, it's not that simple, but if you can get him to open up, you can learn a lot because all men like to talk about themselves. The main thing is to keep the conversation going and avoid the terrible silent pauses that poison communication.


    Start at slow speed. The first stages of a relationship help you get to know each other to build trust. At this time, you are trying to find out if the guy of your dreams is nearby, or is it some nightmare, from which it is better to wake up quickly. The catch is that at first the guy is usually shy, and your attitude towards him is filled with caution. To break the ice, use light and neutral topics - school, weather, sports, etc.

    Ask questions in a logical sequence. When a guy starts answering on a topic he feels confident about, subsequent questions will come from his answers. For example, you could ask, “What is your favorite baseball team?” - “Yankee”. Then you can find out who your favorite player is, whether the guy attended professional league matches, or whether he was in New York, etc. But if you immediately ask about math classes, the guy will be embarrassed by the unexpected change, and may even think that you are not interested in his answers.

    As you follow up with follow-up questions, tell us a little about yourself. Ideally, a guy should want to know about you just as much as you want to know about him. Also, you don’t need to leave him under the constant bombardment of your questions. Take small pauses after answering, during which you can think about how your questions relate to the answers received, so as not to jump from topic to topic. Most best conversation occurs when two people listen to each other, forming their phrases based on what is answered.

    Become a good listener. You won't be able to build for real good questions, if you only think about what to ask next, or are eager to express your opinion on the topic of conversation. When a guy sees genuine interest, he wants to answer questions as best as possible. After asking a question, give him time to give a detailed answer without interrupting the speech with the next question.

    Avoid yes or no questions. Most men are laconic and tend to respond as quickly as possible. Ask open questions, requiring at least a few words in the answer. Only politicians and lawyers want to pin their opponents to the wall with a yes or no, and you want to get to know your guy, not cross-examine him (at least in most cases).

    Respect his privacy. Don't force answers to straightforward questions. You can ask anything, but if there is no desire to answer, it is better not to persist. Wait, the guy can prepare an answer and talk about it himself, but not necessarily today. Try not to let openness cross the line into pressure. But don't be too shy if you're really interested in learning something.

    Choose the optimal time for questions. A regular “small conversation” can be started in any situation when you are together, but if the guy is currently communicating with friends, it is better not to interrupt the conversation. And what more difficult question, the more responsible you need to choose the time to discuss it. Wait for a quiet time when you are both at good mood and don't rush anywhere. This best time to find out about past crushes, tension in relationships with relatives, or how he really evaluates the relationship with you, and discuss other potentially painful and dangerous issues.

  1. You need to enjoy silence from time to time. Communication is important for everyone, but that doesn't mean you have to talk all the time. A pause can be hard, but sometimes it comes in handy.

    • Don't forget that he is your boyfriend. You can throw away unnecessary modesty.
    • Make sure that the topic does not cause tension for both of you. If a guy answers your question and asks for mutual frankness, it would be dishonest for you to remain silent, especially if he himself had difficulty answering.
    • Try not to say “I don’t know,” even if it means thinking before answering the question.
    • Sometimes something as simple as a simple conversation over a get-together can work wonders. You can also communicate during joint activities, for example, while walking or at the skating rink.
    • The reasons for a guy's secrecy can be very varied. Perhaps in childhood something terrible happened and he thinks it's his fault. He may be embarrassed because the questions remind him of a previous relationship. A guy may also feel like you're judging him, especially if he's had this experience in a past relationship. Just let him know that you love him and your feelings will remain the same, regardless of his answer, but he may not rush - when he wants to open up, you will be there. Of course, at the very beginning of the relationship, these words will not be completely honest, but you can still give him time.
    • Ask about what is important to you. It’s also better not to rush here, otherwise the guy will feel like you’re putting pressure on him. This is especially true if he is a silent person by nature, and even a few simple questions exhaust his strength. But make him take your interests into account. If after a few months of dating you know everything about his car and past passions, but nothing about his dreams and plans for the future, you have the right to satisfy your interest.
    • If the guy refuses to talk, try making the questions funny. Let them know you're going to ask random questions and ask about anything. You can play the game “Opinion or Promise”, where for each unanswered question you need to fulfill a wish. Of course, for this your relationship must be close enough. Otherwise, it is better not to persist, but to give time to think.


    • You don't always have to play exclusively his rules. There is giving as well as receiving in a relationship, but you both need to allow it to happen naturally. If he is not in the mood to answer, you should not attack with questions, demanding an immediate answer. But if he refuses to talk at all about anything important to you, then he's probably not worth your time.
    • Don't ask too personal questions in the very first meetings.
    • Don't push too hard with questions that make you sad or uncomfortable.