Wolf Messing: who saw through time. Wolf Messing - Hitler's nightmare, Stalin's friend

Rumors have been circulating for over seventy years that Wolf Messing is Stalin’s personal psychic. At the same time, due to the lack of many documentary sources, there are many both supporters and opponents of this myth. We invite you to form your own opinion.

In the article:

It is believed that Stalin's psychic is Messing. But no one wonders whether the leader of the Soviet Union even had a personal predictor and hypnotherapist. There were many rumors about Messing, and now it is no longer known which of them may turn out to be true, and which of them may be an invention of newspapermen.

Wolf Messing

Even during the life of the psychic, there was a legend that Messing was a fortuneteller under Stalin. This legend is not too difficult to refute, as are several others. Some of the mythical facts of the biography have been disputed due to the lack of documentary evidence. Thus, the fact of Messing’s participation in solving crimes remains only a legend. Perhaps the myth that he was Stalin’s personal clairvoyant is also just a legend.

Some biographers believe that the entire official story was fabricated in order to create a positive reputation and an interesting image for the Soviet artist. After the war with Germany, German documents were studied - the funds of the chancellery, ministries, secret police and other departments. No documents were found that would confirm the existence of circus artist Wolf Messing. But, according to his biography, his career began in Germany.

Between the First and Second World Wars, magazines devoted to extrasensory perception and other supernatural phenomena were published in Poland. If you believe Messing’s biography, it was at this time that he returned to his homeland. But no articles about the supposedly popular clairvoyant at that time appeared in these magazines. The same applies to Polish books published at this time, before the start of the career of the Soviet predictor.

There is a well-known legend that Stalin suggested that Messing experiment with bank robbery. Messing claimed that he gave the cashier a blank piece of paper, and he gave him the required amount of money. But at this time, when this experiment was carried out, the procedure for receiving money from the bank was completely different. The hypnotist had to give the check to the accountant, who had no funds to issue. The check passes through several bank employees, including auditors, and only after that does it reach the cashier, who is responsible for issuing money.

Whether Stalin and Messing communicated is another question. There are no records of a visit to Stalin's office by a hypnotist.. But there are cases of Wolf Messing refusing to demonstrate his psychic abilities. This was stated by a specialist in the study of ideomotor acts after a meeting with a Soviet hypnotist.

Foreteller under Stalin - arguments in support of the legend

There are also arguments in favor of the fact that Messing was indeed Stalin's personal clairvoyant. It is difficult to argue with these facts for people who understand what life was like in those days, how government officials behaved and what laws were dictated under Stalin.

Most likely, the clairvoyant actually visited Joseph Stalin, but these meetings were not documented. Most likely, they tried to keep them secret. However, after the death of the ruler of the USSR, there were eyewitnesses who witnessed that Messing visited Stalin. A telegram has also been preserved in which Stalin wrote about the error in Messing’s prophecy about the future - he called the date of the end of the war on May 8, and was wrong by only one day.

Wolf was a refugee from Poland, he escaped from German captivity to the territory of the Soviet Union. He was not affected by repression. In 1943, a psychic tried to secretly cross the border into Iran and was detained. But the press did not find out about this, and he himself did not receive any punishment.

Various fortune tellers, sorcerers and other “magical” people were persecuted during the time of Stalin - this is not a secret for people who are aware of the realities of that time, although it still did not come to light. But Wolf Messing carried out his activities quite legally - he was engaged in hypnotherapy, artistic hypnosis, and also treating people using suggestion. He traveled throughout the Soviet Union on tour and appeared on television in a rather mystical genre. Nobody even intended to ban Wolf Messing’s show, and there was no talk about it.

The Soviet psychic was prohibited from traveling outside the borders of the Soviet Union. He could not even visit his homeland. It is believed that the hypnotist knew some important secrets related to the Soviet leadership. Perhaps he knew what could be called a state secret.

One of Wolf's friends was General Ignatiev. Even under the tsar, he was the head of the General Staff station, and then moved to Soviet intelligence. Friendship with a representative of the secret Soviet service cannot indicate that Messing was in the service of Stalin, but taken together with the rest of the facts from his biography, it raises certain suspicions.

Messing - Hitler's predictor

Messing was never a predictor of Hitler, this is a legend. Hitler collaborated with another psychic who was considered a rival of Messing. According to the latter, Hitler's fortune teller did not have good consequences from working for the Fuhrer.

Before the start of World War II, Messing predicted Hitler's death if he advanced to the east. Hitler responded by declaring the psychic an enemy of the Reich and Germany as a whole. A substantial reward was announced for Wolf's head, but he managed to escape from captivity to the territory of the Soviet Union.

The psychic himself stated during his lifetime that, most likely, Hitler’s plans were to force him to work for him. But he had a desire to become the personal predictor of the German leader and repeat the fate of the man who occupied this place before him. There is no evidence that Hitler gave the order to capture Messing, even in the captured records of the Ministry of Propaganda and surveillance books for 1940. The psychic's feud with the Fuhrer may well turn out to be another legend.

ABOUT Stalin Much has been said and written. Both good and bad. But few people know about one more gift of Joseph Vissarionovich: he knew how to foresee the development of events. And sometimes for many decades to come. As evidence, let me bring to your attention the story of L.M. Kollontai, who during the period described was the USSR Ambassador to Sweden.

In March 1938, the world situation was very difficult and alarming. Fascist Germany unceremoniously captured Austria in front of the whole world. And in September, encouraged by general silence, the Nazis also annexed the Sudetenland to their territory.

Seeing how the Nazis were inexorably approaching the borders of the USSR, the Soviet government began to look for allies in the West. However, the Anglo-French-Soviet negotiations, scheduled for May-August 1939, were disrupted, and our proposal to create an anti-Hitler coalition did not pass. In such conditions, the leadership of the Soviet Union, trying to distance the military threat to its borders, accepted Germany’s proposal to conclude a non-aggression pact, which was signed in Moscow on August 23.

A week later, on September 1, 1939, Germany attacked Poland, starting World War II. Realizing that peace with Germany would not last forever, the leaders of the USSR tried to protect themselves from a stab in the back by negotiating with representatives of Finland, which began in Moscow, to a favorable outcome. But they too were slow, the Finns were openly stalling for time.

It was at this time that A.M. Kollontai came to Moscow to receive first-hand information about the actual state of affairs and relevant instructions. However, her conversation with V.M. It gave little to the Molotovs. Vyacheslav Mikhailovich was sure that we would quickly break off the Finns’ horns and there would be nothing more to talk to them about. However, as the military operations that began in 1939 showed, victory in that “small war” came at great cost to us.

Annoyed by this reception, Kollontai went to the hotel, intending to quickly complete all her business in Moscow in order to leave for Stockholm again. But then the phone rang and the secretary said that Comrade Stalin was inviting her to the Kremlin.

A few minutes later, a specially sent car drove Kollontai from the main entrance of the Moscow Hotel to the Kremlin. The owner of the office stood up from his desk, stepped towards her, shook her hand and invited her to sit down. And out of habit, he began to pace around his office.

And as if anticipating possible questions, he said that six months of negotiations with the Finns had led to nothing. In this regard, Stalin advised strengthening the work of the Soviet embassy to study the situation in the Scandinavian countries, monitor the penetration of German agents into these countries, trying with all their might to prevent a conflict with Finland.

However, Stalin said, “if we cannot prevent it, it will be short-lived.” The time for “persuasion” and “negotiations” is over. “We must practically prepare for resistance, for war with Hitler,” he added.

The conversation lasted more than two hours, Kollontai recalled. Stalin touched upon many issues during this time. The leader was especially concerned about the rearmament of the army, as well as the role of the rear in the war, and the need to increase vigilance on the border and within the country. He especially emphasized that a future war will fall primarily on the shoulders of the Russian people.

After this, Stalin began to think aloud about the role of the individual in history, about the past and the future, touched on many names - from Macedonian to Napoleon, he also remembered Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Ivan Kalita, Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov. Finished with Marx and Lenin.

“Many of the affairs of our party and people will be distorted and spat upon, first of all abroad, and in our country too. Zionism, striving for world domination, will brutally take revenge on us for our successes and achievements. He still views Russia as a barbaric country, as a raw materials appendage. And my name will also be slandered and slandered. Many atrocities will be attributed to me.

World Zionism will strive with all its might to destroy our Union so that Russia can never rise again. The strength of the USSR lies in the friendship of peoples. The spearhead of the struggle will be aimed primarily at breaking this friendship, at separating the border regions from Russia. Here, I must admit, we have not done everything yet. There is still a large field of work here.

Nationalism will raise its head with particular force. It will suppress internationalism and patriotism for a while, only for a while. National groups within nations and conflicts will arise. Many pygmy leaders will appear, traitors within their nations.

In general, in the future, development will take more complex and even frantic paths, the turns will be extremely sharp. Things are heading towards the fact that the East will become especially agitated, and sharp contradictions will arise with the West...”

Still, Stalin hoped that time would pass and new generations would once again raise the banner of their fathers and grandfathers and give them full credit.

This conversation, Kollontai later recalled, made an indelible impression on her and helped her navigate the whirlpool of the terrible events that soon followed.

It remains for us to add the following to the above. It turns out that I.V. Stalin was well aware of the impending war with Germany; according to reports from our intelligence officers, he even knew exactly when it would begin. But he didn’t want to believe it, he hoped to somehow delay its start in order to complete the rearmament of the Red Army. And yet I didn’t have time...

The fact that Germany attacked suddenly was said in June 1941, apparently in order to somehow explain why literally from the first minutes of the war our army found itself in such a difficult situation. And these words, mind you, were spoken not by Stalin, but by Molotov.

Joseph Vissarionovich himself once again demonstrated his remarkable foresight in the spring of 1945, at the Potsdam Conference, when he invited the heads of the United States and Great Britain to discuss the issue of dividing... the Moon. They even thought that they had misheard or that Stalin himself had misspoke and that we were talking about the division of Germany. But he repeated: “We have already agreed on the division of Germany. I'm talking specifically about the Moon."

And he emphasized that the USSR has its own plans for this celestial object. That's when, it turns out, the lunar race really began. And possess N.S. Khrushchev, with the foresight of his predecessor, in 2009 would probably celebrate the 40th anniversary of the landing on the moon by Soviet cosmonauts, not American astronauts.

From the book "100 Great Predictions"

Soviet Nostradamus Wolf Messing foresaw a lot

Wolf Messing- Soviet Nostradamus, whose predictions came true with terrifying accuracy. He made money through variety performances, reading the public's thoughts. Some considered him a liar and a clown, others a prophet and a phenomenon. Messing himself spent his whole life trying to explain his amazing abilities from a scientific point of view.

Miracles happen

Wolf Messing was born on September 10, 1899 into a Jewish, very devout family, in a small town near Warsaw. Strange things have been observed in the boy since childhood. One day he told his father that their cow, the only breadwinner in the family, would soon die. The man did not believe his son and beat him severely. But soon their cow was gored to death in the herd.

Wolf was a sleepwalker, which frightened his brothers and parents. By cunning, the family sent their son to a yeshiva, a religious institute. But, having learned about the forgery, the teenager ran away from the institution. And at that time the first miracle happened to him. A hungry ragamuffin climbed onto the train and hid under a bench in order to travel as a “hare” from Warsaw to Berlin. But the conductor discovered a stowaway and demanded a travel document. Not remembering himself from fear, Messing felt on the floor the first piece of paper he came across and handed it to the formidable man. He really wanted the ticket inspector to accept the dirty piece of paper as a ticket. And the incredible happened: the conductor, twirling the piece of paper in his hands, punched it.

Amazing gift

Messing lived in Berlin for five months. One day he fell on the street due to a hungry faint, passers-by noticed him and sent him to the hospital. Doctors considered the young man dead and placed him in the morgue. And only on the third day, the student pathologist discovered life in a lifeless body.

A psychiatrist, professor, became interested in the unusual case. Abel. It was he who saw in Wolf an amazing gift to control the vital functions of his body and read other people's thoughts. Abel helped Messing develop his abilities and introduced him to his first impresario. The young man amazed the German public by lying for three days in a glass coffin and showing no signs of life. He began to earn good money and was even able to send part of the funds to his family.

Disastrous march to the East

In 1937, when Adolf Gitler was already the Reich Chancellor of Germany, when racial laws had already been adopted and Jews were deprived of civil rights, Wolf Messing, at a public speech in one of the Warsaw theaters, predicted the death of Hitler if he went to the East with the army. This prophecy was published in the newspapers.

They said that after this, leaflets with Messing’s portrait were posted all over Warsaw, and 200 thousand marks were promised for his head (then the exchange rate was 2.5 marks for 1 dollar). And the psychic himself was declared a personal enemy of Hitler. Messing later said that he was captured and put in prison, and that he managed to convince the guards to come into his cell, and he slipped out unnoticed. However, there is no evidence of this wonderful story. However, Wolf managed to escape to the Soviet Union, unlike his relatives who died in concentration camps.

A little later, Messing announced that the USSR would enter the war with Germany. His words came at a time when the non-aggression pact, signed in August 1939, was in force. There is also a legend that even before the start of the war between Germany and the Soviet Union, in 1940, Wolf Grigorievich saw tanks with red stars driving through the streets of destroyed Berlin. And this prediction also came true.

100 thousand on a blank piece of paper

In Moscow, Messing amazed everyone with his extraordinary abilities. He, as in Germany and Warsaw, became a pop artist. Rumors of his colossal popularity reached Stalin. The leader of the country decided to test the gift of the Jewish artist.

They say that Messing was given the task of receiving 100 thousand rubles from the bank using a blank piece of paper. And he did it, and the actions of the predictor were observed by NKVD officers. In another test, Wolf had to get into the heavily guarded office of an official. Naturally, without a pass. And the artist did it brilliantly. During the war, Messing donated his earnings to the construction of two fighter aircraft. And in 1943, he and the State Concert were evacuated to Novosibirsk, where he continued to conduct psychological experiments on stage.

Victory Day

It was in Novosibirsk that Messing predicted the end date of the war. Local historians say that this happened during a performance in the hospital. The illusionist was asked the question that was of concern to everyone at that time: when will the war end. And he replied that our country will defeat the Nazis on May 8th.

Another time, in response to a similar question, Wolf Grigorievich stated that in 1945. This is how the rumor began to spread among the people that Messing predicted the day of victory - May 8, 1945. The surrender of Germany came into force late in the evening of May 8 (Central European time) - the 9th had already begun, Moscow time. They say that after signing the surrender, Stalin allegedly sent a telegram to the clairvoyant, where he pointed out the error of his prediction on one day.

Terrible flight

There were rumors that Messing was Stalin's personal psychic. Joseph Vissarionovich unconditionally believed the telepath. And only one prediction by Messing aroused Stalin’s anger. Wolf Grigorievich warned the leader that if he did not change his attitude towards the Jews and did not influence their persecution, he himself would die on a Jewish holiday. And so it happened: Joseph Vissarionovich died on March 5, 1953. On this day, the Jewish people celebrate Purim, established in memory of the salvation of Jews from extermination in the Persian Empire.

They also said that Messing saved Stalin’s youngest son Vasily from death. Allegedly, Wolf Grigorievich informed the leader that the plane on which Vasily was going to fly with the hockey club of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District to Chelyabinsk would crash. The disaster occurred on January 7, 1950: a Douglas C-47 military transport plane crashed during landing, killing all passengers and crew.

Later, in the late 60s, a short interview with Wolf Messing was published in one of the Azerbaijani newspapers. And in it the psychic said that he actually told Stalin about his son. According to the clairvoyant, he could not foresee the death of the plane, otherwise he would have tried to save the entire crew and pilots. He simply said that it was better for Vasily Stalin to go to Chelyabinsk by train.


Wolf Messing didn't talk much about the future. He believed that people should not know their future so as not to suffer. But he was constantly asked about it. Unlike the same Wangi, he never spoke allegorically, preferring simplicity and clarity.

Wolf Grigorievich Messing - a mysterious person . He made predictions with amazing accuracy, which attracted the attention of both ordinary citizens and government officials. He was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR for performances demonstrating the ability to read minds. However, this is only a small part of what attracted the attention of the general public.

Wolf was born on September 10, 1899 in a small town near Warsaw. Parents were Jews. From early childhood, the boy began to notice unusual visions, and those around him learned about them. At first, no importance was attached to Messing’s conversations, but everything prophesied came true. In Berlin, Wolf met with Professor Abel, as well as impresario Zellmeister. Thanks to the help of these people, the seer was able to further develop and demonstrate his skills. In 1939, with the outbreak of World War II, the telepath was able to move to the USSR. The master's relatives died in concentration camps. Concert activity continued in the USSR.

With the money received from the performance, Wolf purchased two fighters and donated them to the pilots of the Union Army. One of the most interesting pages in the magician’s biography is his acquaintance with Stalin. Wolf prophesied the crash of the plane on which Vasily, the leader’s son, was planning to fly, thus saving his life. Messing also precisely named the date when the war will end.

Hitler declared the predictor a personal enemy and promised a good reward to anyone who would destroy the seer. The basis for the hostility was a prophecy published in the newspapers. The clairvoyant predicted Hitler's death if his army went east. After German troops entered Poland, Wolf had to flee to the USSR. So he became a Soviet soothsayer.

Messing failed to work well with Khrushchev. Predictions about the fate of Russia the telepath did based only on his own visions. The leader insisted on custom prophecies. Messing began to receive less and less permission to perform concerts and fell into a deep depression, which over time grew into a mania of persecution. A long-standing leg injury required surgery. The operation was successful, but the clairvoyant’s kidneys suddenly failed and his lungs swelled. Wolf died on November 8, 1974.

The unusual childhood of a seer

Wolf suffered from sleepwalking from early childhood. His father, Gregory, was able to save his son from the problem. A bowl of cold water was placed near the boy's bed. When Messing got out of bed, he put his feet in the water and immediately woke up. At the age of six, the boy was sent to study at a cheder (a school operating at a synagogue). Another talent became noticeable here - an amazing memory. The boy easily memorized the texts of the Talmud. The father wanted to see a respected rabbi in his son, so sent for training to yeshibot.

Wolf did not want to follow the path of the clergy. In his second year of study, the boy ran away from the educational institution. Arriving at the railway station, he boarded the first departing train and hid under a bench, as he was traveling without a ticket. When the inspector approached, Wolf handed the inspector an ordinary piece of paper, looking intently into his eyes. The controller not only did not disembark the stowaway, but also offered to sit more comfortably.

In Berlin, the boy began working as a messenger; the earnings were meager. The body, exhausted from lack of sleep and food, could not stand it. One day, Wolf fell in the middle of the street, and the doctors who came to take his body pronounced him dead. The child was taken to the morgue, but one of the trainees felt a slight heartbeat, which he reported to the mentor. It was Professor Abel.

Fiction or reality

Wolf Messing did not consider visions as magic, for him it was a physical ability. In 1965, the journal Science and Life published the seer’s memoirs. Thanks to the publication it appeared there are many myths about the soothsayer, this information needs to be debunked:

After a while it became clear: Messing was not involved in the memoirs.

A few unverified facts

Unverified, but interesting facts include the following:

Messing's predictions about Russia and other countries were of interest to a variety of segments of the population, so a lot of information appeared about the life of the seer.

Reasons to believe unconditionally

A lot of controversy arose around such an odious figure as Messing. The prophecies aroused and continue to arouse both admiration and mistrust. Arguments in favor of the soothsayer - predictions that have come true:

Whether to trust, each person decides for himself.

Prophecies for the 21st century

The unstable situation in the world forces people to pay attention to prophecies in order to understand what is happening. There is no verified evidence that the seer made predictions about world events for the 21st century. But there is some unverified information:

The medium also believed that the 21st century would mark the beginning of leveling out the confrontation between Russia and the United States. Friendly relations between countries can be established.

False Prophecy

Wolf Messing was distinguished by exceptional truthfulness and was a responsible person. He predicted only when visions came. There were no failures in the telepath's practice. But even a minor mistake had a negative impact on the seer’s reputation.

One day after a speech, a woman approached Wolf holding a letter from her son. Communication with him was cut off after how I left for Australia. The medium said that the text of the letter was written by the hand of a person who died. The seer's next visit to the city was not very pleasant. The son, whose death his mother had come to terms with, returned home. But when the investigation of the circumstances began, it turned out that the letter shown to the master was actually written by a man who had died at that time, and the woman’s son was forced to resort to help, since he was illiterate. Since then, Messing's prophecies began to be believed again, and the medium's reputation was restored.

Last vision of events

Due to the accuracy of the predictions, I want to believe that the last vision will come true. When asked about the third world war, the medium answered negatively. In relation to Russia, he said that there would be peace. At present, when armed conflicts continue in various parts of the world, this prophecy can be considered irrelevant. However, they revered the master’s talent and believe that the prediction about peace will come true, local conflicts will subside, and global confrontation will be avoided.

Legacy of a Great Master

People perceive such a person as the predictor Wolf Messing differently. Many people view prophecies with skepticism; this situation is mainly due to the presence of a mass of unreliable materials created for the purpose of speculating on the personality of the medium. And not everything told by Messing became public domain. According to unverified information, after the death of the seer there was many manuscripts found th with data about the future of different states. Now the documents are stored in the archives of the special services.

Messing argued: everyone has telepathic abilities, only the degree of their manifestation is different. A person must develop a gift. The medium has only one student - Olga Migunova. According to unverified information, Wolf gave Olga an encrypted prophecy with data about the future of humanity. The information has not become available to anyone, so it is impossible to talk about the content or authenticity of the message.

Olga Migunova and Wolf Messing met in Gelendzhik. A medium performed here; Olga was 16 years old at that time. Unexpectedly, the seer asked the parents to take the child out the door to wait for the end of the performance there. The girl, according to him, interfered with the session. It turned out that Olga has unique hypnotic abilities, and Messing can help develop the gift. At the family council they decided: Olga will graduate from the pedagogical institute in absentia, the main training will be given to Messing. Now Migunova is the President of the International Academy of Hypnosis. She opened a health center and receives patients here.

Even though the attitude towards Wolf Messing was ambiguous, it is impossible to deny that this man has superpowers. He himself said: there is no magic in visions. He was able to read thoughts by sensing a person's muscle impulses. As for the ability of foresight, it is much more interesting, since the future is not revealed to everyone. Are there any terrifying prophecies about the fate of the planet and states, it is impossible to answer with complete certainty. Taking into account that some of the manuscripts are in secret archives, it becomes obvious: the great master left a message for future generations that will eventually become the property of humanity.

Attention, TODAY only!

Today little is said about this interesting person; if they are remembered, it is rather his predictions. But since this was not his profession, but rather a hobby, there is no collection of his forecasts, unlike the venerable predictors.

Today his name is practically unknown to anyone and it is difficult to imagine that just a few decades ago it was heard throughout Europe. In the Soviet Union, he became famous as a skilled soothsayer and hypnotist, and European countries began to talk about him as almost a prophet of the 20th century. For them, he was an unsurpassed psychic and clairvoyant. According to available documents, Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud admired him, and Adolf Hitler listed him as a personal enemy. This is the story of Wolf Messing.

He did not consider his prophecies to be anything unique. This gift, according to Messing, is inherent in every person, only to varying degrees. Extraordinary abilities can manifest themselves in exceptional situations. Messing spoke about this as a kind of mechanism, similar to intuition or the instinct of self-preservation. However, if an ordinary person uses his abilities by 15 percent, from time to time, then Messing’s gift worked to its fullest.

However, not all at once. Wolf Messing was born in Poland in September 1899. Since childhood, he suffered from sleepwalking. His father noticed more than once that at night, in clear weather, his son would get out of bed and watch. Having discovered this, he took action: now there was a basin of cold water near Wolf’s bed. As soon as the boy got up during the next attack, he would certainly step into the water and immediately wake up.

At the age of six, Wolf entered the synagogue's primary school, cheder. There he discovered incredible abilities in memorizing complex long texts, after which they decided to send him to a school for clergy to continue his studies.

It was the boy’s father’s dream to see his son become a rabbi. However, Wolf had other plans for his own life - the role of spiritual superior was not to his heart. He was tenacious and persistent in achieving his goals. Soon he ran away from home and sneaked onto a train heading to Berlin.

There was no malice involved - the boy was too young to have enough for a ticket. Climbing under the bench, he hid, hoping that the conductor would not notice him. But the inspector was attentive and asked to show the ticket. Wolf, in despair, fumbled for a simple piece of paper on the floor...

His surprise knew no bounds when the conductor calmly validated it and scolded the boy, saying, why hide with a ticket under a bench when there are so many empty seats around. The chronicles note that this was the day when Messing first learned about his gift of suggestion. But he still couldn’t figure out how to use it.

From morgue to artists

Upon arrival in Berlin, Messing did what he could; he began working as a delivery boy, carrying luggage, cleaning boots and shoes for visitors, and washing dishes. In a word, do at least something to earn a piece of bread. He put all his effort into his work, but despite all his efforts, there was not enough to even buy food.

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    The life and prophecies of Wolf Messing


    Today little is said about this interesting person; if they are remembered, it is rather his predictions. But since this was not his profession, but rather a hobby, there is no collection of his forecasts, unlike the venerable predictors. Today his name is practically unknown to anyone and it is difficult to imagine that just a few decades ago it was well known throughout...