What does executive producer mean? Film and TV production! Producer - who is he?

So, let's begin:

Executive producer.
Usually, executive producer concludes contracts, searches for funds, forms a team of screenwriters, directors, actors and crew members. Naturally, he draws up and controls the budget. The executive producer makes the decision to hire a particular actor or crew member and to bring in additional producers based on the needs of the project. One executive producer may have several executive producers (co-executive producers).

Showrunner. In our country, such a person is practically never found; often his duties are performed by the director.
This is an unofficial position that is not indicated in the credits and is not taken seriously. Although the person holding this position is essentially ideological inspirer or artistic director series, he is responsible for the overall creative direction of the project. As a rule, he is involved in writing the script and coordinating the work of other scriptwriters, making amendments to the finished script and ensuring that scripts are delivered on time.
In reality shows, talk shows, news programs Oh, and in special projects, the showrunner is not involved in writing scripts; his main task is generating ideas. He can be involved in promoting the project to regional channels, selecting actors and other issues related to the production of a weekly show.
The main role of the showrunner is the “guardian” of the overall concept of the project. The showrunner has the power to hire or fire because he bears the burden of responsibility for the success or failure of the show.

Producer(also general producer, leading producer) This position can be held by either an independent producer or a professional invited to work on a specific project. The producer is the person on whom the entire project rests: he works on it from the moment the idea is conceived until release finished material broadcast, selects a scriptwriter, director, film crew and actors, and is responsible for the financial, technical and organizational aspects of production. In addition, he is responsible for concluding contracts and conducting negotiations. In addition to the required salary, the producer can claim a share of the profits received as a result of the project.

Second producer (co-producer, assistant producer). Being right hand producer, the assistant carries out a number of his instructions related to various aspects production of the project. His duties may range from: creative nature(conducting interviews in a talk show), and administrative (drawing up a work schedule, distributing the budget among departments, concluding contracts, conducting interviews with show participants, searching for filming locations, etc.)

Line Producer(project manager, producer, co-producer). From first to last day work on the project line producer monitors the smoothness of the work process. He controls the budget and compares expected and actual costs. His strong point is organizational skills. He does not generate ideas but translates them into reality. Thanks to him, the work goes according to schedule (creating scenery, purchasing costumes and props, concluding copyright agreements, etc.) He draws up Timings and determines in what sequence scenes need to be filmed so that costs remain minimal. The line producer decides questions about filming locations, transportation and accommodation together with the executive or general producer. Without the help of the line producer, the executive producer and director would have had a very difficult time.

Staff producer. This producer is invited by the channel or production center to permanently workplace and receives a full package of benefits. He is responsible for a specific aspect of the project. for example, for conducting interviews with potential participants show or working with additional information necessary for the plot, or for finding filming locations, etc.

Segment producer.
In news releases, documentaries, reality or talk show, he is responsible for one or more stories - a specific part of the program that will be shown within its framework - and produces his own portion of the project. Sometimes a whole team consisting of a producer, assistants, cameraman and director can work on this segment.

Independent producer(contractor, freelancer). Often an independent producer is the owner of his own small company and fulfills orders from channels and production centers. As a rule, he works with his team and is not tied to the client’s office or filming pavilions.

Producer of special projects.
Such a producer is located directly on the “!battlefield”, hundreds of kilometers from the head office. Most often, such a producer works in the field of sports, entertainment and news programs.

Session producer.
At various stages of the production of a project, it is necessary to monitor the quality and duration of the fragments, as well as the integrity of the entire material. The responsibilities of a session producer include organizing filming, interviews, and recordings. voiceover etc.

Post-production consultant. Such a specialist has a clear understanding of the material that needs to be mounted, as well as all the graphic elements and sound fragments. At all stages of post-production he works closely with the video editor, sound designer and sound engineer.

Modern television continues to be one of the most accessible means mass media. At the same time, it performs a number of important social functions, which influence the most important social processes. Researchers at the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design at the National Research University Higher School of Economics note: “Media today is the new connective tissue of our lives. Media is everywhere, although we may not notice it.”

A television producer is, in fact, an organizer of television production, who is primarily a co-author of the correspondent. The main task of a television producer is to help a journalist collect material in a limited time. His position can be called differently, for example, in Europe and America, these responsibilities are assumed by linear and executive producers, about whose work we will talk in more detail below.

To indicate a certain vector of our research, we will define the term “producer” - (from the English poduce? produce) - producer, broadcast organizer, trusted representative of a television company, studio, editorial office. Exercises artistic, organizational and financial control over the creation of a television work, is responsible for compliance with agreements with the company, studio, and editorial office on the compliance of the created television program with their requirements and the terms of the agreement.”

The appearance of such a profession on foreign television is associated with the film industry. Film production is a labor-intensive process that requires clear organization of the work of creative and technical teams.

In cinema, producers were responsible for the financial and administrative side of film production, and the director was responsible for the creative component of the film project. In cinematography, the producing institute was an intermediary between the creative department - actors, screenwriters, directors, and the technical department - cameramen, lighting engineers, artists.

Was in American film companies whole state producers, where everyone worked separate part new project. This system still operates successfully today. The general producer is the head of the entire film crew, who deals with the financial side of the project.

The emergence of the institute of producers is a natural process. After all, cinema is teamwork, which includes multi-stage production related to creativity, technology, as well as finance. Some producers are responsible only for certain aspects of the project, while others develop the entire project - from the inception of the idea to the release of the finished television product on air.

According to researcher A. Tyutryumov, in modern conditions management role of the producer as the subject initiating production television programs, which determines its main social and economic characteristics, attracts the necessary volumes of investment, forms project teams, organizes the processes of creation, promotion, sales and distribution of television products, is key, which also determines the significance and relevance management decisions, aimed at increasing the efficiency of the production process in the sector of the national economy under consideration.

In order to define the role of a producer in television production, we will consider the main responsibilities and functions of television producers.

A television producer is the manager of the process of creating and selling various films and audiovisual works. He, together with the authors work of art develops optimal tactics for creating and releasing a feature film or television series, directs and integrates all creative and production activities of the team, provides and organizes the technological processes of preparing and conducting filming, editing the work, monitors the compliance of the filmed material with the accepted artistic concept, accepts the finished product and ensures its further advancement.

The job responsibilities of a producer vary depending on the specific type of activity of the enterprise, but in general they are very similar:

planning and implementation of projects;

organization and control of project financing (including attracting advertisers and investors);

development and organization of marketing research;

coordination of activities of all interested parties;

analysis of project business indicators and their improvement.

A person who can work in this position usually has the following requirements:

higher specialized education;

understanding of the project’s technological processes;

ability to analyze business indicators and influence them;

communication and management skills.

Excellent knowledge is often required foreign language, economic education and knowledge of jurisprudence.

There is a classification of producers depending on the volume and scale of responsibilities.

Executive producer - in large projects this is usually a representative or one of the heads of the studio, although the title can also be assigned to simply a major investor. Oversees financial, administrative and creative aspects production, but does not participate in technical ones. IN small companies or independent projects, even the screenwriter can be called an executive producer.

A co-producer is a producer who reports to the executive producer and provides the money to finance the film. Involved in daily production more than just a producer.

Associate Producer - Typically serves as a representative of the producer, who may be responsible for some of the producer's financial, creative, or administrative functions. This is often a person experienced in film production who acts as a consultant or someone who has made a major financial or creative contribution to the project.

Assistant Producer -- Typically works under the direction of an Associate Producer.

Administrative Producer -- Reports to the Board of Directors and hires freelancers for various stages of production.

Creative producer - responsible for the creative component of the project: selection creative group(director, artist, screenwriter, cameraman, composer, etc.).

The division of producers according to the degree of responsibility for the project is given by screenwriter and producer Katherine Kelleson:

  • - Showrunner (from the English Showrunner) - is responsible for the creative direction of the project. Involved in writing the script and coordinating the work of other scriptwriters, making changes to the finished script. The showrunner is not involved in organizing such television programs as reality shows, talk shows, and news programs. His main task is to be the custodian of the overall concept of the project. On domestic television The role of showrunner is performed by a producer or screenwriter.
  • -General, leading producer - this position is held by both an independent producer and a professional invited to work on a specific project. The lead producer works on the project from the moment the idea is conceived until the finished product is released.
  • -Second Producer - Being the right hand of the producer, the assistant carries out a number of his assignments related to various aspects of the production process. His responsibilities can be both creative (for example, conducting interviews) and administrative (drawing up a work schedule, distributing the budget among departments, searching for filming locations).
  • -Line producer - monitors the work process from the first to the last working day. He controls the working budget and compares expected and actual expenses. His strong point is organizational skills. He does not generate ideas, but translates them into reality. Thanks to him, work proceeds according to schedule. He creates the storyboard and determines in what sequence the scenes should be filmed to keep costs to a minimum. The line producer decides questions about filming locations, transport and accommodation together with the general producer.
  • - Full-time producer - invited by a channel or production center to a permanent workplace. He is responsible for a specific aspect of the project, such as conducting interviews with potential talk show participants, or working with additional information needed for the plot, or for finding places to shoot.
  • -Segment producer - in news releases, documentaries, talk shows, he is responsible for one or more stories - a certain part of the program that will be shown within its framework - and produces his own section of the project. In some cases, an entire team consisting of a producer, assistants, cameraman and director may work on such a segment.
  • -Producer of special projects - such a producer can be located a thousand kilometers from the head office. Many channels in New York and Los Angeles have producers located in different states of the United States and around the world who are ready to take on a new assignment at a moment's notice. This allows you to reduce time and financial costs if you need to quickly organize a project. Most often, such a producer works in the field of sports, entertainment and news programs. In domestic practice, such a producer is called regional and usually works for news offices federal TV channels. If the channel does not have its own correspondents and producers in the region, the story is filmed by stringers.
  • - Post-production consultant - such a specialist has a clear understanding of the material that needs to be edited, as well as all the graphic elements and sound fragments. At all stages of post-production, he works closely with the video editor, sound designer and sound engineer.

The position of a producer and his functional responsibilities should be distinguished from the functions of an editor. In some textbooks the positions of editor and producer were not even differentiated.

However, in our opinion, these are two different professions that differ in their functions. In fact, they share responsibility for the quality of the program and its impact on viewers. The editor's task is to prevent factual and grammatical errors, make sure that the words and the image on the screen complement each other, so that all components of the TV show - color, picture, introductions, screensavers and much more - work for its main idea and do not contain inconsistencies of any scale. The editor must track even minor inconsistencies.

In addition, the editor in modern understanding its functions is the custodian and bearer of the program format, that is, its unique image in the television world. The editor also works with people - the heroes of the program, with the film crew, and his contribution often plays a big role in motivating the team.

The producer organizes the entire process as a whole - both creative and financial. IN in this case we're not just talking about television producer, but also about the film production producer.

A producer is a person who is a specialist who regulates or helps actors

Story [ | ]

Types and features[ | ]

By field of activity there are:

The concept closest to the essence of production and manufacturing sound producer(sound engineer) - a person who manages the process of recording and subsequent processing of an audio product; its function does not involve interference in financial and organizational matters.

Producers in television and film[ | ]

The concept of “television producer” / “film producer” is divided into several categories, which include the following responsibilities:

  • Producer- creates conditions for the creation of a film (television series, TV show) and implements it from beginning to end final result. The producer finds an idea ( literary basis) future film (television) project, finances, co-finances or finds investors (sponsors, philanthropists) for the implementation of the project, forms the main cast film crew, participates in the production (implementation) of the project at all its stages - the period of film writing and/or director's script, preparatory period, filming period, editing and toning period (the so-called post-production), liquidation of cases, distribution (promotion of the finished film (TV series, TV show) to the end consumer (film distributors, TV channels, DVD stores).

In commercial projects, where the main goal is to make a profit, the producer, as a rule, is the main person, since he is responsible for the return of investments in the project, its advertising and distribution of money. Even seasoned directors are forced to obey his dictates. In “festival” projects, the producer is forced to trust the production director.

Producers can be representatives of the largest studios based on private capital.

Differences from the director[ | ]

A producer differs from a director in that the director is solely responsible for the creative part of the project, while the producer deals mainly with financial and organizational issues. In addition, according to ideal scheme, the producer is the main person responsible for the success of the entire project. Therefore, to put it modern language, it is the producer who delivers the project, which is called “turnkey”.

We hear about the producer profession every day: on TV, radio, in ordinary conversation. And we all know that being a producer is such a job. But few people know exactly what this work means.

And this is not surprising, because even he himself cannot list all the responsibilities of a producer. This work is very complex and responsible. I think it’s worth starting with the fact that there is a film producer, and there is a music producer.

The profession of a film producer appeared a long time ago, back in the early 20th century, when cinema became popular and accessible to many.

A film producer is a person on whose shoulders falls the entire burden of responsibility for filming a film. He participates in every process: he develops the idea of ​​the film, looks for money and sponsors who will help financially, he also looks for a director, camera operators, actors and, in general, creates a team.

The same person is doing film promotion, when it has already been filmed. Advertising, rental, etc. The main task of the producer is to create the right “climate”, the right atmosphere so that the filming takes place as quickly, comfortably, and most importantly as efficiently as possible. It is the producer - the main one on the set.

He is the initiator, he gets the financing, and it’s up to him what the film will be like. A producer on set is like a captain on the deck of a ship. All processes flow like streams to him, as if in big river. To be a producer you need to have not only a creative streak, but also commercial.

The producer manages not only the creative process, but also the technical one. Therefore, it is important to be able to see not only beautiful picture, but also to make it convenient and understandable for the viewer. And also have an iron will and be able to achieve your goal.

In order to become a producer in the future, you must graduate from university on the profile of cinema and television. And then work for many more years, starting from the very bottom, to experience the whole process for yourself and know all the pitfalls.

A music producer is a person who is responsible for the success of an artist. All popular artists have their own producers. Just like film producers, they work a lot and the scope of their activities is also wide, only directed in a slightly different direction.

Music producer monitors the development of new compositions The producer decides on the schedule of the artist’s performances, the promotion of the star, advertising, recording in the studio, concerts, musical accompaniment and many other issues.

The most important task music producer– is the creation and maintenance of the image and popularity of the artist. And this concept, as is well known, includes great amount questions: how to dress a star for an interview, what song to send to the radio, what director to choose for filming new video and where to get money for this very clip.

Financial questions, probably the highest priority for a producer, since the artist’s success depends on good financing. After all, there is a difference when new song comes out once a month or once every five years, when people no longer know you and have long forgotten you.

By the way, in music industry There are two types of producers: executive and musical. And their professional responsibilities are slightly different. Although, if desired, each of them can perform cross functions.

Among other things, today you can find such a profession as an Internet producer. Of course, nothing stands still and the Internet today is the most popular niche in which you can develop.

The work of an Internet producer is similar to those mentioned above. Like his fellow Internet producer oversees a specific project and makes every effort for its dynamic development.

One way or another, working as a producer is connected with image promotion and creating comfortable conditions for the development of a specific project. Be it an artist, a film or a performance. A producer can work anywhere. For example, promote any events, organize performances in the theater.

The producer is the person who does everything. Generalist. He not only accompanies the project from beginning to end, but in the process also interacts with all employees who are at least a little related to this project.

If you suddenly decide to become a producer, then do not forget to take care and make sure that you have the right set of qualities. Such as: business acumen, perseverance, multitasking, persistence, communication skills, ability to find mutual language With different people, and most importantly, be able to achieve your goal no matter what.

The job is definitely not easy. Not everyone has a penchant for both creativity and commerce. It wouldn't hurt to understand technology either. However, the result of this work will certainly inspire the creation and support of new projects.

One of the blog readers asked the following question:

Do producers have any say in how the film ends up? In general, when multiple producers are attached to a project, what is their role in the project? There is also an executive producer and a line producer. How do they interact? Are they responsible only for the project budget or not only?

Answer: If the producer is the head of the studio (read - the employer), the initiator and organizer of filming, then his influence is practically unlimited, except for specially prescribed contracts, as well as the owners of the studio (if any). In Russia, if a producer is also the owner of a film company, then he can be called a general producer.

In the USA there is also such “confusion”, but usually producer is the initiator and leader of the film production process from A to Z. He, like the director of an enterprise, organizes, manages and directs, being responsible for everything and everyone. In his hands is control over the budget, technical and creative process. He approves the script, finds money for the project, selects the “stars,” sends films to festivals, and enters into contracts with distributors. Those. he has the power to intervene in both the creative and technical aspects of film production. (By the way, if a film wins an Oscar in the category best movie”, then this award goes to the producer).

Since the producer is not able to do everything himself, certain tasks fall on the shoulders of other members of the administrative team - the executive and line producers.

Executive producer(Executive Producer, individual entrepreneur). They say that this is not an entirely accurate translation into Russian, or rather, it is too literal, since in practice in the USA executive producer means general producer. I don't know if this is true. Because CEO or there is usually only one manager, but there may be several executive producers. In addition, in the USA, an individual entrepreneur’s loan can be obtained by a person standing on the Hollywood ladder both above and below the producer. This means that an American individual entrepreneur does not necessarily correspond to a Russian general producer. Moreover, an individual entrepreneur’s loan can be obtained for completely different reasons.

For example, if a “star” finds a script, brings it to a studio or a specific producer, and then the studio proceeds to shoot the film, then that “star” actor or actress may get the job of executive producer. The same is the case when an actor/actress/director/screenwriter finds money for a project. (But it is not at all necessary that such a person will receive the right from the studio to control the film production process). In addition, the executive producer may be an investor or sponsor. Or even the author literary work, on which the film is based. In this case, the position of individual entrepreneur is also more honorary than real, because does not give real power. Those. The degree of involvement of the IP in the control of filming will depend on:

1) On the degree of influence of a person in Hollywood;

2) The financial resources he invested in the painting;

3) Personal desire, limited by the first two factors.

When it comes to television, in the US, executive producer credit can also be given to the authors of the series or screenwriters who made the greatest contribution to the creation of one or another. television project. In this case, the executive producer is more of a creator than an administrator.

Additionally, in Hollywood, the executive producer is often a studio executive or one of its owners. Then this is really close to our Russian understanding of the general producer. His task is general control over the production process, the producer himself and the use of studio facilities, i.e. he is responsible for the overall work, including legal, financial, administrative and creative questions. Such an individual entrepreneur will have more influence than a “mere producer” hired by a studio, as well as those executive producers who have only nominally received this loan. However, neither, relatively speaking, “real” nor “formal” IPs are involved in the daily control and organization of filming. This is what he does line producer.

Only a real workaholic can be a line producer. After reading the script, he draws up a plan for the filming process, based on the plan, estimates the budget of the film, calculates the number of participants, their roles in the process, how much they will have to pay, how much to spend on filming each scene, and negotiates the purchase or rental necessary equipment or props, together with the director selects and hires creative team, monitors the expenditure of funds, the payment of royalties, controls the work of all employees involved in the process, and at every stage of film production.

The line producer does not necessarily participate in all technical processes personally. Some of the responsibilities are delegated to the production manager (Production Manager, responsible for the budget, plan, spending money and paying salaries) and the production coordinator (Production Coordinator, responsible for logistics, equipment, props, contacts and hires members of the film crew; reports to the line producer and to his immediate superior - Production Manager).

It is clear from the LP's duties that he does all the grunt work. However, it has no right to interfere with creative process and give advice to the screenwriter and director. This is the prerogative of the producer and executive producer (if this is not a formal position).

If the producer allows the LP to intervene in the creative process, the line producer may receive co-producer credit. (In Russia, a co-producer can be an investor or a sponsor).

Sometimes in the US, especially on successful TV projects, the line producer receives a "produced by" production credit. This shows the difference between the screenwriter (creator, creator of the series), called in the credits “executive producer,” from the classic producer, i.e. administrator.

More details about the responsibilities of a particular member of the film crew can be found on the website