There is also a Russian size group. Member of the Russian Size group Viktor Bondaryuk: biography and creative activity

The organizers and first participants of the group were Dmitry Kopotilov and Victor Bondaryuk. The creative path of each of the musicians began long before this event. Victor, a student at a construction college, tried to play the drums. Dima, at the age of fifteen, while still a schoolboy, mastered... Read all

The group “Russian Size” was created in 1991 in St. Petersburg, works and tours to the present day (2009).

The organizers and first participants of the group were Dmitry Kopotilov and Victor Bondaryuk. The creative path of each of the musicians began long before this event. Victor, a student at a construction college, tried to play the drums. Dima, at the age of fifteen, while still a schoolboy, mastered the bass guitar.

Playing in different ensembles, the two future creators of the Russian Size group already tried to compose their own songs. And if you look into the past, you can note that in 1985-86 the group “Oracle”, in which V. Bondaryuk and D. Kopotilov were already playing together, performed such songs at discos and dance floors.

Returning from the army, in 1988 D. Kopotilov met Pavel Kashin (Pavel Kashin). (now a famous singer-songwriter). Together with other musicians, they organized a group with the extravagant name “Pathology Department”. The group participated in rock festivals. Several songs were recorded, the author of which was mainly P. Kashin.

In 1990, D. Kopotilov, while still living in Kustanai (northern Kazakhstan), recorded demo soundtracks of two of his songs for a new project he had conceived. One of them - “Hello America” - was recorded in 1991 with a new vocalist at the state radio broadcasting studio in St. Petersburg. With this work the “Russian Size” group opened their discography. During its recording, a duet of voices by V. Bondaryuk and D. Kopotilov was created, the sound of which became easily recognizable in the group’s songs. This was followed by work on other material. The author of the music and lyrics from the period of the group’s first steps was D. Kopotilov. This is how “Yu-a-Yu” appeared, which became the calling card of the group for a long time.

The first concerts of the Russian Size group can be considered club performances (1991) in the Palace of Culture named after. The First Five-Year Plan, now destroyed for the construction of the new Mariinsky Opera and Ballet Theater on this site.

At the same time, the participants themselves carried out production activities to promote the group. Finding partners took a lot of effort and time. There were moments of despair and during one of these periods V. Bondaryuk left the city. "Russian size". Victor went to Germany as part of another muses. group that took part in street performances. Guitar, double bass, snare drum and finally the tambourine, which Victor played - her small composition. However, as it turned out later, Bondaryuk did not stop considering the possibilities of his return to the Russian Size group upon returning to Russia.

At that time, the Russian Size group included:

A. Tyurin (guitar),

D. Khil (keyboards, programming, vocals),

D. Kopotilov (keyboards, producer)

S. Kunitsyna (vocals)

After some time, V. Bondaryuk, who had gone to the crossroads of Germany in search of happiness, returned to St. Petersburg. The band's musicians again included him in their lineup.

On March 13, 1993, at the Yubileiny sports and concert complex, a large concert organized by Sergei Chernykh with the participation of Sergei K. took place with the pretentious title “Russian Size Gathers Friends.” Stars of the pop scene of the nineties took part in it: Arkady Ukupnik, Alena Apina, Natalya Vetlitskaya, Tatyana Ovsienko, Stars of Natalia Gulkina (Natalia Gulkina), Sergey Chumakov, Lika Star, The Little Prince, KOMISAR, Stella, Dance Machines, Fairy of Svetlana Razina ( Svetlana Razina), Vadim Kazachenko, Na-Na group, Svetlana Vladimirskaya, Roma Zhukov, Lada Dance, Carolina, the concert was conducted by Igor Seliverstov.

The group's first released album was recorded in collaboration with sound producer Vadim Volodin (Svetlana Razina, Svetlana Vladimirskaya, Kar-Men, NeIgrushki, R. Zhukov, Carolina and many others). Work on it was carried out in Moscow. The director of the group was Sergei Chernykh (later producer of the music television program Telecompact)

Since 1994 “Russian Size” is a participant in numerous music television show programs. The video for the song “Batman” (“Yu-a-Yu”) (dir. B. Dedenev, arrangement and sound by Vadim Volodin) occupies high places in the charts.

The fantasy aesthetics of the early twentieth century became the basis of the group's stage image. And according to the sketches of the same D. Kopotilov, who does not hide his passion for this genre in its modern incarnation, stage costumes stylized as science fiction of the 30s were sewn. They were used on the cover of the first album “Yu-a-Yu”, on the filming of a video of the same name and at the group’s performances.

At that time, concerts of stars touring St. Petersburg (Army of Lovers, Haddaway, La Toya Jackson ..) began with performances by the Russian Size group. It was at one of them, in the St. Petersburg SKK, from gr. “Russian Size” for the first time in a dance, club context the cry “Come on, Come on” was heard. It spread throughout the country, echoing in its clubs and discos, and now has become a familiar club chant.

In 1995, lead singer and dancer Angela left the group, deciding to pursue solo creativity.

Aspiring singer Alexey Lebedinsky (musical worker of the TV show “Adam’s Apple”) falls into the attention zone of the “Russian Size” group.

Administrative issues are handled by director A. Levin. His contribution to the development and formation of the group can hardly be overestimated.

A joint album of parodies “Come on, Come on” is being recorded with Professor Lebedinsky. The whole country is having fun and jumping in discos to remade hits of Russian stars.

Young radio DJ Dmitry Nagiyev (now a popular TV presenter, theater and film artist), in creative unity with the team, actively participates in the promotion of new compositions. At the same time, on the label “Electric Rec.” The album “Meow” is released with tracks recorded in between events in the busy club life.

Since 1997 The group employs master choreographer Yulia Kosheleva from Novosibirsk. The group is greatly assisted by aspiring journalist Yuri Borisov (“Golden Clip”, group “Bullet”, Renata, group “Tea for Two”).

A video for the song “Fly” with the participation of DJ Kefir is being filmed at the legendary “Candyman” club.

The song “Suburban Blues” by Mike Naumenko (Mike Naumenko gr. “Zoo”) is being recorded together with the group “Chizh & Co” to participate in the television battle “Musical Ring” and conduct a joint tour. In the same year, the album “Shall we dance?” reached the shores of America (for reference: the Internet at that time was in its infancy and albums were delivered to America by plane). From this moment on, gr. “Russian Size” often travels overseas (in the period from 1997 to 2009, the team visited many cities in Canada and the USA on tours).

The song “Angel of the Day” and the video, on which A. Igudin and [A. Tikhonov] worked, were again released in 1999 by gr. “Russian Size” to the top of the charts.

Since 1999, the voice of Eleonora Filimonova has been heard on stage and on records. At the controls is the permanent sound engineer Alexander Borisovich Borisov.

There is a big tour of Russia with the group “E-Type”. Joint songs are being recorded with T. Bulanova (Tatyana Bulanova), DJ Tsvetkov, (DJ Tsvetkoff) Zh. Aguzarova (Zhanna Aguzarova), Sveta (Sveta). The albums “Exit” are published in collaboration with R. Chistyakov (Black and White), “Rising Air Currents” in collaboration with D. Afanasyev (Bucks).

In the spring of 2004, a big concert took place at the Ice Palace of St. Petersburg with the participation of many stars of the Russian stage. The show was dedicated to the thirteenth anniversary of the Russian Size group. It was attended by: Tatyana Bulanova, DJ Tsvetkoff, Irakliy, Yulia Savicheva, Dmitry Nagiev, S. Chigrakov (Chizh & Co), gr. “Guests from the Future”, A. Romanov, gr. “Dirty Rotten Fraudsters”, Sveta, Professor Lebedinsky, Roma Zhukov, gr. “Other Rules”, Masha Rzhevskaya and others.

Early 2005 instead of Victor, who left the group and again went to Germany, as part of the gr. “Russian Size” a new participant Igor Lutsenko appears.

Foreign tours gr. “Rize” is not limited to overseas shores. The group is known and loved in many European countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany and Italy, the United Kingdom and of course Israel. The Russian Size group tours and continues to work on new albums. The 2009 album included 14 songs. Ten originals and four remakes.

In August 2010, the Moscow record company "Kvadrodisk" released the next album of the Russian Size group "!Listen".

“Russian Size” is a group of the Russian pop scene performing electronic dance music. The group is considered one of the pioneers of the club scene.

History of creation and composition

When exactly the biography of “Russian Size” began, even its participants cannot answer. The founders of the group, friends from Kostanay Viktor Bondaryuk and Dmitry Kopotilov, started back in the mid-80s - they mastered musical instruments and tried to write songs. The guys played in various teams - “Captain Cooper”, “Oracle”. When in 1988, the musicians, who later became a fairly famous performer, joined the musicians, they called themselves “Pathology Department”.

Under the name “Russian Size” the group began performing in 1991, after Dmitry and Victor moved to St. Petersburg. A year later, their songs “A Star Is Melting Over the City,” “I Call You Joy,” and “Batman” were heard on all dance floors. The author of the music and lyrics of the initial period of the group was Kopotilov.

The composition of the band also underwent changes: keyboardist Dmitry Khil and guitarist Alexander Tyurin joined, he left for Germany for a short time, but Bondaryuk returned. “Russian Size” also introduced dance accompaniment, which, however, was soon abandoned, but only one girl remained - Angela Kuznetsova. So the sound of male voices was diluted by female vocals. Later she was replaced by Svetlana Kunitsyna.

Composition of the Russian Size group: Dmitry Kopotilov, Yulia Kosheleva and Victor Bondaryuk

At a nightclub in Novosibirsk, the performers met Yulia Kosheleva. The girl created choreographic sequences between numbers for the group and soon became the face of “Russian Size”. According to rumors, Yulia left, offended by director Alexander Levin, who did not allow her to take her fiancé with her to concerts.

In the 2000s, the group continued to perform for some time, but disagreements between the founders took their toll. As a result, Kopotilov and Bondaryuk started a fight for copyright. Dmitry won the right to perform under the name “Russian Size” in tandem with the new musician Igor Lutsenko.

Song "Batman" by the group "Russian Size"

In 1995, it was the turn of the first magnetic album called “Y-A-Y”. The video for the title track “Batman” was directed by Boris Dedenev, the author of the group’s “Wind” and “Wings” videos.

With Professor Lebedinsky, “Russian Size” released a couple of albums with comic remakes of old Soviet and foreign hits, such as “Blue-Blue Frost”, “Souvenir”, “The Last Time”.

Song “Limbo-Bimbo” by the group “Russian Size” and Professor Lebedinsky

The compositions for the album “Meow,” as the performers say, were composed and recorded at night. The record was released by a division of the Soyuz Studio concern, one of the largest and oldest Russian labels.

The song “Sputnik and Computers” is inspired by the legendary film “Solaris”, “Friendship” was originally called “Love”, and allegedly it was at the studio that the producers, who were afraid of something, renamed the track. The musicians recorded the composition “And Pokryshkin in the Sky” on May 9 and dedicated it to the ace pilot of World War II Alexander Pokryshkin.

Song “Angel of the Day” by the group “Russian Size”

After the release of the album “Shall we dance?” Russian-speaking residents of Europe, Israel and the USA learned about the “Russian Size” group. As music websites write, given the lack of Internet in the post-Soviet space, the group’s work was “delivered directly on cassettes” to foreign fans. Alexander Solokha, who shot the video for, worked on the “That’s So” video.

The album “Exit” was recorded in collaboration with member of the duet “Black and White” Rodion Chistyakov, “Rising Air Currents” - with guitarist Denis Afanasyev, nicknamed Bucks, a member of the Kostanay rock band Orphan. The album “Next” includes covers of soundtracks to popular Soviet films “Once Again About Love”, “June 31”, “Circus Princess”.

Song “Fly” by the group “Russian size”

Over the years, the sound of “Russian Size” has changed, adapting to fashion trends. In the songs and instrumental compositions you can hear trance, house and downtempo, as in the album “Exit”, “Me Sausages” is performed in the style of tribal house. In early interviews, Dmitry and Victor said that they loved to be “synthetic, electronic, moderately pop,” but they considered it stupid to follow one genre., and DJ Alexey Tsvetkov (DJ TsvetkoFF) and, performing under the pseudonym Sveta. Some of the fruits of joint creativity are included in the album “Tsyzamen”.

In 2010, the most voluminous and so far the last album of “Russian size” - “!Listen” - was released. To attract the attention of fans, the musicians held a remix competition for the track “Plates”. The compositions of the two winners are included in the official release of the album.

Group "Russian size" now

The “Russian Size” group is a welcome guest at events of various sizes with the “retro” prefix, held both in Russia and abroad. The team's intense touring schedule from the 90s is evidenced by reports on social networks

The chronicle of the Russian Size group must be traced back to 1990, when Viktor Bondaryuk’s school friend Dmitry Kopotilov flew to St. Petersburg to conquer Olympus with an old friend. At first it was the team Captain Cooper, which included Vitya, Dima and two other representatives of the “Kustanai diaspora” Alexander Moser and Alexander Knauer (future member of the Lemon group, composer, arranger) recorded the album “You and I”, which was given to distribution to a private recording company. By the way, on that album the song “That’s All”, written by Kopotilov, was released for the first time, which was later published on the record “VVP”.

In 1991, two Alexanders left for Germany for permanent residence. Initially, Victor was going with them, but in the end he continued working together with Dmitry. It was then that the name Russian Size was coined. The group begins recording at the Lennauchfilm studio, where they meet their first director, Sergei Chernykh. The group received enormous sponsorship from their fellow countryman Sergei Kuzmich, who became their producer and organized the first concert, which was attended by such stars as Arkady Ukupnik, Vadim Kazachenko, and the Na-na group. It was March 13, 1993. Then a girl named Angela appears in the group.

In the same year, the guys met the famous producer and arranger Vadim Volodin. Under his strict guidance, the debut album of the group “Yu-A-Yu” was recorded, the main hits of which were the songs “Batman” and “Star of Separation” (aka “When he’s not around, you think about a lot of things”), released in early 1995 of the year. Then the group was often confused with “Kar-Man”, because their sound, “thanks to” Volodin, was very similar. However, many music critics of that time noted that RR was much more interesting and promising than its “big brother”.

In the winter of 1995, the group accidentally met the sound engineer of the Adam's Apple program, Alexei Lebedinsky. There was immediate sympathy between them, which resulted in a desire to record something together. First, Alexey, as a keyboard player, goes on tour with RR (Angela had left the team by that time), then the project “Russian Size and Professor Lebedinsky” is formed. As a result, by the end of the year, all the material from the album “Come on, come on” was recorded - comic covers of old songs and banter parodies of modern compositions. Due to possible copyright problems, the album was first published in Germany with the help of Knauer under the title “La-la-fa” (by the way, the album’s title was written only on the back in small letters), and only then, on the wave of enormous popularity, The ZeCo company, at its own peril and risk, decided to publish the album “Come on, come on” in Russia. By the way, not a single original authorship was indicated. The project gained enormous popularity and love throughout the post-Soviet space, but in 1997 Lebedinsky ceased his collaboration with Size. This was influenced by many factors, but the most important of them was financial. In the once friendly team, squabbles began over the topic of how much each participant should receive. It all ended in separation and mutual hostility.

In 1996, still in the midst of collaboration with Lebedinsky, the Razmerians, under the impression of the club music of that time, the album “Meow” was recorded at Alexey’s home studio. Its original name was “If you ate a pill, be healthy!”, which seemed too provocative to Electric Records and had to be renamed.

In 1998, the group with a new member, dancer Yulia, released the album “Shall we Dance?”, in which the female parts were performed by the soloist of “Guests from the Future” Eva Polna. This album is a kind of return to the roots of the project, for which it is loved by the fans of the group. “Shall we dance?” - the first product recorded at LOTOS studio - the personal studio of Victor Bondaryuk.

The year 1999 was marked by the success of “650,” the group’s new album. This was the peak of RR's popularity. Hits from this disc - “Angel of the Day”, “Spring”, “He’s Already Far Away” - sounded everywhere. I even had to re-release it. The re-release includes several more new songs and a CD-ROM part containing the band’s website and unreleased tracks.

In 2000, Julia left Russian Size and was replaced by Eleanor, an old friend of the guys who performed backing vocals on “Meow”. With her participation, the album “BoomZ-BoomZ” was recorded in Germany, on which Victor and Dmitry used digital recording technology for the first time, instead of analogue. At the same time, the group successfully toured abroad. There was even talk about buying a house in England and recording an English-language album, but things didn’t go beyond conversations and two recorded songs (“This brave new world” and “Take off”).

In 2001-2002, admittedly, the group experienced a slight decline, releasing two completely anonymous albums - “Exit” and “Me Sausages”. Despite the fact that the latter was made in the tribal style, which was then little widespread in the CIS, too monotonous arrangements and abstruse lyrics spoiled the whole impression. Plus to this is the completely stupid song “I’m Sausaged,” chosen as the main single from the album.

But RR managed to somewhat strengthen its position with the help of the album “Rising Air Currents” in 2003. The fourth part of all the songs from it are compositions from the time of “Captain Cooper”, but this did not spoil the overall impression of the album. It turned out to be the smoothest, most balanced since the “650”. And in commercial terms, it became one of the best-selling in the entire history of the group.

The end of 2004 was marked by two events - the anniversary concert “Russian Size - 13” at the Ice Palace, at which the group’s truce with Professor Lebedinsky took place, and the release of the album “Tsuzamen” - a kind of compilation of the group’s unreleased songs and joint works.

Work with Lebedinsky is being resumed, the first sign of which was “I am her hoy” - a Russian-language cover of the O-Zone song “Dragostea in tei”, which gained no less popularity among the people than their joint work in 1996. But less than six months have passed since the resumption of work together, when the trio again steps on the same “financial” rake. Dmitry demanded that a contract be drawn up with the Professor, in which all the terms of cooperation would be clearly stated. Vicotra did not have a clear position on this matter. As a result, first Victor performs with Lebedinsky without Dmitry, and then, on New Year’s Eve 2005, he announces that he is leaving the group “for nothing.”

In 2005, Victor continues to tour the country with his solo project and the Professor. Dmitry retains the name Russian Size and invites Igor Lutsenko, an active member of the group’s fan club, who helped the group on various technical issues, to the group.

2006 is the peak of hostility between former participants. It began with a “historical comic” published on the website of Bondaryuk’s project (whose domain, by the way, was, in which he allowed himself to make impartial statements about Kopotilov, and reached its apogee in November, when Victor announced his joint with Dmitry Nagiyev the project as “Russian Size and Dmitry Nagiyev”. Dmitry Kopotilov, who by that time had registered the RR brand for himself, filed a lawsuit against his former friend. To the surprise of the public, Bondaryuk also provided documents allowing him to work under the name Russian Size. This murky story ended with Victor, of his own free will, changing the sign of his team.

At the moment, Victor and his new team “Arina and Razmer PRJ” have released “Loudness Limit” - Bondaryuk’s third album after leaving. Dmitry Kopotilov, as part of the Russian Size group, has been working on an album since 2005, the working title of which is “Because this is not your love” and has been successfully touring, performing the group’s golden hits.

They were at the pinnacle of success: packed concert halls, chasing fans and huge fees. Now almost everyone has found an energetic young replacement. But the stars of the 90s are not going to give up - they continue their path, albeit not so noticeable.


TV show "50 x 50", 1992. The group Kar-man is on stage. PHOTO Tatyana Kuzmina/TASS Photo Chronicle

This group of two charismatic and sexy guys captivated listeners in 1989. Oleg Titorenko (better known as Bogdan Titomir) and Sergei Ogurtsov (aka Lemokh) met thanks to the singer Vladimir Maltsev, famous in those years, who was the first to sing the song “Paris, Paris” written by Lemokh. Titomir then played the bass guitar, and Lemokh played the keys, and both were backup dancers.

Car-man - Paris. One of the first performances of the group "Kar-man" in 1989. At first, Vladimir Maltsev was the soloist, and Sergei Ogurtsov (Lemokh) and Bogdan Titomir worked as backup dancers...

The energetic and textured musicians were noticed by producer Arkady Ukupnik and began promoting them. Until the 90th year, they went through the names “Magic of the Stars”, “Exotic-pop duet”, “Carmen”. The last name was transformed into “Car-Man”, and under it Bogdan and Sergei, according to their own statement, staged a “dance revolution”, coming up with unusual movements, for example, his signature leg swing. To this day, their “Paris”, “London, goodbye”, “Ciao, bambino” and other hits continue to delight fans, but without Titomir, who after a year of the popularity that fell on him decided to go solo. The author of the popular “People Hawala” and the super hit “Do as I do”, considered the first Russian rapper, continues to look for his home port, producing and occasionally performing in bars and clubs. And his ex-bandmate continues to perform with “Kar-Man” in clubs and in “Discotheques of the 90s” concerts. 51-year-old Lemokh and 49-year-old Titomir have never tried to reunite in 25 years, nor have they even discussed it. Sergei is married twice and has two daughters.

Sergey Lemokh Photo: Personal page of the publication’s hero on the social network

Bogdan is in search, continuing to “exploit” sexuality on stage and in life.

"Hands up!"

The group "Hands Up" in the dashing 90s.

That rare case when the group did not disappear. They are remembered and loved. Let them not be young girls, as before, but the same age as musicians who go to “Hands Up” to wax nostalgic about carefree youth to the simple rhythms of “Student”, “Ay-Yay-Yay”, “My Baby” and “I’m 18 Already” "

The group appeared in 1993, when radio DJs of the Samara “Europe Plus” Sergey Zhukov (came to Samara radio from the Ulyanovsk region) and Alexey Potekhin (originally from the Samara region) became friends and recorded several songs, which they gave to friends at the “Maximum” radio station... And off we go! In 2006, “Hands Up!” broke up. The reasons are still unclear. Either the guys’ interests began to diverge, or they simply stopped “selling out” as before. As a result, Potekhin went behind the scenes and began producing young performers, and Zhukov continued to perform, first solo, and then again in the group “Hands Up!”, but without a comrade.

40-year-old Sergei Zhukov also managed to realize his family goals: he has two marriages and four children.

44-year-old Alexey Potekhin is also married twice and has a daughter.


Remember their “Press the Button” and “Strange Dances”? These, as it was fashionable to say then, “stopud” hits of the 90s blew up the airwaves of radio stations and were endlessly played on music TV channels. “Technology” was created in 1990 by musicians Leonid Velichkovsky (later producer of Lada Dance, groups “Strelok”, “Virus”), Roman Ryabtsev, Andrey Kokhaev. They invited Vladimir Nechitailo to be a soloist. The peak of "Technology"'s popularity came in 91-92, when producer Yuri Aizenshpis took up the promotion of the group. But after the crazy rise of the Russian pioneers of electronic music, almost everyone left the group, including Ryabtsev - he decided to start a solo career and flew to France to record. After a complete renewal of the composition, “Technology” did not increase in popularity, rather, on the contrary. Roman Ryabtsev’s solo career did not become successful either, and, 11 years later, he and Vladimir Nechitailo reunited with “Technology”.

Now Roman Ryabtsev, as part of the group, continues to perform with old hits of the legendary “Technology”, and the producers ask not to sing new songs as unnecessary, although they are sometimes still performed at rare concerts. He also stars in TV series as himself. Roman is 46 years old; two years ago he married a journalist.

"Russian size"

The group "Russian Size" at the peak of its popularity.

Dozens of dance hits: “Angel of the Day”, “Star of Separation”, “Spring”, “Like This”, “Fly” in the genre of synth-pop, techno, rave, trance and eurodance so “turned on” the youth of the 90s that even Having split into two separate teams, they continue to tour and earn money. The group was created in 1985 by friends from the Kazakh city of Kostanay, Viktor Bondaryuk and Dmitry Kopotilov. At first, their duet was called "Oracle", "Captain Cooper" and "Pathology Department". In 1991, when Vitya and Dima "Kapa" resumed their tandem after moving to Leningrad, they began performing their songs in a group with a new name "Russian Size" . Problems began long before the collapse of the group in 2005. Changing soloists, producers, creative impasse and disagreements between Bondaryuk and Kopotilov created difficulties, but for some time the group continued to perform. But in the end the founders did not agree and went their separate ways. Today "Russian Size" represents only Dmitry Kopotilov, the author of the group's main hits.He performs in a duet with new musician Igor Lutsenko.

The group of Viktor Bondaryuk, who came up with the name “Russian Size”, against whom Kopotilov won a lawsuit for the right to perform under this name, until recently was called “Size Project”, now - “140 beats per minute”.

Bondaryuk is married to the actress of the TV series “Kitchen” Irina Temicheva, Kopotilov is also married and has a son.

Group "Lyceum"

The main soloist of the "Lyceum" Nastya Makarevich was made popular by her adoptive father - producer Alexey Makarevich, cousin of the famous "Machinist" Andrei Makarevich, ex-guitarist of the group "Resurrection". The singer considers him to be her real father, so she changed her last and patronymic names, abandoning her own father, journalist Alexander Kapralov, who left the family when the girl was 8 years old.

To help Nastya Makarevich, he took two of her classmates - Lena Perova and Izolda Ishkhanishvili. For the first time, schoolgirls appeared on stage in the TV show “Morning Star” with the song “One of Us” by ABBA in 1991. And then recording one album after another, performing with the groups “Resurrection”, “Time Machine”, “ZZ Top” and even with Muslim Magomayev. The peak of fame happened in 1996 thanks to the hit “Autumn”, written by the producer.

In 1997, Alexey Makarevich unexpectedly excluded Lena Perova from the lineup, about which the singer said this: “I left when I finally lost the desire to do this - singing such nonsense for 15 years.” She was replaced by Anna Pletneva, known today from the group “Vintage”. Four years later, Isolde Ishkhanishvili left the team, explaining this with a desire to take up her personal life. After the almost complete collapse of the “golden cast,” Anastasia Makarevich has remained the permanent soloist of the “Lyceum” for 25 years. Her partners often change, and their names are not remembered.

Friday! A little sun in the morning! To live well. And you know how to live well. Have a cheerful day and a bright evening, friends! And we are autumnal and happy, thanks to the wonderful: Larisa Timireva (photo) @bokettogallery and Ekaterina Novikova @novikova.ekaterina (super make up). #autumn#groupface#photoshoot#shooting#photooftheday#goodmood#friday

Today the Lyceum star is 39 years old, she is married to a lawyer and has two sons.

Today I took part, together with Matvey and the bobbed Makar (he himself worked as a hairdresser), in a wonderful radio marathon on Radio Romantika. With the participation of the foundation of Ksenia Alferova and Egor Beroev "I am"! We talked about the main thing - about our children, friends, family! And everything starts in childhood. And when you live in love and mutual understanding, you also learn to love, take care and be attentive, sensitive and treat the people who surround you with understanding and love! Happy Children's Day, friends, happy first day of summer! Take care of each other! Well, children, of course, are our everything!!!

39-year-old Isolda Ishkhanishvili is far from show business. Lives in Switzerland, has a business in the field of luxury cosmetics. Married to construction magnate Dmitry Desyatnikov, to whom she gave birth to a son in 2012.

After the Lyceum, Elena Perova tried to perform in other musical groups, wrote songs and soundtracks for films, hosted a talk show on TV, participated in other television projects, and starred in TV series.

Today she is 40 years old, behind her is a struggle with alcohol and drug addiction, car accidents, deprivation of rights, treatment in clinics and a return to television as the editor-in-chief of the directorate of music and entertainment programs on Channel One.

the field must not be empty Russian Size group, created in 1993 in St. Petersburg. The organizers and first participants of the group were two friends - Dmitry Kopotilov and Victor Bondaryuk. Of course, the creative path of each of the musicians began long before this event. Victor, at that time a student at a construction college, studied drumming techniques and tried to sing. Dima, at the age of fifteen, while still a schoolboy, mastered the bass guitar. He played in a vocal-instrumental ensemble, and then, participating in the same group with Pavel Kashin, (now a famous singer-songwriter) took up keyboards. In 1984, the paths of Vitya and Dima finally converged at one point. Thus, working in different teams, uniting into one, and again finding themselves in a creative search, they persistently pursued their dream. Of course, life is a curved line. The guys had to take on different jobs. Kopotilov did a little business. Bondaryuk also experienced the hard work of selling souvenirs on the snowy, winter stalls of the Peter and Paul Fortress. Dmitry found him doing this, who at that time (1990) prepared phonograms of two of his songs for a new project. One of them, “Hello America,” was recorded at the state radio broadcasting studio in St. Petersburg on the street. Italian. This was followed by work on new material in the LenNauchFilm tone studio and the first concerts. (The House of Culture named after the First Five-Year Plan, now destroyed for the construction of the new Mariinsky Opera and Ballet Theater on this site.) At the same time, production activities are underway to promote the project. It is known that a business not supported by finances is doomed. We need sponsors, partners, interested parties. A lot of time passed in the search. There were moments of despair. But still, perseverance and great desire won. Finally, in the fall of 1992, Kopotilov was scheduled for another meeting in the office on Fontanka. Of course, the two friends arrived there together and signed the long-awaited contract. There was an opportunity to take the project to a qualitatively new level. The first replicated album of the Russian Size group was recorded in collaboration with Vadim Volodin (S. Razina, Vladimirskaya, Kar-Men, Neigrushki, R. Zhukov, Carolina and many others). Work on it was carried out in Moscow in 1994. Sergei Chernykh (later the head of the music program Telecompact) became the director of the group. From this moment on, Russian Size is a participant in numerous music and television show programs. The video for the song Batman (dir. B. Dedenev, album Yu-A-Yu) occupies high places in the charts. In 1995, having decided to engage in solo work, lead singer Angela left the group. The beginning singer, Alexey Lebedinsky (music worker Adamovo Yabloko), comes to the attention of the Russian Size group. Friendships are formed, friendly meetings take place. In the spring of 1995, Alexey went on tour for the first time with Russian Size, as a keyboard player, to Krasnoyarsk. Administrative issues are successfully resolved by director A. Levin. The album “Come on, Come on” is recorded and distributed across the country at lightning speed. The young radio DJ Dmitry Nagiyev (now a popular TV presenter, theater and film artist), in creative unity with the team, actively participates in the promotion of new compositions. At the same time, the album “Meow” was released on the Electric Rec label. 1996 The group has a master choreographer, Yulia Kosheleva. The group is greatly assisted by the aspiring journalist Yuri Borisov (now: Zolotaya Obyima agency, Pulya group, TV series “Love and Show Business”). Album "Shall we dance?" 1997., reached the shores of America, introduced Germany to the group and stepped across the English Channel to the UK. From that moment on, Russian Size was a frequent guest overseas (in the period from 1997 to 2005, the team toured the USA more than once). The song “Angel of the Day” and the video, on which A. Igudin and [A. Tikhonov] worked, again brought Russian Size to the top of the charts in 1997. Since 1999, the voice of Eleonora Filimonova has been heard from the stage and on records. Elya brought not only new vocal shades to the group, but also managed to create a bright female image, more fully revealing the world of songs invented by the group. All this time, the permanent sound engineer, the legendary Alexander Borisovich Borisov, was at the controls. A. Levin, as director (2004), is replaced by a young, energetic girl, Irina Yastrebova. From 1999 to 2007, the albums “650”, “Booms”, “Best” and others were published, “Exit” in collaboration with R. Chistyakov (Black and White), “Rising Air Currents” in collaboration with D. Afanasyev (Bucks) . Videos made: “Like this” (A. Solokha), “Love”, “Energy of Light”, “Normal Evening” (A. Igudin), “I”, “It Was and Passed” (fly), “This Whole World” (HMake), “I’m Sausaged” (F. Bondarchuk’s studio), “That’s All” (A. Vedernikov). At the beginning of 2005, instead of Victor, who left the group, a new member appeared in Russian Size - Igor Lutsenko. After leaving the Russian Size, Victor creates his own group called “Arina and Size Project”. Meanwhile, foreign tours of Russian Size are not limited to overseas shores. The group is known and loved in many European countries, in the United Kingdom, and of course in Israel. Now, the Russian Size group is touring and continues to work on new albums and projects. You can find out about news and events in the life of the Russian Size group by looking at the news section on this website. Composition of the group Russian Size: Eleanor Filimonova Dmitry Kopotilov Igor Lutsenko Alexander Borisov (sound engineer) Irina Yastrebova (director)