Alexander Sheps: biography and personal life. Alexander Sheps - biography

Alexander Sheps, who is he? Psychic, poet, actor, artist? Or something more? Alexander Sheps is a very bright and extraordinary personality, who is cramped within any framework, just as our mortal world is small for his spirit.

Alexander Sheps became famous at the “Battle of Psychics,” but his whole life is a constant battle with himself.

Biography of Alexander Sheps.


Alexander Sheps was born on November 26, 1986 in the city of Samara. Already as an infant he was different from other children, including his brothers. His skin was unusually light and white. And from a very young age, Sheps begins to see the invisible. His mother notices this and realizes that Alexander has a great destiny ahead of him.

Alexander, at that moment, does not yet see anything unusual in his abilities. He grows up as an ordinary boy, moderately restless and active. He studies at school 82 in Samara.


Alexander's mother, Lyudmila, was distinguished by her psychic abilities. She knew how to work with Tarot cards, practiced spiritualism, that is, communicated with the souls of the dead, and was a good clairvoyant.

Also, Sheps’s grandmother had psychic abilities, which influenced the boy big influence, and the ring of which Sheps always carries with him.

Sheps' father, Oleg, does not stand out for his psychic abilities. In addition to Alexander, three more boys and a girl grew up in the family.

Before the “Battle of Psychics”

Alexander realized that he was different from his peers at the age of 13. But for some time he continues to take his talent lightly. He dreams of becoming a model or actor, but does not think about using his abilities to help people.

Alexander enters Samara Theatre Institute, but does not finish his studies, works as an actor, composes songs, and is interested in photography.

These youthful hobbies are still noticeable in the psychic’s actions and especially in his Instagram profile, where there are a lot of staged photos of “Sheps model.” Sheps still writes a lot of poetry.

"Battle of Extrasenses 14 Season

Alexander Sheps took part in the 14th season of the show “Battle of Psychics” and for four months the whole country watched with tension the unprecedented battle between two very strong psychics Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro.

The rivals were worth each other, and the strength of the confrontation is evidenced by the fact that both Kerro and Sheps took four white envelopes in that battle, and once one between them.

But the verdict of the audience then was unequivocal: Alexander Sheps. Sheps received almost 150 thousand votes from television viewers, beating Kerro, who came to the finish line second, by 130 thousand votes.

In that Battle, Sheps showed his best and strongest sides: the ability to communicate with the dead, see through walls and other obstacles, the ability to cut barriers that stand between the world of the living and the dead, working with fire and Tarot cards.

Millions of television viewers were mesmerized by the power of the psychic and his personal charm, but Sheps’s own heart at that moment already belonged to his beautiful rival Marilyn Kerro.

Further career and personal life

After triumphant victory in season 14, Sheps became the most famous and sought-after psychic in Russia. Thousands turn to his services and the number of fans is steadily growing. And Sheps tries to help everyone.

In the creative workshop of Alexander Sheps, various amulets and amulets are made and sold, which Alexander Sheps personally casts for each individual buyer.

Sheps regularly conducts seminars on connections with other worlds, with other layers of reality, communication with spirits and the use of energies. Moreover, the program of seminars is constantly changing, just as Sheps himself changes over the years. Sheps often takes part in the “Psychics Are Investigating” program, where he worked with such masters as Julia Wang, Marilyn Kerro and Victoria Rydos.

Alexander Sheps dated Marilyn Kerro for several years, but at the end of 2016 it became known that the relationship between Sheps and Kerro was far from ideal. This was apparently due to Kerro’s desire to have children, while Sheps had other plans. As a result, the most beautiful couple of psychics broke up and now Alexander Sheps is not dating anyone, although he regularly posts photos with beautiful girls on Instagram.

Contacts of Alexander Sheps:

  1. Official website:
  2. Instagram:
  3. Official VKontakte page:

The world of mysterious mysticism and supernatural powers always attracted attention ordinary people. Against the background of everyday life, those who in one way or another came into contact with a different reality stood out more and more clearly. It's about about healers, witches, mediums, psychics. So do they really exist, or is it just a figment of human imagination? Today we will try to understand this issue using the example of a man named Alexander Sheps, whose biography is inextricably linked with the otherworldly beginning.

Briefly about the psychic

Today Alexander Sheps, whose biography dates back to 1986, is not at all an unknown boy from the distant outback. Alexander is a famous spiritualist, or medium, who actively practices communication with souls of the dead, as well as rituals that he prefers not to disclose to the general public.

Sheps height is 186 cm, weight is approximately 70 kg, shoe size is 41, and clothing size is 48. The man has expressive blue eyes, which became one of his business cards in the TV show “Battle of Psychics”, as well as dark brown hair middle length, advantageously highlighting the natural pallor of the face.

Alexander Sheps: biography of one Samara boy

Sheps was not born into the most ordinary family, since his mother, Lyudmila, was a famous tarot reader, spiritualist, clairvoyant and doctor in the city. The boy was born not pink, as children should be, but white, as if created from ivory. This already seemed to the woman a kind of omen of the non-standard future of her son. By the way, it was from Lyudmila, his mother, that the psychic Alexander Sheps, whose biography would later at all stages be associated with inexplicable, indescribable incidents, inherited paranormal abilities. Since childhood, Lyudmila saw her late father, and this gift, apparently, passed on to Sasha. He was the 4th child in the family; After him, another baby was born in the family.

Since childhood, Alexander Sheps, whose biography as a clairvoyant was just beginning to take shape, nevertheless, already knew how to find contact with invisible entities of an intangible nature. By the age of 12, the boy clearly realized that his environment was unable to see what he saw, so Alexander had to develop his abilities on his own, without anyone’s guidance.

School time and student life at alma mater

Alexander's studies took place in an unremarkable city school, where he studied tirelessly creative activity: organized celebrations, performances and holidays, tried himself as a local news presenter, set the tone for youth parties as a DJ under the pseudonym DJ Alex Energy, and even practiced in the modeling field.

How did it develop further? life path a man named Alexander Sheps? Biography, personal path and destiny decreed that the young man came to the doors of the theater State Academy culture and arts), where he settled on the direction of “Actor drama theater and cinema." Here Alexander seemed to have found his native element and became very interested: he tried his hand at writing Gothic scary stories and stories in a medieval style and in general became very immersed in the topics he studied. However higher education Alexander never received it, as he dropped out of his studies at the academy. Eventually he came to esotericism and magic. From then on, Alexander Sheps began to develop the unusual talents inherent in nature, accepted himself for who he is, and was literally reborn again.


In addition to all of the above, Alexander showed himself no less zealously as a screenwriter, musician and professional actor. In addition, he was the host of the “Agents” project people's control”, which was broadcast on the TV channels “TV-3” and “Skat-TNT”. Sheps has a whole list of works behind him popular stars capital business, as well as huge collection video, photo and audio materials that cover the production and his participation in fashion shows, maintaining copyright and joint activities with a lot of people.

Show "Battle of Psychics"

Passion for necromancy and other worlds led young man V popular TV show“Battle of psychics” (TNT channel). Alexander Sheps, whose biography, personal life and fate, it seemed, should have found its resolution in this program at all costs, proved himself to be a versatile and strong participant. As attributes he used the most various items: Tarot cards, runic symbols, pendulums, artifacts, Lenormand cards, Ouija boards, candles, daggers, etc. They allowed a man to call upon the souls of the dead, who helped him pass difficult tests and prove over and over again what Alexander Sheps is worth. The biography, photos and numerous descriptions may suggest that the psychic was on the side of light matter, but this is not so. Despite his unusual appearance and good disposition, which was so beloved by the audience, Alexander declared himself as a representative of the black forces, as evidenced by dark colors clothes, and general style, and, of course, an emphasis on necromancy.

The biography of Alexander Sheps from the “Battle of Psychics” cannot but be noted by the fact that the medium eventually won Grand Prize, “Crystal Hand”, in the 14th season of the show, defeating equally strong opponents.

Assassination attempt

An interesting fact in the psychic’s biography is that in 2007, an assassination attempt was made on him, according to Sheps himself, but it was accidental and unintentional. Two motorcyclists shot at Alexander’s car, where he was with his friend; Sheps was wounded in the neck. The medium hastened to reassure the worried public with the message that the shooters were under the influence of drugs, and his vehicle I was just unlucky to be the first to fall under the hot hand of the “killers”. Be that as it may, Sheps was no longer noticed in such incidents, which his circles of fans are only happy about.

Personal life

Alexander Sheps can rightfully be considered a Don Juan of the psychic world. So, he was seen in relationships with such strong witches and part-time colleagues professional activity, like Ilona Novoselova (participant in the 7th season of the “Battle of Psychics”, who advised the spiritualist to take part in the show) and Estonian Marilyn Kerro (participant in the 14th and a number of other seasons of the project). WITH the last girl Sheps is still in a relationship today: having once met a red-haired sorceress on film set, Alexander could no longer part with her, just as she could no longer part with him. The couple supports each other in joy and sorrow: for example, during Sheps’ recent operation related to a dislocation of the shoulder joint, Marilyn was next to her chosen one. This is evidenced by photos literally from the operating table! In general, lovers spend a lot of time with each other; This conclusion can be made based on regularly updated materials from social networks.

Life credo

Alexander’s beliefs are a synthesis of a number of magics, philosophies, beliefs, multiplied by personal experience. Thus, the medium tries not to use abuse in his speech, since he believes that one inappropriate word can take a person away from the protection of the angel for 3 days. The psychic believes that negative thoughts attract unpleasant events in life and make a person more vulnerable to higher powers. That is why maintaining a positive attitude towards what is happening is one of the necessary components happy life. Sheps became convinced that thoughts, especially those expressed on paper or received material embodiment, tend to become reality after he created one tragic story in his youth. The prototype for creating the main character of this story was Alexander's best friend. A character in the story had his skull pierced with a spear; everything would have been fine, but as a result, Sheps’ friend also received a serious head injury - his head was broken. Since then, the psychic has sworn off bringing such negativity into life.

People's opinion

Today, the million-strong public is divided into 2 camps: some idolize the necromancer, constantly follow his updates and changes in life, create new fan groups and pages on the World Wide Web dedicated to Sheps; others are extremely skeptical about the achievements and the created image, accusing the psychic of the fact that the role he created is a fake and a prop of a provincial actor who wanted to gain the recognition and love of the public at all costs. Alexander Sheps, whose biography, family, personal life and worldview were discussed in this article, will probably remain an unknown “dark horse” to the end. Therefore, whether to believe him and his story or not is a purely personal matter for each person.

Alexander Sheps is a Russian practicing psychic, winner of the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics.” According to fans of his talent, the medium is able to communicate with the dead and tell details about things and their owners after one touch.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Olegovich Sheps was born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius on November 26, 1986 in Samara. Even at birth, his mother was very surprised, since babies are usually born with a red tint, but Sasha was born white, like ivory. In the family, Alexander is the fourth son of five children. The boy inherited his non-Slavic appearance from his parents. As the magician himself later explained, he is a quarter Jewish by nationality.

Mom Lyudmila Sheps in hometown a well-known personality: the woman is known as a clairvoyant and a doctor, a spiritualist and a tarot reader. The biography of Alexander Sheps is very different from ordinary, ordinary people. As a child, his parents discovered that the boy was secretly communicating with someone invisible. These abilities were passed on to Alexander from his mother. By the age of 13, Sheps finally realized that something was happening to him: the boy sees those whom others do not see. WITH early years mother also saw her deceased father, so the son’s communication with world of the dead The woman was not bothered at all.

Father Oleg Grigorievich is a cemetery worker. The task of the elder Sheps is to supply the territory with water and light. He is indifferent to the world of the dead, because he does not see anyone from other world. He is used to his son’s abilities, is not afraid of his strange connections and claims that one should be afraid of the living.

When Sheps was in school, he died very close person- the boy's grandmother. At that time the woman was 87 years old. During his grandmother’s life, the boy often came to stay with her after school. Alexander foresaw her death. He dreamed of standing at his grandmother’s coffin and holding the ring. When the woman actually died, Sasha took this ring at the funeral and now never takes it off.

After school, Alexander entered the local theater institute in the direction of “drama theater and film actor,” but did not finish his studies and dropped out educational institution. This did not stop him from pursuing a professional career for some time. acting and modeling business. He was also interested in vocal creativity, recorded songs and planned to release a solo disc.

Sheps wrote scripts and did photography. His arsenal includes a collection of photographs and videos from shows, television projects with the participation of famous stars show business. For some time, Alexander was an actor in the Hammer Theater, a presenter, and also an administrator at the Atmosphere Special Events Studio. His interest in something new always amazed his family and friends.

In 2007, an attempt was made on the guy's life. Unknown people on motorcycles shot up the car of Sheps and his friend, wounding the psychic in the neck. Afterwards, Alexander said that this event was not planned. Just two inadequate guys intoxicated by drugs decided to have some fun by choosing the first car they came across.

Extrasensory perception

Sheps was late for the official selection of the “Battle of Psychics”; his participation in the project was accidental. The magician was not invited to the first qualifying test, but he decided to come himself to the park, where the casting of future participants was taking place. Surprised spectators gasped with delight as they watched the psychic's actions.

During the tests, Sheps used all kinds of attributes: a cane from which he took out the “Wolf Shepherd” amulet, candles, matches, knives, grave soil, coins and spheres in a bowl. Before starting the test, the magician brandished a dagger. With its help, Alexander can supposedly overcome the barriers between worlds in order to understand what the dead are saying.

In the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” the medium won, defeating many strong opponents. It is now difficult for him to walk down the street and remain unnoticed.

The psychic, who has become popular, conducts a private practice, conducts seminars, gives lectures and publishes books about supernatural practices. Alexander Sheps reads Tarot cards and answers questions about the past and future using a pendulum. He also began to create or charm objects, which subsequently gave their owners a powerful positive energy charge.

Sheps never conducts appointments via the Internet and does not ask for money to be sent in advance. He only agrees to a personal meeting.

Alexander’s numerous “official” pages offering remote assistance are not real, so the man advises not to succumb to scammers’ provocations.

Alexander Sheps now

In 2017, Alexander Sheps took part in a number of episodes of the show “Psychics Are Investigating”, both together with Marilyn Kerro and with other psychics. The medium also became a participant in the special season of the show “Psychics Investigating: Battle of the Strongest.”

In June 2017, a tragedy occurred in Alexander’s life: his girlfriend and mentor. The medium posted on Instagram about the death of Ilona Novoselova, communicated with dead witch as if alive and promised not to forget Ilona.

In 2017, the psychic went on tour to Russian cities with the “Your Map” seminar. In the fall, Alexander performed in Sochi, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Ivanovo and Nizhny Novgorod.

In May 2018, Alexander Sheps visited the participants of the “Songs” project. Reality" channel TNT. Organized musical show two labels - Black Star and MALFA (producers and ). During his visit to the musicians, the clairvoyant gave each of them an amulet, and also presented blue and black roses. According to the magician, such flowers denote wisdom and intuition, which will be useful to singers in creative career. Sheps ended his visit with an intriguing statement that he already knew the future winner of the project, but left his name a secret, not wanting to upset the other participants.

Alexander Sheps on the project “Songs. Reality"

In the summer, viewers of the TNT channel could watch the psychic during the broadcast of one of the football matches as part of the TNT project PLAY Football Party 2018, in which Alexander appeared together with a participant in the show Comedy Battle Ariana Lolaeva. From the first minutes of communication with the girl, the magician was fascinated by her charm and wit, which he immediately informed his companion about.

In the fall, it became known that Alexander Sheps continued to participate in the program “Psychics: Battle of the Strongest.” This time, his colleague was the finalist of the “Battle of Psychics”. Later in an interview, the medium said that he was pleased to work with a witch who sincerely tried to help everyone in need.

Now Sheps continues to collaborate with the TNT channel. The sorcerer attended the presentation of the new season of the channel. The event took place at the Oktyabr cinema on October 25. The evening brought together TNT stars, among whom were such people as, and others.

In addition to his television career, the psychic tours around Russia with seminars on energy protection for oneself, loved ones, one’s property and business. The new 4-hour program is called “Communication.”

If you are interested in one of the strongest participants Season 14 of the “Battle of Psychics” Alexander Sheps - his biography has practically no blank spots. In 2007, they tried to kill Alexander...

In the article:

Alexander Sheps - biography

So, Alexander graduated from the regular secondary school in Samara, where he was born. After this, the future clairvoyant studied at the Samara Academy of Culture and Arts, where he studied acting. He did not finish his studies, after dropping out, he worked as an actor and at the same time organized holidays. At that time, he did not even think about moving to Moscow, because his career as an event organizer brought in sufficient income. Now Alexander has become general director the whole group entertainment establishments "Art-Leader".

Alexander Sheps

Among the well-known organizations in which Sheps worked is the Hammer Theater, cast which he replenished. At the Atmosphere Special Events Studio, he was an administrator as well as an event host.

Alexander tried his abilities as a news and show presenter. First of all, he was interested in Samara reality shows. Real fame was still far away; Alexander acted only on television in the city of Samara. However, the experience he gained helped him present himself well while participating in the “Battle of Psychics” project and, possibly, win. One of the most famous shows, organized by Sheps - “Ready for Anything”, an analogue of the sensational project “Dom-2”. His show could be seen on the Skat TV channel.

Music is another hobby of Alexander. As a DJ, he goes by the name Alex Energy. He performed in nightclubs in Samara. Alexander also achieved success as a model. He managed to take part in more than one fashion show and photo shoots - he photographed fashion shows, openings of establishments and organized several own projects with the participation of Moscow celebrities. For some time I was interested in vocals and even planned to release a disc.

Alexander was involved in writing scripts, and during his student years he wrote gothic stories. On professional level I was doing photography. His passion for everything new shocked his parents at first, but then they got used to their child’s hobbies. Now he records music, writes poetry and books in the fantasy genre.

In 2007, they tried to kill Alexander. An unknown company on motorcycles shot up the car of the future psychic, wounding him in the neck.

He was in the car with his friend, who was not injured. Alexander believes that this was not a planned assassination attempt. According to him, he simply fell into the hands of drug addicts or drunken hooligans who decided to have fun in this way. During the assassination attempt, Alexander was helped to survive and not cause the death of motorcyclists by his visions of the future. He clearly knew what to do, and thanks to this he was able to save his friends and receive a slight injury.

Alexander Sheps - real name, date of birth and other facts

Date of birth of Alexander Sheps is November 26, 1986. He was born in Samara, but has been living in Moscow for a long time.

An interesting fact is that immediately after birth the child was pale, then, as usual, newborn children have a slightly reddish tint. Almost all people who have paranormal abilities, any oddities were noticed at birth.

The real name of Alexander Sheps is Sheps. His name is Alexander Olegovich Sheps. Unlike other clairvoyants, he did not take high-profile pseudonyms; the real name written in his passport was enough for him.

Alexander's height is 186 cm and his weight is 70 kg. He wears size 48 clothes and size 41 shoes.

Psychic Alexander Sheps - paranormal part of the biography

Psychic Alexander Sheps could write his biography and stir up interest in himself. But he decided that his talent was enough. Therefore, we know that the clairvoyant’s interest in magic did not appear since childhood. His abilities are quite developed and not inherited. But paranormal situations happened to the future magician and childhood. In addition, in his family, Alexander is not the only one who considers himself the owner of a magical gift.

First, while studying at the university, Alexander became a Goth. He wrote dark stories about the Middle Ages and was interested in music and other forms of art. After one of the stories, Alexei’s friend, whom he made the main character of his work, almost died. He described how the hero of his story had his head pierced with a spear, and a friend’s skull was broken a few days later with a crowbar. This prompted the young man to study magic and paranormal phenomena and became the reason for the opinion that spoken and written words are material.

Now Alexander Sheps positions himself as a necromancer magician. In addition to necromancy, he uses other knowledge. These are runes and. While participating in the “Battle of Psychics,” Sheps used a considerable number of witchcraft attributes. He could be seen with a knife, a special cane, a pendulum, black candles and other attributes. Alexander also works with cemetery soil. He needs the dagger to overcome the barrier between worlds, which prevents the magician from hearing what the dead are saying.

After the end of the 14th season of the show, Alexander Sheps dated Marilyn Kerro. Their relationship developed during their participation in the “Battle of Psychics.” Marilyn took second place, losing to her lover, who tried to give her the main prize. For some time they tried to hide their relationship. Many viewers believed that this novel was a PR stunt.

In the finale, Alexander gave Marilyn a case, but she did not want to talk about its contents. Many assume that there was a ring there. Perhaps Alexander really proposed to Marilyn. But there are no facts about the wedding of Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro, there are only rumors about a secret wedding. According to rumors, in 2014 he proposed to a witch, but Mary did not accept the engagement ring.

The couple lived in a civil marriage. They received people together in a common office. The apartment was furnished by Marilyn, and Alexander was pleased with her choice. They often traveled, practiced witchcraft together and shared experiences with each other.

The couple did not plan to have children. Gossip that Marilyn Kerro is expecting a child turned out to be a lie. The child in the photo is Marilyn’s nephew; the couple chose a gift for him in a children’s store.

At the beginning of 2017, the relationship between Marilyn and Alexander was experiencing some kind of crisis. The witch dreams of real family, which in her understanding is impossible without children. She does not say why this was impossible in her relationship with Alexander. Perhaps Alexander cannot have children, or perhaps his future plans are seriously different from the plans of his common-law wife.

The result was a serious quarrel, after which Alexander packed his things and left. After her, the couple decided to separate. Despite serious disagreements, Alexander and Mary remained good friends. At the beginning of filming the 18th season of “Battle,” information appeared about the affair between Sheps and his student. In life ex-lover appeared new love- Mark Alexander Hansen.

Family of Alexander Sheps

Alexander Sheps became the fourth child in the family. In total, his parents had five children. Only two of them have a magical gift, but about Alexander’s brother - a little lower.

Alexander's mother's name is Lyudmila Shotovna, she is quite famous in Samara. She is a doctor by profession, but this does not stop the woman from practicing spiritualism, reading Tarot, and helping people as a clairvoyant. His mother is sure that Alexander’s abilities were passed on to him from her. She was never bothered by her son's oddities; she knew that he would become a powerful magician and psychic.

Alexander's father Oleg Grigorievich does not share the interests of his son and wife. He is sympathetic to their oddities, but he himself is paranormal activity does not believe. Oleg works at the cemetery and is responsible for electricity and water supply on the territory. He has never met the inhabitants of the world of the dead, despite the fact that he spends a lot of time in the cemetery. Oleg is indifferent to magic and believes that living people should be feared first of all.

Alexander was in good relations with his grandmother, but she died when he was still going to school - at 87 years old. Her death future psychic I had a presentiment, I saw it more than once prophetic dreams. In one of them, he saw himself standing near his grandmother’s coffin and holding her ring in his hands. After the death of his grandmother, Alexander took this ring and does not take it off now. Later he managed to communicate with his deceased relative.

Oleg Sheps - potential participant in the “Battle”

Oleg Sheps was supposed to participate in the 18th season of the most mystical project, but for unknown reasons he moved into the category of potential participants in the next seasons of the show. For a long time this information was considered an empty rumor, since Alexander personally accompanied only his girlfriend Elena Sinilova. He didn't say anything about his brother. Perhaps, like Elena, Oleg is not ready for the test.

Many people started watching the “Battle of Psychics” of season 14 because of a mysterious young magician with an extraordinary appearance named Alexander Sheps. According to many fans of the show, he is the most bright participant this project. The mysterious young man positions himself as a medium, tarot reader, astrologer and parapsychologist. Often, when a person becomes public, a lot of details immediately appear about his life and activities. As it turned out, Alexander Sheps in the past was engaged in completely different activities than now.

Biography and psychic abilities

The biography of Alexander Sheps is replete with events. A psychic was born in Samara. WITH youth was fond of gothic art, wore all black and wrote fantasy stories. After graduating from school, Sheps entered the Academy of Culture and Art in the acting department. Then he worked at the Hammer Theater in Samara. At the same time, he was actively involved in organizing parties and celebrations. In addition, he was a model and participated in many fashion shows and filming. He was the organizer of the reality show “Ready for Anything,” which was the prototype of the famous scandalous show"House 2". He also worked as a DJ in Samara clubs and performed under the pseudonym DJ Alex Energy.

Time passed and Alexander Sheps realized that he was most interested in esotericism and magic. Then he stepped away from the everyday hustle and bustle and began to work closely on developing his abilities. Sheps claims that now his main life goal is helping people and self-improvement. However, getting advice from Alexandrua Sheps is still very problematic. Because of the hype around his person, he does not advertise his contact information. The official website of Alexander Sheps and his pages on social networks are already flooded with requests for help.

About the personal life of Alexander Sheps little is known. The psychic himself admitted that his heart is free for now. There is also very little information about his past relationships. There are rumors that upon arrival in Moscow, the young magician immediately struck up friendships with some participants in the previous seasons of the “Battle of Psychics.” Moreover, it became known that he was in a close relationship with season 7 participant Ilona Novoselova.

Alexander Sheps at the “Battle of Psychics”

On the show “Battle of Psychics” Alexander Sheps uses completely different techniques and ways to find out the truth. In his work, he uses runes, tarot card reading, pendulums, talismans, fire and Ouija boards to communicate with the world of the dead. According to the psychic himself, he receives all the information from the souls of deceased people with whom he gets in touch.

The philosophy of the psychic Alexander Sheps is based both on ancient knowledge and on his personal experience. The magician claims that due to negative words and thoughts, a person makes himself vulnerable to dangers and troubles. All rude and gloomy thoughts or phrases can materialize, which causes a lot of trouble.

The image of Alexander Sheps at the “Battle of Psychics” of season 14, according to many, is largely thought out. He focuses not only on his abilities, but also attracts attention with his appearance, the manner of speaking and the methods of their work. Perhaps his charm and strategy of behavior are largely dictated by his past active life.

It is worth recalling that so far Alexandra Sheps is one of the favorites of the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics”. His main rivals at the moment are the Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro, a sorceress from Uzbekistan and the city shaman Ekaterina Ryzhikova. Which of them is worthy of the title strong psychic years, tests will show.

Stay with us, follow the tests of the participants on the “Battle of Psychics” show! We remind you that you can ask a question to a psychic on our website! Are you rooting for Alexander? Then don't forget to click and

09.10.2013 00:02

Alexander Sheps, a participant in the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” was able to quickly win the favor of television viewers. Many claim that...