How much do the presenters of the first channel earn? Easy money: how much do talk show participants get paid?

Many of us dreamed of becoming TV stars as children. Broadcast news or entertainment programs so that ordinary people recognize them on the streets and ask to be photographed. Slava is great.

Some grew up and gave up this idea, but there are also those who still cherish the hope of getting into the camera. The work, let’s say, is dust-free and quite profitable. But few can make it to the central channels. But there, the salaries of TV presenters sometimes reach astronomical amounts. In the regions the situation is slightly different. Which? Let's figure it out together.

Where to begin?

If you have nothing to do with journalism, then most likely you won’t succeed. As a rule, the hosts are those who have grown from a simple correspondent to a venerable editor. Related professions, such as party hosts, marketers, copywriters, party hosts, will help, but will not provide a guarantee. At the same time, as experts note, among the famous people whose faces flash on the screen every day, there are very few who have a diploma in journalism or similar specialties. Talent, you either have it or you don’t. And here no diploma will help.

It's actually quite simple. To become a leader you need:

  • Have an attractive appearance.
  • Have competent speech and a pleasant voice.
  • Be able to quickly find a way out of stressful situations.
  • Have the talent of a journalist.

If you don’t have something from this list and it’s not possible to acquire a skill, then it’s better to forget about a career as a TV presenter. If everything comes together, then you can try to move on.

Improving skills

In order to speak competently, you can take courses in stage speech; a cosmetologist and a stylist will help improve your appearance, but if you get lost in unforeseen situations and are not able to connect two words, much less create a plot, then this is a disaster.

But not everything is so categorical. To do this, you can try to get a job as a correspondent for a low fee on a not very popular channel. And be prepared that the editor will send you on the most exhausting tasks. There is always a lot of turnover on television and almost always someone is needed. Newcomers are sent on distant business trips, to trivial events, forced to do surveys and gain favor with high-ranking officials. But someone who is talented quickly shows what he is capable of, and this is immediately noticed.

If you decide to connect your life with television, be prepared to work a lot. At least at first (from six months to three years). Sometimes, to make a one-minute story, you need to travel hundreds of kilometers, almost run into a fist, write text and edit videos all night, even forgetting to eat.

Having learned the TV kitchen, you can begin to propose ideas, become more sophisticated, and they will definitely notice it. Those correspondents who approach the creation of stories creatively and skillfully integrate their faces into the frame will not be lost - that’s for sure.

It usually happens like this. The main presenter got sick or suffered a force majeure situation, and then the most talented of the correspondents, who knows how to stay in the frame, looks good and doesn’t mess up the takes, is hired as a one-time replacement. If the test is passed successfully, then you can expect a promotion. News anchors, as a rule, rarely film stories and become the face of the TV channel. And this is advertising shooting and various events a plus. Not bad, right?

Who is a good presenter?

This is someone who writes good leads to stories, writes them down in the first take, and is able to quickly change texts and write them for hot stories. It all depends on the specifics of the program. In news, the above is enough, plus the ability to work with a teleprompter and live broadcast. For entertainment programs you need to be able to improvise and communicate with people, have the ability to take the conversation in the direction you want. It's hard to say which is more difficult. But still, news is formal and businesslike.

What is the salary of TV presenters?

News anchors in the regions receive from 15 to 50 thousand rubles. It all depends on employment, the level of the TV channel, the presence of sponsors, advertising filming and other things. Entertainment programs don't pay as well, so their hosts get paid less.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, prices are 2-3 times higher at the initial stage. They first get a job there as a “laborer”. But the nimble and talented do not stay behind the scenes for long and become presenters of news or entertainment programs. And then the fees begin to increase exponentially. But you need to take into account that on central television at first you literally have to work hard. If you worked as a presenter in the region, then on the capital’s channel they will test you and closely observe how you cope with the assigned tasks.

How much do TV presenters earn on central TV?

No matter how hard they try to hide the size of the salary of eminent presenters, the data still leaks onto the Internet. Although this is a trade secret, the approximate limits are still known - from 100 thousand rubles to one million per month. Those whose names are not well-known are content with passing programs and small salaries (but by all-Russian standards, still fantastic).

For example, the salary of TV presenters on “Russia 1” directly depends on the project. But the same Malakhov went to this button, because he receives several million rubles a month for “Live Broadcast”. Andrey started out as a simple correspondent, and his first salaries were not even enough to rent a house. And now he is also the editor of StarHit magazine, and his annual income exceeds a million dollars.

If you ask about the salary of Channel One TV presenters, then there is also a huge amount of revelry here. Dmitry Borisov, who replaced Malakhov, although he imitates him, will not reach the salary level of his predecessor soon, if he can. Borisov is paid just under a million a month. But Maxim Galkin receives more than six million dollars a year for participating in the First’s projects. Vladimir Pozner, depending on his employment, puts in his pocket from 500 thousand dollars to 1.5 million per year.


The easiest way is to follow how central entertainment television channels conduct castings for the role of presenters. They need fresh faces, so there are regular selections. And it’s much easier to get there as a correspondent. But before you can realize your dream, you need to work hard for several years, improve yourself, and then multimillion-dollar fees will come into your hands.

If you grew up watching the “Field of Miracles” program, I do not recommend reading this text so as not to ruin your children’s naive fantasies. It cannot be said that I ran to the TV every Friday to watch the next episode of the capital show, but due to certain circumstances I somehow had to see the invariably mustachioed Leonid Yakubovich often, who even by that time had become a symbol of Channel One. And before I had no doubt that the capital show is just a well-coordinated work of the scriptwriters, where there is almost nothing alive. However, I only hoped for one thing - that Yakubovich would not read out memorized phrases, but would speak himself. Only in reality everything turned out to be much worse...

And this, oddly enough, seemed like a gift. Of course, all this is for the sake of the age category of the show, because the game itself in the program takes an insignificant amount of time, but every year the game seems more and more plastic and wretched, although I will not hide that as a child I was crazy about it and even wondered with my parents letters... So, according to an article published by Ruposters, the authors of the capital show "Field of Miracles" have been deceiving viewers for many years. The editors of the project themselves buy gifts for participants for Leonid Yakubovich.

Program participant Mikhail Mayer lifted the veil of secrecy over how the filming of “Field of Miracles” actually takes place. According to the man, the editors themselves gave him presents for Yakubovich and forced him to lie about his small homeland.

“There they dressed me up as a gypsy, put on a red shirt, because I was going to sing the song “Guitar” by Uspenskaya. Backstage they told me: “Say that you came from Irkutsk, here are your cranberries, here are mushrooms.” I felt embarrassed, the gifts didn’t seem to be mine . Well, okay... I went out, spun the drum, guessed two letters. They gave me a DVD player and went from there. And Chuna, the town where I lived for 10 years, booed me after this program. For what I said in broadcast that I am from Irkutsk,” said Mikhail Mayer.

Yaroslavl resident Ivan Koptev also confirmed that Yakubovich is given presents prepared in advance by the editors of the show. According to the ex-participant, the edible gifts on the show are all fake, since “Aunt Zina’s borscht” would otherwise go sour on the way from Vladivostok.

“The editors of the program discussed gifting Yakubovich as an obligatory ceremony, already boring to everyone, with each participant separately. I was going to give a painting by the self-taught artist Vasily Bakharev from the city of Danilov, in the Yaroslavl region, and a bag of crackers - I have two correctional colonies near my house But the creative group “Fields of Miracles” also handed me a prison sweatshirt,” Koptev said.

As it turned out, all participants fill out a special form in which they indicate what gifts they are going to bring to the studio. If people have nothing to give, then the editors can choose something themselves - the main thing is that the gift corresponds to the place where the participant came from. Thus, Inna Kameneva was presented in the studio as a resident of Cherepovets, although in fact she is a Muscovite.

“They immediately asked me: “Are you coming with gifts?” I said yes. I immediately planned to bake pies and make a cake. But the editor said that I didn’t have enough vodka. So they bought it for me so that I could give all these gifts to studio," said Kameneva, who participated in the capital show on February 3.

I understand that television is always scripted and staged, there is nothing surprising in this, it just becomes a little sad after such articles, because childhood ends with them. And, by the way, it is completely unclear why people who are already bringing gifts should buy others and come up with other cities? Are there really not enough heroes from different cities? What do you think?

Leonid Yakubovich: Russian-British relations are at a very low point not on Moscow's initiative. This was stated on Friday by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

Well, thank God, the minister came here. Maybe something will change. But somehow it's strange. Something is not on Moscow’s initiative; a lot of events are happening in the world, which then lead to the phrase “are at a very low point.” How can we read “on the initiative of Moscow” and then “are at a very high level”?

Top 2: Russians need 40 thousand rubles per month per person for a decent life

Leonid Yakubovich: To be happy, Russians need a monthly income of 40 thousand rubles. General Director of VTsIOM Valery Fedorov announced this at a press conference.

There is apparently an ellipsis here, the phrase is taken out of context, because it should follow that immediately after this the government decided to immediately increase the income of Russians over 40 thousand rubles. Because if it's not, then why do I need this message? What should I do about this? But really, less than 40 thousand rubles, by the way, as far as I understand, is poverty and it’s a shame to write about it.

Top 3: Russians chose the best films and TV series of 2017

Leonid Yakubovich: The top three included such films as “Salyut-7”, “The Last Hero” and “The Legend of Kolovrat”.

Mom dear! By the way, “The Last Hero” is a good, wonderful film. I watched, my daughter watched, who is 19 years old, and my granddaughter watched, who is 17 and everyone was delighted. As for the rest of the films, Russians are probably more familiar with them than I am.

Top 4: The government is going to optimize unpopular websites of ministries

Leonid Yakubovich: The Russian government intends to optimize the websites of departments that are not popular with citizens.

I'm going crazy, honestly, what is it that suddenly optimizes, that's what it is? The government is going to close very bad ministry websites. What's happening to the Russian language? But most likely the government studied in some other schools, special for members of the government. Optimize how beautiful and streamlined it is. Unpopular sites are so soft, just like Vaseline. Close to hell sites that violate all their own laws, including the laws of ethics.

Top 5: Monuments to the patriarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church will appear in the center of Moscow

Leonid Yakubovich: Monuments to 16 patriarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church will appear at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior at the end of 2019. This is very good, this is what I like. We always extol, at least exalt, organizations, plants, factories and remember little about the individual. If at least the Patriarchate decided to do this, then God forbid.

About the project:

“Author's News from NSN” is an NSN radio program that is broadcast simultaneously on four radio stations (NASHE Radio, Rock FM, Best FM, Radio JAZZ) with a daily audience of 1.5 million people in Moscow and four million in Russia. Presenters of "Author's News from NSN" , whose names are well known to radio listeners. Currently, 160 people are involved in the project.

Correlating the income of stars, the number of mentions of their names in the media and the number of requests in Yandex. The picture came out disappointing: “ The pedestal of Russian show business, if we exclude athletes, has long been firmly occupied by singers, comedians and other artists who became popular around the same time as the emergence of the new Russia or even during the Soviet years,- the publication concludes. - If you look at the rating of stars of modern Russia, chosen by the public, we can say with confidence: on average, there are no shows or business in the country, but there are concerts for middle-aged women with a difficult fate and New Year’s or resort celebrations.”

The incomes of comrades like Pugacheva or Gazmanov do not interest me, but the earnings and level of popularity of Russian media workers are an interesting thing. Therefore, I selected television people and filmmakers from the Forbes rating and invite you to familiarize yourself with the resulting list:

Fedor Bondarchuk: 38th place, income - $1.9 million

Where do the firewood come from: plays in films, makes blockbusters. Co-owner of the film company Art Pictures, the KinoCity company (a network of film clubs), the Glavkino film studio and three restaurants in Moscow. Owns two restaurants, a sushi bar and a pastry shop in Yekaterinburg. Since 2012, he has headed the board of directors of Lenfilm. In 2013, he produced the TV series “Molodezhka” and “To Survive After” (STS).

Sergey Lazarev: 39th place, income - $1.4 million

Where does the wood come from: singer and TV presenter. In demand at events and corporate events.

Mikhail Galustyan: 40th place, $1.9 million

Where does the firewood come from: owns the film company NG Production, participates in Comedy Club Production projects, produces films and stars in them.

Anna Semenovich: 41st place, income - $0.9 million

Where does the firewood come from: acts in films, hosts the program “The Young Lady and the Cook” (TV Center), hosts everything that can be hosted. According to a study by the Initiative agency, Semenovich is the most effective celebrity in Russian television advertising (he advertises anything from ice cream to potency-enhancing drugs).

Gosha Kutsenko: 46th place, income - $1.5 million

The Leningrad leader, relaxing in Sochi after his triumphant performance at the New Wave, decided to make a sensational confession. Unexpectedly for everyone, Shnur revealed to his fans a big financial secret - how much he is paid for his role as host in the new Channel One show “About Love.”

The musician admitted that he considers himself a “third-rate TV presenter”

Photo by @shnurovs

Sergei dedicated two posts on Instagram to this exciting topic. And he began, as usual, with leisurely philosophical reflections.

"For what? Why are you doing this<…>on TV? – I hear this reasonable question more and more often. I asked myself this question, and I asked the functionaries of the First during six-month negotiations with the channel. Like, why do I need this strangeness, and the leader of me is third-rate. I was convinced of the opposite, but I remained unconvinced about my own abilities as an entertainer, but still became the host. For what? I will answer. I perceive all my activities as gaining experience and knowledge. If I hadn’t starred in the series at one time, if I hadn’t learned the structure of the film process, if I hadn’t participated in television projects, then perhaps, and most likely, “Leningrad” would not have had such clips. Talk shows are an absolute mystery to me. How does it work, what's inside it<…>? Why and how is it produced? There are no options to solve this mystery other than becoming an accomplice,” the musician and TV presenter admitted to his fans.

And after quite a bit of time I decided to supplement my sophisms with monetary specifics.

“I missed a very important question in the previous post about talk shows. I didn’t write anything about grandmothers. I get as much money there in a month as I get for one concert. So count it,” Shnurov urged fans.

Well, we followed Sergei’s call and did the math. Let us remind you that in accordance with the recently published Forbes ranking of the wealthiest Russian celebrities in the 2015/2016 season, Sergei earned $11 million over the past 12 months. Moreover, for each performance the artist asks for about 100 thousand dollars, that is, more than 6 million rubles (official data from Forbes).

Considering that Sergei’s group is quite large: on average, 15-20 people go to concerts with him, including two soloists, Vasilisa and Florida, musicians, administrators and sound engineers, it is logical to assume that Sergei keeps about half of the total for himself earnings. That is, around 3 million rubles.

Whether a TV presenter can receive that kind of money per month is an open question. But we dare to assume that Shnurov’s fees in the future will depend on the rating of the new show. And taking into account the fact that “About Love” is broadcast at night, it is difficult to make any predictions. Sergei himself has admitted more than once that the show with his participation comes out too late, they say, people are already going to bed. On the other hand, the topics discussed there are not for children.

One way or another, so far Forbes has the most favorable forecasts for Shnurov’s income. And the rest - time will tell.