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Every parent worries about the fate of their child. And many mothers, when their daughter’s family life cannot work out, try to help this happen on their own. Previously, for similar purposes, they turned to various sorcerers, witches and fortune tellers. Today, you can bring marriage closer on your own. In order for your little one to quickly meet a handsome husband, all you have to do is read a special plot on how to get your daughter married.

There is no doubt that the effect of the spell cast by the witch for a quick marriage will be very effective. However, a mother's love is also strong, especially when we're talking about about the happiness of your blood.

Quite often situations arise when a girl cannot meet her betrothed. The reason for this may be not only attractiveness and compliance with the modern “standard”. It happens that a girl is simply unlucky, or she is cursed. Of course, in the case of the evil eye, only an experienced specialist can provide help. In other cases, the fate of personal life can be decided with the help of magical spells.

What is destined for us by fate must happen sooner or later. However, using a plot to get your daughter married soon, you can slightly speed up events. But your daughter doesn't have to know about your intentions.

The main thing is that before you read this or that conspiracy, set a specific goal for yourself. To help your child arrange his family life, you can use various conspiracies. The criterion for their selection should be main reason, why my personal life didn’t work out. Perhaps the time has simply not come when the girl should meet her future husband. Or it’s possible that the girl has a flaw that prevents guys from seeing her soul. And below we will give two options for conspiracies suitable for each situation.

Ritual to attract the groom

If your daughter is smart, beautiful and simply amazing person, but she is not very lucky in terms of finding her betrothed, then this plot will suit you.

To carry it out, you need to start fasting 3-4 days before the appointed ritual. In addition, a mother should not tell anyone about her intentions, especially her daughter.

On the day you planned to perform the ritual, you need to wake up very early. On an empty stomach, and without saying a single word to anyone, leave the house. Arriving at a deserted, open place (meadow, field), stand facing the rising sun. Now read the following plot three times:

“Whether across the ocean, in a distant city, a fine fellow sits in his mansion. He is chained with ten chains and locked behind ten locks. Only my word, the word of my own mother (say your name) will free him. I'm talking good fellow for love for the red maiden. Without (daughter’s name) he doesn’t have fun, without (daughter’s name again) he doesn’t go for walks, without (name) he doesn’t live in his parents’ shelter. Let her appear to him at noon and midnight. Let him come running to her. The parent’s word is the end, but the love of the red maiden and the good fellow is the beginning. Amen".

After reading this plot, return home silently. From now on until the girl gets married, do not tell anyone about the ritual. Otherwise, it will lose its power.

Ritual to attract a betrothed for girls with a disadvantage

It happens that some shortcoming of a girl prevents her from getting married successfully. In this case, a special spell will come in handy, which should be read to her mother. For this ritual you will need:

  • holy water from the feast of Epiphany;
  • cup;
  • Bowl.

Taking holy water, divide it into equal parts: pour one into a cup, the other into a bowl, and leave the third in a vessel. A spell should be read over each container so that the daughter can get married as soon as possible:

“Dashing trouble, horrible power, give us the groom. Don’t let my little blood, the servant of God (daughter’s name), remain alone forever. Holy Mother of God, help her find a good husband, reliable, young, brave and glorious in the marriage bed. Turn the guys' eyes so that they see in the servant of God (daughter's name) a beautiful maiden, so that they cannot get enough of her. Amen".

After which the daughter will have to drink the water in the cup. Use water from a bowl to wash your face, and the remaining water in the vessel will need to be poured outside beyond the threshold of the house. This plot will speed up the long-awaited marriage. However, the magic will only work if the girl herself wants to get married as soon as possible.

Skype conversation:

Arina, hello. My heart aches for my daughter. Smart, beautiful, knows how to do everything. They respect you at work. And still not married. I'm afraid that he will leave me without grandchildren. Look what's wrong. I am sending you a photo and her date of birth. Thank you in advance. Svetlana Pavlovna.

Hello Svetlana Pavlovna! From the photo I see that you have an interesting and smart daughter. But there are a lot of yangs in her character. She, like a man, is strong and strong-willed, but this is often not the case. Men who are weaker and more unlucky than herself will always be attracted to her. I see the same on you generational curse. I think your fate is not very good family life. And there are problems with children. Your family has been cursed, which means it will have a bad effect on the children.

Yes. Arina. I missed it. My wandering husband got caught and exhausted his whole soul. The woman possesses his black magic. That's what he did to me. I already went and filmed everything. The daughter is worried and sees everything. And we know about the curse. Went. Filmed. Yes, she doesn’t have anyone anyway.

Does your daughter live with you?

Yes, we are all in the same apartment.

That’s exactly what it turns out, that because of your squabbles, she herself has formed a psychological crown of celibacy. He made things even worse.

Yes, we also took off this crown, and what’s the point?

No, this is different. This is when a program of aggression towards men is imposed on a person’s subconscious and demonic hooks are formed.

What are these hooks?

This is when a person has grievances, and he begins to experience failures due to the outflow of energy to demonic entities. For your daughter it comes from the 4th energy center. He is responsible for love. So he doesn’t love anyone!

Yes, she says, I don’t need anyone. I don’t want to live and suffer like you.

I'll look at the horoscope now. Yes. Your option is difficult. Many planets are grouped in the house of marriage. And 3 bad planets Saturn, the black Moon, and Mars took root there. Really. This is a matter of karmic nature. The root of the problems is from past reincarnations. But a curse was also placed on the mother’s family. Since Saturn is conjunct with the black Moon. Those. she must work out her problems through the suffering of the 7th house. Partnership, matrimony, divorce and litigation. I see they will live in a civil union, not for long, then everything will be divided. It is possible to sue. There is no marriage. Will not be. Since the 7th house is very difficult. With this standing, no grandmother will help. This woman is also extremely quarrelsome herself. She will destroy her men with her energy. It’s just that when a woman has such negativity, she eats men at level 2 of the energy center and they, in order to save themselves, subconsciously run away from such a lady.

Oh, how good, Arina, is it really true?

Well, not 100%. But if she wants, she will. We urgently need to work with the psychological crown of celibacy. Absvet Energy sessions to do. Burn out the karma a little. And Urgently cleanse her 3rd and 4th energy centers. Yes, but for children. If she doesn't give birth before 2012. She won't give birth anymore. I see that there is a period of weak kidneys and disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands. This can cause uterine disease and infertility.

Arinochka help! We need to save.

I will try. Please. Invite your daughter to the next session. I want to talk to her.

ORTHODOX PRAYERS and ANCIENT RITES so that your daughter will happily marry a kind and rich man. 1) For example, a Christian prayer for a daughter to get married, addressed to the great miracle worker Saint Nicholas. “Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and sad person in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen". 2) Orthodox prayer about a successful marriage and happiness in marriage to the Great Martyr Saint Catherine. The most strong prayer so that her daughter happily marries a kind and rich man “Oh, holy Great Martyr Catherine, chosen vessel of purity, the pillar of Orthodoxy, our reliable intercessor, who showed us the guilt of begging you, a legal ascetic, holy holy mount Holy resting! We pray to you: having come down from above, listen to the voice of our prayer, look at the misfortune of your servants, enlighten the darkness of our mind, make us wise in heaven, not earthly. Hasten with your prayers to overcome carnal lusts, addictions to the world and the machinations of evil spirits who are viciously fighting against us: so that through your intercession in the days of this life we ​​will be free from their hostile attacks and after the end from their aerial tortures. Oh, wise maiden! Grant us everything that is useful for asking: you can ask much from your beloved Bridegroom, Christ our God. We know that the prayer of the righteous can do much, promoted by the compassion of the merciful God; to Him be glory, honor and thanksgiving always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen." At the end of the church miraculous prayer so that my daughter marries a rich and kind guy, in your own words ask for help. 3) You can help your daughter get married in the following way. Buy a large church candle and two icons: a personalized daughter and a guardian angel. In the evening, cover the table with a white tablecloth and place the purchased icons on the table. Place a photo of your daughter between them and place a candle next to it. Light the wick and say out loud 3 times the plot for marriage: “Melancholy will go away, joy will come, loneliness will go away, happiness will come, grief will break, luck will remain, envy will not multiply, will not be disturbed by troubles. I send grief, troubles, failures from the servant of God (daughter’s name ) away, I call to heaven, I call for happiness and love for the servant of God (daughter’s name). So be it!” After this, extinguish the candle and put all items back in their places. Repeat the ritual for three days and your daughter will definitely find her happiness and get married! 4) Conspiracy for the daughter’s marriage “Lord God, send into my house some good fellows - more daredevils, they should no longer run free! There is no need for mediocrities or thieves; If he likes it, he will clean up, and the faithful daughter will get the only one! My words will come true! Amen." **Important to know for a successful plot: Read the plot to marry your daughter only with her full consent. Ask the girl to close her eyes and concentrate, clear her mind of all unnecessary thoughts. After this, read the plot, periodically sprinkling holy water on your daughter’s head from any wooden utensil. Be sure to write down the words of the conspiracy for yourself on some compact piece of paper so that it is convenient to take it with you and remember it. 5) Try using an old conspiracy. It has two very important advantages. Firstly, it is not the girl who should read the plot, but her mother. The very same future bride may know nothing at all about how a mother cares about the personal happiness of her daughter. Secondly, the conspiracy is not addressed to any specific young man, but to the one who is destined by fate to be your daughter’s groom. This means that such a conspiracy cannot do any harm. He will simply force the betrothed to hurry up a little, stir him up, stir up his heart young man from a premonition of love. So, if you are ready, then you need to go out early in the morning to some open place (preferably in a field) and, turning your face east towards the sun, say three times: “Beyond the sea-ocean, in a copper city, in an iron tower sits a good fellow . He is chained in ten chains, locked with ten doors. Only my word will free the good young man from captivity and rush to his betrothed. I, dear mother (state your name), persuade the amorous young man to love the red maiden (state the name of your daughter). Without He can’t go for walks with her, he can’t have fun without her. Without her there’s no life for him in parents' house next to father and mother. Let her appear to him in a dream and in reality. And in the day, and at noon, and in the dark midnight. And without her, he would not have seen joy and found no joy. My word is the end, and the love of the red maiden (daughter's name) is the beginning." This plot, as you probably already understood, is not easy. It is strong, so before reading it, some preparation is required. Three days before reading the plot, you must fast. In the morning, before leaving the house, you cannot eat or talk to anyone. You should remain silent on the way. And if, due to necessity, you still utter some words, then - what can you do! - you must postpone reading the plot until better times. Unfortunately, mothers are not always ready to take care of their daughters. Often girls have to do everything themselves. If you are in this position, then know: in Rus' it was customary to pray for grooms on November 10 on Neonil and Paraskeva. Apparently, prayers were successful, since the cherished date has been preserved in the people's memory. Try it, maybe it will help you. 6) The ritual of “successfully marrying off your daughter” Items necessary for the ritual: Icons: “Holy Trinity”, “Guardian Angel”, “Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker of the World of Lycia." “A candle in a candlestick in front of each icon. Daughter's candle. Black prayer cloth. Ancestral towel. Matches. Sequence of performing the ritual Place the icons in a semicircle on the table covered with the ancestral tablecloth. Place a candle in a candlestick in front of each icon. Place the ancestral towel in the center of the table. Place your daughter's candle on it. Place a black prayer cloth on the floor. Stand in the center of the canvas. Call upon the Holy Trinity for help, guardian angel, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker. Light the candles. Read the Lord's Prayer 4 times. On left hand hang the family towel, take your daughter’s candle in the right one. Stand facing east. Make the sign of the cross with a candle in front of you and bow. Read the plot. Do this in the direction of the sun to the 4 cardinal directions. Read the plot for each side of the world. Spell “For a successful marriage” From the royal palace, from the boyar threshold, a road ran to my house. Along that road are the Grooms and matchmakers of the Royal and Boyar Family, the Noble Family, the Merchant Family, the Business Family and the Artisan Family. Along the royal road To my doorstep Suitors are coming for my daughter (name), Those suitors are rich, Lucky and handsome, And one among them is betrothed and lucky, He is a prince among princes, a boyar among boyars, a merchant among merchants, a craftsman, successful, rich and noble . That groom is coming to the doorstep, He will lead my daughter down the aisle. My daughter is swimming like a peahen, she will get married successfully. I will strengthen my secret word with a cross and a bow, I will strengthen my work with the ancestral towel. Amen. Amen. Amen. When the candles burn out, read a prayer of thanks. Wrap your daughter's candle in the ancestral towel. For forty days, place the towel in the Goddess. Your daughter will marry very successfully, her husband will love her, and she will live in abundance.

Looking in the mirror, sometimes single girls think, why can't I get married? She seems smart and beautiful, like in the movies, but her personal life is not working out. Behind this desire there are many internal and external problems that prevent you from realizing your dream. And sometimes women, without realizing it, don’t want to have serious relationship. It’s hard to understand this confusion, but we’ll try.

Why can't my daughter get married?

Of course, parents worry when their children’s personal lives don’t work out. They are especially worried about their daughters; they want to put them in good hands and look after their grandchildren.

Well, situations are different. But, basically, they lead to a single lifestyle three main reasons:

  1. Career. There are more and more women suffering from careerism. Until the age of 40, they see no other future except how to build successful career and achieve unprecedented heights in it. They can be understood; there are fewer and fewer men who can provide for a family. However, having become a big boss, women do not always have time to get a spouse;
  2. Comparison with the ideal. Some women are so sure what kind of prince they want that they look for him until they are old. They practically know what shoe size he will have and eye color. And when they meet a guy who doesn’t meet the ideal, they don’t even try to consider him as a candidate for a husband;
  3. Complexes. This is one of worst enemies person. If your daughter depends on other people's opinions, is too picky about her appearance and constantly feels guilty - she has low self-esteem and increased self-doubt. The reason for this is usually the parents, who in childhood did not allow the child to assert himself and crushed him with their authority.

To help your daughter arrange her destiny, you need to try to understand her problems and help solve them. Calm, friendly, unobtrusive.

How to help your daughter find a worthy spouse?

Of course, you can’t think for her. This is an adult, she knows what she's doing. In addition, in such situations it is difficult to establish contact; adult children are reluctant to share personal matters. But you can:

  • Help her look at life from a different perspective. If she suffers from workaholism and does not know how to relax, we need to distract her. A good option There will be a joint trip, or buy her a separate ticket. Let a person relax in nature, in another country, and see the world, and perhaps meet someone;
  • When you see that a girl is waiting for a prince, and she is already over 30, you need to explain that there are no princes. She must understand that she needs to look for a man, who will want to become an ideal;
  • And most importantly, she should know about her strengths and forget about her shortcomings. She needs help raising her self-esteem - praise more loved one, support and love.

How to improve your personal life after divorce?

Divorce always leaves a negative imprint on the soul. Even if you separated peacefully and mutual consent, it's still unpleasant. And having survived, a woman is then not always ready to start a serious relationship with someone.

In this situation you need to do this:

  • First of all, understand: until you say goodbye to the past, nothing new will happen;
  • Then you should forgive yourself and ex-husband for what happened. No matter who is to blame, resentment will not allow you to move on;
  • You should even become grateful to your ex-spouse for the experience gained, for the children, for the happy moments;
  • Afterwards, just forget about everything completely and start again, taking into account, of course, mistakes.

Relatives and friends can provide all possible support during this difficult time. But don't ooh and ahh. There must be help practical: you are able to cheer up a person, take him to a disco or to the theater. That is, do not let yourself fall into depression and “give up on yourself.”

Why don't women want to get married?

They are talking about a social crisis in our country recent years 50. There are fewer marriages, and divorces are a normal thing. Today, girls are the culprits. Not men, whom everyone is used to scolding, but self-confident representatives of the fair sex.

There are many reasons for this:

  • To a fair extent it's a matter of financial viability. Having living space and a good position, a lady can provide for herself. There is no need to divide the salary and everything earned belongs only to her. And you can have children named money;
  • From this follows complete freedom. A self-sufficient girl can go wherever she wants, communicate with whoever and whenever she wants. She raises her children herself, without consulting anyone;
  • And forums now play a big role. They are full of horror films of family life, posted there by experienced comrades. There, all the “charm” of marriage is described in detail and in colors.

So it turns out that the daughters do not want to get married. As the saying goes: “Be calm, I want to eat halva, I want gingerbread...”. Are parents able to influence this? It’s difficult to answer unequivocally.

Mothers of such self-confident and frightened daughters usually have to wait for an epiphany and hope for grandchildren.

Why don't I want to get married?

But society is still very surprised when a girl declares her unwillingness to stamp her passport. Everyone starts asking her what’s wrong and questioning her normality.

It's hard to be an exception, but it's your right, your choice. The main thing is that you understand exactly why you are in this position. Otherwise, if necessary, it will not be possible to correct it. If you can’t figure out what’s going on, we’ll try to find the reasons for your loneliness:

  • Perhaps you are still young. If you are under 25, this is quite normal for a modern woman;
  • You had a bad experience that left a wound that won't heal;
  • You've read horror stories on the Internet and are afraid to go down the same path;
  • You are a careerist and do not want to waste time on such trifles as marriage.

And the most important and everything-explaining reason is that you have not yet met him, the only one who can light a fire in your heart. This is how you answer questions about marriage. This will be the honest truth.

Our desires are determined by a certain set of natural instincts given by nature. As they grow older, they change under the influence of many factors. But in general, the desires necessary for life and procreation remain unchanged.

Wish start a family for a girl it is one of the main things. Its presence is important in general for humanity; without it, the likelihood that a woman will give birth decreases. Therefore, what is happening now is not entirely normal.

But there are also white crows in nature. However, there is a big difference here. Reluctance to get married is not an exception in our society, but a huge drawback. It can lead to irreparable consequences and must be combated at the state level. Otherwise, the already falling birth rate will disappear completely.

This is the version family psychologists, who have been sounding the alarm on this issue for a long time. They foresee the extinction of a nation that has learned from such little things.

Thus, starting with the question “why can’t I get married,” we got to the problems modern society generally. This is understandable, such questions began to arise too often. The future of not only an individual family, but also the country as a whole depends on their decision.

Video about marriage problems

In this video, Lev Golovatov will tell you what a girl needs to change in herself in order to find a husband soon: