Top 10 most popular actors. The best actors in the world: list, rating, names and biographies

Reading time: 8 min.

Most famous actors come from difficult families and often had to make ends meet. But despite all this, they found their way to fame, and therefore to wealth. The most talented and intelligent of them not only stay afloat, but also increase their capital. The richest actors in the world have their fortunes for more than just beautiful eyes, they put a lot of work into their formation. Let's take a look top 10 richest actors for today.

Net worth: $350 million
In tenth place is Tom Hanks, whose fortune is estimated at $350 million. If for some this figure is not very impressive, then by Hollywood standards it is very good money. Tom had a modest childhood and did not have any special problems, but if something sometimes went wrong, he always solved his financial problems by participating in big-budget films. Tom Hanks, through his example, shows that hard work and determination are everything, and even the sky is not the limit.

Net worth: $375 million
Clint Eastwood's net worth is estimated at $375 million; he is considered one of the most famous and sought-after actors in the history of cinema. Clint - legendary actor in Hollywood, he is considered one of the most successful actors on the planet, having played in a huge number of films. Long years Clint Eastwood's work bore fruit, and he began starring in the TV series Rawhide, which marked the beginning of his film career. Since then, everything has improved in Clint's life.

Net worth: $390 million
Jack Nicholson has about 390 million dollars in his bank accounts, all of which he rightfully got if you look at what Jack experienced as a child. Very for a long time he believed that his grandmother was his mother, and his mother was his older sister. Many years later, Nicholson learns the truth, which he still experiences very hard. Fortunately, Jack Nicholson found his professional path, becoming an actor and gaining his fame and fortune.

One of the most famous stand-up comedians and actors of our time is Bill Cosby, who has $400 million to his name. While still in the tenth grade, he joined the navy and completed his training in a special course. Having gone through all this, he decided to try his hand at stand-up, which is how fame and his current status as a world actor came to him. He was recently accused of sexual harassment, which greatly damaged his reputation, despite the fact that all charges were dropped.

Net worth: $400 million
Amitabh Bachchan did not become famous immediately; for a long time before becoming a full-fledged actor, he simply voiced films. Now his fortune is estimated at 400 million dollars, which is a huge amount for Bollywood. At first, the directors did not regard his appearance as something worthy of getting the role, but over time he proved to the whole world and to himself that he is very talented performer diverse roles.

Net worth: $400 million
The budget of the great actor is more than 400 million dollars and it was received very deservedly. Johnny starred in many films, which forced him to experience a variety of roles. Depp spent his childhood in Florida; he dropped out of school before reaching adulthood and took up music, playing in various bands. Then he moves to Los Angeles and works there as a traveling salesman. There he also met Nicolas Cage, who helped him pave the way for cinema. His first and debut film was “A Nightmare on Elm Street,” and since then Johnny’s career has taken off.

Net worth: $400 million
An actor with a difficult past was still able to become one of the richest actors in the world and now his fortune is estimated at $400 million. A difficult childhood did not stop this great man and, despite everything, he achieved success. His father often treated him poorly, from which Tyler Perry suffered for a long time, he was constantly haunted by fear and depression. One day while watching the Oprah Winfrey Show, an idea came to him and he began writing a play. But he was not published for a long time; he even lived in a car. And in the end he was able to present his creation to the world, and from then on, luck began to accompany him.

Net worth: $480 million
Tom Cruise now has about $480 million, and that doesn't seem like a lot of money for him. All this, of course, was given to him through hard work, but once upon a time he wanted to be a priest, and only at the age of 15 did he change his mind. After this, he took up an acting career, which brought him success and big fees. Tom Cruise became famous, Hollywood noticed him, and almost everyone knows what happened next.

Net worth: $600 million
Shah Rukh Khan, who has shown remarkable abilities since childhood, now has a net worth of $600 million. As a child, he was an active child, an excellent student, and played football, cricket and hockey. But after the injury received during football match, Shah decided to change his direction and tried to act in films. He literally woke up famous one day and became the biggest star in Bollywood. Now he has 72 films to his credit, but he does not think of stopping at this result and conquers more and more new heights.

Net worth: $820 million
Jerry Seinfeld is the richest actor of our time, his fortune is estimated at $820 million. Throughout his life he starred in very large quantities films. Early in his career he performed as stand-up comedian in the clubs of New York, but this did not bring him great fame. After a short period of time, he starred in the series, which gave a boost to his career and he became a celebrity. But the biggest achievement is considered the series “Seinfeld,” in which Jerry played a cameo (of himself). This is one of the most influential and famous actors, he is also known as a producer and director.

Most people turn on the TV or go to the cinema not just to enjoy watching a new film, but also anticipating the joy of meeting their favorite actor. Enormously popular all over the world Hollywood stars. They, so different, are united by amazing charm, masculine attractiveness, enormous talent, the ability to organically exist in different genres, creating unique images. The following are most popular actors in the world.

1. Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp is rightfully one of the most popular actors in the world. He is known for his roles in the films A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Astronaut's Wife, The Ninth Gate, and Pirates Caribbean Sea", "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", etc. This is an amazing master of disguise. What makes Depp especially attractive is his unusual appearance, there were Indians, Irish, and Germans in his family. It is not for nothing that several years ago the actor was recognized by People readers as the sexiest man in the United States.

2. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is equally popular among both spectators and female spectators, could not help but enter the top 10 most popular Hollywood actors. They are attracted by his excellent physical shape, self-confidence and bright masculinity. Schwarzenegger most often starred in action films, while avoiding the cliches and cliches that abound in this genre. He became famous for his roles in the films “Terminator”, “The Running Man”, “Red Heat”. The actor is constantly improving in dramatic art. Schwarzenegger also has a university degree and is famous for his intelligence. He managed to succeed in politics, taking the post of governor of the state of California.

Jim Carrey is one of the most famous actors in the world acting in the comedy genre. He is known for the films “Ace Ventura”, “The Truman Show”, “The Mask”, “Bruce Almighty”. Jimmy Carrey has expressive appearance, which gives him the opportunity to create comic images without losing his pronounced masculine charm. Despite the complexity of the roles he plays, the actor manages to create an atmosphere of ease and fantastic lightness. His heroes are simple people, but they find themselves in amazing, often fantastic situations. A great sense of humor and amazing talent allow Kerry to rise to fantastic heights of skill.

4. Leonardo DiCaprio

Next on the list of the world's most popular actors is Leonardo DiCaprio. He immediately clearly declared himself as an actor of enormous potential. L. DiCaprio has been shot by the best directors: M. Scorsese, B. Luhrmann, D. Cameron, D. Donnelly, etc. The actor succeeds in roles in absolutely any genre - romantic, heroic, adventure, melodrama, thriller, etc. Its flexibility and plasticity have no limits. It’s simply amazing that Oscar found him only many years later, since the actor began filming quite early. However, such films with the participation of DiCaprio as “The Revenant”, “The Great Gatsby”, “Shutter Island”, “The Aviator”, “Titanic”, etc. have become true pearls in the treasury of world cinema.

Tom Cruise is a popular Hollywood actor who is the embodiment of human charm, natural talent and the ability to create images that deeply touch the viewer's soul. He is rightfully considered one of the most handsome men America. T. Cruise most often plays the roles of his contemporaries (“Mission Impossible”, “War of the Worlds”, “The Firm”). In them he appears purposeful, honest and deep person. For such characters great importance has love in life and they are ready to do anything to keep it. His film works are distinguished by realism and sincerity.

Brad Pitt is famous not only for becoming the husband of one of the most beautiful actresses Hollywood A. Jolie, but also through his participation in the films “Happy Together”, “Too Young to Die?”, “The Mexican”, “Ocean’s Eleven”, “Troy”, “ Misterious story Benjamin Button”, etc. He knows how to create images of brave, sincere people who are not afraid of difficulties. Brad Pitt is famous for his love for healthy image life and basically does not eat meat. There are practically no scandals associated with his name, despite the fact that the actor is considered one of the most beautiful and sexy men in the world.

Morgan Freeman is the most popular black actor in the world. He starred in many films, including “Now You See Me,” “Wanted,” “Until He Played the Box,” “Bruce Almighty,” “Dreamcatcher.” The artist comes from a very simple family. His first step to fame was working on the radio in hometown. The boy was only twelve years old at the time. Success came to Freeman after starring in the film “The Shawshank Redemption,” based on the work of S. King in 1994. For it, he received the “Best Actor of the Year” award. In 2005, he received an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in the film Million Dollar Baby. The jury noted his amazing professionalism, deep penetration into the role and ability to sharpen the atmosphere of the episode to the extreme.

Sylvester Stallone has an unlimited range of dramatic skills. The actor’s roles in the films “Rocky”, “Rambo”, “Cobra”, “Cliffhanger”, “Creed”, etc. brought him worldwide popularity. Stallone knows how to create images of people who are integral, extremely courageous and collected, but at the same time have a real sense of humor. Huge love viewers were attracted to his unusual characters in the films “Stop!” Or Mom Will Shoot" and "Judge Dredd", which allowed his talent to fully reveal itself. The actor is in excellent athletic shape and performed many of his stunts on his own.

Will Smith is not only one of the most famous and popular actors, but also famous singer. He is known to a wide audience for his participation in the films “Independence Day”, “Men in Black”, “ Bad Boys", "I am Legend", "Hancock". Most often, Smith appears in roles positive characters in action films. The new films “Defender”, “Focus” and “The Pursuit of Happiness” showed that with age, the skill of this actor has only increased and he can handle the most diverse and complex roles.


Every year the film industry reveals to us more and more Hollywood stars. However, there are very popular personalities whose names are known to almost every viewer. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the ten best actors of modern cinema.

Dwayne Johnson

Actor Dwayne Johnson is known to television viewers for such films as “The Game Plan”, “Faster than a Bullet”, “Hercules”, “Journey 2: The Mysterious Island” and others. He appears in action, adventure, and sometimes comedy films. Dwayne has an excellent athletic physique. Besides acting engaged in wrestling and has many awards and titles in this sport. In 2002, the film “The Scorpion King” was released, where Johnson played one of his best roles. He received $5.5 million for his work. This is one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood.

Jackie Chan

According to Forbes rating, Jackie Chan became the second highest paid actor. He not only professional actor, but also a master of martial arts, a performer of stunts, a talented director and producer. His acting career began at the age of five. Before gaining such popularity, Jackie starred in several films. His best works: “Around the World in 80 Days”, “The Spy Next Door”, “Tuxedo”, “Who Am I?” and others. Plus Jackie is a great singer. He has 20 music albums to his credit.

Bradley Cooper

Today Bradley Cooper is one of the most famous actors in Hollywood. His career began with the role of Jake in the television series "Sex in big city" At the beginning of his acting career, he repeatedly became a participant in various television shows. The first roles were of a minor nature, but it was they who helped to gain worldwide fame. Best films actor: “Sniper”, “The Hangover”, “Area of ​​Darkness” and others.

Adam Sandler

Adam Sandler is a successful person. In addition to acting, he is involved in producing and writing scripts. In addition, Adam is an excellent comedian and musician. He played many comedic roles that brought him worldwide fame. Best works: “Click: With the remote control through life”, “Bedtime Stories”, “Odnoklassniki”, “Dad, dosvidos”, “Mixed” and others.

Tom Cruise

The actor demonstrated a brilliant performance in five parts of the film “Mission: Impossible.” Tom Cruise was born in 1962 in Syracuse, New York. His first debut took place at the age of 19. The role of Billy in the film "Endless Love". During his long career he starred in several dozen films. Best works: “Minority Report”, “The Last Samurai”, “Jack Reacher”, “Edge of Tomorrow”, etc. Tom Cruise is the winner of many awards, including 3 Golden Globe awards.

Leonardo DiCaprio

This actor became world famous thanks to his role as Jack Dawson in the film Titanic, which was released in 1997. However actor career Leonarda began back in 1988. His arsenal includes many nominations and awards. He won an Oscar for the film The Revenant. The most memorable characters in films: Howard Hughes (“The Aviator”), Roger Ferris (“Body of Lies”), Jay Gatsby (“The Great Gatsby”) and others.

Tom Hanks

This is one of the most influential and sought-after actors in Hollywood. He has been included in Forbes' list of the richest celebrities several times. He is known to viewers from the films “Apollo 13”, “Saving Private Ryan”, “ Green Mile”, “The Da Vinci Code”, “Miracle on the Hudson”, etc. Tom Hanks is the owner of two Oscar statuettes for the films “Philadelphia” and “Forrest Gump”.

Chris Hemsworth

In superhero films, Chris Hemsworth plays Thor. It was this role that brought the actor great popularity. The most famous works Chris: "The Avengers", "Thor", "Snow White and the Huntsman", "Doctor Strange". The actor has many fans, he is not only handsome, but also incredibly talented.

Jerry Seinfeld

Jerry Seinfeld is considered the most popular comedian in America. He is also a producer and writer, and has proven himself in directing and acting. In 2007 he produced animated film“Bee Movie: The Honey Conspiracy” and voiced one of the main characters in it. U American comedian many awards, including the Emmy Awards.

Matt Damon

Matt Damon's career began in 1988 with the role of Steamer in the film Mystic Pizza. Fame came after filming the film “Good Will Hunting.” The film was nominated for the prestigious Oscar film award. Matt Damon - not only talented actor. He proved himself as a professional screenwriter and producer. Films with his participation are considered among the highest grossing. He has received many nominations and awards from prestigious film festivals. The best films with the actor: “The Talented Mr. Ripley”, “Ocean’s Eleven”, “The Martian” and others.

Three people in the top 10 top grossing actors of 2016 according to Forbes have one common feature: All of them are in the highest-grossing blockbuster of the year, Captain America: Civil War. . In fact, all but one of the actresses on the list of 2016's top-grossing actors starred in films based on comic books. The exception is Felicity Jones, who achieved monetary success with the film Rogue One. Star Wars: Stories".

Box office - $775 million

Although Suicide Squad in general and Smith's performance in particular were heavily criticized, the film earned $745 million worldwide. Another film with Smith, “Phantom Beauty,” has so far earned only $28.8 million in theaters, which did not prevent the actor from getting into the top ten of the list.

9. Felicity Jones

Ticket revenue: $805 million

The actress played one of the main roles in the film belonging to the cinematic universe " Star Wars" Although Rogue One, the film's lead, only came out in early December, it has already grossed half a billion dollars at the box office. Felicity Jones is the only actress on the list who doesn't have a "superhero" role, although to be fair, she does have spaceships and a lot of firepower.

8. Ryan Reynolds

Box office receipts: $820 million

A clear example that a dream can also generate income. Reynolds had long dreamed of playing the role of Deadpool, and not only was able to get 20th Century Fox to film the story of a reckless and unkillable mercenary, but he also played him in such a way that he caused an orgasm among fans. This is not for you Green Lantern”, which is equally sad in the silence of the night and in the light of day. Surely there will be a sequel to Deadpool, and this promises even greater box office revenue if one of them continues to live up to the expectations of crowds of fans.

7. Henry Cavill

Income from films with his participation - $870 million

The role of Superman in the epic confrontation between Batman and the mighty Man-in-Pants-Over-Pants became Cavill's most lucrative role. However, his two partners, Ben Affleck and Amy Adams, earned more from this film and surpassed Cavill in the Forbes ranking.

6. Ben Affleck

Film grosses - $1.02 billion

This summer, the 44-year-old two-time Oscar winner made a cameo as Batman in Suicide Squad. However, his main income came from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. While the blockbuster earned scathing reviews from critics, it didn't hurt Ben Affleck's wallet. The worldwide distribution of the film brought its creators $542,900,000. Ben's role in Payback also added a lot to his bank account. And there's still "Justice League" to come.

5. Amy Adams

Adams' films sold $1.04 billion in tickets

Affleck's partner in Batman v Superman (she played Superman's friend Lois Lane) rounds out the top 5 most successful actors in terms of money in 2016.

4. Margot Robbie

Brought film distributors $1.1 billion

Let picky critics criticize “Suicide Squad”, even they love Margot Robbie. She is charming, artistic, graceful and very, very rich. In 2016, in addition to the role of Harley Quinn, Margot got the role of Jane in “The Legend of Tarzan.” Her partner was Alexander Skarsgård.

3. Chris Evans

Worldwide ticket revenue: $1.15 billion

The man in the Captain America suit, who are you without him? Millionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Along with Chris Pratt (Star-Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy), Evans donated $15,000 to Seattle Children's Hospital and another $12,000 to Boston-based charity Christopher's Haven.

2. Robert Downey Jr.

His films brought in $1.15 billion

Cry iron Man, you are no longer the top box office hollywood celebrity. However, Downey still makes a lot of money from his role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And in 2017, he can return to the first line of the box office hit parade thanks to his appearance in the films Spider-Man: Homecoming and Sherlock Holmes 3. And Robert Downey Jr. is the highest paid actor of all those present in this top 10.

1. Scarlett Johansson

Box office - $1.2 billion

According to Forbes statistics, the highest-grossing of all, she received the role of Black Widow in Captain America: Civil War. This film grossed more than $1.15 billion, while Johansson's other film, Hail, Caesar! was less successful (sold $63 million in tickets).

Perhaps someday we will see the charming Scarlett not in the role of a strict and restrained Black Widow, but in the role of a gentle but strong spirit Disney princesses. One day the actress let slip that she dreams of this particular role. Johansson's daughter, two-year-old Rose, also wants to see her mother in the role of a princess.

It's no secret that the modern film industry is one of the most developed and popular among other entertainment industries in the world. Every day dozens of a wide variety of films are released, in which hundreds of actors and actresses are involved. However, not all of them are world celebrities. Only a few actually become legendary personalities that every person knows. They will be remembered in five, fifteen, and even fifty years.

Such actors are remembered by how they can play, what characters they portray on screen, and how much they make the audience believe in the reality of what is happening. However, there is another aspect that is worth paying attention to, and it is becoming increasingly important as the industry develops and the market grows. It's about about the finances that revolve in Hollywood. If earlier they were measured in hundreds of thousands of dollars, but now in rare cases- millions, now the count is already in the tens of millions. Movie budgets run into hundreds of millions of dollars, and this includes the aspect that this article will discuss - the salaries that the actors who star in the films receive.

How much do you think the most expensive celebrities who appear on the big screen earn? It turns out that the leading actors' fees are measured in tens of millions of dollars. This is an impressive amount for one person. And if you continue reading this article, you will be able to find out which actors and actresses in Hollywood earn more than the rest. This is very interest Ask, since in Lately There are more and more conversations about equality and how, for example, women or black actors are paid significantly less than white male actors. Browse the top 10 highest paid actors and take note of which stars made the list. Well, all people know very well that stars earn a good living by acting in various films, but there are actors and actresses who earn much more than most of their other colleagues. But there is one question: how much more? It's time to find out which celebrities get the most large amounts for his role in the film. Here are the ten highest paid actors and actresses in the world. Perhaps among them there will be those actors and actresses who are your favorites.

Mark Wahlberg ($28 million per film)

Mark Wahlberg has come a long way since he was known as Marky Mark. He's no longer a teenager trying to put out shoddy music. He became one of the most talented and successful people in Hollywood. Wahlberg has starred in a number of Hollywood blockbusters as the leading man, from The Gunfighter to Blood for Blood.

Sarah Jessica Parker ($30 million per film)

Sarah Jessica Parker (in the main photo of the article) made an incredible career by starring in the television series Sex and the City, which became a real masterpiece. The rise to fame of Sarah Jessica Parker and the other leading actresses of the series created a buzz in Hollywood, and immediately there was a need to film feature film. Sarah Jessica Parker received impressive fees for her roles in the full-length versions of the series Sex and the City.

Angelina Jolie ($30 million per film)

Angelina Jolie is one of the most famous and recognizable actresses in the whole world. Her "signature" appearance gave her the opportunity to star in many films throughout her professional career. She became the main character blockbusters such as Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and Wanted. One of latest films actress, Maleficent, added another impressive amount to Angelina’s account.

Robert Downey Jr. ($31 million per film)

Robert Downey Jr. has undergone an impressive transformation in Hollywood. He went from being one of the "bad boys" who was simply impossible to work with, to one of the most beloved actors in the entire film industry. His role as Iron Man in the film of the same name and other projects in the Marvel universe catapulted him to the pinnacle of fame.

Ben Stiller ($34 million per film)

Ben Stiller is arguably one of the greatest comedic actors of our time. He starred in the films Zoolander, There's Mad About Mary and Meet the Parents. And if you've seen these films, you can easily understand why Stiller receives so much money for his roles. And at the same time, the actor’s career only continues to develop and move uphill.

Tom Hanks ($35 million per film)

Tom Hanks is one of the most respected classical actors in modern films. He made a name for himself with films such as Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan and The Green Mile. These and his other films have shown that Tom Hanks is most likely one of the best actors to ever play in Hollywood.

Will Smith ($36 million per film)

Will Smith did long haul from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air to where he is now. Who would have thought that a rapper from West Philadelphia would one day become one of the leading actors in the world? His roles in films such as Men in Black, Independence Day and The Pursuit of Happyness have shown that Will Smith is truly a master of his craft.

Adam Sandler ($40 million per film)

Adam Sandler is considered by many to be the best comedian of our time. After the first incredible success films "Happy Gilmore" and "Billy Madison" Sandler's career developed rapidly, and he quickly soared to the top of fame. So it's easy to see why Adam Sandler is one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood.

Johnny Depp ($50 million per film)

Johnny Depp is arguably one of the most adaptable actors in the world. He was able to play great amount a wide variety of roles and touch the hearts of millions of viewers with the performance of their iconic roles: Edward Scissorhands, Captain Jack Sparrow and even Sweeney Todd himself. Johnny Depp still continues to amaze audiences with incredible roles, and that is why he continues to be paid such huge money.

Leonardo DiCaprio ($77 million per film)

For many, Leonardo DiCaprio is the best actor in Hollywood this moment. He starred in leading role in many legendary masterpieces such as The Great Gatsby, The Wolf of Wall Street, Titanic and Inception. Just recently, he finally received the long-awaited Oscar for his role in the film “The Revenant.” And you can easily understand why Leonardo DiCaprio is the most highly paid actor in Hollywood, if you look at the success of his films.

As you can see, the leaders Hollywood actors receive quite impressive amounts of money that their lesser-known partners can only dream of. Naturally, this industry is constantly undergoing change, with new stars rising on the horizon, so it is unknown how long DiCaprio will remain the highest paid actor. The situation may change in the near future, or may not change for many years. Although the first option is much more likely given the fact that the film industry is now developing rapidly and intensively.