American action actresses. Favorite action heroes: then and now (photos)

The action genre, judging by it, is considered one of the most primitive and simple in cinema. However, many of us began our acquaintance with cinema with such films and in our imagination we often imagined ourselves in the place of the main character.

Time passes and the old-school muscular movie heroes are replaced by a younger generation of actors, but this does not mean that the old men should be scrapped. I invite you to find out what action heroes and villains are doing now.

What do popular action movie actors of the 1980s and 1990s do?

Dolph Lundgren

Our audience fell in love with Lundgren after the role of Soviet boxer Ivan Drago in Rocky 4. Fortunately, the Swedish actor's career did not end there. He acted annually, and in the mid-2000s he himself acted as a director. Lundgren was one of the first to be invited to the film “The Expendables.” Now Dolph is preparing for the premiere of the third part and is trying himself as the host of the TV show “Race on Stage,” in which participants will recreate famous scenes from films.

Chuck Norris

Today Norris has become an Internet legend - a standard of strength and courage. And this happened at a time when the artist had just given up his film career. In 2005, the last TV movie about the cool Walker was released, and Chuck was about to retire, but funny facts about the actor appeared on the Internet, making young people remember their former hero. Chuck sued those who wanted to publish a book of jokes about him, but Internet fame turned out to be in his favor. Norris was offered to star in Warcraft commercials, exercise equipment and political promotions, write an author's column on a news website, visit American soldiers in Iraq and, finally, return to the screens in The Expendables 2. Recently something terrible happened: Norris shaved his mustache.

Mark Dacascos

In the nineties, thanks to this native of Hawaii, the world learned what capoeira is and how a hitman can mourn each of his victims. Years later, Dacascos was not left without work. He realized in time that he could go on television. Now Mark is one of the villains of the police series “Hawaii Five.0”, as well as the idol of housewives and fans of the show “Iron Chef”. In this program, Dacascos serves as the host and referee for the contenders for the title of best cook.

Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa

The Japanese, who threatened to take the souls of the heroes of Mortal Kombat, seemed to be the personification of evil in the action films of the nineties. For the last ten years, Tagawa has been playing episodic roles, but there were exceptions, for example, the film “Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend.” Now a bright streak has come in the actor’s career. First of all, he is a guest star in the TV series Revenge. Secondly, Tagawa appeared alongside Keanu Reeves in the fantasy action film 47 Ronin. By the way, a couple of years ago Cary-Hiroyuki traveled around the post-Soviet space. Here he gave an acting master class at the “Molodist” festival, and in Russia he looked for a bride on the “Let’s Get Married” show.

Eric Roberts

Fifteen years ago, the characters of the animated series “South Park” said that no one cared about Eric Roberts. Indeed, since the second half of the nineties, the career of Julia Roberts's older brother began to decline - qualitatively, but not quantitatively. This year Eric has about forty films coming out, in some of which he even plays the leading role. Roberts tried to launch his own reality show, in which celebrities would frequent his bar, but it did not go beyond the pilot episode. Eric is unlikely to have a bright future in cinema, but his only daughter Emma is making her first successes in cinema.

By the third film in the Expendables series about the adventures of veteran mercenaries, which Sylvester launched in 2010, there has been ongoing talk about who is missing from the team of action stars. Viewers have long been waiting for someone, someone, like Wesley Snipes, who served a prison sentence, will be seen in the new film, but the lists of desirable faces and biceps are not getting shorter.

It is all the more annoying that most often they consist of a repeating dozen, albeit deserved, but not the only worthy people.

Once you dig deeper, or at least rummage through the VHS tapes stacked in the attic, it won’t be easy to stop. Therefore, let's forget about Nicolas Cage (who, by the way, is promised in the next part) and John Travolta, giving their places to the real heroes of the video salons of the 80s and 90s.

1. Jackie

Jackie Chan

Number one on this list, also because this actor is most often remembered in the context of conversations about those who are not with the guys. Not only fans, but also the creators of this series of films remember -

interested parties have repeatedly confirmed the fact of negotiations on Chan's participation in the project, but so far it has not been possible to reach an agreement.

I don’t agree to a cameo, or even to the role of simply an equal among outstanding masters of fighting using everything that comes to hand - he needs one of the main roles and he needs to like the character. With the release of The Expendables 3, conversations about future collaborations have resumed - Chan could join the cast in The Expendables 4.

2. Stephen

Steven Seagal

Another mastodon from the word “must”, meaning in this case a person necessary in this company. Unlike Chan, he does not make any special demands, but directly says that

He doesn’t want to go on the same set with some of its participants: “Life is too short to work with eccentrics.”

He does not specify who exactly Seagal considers to be eccentrics, emphasizing that there are plenty of good guys in the project: “I like Jason Statham, I like him, I respect these kinds of guys.” However, in June alone, Seagal first told reporters that he would not participate in “The Expendables” and, perhaps, would even assemble an alternative team for a competing film, and a week later he said that he spoke with Stallone on the phone and did not renounce anything .


Hulk Hogan

A man whose appearance alone should have ensured his registration in the team. The wrestler with the white mustache did not reach particular heights in the cinema, where he often played in comedies for family viewing (Mr. Nanny, Spy Club, Strongman Santa Claus, Three Ninjas: A Hot Afternoon on Mount Mega), but He was also the star of the TV series Thunder in Paradise and appeared in such cartoons as Robot Chicken and American Dad. As a result, his face is familiar to more people than the faces of many project participants, and there was no doubt that sooner or later he would receive an appropriate offer. It arrived, and the actor has already tweeted that he will star in “The Expendables 4.”

4. Sho Kosugi

Sho Kosugi

Criminally, the list of those expected in The Expendables forgets the name of the main ninja of the 1980s - the stars of the films Enter the Ninja, Revenge of the Ninja, Ninja 3: Spirit of the Ninja, Nine Deaths of a Ninja and Black Eagle ", in which an American ninja-turned-ninja is confronted by a KGB agent played by . Yes, Kosugi has not acted for a long time and only appeared on screen once after 1994 (in 2009, the director of “V for Vendetta” called Kosugi in a film with the telling title “Ninja Assassin”), but this is not a reason to give up the hope of seeing him again karate masters in any capacity. Plus, Sho Kosugi is accompanied by sons Kane and Shane. They played a huge number of karate fighters and action films for the family with titles from the “Women from Planet Zero VII” series. So you can’t do without them.

5. Rutger Hauer

Rutger Hauer

In Blade Runner, escaped replicant assassin Roy Batty delivers one of the most beautiful monologues in film history: “I saw things you humans never dreamed of: attack ships burning over Orion, X-rays cutting through the darkness at the gates.” Tannhäuser. All these moments will be lost in time, like tears... in the rain... It's time to die..." This role is too good to pay for it with participation in "The Expendables", but Dutch actor Rutger Hauer made his Hollywood debut face to face with Stallone in Nighthawks, often played in action films and thrillers, does not refuse a variety of offers, so he can agree to something similar if offered.

6. Pierce Brosnan

Pierce Brosnan

The Irish actor doesn't look like an action hero, but many believe the four-time leading man in films in the late 1980s and early 1990s deserves a place of honor in The Expendables.

The producer of the project is of the same opinion - he has already addressed the appropriate hint, and the latter replied: “Why not? Let's see".

However, Brosnan adds that there have been no specific negotiations, and he has no idea which of the next films he might appear in. “Maybe I’ll play in The Expendables 7.” However, now all the news about the project includes a mention of this name in connection with The Expendables 4.

7. Glover

Danny Glover

He played the main villain in The Expendables 3, so it's time to ask a question about his partner in Lethal Weapon. Moreover, it was not just this role that Glover earned the right to participate in the party: everything in his career is perfect - from the cameo role of a prisoner in Escape from Alcatraz to his partner with another Danny - Trejo (by the way, also a candidate) - in Cool Dudes , recently released straight to DVD. Glover's multiple B-movie jobs don't faze him at all, and it proves he's still not "too old for this shit."


Danny Trejo

Since we remembered him in the previous paragraph, we will dedicate a separate nomination to this person.

Trejo's film career began in the film "Runaway Train", where the Mexican actor played a boxer.

By the way, another “strong guy”, Tommy Lister, best known as “the president from The Fifth Element,” made his debut in the same film. Subsequently, Trejo outplayed more than a dozen Mexican (and, more broadly, Latin American) scoundrels and fell in love with him, who gave him memorable roles in “From Dusk Till Dawn,” “Spy Kids” and, finally, the main role in “Machete.”

9. Chow Yun-fat

Chow Yun-fat

The star of the action films "A Bright Future", "Hard Boiled", "Hit Killers" moved away from the roles of fighters after Ang Lee's kung fu tale "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and the role of pirate baron Xiao Fen in "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" " In recent years, Yunfat has been playing emperors and other historical characters, so convincing him to take part in The Expendables may not be easy. This makes it all the more desirable for some of his fans. According to others, he is too good for such pampering.

10. Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood

Readers may be outraged that by excluding Cage and Travolta in favor of video store heroes, we are placing on this list an actor and director whose personal achievements in cinema are too great to even be named with a comma. The outrage will be fair, but the answer is simple - Dirty Harry. Played in five films, the brutal cop Harry Callahan is too important for genre cinema to allow himself to do without the actor in this plot.

11. Bolo Yen

Before playing some of the best villains in kung fu action history, Yen swam from China to Hong Kong in the 1960s, where he opened a bodybuilding school and got into film. Then there were acquaintance with, supporting roles in “Enter the Dragon” and “Hercules of the East”, but the real breakthrough was “Bloodsport” with Jean-Claude Van Damme, in which Yen played the bone crusher and kumite champion Chang Lee. The confrontation was so successful that it was repeated in Double Impact. These two films alone should be enough to get into The Expendables.


Cynthia Rothrock

The women's block of the list opens with an action heroine who became the world karate champion five times in a row before making her film debut with Super Squad 2 (aka Yes, Madam!).

In it, she played two police officers who come into conflict with the Hong Kong triads.

Numerous films about karate-wielding heroines followed, including Tiger's Claw, in which Rothrock hunted Bolo Yen (see above). Rothrock ended her acting career in 2004 with The Fantastic Fighter and has since taught martial arts in California.

13. Pam Grier

Pam Grier

In the 1970s, Grier became the star of films in the "blaxploitation" genre about black heroes and villains and the "woman in prison" subgenre: "The Big Doll's House", "Women in Cages", "Shiba Beauty" and a couple of dozen others. In the 1980s, she played in the series Miami Vice and Crime Stories, was Steven Seagal's partner in Above the Law, and in the nineties she was even included in the animated series Pinky and the Brain. A monument to her contribution to cinema was erected by Quentin Tarantino when, in 1997, he directed Grier in the film “Jackie Brown,” written especially for her.

14. Zoe Bell

Before landing her own roles, New Zealander Zoe Bell worked as a stuntwoman on the set of the series “The Amazing Journeys of Hercules” and “Xena: Warrior Princess.”

and then performed stunts in Kill Bill, which turned her into an actress.

She liked her so much that he made Bell the heroine of Death Proof and Grindhouse. No other big roles followed, but the career of the actress and stuntwoman continues, and this year the film “Mercenaries,” suspiciously similar to “The Expendables,” is due to be released, in which Bell, Cynthia Rothrock and such an action star as Brigitte Nielsen ( "Red Sonja", "Rocky IV", "Cobra"). The latter has less chance of migrating to The Expendables than the others: Nielsen divorced Stallone in 1987.


Don "Dragon" Wilson

The kickboxing legend began acting actively in films in the late 1980s and has been swinging his legs on screen ever since. Moreover, his acting career shows no signs of slowing down - on the contrary, five, and according to some reports, even seven films with his participation are due to be released in 2014. Of all the films Dragon has starred in, it's hard to find titles with a score higher than 5 out of 10 on IMDB, making Wilson an ideal candidate for The Expendables.

16. Christopher Lambert

Christopher Lambert

This actor’s greatest fame came not from classic action films with shooting and massacres, but from the fantastic saga “Highlander” about almost immortal swordsmen who have been chopping off each other’s heads for centuries, if not millennia, because “only one can remain.” But it’s enough to get on the list - “Highlander” ensures membership in the club, even if you don’t take into account “Mortal Kombat”, “Fortress” and “Hard Barrels”.

17. Lorenzo Lamas

Lorenzo Lamas

Russian fans of second-rate action films might not have known about Lamas if it were not for the series “Immortal,” which was suspiciously reminiscent of the series “Highlander,” which in turn was based on those very films from . Also surprising in the actor’s career is the large number of films set in water: from “Dark Waters” to the film “Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus.” This actor makes the list as an example of the strange twists and turns of popular culture and generational memory.


Gary Busey

For almost 60 years in cinema, Busey has played so many roles that for every good picture in his filmography, there are a dozen that were seen only by viewers of nightly broadcasts of minor TV channels.

On the one hand, he ensured his eternal fame with his role as Agent Angelo Papas in the film Point Break.

On the other hand, together with Bolo Yen, Cary-Hiroyuka Tagawa and other heroes of past decades, he even made it to Kazakh cinema, playing in “Close Combat” by Erken Yalgashev. A wonderful person, in a word.

19. Kurt

Kurt Russell

In 1981, Russell played a one-eyed government outlaw in Escape from New York, a near-future fantasy action film in which Manhattan has been turned into a prison island. Russell's career is not limited to action films, but they were good, and in 1989 he had a meeting with Stallone at Andrei Kanchalovsky's Tango and Cash, which increased his chances of being invited to join The Expendables.

20. Donnie Yen

Donnie Yen

Donnie Yen rarely ventured outside of Hong Kong cinema, appearing in the films Highlander: End Game, Blade 2 and Shanghai Knights. But at home, he is one of the main characters in films about kung fu, and his cult status is finally secured by the main role in the duology about the great martial arts master Ip Man.

21. Peter Weller

Peter Weller

On the one hand, this actor is perhaps too intelligent for The Expendables - he played in Naked Lunch. On the other hand, Weller was the main character of one of the most important films for the “video salon era” - RoboCop. In addition to “RoboCop” and its sequel, it is worth remembering another science fiction action movie, “Screamers.” So Weller has every right to enter the frame of “The Expendables” for a couple of minutes in some non-obvious capacity.

22. Mister T

Mister T

Former bodyguard and club bouncer, wrestler and Sylvester Stallone's opponent in Rocky III. This is already enough, but you only need to see the colorful African-American man with a mohawk and massive gold chains to understand how well Mr. T suits “The Expendables.”



They are the coolest action heroes. Invincible, noble and strong, they repeatedly saved humanity and our planet. Today remembers our favorite actors from action films of the 90s. What do they look like now? Check out our selection!

Arnold Schwarzenegger, 66 years old

Arnold Schwarzenegger ©

The popular American actor and former governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger continues to actively act in films, engage in his own bodybuilding competition, write books of memoirs and travel around the world with their presentation.

In September, a new film by iron Arnie will be released in Ukraine - the thriller “The Tomb”, where he starred in a duet with Sylvester Stallone.

Sylvester Stallone, 67 years old

Sylvester Stallone ©

Sylvester Stallone, known by his nickname “Sly,” was remembered by the audience, of course, for his roles as the hero soldier John Rambo (“Rambo I-IV”) and boxer Rocky Balboa (“Rocky”).

Stallone is currently working on the action movie The Expendables 3, which will begin filming in September in Los Angeles.


Bruce Willis, 58

Bruce Willis ©

"Die Hard" Bruce Willis, a tough lone hero who has repeatedly saved the world, continues to work in his usual role. Although, in one of his last interviews, the actor admitted that he was pretty tired of action films.


Jean-Claude Van Damme, 53 years old

Jean Claude Van Damme ©

Karateka and kickboxer Jean-Claude Van Damme is one of the main heroes of action films of the 90s. He starred in more than 50 films, including the cult Kickboxer, Double Impact and Universal Soldier. Now he is producing and directing fight scenes, and in 2014 his new directorial work will be released, the drama Full Love, where Van Damme played the main role and also acted as a screenwriter, editor and producer.



Steven Seagal, 61 years old

Steven Seagal ©

Actor, screenwriter, martial artist, musician and sheriff. First of all, he became famous thanks to the action movie "Under Siege", where he played a simple ship's cook who saved the ship from terrorists.

It recently became known that the actor will appear in the film "The Expendables 3", where he will be accompanied by Mickey Rourke, Nicolas Cage, Jet Li, Jackie Chan and Wesley Snipes.


Mickey Rourke, 60 years old

Mickey Rourke ©

A talented actor, rebel and professional boxer, Mickey Rourke will forever be remembered for his roles in the films 9 1/2 Weeks, Angel Heart and Rumble Fish. After a decline in his career, which led to problems with alcohol and drugs, Mickey Rourke was still able to return to the screens. Rourke's resurrection as an actor was the drama "The Wrestler" (2008) by Darren Aronofsky, where he brilliantly played wrestler Randy Robinson.



Harrison Ford, 71

Harrison Ford ©

Harrison Ford, who became famous for his roles in the Indiana Jones films, Blade Runner, Patriot Games and The Fugitive, will join the star-studded cast of The Expendables 3! The super action movie is scheduled for release in the summer of 2014.


Antonio Banderas, 53 years old

Antonio Banderas ©

The famous Spaniard and leading Hollywood handsome man Antonio Banderas only becomes more attractive with age. In addition to acting, Banderas voices cartoons and produces perfumes under his own name.


Chuck Norris, 73 years old

Chuck Norris ©

Cool Walker, Chuck Norris - martial artist, invincible superhero and Internet meme character, will forever remain one of the best actors in his genre.


Clint Eastwood, 83 years old

Clint Eastwood ©

The main character of Westerns, Clint Eastwood, has now switched to directing work. And if he does act, it’s only in his own films. Eastwood makes deep psychological films - "Million Dollar Baby", "The Changeling", "Gran Torino" - masterpieces from a true master of his craft.


One of the most popular genres in video salons of the nineties were “action films”. Indeed, most of the visitors were men. I will say that thinking about the quality of those films is a separate conversation. Do you remember all the actors who delighted us with their on-screen adventures and victories? Let's remember them, and at the same time find out what they are doing now.

Bruce Lee (1942 - 1973)

When we watched the action films of this Chinese actor, the “Little Dragon” himself passed away about a couple of decades ago. The reason is still unknown. And it’s unlikely that we will ever recognize her. The most famous films are “The Big Boss”, “Fist of Fury”, “Game of Death”, “Enter the Dragon” (we often translated as “Dragon Island”). “Enter the Dragon,” with its simple plot (martial arts masters compete on a lost island), inspired many films and computer games (“ Tekken", "Mortal Kombat", "DOA", "Street Fighter "). And Lee himself became a character in computer games, documentaries and feature films.

Jackie Chan (born 1954)

Another Chinese actor known to us from action films. He is still alive and well, despite numerous injuries - Jackie prefers to perform stunts himself, without various stuntmen. We still love Chan. The American Film Academy apparently loves it too - otherwise why would they award Jackie an honorary Oscar?

Jackie Chan is known for his films - “Armor of God”, “Diner on Wheels”, and for many action films about Shaolin.

Chuck Norris (born 1940)

And this is an action star from the USA. But nevertheless, Chuck is still popular. In our opinion, he is definitely an Internet humor star, although the last time he acted was in 2013.

Known for the film cycle “Delta Force”, “Walker - Texas Ranger”, and for his role as a villain in the film “Way of the Dragon”.

Sylvester Stallone (born 1946)

Our posters with this strong Italian guy sold well! He is still actively filming (and making films - the "Expendables" project, which brought together the stars of old action films, is his brainchild) to this day, and in the era of video stores he was known for the film "Cobra", the film cycles "Rambo" and "Rocky".

Arnold Schwarzenegger (born 1947)

Successful bodybuilder (seven-time Mr. Olympia), former governor of California and action star. You can, even need to, talk and write a lot about Arnold - he is truly a cult figure on a global scale. “Iron Arnie” was popular then, and remains popular now, without any doubt. “Commando”, “Predator”, “Terminator”, “Running Man” - that’s all him. Arnold will now play the role of the US President in the film Kung Fury 2. After which three more projects await him - the next “Terminator”, “Triplets” (the continuation of the film “Twins”) and the long-awaited third part about Conan the Barbarian under the working title “King Conan”.

Jean Claude Van Damme (born 1960)

One of our famous “karate actors”. And he often appeared on posters. “Kickboxer”, “Cyborg”, “Double Impact” are his famous films. Relatively recently I pleased with my appearance in the film “The Expendables 2”. But the series with his participation “Jean Claude Van Johnson” was closed after the first season. He is currently starring alongside Dolph Lundgren in the action film Black Waters.

Dolph Lundgren (born 1957)

The powerful action actor hails from Sweden. Karateka and chemist. Public figure and player of the popular online game “World of Tanks”. Known for the action films “The Punisher”, “Masters of the Universe”, “Angel of Darkness”, “Rocky 4”. Lundgren will soon return to the role of Russian boxer Ivan Drago in the film “Creed 2”, where he will join his old friend Sylvester Stallone.

Mel Gibson (born 1956)

Gibson is perhaps the most financially successful action star right now. Having started his journey as an actor in the Mad Max trilogy and the Lethal Weapon film series, he later continued his successful film career as a successful director. As an action actor, he last appeared in the role of a villain in the film “The Expendables 3.”

Steven Seagal (born 1952)

Seagal's first film was Above the Law (1988). In our video rental store it was often shown as “Niko” - after the name of the main character, performed by Seagal. And the new films of this actor were often simply designated as the next numbered part of “Nico”. Now Stephen is not only an actor, but also a producer and screenwriter. True, its popularity in our country is no longer as great as in the nineties. Perhaps Seagal’s most striking appearance on screen in recent years is Robert Rodriguez’s film “Machete” and Stephen in the role of a negative character.

Bruce Willis (born 1955)

An actor who gained popularity after the comedy series Moonlight. But he began appearing in action films after the film “Die Hard.” In the spring, a reboot of the old film “Death Wish”, the same cycle with Charles Bronson, will be released. The hero of Bronson in the new version will be played by Bruce Willis. We'll find out soon what will come of this...

These were the action stars of the nineties...

11 Sep 2018

When the first video stores appeared in our country, teenagers began to regularly run there to watch American action films. Seeing brutal, pumped-up men who stylishly deal with a bunch of enemies and then make stupid jokes was much more important than school lunch. Yes, yes, it was pocket money that was spent on this entertainment.

Rambo, Terminator, Rocky and many other American heroes became idols for the generation of the 80s and 90s. Back then, Arnie and Stallone were still young and full of strength, but time moves inexorably forward. Now they are already old, but they are so stylish! Let's see together how our favorite actors have changed.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

The first films that brought popularity to the bodybuilder were Conan the Barbarian and The Terminator. This year he played in the Russian-Chinese film “Viy 2. The Secret of the Dragon Seal.”

Chuck Norris

Chuck was a martial artist, which was the reason for his invitation to the set. Unfortunately, the actor has not acted in films for a long time. He last appeared in The Expendables 2.

Hulk Hogan

The most popular wrestler in the world was bound to appear in films sooner or later. After appearing in Rocky III, Hogan began starring in trash action films. He ended his acting career several years ago.

Dolph Lundgren

The American actor of Swedish origin became famous thanks to his role as a Soviet boxer in the film Rocky 4. Next year he will work with Stallone again in the fourth installment of The Expendables.

Kurt Russell

Kurt has been acting in films since childhood, but audiences fell in love with him for his roles as brave guys in action films of the late 80s and early 90s. In 2019, Russell will star with DiCaprio and Pitt in the highly anticipated film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.

Bruce Willis

Every fan of hot shootouts knows Willis primarily as Die Hard. The elderly actor still stars in mind-blowing films.

Sylvester Stallone

The worst actor of the 20th century, multiple winner of the shameful Golden Raspberry Award, is not even going to stop. His track record of mindless films is extensive, but we still love him.

Jean-Claude Van Damme

The Belgian karateka and kickboxer, after receiving recognition in his homeland, set off to conquer Hollywood. America appreciated his talents, giving him leading roles in several box-office films. Now Van Damme produces films.

Michael Dudikoff

Dudikoff mostly played positive characters in action films who save comrades, ladies and others from enemy hordes. First of all, his name is associated with “American Ninja” - a parody of action films of the 80s.

Christopher Lambert

During his long career, the actor managed to star in many comedies, dramas and thrillers, but people loved him for his portrayal of lone heroes in action films. The main one is Connor MacLeod in the film “Highlander”.

Jackie Chan

This Chinese actor needs no introduction. How many boys signed up for oriental martial arts classes under the impression of his films? A man, an artist and a legend.

Wesley Snipes

Vampire Slayer Blade is the actor's most recognizable role. After serving a three-year prison sentence from 2010 to 2013 for tax evasion, Snipes returned to acting.

Peter Weller

Peter unexpectedly became famous thanks to the role of RoboCop. The actor never liked this film, so after filming the second part he refused to participate in the filming of the sequel.

Mel Gibson

It's surprising that the winner of two Oscars managed to combine his love for serious cinema and action films. However, early in his career, Gibson mostly played tough guys.

Steven Seagal

Stephen is a classic action actor. Throughout his career, he has played dozens of roles, but they are of the same type. In the finale, of course, he deals with everyone.

A moment of nostalgia for naive, but sincere and funny films of the past. The dialogues in them are terribly primitive, and the motives of the characters are very controversial. We can make complaints about the quality of the production, but if we put all this aside, then we are left with an excellent film to have fun on a cold evening.

Action films do not make us think, but only bring us pleasure from what is happening on the screen. However, all this is impossible without your favorite actors. Thanks to them for this work.

Author of the article

Vyacheslav Yuryev

Vyacheslav Yuryev loves historical topics and everything related to travel. If you need a brief information about some distant country, feel free to contact Slava. This editor will unearth little-known facts about the lives of military leaders and literary classics. At the same time, he is not alien to modern technologies, from fashionable gadgets to the exploration of outer space.