KVN script in kindergarten, senior group. KVN in kindergarten - entertainment - events - catalog - developing creativity in preschoolers

Leisure forms of interaction with teachers are an integral part methodological work. With their help, the senior teacher solves various problems: creates a favorable climate in the teaching staff, activates creative activity teachers and creates conditions for their constructive communication.




Intellectual game.

Purpose of the event:

Promote creative activity teachers, to promote creative search, as well as the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the teaching staff

Location: music hall kindergarten.

Participants: teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions


Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

We welcome everyone to our KVN. What is KVN? K - club, V - lovers pedagogical activity, and N - hoping that over time, and not without our participation, the world will become better and kinder, and adults and children will perfectly master the language of mutual understanding.

The competition is a reflection of reality,

Impulse of daring, flight,

A spark of igniting modality,

A whirlpool of inspiration.

Who said that a competition is easy?

Vanity of vanities and masquerade...

Competition is the future of Growth,

Technological holiday outfit.


The educators gathered in this hall today are extraordinary people: creative, spiritual, and surprisingly charming.

Not in words, but in things of tradition,

Which matches tomorrow's life

You have to be born a teacher,

And only after that – become!

Leading: According to Russian custom, one is supposed to greet each other and introduce oneself, so the first

Competition No. 1 is called “Greeting” (5 points) where each team will present their team name, motto, emblem and greeting to their opponents.

Time for speaking (5-7 minutes). The jury evaluates originality, disclosure of the team's pedagogical credo, and oratory.

Competition No. 2 “Warm-up” (3 points) FOR TIME

Questions for first team teachers

  1. A fashionable pedagogical curse, invented to pass off the well-forgotten old as something stunningly new. INNOVATION
  2. Ability to pronounce words clearly in speech. DICTION
  3. A break, a temporary stop in speech or music. PAUSE
  4. Modern lightweight children's construction set? (LEGO)
  5. The manner of walking, the gait. GAIT
  6. Name the neighbors of the environment. TUESDAY THURSDAY
  7. Feeling, emotional experience. EMOTION
  8. A hand movement that signifies something. GESTURE
  9. Is the game flow different? (CONTENT)

Questions for second team teachers

1. The long-awaited day, once again reminding you that “actually, I’m doing something here” SALARY

2. Art in which feelings and moods are conveyed through sounds. MUSIC

3. A fairy tale about a village family who grew a giant vegetable. TURNIP

4. Facial expressions, lips, eyes, expressing pleasure. SMILE

5. Something that often doesn’t “cook” in the morning. HEAD

6. Favorite independent activity children? (A GAME)

7. A sport in which they can quite officially “knock” you on the head. BOXING

8. You start dreaming about it from the very first day you leave it. VACATION

9. Most tall hero Sergei Mikhalkov? UNCLE STEPA.

Competition No. 3 “Gift” (5 points)

Words in our age are worn out to the limit.

With their help, what can I say?

And it’s easy to turn black into white,

And it’s not hard to tarnish white

And sell the blue for blue,

And make the red blush again.

Where can I get the words that you and I need?

Wait, wait... Look for the answer in your eyes...

There are wonderful non-verbal means that make our message more colorful, emotional, and meaningful. Can we understand a person's feelings by his facial expressions? Let's check... Let's try...

For this competition, 2-3 participants from each team are invited, each of you in turn will give a gift to the opposing team. A gift must be given ("to hand over" ) silently (not verbally, but so that your neighbor understands what you are giving him. The one who receives the gift should try to understand what he is being given.

(Gift certificate, travel voucher, rope ladder, samovar, stopwatch, body armor.)

Competition No. 4 “Thinking” (5 points)

Practical task

For the first team: It will encourage you to think about how the style you choose to interact with your children may influence the development of positive or negative qualities child's personality.

On the right side of the sheet are written statements that you need to complete by selecting the right word on the left side of the sheet(connect with a line):

1. If a child is criticized, he learns. 1 patience

2. If a child is treated with hostility, he will learn... 2 self-confidence

3. If a child is ridiculed, he learns... 3 feel guilty

4. If a child is shamed, he learns... 4 thanks

5. If a child is forced to show tolerance, he learns. 5 fight

6. If a child is encouraged, he will learn... 6 trust

7. If a child is praised, he learns... 7 blame

8. If a child is treated fairly, he learns... 8to be shy

9. If a child grows up in safety, he learns... 9 to love himself

10. If a child is treated with approval, he will learn... 10 fairness

Answers : (1 - 7 blame; 2 - 5 fight; 3 - 8 be shy; 4 -3 feel guilty; 5 - 1 patience; 6 - 2 self-confidence; 7 - 4 gratitude; 8 - 10 justice; 9 - 6 trust; 10 - 9 love yourself.)

For the second team:

Behind every negative action of a child there is always a positive intention, so in order to deal with every “bad” action, it is necessary, first of all, to understand why the child is doing it.

Exercise "Portrait of a child"

Exercise: In every negative quality you need to find a positive intention.

Cruelty, aggression - a manifestation of character, the ability to stand up for oneself; self-realization;

Lying is caring for one's neighbor; ability to keep a secret, reluctance to offend; Stubbornness – perseverance, self-assertion, ability to achieve a goal; Incontinence – energy, the ability to throw out energy; fast reaction;

Laziness - accumulation of energy, rest, refusal of excessive needs; taking care of your health;

Cowardice - the desire to look decent; self-preservation;

Rudeness – liberation from negative energy, release; defensive reaction;

Absenteeism - the ability to find time for more interesting activity; independence; learning new things;

Resentment – ​​the ability to find rest from others; self-affirmation; Kleptomania – collecting; the ability to find before someone is lost;

Fear is the ability to avoid threatening situations and objects; self-preservation.


Competition No. 5 “How our word will respond” (5 points)

(like a robot, at a snail's speed, at a machine gun speed, as if you were very cold, as if you had a hot potato in your mouth, like a 5 year old girl).

Our Tanya is crying loudly:

She dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanechka, no cry:

The ball will not drown in the river.

Show jumping No. 6 theatrical “Pantomime” (5 points)

When reading fairy tales, stories and other things to children literary works It is very important to be able to imagine what you read, and at the same time, with the help of voice and intonation, convey the meaning of the work to children. In this regard, our competition.

The teams are given the name of the fairy tales.You must demonstrate an excerpt from a fairy tale without words, and your competitorsIn the game you need to guess what fairy tale was dramatized.

Team 1 – Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, Kolobok.

Team 2 – Three Bears, The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish, Turnip.

Time limit for preparation – 3 minutes.

Competition No. 7 “Who knows more fairy tales” (3 points)

I hand out leaflets and certain time You must remember and write as much as possible more fairy tales. Time limit: 3 minutes.

Competition No. 8 “Funny character” (5 points)

Assignment: For each team, an easel, a sheet of paper, markers.

1 participant, blindfolded, draws on a sheet of fairy tale

character, and others stand nearby and suggest, only guide.

Result: Who has the funniest character?

Competition No. 9 “Find the owner” (2 points)

I have different things in my boxes for the teams. Someone lost them. We need help finding the owner. But not only say who these things belong to, but read an excerpt from a fairy tale.

  • Soap: “So the soap jumped”(“Moidodyr”)
  • Saucer: “And behind them the saucers ding-la-la, ding-la-la”(“Fedorino’s grief”)
  • Nut: “And nuts are not simple, all the shells are golden”("The Tale of Tsar Saltan…")
  • Mirror: “My light, mirror, tell me and report the whole truth.”("The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes")
  • Phone: “My phone rang("Telephone")
  • Thermometer: “And he puts thermometers on them("Aibolit")

Competition No. 10 " Great names - great ideas" (5 points)

1) “Who owns the following words: Childhood - the most important period human life, not preparing for future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life”...

I offer you the following answer options:

1. Makarenko

2. Vygotsky

3. Tolstoy

4. Sukhomlinsky

(answer: Sukhomlinsky)

2) “This direction in pedagogy arose when working with the so-called difficultchildren. The fundamental words in it are: “Developmental environment andaction". And helping objects are rich sensory and didactic material" Who is the author of this direction?

1. Gianni Rodari

2. Rudolf Steiner

3. Froebel

4. Montessori

(answer: Montessori)

Competition No. 11 captains (2 points)

In two minutes, name as many as possible more proverbs about the homeland. You can use the help of the team.

Competition No. 12 “Skillful Hands”. (5 points)

Assignment: participants must make a homemade toy from waste material and introduce it.

The jury evaluates originality, aesthetics, age appropriateness, functionality, presentation.

Time to complete the task is 3-5 minutes.

Competition No. 13 “Shifters”, you need to guess the name from the “shifter” famous film or a proverb.(3 points)

4 people per team are invited to participate.

For example, the inversion “Vasily Ivanovich remains at work” is an inverted title of the film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession”

  • Sad girls (“Cheerful guys”).
  • The louder you stand, you won’t get any closer. (The quieter you go, the further you'll get).
  • Cry of the Rams (Silence of the Lambs).
  • A man on a cart is heavier for a gelding (a woman with a cart is lighter for a mare).
  • With laziness you cannot put a bird into the sea (Without labor you cannot take a fish out of a pond).
  • Six in the car, including a cat. (Three in the boat, not counting the dog)
  • Don't be afraid of the bicycle (“Beware of the car”).
  • IN symphony orchestra not only boys (“Only girls in jazz”).

Competition No. 14 “Guess the melody”(4 points)

We will dedicate the next competition to a song. You will have to guess the song and remember the first line.

Now guess what song we are talking about.

1. A song about the tragic death of a small insect. ("In the grass Grasshopper sat…")

2. A song about four men in feathered hats who are grateful for many things to their fate.(“It’s time, it’s time, let’s rejoice in our lifetime...” from the film “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers.”)

3. A song about animals, thanks to which our planet moves around its axis.(“Song about bears” from the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus.”)

4. A song about the contents of the head of one of the mammals with brown fur.(“Song of Winnie the Pooh.”)

5. A song about a long journey of a little girl wearing a headdress. ("Little Red Riding Hood's Song"».)

Competition No. 15 "Guess the monument"(3 points)

The team depicts some kind of monument St. Petersburg, and the opposing team must guess pictured .

The jury sums up the results. The "KVN" screensaver plays.

  • Game “Why I love my profession” (no points)

Teachers pass a flower to each other to the music, when the music stops, he must answer asked question“Why I love my profession”

  • Reflection “How good we are” (no points)

Participants are given stickers in the shape of hearts. On which it is proposed to write something positive quality, which helps them interact with children. Next, the hearts are glued onto whatman paper. All qualities are taken into account.

Jury member:

You give everything to a great job,

You will be a dream in children's souls.

Thank you for living

For purity of your deeds and thoughts!

Jury member:

After all, every geologist

And every nerd

And even a scientist

Among many books

Could not appear without education,

And the kindergarten is where they start.

Announcement of results and rewarding of teams.

Goal: Involving parents in a joint event to establish good, trusting relationships with the child, to help create positive emotional experiences for children and parents from the joint event.


  1. To consolidate children's knowledge acquired in classes during the school year.
  2. Develop the ability to work together, help each other, the ability to listen to each other, and a sense of responsibility to your team.
  3. Develop creative imagination, attention, memory, logical thinking.
  4. Develop coherent speech, words rhyming skills, phonemic awareness.

Equipment: task cards, magnetic board, mnemonic tables, ball.

Progress of entertainment:

Presenter: We are glad to welcome you, dear participants of the game, dear fans and members of the jury! Today we have gathered for an unusual holiday - a holiday of intelligence and ingenuity, resourcefulness and ingenuity, competition and mutual assistance. Today two teams will meet in our hall (first team - dads and boys, second team - moms and girls). These are teams not of rivals, but of friends, people who love each other very much and help each other in everything. Our competition is a game, a joke, and a reason for everyone to be together and have an interesting time!

Now let's begin!

There's a fun game
It's called KVN!
Jokes, laughter, question, answer -
The whole world knows that game!
Well, it's time for us to start.
I want to wish you:
So that you can be friends
So that they laugh, don’t be sad,
So that there is no sadness,
May you answer everything!

Presenter: Today our holiday is unusual - we are playing KVN!

How many of you know what these letters mean? (Children's answers)

So, today in the club of cheerful and resourceful people, for the first time this season, two teams are competing: team «…» and team «…» (teams come up with a name and greeting for each other in advance)

Let's welcome our teams.

Presenter: Dear participants, we are waiting for you interesting questions, naughty competitions and tasks. But our game is a competition game, so we can’t do without a strict jury.

The jury, as you can see, is worthy of respect!
They had to - and more than once - evaluate the battles!

Let's welcome our jury members: (The presenter introduces the jury members) They will monitor our game and evaluate competitions; for completed tasks you can get from 1 to 5 points.

We trust the jury - we hand over the fate of the teams!

(Addresses the fans)

We warn fans
That the meeting will be hot!
And we wish them with all our hearts
Get sick without calling a doctor!

And now we wish everyone: To those who win, do not boast,

Losers - don't cry!

Now the teams will greet each other (Greetings)

Host: The teams are ready, we heard wonderful greetings.

First competition "Warm-up" .

The rules are very simple: for each correct answer - 1 point. Assignment: each team receives two pictures (from top row) . Pictures from the bottom row are on the board, you need to find pairs of words that sound similar, and say what sounds these words differ in.

At the end, the jury sums up the results of the competition.

Host: We read a lot of books, learned a lot of new things. Let's see if you can guess the fairy tale riddles.

Begin « Fairytale competition»

The rules are very simple: for each correct answer - 2 points.

1. He is kinder than everyone else in the world,
He heals sick animals,
And one day a hippopotamus
He pulled him out of the swamp.
He's famous, famous
This is the doctor... (Aibolit)

2. I didn’t tremble before the wolf,
Ran away from the bear
And the fox's teeth
Still got it... (Kolobok)

3. “We are not afraid of the gray wolf,
Gray wolf - clicking teeth"
This song was sung loudly
Three funny... (pig)

4. Who is the great laver,
The head of the washbasins?
Who is the commander of the washcloths?
This is kind... (Moidodyr)

5. What a weird one
Wooden man
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key?
He sticks his long nose everywhere
Who is this? (Pinocchio)

6. You remember fairy tales from your favorite books
And, of course, answer me now:
Who was hunting for Pinocchio?
Well, of course, an evil robber... (Karabas)

Host: And now, while the jury is discussing "Fairytale competition" , we will all rest together and do a warm-up.

Physical education minute "Pinocchio" .

Pinocchio stretched,
Once - bent over,
Two - bent over,
He spread his arms to the sides,
Apparently I couldn't find the key.
To get us the key,
You need to stand on your toes.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

"Tell poems with your hands" , let's see whose fingers are the most artistic and flexible.

1. Here is the humpbacked bridge,
Here is a horned goat.
On the bridge he met
Gray brother.
Stubborn with stubborn
It's dangerous to date.
And with the goat the goat
They started butting heads.
Butted, butted,
Fought, fought
And in the deep river
There were two of us.

2. The bunny is sitting at the edge of the forest,
The bunny raises his ears.
He hears: a rustling sound is heard.
A fox sneaks behind a bush.
The fox opened its mouth!
Bunny - hop, hop, hop,
He jumped to the side and ran away!

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

The presenter announces a captain competition.

A real team, of course, has a captain,

Even if it’s not real yet, I haven’t traveled to many countries!

But today in KVN he will unite the whole team,

He will try very hard, the honor of the team will be upheld.

Captains receive task cards.

Task: some words have several meanings - task: connect objects that have the same sound with lines. While the captains are completing the task, there is a musical pause.

After execution the representative (adult) from each team checks the correctness of the task performed by the captain of the opposing team.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Host: And now it’s time to play the game "Vice versa" .

The rules are very simple: for each correct answer - 1 point.

I will say a word highly, and you will answer...

I will say a word far away, and you will answer...

I’ll say the word ceiling, and you’ll answer...

I’ll say the word, I lost it, and you’ll say...

I will tell you the word coward, you will answer...

Now I’ll tell you the beginning - well, answer...

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Presenter: The next competition is called "Find out the letter"

The leader asks each team riddles about letters:

  • 2 sticks with a tick in the middle (letter M)
  • Let's add 3 to unit, what kind of letter will we make? (letter B)

Then each player from the team must find among the proposed pictures those that depict objects whose names contain this sound, denoting this letter, and say where at the beginning, middle or end of the word it is located.


"M" - car, raspberry, honey, castle, mosquito, plane, catfish, house, ...

"IN" - crow, doctor, bucket, cow, grass, bus, island, lion, ...

There are also several pictures depicting objects whose names do not contain these sounds.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Host: Now let's see which of you remembers poetry better - competition "Drawn Poems"

Mnemonic tables are posted.

The presenter reads the poems, then the children must reproduce the words based on the mnemonic table.

1. Snow wool, white fluff
My window was covered in snow.
Putting your ear on your paw,
A cat is dozing on the pillow.

2. Like on a hill - on a mountain,
In the wide yard:
Some on sleds, some on skis,
Who is higher, who is lower,
Down the hill - WOW, up the hill - WOW!
WHAM! Breathtaking!

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Host: The next competition is called “You - to me, I - to you”

Teams line up opposite each other. One of the players on the first team names any word and throws the ball to a player from the opposing team, who must name the word that begins with the last sound of the previous word, etc. (for example, watermelon-tooth game -…) All players on each team take turns saying the words. If a child finds it difficult, an adult from his team helps him. Only words invented without prompting are counted. (each correctly coined word – 1 point)

The jury sums up the results of the competition.


But now, it's time to end the game.
We all hope that with her,
You have become a little smarter
We learned a lot of funny words,
And a lot of stuff
And if you remember them,
Your day is not wasted!
Our evening has come to an end.

We thank all KVN participants for the pleasure and great mood. Let joint preparation for the holidays and your participation in the lives of children in kindergarten remain forever a good tradition of your family. Thank you for your kind heart, for the desire to be close to children, to give them warmth.

Now comes the most important point. No matter who is ahead, we can say with confidence: friendship, ingenuity and resourcefulness won today. Meanwhile, the jury summed up the results.

The jury gives the floor.

Presenter: We thank the team members for their resourcefulness, ingenuity and perseverance in achieving fame and success.

Participants are presented with certificates accompanied by music.

Goals: introduce preschoolers to national culture and traditions of the Russian people; during the game, consolidate and deepen children’s knowledge about objects of folk and applied art.

Tasks: call positive emotions; develop creative potential personalities; develop speech activity and memory.

Children are pre-divided into two teams: a girls team - “Pretty Girls” and a boys team - “Good Fellows”. Teams must have equal amount participants. The rest of the children will be spectators - fans.


When I came to the hall, don’t frown!

Be cheerful until the end!

You are not a spectator, you are not a guest,

And our program is the highlight!

Don't be shy, smile

Obey all laws!

Today, at a meeting of the club of cheerful and resourceful people, two teams are competing: the “RED GIRLS” team - let’s welcome them! - and the “GOOD WELL DONE” team! They, too, are looking forward to your stormy but short-lived applause.

It has long been known to everyone in the world

The art of Russian masters.

They contain the beauty of their native nature

And the ancient wisdom of centuries.

The theme of today's game is “We remember antiquity, we honor antiquity.” Now we will see how much we remember her and how much we honor her. And your knowledge and skills will be assessed by a respected jury (the jury reads out).

Let's start the warm-up with the Russians you know well. folk proverbs. But call one by one famous proverbs- it would be too simple and uninteresting. We decided to confuse you a little. You need to choose the correct answer from the three offered. Raise your hand, answer quickly, and now we’ll ask the jury - assign points! For each correct answer, the team receives 1 chip. At the end of the game, we will count all the chips the teams received and determine the winner.

So, the “Proverb Test” competition.

You can't even pull a fish out of...


From under the ice;

If you have patience, there will be...

Lots of money;

Good weather.

Living without anything is heaven...



Do not see.

A bird is recognized by its flight, but a person...

In the teeth;

By hairstyle;

On business.

A craftsman and a craftsman both for himself and for others...

Something will be thrown;

Brings joy;

Creates trouble.

The sun colors the earth, and man -

Pretty haircut;

New dress.

Well done! The Russian people have always been hardworking, which is why they have written a lot of proverbs about work. Since ancient times, Russian people loved their way of life art products decorate. What Russian folk crafts do you know?

A “Homework” competition is being held.

Teams take turns talking about ancient folk crafts.


1st child of the Red Maidens team.

Russia was famous for its miracle masters.

Wood and clay were turned into a fairy tale,

They created beauty with paints and brushes,

The young were taught their art.

E. Churilova

2nd child.

What is Dymkovo famous for?

With your toy!

There is no smoky color in it,

What grayness is gray.

There's something of the rainbow in her,

From drops of dew,

There is something of joy in her,

Thundering like bass!

3rd child.

They loved songs and dances there,

And fairy tales were born in the village.

The evenings are long in winter,

And they sculpted there from clay

All toys are not simple,

And magically painted.

4th child. Clay is one of the most common natural materials. A very long time ago it was used to make various items everyday life.

5th child. The first Vyatka brightly colored figurine is a whistle. It was made in honor of the Pandemonium holiday. On this day, city residents commemorated their ancestors in the morning, and in the afternoon they walked the streets and whistled small whistles to scare away evil spirits.

Leading. What kind of toys were Dymkovo craftsmen famous for?

Children's response. Young lady water-carrier, turkey, horse, lamb-whistle, deer - golden antlers, etc.

Leading. And why Dymkovo toy Always white?

Children's answer. Because it is painted with white gouache diluted in milk.

Leading. What elements of painting did Vyatka craftsmen use to decorate their toys?

Children's response. Circles, dots.


1st child of the team“Good fellows.” Gzhel products are easy to distinguish from others - they are made of white clay and painted with bluish-blue patterns.

2nd child. Famous Gzhel masters made various pottery: mugs, plates, jugs, flower pots. These products were very popular throughout Rus'.

3rd child. The craftsmen made not only dishes, but also figurines fairy-tale heroes, and toys: horses, roosters, cats, dogs.

4th child.

Gzhel painting on white porcelain -

Blue sky, blue sea,

The blue of cornflowers, ringing bells,

Bluebirds on thin branches.

5th child.

Blue deep lakes, white snow

Gzhel was given by Mother Earth.

Colors intertwine in a delicate pattern,

And magic comes to us from fairy tales.

E. Churilova


1st child"Red Maidens" team. Even in ancient times, people loved to decorate their lives with wood carvings. Russian wood carvings decorated the doors of the hut, window frames, and various furniture.

2nd child. Everyday objects were also decorated with carvings: spoons, cups, rockers and other objects.


1st child of the “Good fellows” team. In the old days, craftsmen not only loved to carve wood, but also beautifully painted wood products. The most famous in Rus' was considered Khokhloma painting. They painted dishes: dishes, plates, spoons, glasses, salt shakers. As well as boxes, trays and furniture.

2nd child.

Khokhloma painting -

In the green grass.

And nowhere in the world

There are no such inflorescences

The most wonderful of all miracles

Khokhloma colors!

P. Sinyavsky

3rd child.

Khokhloma painting, like witchcraft,

She asks for a fairy-tale song herself.

And nowhere in the world are there such inflorescences,

Our Khokhloma is the most wonderful of all miracles!

Leading. Guys, do you know why this painting is called Khokhloma?

Children's answer. Because this style of painting was born in the Russian village of Khokhloma.

Leading. What colors do craftsmen use to paint their products?

Children's answer. Red, yellow, green, black, gold and silver.

Leading. What exactly is customary to draw on dishes and other products?

Children's response. A plant pattern is always used here - ears of corn, berries, currants, leaves and flowers.

Leading. Yes, we can talk about Russian folk crafts for a very long time. This includes Gorodets painting, Zhostovo trays, Vologda lace, famous Russian nesting dolls, Filimonov whistle toys. The products of Russian craftsmen have always been famous throughout the world. After all, they are made by the hands of masters who put all their love, creativity and skill into them.

We are proud of antiquity

She became like family to us.

Always makes someone happy

Our great-grandfathers' work.

Let's continue our competition in knowledge of antique household items. Now you will name them one by one. And the jury will note which team can name the most objects.

Competition “Do we remember the old days?”

Children take turns naming objects of ancient Russian life.

Tub, spinning wheel, dokha (fur coat), zhupan (antique short caftan), wire rods (felt boots), onuchi (foot wraps), casing, valance (lace fabric on the bed), chest, splinter, susek (box made of thick boards), rocker, tub (wooden bucket), vat, tyn, wattle fence, loaf, tuesok, ruble, sickle, basket, box, washstand, mortar, trough, samovar, bast shoes, etc.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Leading. People in Rus' have always loved laughter and fun. Loved to work, you can have fun! After intense workdays, the Russian people organized joyful holidays. And what would a holiday be without a lively dance?!

The following competition is not new -

We have a dancing competition!

You play, my accordion,


We'll see you now,

How they danced in Rus'!

Competition "Dance"

All team members are accompanied by a Russian soundtrack folk song“Lady” is danced dashingly, using familiar dance movements. The jury evaluates the coherence of the players, diversity dance moves, their expressiveness.


Now please return your attention!

Let's continue our competition.

Tales in faces

They sit in the tower-lights,

Nuts are cracking

Yes, they create ridicule.

Want to know which ones? And here they are!

Teams take turns reading fables in their faces.

- Mashka, Mashka, it’s time to visit.

- What should we go on?

- On the matting.

- It’s no good on matting.

- And you’re on the basket.

“Suddenly I’ll fall down the path.”

- Tie yourself with a strap.

- No, I’d better go on foot!

- Fedul, why are you pouting your lips?

- The caftan burned through.

- How big is the hole?

- One gate left!

- Masha, why aren’t you coming out of the forest?

- Yes, I caught a bear!

- So bring him here!

- Yes, he’s not coming.

- Well, then go yourself.

- But he won’t let me in!

- Son, go get some water.

- My belly hurts.

- Son, go eat some porridge!

-Where is my big spoon?


Now the battle of tongue twisters

Let us begin

Let the captains speak quickly

I ask the rest to be silent!

Competition “You Can’t Talk All the Tongue Twisters”

Team captains compete.

Three little birds are flying through three empty huts.

The ship was carrying caramel and the ship ran aground.

Our Masha was given semolina porridge.

Senya is carrying hay in the canopy; Senya will sleep on the hay.


We know you love games

Songs, riddles and dances.

But there is nothing more interesting

Russian ancient fairy tale.

How can we manage without Russian folk tales today? In the old days they loved fairy tales. Now the teams have to guess fabulous riddles.

Competition "Fairytale Riddles"

Girl sitting in a basket

Behind the bear's back.

He, without knowing it,

He carries her home.

Well, did you guess the riddle?

Then answer quickly

The title of this book is... (“Masha and the Bear”).

He rolled out of the house

On an unfamiliar road...

Did you recognize him, my friend?

This is the most naughty one,

Talkative, simple-minded

And ruddy... (“Kolobok”).

Near the forest, on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows. ("Three Bears")

The apple tree helped us

The stove helped us

Good help

Blue River.

Everyone helped us

Everyone sheltered us

To mother and father

We got home. ("Swan geese ")

An arrow fell straight into the swamp.

And in this swamp the princess lived. ("Princess Frog")

How cunning is the fox?

These are simply miracles!

Outwitted the guy

She stole the fish from the cart.

Deceived the wolf

Also very clever! ("The Fox and the Wolf")

The beautiful maiden is sad -

Spring is coming.

It's hard for her in the sun,

She's shedding tears, poor thing! ("Snow Maiden")

The frog has found a home for itself:

The mouse was kind.

In that house, after all,

It became crowded with residents. ("Teremok")

Along the path, walking briskly,

The buckets carry the water themselves. ("By magic")

Pounded and pummeled

On the plate with your nose -

Didn't swallow anything

And he was left with his nose. ("The Fox and the Crane")

P. Naydenova

Leading. The next competition is a ditty one! The distinguished jury will evaluate this competition not only by musical abilities, but also in terms of the cohesion of the players, fun and enthusiasm.

Competition of ditties.

Both teams stand up and sing, alternating, one ditty at a time.


Let's stand, girls, side by side

Let's sing ditties!

Well done.

Yes, and we, perhaps, will get up,

Let's not leave the girls behind!


We are fighting girls

We don't sit idle.

We compose ditties,

We follow fashion!

Well done.

Let's start having fun

We start singing songs.

Shut your ears

So as not to fall off the chairs!


I dressed up today

In a sundress with a frill.

Enjoy it all, guys!

On my frills!

Well done.

I combed my head

I even tied a tie.

And, it seems, all the girls

I charmed everyone around!


I am a master of dancing,

Knock your heels.

The legs dance on their own -

I'll show you the class now!

Well done.

Singing songs is crooked,

I would go to visit Masha,

I don’t know where he lives!


We respect antiquity

We preserve the antiquity.

We dance better than the fellows,

Let's sing louder than the fellows!

Well done.

Eh, girls, you girls,

You argue in vain:

We're still ahead

You won't overtake us!

Leading. Of course, you are eager to find out which team won today? And we will find out now. Dear jury, please summarize the results of all competitions.

The results are summed up and the winners are awarded.


The competition is over

The meeting ended

The hour of parting has come.

We're all a little tired

But they kept us warm

Smiles and sparkle in your eyes.

Natalya Gukova
KVN in preparatory group kindergarten

Integrated lesson “KVN in the preparatory group of kindergarten”


Continue to teach children constructive thinking: build vehicles from wooden blocks using their imagination.

Reinforce the concept of “sets”, “united sets”.

Contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.

Develop independence and ability to understand learning task and do it yourself.


Emblems for each team

3 green hoops, 3 pink hoops, 3 sets volumetric bodies different shapes and the colors are the same for each team

3 rackets, 21 cubes. 4 dice for team 1 with the letters mloy, for team 2 – kshaa, for team 3 – lsia.

Color signs, 9 plates, red circle, green triangle, blue square, jump ropes (blue, green, red, yellow - for each team.

Pictures of a car, plane, ship; building kit for each team.

Medals, certificates


Children go out under cheerful music and stand near their seats.

Ved: Hello, dear parents and dear children! Today we gathered in the club of cheerful and resourceful people.

Jokes, laughter, question, answer

The whole world knows that game

Children: KVN.

Educator: Well, it's time for us to start,

We want to wish you

To laugh and joke

Children: in KVN.

Educator: So that there is no sadness

So that you answer everything

So that the jury is satisfied

Children: in KVN.

Reb 1: Hello, friends.

Today is a special, unusual day for us.

We have prepared a fun and interesting KVN.

Reb 2: And so that everyone likes this KVN,

You need to show solid knowledge,

Be cheerful and resourceful.

Ved: As in every game in KVN we have a jury, allow me to introduce it...

Three teams take part in our game.

Team introduction, motto

Ved: It’s no secret that any KVN begins with a warm-up. And so we begin the warm-up. Each team will be asked a question in turn. You need to think carefully and answer it as quickly as possible, and most importantly correctly.


1How many ears do two hedgehogs have?

2 How many tails do four cats have?

3How many noses do three elephants have?

1How many nuts are there in an empty glass?

2Which tree does a crow sit on when it rains?

3If a tree is taller than a bush, then the bush... (below the tree

1If the ruler longer than a pencil, then a pencil... (shorter than a ruler)

2If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread... (thinner than the rope)

3If sister older than brother, then brother... (younger than sister)

Ved: The teams completed the task. We ask the jury to sum up the results.

Presenter: Our next task: combining sets. You need to determine whether the sets are combined or not. The girls play first. :

In a pink hoop - all yellow figures. What figures did you put in? Why?

In the green circle are all figures that do not have corners. What figures were placed in the green hoop? Why? Are your sets merging? Why? What do they have in common?

Now the boys are playing:

In a pink hoop - all the cubes. What figures did you put in? Why?

In the green hoop - all the balls. What figures were placed in the green hoop? Why? Are your sets merging? Why?

We ask the jury to evaluate our teams.

Our next task will be the relay race. Each team has a bowl of cubes in front of them. You need to put the cube on the racket and move it beyond the marked line without dropping it.

One, two, three, pick up the racket!

We ask the jury to evaluate not only the speed, but also the accuracy with which the cubes were moved.

If the teams look carefully, they will see that something is drawn on some of the cubes. (letters) What letters?

You need to make 1 word from these letters.

What words did you get?

We ask the jury to sum up the results.

Presenter: The next competition is reading diagrams by elimination and drawing up geometric shapes. And the captains will begin. The captains need to guess what color the figure is hidden under the third plate. Teams need to choose a rope of the desired color as quickly as possible and, holding the rope with their hands, make a figure that the captain can figure out. Total 3 colors (blue, green, red). The captain of team “1” reads the diagram first. What color is this? And here? Why? There is a red circle under the plate. What color will you take the jump rope? Children make a red circle.

The captain of team “2” reads the diagram. What color is this? And here? Why? There is a green triangle under the plate. What color will you take the jump rope? Children do the green triangle without letting go of the rope.

The captain of team “3” reads the diagram. What color is this? And here? Why? There is a blue square under the plate. What color will you take the jump rope? Children do the blue square without letting go of the jump rope.

We ask the jury to sum up the competition and announce the interim results.

In the next competition you need to name a number of objects or living creatures in one word.

1 Grasshopper, fly, dragonfly, Chafer(insects)

2Sparrow, pigeon, waxwing, magpie... (winter birds)

3 Nightingale, oriole, cuckoo, swallow... (migratory birds)

1 Spruce, pine, birch, willow... (trees)

2 Rose, tulip, aster, gladiolus... (garden, flowers)

3 “Cherry, strawberry, currant, gooseberry, watermelon” (berries)

1 “House, barn, hut, skyscraper” (building).

2 “Brother, sister, grandmother, aunt, dad” (relatives).

3 “Pencil, notebook, paper, pen, sketchbook” (stationery).

1 “Train, bicycle, plane, car, ship” (transport).

2 “Igor, Sergey, Ivan, Kirill” (male names).

3 “Table, bed, wardrobe, chair, armchair” (furniture).

We ask the jury to sum up the results of the competition.

The next competition is called “Numbers in a Row”

Each team member has a number from 1 to 7. While the music is playing, you dance, as soon as the music has died down, you need to line up with your team in order from 1 to 7 as quickly as possible.

The second time during the dance, the children change numbers and then line up from 7 to 1.

We ask the jury to sum up the results.

And in the next game we invite not only team members, but also spectators to take part

Listen to little stories. If you hear the syllable or word “three,” then clap your hands once.

One day we caught a pike

Gutted, and inside (slam).

We saw small fish

And not just one, but THREE (clap).

Recently there was a train at the station,

I had to wait THREE (clap) hours.

But during this time I managed

I’ll get a haircut (clap) and sleep.

A seasoned boy dreams

Become an Olympic champion

Look (clap! At the start, don’t cheat (clap).

Wait for command 1,2,3 (clap).

And our last task is called “Construction of transport”. Guys, what kind of transport do you know? What is it for? So now we will build transport. Now the captains will look at what kind of transport you need to build.

1. Ship

3. Airplane

Your task is to build this transport so that the opposing team can guess what type of transport it is. What did you get? What type of transport (water, land, air) does your building belong to? Why?

The jury sums up the results.

Host: Well, our competition has come to an end. Guys, what do you think was the most difficult? What did you handle with ease?

Team awards

Publications on the topic:

Spring has come to us" (integrated lesson in the second younger group kindergarten). Irina Alyokhina “Spring has come to us” (integrated.

"A gift from Masha and Misha." Integrated speech therapy session in the preparatory group of a kindergarten“Gift from Masha and Misha” (integrated speech therapy session in the preparatory group of kindergarten)

“Journey to the senior group” (integrated lesson in middle group kindergarten).

“Journey to the land of knowledge” (integrated lesson in the senior group of kindergarten) Author: Alekhina Irina Valerievna, teacher of the first.

KVN for older children preschool age

Kurilyak Svetlana Ivanovna, teacher - speech therapist MBOU Kasharskaya Secondary School, Kashary village.
Description: An important system-forming element of the KVN game is the collective creative process. As a result, children become able to independently set goals for themselves and regulate their activities. They learn interaction, discipline, responsibility, and gain the experience of collective experiences. The game stimulates their activity and reveals Creative skills.
This development will help develop creative imagination, cultivate love for folk tales, carries within itself pedagogical value for speech therapist teachers, class teachers primary classes, GPD teachers.
Goals: develop interest in the Russian language, logical thinking.
Equipment: cards with words; table with letters: K, O, L, S, O; posters with proverbs.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.
introduction teacher:
The nut of knowledge is hard, but still
We are not used to retreating.
It will help us split it
Our KVN, whose motto is:
"Want to know everything!"
- Today our KVN is dedicated to the Russian language. Three teams play.
For each correct answer, the team receives a token.
2. Presentation of commands.
Each team presents its name
3. Warm up
1. Primer. (ABC.)
2. Plant with sour leaves. (Sorrel.)
3. Apparatus for cleaning the room from dust. (Vacuum cleaner.)
4. An ancient and wise game on a black and white board. (Chess.)
5. Wooden strips for walking on snow. (Skis.)
6. Seven days: from Monday to Sunday. (A week.)
7. Baby sheep. (Lamb.)
8. Predatory fish. (Pike.)
9. Ivanushka’s sister. (Alyonushka.)
10. Cabbage soup. (Shchi.)
4. Competition “Guess the words.”
Each team is given cards with words written on them. The teacher reads a poem. Children pick up a card with the right word.
Baba Yaga is not in the mood:
You got up, don’t stand, probably...
Looks at Leshy as an enemy
Terribly angry Baba...
A goblin could get angry in response -
He picked forget-me-nots...
The evil witch thawed out immediately,
I even put flowers in...
(Yaga, vase, bouquet, legs.)

An old castle in the thick of a forest.
Sleeps in this castle...
The forest hides a dense castle.
Prince brave to the castle...
It is clear to everyone what will happen next:
Prince beauty...
The fairy tale is called
(Wakes you up, beauty, gallops, princess.)

Evil Koschey is not stupid at all.

He is guarding the old...
On a chain of a hundred rings
The golden one hangs...
Guarding that casket is no joke:
The hare is in it, and in the hare is...
The duck is angry at Koshchei.
There is an egg in it, and in it -...
Who will secretly get the needle,
He is stronger than Koshchei...
(Needle, duck, will become, casket, oak.)
E. Lavrentieva
5. Competition “Replace the letter”.
The teacher reads a poem, and the teams correct the error:

On the wolf there is sour cream, cottage cheese, milk.
And I would be glad to eat
Yes, it's not easy to get.
(On the shelf.)
Puffy loves to gnaw on grain - it’s very tasty!

The bear didn't cut the wood.
He lit the stove with his caps.
(In slivers.)
The snow is melting, the stream is flowing.
The branches are full of doctors.

T-shirts are jumping
On the lawn.

Breaking the silence
Forks howl at the moon.
6. Competition “Captains Competition”.
1) Draw the arrows and read the title of the fairy tale:

Stolen goods
little key

2) Make words from these letters: K, O, L, S, O.

3) Name the words:
If it floats across the sky -
A light rain is falling.
If you change the letter,
You can write with it.
(Tuchka is a pen.)
7. Competition "Rhyme".

Instead of a hat on the go
He put on...
(Frying pan.)
There's polish on your neck,
Right under your nose...
Here is the sage in front of Dadon
He stood up and took it out of the bag

Mucha went to the market
And I bought...
And the groom was found for her,

The bears were driving
On the …
8. Competition “Echo knows everything.”

“Who got under the sofa?”
Echo in response to me: “...”
“Who’s not afraid of the frost?”
Echo replies: “...”
“Who ate the chocolate bar?”
Echo (reproachfully): “...”
“Who walks until dawn?”
The echo answers: “...”
“Who’s looking from behind the barn?”
The echo knows: this is...
“Who dropped the sandal there?”
The echo says: “This is...”

Summarizing: the team that scores wins greatest number tokens. Winner's reward ceremony.