Unusual customs of the peoples of the world. Interesting traditions of peoples

There are 250 countries in the world, only 197 of which are officially recognized. Each country has its own laws and traditions, and some of them, when read, cause sincere surprise and misunderstanding among residents of other countries. But don’t laugh - these customs are real and very important for the residents of these countries. To your idea the most unusual customs countries of the world.


  • In Japan, holding hands with a person of the opposite sex is considered indecent.
  • If you are going to give someone a gift, then you should show modesty when presenting it by saying something like: “Sorry about such a small thing” or “You may not like the gift.”
  • It is not customary for the Japanese to celebrate the New Year, as we understand it. Instead of a holiday, they go to bed, and in the morning they all go together to watch the dawn - to celebrate the New Year.
  • For the Japanese, steamed rice with natto - soybeans - is considered a favorite breakfast.

  • In Japan, they try to avoid the word “no”; instead, it is customary to give vague and non-binding consent, or to politely avoid the topic.
  • In the Land of the Rising Sun it is customary to give even number flowers: residents believe that every flower should have its own pair, otherwise it will get lonely. Odd number flowers are brought to the cemetery.


  • It’s hard to believe, but in the 21st century in India there remains a division into castes - social groups, on which marriage, type of activity, living conditions and other important factors depend.
  • Plot Indian films constantly includes love relationship, but in life not everything is so colorful. Depending on caste, religious beliefs and even astrological predictions, the girl’s parents, and not herself, choose the future husband for their daughter.

  • In India, after the death of a person, instead of burying him, it is customary to cremate him; cremation takes place along rivers, and the ashes of the deceased are scattered along the sacred river - the Ganges.
  • In the Indian state of Karnataka, a tradition that gives goosebumps has been going on for more than 500 years. It is customary to throw babies from the roof of the temple onto a stretched piece of cloth held by men. It is believed that this ritual brings health and strength to children.
  • The ritual of self-immolation is widespread among Indian widowed women. Within four months after the death of her husband, the widow puts on her best clothes and jewelry, lets down her hair, goes to a river or other body of water and performs this ritual there. For Hindus, this is considered a feat, although such rituals are officially prohibited in the country.


  • Norwegians don’t like to load their brains with unnecessary questions, they especially don’t like to think about who to address as “you” and to whom as “you”. Because of this, Norwegians love to poke, even if it's a stranger.
  • In this Scandinavian country people are not used to giving up their seats to the elderly, because in this way you can offend a person, once again emphasizing your physical superiority.

  • Norwegians are very straightforward and never hide what they think about other people. Yes, they will offend someone, but better man know the truth, no matter how unpleasant it may be.
  • In Norway, on Christmas Day, it is customary for boys to tell fortunes together with girls.
  • Following traditions, every man must make his own knife and sheath. Everything you may need for this can be easily purchased in the most ordinary stores.

  • The financial topic in conversations is closed for Norwegians and can greatly offend the interlocutor. But in terms of other topics, even the most intimate ones, they are like an open book, the main thing is not to touch upon income.
  • Norwegians love to hug and shake hands and do it quite often. But kissing is considered unhygienic, so it is not accepted in this country when greeting.


  • If in our country the 13th of the month is considered to bring misfortune only on Fridays, then in Spain Tuesday the 13th is considered a day when you need to beware of everything. It is not recommended to get married, get a haircut, or even leave the house on such a day.
  • In Spain, the production of Caganers, figurines of people who relieve themselves “in a big way,” is widespread. And this is not done for the sake of humor; the Spaniards sincerely believe that such figures can bring good luck.

Kaganer "Master Yoda"
  • If you touch a Spaniard's earlobe, he will consider it an insult.
  • Spaniards have double surnames. When girls get married, they will not take their husband's surname, but will leave their own, double one. And the child born in this marriage will also have double surname. The first part of the surname is the first surname of the child's father, and the second part is the first surname of his mother.

  • In this country, birthdays are celebrated twice: the first time is the official date of birth when the child was born, and the second is the name day. And often name days are more colorful and are considered more important, because on this day the Spaniards acquire names in honor of saints.


  • In Egypt, marriages between cousins and sisters.
  • Egypt is a religious country, and this greatly influenced the social foundations of the Egyptians. Local residents do not wear revealing clothes, women do not have the right to be alone with men, and the behavior of tourists from European countries considered too loose here.

  • If a boy is born in the family, then for a week of the baby’s life they perform the ritual of circumcision, as well as shaving the child.
  • Girls are given in marriage early age– 12-14 years old, and parents choose a partner for their child. It happens that long before the birth of the children themselves, families enter into an agreement according to which they will become related in the future.

  • Egyptians treat compliments with great caution and distrust, as they are afraid of the evil eye or damage.
  • You should not show the sole of your shoes to another person. This is a sign of bad manners and bad taste.


  • The Chinese value money very much, both during life and after death. Therefore, the residents of this country even built a special bank that issues money from beyond the grave. It is believed that with such money one can even bribe the lord of hell.

  • In one Chinese province, Jilin, girls are prohibited from wearing bras to exams. This is because students often hide cheat sheets in their bras.
  • Chinese police have gotten used to using geese instead of dogs, and they are doing it more and more often. Geese, in their opinion, seem more aggressive.

  • In China they really don't like tanning and white skin is valued. That's why girls take advantage sunscreens all year round, and sometimes they even wear masks over the entire face in order to protect it from exposure to sunlight.

The world customs of the main celebration of lovers are unique, because the rituals are at the same time similar to each other, even among the most different nationalities, and at the same time have individual characteristics. The wedding traditions of the peoples of the world reflect the culture of a nation, its identity, the heritage of its ancestors, and its way of life. Having studied the customs different nations, you can learn a lot of interesting things or even arrange your own celebration in national style, for example, with Mexican or Indian rituals.

Unusual wedding traditions of different nations

Russia, of course, has its own wedding rituals, which date back to ancient times. And every action performed on this special day is performed in a certain sequence and has special meaning. So, at Russian weddings it is supposed to:

  • Distribute candy to children in the yard after the bride's ransom and her and the groom go out into the yard.
  • Block the path of the wedding column.
  • Arrange ransom for the newlywed.
  • Release white doves into the sky.

According to custom, a Russian girl is supposed to cut the bread, thereby symbolizing her assumption of the rights of a mistress in the house. At the end of the wedding, the groom's mother removes the veil from the head of her future relative, showing that she has accepted her son's wife, her daughter-in-law, into the house. An equally popular Russian custom is “bread and salt,” during which the newlyweds are welcomed home with a loaf of bread and a salt shaker. The newlyweds bite off a piece of it: whoever has the most is the head of the house.

The Slavs also have another ritual - throwing the bride’s bouquet to her friends. Whichever girl catches him will be the next to marry. Interestingly, men also have this custom, but it is less known and popular. In this case, the groom throws the garter from the bride’s leg to his friends. Accordingly, whichever guy grabs her will marry first. This custom was written about in manuscripts from the 15th century. At that time, it was believed that any item of clothing of the newlyweds, taken off by them and given to someone, would bring favor to the man or woman.

One of the cheerful Russians wedding traditions, which has survived to this day, is considered a young ransom rite. During it, the bride is ransomed by the groom's groomsmen, but the task of the opposite side is to do everything possible to future husband also participated in the event and completed it. Not only money is used as ransom, but also alcohol, food, jewelry and even flowers. Everyone can participate in this ritual, because what more people, the more fun such a bright action will be.

Traditions at weddings of some peoples of the world also have a ransom ritual at their disposal. For example, Muslims pay bride price for their daughter-in-law. But, of course, the difference between these traditions is obvious: bride ransom from the Slavs is more of a comic performance than a real bargain for a girl. The bride's friends are trying to come up with more tricky tasks for the groom so that he will not be able to see his beloved for as long as possible. The entire redemption process is accompanied by jokes, fun and laughter. In general, almost all wedding Russian customs more humorous and funny than serious.

Customs at weddings of other peoples of the world are sometimes amazing in their diversity. For example, Australian couples are starting to prepare for their wedding whole year before it starts. Australians are Catholics by religion, and civil marriages are not accepted among them. Usually the newlyweds get married in a church, and then a ceremonial feast begins. A season before the wedding, the couple visits the priest for conversations, as well as preparation and organization of the wedding ceremony. Very practical people live in Australia, and future spouses always make a list of the gifts they need. This list is distributed among the guests, and the newlyweds receive exactly what they really wanted for the wedding.

Like many other Catholic nations, Australians have a tradition of making noise on the way to church. The custom has its roots in the deep past, when local residents They believed that noise could drive away evil spirits. Nowadays, newlyweds tie a garland of empty beer cans to their car to create noise.

The custom of breaking a wedding wine glass is also one of the common wedding traditions of the peoples of the world. When the newlyweds leave the temple, they are given a tank of wine: they need to drink the contents and break the container. According to the legend, if two wine glasses break at once, happiness and an excellent family life await the newlyweds. If only one of them breaks, the marriage will be unsuccessful. The custom is explained by the fact that the sound of breaking glass should scare away evil spirits.

Wedding traditions in Europe


This country has some interesting customs. Firstly, the young wife takes off her shoes, takes her shoes and puts them in the center banquet hall, where the wedding is taking place, thereby inviting young guys to dance. If there is such a volunteer, then he is obliged to put coins in her shoes. The one who shares the most coins wins.

Another Hungarian wedding ceremony Connected with water procedures. On the second day after the celebration, the newlywed goes with those invited to a source of water. There the girl washes people one by one, and then wipes them herself with a towel.


Contrary to the traditions of other nations, it is customary here that the bride herself chooses and gives the groom a ring and a silk shirt. The guy also gives back to his beloved jewel, after which he must put on a fur hat with a belt. In Slovak cities, weddings are already celebrated according to modern rules, but in rural areas, holidays are still held in compliance with all ancient rituals.


It is generally accepted that the colder the climate in a country, the more restrained its inhabitants are in their feelings. Norwegian wedding traditions once again confirm this fact. There are much fewer lovely ladies here than male representatives, and therefore they try to find a bride almost from childhood. In Norway, women have equal rights with men, so both first-born boys and eldest girls become heirs in families. In this northern country there is no dowry, and the wedding is organized by a couple in love using their own savings. One of the most sophisticated Norwegian traditions that has survived to this day is traveling to the celebration site on brightly decorated boats.


Wedding customs in the Netherlands can greatly surprise residents of other countries. Here they believe that the more obscene the banquet is, the happier and more fun the young people will live. Therefore, the celebration is held without observing any norms of behavior.

You won't find a fancy cake at a wedding in the Netherlands. Instead of everyone's favorite delicacy, guests are treated to custom-made confectionery products called “bride's sugar.” If one of the invitees gets the same shaped candy, it is considered to be a lucky sign.

African wedding rituals


According to the customs of this people, future father-in-law and mother-in-law call a real matchmaker into the house, who helps choose a bride for their son who meets all the criteria put forward by the father and mother. The matchmaker personally checks the girls' candidates for innocence, and then shows the selected candidates to their parents.

There is another rather funny custom among the Nigerian people: immediately after the wedding young husband he is passed through the “corridor of relatives”, and each of them hits him with a stick. This is how relatives initiate a young husband into family life.


Accommodation in African tribe is a real test for a girl, and wedding customs here are not easy and romantic. So, in the Surma tribe, 6 months before the expected date of the festival, the girl’s lower lip is pierced and a clay disc is placed in it. So that he takes correct position, 2 teeth are pulled out from the front, since it is commonly believed that the size of the disc symbolizes the degree of wealth of the young bride, and is also intended to protect her from evil spirits that enter the body through the mouth.


It should be mentioned that the Egyptians were the first to come up with the idea of ​​raising relations between representatives of the weaker and stronger sex within the framework of the law. The marriage contract arose precisely in Egypt, and there it was spelled out point by point what the husband should do and what the wife should do. Certainly, Egyptian customs for a wedding are directly related to the religion of this country. According to Muslim canons, a man can have up to 4 wives, however, only if he is able to provide for each of them. Therefore in modern Egypt Few people can afford so many spouses.

Interesting wedding customs of a given people and colorful entertainment: belly dancing, as well as with swords and skirts. Other countries also adopted the ritual of exchanging rings from Egypt. According to ancient beliefs, a ring is a symbol of eternal feelings and love. It must be worn on left hand, on middle finger, since the cardiac vein is located in this place. Thus, the ring unites the couple’s hearts forever.


The wedding customs of the Bahutu tribe surprise Europeans even more, since here the newlyweds are required to show not love, but hatred for each other. At the end of the wedding, the bride, covering her face with a veil, heads to her new home, and from that moment a real fight begins.

The quarrel lasts until the morning, and during it the newlyweds do not speak to each other. After the fight is over, the wife moves in with her husband. Having completed such a difficult ritual, they will no longer quarrel until their death. So this strange tradition prepares newlyweds for tests of strength in family life. Perhaps this is why families from Africa are more united than those of other nations.

Customs of the peoples of Asia


A wedding ceremony in this country does not imply the presence of a classic white dress for the bride. On the day of the holiday, the newlywed can try on almost ten clothes. Moreover, the outfits can be completely different colors and styles, it all depends on what ceremony is taking place in this moment. The only prohibition regarding the choice of clothing is an anthracite-colored dress. In Thailand it belongs to widows, so it is considered bad omen highlight any details wedding look given color. Most often, brides use orange, red, and yellow tones for their formal dresses.


The most favorite color in China is scarlet. Therefore, at a wedding, any details can be emphasized in red: the newlywed’s dress, envelopes for money, and flowers, the petals of which are showered on the newlyweds. And the popular tradition of the couple drinking drinks at their wedding from wine glasses, the legs of which are belted with a red ribbon, also came to the world from the Celestial Empire. Organizing a Chinese wedding banquet is usually expensive, but the newlyweds quickly justify it through gifts from the guests. After all, in China it is customary to give only money. Moreover, they are usually given by those relatives who cannot attend the holiday.


The traditions at Indian weddings are perhaps some of the most impressive in beauty in the whole world. This is a kind of quintessence of all the customs, culture and religious rituals of the Indian people. Despite the fact that newlyweds very often meet for the first time right at the ceremony, divorce is not accepted here.

Basic wedding decorations in India, these are flowers, which are considered almost the main item in the budget. But the festive space is literally buried in bright fragrant colors. The wedding table in India consists exclusively of vegetarian dishes; neither meat nor eggs are allowed.


Wedding ceremony on the island in given time It is considered the most popular event among couples. First of all, it’s stunningly beautiful here. Secondly, it is believed that a marriage registered on this island will be long and happy. And thirdly, the wedding event is quite exotic: the place is fumigated with incense, hundreds of flowers are sacrificed to the gods, and the newlyweds themselves are dressed in luxurious outfits, decorated with gold embroidery.

It is customary to arrive at the ceremony site here on a gilded carriage. And the wealthiest couples ride up on elephants, the decoration of which is stunning in its beauty. During the event in the holy house, the newlyweds are sprinkled with flower petals, and special prayers are read to help the newly-made spouses find a happy family life. Dancing, tropical plants, music, food local cuisine- all this becomes a wonderful beginning of a new union of hearts.

North and South America

For America, unlike other countries, a wedding is a kind of business, and preparatory work they are handed over to her by holiday agencies. The decoration of the celebration has the same classical stages as in other peoples of the world:

  • A man proposes his hand and heart to his beloved.
  • The engagement date is announced, at which the groom gives the ring.
  • A celebration is taking place.

There are no prohibitions in American weddings, but, as a rule, the newlyweds’ outfits have a rather traditional look. However, according to custom, the girl must wear an old piece of clothing and an item blue color. Old thing- a symbol of connection with parents, and blue - a sign of fidelity in marriage. Another interesting point is that the number of bridesmaids is not limited!


Peoples Latin America descended from the Aztec and Mayan Indians. Therefore, wedding customs here have their own nuances. Usually sponsors take care of organizing the celebration. Moreover, they do not necessarily have to be the mother and father of the young; sometimes godparents or distant relatives act in their role.

It is worth noting that during a wedding ceremony near the newlyweds, the priest circles a symbolic circle with special rosaries, which serve as a symbol of the unity of two souls.

The Mexicans suffered even more ancient customs from the Indians. There are two weddings celebrated here: one is official, the second is an informal ceremony designed to help the couple unite. To do this, the girl washes herself, after which she and the groom approach the oldest tree to carry out ancient rite. In this way they notify nature and the world about your unity forever.

As you may have noticed, all rituals and ceremonies associated with a wedding are aimed at:

  • Provide the newlyweds with a long and happy life.
  • Drive away evil spirits from the bride and groom.
  • Make sure that the newly made husband and wife do not quarrel.
  • Have fun, dance and have a wonderful holiday.
  • Clearly demonstrate to everyone that the bride is a worthy housewife.
  • Get to know each other better.
  • Recoup financial costs.

Of course, every nation holds a wedding in accordance with its own customs, but no one forbids bringing a little exoticism from another country into the ceremony of your own holiday.

Customs and traditions: the harshest examples

What are customs and traditions? Customs are historically established certain actions and practices that have long become the habit of the entire people. By traditions we “decipher” a certain “ cultural code”, which is passed on by people from generation to generation.

Traditions and customs are very similar in meaning. Sociologists even highlight e. They are closely connected not only with history, but also with religious views. It was with the advent of beliefs that the beginning of customs and traditions was laid.

We all follow some traditions and customs, but not each of us truly knows their purpose and their history. I believe that people should show Special attention to history, because all traditions and customs are an interesting part of the culture of the people, the history of generations and religion, and are also one of the components of a person’s upbringing and his worldview.

The history of the emergence of customs and traditions

Initially, customs and traditions arose out of the need for survival. This is how the so-called hunting magic was born. We must understand that people in ancient times were much more dependent on nature than you and I. The hunt could be successful - or unsuccessful. Therefore, rituals arose that were believed to bring good luck to the side of the hunters. The elders had knowledge about such rituals, so in ancient times old people were treated with due respect, not like now.

The ancients also had other customs and traditions: not to wake up a sleeping person (his soul may not have time to return from the world of dreams), not to mate during a hunt - this is fraught with uncontrolled birth control, etc. By the way, it is within the framework of hunting magic that arises rock painting: people wanted to attract the spirit of the animal to their side.

Life was accompanied by such customs and traditions ancient man. They have become so ingrained in our culture that we don’t even notice or track them! For example, look at a teenager at a bus stop. He smoked, spat, and wiped his food on the asphalt with his foot. What is this? This genetic memory: he actually destroyed any trace of himself. After all before people They believed that through saliva, hair and other remains of a person it was possible to bring trouble to him. Don't believe me? Read the textbook "History" primitive society"for universities!

Wedding traditions are completely ancient: White color(dress, veil) is a symbol of transition to another state. We ritually wear white three times in our lives: when we are born, when we get married, and when we die. Did you even know about all this? Write in the comments!

Customs related to food. Come to new job- you need to “sign up”, you go on vacation - similar. A wedding table, parties - in short, a lot is connected precisely with eating food. Why? It turns out that in ancient times there was a custom of potlatch, when the leader of the tribe fed all his community members. This meant that he did them good - he must respond in kind! And today: I went on vacation, and we work? We're stressed! We need to eat! And a “problem” arises. Have you graduated from school and received a certificate? Are you stressed? School prom and graduation are again associated with food. Didn't notice

Interesting customs and traditions of the peoples of the world

Peoples all over the world have many traditions and customs, and they are different for all nations. For example, Russians have a tradition of celebrating the New Year, a holiday that connects the past and the future. This holiday carries bright feelings and many miracles, but, like most other traditions, New Year goes back to ancient times.

An integral part of the New Year is a Christmas tree with funny and winding toys, bright and glossy balls and flashing different colors, garlands. Do you know why everyone decorates the Christmas tree so quickly before this holiday? Because according to customs, people believed that by decorating a Christmas tree, they make the evil forces that surround them good. Currently, many have forgotten about these forces, but the decorated Christmas tree still remains a symbol New Year's holiday. This magical holiday is described in many Russian fairy tales and poems, the authors of which are well-known A. S. Pushkin, S. A. Yesenin and others.

The Russian people also have interesting customs, which are incomprehensible to foreign residents. For example, on the eve of Great Easter - a bright holiday that appeared in Rus' at the end of the tenth century, in honor of the resurrection of Christ, we paint chicken eggs. And many people paint them with onion peels, because it gives a burgundy-red hue, this shade symbolizes the blood of Christ crucified on the cross. A egg in turn, a symbol of the birth of a new life.

But not only the Russian people are famous for their traditions and customs. Abroad, there is the well-known All Hallows Eve, or, as we call it, Halloween. The holiday became a tradition several centuries ago and, as we know from the book “Scarlett”, authored by Alexandra Ripley, this holiday had roots in Ireland. An attribute of this tradition is a pumpkin, which simultaneously symbolizes the harvest, evil forces and the fire that scares them away.

There are no less interesting traditions in Eastern countries. For example, polygamy. Polygamy also came into life from our ancestors and persists in the countries of the East to this day. For example, the Book of Mormon can tell us a lot about such a tradition. It is known from the book that in ancient times, the nomadic lifestyle required considerable care for numerous herds of horses or camels, so the owner forced several women to provide care for the mares or camels. Camel fur made it possible to have warm and light blankets, and camel milk was highly valued. All this could only be done by a woman; men had no time to do housework, they were breadwinners. Currently, in Eastern countries, polygamy determines the prestige of a man, which is no less important for residents of the East.

Moving away from the stories of polygamy traditions Eastern countries, one cannot help but recall the monogamy of the Caucasus. No matter how sad it may sound, wars always occur in countries, as a result of which the number of men sharply decreases. As a rule, more girls are born than boys, and in the future many adult girls will not have enough husbands, and as a result, families and children.

In general, if you remember, there have been cases in history when only one survivor from the male population of the village returned to the village from the front. However, after some time the population returned to its previous level.

So during Caucasian War The nineteenth century leader of the Caucasian highlanders, Imam Shamil, eased the lot of widows and single women. They were allowed to choose a husband at their own discretion, which actually legitimized the existing relationship. As S. Essadze wrote: “The named man, single or married, was obliged to marry the one who chose him.”

I propose to remember the customs and traditions of the inhabitants of such interesting country like Thailand. Thailand is famous for its exotic customs. Throughout the calendar year, indigenous Thais have many customs and traditions that delight tourists. Ceremonial holidays celebrated by the entire kingdom of Thailand. In general, some of the most interesting rituals can be observed in “backward” cultures, whose carriers live in.

An example of this is one of the most beautiful holidays Thailand - Loy Krathong, dedicated to the spirits of water. This day falls in early November on the day of the full moon. The Thais float their boats along the rivers - krathongs, in which candles burn brightly and contain fresh flowers, coins, and various incense. Thais firmly believe that with the help of these boats, on this night, the water spirits will wash away all the sins of the previous year.

In every country of ours huge world have their own special customs and traditions that determine the way of life and culture of people. How often do we hear about the customs and traditions of China? One of the most special traditions in China is greeting. In the old days, the Chinese greeted each other by bowing with their hands folded across their chests. It was believed that the lower the bow, the more people shows respect. Modern Chinese today simply bow their heads a little. However, if they want to show respect, they can bow lower.

The customs and traditions of all the peoples of the world inhabiting the Earth are very extensive and multifaceted. They are directly related to factors that are rooted in the very depths of history, and to religion, which helps a person to understand and perceive the world around him by believing in the supernatural. You need to respect and honor not only the customs and traditions of your country, your people, but also other countries and its inhabitants.

Interesting article? Like it and write what you think about all this in the comments. .

©Sokolova E. A.

Editing by Andrey Puchkov

Ah, this wedding...!
Every self-respecting Andalusian is obliged to jump headfirst from a cliff before his wedding. According to the ancient customs of Andalusia, it is believed that only a man with a strong skull can marry. The paradox itself is that the more relatives a wife has, the higher the rock should be.
The wedding ceremony of the Navajo Indians amazes outside observers with its cruelty: before marriage, the bride’s tongue is cut out, and the groom’s....Perhaps this is why wives are famous for their silence, and husbands for their extraordinary constancy.
The natives of the Solomon Islands resolve the issue of infidelity between married couples in this way: under the leadership of a shaman, they sit in a circle and eat the half accused of treason. If the meat is bitter, then she is considered guilty; if not, the other half is eaten. In the event that both halves turn out to be innocent, legends are formed about their loyalty.
When a young Chinese child turns exactly one year old, he is placed on a yellow silk mat with black dragons embroidered by old masters and hit on the head with a hammer. If at the same time the sound “Zen” is heard, then the child is sent to a Zen Buddhist monastery; if the sound “Bam” is heard, he is considered an ordinary Chinese.
Only once in the entire history of China, during such a ritual, a strange “kon-fu” sound was heard, it was made by the head of a child who later became Confucius.
WITH feudal period In Japan there is a special caste of people who are popularly called samurai. Near every highest educational institution, where human anatomy is studied, special rooms (bonzaiki) were built, in which samurai live, earning their living from harakiri.
A bride for everyone. One of the wildest wedding traditions exists on the Polynesian islands. The newlyweds should spend their first wedding night not alone, but with friends. And without celebrating the wedding at all... The newly-made wife must lie on the floor, placing her head on her husband’s knees, and the male guests, starting with the eldest, have sexual intercourse with her. The groom is allowed to visit the bride's body last. All this time, the female guests sing and dance around. This tradition is explained by the fact that among many peoples, the blood released during defloration is considered dirty and saturated with demons. Therefore, men, starting with the most senior and respected ones, cleanse the bride of demons in this way.

First there is a fight, and then there is love. The laws of the Bahutu tribe prohibit newlyweds from having sex immediately after marriage. On their wedding night, the newlyweds go to the husband's house, where the young wife begins to beat her husband with everything she can get her hands on. In the morning she goes home, and in the evening she returns and everything repeats. Such beatings continue for a week, after which the long-awaited act of love occurs. This tradition is explained by the fact that before making love, newlyweds must get used to each other, and fighting helps a lot in this.

Family life for 3 days. Young girls from one of the peoples of India get married for only three days. After these days, the young husband must leave his wife’s house forever and never come into her sight again. After this the girl begins happy life: she has every right to have as many lovers as she wants and not to deny herself anything.

Bride: the thicker the better. In Central Nigeria, the question of when it is time for a girl to get married is decided by the elders of the tribe. And that's not the worst part. After the decision is made, the girl is locked in a special hut for several months, or even a whole year, and fattened up. She should not do anything except eat as much fatty and high-calorie food as possible all day long in order to gain weight faster. It is believed that the fatter the bride, the more beautiful she is.

Among the ancient Arabs, the law prescribed that a son, as a special privilege, should become the husband of his widowed mother.

The traditional Bedouin wedding dish is roasted camel, inside which is a roasted lamb stuffed with boiled chickens, which are stuffed with fish, and the fish is stuffed with eggs.

To be considered a bride and groom in Bulgaria, a guy just needs to throw an apple at his beloved girl. And then wedding night The groom fired a gun to notify everyone present at the wedding about a successful outcome.

Australian Aborigines shared wives within the same clan. The only condition was that the owner liked this man. In this case, refusing sexual favors meant insulting and disrespecting the family.

Many rituals are very harmless and there are traditions that are popular throughout the world, but there are also those that may shock you. Very strange rituals, sometimes painful and violent, can be found in different parts planets. We will tell you some of them in this article and remind you that when traveling you need to be very vigilant and careful.

Sun Dance

As you know, the indigenous people of America performed many rituals in honor of the spirits of the earth. All these rituals are needed in order to contact great spirits; they also often sacrifice themselves in order to maintain direct contact with the Tree of Life. Direct contact with the Tree occurs in this way: a skewer attached to a post pierces the skin on the chest. All participants begin to move forward and backward and try to break free, while at this time their skin is still connected to the pole. This dance can last for several hours.


In India, in the city of Varanasi, there live Aghori Babas who are known for eating dead people. Many of them think that most of all in life a person is afraid of his death, and that this fear prevents him from becoming spiritually enlightened. Aghori Babas believe that if they eat dead person, then this fear disappears and they begin to become enlightened. According to Hindu laws, 5 types of people cannot be cremated: pregnant women, children, saints, unmarried women and people who died due to snakebite or leprosy. These people are first given to the Ganges River, and then the Aghori take them out from there and begin to consume them.

Vine Jumping

Gkol is a ritual that is performed in the village of Bunlap. This ritual is reminiscent of bungee jumping. At that moment, when the men are preparing to jump, all the other residents sing and dance. The jumpers tie a vine around their ankles and then jump from wooden towers that are made especially for this ritual. Apparently, the men are not worried about what this might mean for them, they simply believe that the higher the jump point, the greater the blessing of the gods.


During the holy month of Muharram, every year followers of Shia Islam carry out mass self-flagellation. Thus, they commemorate the death of Hussein, as well as the grandson of Muhammad. During the ritual, men torture their bodies with blades attached to chains. Men do not feel pain as they are all in a trance state.

Sky Burials

There is a sacred ritual called sky burial in Tibet. Buddhists believe that there is no need to preserve the body after death, since there is a circle of rebirth. Bodies of the dead people are transferred to aerial predators. In order for the body to disappear as quickly as possible, it is cut into pieces and given to the surrounding area for consumption.

Voodoo and Spiritual Domains

West Africa is popular with Voodoo followers. One of the rituals is famous for the fact that a person takes a spirit or a friend’s soul into himself, as if into a vessel. Although the person is conscious, it is believed that the spirit takes complete possession of the body, and at the end of the ritual the spirit remains in the person for another 3 days.

Dancing with the Dead

Madagascar hosts the "Twist the Dice" festival. Residents believe that in order for the spirit to reach the afterlife faster, the body must decompose as quickly as possible. Therefore, once every 2 years for 7 years they dig up their loved ones, dance with them around the grave and then they need to be reburied in another place.

Fire Walks

In Malaysia it is believed that in order to repel evil influences from oneself or to strengthen male strength and get rid of bad thoughts, you need to undergo a cleansing ritual and walk barefoot on burning coals. Hundreds of people believe in this and therefore take part in this festival.

Death rites

The Yanomami tribe is considered one of the most primitive in the world. According to residents, death is not a natural phenomenon. After death, the body is cremated and mixed with bananas and consumed. In their opinion, in this way, a member of the tribe does not leave them, but continues to live with them.


A very dangerous ritual is performed annually in Phuket, Thailand. Participants pierce their cheeks with swords, spears, knives or even weapons. All this is carried out because the residents believe that the gods put them into a trance during this action, and this helps protect themselves from evil and brings good luck in the future.


The spiritual connection between the tribe is very important in Paula ( New Guinea), so they have unusual ritual. One of the ceremonies is held in the “House of the Spirit”. The ritual consists of teenagers living alone in the House of the Spirit for two months. At the end of the isolation, everyone prepares for initiation, after which their transition to maturity is recognized. During the ritual, punctures are made using bamboo shards. All these serrations are very similar to crocodile skin. Tribal people believe that humans are descended from crocodiles. According to legend, the crocodile swallowed the boy and left an adult man in his place, and because of this, all the marks on the body resemble marks from the teeth of a crocodile.