What souvenirs can you bring from Nha Trang? Bonus for the curious

Vietnam is a country rich not only in its historical culture, unique customs and traditions, but also in an endless number of souvenir shops, shops, boutiques, markets and supermarkets. Tourists leaving Vietnam after a wonderful beach holiday, unusual excursions and numerous entertainments are sure to buy original souvenirs for themselves and as gifts for loved ones.

What can you bring from Vietnam to your relatives, colleagues and yourself and your loved ones? What gift would be a beautiful reminder of a great time spent at the seaside?

Souvenirs from Vietnam

Silk from Vietnam is an excellent choice for a gift.

Tourists who travel a lot and always bring a lot of gifts and souvenirs with them from vacation are advised not to run shopping on the first day of their vacation. As a rule, the first thing purchased often turns out to be expensive, and on another street, for example, you can buy exactly the same thing, but much cheaper. Also, do not forget that you should bargain with sellers and not be shy about it - a smart trader will always lower the price, as long as the goods are not left behind.

What is most often brought from Vietnam? The most popular and popular gifts among travelers include:

  • silk;
  • decorations;
  • clothes;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • fruits;
  • Coffee and tea;
  • hats;
  • Leather Products;
  • pearl;
  • trinkets made of stone, wood, silver;
  • musical instruments;
  • medications;
  • aromatic oils and candles;
  • seashells;
  • paintings, etc.

Is it possible to bring silk from Vietnam?

Vietnamese silk is one of the most popular goods purchased by tourists. For a low cost you can purchase high-quality items made from this fabric: bed linen, stoles, scarves, bathrobes, dresses, blouses, pajamas, etc.

XQ Nha Trang Traditional Art & Craft Gallery is the center of handicrafts in Nha Trang.

For example, you can buy a silk robe for just $10. Silk goods should be purchased in branded stores, which are usually located next to clothing factories, but not in the market.

Near Hanoi, just 10 km away, is the Silk Village, where you can buy silk products at a very affordable price. And in the handicraft center in Nha Trang, called XQ Nha Trang Traditional Art & Craft Gallery, tourists will not only be sold the item they are interested in, but will also be shown the process of its step-by-step production. Many stores that sell silk products provide the service of customizing the purchased item to individual sizes.

Jewelry you can bring from Vietnam

What jewelry can you bring from Vietnam? These can be products made of pearls, ivory, silver, etc. If travelers are interested in inexpensive jewelry made from such materials, then they will be able to find it in the market. If tourists are determined to buy high-quality, expensive jewelry, then in this case it is best to go to a special store.

Markets can often sell fake pearl and silver jewelry, and stores, as a rule, provide certificates for their products. By the way, products made from sea pearls will cost much more than jewelry made from river pearls. However, even this price for sea pearls will be almost 3 times cheaper than identical Russian jewelry.

The cheapest pearl items can be purchased in the town of Mui Ne, while higher quality and more expensive ones can be purchased in specialized stores in Nha Trang, on Cat Ba Island and Phu Quoc.

Clothes brought from Vietnam

What to bring from Nha Trang and other Vietnamese resort cities? How to surprise your friends and relatives? Of course, national clothes, which are most often made of natural silk. However, such things even today look very attractive, modern and fashionable. Vietnamese clothes can be worn not as a whole suit, but separately. It can be combined with tops, trousers and other suitable elements of regular clothing.

How and what kind of alcohol to bring from Vietnam?

Tourists buying souvenirs for themselves and their relatives in Vietnam quite often take alcoholic beverages home with them. One of the most popular is vodka with snake. This drink attracts travelers not only with its original appearance, but also with many useful qualities.

What souvenirs should you bring from Vietnam, besides vodka with a snake? For example, vodka with frogs, seahorses, lizards, scorpions and other crawling creatures. A bottle with such contents does not always look appetizing, but everyone who sees such a souvenir will be very surprised.

The cost of such an extravagant gift varies depending on what kind of animal is in the bottle, what size it is, and also on the tourist’s ability to bargain with the seller. Tourists often buy rum, wine, and various liqueurs for the trip.

Fruits that can be brought from Vietnam

Many people have heard that Vietnam is the birthplace of all kinds of exotic fruits, but only those who come to this wonderful country on vacation can verify this personally. They are exported both fresh and candied - in the form of candied fruits or chips.

How to bring fruits from Vietnam fresh and not crushed? To do this, you don’t need to wash the fruit before traveling - it’s better to do it after arriving home. It is also necessary to carefully pack delicious delicacies - line them with paper, wrap them in breathable fabric. Bananas and mangoes are the worst fruits to travel with, so it is better to take lychee, mangosteen, pineapple, rambutan, etc. with you.

Medicines that can be exported from Vietnam

Cobratoxan cream from Vietnam based on snake venom.

The Vietnamese are specialists in the production of a variety of ointments, tinctures, creams and balms. All these drugs are made exclusively from natural ingredients, therefore they have truly enormous healing power and are deservedly in demand among tourists and guests of the country.

What medicines should I bring from Vietnam? All drugs produced in Vietnam have a high therapeutic effect and cure many diseases in a short time. Most often, travelers take with them from Vietnam the “Star” balm, various balms based on python, cobra, tiger fat, etc. Some of them, the most popular, are balms against radiculitis “Red Games” and “White Tiger”. You can also buy them in Russia, but they are five times more expensive than in Vietnam.

Very common drugs among tourists include the dermatitis cream “Silkeron creme”, the “Cobratoxan” cream containing snake venom, and the dietary supplement “Glucosamin”, which supports the normal condition of the joints.

Coffee and tea from Vietnam

What to bring from Vietnam, from Nha Trang? Perhaps 99% of all tourists do not leave Vietnam without a package of aromatic coffee or delicious local tea. Vietnamese people usually drink green tea, both hot and cold. They often add chrysanthemum, jasmine or lotus petals to the drink, and “snack” the tea with candies made from nougat, coconut milk, peanuts and lotus seeds, and various candied pieces of fruit.

It is best to buy tea in large supermarkets - sellers at the market can also sell low-quality goods. The same goes for Vietnamese coffee, which has an incomparable taste and, when cold, perfectly quenches your thirst in the heat. It is better to drink hot coffee in the morning, welcoming a new day, or in the evenings, admiring the beautiful sunset. It is best to export coffee beans from Vietnam, since ground coffee may lose its aromatic properties along the way.

Other gifts and souvenirs from Vietnam

Vietnam - what to bring from Vietnam, besides clothes, drinks and jewelry? Products made from bamboo, leather, and mahogany will be an excellent gift and reminder of your vacation in Vietnam. All kinds of wooden boxes, trays, figurines, photo frames, etc. A huge selection of such products can be found in the town of Hoi An - there are numerous shops with wooden and leather products at low prices.

Products made from crocodile leather are several times cheaper here than in Russia. In the shops you can buy key holders, wallets, business card holders, belts, bags, purses, document covers and other leather products.

So, Vietnam: what to bring as a souvenir? For example, a pointed Vietnamese hat. This is an original and at the same time useful souvenir made from simple straw. This headdress may seem uncomfortable to wear, but you just need to get used to it.

You can take out many other, no less interesting and original souvenirs and gifts from Vietnam, such as:

  • porcelain dishes;
  • toys made from scraps of fabric;
  • incense burners and sticks;
  • keychains made of crocodile legs;
  • wooden dolls, etc.

Many tourists bring coconut oil from Vietnam; it has nutritional properties and is used, for example, as a softening and soothing agent after hair removal, as a hair mask, nourishes and restores hair, and many others.

The main thing is not to violate the laws of the country and export only what is permitted by the Vietnamese authorities.

It must be said that since ancient times, eastern culture has been famous for its unique recipes for medicines, anti-aging agents and various tinctures. Nowadays, numerous pharmaceutical enterprises in these countries - India, China, Vietnam and others sacredly honor long-standing traditions, use ancient recipes and exclusively natural ingredients. Vietnam is no exception. All natural medicines are very cheap here, so, of course, you should buy as many of the medications you need with you as possible, especially since you have many elderly relatives.

Perhaps the most popular ointment in Vietnam these days is Cobratoxan, which has an excellent effect on arthritis, radiculitis, muscle pain and neuralgia. And this is no coincidence, because this ointment is based on snake venom, which has a healing effect. It quickly relieves all pain, penetrating deeply into muscle tissue. Tourists, as well as people who constantly visit Vietnam on business trips, buy whole packages of this ointment. On the modern medicinal market, this ointment is the best warming agent. A slightly less popular massage balm is “White Tiger”. It does not have as strong an effect as Cobratoxan, but it perfectly relaxes muscles, overcomes aching pain and improves blood circulation.

Do you remember how the Vietnamese balm “Zvezdochka” was popular in Soviet times? So, it is still produced in Vietnam to this day, only, in addition to the usual ointment in the red packaging, many different variations have appeared. So now it can be found in the form of a pencil, and in the form of an inhalation product, and in the form of a liquid balm. Since that time, asterisk is still used as an excellent remedy for mosquito bites, nasal congestion, colds, and headaches. I tried on myself the wonderful effect of this ointment on a wasp sting. The tumor subsided very quickly. And if you use “Star” at the very beginning of a cold, you can cure this disease in its very bud.

Recently, not only in Vietnam, but throughout the world, medicines made from Lingzhi mushrooms have become increasingly popular. Even 2000 years ago, these mushrooms were considered a remedy that gave, if not immortality, then certainly longevity. The Chinese called them mushrooms that “give eternal youth.” They have a truly unique composition and practically no side effects have been identified. They help restore immunity in the body, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, help stabilize blood pressure, lower sugar levels and promote liver regeneration.

Another drug that is popular among our tourists is Glucosamin. It contains the well-known substance glucosamine, which helps strengthen joints and ligaments and helps in the restoration of cartilage tissue after injuries. These drugs are produced with different contents of the active medicinal substance glucosamine, so before using it, it would not be superfluous to have an additional consultation with your doctor.

And another very useful and important medicine, especially for older people, sold in Vietnam is Cebraton. It effectively helps improve blood supply to the brain and generally improves its functioning, an excellent remedy for deteriorating concentration, memory, stress and insomnia. Also, treatment with this drug is extremely effective for frequent headaches. This miracle drug contains many medicinal herbs that grow exclusively in Southeast Asia. And most importantly, this drug is used to treat the consequences of strokes, it helps patients recover faster and return to normal.

Recently, drugs that help restore separate male and female health have become increasingly popular among tourists. In Vietnam, a fairly decent number of such products are sold, helping in a variety of areas. There are drugs to increase male potency and libido in women, to normalize the condition during menopause, to treat fibroids and other serious female diseases. All these preparations are created exclusively on the basis of natural herbs and plants.

And finally, it would not be amiss to bring from Vietnam such a medicine, which has recently been very popular in the post-Soviet space, as an extract from artichoke leaves. It is sold in many pharmacies, so finding it will not be difficult. Basically, artichoke extract has an excellent antispasmodic and choleretic effect, has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, and also has a sedative and antipyretic effect.

When traveling around the world, you always want to bring something to remember your trip. Therefore, it is not surprising that everyone abroad asks the question: “What should I bring as a souvenir?” And Vietnam is no exception. This Asian country has a lot of interesting and useful things: Vietnam is a paradise for shopaholics and lovers of exotic souvenirs. You will be surprised not only by the range of products, but also by the low prices.

Markets and shops

Prices in local markets and in stores are not very different, but they differ. Typically, stores sell branded clothing and shoes, equipment, jewelry and souvenirs. By the way, there are few such stores in Vietnam. In the markets you can buy all the same things, but handicrafts, plus an abundance of hand-made products. They are aimed at local buyers and those who want to save money on goods.

The only disadvantage of market products is their quality (not counting food products). With low prices and excellent bargains, tourists stuff their suitcases with whatever they can find. Usually, the choice of souvenirs depends entirely on what region of the country you are in. Then there is the question of the amount you have available. And one last thing. You must decide what it should be: a gift or souvenir.

Coffee and tea

Tourists usually bring tea or coffee from Vietnam. Green tea is sold everywhere here - pure and with various additives - lotus, ginger, oolong and others. In order not to make a mistake when choosing tea, we advise you to buy it in a store that lets you try it. Usually they buy teas from the Than Nguyen brand. A kilogram of tea will cost from $6.5 (with additives) and $4 (pure tea).

Vietnam has very high quality coffee (the second largest coffee exporting country in the world). However, there is one point: the Vietnamese know their secrets and secrets of brewing coffee. They have a whole ceremony here. Therefore, if you want the same coffee at home as in Vietnam, you need to buy a special cup for brewing coffee and watch the brewing process in a cafe. Popular coffee varieties are usually Nguyen Chung or Kopi Luwak. Typically, a kilogram of high-quality coffee will cost from $4 (it all depends on the bean size and variety).


As you know, Vietnam is famous for its natural silks. But it is best to buy silk not in the market from traders, but in shops at the factory. If you take a silk product, pay attention to the item completely - so that the pattern is uniform, so that there are no defects (hooks, knots). Usually they buy robes, dresses, stoles, shirts. So, a robe will cost about $11, pajamas – $6-8.

They also bring from Vietnam paintings embroidered on silk or handmade fans. But the cost of such products is high. For a painting embroidered on silk you can pay up to $100 (size 60x40), large canvases cost from $350, and handkerchiefs cost $2. Please note that the product “shrinks” after washing. Therefore, it is worth buying silk clothes one size larger.

Leather Products

Compared to other countries, reptile leather products are not that expensive. They are usually sewn from crocodile or snake skins. For example, a men's belt costs $6-10, wallets and small bags cost $10-15, and a women's small bag costs from $2.

Clothes and shoes

Branches of famous brand companies Nike and Adidas have been opened in Vietnam. Therefore, you can buy clothes and shoes of these brands at low prices (in Ukraine they cost four times more, and it’s not a fact that you will buy a branded item). For example, here you can buy sneakers for $50, and T-shirts for $6-10.

Jewelry and gemstones

As with other goods, prices for items made of silver, gold and pearls differ significantly in Vietnam from Ukrainian prices. And, naturally, you need to buy such products in specialized stores. Require certificates for all products! The cheapest pearl products are sold on the shores of the China Sea. It is there that he is caught (raised). In Saigon you pay twice as much for pearl products. Before making a purchase, consult with someone who understands pearls. Pearl products cost from $8 and above (depending on what you want to buy - a ring, beads or the pearls themselves). And pearls are sold in white, black and pink.

The country has the cheapest silver products. And they are very beautiful. A pair of silver earrings will cost from $2. Products made of silver with precious stones will be expensive, almost like ours, but you won’t find such a cut in Ukraine. Some bring silverware and cutlery from Vietnam.

Exotic tinctures and alcoholic drinks

There is no excise tax on alcohol in Vietnam, so high-end foreign drinks are inexpensive. In addition, the country produces more than 100 types of alcoholic beverages. From local alcohol they prefer to bring rum, with different additives and tastes. As souvenirs, they bring alcoholic tinctures with various reptiles - snakes, lizards, iguanas, scorpions and frogs. Usually such souvenirs are sold in markets and private shops. The price depends on the container and the animal that is preserved in the bottle - from $2 to $10.


This country has a huge selection of exotic fruits. There are also non-perishable items that you can bring home. For example, lychee, longan, mangosteen, rambutan and many others. Before buying, be sure to bargain, because prices for fruits are several times higher. In stores, the price for fruit is set (bargaining is inappropriate). We advise you to purchase phytosanitary documents from sellers. And find out at Ukrainian customs (before flying to Vietnam) which fruits are prohibited from being imported into our country. So that upon arrival they are not simply confiscated from you. As a gift, you can buy fruit chips from mango or ginger, or candies with fruit fillings in Vietnam.

National souvenirs

The abundance of souvenirs on the market stalls in Vietnam is eye-opening. Craftsmen are trying their best. Here you will find bamboo products, wooden plates, trays, figurines, painted vases, musical instruments, objects inlaid with mother-of-pearl, household utensils - spoons, forks, hairpins, chopsticks, paintings, masks, boxes, national dolls and more.

Traditional souvenirs in the country are flip-flops and panama hats made of banana (or palm) leaves. However, do not look at the size of the slippers - they do not correspond to our sizes (measure the length with a ruler). Flip flops are cheap and cost $1 a pair. The hat also comes at the same price (sometimes cheaper).

Traditional medicine

Many tourists bring traditional medicine from Vietnam as souvenirs. This includes the famous “Zvezdochka” balm (6 pieces for $1) and various rubs – cobra, python or tiger fats. Balms for rubbing against radiculitis here cost from $1.5, creams for dermatitis from $4, tinctures for “male strength” from $2, a lot of ointments, balms of natural origin, dietary supplements. And, of course, all of them need to be bought only in pharmacies, and not in markets.

Are you convinced that you can bring a suitcase of souvenirs from Vietnam as a gift to your family and friends? So, take care of extra luggage for everything you are going to buy in this exotic country. Good luck and have a nice time!

The vacation is ending, the day of departure is approaching, and it’s time to think about what to bring with you from your vacation in Vietnam. Of course, this resort country, like any other, is oversaturated with all kinds of magnets and souvenirs. But we are not talking about this rubbish here - there are many bright things that you will not find analogues in another country during the day.

Vietnam is a country with a rich national culture, which continues to live not only in remote villages, but also in large cities. Because of this, some products that would cost a fortune in Russia can be bought for next to nothing in this South Asian country. Anyone who wants to be 100% sure of the authenticity of a souvenir can buy it in a normal store or shop, but on the market the same thing is much cheaper and will come to you first-hand - as they say, from the manufacturer.

Here are the top 9 best ideas of what to bring from Vietnam:

For women:

  1. Cosmetics.
  2. Brand clothes.
  3. Decorations.

For men:

  1. Coffee.
  2. Clothes, shoes.
  3. Reptile leather products.

For children:

  1. Sweets.
  2. National dolls.
  3. Flashlights.

Quick navigation on gifts that can be brought from Vietnam:

National souvenirs


You can bring a fan as a souvenir from Vietnam for yourself or a loved one. You can find a variety of specimens in souvenir shops, small shops or markets.

The Vietnamese fan is a real work of art. Miniature fans can be used for their intended purpose, large ones are suitable for interior decoration.

Each fan is unique and unique. Many copies are hand-painted. The base of the fan is sandalwood. This natural smooth surface is ideal for painting. Connoisseurs of original things will pay attention to fans with elegant silk embroidery. The main motives of the artistic compositions applied to the fans are national natural landscapes, strange flowers and plants, and the work of ordinary peasants in the fields.

Please note: even a large fan can be folded compactly and brought home without damaging it.

Han doll

Vietnamese artisans create dolls from wood, ceramics, and make them using patchwork techniques. The most expensive specimens are made of ivory. The dolls are presented in costumes of various peoples of Vietnam.

A bright wooden doll can be an excellent gift for a child, and an avid collector’s collection will be decorated with a rare ivory doll in a national Vietnamese costume.


No, these are not Mexican maracas. Vietnam has its own wooden maracas. They are usually painted by hand. As a design, ornate patterns and views of nature are applied to the surface of a musical instrument.

Vietnamese maracas produce a pleasant soft sound. This gift will be appreciated by music lovers, musicians, children and all lovers of overseas souvenirs.

Maracas can also be used as home decoration.


You can bring a mask as a souvenir from Vietnam. Souvenirs look bright and reflect a variety of emotions. Craftsmen make them from coconut and bamboo, then paint the “faces” by hand.

A mask from Vietnam is a spectacular interior gift.


Fans of oriental cuisine will certainly like Vietnamese chopsticks. They are hand painted and each pair is unique. You can give the sticks to a gourmet friend or keep them for yourself. A set of chopsticks is the choice of practical tourists: the souvenir can be used, and not just left “idle.”


The national religion of Vietnam is Buddhism, which is reflected in the souvenirs. On the shelves of shops and benches you can find figurines of a laughing Buddha or Hottei. Small and large figurines are made of wood and bronze.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a Buddha figurine brings good luck and success to the owners of the house in all matters, which means it is an excellent gift for any person.


When choosing souvenirs and gifts that you can bring from Vietnam, you cannot ignore jewelry boxes. Large and small, painted and plain, the boxes are made of wood and natural stone. The inner surface of the products is lined with natural silk. It is better to purchase boxes in specialized souvenir shops so as not to buy a fake.


The attention of tourists will definitely be attracted by the voluminous colorful Vietnamese lanterns, different in shape and size. They are especially impressive in the form of a fire-breathing dragon. In some products you can see moving images inside.

In the photo: Lanterns in shops in Vietnam © bambooland / flickr.com

They are available in any souvenir shop or department. The most popular specimens among tourists have 4 or 6 sides.

Lanterns in Vietnam are made like Chinese ones. The tradition of making these souvenirs came from there. The technology for creating lanterns involves soaking a bamboo base. This is done in order to give the product strength and prevent rotting.

The Mecca for craft production of Vietnamese lanterns is the village of Hoi An.

An original flashlight brought from Vietnam will decorate any interior and delight you with its attractive and elegant appearance.

Nonla Hat

The cone-shaped straw hat "Non la" is the national headdress of Vietnam. With the help of such a hat, peasants protected their heads and faces from the scorching rays of the sun and from rain, or used them to carry crops or as a container for water. A thin silk thread holds the hat on the head.

Vietnamese Nonla hats are made from unripe bamboo leaves (cataphylls). They are cut into strips and soaked. Palm leaves are also used as material for creating hats. They are cleaned with sand and dried in the sun. The products acquire a snow-white color, which is protected with a layer of sulfur. Next, the craftsmen level the surface, divide it into strips and stitch it together.

The Nonla hat is a typical national item and an example of a wonderful gift from Vietnam.

junk boat

Visiting Vietnam and not sailing around Halong Bay on a traditional Vietnamese junk for a couple of days is a real crime for any traveler. And everyone should bring an old junk boat as a souvenir or gift from Vietnam.

Clothes and shoes

World brands

Vietnam is a country where the world's largest clothing and footwear manufacturers have their production facilities: Converse, Nike, Adidas, etc. Original branded items from well-known brands can be bought here at the lowest prices. However, there is a high probability of purchasing counterfeits, so you should carefully consider the choice of store and products.

Traditional Vietnamese clothing

A chic gift from Vietnam will be items of national clothing, for example, the Ao Dai women's costume, which includes an elongated shirt with an accentuated waistline, slits on the sides and wide silk harem pants.

As a gift for a man, you can choose a Vietnamese traditional casual suit: a brown shirt, white trousers and a cloth to wrap the head. A more formal look is created thanks to a long dress with slits on the sides in combination with a cotton or silk turban, made in black or brown.

Silk ties and scarves are of high quality and exclusive design.

These and other wardrobe items can be purchased in stores and markets.

Tailoring of clothes and shoes to order

A popular and inexpensive service in Vietnam is custom tailoring. Needlewomen in Hoi An will quickly and efficiently sew a dress or kimono with embroidery. To do this, you need to choose your favorite style, fabric and provide your parameters.


Of course, you can’t leave the country without traditional flip-flops. These lightweight and comfortable shoes are indispensable for the warm season. Just think about it: real Vietnamese flip-flops. Any person will be happy with such a gift.

Silk and fabrics

Vietnam is an ideal place to buy natural silk and products made from it. You can't take your eyes off these shiny, flowing fabrics. The silk here is of high quality and affordable. Shops and markets in Vietnam are replete with silk robes and pajamas, rich bedding sets, scarves and stoles, dresses, and blouses.

It is also better to purchase valuable fabrics in branded stores and factories to avoid the disappointment of buying a fake. There you can also learn about the fabric manufacturing process and order tailoring.

Reptile leather products

Mainland Vietnam is a humid, hot jungle, a great place for all kinds of reptiles. Vietnamese leather craftsmen make a variety of items and accessories from reptile skin: bags, wallets and purses, business card holders, belts and bracelets. A high-quality leather item is a good gift that will always be relevant.

But the most interesting thing in Vietnam is the crocodiles. The Vietnamese have long caught them for their very valuable skin - clothes, bags, and local ritual masks were made from it. You may be able to find a mask at the market, but you won’t be able to bring it with you. You'll have to settle on a more modest product made of crocodile skin. The prices are ridiculous; for just fifty dollars you can buy a handbag or a luxurious cigarette case.

Fruits and how to bring them correctly

Vietnam is the birthplace of exotic fruits: mangosteens, lychees, rambutans and the more famous mangoes, pineapples, bananas. Tourists bring them home fresh, candied, in the form of candied fruits and chips.

How to bring fruit from Vietnam correctly? Just follow the rules: they should not be washed, separated from each other with wrapping paper and natural fabric. It is better to eat ripe bananas and mangoes on the spot as they are difficult to bring in intact.

Crocodile meat

As surprising as it may be for us Europeans, in Vietnam people also eat crocodile meat. Not to say that crocodile meat is sold here at every turn, but trying an exotic dish in a good restaurant in Danang or Nha Trang is not a problem. If you want to find something that you can easily bring from Vietnam, and so that this something makes a great impression on your friends, then buy dried or frozen crocodile meat. You are guaranteed a corresponding reputation among your friends.


Vietnam is the world leader in coffee exports. The main deliveries are made to EU countries. In Russia, Vietnamese coffee is very rare. This country is a real paradise for coffee lovers. The drink is not boiled here, but brewed using metal filters.

The coffee here is inexpensive and of high quality. For $4 you can buy 1 kg of good coffee. The best place to buy coffee in Vietnam is the coffee plantations near Dalat. Here you can try different types of drink and go on an excursion.

In Vietnam, you can try and bring back kopi luwak - the most expensive type of coffee in the world. The technology for the “production” of such coffee is very unique: a small animal, the musang, eats the fruits of the coffee tree (coffee cherries), digests the shell in the stomach and then excretes coffee beans as its waste products. This is kopi luwak. This gift is suitable only for true aesthetes; for everyone else, it is better to choose classic coffee, presented here with more than 30 varieties. For example, the Nguyen Trung and Arabica varieties have a particularly mild taste. The Robusta variety contains a high percentage of caffeine and has a sharp taste, which is not for everyone.


Vietnamese people drink green tea. One of the most popular varieties is Thai Nguyen, which comes from the province of the same name in Vietnam. The drink is served hot or cold. In branded tea stores you can taste the drink before purchasing.

The taste and aroma of tea is often enriched with additives in the form of jasmine and lotus petals. The cost of tea without additives starts from $4; aromatic – from 6.5.

Green tea lovers will appreciate the local drink, and for a sweet snack you can buy Vietnamese toffees with coconut milk.


Natural Vietnamese sweets without chemical additives are in perfect harmony with tart tea:

  • candied local fruit slices;
  • nougat sweets;
  • tender coconut milk;
  • peanut;
  • lotus seeds.

Candy with seeds

Any store or shop will offer you candies that are very popular in Vietnam and contain a lotus seed inside. In appearance and consistency they resemble our glazed peanuts, but the taste! To put it mildly, he is not at all the same, few people can get used to him. If your loved ones have a healthy sense of humor, then bring these sweets and treat them. Naturally, there is no need to warn about their unusual composition.

Exotic tinctures

As mentioned above, there are countless kinds of reptiles in the jungles of Vietnam. There is little benefit from them, and there is practically nothing to eat there, except that the skin can be used to make something. But the cunning Vietnamese finally found a worthy use for snakes as the main ingredient for medicinal tinctures. Don’t be lazy, go to the market, look for a traditional medicine shop. You may not dare to bring such a drink with you, but the very contemplation of all these jars and bottles on the shelves, in which it is unclear what is marinated, will impress you.


Vietnamese cosmetics for hair, face and body care are famous for their natural composition. They include: aloe vera, turmeric, coconut milk and oil, snail mucus, etc.

In the photo: Cosmetics in Vietnam © Haru2212 / flickr.com

Peels are effective and therefore very popular in Vietnam. They are based on fruit acids, and hair masks are used with natural extract of orchid flowers.

The most popular samples of skincare cosmetics that can be brought from Vietnam:

  1. Korean gel Holica Holica: the product soothes the skin after adverse effects, consists of 99% aloe. This gel can be bought in Nha Trang.
  2. Acne 25+ by Mentholatum: cleansing gel for washing with granules for gentle peeling. The product can be purchased for $4.
  3. Skin care mask with turmeric or aloe vera and cucumber: has a liquid consistency, forms a film after application, can be removed after 15 minutes.
  4. Pearl powder: Suitable for improving skin condition and whitening teeth.
  5. Film mask based on activated carbon: deeply cleanses the skin, eliminates imperfections.
  6. Scrubs and peelings with charcoal: These can be found in local cosmetic stores in any city in Vietnam.
  7. Product with collagen and algae seeds: after its use, the skin becomes matte, more elastic and healthy.
  8. Snail slime cream Helix Aspersa Ohio: for exotic lovers.
  9. Creams AHA Collagen Snail, Snail Gold: just a godsend for fans of Asian cosmetics.
  10. Day and night cream Ocsen Ban Ngay: a product with snail secretion from the famous brand Thoracao.

In general, cosmetics from Thoracao are in great demand among Vietnamese and European women. Hair care products from this brand are also popular, for example, shampoo with saponin soap bean pods. Thanks to its natural composition, it is also suitable for children.

As a gift for yourself and your loved ones, you should buy Vietnamese coconut oil. This is an incredibly beneficial product for hair and skin.

Jewelry and gemstones

Silver has the lowest price in Vietnam, and jewelry made from this metal amazes with its beauty and grace. Pearls and pearl jewelry are always popular. Beautiful and high-quality jewelry with black, pink and white pearls can be bought for $10-20.

You can find cheap silver and ivory jewelry in the markets. For an expensive and exclusive gift, it is better to go to Nha Trang branded stores. Prices there are correspondingly higher.

Jewelry stores have a huge selection of precious stones. They are sold with a certificate that guarantees the authenticity of the treasures. When buying jewelry you need to beware of fakes.


Connoisseurs of porcelain will find remarkable examples in Vietnam: hand-painted bowls and vases of various shapes and sizes, plates, dishes and entire sets. Vietnamese porcelain products are unique. National motifs are reflected in the drawings.

Dishes, as a household item or a product for interior decoration, are always a valuable and effective gift.

The constant advice to tourists is to be careful and not buy counterfeit copies.

What to bring specifically from each city in Vietnam

Now we will tell you what souvenirs and gifts you should look for in a specific city in Vietnam.

What can you bring specifically from Nha Trang?

There is a museum in Nha Trang where you can admire the most beautiful paintings, buy them and bring back the ones you like. Their stories are conveyed using hand embroidery on silk cloth. It looks very impressive. Here you can see the process of creating works of art and purchase them. The cost of products depends on the degree of complexity of the work and their size. Nha Trang is also famous for its high-quality and inexpensive reptile leather products, jewelry, silk, and cosmetics.

From Mui Ne You can bring pearls and jewelry home.

If you are in Phan Thiet, then bring from this city: leather goods, branded clothing and traditional Vietnamese goods.

To the brave souls who went to Hanoi You can bring: sweets, dolls, lanterns, interior items. It’s all very easy to find on local streets at low prices. Also pay attention to branded clothing, shoes, coffee and tea, jewelry and interior items.

From Ho Chi Minh City Bring home leather goods, jewelry, sweets, and fruits.

What cannot be taken out of Vietnam

We have compiled a complete list of souvenirs and gifts that you cannot take with you from Vietnam. It includes the following items:

Gold. Gold jewelry is sold in jewelry stores and in specialized departments at the bazaar. Products made from this precious metal are cheap in Vietnam, but you will have to stop when the total weight of the jewelry is 300 g. If a tourist intends to purchase more, it is necessary to obtain a permit from the National Bank of Vietnam.

Souvenirs made from local inhabitants. This list includes: products made from animals and reptiles, stuffed sea turtles, products made from bones, teeth, wool of rare animals, feathers of rare species of birds, rare Vietnamese plants, natural corals.

Antiques. Without special certificates, you cannot export art and antiques, precious stones and jewelry with them from the country.

You can bring shells, but in very small quantities.

  • watermelons (they can crack and stain passengers and the aircraft cabin);
  • coconuts (the shell of the fruit is not transparent, therefore, there may be prohibited things inside);
  • durian (if the skin is damaged, an unpleasant odor occurs).

You cannot take more than 3 bottles of alcohol in glass containers with you from Vietnam (per person).

In Vietnam you can find exquisite national souvenirs for every taste and budget, thereby taking with you a piece of this diverse country.

Decide for yourself what is always worth bringing with you from Vietnam: banal souvenirs, interest in which will evaporate in a week, or something non-standard. There are no Vietnamese comrades to taste or taste.

When returning from a tourist trip, we always strive to keep warm memories of it, bring various things and souvenirs with you to please your loved ones and friends or keep it as a souvenir.

Modern fashionable phones no longer have problems with firmware, as it was before. Russian language is displayed correctly.

Are in particular demand exotic alcohol tinctures. They are sold in glass bottles and are based on snakes, scorpions or lizards. Such drinks can be prepared even in the presence of a tourist.

To the girl

All girls love jewelry. That's why Let's immediately pay attention to the pearls. In Vietnam you can buy it of good quality and at a reasonable price.

They sell it on almost every corner, so you need to approach your choice very carefully. It's better to buy jewelry in famous stores - HungVuong, TranPhu, Nguyen Thien Thuat.

Here you can be provided with a certificate for the product, but you will have to pay more. In the tourist area, prices are cheaper, but the risk of buying counterfeit rice increases.

When choosing a gift for a girl, you should once again return to branded Vietnamese cosmetics, sweets, fruits and clothes. We will not dwell on them in detail.

To kid

What souvenirs to bring from Vietnam? For children they often bring different national souvenirs and toys made of wood and fabric, as well as fruits, sweets, tea, clothes. The markets sell a lot of high-quality children's items at competitive prices.

Vietnam is an amazing country with a rich culture, special life and long history.

There are so many different interesting things, souvenirs and gifts that you can bring from this country. They will be able to delight and remind you of a warm trip for a long time.