Gypsy traditions. Customs and traditional culture of Russian Gypsies

I decided to figure out how real gypsies live, what traditions and codes they adhere to, what laws they obey.

The customs of the Gypsies largely depend on their environment and religion. But there are still basic laws that have not changed for centuries. These are the foundations on which gypsy society is built. We'll talk about them today.

Modern gypsies:

And the gypsies:


It is generally accepted that gypsies do not stay in any one place for long and constantly roam. Currently, this is not the case; for example, of all Russian gypsies, only 1% are nomadic. A sedentary lifestyle allowed the gypsies to settle in ordinary houses with all the amenities. The gypsy house is distinguished by its pompous design and “rich” decoration, designed to resemble a luxurious mansion or some famous building. This is especially clear in the example of Romanian gypsies. But this, of course, if the owner has money.

Houses of wealthy gypsies from outside:

And inside:

And the houses of poor Romanian gypsies are, as a rule, one-story tiny shacks.

By the way, the one-story building is directly related to the gypsy concept of “filth” coming from a woman, or more precisely, from the lower part of her body. It is believed that “filth” flows down and is capable of staining everything that is “underneath”. Therefore, many gypsies preferred to build one-story houses so that women would not rise higher.
Currently, of all Russian Gypsies, only 1% are nomadic
In modern houses of rich gypsies, of course, there are more than one floor, and only men and little girls who do not yet have the “ability” to “defile” are allowed to go higher. By the way, there is no exact definition at what point this “filth” appears in a woman: either when she becomes sexually mature, or when she loses her innocence.

Gypsies, early 20th century:

Gypsies take marriage very seriously. It is believed that it is customary for them to remain faithful to their soulmate, but, of course, this applies to women to a greater extent. Gypsy men take care of their family and do not leave their children without attention and care. Children in gypsy settlements have the best life: they are the object of attention of all the surrounding women, they are usually pampered and generally treated very affectionately.
The one-story building is directly related to the gypsy concept of “filth” coming from a woman

There are legends about gypsy weddings. It is believed that this is a large-scale celebration, with songs and dances, which will not leave anyone behind. The bride must be “pure” and innocent before marriage. According to customs, it used to be customary to show the guests the veil from the marital bed after the first wedding night. A man could “walk” with non-gypsy women even before marriage.

The life of today's gypsies, of course, has become “modernized” in many ways. So, now it is difficult to name any dietary features and taste preferences of gypsies. However, among the “traditional” dishes, one exotic one can be distinguished - hedgehog. The gypsies roamed and caught the living creatures that were found in the surrounding area - birds, animals, and, among other things, hedgehogs. They were used to cook stew or stew meat.

Good and bad

Roma laws are aimed at regulating relations both within the Roma society and at relations between Roma and non-Roma. In the latter case, it is considered correct and reasonable to adhere to the norms and rules of the non-Gypsy society with whom the Gypsies interact. By the way, marriages between gypsies and non-gypsies are not prohibited, but they are not very encouraged either.

Within the gypsy society, many things are regulated: the form of communication, the choice of clothing, the traditions of major holidays and much more.

The most terrible punishment for any gypsy has always been considered expulsion and isolation. Such punishment can follow for committing a serious crime, from the point of view of the Gypsy code: murder, rape, and sometimes theft. For a gypsy, after the ritual of exile, returning back to his native society will be very, very difficult. It is believed that outcasts from the gypsies lead a predatory and extremely marginal lifestyle, because in their understanding the worst has already happened and there is nowhere to fall lower.
The most terrible punishment for any gypsy has always been considered expulsion

By the way, cut hair among gypsies is a symbol of dishonor. Usually the outcasts just had their hair cut off.

Historically, gypsies had a certain set of professions that they engaged in: crafts, trade, acting, show business, and the famous begging and “fortune telling.” In addition, gypsies do not shun working with animals, in particular horse breeding. But there are some works that are considered “non-gypsy” and therefore shameful. These include factory work, street cleaning and journalism. If a gypsy has one of these professions, then, as a rule, he tries not to advertise it.

Gypsy Baron:

There is a cliché about the “gypsy baron,” that is, the main person in the camp, to whom they go for advice, give all sorts of honors, send “outsiders” to him and ask him to administer justice. In fact, the gypsies have a very strong cult of seniority; respect and honors are due to older members of society. But, as a rule, there is no one “leader” - this is a collection of respected older people. By the way, it is considered a serious offense to express disrespect towards those who are older.


The famous gypsy outfits, in which they are usually depicted in illustrations, appeared not so long ago. Previously, the gypsies dressed in what they could beg from the local population. Accordingly, their costume depended on their habitat. The famous women's skirts with frills were invented by Romanian gypsies, looking at the style of Spanish women. A frilled skirt is a practical thing: as soon as the hem wears out, rags and ribbons attach to it, and the outfit looks renewed.

Men often prefer to wear a jacket or vest with large buttons, boots and a hat.

Journalism was considered a shameful profession for a gypsy

The gypsies have their own folklore, songs, music, and poetry. Literary heritage includes stories, myths, proverbs and sayings that are passed down from generation to generation.

Among the gypsies there are many famous cultural figures: musicians Alyosha Dmitrievich, Mikhail, Nikolai and Sergey Erdenko, Janos Bihari, Gianni Linkach, Petr Demeter. The famous actor Charlie Chaplin also had gypsy roots. Gypsies also became famous as actors, writers and athletes.

Gina Lollobrigida as Esmeralda:

Gypsy culture inspired and still inspires artists: who hasn’t read Pushkin’s poem “The Gypsies” or hasn’t remembered the beautiful gypsy Esmeralda from Hugo? And, of course, when it comes to gypsy culture, it is impossible not to recall the work of director Emir Kusturica.

Gypsies are a mysterious nomadic people. Their life and history are shrouded in many myths and prejudices, and their culture is original and has roots in the distant past. Historians, cultural experts, ethnologists and ordinary people are concerned with the question of where they came from, how they live and what kind of faith the gypsies have.

Gypsies - who are they?

Gypsies are one of the largest ethnic groups in Europe. Bulgarian ethnologists call it an intergroup ethnic formation. The essence of this definition lies in the characteristics of the settlement of Roma in different territories. The mosaic distribution of gypsies is associated with a huge variety of their varieties and distinctive features. Depending on the territory of residence, there are different ethnic self-names: Sinti, Manush - people, Kale - black, Roma (Romani) - a general political designation for all Gypsies living in Europe.

Having no permanent habitat, gypsies live in all corners of the planet except Antarctica.

Types of gypsies

The division of Roma into ethnic groups depends on their territorial location and occupation. Ethnologists distinguish three western and three eastern branches of the gypsies.

Western ones include:

  • Roma is one of the largest groups. It includes the gypsies who occupy the territory of Europe.
  • Sinti - German and French gypsies.
  • Iberians - Spaniards and Portuguese.

The eastern branch is formed by:

  • Lyuli are Central Asian gypsies.
  • Bosha are gypsy peoples occupying the territories of Turkey and the Caucasus.
  • Home - Arab peoples and those living in Israel.

There are small gypsy groups that are difficult to attribute to any specific branch. On the territory of Europe live ethnic groups that are similar in culture, but not related to the gypsies: Travelers from Ireland and Yenish from Central Europe.

Researchers of Gypsy culture talk about the possibility of dividing Gypsies into groups according to their type of activity.

What religion do the gypsies profess?

Gypsy culture is closely connected with the Gypsies, forms their traditions, customs and moral and ethical standards and, as a rule, depends on the territory of residence. The main religions to which the Roma belong are Christianity and Islam. But to this day, features of Hinduism, Shaivism, animism, Zoroastrianism and magical elements have been preserved in official beliefs.

Researchers argue that the adoption of a particular religion was a way of self-defense. When settling in a particular region, the gypsies tried to at least outwardly conform to the followers of the local religion, so as not to come into conflict with the indigenous population.

Regardless of what faith the gypsies of one group or another belong to, their mentality and beliefs, developed over a long period of their existence, leave an imprint on the adherence to certain moral norms.

Outward acceptance of the official religion gives the Roma the opportunity to pay tribute to their pagan and animist idols. For example, Central Asian gypsies had gods representing the Sun. The faith of gypsies in the West is based on the idolization of the Moon. The full moon was considered a holiday on which magical rituals and witchcraft rituals were carried out. The faith of the gypsies in India is based on the idolization of the phallus; the cult of Shiva and the goddess Kali is also widespread here.

Regardless of what religion the Gypsies belong to, they pay great attention to protection from evil spirits. A serious task is to protect the newborn from powerful demonic forces. After birth, he is sprinkled with salt water and given a name that will be spoken only at certain periods of his life. The rest of the time the worldly name is used.

Veneration of the saints

The faith of the Roma is based on the veneration of female religious images. Despite the dominant role of men in society, their main saint is a woman. No matter what religion the gypsies are, everyone honors the mythological image of Saint Sarah. There are several legends associated with it. According to the first, she was the savior of the relatives of Mary Magdalene; during a terrible storm, she saved them by finding the way to the shore by the stars. The second legend says that she was the first to receive the Holy Revelation from the saints who sailed past her camp.

Gypsies who believe in an afterlife try to protect themselves from meeting the deceased. So that nothing holds the souls of the dead in this world, they burn all the things of the deceased and their houses. There are those who do not believe in life after death. Also, according to some ethnic groups, the soul can return to earth three times, once every 500 years. Serbian gypsies claim that after death a person lives the same life, but indefinitely.

Spirits and vampires are designated by the word "mullo". If a gypsy dies at the hands of a person, the mullo will find and hunt down the culprit. Slavic gypsies believe in werewolves. They become those who led a dissolute lifestyle or became victims of a vampire.

Customs of the Gypsies

The faith of the gypsies determines their customs. Russian Orthodox Gypsies are devout and the rite of baptism is obligatory for them. In Gypsy houses there is a “red corner” with icons. In Russia, Gypsies celebrate Christmas and Easter and get married in church. An important stage of a gypsy wedding is the recognition of the union by the community. This is the initial and most important stage of marriage. On Radonitsa, gypsies visit cemeteries where they beg for alms. This tradition is considered good, since those who give at this moment perform a good deed, fulfilling their Christian duty.

Saint George is one of the most revered gypsy saints. Holidays in honor of him are held in Turkey and the Balkans. Muslims also pay great attention to customs. However, women ignore the need to cover their faces, and men do not undergo circumcision.

Myths and legends of the gypsies

Whatever religion the gypsies belong to, there are common beliefs that determine their entire worldview. There is a story that a gypsy stole a nail that Roman legionnaires were supposed to drive into the head of the crucified Christ. For this, God blessed all the people and allowed them to steal. In reality, the tendency to steal is only a consequence of the historically established worldview of the gypsies.

They are convinced that everything created by God belongs to people and exists for the common good. Thus, fruits, animals and birds are a gift from God, given to people for free use. Today, theft is the main way of earning money for gypsies.

Raymond Buckland in his book “Gypsies. Mysteries of Life and Traditions” tells about a real case when gypsy children baptized the same borrowed baby eight times in different churches, because at the baptism the priest gave the child a coin. The lack of ties to a specific territory is also perceived as a gift from God; the gypsies believe that the Almighty has given the whole world at their disposal.

Russian gypsies. Customs and faith of Roma in Russia

According to official data, 200 thousand Roma live in Russia today. Their actual number exceeds these figures by at least five times. This is due to the fact that at the time many indicated other nationalities.

“Russka Roma” have their own dialect - a mixture of Russian, Polish and German. The traditional activities of Russian gypsies are horse breeding, music playing, dancing, fortune telling and the circus. It was in Russia that the genre of gypsy romance was born.

Most Russian Roma are Christians. But what kind of faith the Gypsies have in Russia is not important, the main thing for them is the general Gypsy law. The fewest rules govern relations with non-gypsies: here it is necessary to adhere to the norms of behavior that are established in society. More important are the laws of communication with both gypsies and non-gypsies: the prohibition of murder, rape, and physical mutilation.

Respect for the guest is mandatory. The largest number of rules concern behavior within the Roma community. The main thing is that no one has the right to elevate himself above another. However, in every community there is an unspoken leader and intermediary who is responsible for communication with the outside world. Most often such a person is

Gypsy laws strictly regulate communication with each other, with elders, children and women, the procedure for holding holidays, the rules for choosing clothing and a list of “decent” activities are regulated. Worthy professions are those associated with creativity, handicrafts, pottery and carpentry.

A significant part of Russian gypsies today are associated with crime. Among them, as among other ethnic groups, theft, begging and drug trafficking occur. At the same time, there is another side to the gypsy society, which includes talented singers, musicians and actors. For example, in Russia there is a worldwide popular

Impact on culture

The unique flavor of gypsy art had a tremendous influence on world culture: music, poetry and cinema. Everyone knows the heroes: the gypsy Esmeralda from Hugo’s “Notre Dame Cathedral”, the fatal Carmen of Georges Bizet, Pushkin’s Zemfira and Aleko, the modern boho style, touching romances and the music of Goran Bregovic - humanity owes all this heritage to the gypsies.


Gypsies are a complex and mysterious people. You cannot fully experience their culture without immersing yourself in it personally. The main thing is not to form your ideas solely based on the image of dirty beggars on the streets. In fact, the Roma are a distinctive and extraordinary ethnic group with their own laws, customs, rich culture and valuable heritage.

Gypsies are perhaps one of the most incomprehensible and mythologized peoples on our planet, and this has been the case for many centuries. There are rumors around the world that when gypsies come to a city, they seduce men and women and then steal everything in sight, including children. There are also many myths about cunning and mysterious gypsy fortune tellers and gypsy camps. In any case, even if we put all myths and misconceptions aside, the Roma remain one of the most interesting ethnic groups in history.

1. Where did they come from?

The origins of the Gypsies are shrouded in mystery. At times it seemed that they appeared on the planet in some mysterious way. This in itself may have created a sense of fear among Europeans and contributed to the atmosphere of mystery surrounding the Gypsies. Modern scholars suggest that the Gypsies originally migrated en masse from India in the fifth century.

This theory suggests that their flight was linked to the spread of Islam, which the Roma were desperate to avoid in order to protect their religious freedom. This theory states that the Gypsies migrated from India to Anatolia and further to Europe, where they split into three separate branches: the Domari, the Lomavren, and the Gypsies themselves. Another theory suggests that there were as many as three separate migrations over several centuries.

2. Nomadic lifestyle of gypsies

Many stereotypes have long been formed around the gypsies. Who doesn’t know the phrase “gypsy soul” (which is used in relation to freedom-loving people). According to these stereotypes, gypsies prefer to live, as they say, outside the “mainstream” and eschew social norms in order to be able to lead a nomadic lifestyle, replete with fun and dancing. The truth is much darker.

For many centuries, Roma were often forcibly expelled from the countries in which they lived. Such forced evictions continue to this day. Many historians have suggested that the true reason for the nomadic lifestyle of the gypsies is very simple: survival.

3. Gypsies have no homeland

Gypsies are people without a specific citizenship. Most countries refuse to grant them citizenship, even if they were born in that country. Centuries of persecution and their closed community have led to the fact that the Roma simply have no homeland. In 2000, the Roma were officially declared a non-territorial nation. This lack of citizenship makes the Roma legally "invisible".

Although they are not subject to the laws of any country, they cannot access education, healthcare and other social services. Moreover, Roma cannot even obtain passports, making their travel very difficult or impossible.

4. Gypsy persecution.

It's worth starting with the fact that the Gypsies were actually enslaved people in Europe, especially in the 14th - 19th centuries. They were exchanged and sold as goods, and they were considered "subhumans." In the 1700s, Empress Maria Theresa of the Austro-Hungarian Empire passed a law that outlawed Gypsies. This was done to force the Roma to integrate into society.

Similar laws were passed in Spain, and many European countries banned Roma from entering their territory. The Nazi regime also persecuted and exterminated Roma by the tens of thousands. Even today the gypsies are persecuted.

5. Nobody knows how many gypsies there are in the world

Nobody knows how many gypsies live around the world today. Due to the discrimination that Roma often face, many of them do not publicly register or identify themselves as Roma. In addition, given their “legal invisibility”, the birth of children without documents and frequent moves, many Roma are listed as missing.

Also problematic is that Roma are not provided with social services, which would help paint a clearer picture of their numbers. However, The New York Times estimates the number of Roma people worldwide at 11 million, but this figure is often disputed.

6. Gypsies are an offensive word

For many people, the term "gypsy" means nomad and is not considered a racial slur. But for the “Roma” themselves (or “Romals” - the self-name of the Gypsies) this word has ominous overtones. For example, according to the Oxford Dictionary, the English word "gypped" (derived from "gypsie" - gypsy) means a criminal act.

Roma, often called gypsies, were considered losers and thieves, a word that was burned into their skin during the Nazi regime. Like many other racial slurs, the word "gypsy" has been used for centuries to oppress the Roma people.

7. Future, inexpensive...

There are many myths surrounding gypsies. One of these myths is that gypsies have their own magic, which has been passed down for centuries from generation to generation. The myth is associated with tarot cards, crystal balls and fortune tellers' tents, as well as other stereotypes. The literature is replete with references to the gypsy language and the magical arts of this people.

In addition, there are many films that show gypsy curses. Even in art, there are many paintings that describe Roma as mystical and magical people. However, many scientists believe that all this magic is fiction, resulting from the fact that people simply did not know anything about the gypsies.

8. Lack of formal religion

European folklore often claims that the Roma made a temple out of cream cheese. Presumably, they ate it during a period of severe famine, so they were left without an official religion. Generally, Gypsies join the church that is most widespread in the country in which they live. However, there are many traditional Romani beliefs. Some scholars believe that there are many connections between Roma beliefs and Hinduism.

9. Modesty

Although gypsy weddings are often accompanied by mass celebrations and luxurious attire, the everyday clothing of gypsies reflects one of their main life principles - modesty. Gypsy dancing is most often associated with women's belly dancing. However, many Romani women have never performed what is considered today belly dancing.

Instead, they perform traditional dances that use only their bellies for movement, not their thighs, as moving the hips is considered immodest. Additionally, the long, flowing skirts typically worn by gypsy women serve to cover their legs, as exposing their legs is also considered immodest.

10. The Gypsy contribution to world culture is enormous

From the very beginning of their existence, the Gypsies were closely associated with singing, dancing and acting. They carried this tradition throughout the centuries and significantly influenced world art. Many Gypsies have assimilated into different cultures, influencing them. Many singers, actors, artists, etc. had gypsy roots.

Mysterious peoples lived on our planet in the past. For example, such as .

The mood now is Merry

At the gypsy flag
has its own symbolism: the upper part is blue, which means the sky, the lower part of the cloth is green, which means grass, and
in the middle there is a red wheel - a sign of the eternal road.

WEDDING. Parents get theirs married
sons and daughters aged 16-18. Matching pair
parents choose. The groom has wooed the bride, the bride’s parents are taking a closer look -
good or not. If the adults agree, then they must arrange a magnificent wedding for the bride and groom. It happens that the bride
steal. This is an old law. The guy liked the gypsy girl - he might steal her. It is important that later, when everything
will be revealed, he was in keeping with traditions. That is, the “thief” must be an honest and decent person.” Not required for gypsies
stamp in the passport, and a wedding in a church is encouraged. “On the wedding day, the main managers of the holiday can be considered
matchmaker and matchmaker, who must be elderly and not relatives of the newlyweds. We walk either in the house or in a cafe
or restaurant. We dance as families. The presenters announce: “Now let such and such a family come out.” And everyone, young and old, should
dance. At midnight, the matchmakers take the newlyweds to the bedroom and remain to guard their peace at the door. Then they have to bring a sheet
and show all the guests that the wedding is fair.

LANGUAGE. Although the gypsies have their own language, they do not have an alphabet. Therefore, they write gypsy words in Russian, Hungarian or
in Romanian letters - depending on place of residence.


Gypsies wear too much gold, say Gadjos (non-Gypsies). Roma has a simple explanation for this. "Strangers
They think that we are very rich if we wear gold. But buying gold is a long tradition. When our families wandered for centuries,
What kind of property could we buy and carry with us? Only decorations. - Besides, father
a family must leave an inheritance to their children, and what could be better than chains, earrings or bracelets? And since in
Our families have 5-6 children, so we buy a lot of gold. And it is believed that this is how the child retains the memory of his father and mother. Children
They keep these gifts that are dear to them all their lives. And for the daughter it is also a substantial dowry.


Gypsies sacredly respect their laws. The main rule: real rum will never offend, offend, or rob those people
among whom he lives. “The Romans are used to trusting each other, they will share the last piece of bread and will always help in difficult times.”
minute. If a rum comes to me and says: “I’m giving you gold to keep,” then he can be calm - with his valuables
nothing will happen. If we find out that one of our people has broken the law, then we can remove such a person from our
life. For example, for murder, drug trafficking.”

Expulsion from the community is considered the most terrible punishment among Roma. They stop inviting people to visit and helping.
Roma are hospitable people. If they move from city to city, they can always live with their brothers and borrow money.
It will not be possible to hide the dark past. Gypsy mail (based on the principle: word of mouth) works at lightning speed and make inquiries about
this or that family will not be difficult.

The Roma are divided into peculiar castes according to their methods of earning money: some beg for alms, others trade in markets.
A separate niche is occupied by those who have their own business, for example, restaurants or shops. They enjoy special honor
creative dynasties are the gypsy intelligentsia.

The law of respect for elders is unshakable. Children must listen to their parents. “God forbid, a child disobeys his father, we punish
child with a whip. Not with his hand or anything like that, but with a whip. Both fathers and grandfathers did this. Every home has a whip. And wives must be obedient to their husbands in everything. “A wife should be able to cook, entertain, and earn money. If
When discord occurs, they go for advice to the elders, whom Gadjos (non-Gypsies) call Gypsy barons. But the gypsies don't
barons, there are simply respected people who have authority among the Roma.


Gypsies pay great attention to various symbols and superstitions, because this is how they pass on from generation to generation
folk wisdom. If a gypsy finds a horseshoe on the road, he cannot pass by, but must act according to science. "Horseshoe
for a gypsy it is a symbol of happiness. And it should hang on the door of the house with the ends up so that happiness does not spill out. If a gypsy
finds a horseshoe on the road, which lies with its ends away from him, then this is a sign of good luck. He should pick it up and hang it on the door
of your home. If the gypsy does not pick up the horseshoe, luck will smile on him only on that day. If he picks it up, he'll be lucky
Always. If the found horseshoe is directed towards the gypsy, it cannot be picked up, as it brings bad luck.
You need to throw it over your left shoulder or hang it on a tree with the ends down so that bad luck pours out, spit it out and
continue on your way.

HERBS AND SPELLS. Gypsies do not like doctors, preferring in the old fashioned way to turn to healers for help. Maybe that's why
Many Roma people get sick infrequently and live long lives. “You can’t buy medicine at the pharmacy, it’s all chemicals. I'm only being treated
folk remedies. For example, when my eyes hurt, I make an elderberry infusion. You can drink it for coughs and colds. Giving an infusion
you need to say: “Oh, pain, go from your eyes to the water, go to the grass, go to the ground.
Go to the earthly spirit. That's where your home is. Go and rejoice." And it always helps me!
All my life I have been amazed that only gypsies can say about pain: “Go and rejoice!”


Our people - the Kotlyars - are the most ancient of the gypsies. By the way, we call ourselves gypsies and never call ourselves Roma. Roma like
As a rule, the Chisinau residents who came from Moldova and Romania, or the Crimeans, call themselves Muslim gypsies. Although our language
common, but they are different. Chisinau residents engage in fortune telling, wander... Crimeans - buying and selling gold. And we - kotlyars - always
earned their living with iron. My grandfather and my father were blacksmiths. But now all the men in my camp make money by
that they enter into contracts with various enterprises and buy parts and various scrap iron from them for next to nothing.

Why do gypsies love gold so much?

Only the lazy did not notice the gypsies' passion for gold. Gypsies prefer jewelry, teeth, and compliments that are larger and gold.
Gilded and golden wallpaper, mobile phones, shoes, buttons, sunglass frames... Even the red wheel on the gypsy flag
some organizations repaint it gold.

The simplest explanation for such a bias would be banal greed. Indeed, the gypsies pay great attention
prosperity. You can’t ignore the proverbs based on the play on words: “a poor person is considered a thief,” “where there is poverty, there is theft.”
Dress children nicely even for a trip to the sandbox, talk about the success of your business appropriately and inappropriately,
demonstrate expensive purchases made - it may seem that wealth for gypsies is an end in itself. However
wealth is just one of the main ways to show your professional worth, your intelligence, luck,
high professional level (the second, naturally, boasts about all this directly, in words).

Another reason for the addiction of gypsy women to gold jewelry (although gypsies also like such jewelry among men), ethnographers believe
insuring a woman against poverty in case of divorce. If my husband drives me out of the house, he may not give me the money and won’t split it
property, but it is unlikely that he will tear off the hoop earrings. In any case, a similar system exists among many Eastern
peoples: Turks, Arabs...

But besides the practical basis of the gypsy passion for gold, there is also a mystical one.

Gold is a special metal, as many peoples believe. Gold does not rust, perhaps that is why it is considered a metal
pure, and moreover, attracting happiness and money. Among the peoples of Europe, stories about gold are often associated with blood, with
a curse. In gypsy fairy tales it may be associated with evil spirits, but the accentuation “where there is gold, there are curses and
blood" - no. The main “golden” plot of gypsy fairy tales is that a lucky gypsy finds a treasure by hitting a snake with a stick or
the devil (who, by the way, is not a negative character in himself - he punishes for bad deeds and helps
good people).

Gold is the best wedding gift, especially for the bride; so, the godmothers give her gold jewelry almost as a mandatory
ok. If a young husband wants to show his love and care, he pays for his wife to have gold crowns on her teeth (this is
demonstration of one’s own wealth, and a magical gift - luck and profitability, which gold attracts). Kotlyary of Russia,
those who have the custom of bride price still use gold coins for this, or their specially made ones from gold
copies. A bride is not bought for money - for Gold.

Gifted or inherited gold cannot be sold or exchanged - this is more than a bad omen, it is very
Badly. Then luck will turn away, and luck is something to which the gypsies attach great importance. Extreme case of benefit
from such gold - delivery to a pawnshop with mandatory subsequent redemption.

Hoping to attract good luck and money, gypsy parents sometimes give their children names associated with gold: Golden,
Sumnakai, Suvnakuni, Zlatan, etc.

November 7th, 2016

Let's continue the series of posts about various things. This time we'll find out some interesting and persistent misconceptions about the gypsies and their culture.

Gypsies have been surrounded all their lives by speculation, tales and myths that are passed down from generation to generation. And all these myths are firmly rooted in the heads of not only ordinary people, but also writers and journalists. We decided to look into the issue and find out what is true in the statements about gypsies and what is not entirely true.

Gypsies are nomadic people

You cannot imagine the wandering of gypsies as aimless wanderings or romantic wanderlust. For centuries, the basis of life for most of them was crafts; the gypsies were skilled traders, skilled blacksmiths, jewelers and horse breeders. Therefore, this phenomenon was based on economic reasons: camp artisans needed markets for their products, artists needed a new audience for performances, fortune tellers needed a change in clientele. In each case, the area of ​​movement was specific and relatively small - approximately 300-500 km². And even when they found themselves in unfavorable conditions, the Roma were in no hurry to leave the territories where they were persecuted. This is how the Sinti ethnic groups appeared in Germany, the Calais in Spain and the Travelers in England. They managed to survive while in the midst of legally organized violence.

In the USSR, back in October 1956, a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council was issued “On the introduction to work of gypsies engaged in vagrancy”, equating nomadic gypsies to parasites and prohibiting a nomadic lifestyle. 60 years have passed since then, and today every Gypsy in Russia has their own home (rare exceptions of a marginal nature only confirm the rule).

The gypsies have a baron

This concept originated in Russia and is associated with the release of Johann Strauss’s operetta “The Gypsy Baron” in 1885. In the Gypsy language there is the word “baro”, which means big, in combination “baro manush” or “rai baro” - a big person, an important person. Due to the consonance of the word “baro” and the word “baron” existing in European languages, it was the latter concept that came into use when talking about gypsies. Most ethnic groups of gypsies do not have a leader in the community or a big man, with the exception of the Kelderars. In any case, baro are those people who are more educated than others, or simply live better, so they can be turned to for advice and they are the ones who conduct dialogue with the authorities.

Gypsies know how to hypnotize and tell fortunes

Gypsies are wonderfully able to confuse and distract attention, but not to hypnotize. The gypsies needed to earn money, and since the whole of Europe looked at them as a strange and mysterious people with supernatural abilities, the most enterprising simply began to use this stereotype. Gypsies know very well that a person has five senses and they must be “loaded” all together at the same time in order to disorient the victim: vision - with bright clothes, hearing - with fast speech, smell - with a specific smell, touch - simply by stroking the victim . And in the gypsy’s head there are a million more necessary skills in the field of human psychology, which he has been taught since childhood. It's simple, no magic.

Gypsies are one people

The expression “Gypsies are also Gypsies in Africa” has never been understood by the Gypsies themselves, because they are divided into completely different ethnic groups, which have their own languages, customs, religions, professions, and folklore. Even the gypsies themselves composed many sayings on this subject: “Kazhnoneste narodoste ekh chib, romende but chiba” (“Every people has one language, the gypsies have many languages”), “Kitik Roma, dakitik custom: kon nevestenza torginela, kon freenes len chorla , kon doryyosa otdela" (“How many gypsies, so many customs: who sells brides, who steals them for free, who gives them with a dowry”) - the famous gypsy scholar Nikolai Bessonov writes about this.

Gypsy men wear earrings

You can read on the Internet that an earring in a gypsy’s ear means that he is the only son. Another statement is that old people supposedly wore large earrings, which were called “gypsy horseshoes”, so that happiness would accompany them. But in Russia, the image of a gypsy with an earring in his ear took root thanks to “The Elusive Avengers” and Yashka the Gypsy. In fact, among gypsies, an earring is exclusively part of a woman’s image. Gypsy scholar Kirill Kozhanov even wrote in one of his articles that when he meets Kotlyar gypsies (they live on the territory of the Russian Federation), with whom he is quite friendly, they always ask to take off his earring.

Roma do not work or study

There is a layer of declassed citizens in any nation, including the Roma. They really only have a primary education and are engaged in trading or selling goods obtained illegally. But there are many representatives of this nationality, assimilated in the land on which they live: they honor their culture, serve the state, engage in science, etc. Every year a Gypsy Congress is held in Prague, which brings together the best representatives of the Roma peoples. Singer and musician Elvis Presley, Nikolai Slichenko (actor, and now director of the Moscow Musical Drama Gypsy Theater "Romen"), Zlatan Ibrahimovic (football player), Ivan Rom-Lebedev (Soviet actor), Dufunya Vishnevsky (film director), Tony Gatlif ( film director, winner of the Cannes Film Festival prize), Alexey and Mikhail Ilyinsky (writers), Alexander Berdnikov (musician, member of the group “Korni”) - the list of gypsies who have contributed to science and culture does not end here, and let’s hope that it will only grow.

Gypsies have never served in the army

It would be more correct to say that they never started wars. But they had to take up arms, more than once. Throughout history, the Gypsies of various states were drawn into armed conflicts: they fought wars for and against the Ottoman Empire, fought in the army of the French king Henry IV, served in the Portuguese troops, Russian Gypsies defended the Fatherland in 1812 and in 1941, and etc. They served in the infantry, aviation and tank forces; many were awarded medals and orders.

Gypsies are freedom-loving women

The spread of the myth about free gypsies was greatly facilitated by the poet Alexander Pushkin, who created the image of the passionate gypsy Zemfira in the romantic poem “The Gypsies.” Alas, the beautiful story is far from reality. Zemfira was a serf. In addition, all her behavior contradicts the traditional way of life of a gypsy family, where strict moral rules are observed. A girl must remain pure before marriage, otherwise she faces universal condemnation. She can only marry a representative of her own nationality (and the groom is chosen by her parents). And after the wedding, the gypsy must be submissive to her husband in everything. So in real life, it was hardly possible for Zemfira to have an affair with a stranger, Aleko, in full view of the entire camp.

Meanwhile, with the light hand of Pushkin, the myth about the character of the gypsy woman went for a walk throughout world literature. The charm of Pushkin's image also influenced Prosper Merimee, who created the legendary image of Carmen. This heroine also has little in common with a true gypsy, but for more than 100 years her image has been stirring the souls of people and inspiring the creativity of poets and composers.

A. Kozakevich. "The Stolen Child" Oil on canvas, 1880s.

Stolen children

"Lie quietly, otherwise the gypsy will steal you away!" With this phrase, mothers frightened children not only here in Russia, but throughout Europe. The stereotype is so entrenched that few people doubt it. Did you know that the Roma people have become victims of slander?

Alas, not only folklore tradition, but also art worked to create an unsightly image. With a consistency worthy of better use, poets and writers resorted to such a spectacular plot device as the kidnapping of a baby by a passing camp (so that, naturally, the true parents would be found in the finale). Nowadays, few people remember the tragicomedy of Alexander Hardy “The Beautiful Egyptian” or “The Gypsy” by Eugene Scribe. Moreover, the 17th century short story “The Innocent Egyptian Woman” by Jean-Pierre Camus has been forgotten. But the play “The Tricks of Scapin”, created by the great French playwright Moliere, is already better known.1

Let us also remember Cervantes' "Gypsy Girl". The heroine of this story, Preciosa, was kidnapped as a child from a noble family. All these works once played a role in instilling Gypsyphobia. However, there are stories that act on the subconscious of the current generation. Who doesn’t remember that Esmeralda in Hugo’s novel is the stolen daughter of a French townswoman? And who is not familiar with the denouement of The Marriage of Figaro? Everyone who watched this brilliant comedy knows that Figaro became a victim of insidious gypsies in infancy, and only a special mark on the body, applied by prudent parents, helped to find out the truth.

In general, various kinds of moles, amulet on the neck, and other attributes necessary for recognition after many years are such a standard literary device that sometimes it becomes simply boring. So, the theme of stolen children was developed in stories, tabloid articles, comic books and children's plays.2 And then cinema got involved. Yesenia from the sensational Mexican film is again not a gypsy by blood, and her appearance in a foreign environment is shrouded in the fog of an illegal transaction.

So is it any wonder that the myth still exists in the public consciousness? Few people want to hear that in real life, the kidnapping of children by evil gypsies is as “common” as camp cannibalism.

A very significant case occurred in 1802 in England. A certain Mary Kellen asked the police for help. She said that gypsies passing by Plymouth forcibly dragged her along with them. The “kidnappers” were immediately arrested, an investigation began - so what? It turned out that the impudent girl had escaped from the workhouse in Rotherhithe and asked for refuge in the camp. (Let me explain that workhouses in England at that time were something like convict prisons, and you could get there at any age.) When the truth was revealed, the judges were so outraged by the treachery of the fugitive that the gypsies were released from custody, and in their Even a fundraiser was held for the benefit.

But were there fair-haired children in the camps? Where?

Let's not forget that gypsies are people like everyone else. And they also have childless couples. It’s hardly worth explaining what a misfortune this is for the family. In such cases, people usually go for adoption...

Now put yourself in the shoes of the nomadic gypsies. Of course, they would prefer to raise a child of their own blood. But even if a little gypsy child remained an orphan, distant relatives took care of him. The gypsy family is usually very branched, so that an orphan that no one wanted was extremely rare in the national environment. What should a childless couple do? There was only one way out. Adopt or adopt a child of a foreign nationality.

This is what happened in practice. And without any kidnappings. Gypsies told fortunes in many villages. Sooner or later they found a baby who was perceived as an “extra mouth.” After this, the gypsies agreed either with relatives or with the peasant community. And very often they even documented the adoption. So that no one gets caught later. It turns out that either the gypsies raise orphans, or their own children are mistaken for stolen ones due to their uncharacteristic appearance.

The myth about the notorious laziness of camp men