Checkered figures. Graphic dictations (Drawing by cells)

I never thought that the popular student pastime of drawing pictures in squares means not only while away time at lectures!

This, of course, is not very good - not listening to lectures, but sometimes (in in rare cases and if there is a good reason) is permissible.

Then we didn’t think at all that this was not a simple pastime, but an action that also had psychological significance, and it will be so popular nowadays!

It turns out that drawing by cells in children develops fine motor skills, imagination, and logical thinking. However, all this can be attributed to teenagers and adult representatives of humanity, well, maybe with the exception of motor skills. Now this fun (drawing in cells) has even received a beautiful name - pixel art.

The benefits of drawing by cells in a notebook for children and adults

In addition to killing time and a cure for boredom, development fine motor skills and imagination. Drawing by cells helps in affirming one’s self.

How does self-affirmation occur? It's simple. There are people who love to draw, but they are bad at it. Well, God didn’t give them talent! And this is where pixel art comes to their aid. You can draw! You can transfer your vision of the world onto a piece of paper and illustrate your thoughts!

It’s also a great way to focus and calm down, which is very important in our fast-paced age of stress and passion.

Drawing by cells is very simple; you can do it in two ways:

  • on a piece of paper in a box (this can be a simple piece of paper from a math notebook)
  • apply cells of a certain size to the drawing you like and then systematically transfer it to another piece of paper

Of course, the second method is akin to plagiarism, but no one claims to be the author of this or that copied picture, but you get enormous moral satisfaction from your creativity.

The first method is great not only for children of all ages - from preschoolers to teenagers, but also for adults.

In addition to all the listed “benefits,” drawing in cells helps develop a sense of color. The drawing can be made in color using the entire palette of colors.

Pixel art does not require any expensive supplies - every person has a checkered piece of paper, a pencil or a pen. If you want to add color, take colored pencils, pens, crayons (although they are not very convenient for drawing small details).

If the paper or piece of paper you took is thin, or the markers are printed on the other side, place a thick sheet of paper or cardboard so as not to spoil the surface of the table at which you are working or other Blank sheet paper.

Graphic dictation

Let us explain to those who read this phrase for the first time - “graphic dictation”. This is drawing in cells according to a predetermined algorithm. For example, you dictate to your child which direction (right, left, up, down) and how many cells to draw the line.

You need to prepare for such a dictation in advance. You should have a piece of paper with a clear plan, dictation algorithm and end result(what kind of drawing the child should ultimately get).

Positive aspects of such a dictation:

  • development of mindfulness
  • development logical thinking, orientation in space
  • preparing the hand for writing (development of fine motor skills)
  • development of perseverance (which is important for modern hyperactive children)

You should start graphic dictations with simple drawings (for example, a ladder) and gradually move on to more complex drawings.

At the very beginning of the dictation, clearly state from which point you start the drawing, for example, 9 cells on top, 9 cells on the left and put a dot. This is the starting point.

An example of a graphic dictation "Klyuchik".

Retreat 5 cells from above and to the left, put a point - it will be the starting point.

  • 1 cell right, 1 cell up, 1 cell right, 1 cell down, 1 cell right, 1 cell down
  • 8 cells to the right

one cell at a time:

  • up
  • right
  • up
  • right
  • right
  • right

12 cells to the left and one cell each:

  • left
  • left
  • up
  • left

3 squares up.

The drawing is ready!

If you have the skills to draw by cells or have a lot of imagination, you can draw the picture yourself and then create an algorithm. You can do it differently - buy a collection of graphic dictations. Such collections can be for children of a certain age, for girls or boys. Drawing by cells and graphic dictations are interesting game which helps develop necessary for the child skills.

Examples of drawings for a simple graphic dictation.

Watch a video example of a graphic dictation.

Drawings by cells in a notebook, easy and complex

You need to start drawing in cells with easy drawings, gradually moving on to more complex options. Easy drawings are easy to do and accessible to young children. Below are easy drawing options that small children can handle.

Having mastered the technique of drawing by cells, you can proceed to more complex options.

Well, and finally, having learned “cellular” drawing, begin to master the color design of the drawing.

Drawings by cells in a notebook for children

When it comes into being little man, parents have added troubles and worries. Raising a child is not just about feeding, clothing and putting on shoes. Education is also the development of his abilities.

Much has now been developed in various ways and methods for this, but all experts agree that child development is best dealt with in game form. Using a method with game elements, basic knowledge of mathematics is taught, native language and much more, what is necessary for the harmonious development of a child.

One of the ways to develop a child’s logical abilities is to draw by cells. You need to start with the simplest drawings, for example, such as a Christmas tree, a steamboat, a flag.

Box drawings will help you learn letters. Having drawn a letter in the cells, the baby not only perceives it by ear, not only sees its writing, but also, as it were, touches it. All types of memory are included - auditory, visual and mechanical (draws a letter).

In addition to the letter, you can write sticks, ladders and other shapes, thereby training the child’s hand and preparing it for writing. Such exercises will help your child at school.

What does a child learn by drawing in squares? Correctly hold a pencil, correct algorithm of actions, counting, creative approach to the point, attentiveness and perseverance.

Gradually it is worth complicating the graphics of the picture and introducing colors. The child can choose for himself color scheme, thereby developing a sense of color and color combinations. By the way, such drawing helps to identify Creative skills children.

Drawings by cells, easy and complex for girls and boys

You already understand that drawings by cells or pixel art is a useful activity. When choosing drawings, they can be selected according to interests, separately for girls and separately for boys. Using this drawing technique, you can, even without drawing skills, realize whatever you want on a piece of paper.

Here are some examples of drawings for boys.

And any girl can draw such drawings on a piece of checkered paper.

Drawings for a personal diary

What is a personal diary? For some it is a way of self-expression, for others it is a recording of events happening in their lives, a personal assessment of these events, people, incidents. Someone writes down ideas and thoughts that suddenly came to him. Many people keep personal diaries - boys, girls, adult women and men.

Some events occurring in the lives of great people became known from their personal diaries. Often entries in personal diaries were accompanied by illustrations drawn by the authors. By the way, such illustrations of great people often became rare and helped to reveal the personality of this person more deeply.

What if you have no talent for drawing, but want to express your emotions not only through words, but also through drawing? And how can you illustrate your notes in this case? In this case, cell drawings can come to the rescue. Drawing them is simple and requires nothing more than a checkered piece of paper and a pencil. You can use ready-made drawings. Transfer them to your personal diary in the following way:

  • make a grid of cells in the selected picture
  • in a notebook (diary) draw the same grid according to the number of cells (the cells can be of a different size - larger or smaller)
  • start transferring the image from each cell in the selected picture to the same cell on the sheet

There are many examples of cell drawings on the Internet - you just need to choose and draw.

It’s up to you to decide what kind of drawings to “revive” your personal diary. Below are a few interesting drawings by cells.

Let the children draw, create, and fantasize! Not every one of them will become an artist, but drawing will give them pleasure, they will learn the joy of creativity, and learn to see beauty in the ordinary. Let them grow up with the soul of an artist!

Preparing a child for school is a long and obligatory process. Therefore, psychologists and pediatricians recommend starting a year before first grade, in kindergarten or at home. Because the baby needs to be prepared not only for mental and physical stress, but also moral. In general, how to educate, help to become more diligent, attentive and courageous.

If you can still mentally prepare a child for big changes, by communicating with peers in the yard and kindergarten. You can teach your child to be more attentive, develop writing skills, and carefully complete certain tasks with the help of graphic dictations and drawing in cells. Today, this is an incredibly popular activity that has won the hearts of not only preschool children, but also teenagers. This is a way to teach your child to write, develop logic, abstract thinking, perseverance and painstakingness, as well as fine motor skills. With the help of this activity, the child develops coordination, stability and corrects the correctness of his movements, so to speak, “getting a steady hand,” which will undoubtedly help him in school, when writing dictations and notes in a short period of time.

What are graphic dictations? Imagine in front of you a sheet of paper with cells drawn on it. The task contains arrows (showing the direction) and numbers (showing the number of cells that need to be passed in in the indicated direction). If you follow the signs accurately and carefully, draw a line in the right direction at the right distance, you get an image - a picture. In other words: graphic dictations are drawing in cells using the pointers in the task.

Such activities are recommended not only for children preschool age, in kindergartens, but for children under 12 years of age. After all, attentiveness and coordination of movements can be developed at an older age. A fun activity is an entertaining leisure activity not only for children, but also for adults. The recommended age for starting to draw graphic dictations is from 4 years. It is at this age that fine motor skills begin to develop, with the help of drawing in cells.

Graphic dictations It is used as an educational game in various places: at home, in extracurricular activities, on vacation, at sea, in the country, and even in a summer camp. It is important to interest children, and what will do this better than such an activity. After all, the end result will be an unknown picture, which can then be painted with pencils or felt-tip pens. By explaining this to your child, you don’t have to worry about his interest in this, not so much an activity as a game that develops his imagination.

So let's start execution. First of all, you need to prepare, namely, purchase a collection of graphic dictations. You can get them not only in specialized children's book stores, but also in a store with stationery, used bookstores. You can download them for free on some websites on the Internet (for example, on our website), you can also go to paid sites. The choice of such tasks is large; choose based on the age, gender and hobbies of the child. For kids just starting classes, it is best to choose graphic dictations (drawing by cells) with images of bunnies, cats, and dogs. For girls: princesses, flowers. But you can start with simple ones. geometric shapes: squares, triangles, prisms. This way you will immediately teach your child coordination of movements, improve hand motor skills, develop perseverance and attentiveness, and tell him about the names and types of geometric shapes. For boys, dictations with images of cars, animals, robots, castles, and funny people are suitable. The easiest graphic dictations, with simple figures and performed in one color - for beginners. More complex tasks - for older children. Choose graphic dictations on a topic that interests your child. If your child plays music, use drawings musical instruments, treble clefs and sheet music.

If you have already practiced drawing with your child using squares, start adding variety to your activities. That is, at 5-6 years old, you can do dictations that help you develop even more. That is, buy drawings with those animals that the child has not yet seen and does not know what they look like. Use colors that the baby has not yet learned very well. Expand your child’s horizons in this way, let him increase and replenish his lexicon new words, teaches them, finds out where they can be used. The main thing is good mood, passion and positive attitude of the baby before completing any task. Under such conditions, studying will indeed be incredibly useful, fruitful and not stressful for the child.

After selecting graphic dictations, start preparing. Remember that the child must be praised for a job well done. Even if the picture doesn’t work out yet, you don’t need to constantly prompt, guide and compare with other children. It is necessary to guide and push a little in the right direction. To do this, first of all, you need to teach the child where the left side is and where the right side is. Show where the top and bottom are on the piece of paper. This simple and simple knowledge will help you complete all graphic dictations with 100% accuracy.

Sit near the table, with an even and smooth surface so that the child can sit straight and correctly on the chair. Pay attention to the lighting. Advice: if you want to accustom your child to a school notebook, give him the opportunity to get used to it, learn to navigate, prepare graphic dictations on a sheet of paper, exactly like a school notebook. Now prepare a simple pencil and an eraser so that incorrect stripes can be easily removed and the same dictation can be continued again. Prepare yourself a pencil and eraser as well.

It is worth keeping an eye on the time so that the child does not get tired, so that his hands and eyes have a rest. Although if the child is not tired and wants to continue and finish the work now, there is no need to take away the dictation, the child will decide for himself when enough is enough.

There are time limits for working with graphic dictations

For children 5 years of age – maximum 15 minutes. For older children, up to 6 years old – a maximum of 20 minutes (from 15 minutes). For first-graders (6 or 7 years old) – maximum 30 minutes, minimum – 20 minutes.

Drawing by squares is a great way to teach your child to use a pencil and pen. Teach how to hold it correctly, practice so that your fingers don’t get so tired from holding an object at school. This exercise will help you teach your baby to count correctly, since he will need to count the exact number of cells before starting the lesson.

And so: in front of you lies a graphic dictation task, a pencil. In front of the child is a squared piece of paper or a notebook, an eraser and a simple pencil. On the child’s sheet, with or without your help, is depicted in specified location, starting point. Explain that from this point lines begin to be drawn (right, left, down and up), in the direction and with the number of cells that you name. Now proceed, next to the named task, and they are indicated in a line, put a dot with a pencil so as not to forget where you finished the dictation, not to confuse the child and, of course, yourself. Watch what the child is doing. Tell me if the baby is confused about where the left and right sides are. Count together, if necessary, the number of cells.

For example, you have a figure, the most standard one is a house. Tell your child what drawing you will end up with, or keep it a secret for later. more interest. From the point you need:

1 → - 1 cell to the right

Dictate clearly; the child must perceive everything by ear. At the end of the work, look at how much the baby’s figures coincide with the given elements. If the baby made a mistake, find out together where exactly. Using an eraser, erase the extra lines, starting from the point of failure, and continue drawing. It is important to maintain the child’s good mood during the learning process.

Many tasks, such as graphic dictations for children 6-7 years old and preschoolers, develop spatial thinking and perception of the world around them, perseverance and attentiveness, and most importantly help prepare preschool children for writing and the basics of mathematics.

- this is very interesting tasks which the child must complete on squared paper under dictation. The graphic dictation technique itself is based on developing the child’s attention and fine motor skills. This is very useful to develop before the child goes to school, but it’s okay if the child has already entered first or second grade, these tasks will be a useful addition to education.

  • To complete the graphic dictation exercise, you need to prepare sample tasks, and give your child a piece of paper, a writing tool (pencil, pen, felt-tip pen), a small ruler and an eraser. It is easier for the youngest students to use a pencil; the fourth or fifth year of life is already suitable for this type of exercise.
  • You can also make special sheets of paper for preschoolers, on which there will be large squares (not the standard ones of half a centimeter, but for example - 1 cm), they can be drawn in advance or printed. But children must complete the 1st grade graphic dictation on standard-checked notebooks.

You will have a drawing on your sheet, it could be different animals, a pattern or transport. The purpose of the exercise is for children to repeat the actions dictated by you, at the end of which the pattern should be identical to the sample.

Rules for drawing by cells

The tasks follow certain rules; this is not a math lesson, but it still teaches children the basics of counting and the concepts of direction in space. At the very beginning, you place a dot on the paper at the corner of the square (this will be the starting point), it should be in such a place that the child, repeating the pattern, can fit it on the piece of paper. Also, your child can set this point on his own, but you should tell him how much he should retreat from the top and side of the sheet.

Next, arrows will be drawn on your sheet, indicating the sides of the direction of space and numbers indicating how many cells need to be drawn to get the desired pattern. Example: horizontal arrows “5←” – five cells to the left, “1→” – one cell to the right.

Vertical arrows “3” – three cells up, “6↓” – six cells down. Diagonal arrows: “2↖” – two cells diagonally up to the left, “4↗” – four cells diagonally up to the right, “↘” – down to the right “↙” – down to the left.

Options for graphic dictations by cell

  • Dictations can be simple or complex, it all depends on the level of development of your child. So, for example, dictation for preschoolers should be very easy, since kids are just learning to hold pencils in their hands and are just beginning to navigate space. But dictations on cells for children in grades 1–2 can be more complex and the pattern can be made in different colors.
  • Exercises can be written in text ( short story) or simply have directional designations and numbers. Other dictation options may be intended different sexes. So a graphic dictation for boys can consist of drawings that the boys liked, these could be: a robot, an airplane, animals (pelican, rhinoceros, dog, etc.). Whereas for girls the picture can be: a flower, a doll, a cat, etc.

Simple tasks

Simple exercises are considered easy to repeat and form. So, for example, you can teach the basics of geometry using pictures with squares, triangles, trapezoids, rhombuses, etc. To make it easier for your little one to complete the lesson, help and guide him while sitting next to him.

If the baby gets confused, then tell him that he drew in the wrong direction and be sure to praise him when he does the right thing. IN simple lessons the lines must be directed strictly horizontally or vertically. You can draw a hint in the corner of the piece of paper, in the form of arrows and a number of names of directions.


To draw the “Dog” dictation, we retreat six cells to the left of the sheet and six from the top, put a dot, and start drawing from it:

2→, 1, 2→, 1, 1→, 5↓, 7→, 2, 1→, 3↓, 1←, 7↓, 2←, 1, 1→, 3, 6←, 4↓, 2←, 1, 1→, 3, 1←5, 3, ←2.

Color the dog in yellow, paint her eyes, you can paint the spots with a different color, for example, brown.


We retreat 6 cells from above and 7 to the left, draw from the point:

1→, 1, 3→, 1↓, 1→, 1↓, 1←, 1↓, 1←, 1↓, 3→, 1↓, 2←, 2↓, 1→, 2↓, 1→, 1↓, 3←, 2, 1←, 2↓, 3←, 1, 1→, 2, 1→, 2, 2←, 1, 3→, 1, 1←, 1, 1←, 1.

Paint it in any color.

Robot (graphic dictation by cells), draw a robot by cells


To draw a car, move two squares to the left of the sheet and 9 from the top, put a dot, and start from there:

4→, 2, 8→, 2↓, 3→, 3↓, 2←, 1, 2←, 1↓, 6←, 1, 2←, 1↓, 3←, 3.

Offer to finish drawing the wheels and windows and doors of the car, and paint it in any color.

Difficult tasks

The difficult lesson is that the shape of the drawing is not simple, it is no longer just squares and triangles, but full-fledged graphic drawings with many bends. In addition to horizontal and vertical lines you can add diagonals.

This complicates the process quite a lot, and should be done if the child loses interest and completes everything very quickly. You can also add different colors, i.e. one part of the drawing is drawn in one color (red), and for the second half the color changes (blue or green).


In order to get a donkey you need to retreat 32 cells to the left and 2 from the top, put a dot and start:

1→, 2↓, 1→, 1, 1→, 1, 1→, 2↓, 1←, 2↓, 1→, 5↓, 1→, 3↓, 1←, 1↓, 2←, 1, 1←, 1, 1←, 1, 1←, 4↓, 1←, 2↓, 1←, 2↓, 1←, 2↓, 1←, 2↓, 1←, 6↓, 1←, 7, 1←, 3, 1←, 1, 1←, 1↓, 1←, 1↓, 6←, 1, 1←, 1, 2←, 1↓, 1←, 2↓, 1←, 1↓, 1←, 1↓, 1←, 6↓, 1←, 8, 1→, 5, 1←, 1, 1←, 4↓, 1←6, 1→, 1, 1→, 1, 1→, 1, 2→, 1, 14→, 1, 2→, 1, 2→, 1, 2→, 1, 1→, 1, 1→, 3.

Color the donkey gray and add an eye.


Try to draw an airplane with your baby, use a special “formula” for this.:

2→, 1↘, 5→, 3↖, 2→, 3↘, 4→, 1↘, 2←, 1, 1→, 2↘, 5←, 3↙, 2←, 3↗, 5←, 3↖, connect at the starting point. Color the airplane gray, blue or green, do not paint over the cockpit.


So, the graphic dictation of a kangaroo needs to start by setting a point, retreating 2 on the left and 5 on top:

1, 2→, 1, 1→, 1, 1→, 1, 1→, 1, 1→, 1, 2→, 1, 1→, 4, 1→, 1↓, 1→, 1↓, 1 →, 1↓, 1←, 2↓, 2→, 2↓, 1←, 1, 1←, 1↓, 1←, 2↓, 2←, 1↓, 2→, 1↓, 4←, 1 , 1←, 1, 1←, 1↓, 1←, 1↓, 3←, connected to the beginning.

Color the kangaroo in Orange color, complete the eye.

Kangaroo (graphic dictation by cells), draw a kangaroo by cells


To draw a giraffe you need to start from the starting point:

1↗, 2→, 1, 1→, 10↓, 4→, set a point, from it 2↘, 1→, 1↓, 1←, 1, returned to the set point, from it 8↓, 1 to the left, 5 , reverse 5↓, 1←, 5, 3←, 5↓, 1←, 4, 1↙, 2↓, 1←, 2, 2↗, 1↖, 1, 1↗, 7, 1←, 1↖ and connect to the starting point.

You can draw spots on the giraffe and complete the eye.


To draw a graphic dictation of a fish, we retreat six cells to the left of the sheet and seven from the top, put a dot, and start drawing from it:

1→, 1, 3→, 1, 2→, 1↓, 2→, 1↓, 1→, 1, 1→, 1, 1→, 1, 1→, 1, 2→, 3↓, 1←, 1↓, 1←, 2↓, 1→, 1↓, 1→, 3↓, 2←, 1, 1←, 1, 1←, 1, 1←, 1, 1←, 1↓, 2←, 1↓, 2←, 1, 3←, 1, 1←, 2.

Color the fish's fins blue, add an eye, and color the fish itself green or purple.

Fish (graphic dictation by cells), draw a fish by cells

Drawings in a notebook are a great way to pass the time. This kind of drawing does not require special skills. All you have to do is open the sample drawing you like on our website and follow the geometry of the notebook - small squares. The standard size of cells in a notebook is 5x5 mm. The simplest school notebooks are suitable for drawing in cells.

Drawings on the cells in a notebook are a great way to pass the time

Drawing can keep you entertained when you're bored. Drawing by cells is not only exciting, but also useful. Those who don't have artistic experience, can get it thanks to this type of drawing.

Drawings by type:

Drawing on the cells in a notebook develops creative thinking, coordination and has an excellent calming effect.

Drawings by cells

Drawings by difficulty level

Our website provides examples of drawings of varying complexity. Here you can find drawings for beginners (suitable for children and those who want to quickly and effortlessly create a beautiful drawing), as well as more complex options. To begin with, you can try to create the most simple drawings, and then move on to a more serious level.

It doesn't matter what complexity you choose to draw. The main thing is that you can have a good time and relax well. Both adults and children who have never been creative can handle such drawings.

Benefits for children

If adults can just pass the time doing this interesting activity, then the children benefit from this great benefit. By drawing in boxes, children develop imagination, mathematical thinking and strategy. This provides some experience that can help children learn to draw larger and complex drawings.

Such drawing also has a positive effect on nervous system. This helps calm nerves, relieve psychological stress and suppress hyperactivity. Drawing in boxes while listening to calm music is a great way to relax.

What can you draw?

You can draw anything using the cells: animals, plants, landscapes, beautiful inscriptions, emoticons, cartoon characters, etc. Our website presents different variants drawings: for both girls and boys. You can choose any of them and start drawing right now.

How to draw?

To draw by cells, you need to stock up on a simple school notebook (or a larger one, A4 format) and writing utensils. To color the cells, you can use simple pens and pencils, as well as multi-colored markers, crayons and pens. Thanks to such a simple set of objects you can create truly beautiful and unusual drawings. Get started now.

Easy drawings by cells for beginners

Today, square drawings are popular among both children and adults. To create such drawings, people do not need any skills or abilities. Even if this is your first time holding a felt-tip pen, you can easily create a beautiful drawing. All you need for this kind of drawing is a simple school notebook, a few felt-tip pens (or a simple ball pen) and some free time.

The benefits of drawing by cells

Drawing by cells is useful for both adults and children. Thanks to drawing in boxes, adults can pass the time with an interesting activity and also relieve emotional stress. Such drawing is very calming, which is very important for people living in the modern urban rhythm. Also, drawing by cells will be useful for those who want to gain a little experience in the creative field. Thanks to this type of drawing, you can master the basics of creativity, which will have a positive effect on your general skills.

Thanks to drawing, children develop imagination, attention and even mathematical thinking. Drawing can relieve emotional stress and suppress hyperactivity in restless children. If you want your child to benefit from free time, make him draw. This is much more useful and educational than sitting on the Internet all day long.

Drawings by cells according to difficulty level

Our website presents drawings for both beginners and beginners. experienced artists. In fact, no matter how complex the drawing, anyone can handle it. It’s just that you need to spend less time on some drawings, and much more on others. To create some drawings, one simple pencil is enough, for others you need colored felt-tip pens.

If this is your first time visiting our website, you should choose. Such drawings are as simple as possible and take a minimum of time. In just 10-15 minutes you will have a finished drawing, in the process of drawing which you will get a lot of pleasure.

What can you draw?

If you have chosen easy drawings by cells for beginners, you can draw a variety of emoticons, beautiful inscriptions, flowers, figures, animals and much more. Our website presents different design options, so you can easily find the one that suits you.

What to draw with?

To create a drawing by cells, you will need the simplest set: a simple school notebook, a set of colored pencils/markers or a regular pen. Choose any drawing you like and start drawing right now.

Photos of drawings by cells

Here is a catalog of photographs of examples and sketches for drawing by cells in notebooks.

Photos of cats

Small drawings by cells

Small drawings by cells- a great way to pass the time. This type of drawing is popular among adults and children. This allows you to relax and enjoy the process.

The benefits of drawing by cells

This type of drawing is not only fun, but also very useful. Those who want to learn how to draw beautifully can start with cell drawings, since they are as simple as possible and do not require much time. Schoolchildren can create a whole drawing during recess, and adults can create it during free time at work, which will allow them to calm down and relieve emotional stress.

What can you draw?

To draw small drawing by cells, it is enough to have a simple set of supplies: a regular school notebook and a set of markers (or a simple pen). You can draw a beautiful inscription, emoticons, small animals, various symbols and much more. The drawing process will take only 10-15 minutes.

From the list presented, you can choose any drawing you like and start drawing right now.

Drawings based on squares are in demand among both adults and children.

Drawings on squares are in demand among both adults and children. When you have nothing to do and want to relax, you should try this type of drawing. Checkered drawings are a great way to relax and give yourself pleasure.

To create such a drawing, you will need the simplest set of supplies: a school notebook, a simple pen or a set of felt-tip pens/pencils. It will take no more than 20 minutes to create one drawing.

Types of drawings

On a simple checkered sheet of paper you can depict almost anything: animals, flowers, smiley faces, cartoon or video game characters, various symbols and much more. Presented on our website separate list"Drawings on squares for girls." The list contains both complex drawings and the simplest ones. You can do this kind of drawing at home or during breaks at school. The simplest drawing can be created in just 10 minutes.

Checkered drawings for girls will help you relax and improve your creative skills. Such drawing is not only educational, but also very useful.

Drawings for girls

Photos of the pattern by cells - Heart

Photos of drawings based on squares – Pony

Today, checkered drawings are very popular among teenagers.

Today, checkered drawings are very popular among teenagers. Very popular drawings for personal diary . Such drawings can depict almost anything: from animals to emoticons and various symbols.

The benefits of drawings by cells

Thanks to such drawings, children and teenagers can spend their free time usefully. Even if you don’t have creative skills, you can easily draw a picture using cells of any complexity. If you need drawings for a personal diary, check out our list and choose the most suitable options for yourself.

By doing this kind of drawing, children develop creative skills, imagination, attention and even mathematical abilities. Thanks to this drawing, you can perfectly relax and relieve emotional stress.

What do you need for drawing?

If you are keeping a colorful and vibrant diary, you will need a set of colored markers or pencils. If the colorfulness of the diary is not important to you, you can use a simple pen or pencil. You can draw 1 drawing in just 10-15 minutes.

Drawings for boys using squares are very popular

Drawings for boys using squares are very popular. First of all, they are relevant for those who want to learn how to draw beautifully. Such drawings can be created in just 15-30 minutes, and also significantly improve creative skills, so children can quickly learn to draw.

Drawings for boys

This section includes drawings different types: animals, cars, characters from various universes (for example, Minecraft or Marvel), unusual emoticons and various symbols. It is noteworthy that drawings for boys are most often created in one color, so you can use a simple pencil or pen to draw. If colorfulness is important to you, you can use multi-colored pencils or felt-tip pens.

Drawings of Ninja Turtles by cells

The benefits of drawings by cells

This type of drawing can improve drawing skills and abilities, as well as develop imagination and attention. In addition, drawing can be a great way to relax. By spending just 15 minutes, you can create a beautiful and attractive drawing.

Drawings by cells are an excellent solution for those who want to learn how to draw beautifully

Drawings by cells are an excellent solution for those who want to learn how to draw beautifully. Such drawings do not require special skills and abilities. All you need is a school notebook and a set of markers. You can also create a drawing by cells using a simple pencil. It takes 30-40 minutes to create a pattern using cells of average complexity.

How to draw?

There are no uniform rules for this kind of drawing. But it is much more convenient to draw from top to bottom, filling the picture from left to right. For general development you can try drawing from the center to the edges of the image.

Can be used for drawing simple pencils or pens, and multi-colored sets. You can depict anything: animals, flowers, characters famous cartoons or games, emoticons, beautiful inscriptions, etc.

Photos of drawings by cells

Our website presents high-quality photos of drawings different directions. Thanks to them, you can quickly create a beautiful drawing. The process of drawing will bring pleasure and help you relax well. You can get started right now.

Om yum on the cells

Cactus by cells

Ice cream - draw by squares

Word love in cells

Drawing of a dog by cells

Drawing a hamster by cells

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