Draw by square for 7 year old girls. Graphic dictations (Drawing by cells)

Drawings by cells are a modern form of art, characterized by the ease of the process and the beauty of the result. This kind of drawing will allow you to spend time with interest, while creating entire masterpieces.

Features of “pixel” images

Drawing on cells has now become not only a hobby, but also a part of modern art. This style came from the 80s of the last century from computer games with 8-bit resolution.

Features of drawing in the pixel art style are:

  • simplicity;
  • availability;
  • no requirements for artistic talent;
  • mobility;
  • clear lines and rectangular shapes.

Drawing by cells is not only a pleasant pastime, but also a method of developing intelligence. This technique differs from other techniques in its sedative effect on the emotional state of the person drawing.

What tools will you need for drawings in a checkered notebook?

Checkered patterns are light and beautiful, they do not require a large amount of materials. To create masterpieces of pixel art, you will need standard writing utensils.

A ballpoint pen will allow you to fill the cage with an even, dense layer. The ink in ballpoint pens is more pigmented and thick, so it won’t smudge when touched. Gel or capillary accessories can be an analogue, but they will saturate the paper sheet through and through and will smear if moved carelessly. Each type of handle is available in a wide range of colors.

The ideal option for drawing with pens is oil ink.

Felt pens have a wide variety of colors, shapes and thicknesses, so they make the drawing bright, clear and attractive. The thin neck leaves clear, even lines that form the basis of the pattern in the cells.

Felt pens are divided into 2 types - water and alcohol. The latter have a specific smell and are filled exclusively with alcohol-containing materials. A water-based felt-tip pen has no odor, but is less durable, does not refill and easily soaks paper.

Drawing pencils come in a wide range of colors and materials.

Pencils vary in:

  • hardness– soft (6B – B), medium (HB), hard (N-9N);
  • type of lead– wax, pastel dry and oil, graphite, watercolor;
  • body– wooden, plastic, cabinet, wax, pastel.

At the first stages of the drawing, when the outline is drawn with a simple pencil, it may be necessary to erase erroneous lines. For this purpose, erasers are used.

The eraser is divided into 3 types, depending on the material:

  • Natural rubber– an eraser of medium hardness, with more pronounced abrasiveness. Used to erase colored pencils and inks.
  • Artificial rubber– the softest type of eraser. Designed for removing lines from a simple graphite pencil.
  • Plastic rubber bands and vinyl– designed for various purposes. They have a longer service life.

Methods of drawing by cells

Drawings by cells, light and beautiful, are created and painted in two ways: line by line and alternately.

Line by line method - the picture is painted over line by line, filling the cells with different colors. Alternating technique - the painting process varies in color. First, the main background is painted over, then other shades are added.

Where are cell drawings appropriate?

Pixel art is used both for decorative purposes and to relieve stress and have a good time.

Often the cellular drawing method is used for:

  • decoration of personal notebooks and diaries;
  • application basics;
  • preparing patterns for embroidery with beads or floss;
  • home and office interior design;
  • creating models of building cladding;
  • decorating crafts;
  • decoration of margins in notebooks on creative subjects;
  • creating collages.

What are the benefits of drawing by cells for children?

Drawings on the cells, light and beautiful, do not require much work. And the technology of drawing by cells is an indispensable technique for the development of children.

A wide range of drawing methods develops:

  • Attention child - graphic dictations allow the child to memorize with interest and focus on the drawing, thereby training the ability to concentrate on the result of creativity.
  • Perseverance– the drawing process takes a long time, but children are interested in the result of their work and will sit until the end of the lesson to see the final picture.
  • Coordination when writing– the child hones his skills in writing letters and numbers, while his handwriting is formed. If necessary, it can be adjusted during drawing.

  • fine motor skills– tracing along the contour and painting small cells will only be possible with methodical, fine-grained work. In the process of constructing an image, the child tries to hold the writing instrument tightly and draw the line evenly.
  • Sense of orientation in space– symmetrical drawing helps the child get used to the concepts of top, bottom, right, left more quickly. Thus, the child learns about space with interest and can easily move in it both on a plane and in life.
  • Stress resistance. Creating images in bright colors promotes positive thinking.
  • Memorizing colors and shades– a variety of images and their color filling will introduce the child not only to primary colors, but also to their shades and compatibility. In the game process of drawing, children remember color names faster.
  • Aesthetic feeling. Independent selection of the design, method of drawing and colors for coloring the image will teach the child to correctly perceive the world around him, instill in him a sense of beauty and allow him to develop his imagination.
  • Fantasy and creative thinking. Developing the ability to think creatively will help a person find non-standard solutions to problems.

How to learn to draw by cells for a beginner or a child

Drawings on squares, easy and beautiful, do not require artistic talent or special education. Anyone can learn this technique.

The following tips will help you learn how to create pixel pictures yourself:

  • For the first drawing, choose the simplest diagram on which you can try out the methods of line-by-line and alternate drawing. This will allow you to decide on the most convenient technique for creating a drawing.
Drawings by cells are easy and beautiful, you should start practicing with the simplest diagrams
  • In the first couples, notebooks or sheets with large and medium-sized cells are used. As drawing skills are acquired, the size of the squares is reduced, and their number and color range are increased;
  • At the initial stage, a monochrome type of coloring is used, consisting of 1 or 2 colors. The number of shades is increased gradually.
  • There is no generally accepted drawing tactics; each creator chooses the most convenient technique for him. Pixel art professionals advise starting your drawing from left to right, then from top to bottom. When drawing circles, you should move from the central point to the sides.
  • To teach a child pixel art, you should teach him to navigate in flat space. This is facilitated by graphic dictations of varying complexity, in which the child, under the dictation of an adult, draws a continuous line in different directions.

  • To comprehend the art of creating a pixel image, familiar materials and writing utensils are initially used, and the drawing is copied from the original or diagram.
  • As you master the technique of drawing by cells, the image and its color resolution become more complex. Real masters of pixel art draw without a reference image.

Easy drawings for girls 6-7 years old

Drawings on the squares, which depict light and beautiful elements, will be of interest to girls in the preparatory group or first grade.

Examples of these could be:

  • Hearts 19 by 18 cells in size, colors can be very different - from monochrome to rainbow;

  • Butterflies brightly colored with different patterns, the area of ​​which is 17 by 19 cells;

  • Favorites cartoon characters.

Beautiful black and white and color drawings for experienced

Pixel patterns and the way they are painted are determined by the level of experience of the person drawing. The themes of the drawings are presented for every taste and color.

The main directions of pixel art schemes in black and white and color variations:

  1. Animals

The size of the canvas is 55 by 55 cells, the color of the writing instrument is black.

Area 69 by 77 squares, colors – black, pink, blue. If desired, the color of the eyes and background can be changed.

  1. Birds

Size – 39 by 77 cells, color – black.

Area - 77 by 77 cells, colors - green, light green, dark green, black, red, yellow, pink, blue or blue, purple or lilac.

  1. Landscapes

Dimensions – 281 by 150 squares, color – black.

Area 96 by 67 cells, color spectrum - shades of yellow, brown, gray and red.

  1. People silhouettes

Area – 66 by 74 squares, color – black.

Dimensions 140 by 75 cells, colors – blue, red, emerald, flesh, brown.

How to create your own drawing without a diagram

A person with drawing experience can create a drawing using cells without a diagram.

To do this, you will need lined tracing paper, a white sheet of paper, and a black felt-tip pen or pen.

The drawing process is divided into several stages:

  1. On a white sheet of paper, draw the outline of the image you like, copying it from a photograph or picture.
  2. Tracing paper is applied to the drawing and a pixel version of the outline is created using the cells.
  3. Fill the cells with the necessary colors.

Video instructions on how to draw by cells for beginners:

A simpler version of the drawing can be created using computer programs such as Microsoft Paint, Photoshop or Corel. By enlarging the image, the picture is filled in immediately in the form of pixel cells. The filling method is used for coloring.

Ideas for drawing in a notebook

Pixel drawing can be not only a pleasant pastime, but also a kind of code. This encryption can be used in correspondence with friends.

Examples of encryption include images:

  • 1 heart - secret love;
  • 2 hearts - mutual feeling of love;
  • Heart with an arrow - unrequited love;
  • Flower - joy;
  • Smiley – emotions;
  • Dog - loyalty, friend;
  • Birdie - freedom;
  • Guitar is the soul;
  • Fox - cunning;
  • The gift is a secret;
  • The cross is a reminder.

Drawing ideas for a personal diary

Secret drawings, understandable only to the owner of the diary, will keep her thoughts secret from other people.

Examples of drawings could be:

  • Emoji expressing the feeling of a girl;

  • Animals that the child cares about or dreams of;
  • Flowers with their own designation. For example, rose - love, narcissus - self-esteem, clover - luck;
  • Landscapes. Images of places where the girl would like to visit - beach, castle, sea, river, forest.

Drawings using squares is a favorite hobby of a person regardless of age, and its results are easy to make and beautiful when finished. In the process of drawing, the talents and creativity of the drawer are revealed, as well as fine motor skills and abstract thinking are developed. These abilities help a person to overcome any life situations with brilliance.

Article format: Natalie Podolskaya

Video about drawing by cells in a notebook

Video about drawings by cells - easy and beautiful:

(15 ratings, average: 4,20 out of 5)

Dear users, as well as guests of our site, today we will look at drawing technology drawings by cells.

Probably, each of us painted over the cells in the margins of school notebooks. Some people came up with interesting ornaments from all this, some wrote texts this way, but not everyone knows the technology of drawing drawings from notebooks cells , which we will look at in this lesson.

If you want to improve your drawing skills, be sure to read the article pencil drawings. Do you need special talent?

What are cell drawings?

Drawings by cells This is a type of fine art that uses pixel (dot) graphics. Depending on the complexity of such an image, its area and the number of pixels (in our case, cells) that are painted over increase. The larger the image area, the more realistic the image will be when viewed from a long distance.

Let's look at one example of such work:

As you can see for yourself, if you look at the picture from a distance, we see a clear image, but if you get closer, you see individual filled-in squares. This is a more complex option, which we will look at a little later.

Now let's dive a little into history.

Box braids (video)

What trace drawings p O notebook cells left in history?

Of course, each of us whose childhood passed in the 80s or 90s will answer this question. And the answer is simple – video games!

We all remember the legendary games from our childhood: Mario, Tanks, Pacman, Donkey Kong and many others. Our children also know about these games, but do they know that Mario was not always three-dimensional?

In our childhood, games were 8-bit, and even the most colorful landscapes were created using pixel graphics technology. Using the same technology, they draw drawings on notebook cells. And who knows, maybe the legendary Mario or Donkey Kong were also once just drawings in the margins of a school notebook?

Let's try to draw our first drawing using notebook cells, and who knows, maybe it will inspire you to do something that will turn our world upside down, just as the advent of video games once turned it upside down.

What is needed to draw simple drawings using notebook cells?

For drawing simple drawings by cells we will need:

  1. Black helium pen
  2. Markers

How to draw a simple drawing using notebook cells?

In drawing simple drawings on notebook cells there is nothing complicated. All you need is to count the cells, draw an outline and paint over the drawing in accordance with the original. Let's look at this in more detail using the example of a heart.

  1. Take a notebook sheet and a black helium pen, place three crosses as shown in the picture. The crosses will mean that we will paint these squares black.
  1. Next, draw lines that will indicate the boundaries of our drawing in this area.
  1. Let's put 6 more crosses on top, three crosses on each side. Pay attention to the indentations, count the cells that need to be left empty.
  1. Let's draw 2 more lines to mark the boundaries of the drawing.

5. Let’s put another cross on the left and right, and also draw a horizontal line under the upper crosses, marking the boundaries in this place. Do it as shown in the picture.

6. Place 8 crosses vertically, 4 crosses on each side, as shown in the following figure.

7. Let's draw a vertical line on the left, as well as lines on top, as it was done in the figure. With this we will completely mark the upper border of our heart.

9. And do the same with the right half of the heart.

10.Now we just have to mark the boundaries of the heart along its entire perimeter, as it was done in the figures below. Our drawing already resembles a heart, however, that’s not all. Now we need to paint over our heart so that it takes on a finished look.

11. Color the inside of the heart with a red felt-tip pen, but leave three white cells in the upper left corner to indicate a highlight. Do this as shown in the picture.

12. The last thing we need to do is to paint over with a black felt-tip pen those parts that we marked with crosses.

And now, our drawing has acquired its finished form. Now you can draw simple drawings on notebook cells and you can try your hand at drawing other pictures, which can be easily found on the Internet using the keywords “8bit art”.

If you don’t want to limit your skills to drawing simple drawings, let’s look at how to draw complex drawings by cells. Initially, the process may seem very complicated to you, but don’t despair ahead of time, you just have to try once and you will understand that drawing such drawings is not only simple, but also very exciting!

What is needed to draw complex drawings on notebook cells?

For drawing complex drawings we will need:

  1. Black helium pen
  2. Markers or pencils
  3. Notebook (or notebook sheet) in a cage
  4. Computer
  5. Photo
  6. Adobe Photoshop Photo Editor

In drawing complex drawings, you will also have to calculate the cells that need to be painted over. The difficulty in this case lies only in not making a mistake in the calculation, since we will have more cells than in the previous figure. Our task is also to choose the right shades of felt-tip pens or pencils so that our drawing matches the photograph from which we will draw it.

So, let's get started!

  1. First, let's pick a photo. I chose a photo of a cute puppy that I found on the Internet. Here she is:
  1. Let's open the Adobe Photoshop photo editor and upload our photo:

Now we need to apply a filter to designate the cells in the photo that we will subsequently use to navigate. To do this, select the “Filter” tab at the top and click on the “Filter Gallery” option.

4. In the window that opens, select the “Texture” tab and click once on the “Colored Tile” filter.

5.The parameter sliders on the right should be set as follows:

Square size – 10

Relief – 0

Then click OK.

6. Now our photo is divided into cells. Let's save it on our computer so that later we can open it in full screen or print it.

  1. Now all that remains is to open or print our photo, select pencils or felt-tip pens according to the shades and paint over the cells in accordance with the shades.

That's all!

Now you can draw simple and complex drawings by cells!

Thank you for your attention!

Follow our news and learn to draw with us!

Drawing by cells (video)

drawings by cells

Graphic dictation(drawings by cells) helps parents and teachers prepare their children for school. Systematic classes with graphic dictations develop children's attention, imagination, fine motor skills, perseverance, and coordination of movements.

Drawing by cells is a very useful and exciting activity not only for preschool children, but also for older children. This is a playful way to develop spatial imagination. Graphic dictations can be performed for children from 5 years old.

There are two options for conducting graphic dictation:

  1. The child is given a sample of a geometric design and asked to repeat exactly the same design in a notebook.
  2. The adult dictates the sequence of actions - names the number of cells and the direction (right, left, up, down), the child does the work by ear, and then compares his work with the model.

For graphic dictation you will need a simple pencil, an eraser, and a squared notebook.

The duration of one lesson should not exceed 10 – 25 minutes (depending on the age of the child).

I have compiled small dictations for children aged 5 years and older. Start with simple drawings and move to more complex ones. In some dictations, you need to step down or to the right so that the drawings do not overlap each other or extend beyond the notebook. The beginning of the drawing is marked with a dot.

Graphic dictation No. 1

Graphic dictation No. 2

Graphic dictation No. 3

Graphic dictation No. 4

Graphic dictation No. 5

Graphic dictation No. 6

Graphic dictation No. 7

Graphic dictation No. 8

Graphic dictation No. 9

Graphic dictation No. 10

Graphic dictation No. 11

Graphic dictation No. 12

Graphic dictation No. 13

Graphic dictation No. 14

Graphic dictation No. 15

Graphic dictation No. 16

Graphic dictation No. 17

Graphic dictation No. 18

Graphic dictation No. 19

Also try with your child drawing by cells "".

Go with your child.

Graphic dictations for preschoolers help parents and teachers systematically prepare their child for school and prevent such typical learning difficulties as underdeveloped spelling vigilance, restlessness and absent-mindedness. Regular classes with these graphic dictations develop the child’s voluntary attention, spatial imagination, fine motor skills of the fingers, coordination of movements, and perseverance.

Drawing by cells is a very exciting and useful activity for children. This is a playful way to develop a child’s spatial imagination, fine motor skills of the fingers, coordination of movements, and perseverance. Graphic dictations can be successfully used for children from 5 to 10 years old.

By completing the tasks proposed in the graphic dictations below, the child will broaden his horizons, increase his vocabulary, learn to navigate a notebook, and become familiar with different ways of depicting objects.
How to work with these graphic dictations:

Each dictation contains tasks for children aged 5–7 years.

Graphic dictation can be performed in two versions:
1. The child is offered a sample of a geometric design and asked to repeat exactly the same design in a checkered notebook.
2. The adult dictates the sequence of actions indicating the number of cells and their directions (left, right, up, down), the child does the work by ear, and then compares his image of the ornament or figure with the example in the manual using the overlay method.

Graphic dictations are supplemented with riddles, tongue twisters, tongue twisters and finger exercises. During the lesson, the child practices correct, clear and literate speech, develops fine motor skills, learns to identify the distinctive features of objects, and expands his vocabulary.

The tasks are selected according to the principle “from simple to complex.” If you start studying these graphic dictations with your child, do the tasks with him in order: start with the very first simple dictations and gradually move on to more complex ones.

For classes, you need a squared notebook, a simple pencil and an eraser so that the child can always correct the wrong line. For children 5–6 years old, it is better to use a notebook with a large square (0.8 mm) so as not to strain their eyesight. Starting from graphic dictation No. 40, all drawings are designed for a regular school notebook (they will not fit in a large-squared notebook).

The following notations are used in the tasks: the number of cells being counted is indicated by a number, and the direction is indicated by an arrow. For example, the entry: should read: 1 cell to the right, 3 cells up, 2 cells to the left, 4 cells down, 1 cell to the right.

During classes, the child’s attitude and the friendly attitude of the adult are very important. Remember that classes for a child are not an exam, but a game. Help your child, make sure he doesn’t make mistakes. The result of the work should always satisfy the child, so that he wants to draw in the cells again and again.

Your task is to help your child master the skills necessary for good study in a playful way. Therefore, never scold him. If something doesn’t work out for him, just explain how to do it correctly. Praise your baby more often, and never compare with anyone.

The duration of one lesson with graphic dictations should not exceed 10 - 15 minutes for children 5 years old, 15 - 20 minutes for children 5 - 6 years old and 20 - 25 minutes for children 6 - 7 years old. But if the child gets carried away, do not stop him and interrupt the lesson.

Pay attention to the child’s sitting position during the dictation and how he holds the pencil. Show your child how to hold a pencil between the phalanges of the index, thumb and middle fingers. If your child doesn't count well, help him count the cells in his notebook.

Before each lesson, be sure to talk with your child about the fact that there are different directions and sides. Show him where is right, where is left, where is up, where is down. Pay attention to the baby that every person has a right and a left side. Explain that the hand with which he eats, draws and writes is his right hand, and the other hand is his left. For left-handers, on the contrary, it is necessary to explain to left-handers that there are people for whom the working hand is the right, and there are people for whom the working hand is the left.

After this, you can open the notebook and teach your child to navigate on a piece of paper. Show your child where the left edge of the notebook is, where the right edge is, where the top is, where the bottom is. It can be explained that previously there were slanted desks at school, which is why the top edge of the notebook was called the top edge, and the bottom edge was called the bottom edge. Explain to your child that if you say “to the right,” then you need to point the pencil “there” (to the right). And if you say “to the left,” then you need to point the pencil “there” (to the left) and so on. Show your child how to count the cells.

You yourself will also need a pencil and an eraser in order to mark the lines you read. Dictations can be quite lengthy, and to avoid getting confused, put dots with a pencil opposite the lines you are reading. This will help you not to get confused. After the dictation, you can erase all the dots.

Each lesson includes graphic dictation, discussion of images, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, riddles and finger gymnastics. Each stage of the lesson carries a semantic load. Activities with your child can be arranged in different sequences. You can first do finger exercises, read tongue twisters and tongue twisters, and then do a graphic dictation. On the contrary, you can do graphic dictation first, then tongue twisters and finger gymnastics. It is better to make riddles at the end of the lesson.
When the child draws a picture, talk about the fact that there are objects and their images. Images can be different: photographs, drawings, schematic images. A graphic dictation is a schematic representation of an object.

Talk about how each animal has its own distinctive characteristics. A schematic image shows the distinctive features by which we can recognize an animal or object. Ask your child what the distinctive features of the animal he or she has drawn are. For example, a hare has long ears and a small tail, an elephant has a long trunk, an ostrich has a long neck, a small head and long legs, and so on.

Work with tongue twisters and tongue twisters in different ways:
1. Let the child pick up the ball and, rhythmically tossing and catching it with his hands, say a tongue twister or a tongue twister. You can throw and catch the ball for each word or syllable.
2. Let the child say a tongue twister (pure tongue twister) while throwing the ball from one hand to the other.
3. You can pronounce a tongue twister by clapping the rhythm with your palms.
4. Suggest saying the tongue twister 3 times in a row and not getting lost.
Do finger exercises together so that the child sees and repeats the movements after you.
And now that you have become familiar with the basic rules for conducting a graphic dictation, you can begin classes.

Each dictation opens in a new window.

We are all artists at heart. And we all want to decorate our world. Therefore, drawings on the cells in a notebook can help us with this. You can easily make complex and simple drawings with them. Understand how to draw a heart by cells, or food, flowers, a playful mother cat and her bully kitten. Would you like to be able to make portraits as well? For example, there are such drawings by cells, the photos of which also resemble images of people: a boy and a girl; all these different drawings are not difficult to master.

To understand how to draw colorful beautiful pictures by cells, it is worth getting acquainted with the technique of applying a pattern by numbers. See that there are different schemes and they are all very easy, accessible even to beginners. They can be mastered quickly. After all, for each of us, in small parts, it will not be difficult to reproduce drawn animals, smiley faces and hearts.

And yet, what small and large, color and black and white drawings there are, made in such a way that they can be easily repeated; and what are the prospects for mastering this technique:

  • What are the significant advantages of square drawings for beginners?
  • Thematic pencil drawings in cells;
  • The scope of application of such original drawings;
  • What opportunities do beautiful drawings in small parts provide?
The most important thing in getting to know each other is to see that the collection prepared for you on our website is very beautiful. And interesting and easy drawings are collected here. Among them there are those that are highly appreciated by our guests and have been familiar to them for a long time, and there are also new, interesting drawings in cells for a personal diary.

Simple drawings: here everyone can be an artist

Everyone can be an artist! This statement absolutely guarantees that all our guests, as soon as they learn how to learn to draw by cells and can download a couple of options on the website, will repeat and decorate everything beautifully. Whatever the purpose of our tips, for example, if they are pictures of squares for 12-year-old girls or drawings of delicious food, they can all be used to hone your artistic skills.

We have not only samples of ready-made postcards, but also drawings by cells: diagrams. Such a hint as a ready-made instruction will help you move clearly according to plan, and maybe even complete work of any complexity in your own, familiar, favorite manner. For example, make a drawing of ice cream by cells, or animals, the same cat, or entire compositional illustrations for a personal diary.

This opportunity is provided not only for long-time friends of our entertainment resource, but also new guests will also have a chance to learn this art, they have the opportunity to take a kind of master class, a lesson on depicting all kinds of pictures, for every taste and of varying complexity.

Pictures on various topics

The most attractive thing is that the site has illustrations that are interesting for both girls and boys. And there are neutral themes, for example, drawings on the squares of food, as well as illustrations on the squares of animals: pets or forest animals, there are also fairy-tale ones, such as a unicorn.

Especially for all the kids who love cartoons about cute ponies and their friendship, we have prepared a surprise! We have pictures of pony cells. Bright, colorful, they are very attractive to children. That’s why we offer a diagram of how to draw a pony in cells. This and similar “instructions” are quite clear and easy even for a child. And most importantly, they are interesting for kids.

A separate category is drawings based on smiley face cells. They are always interesting and always relevant. They convey the mood and are easy to repeat. For adults and children, this topic is exactly what can bring joy from fruitful work.

It's amazing how often pictures like this help us out. Thanks to them, you can have a great time with your child, no matter how old he is, 5.7 or just a year old. We can use a notepad to jot down sketches during boring meetings or to keep ourselves occupied while on the go. And pictures in cells for a personal diary are generally an irreplaceable thing. Therefore, everywhere and on any occasion, download or draw cute illustrations yourself.

More complex drawings

To all those who have mastered this simple art, and know how to draw a kitten by the squares and will not give in to a still life with food, we are ready to offer more serious and interesting options. It could be the same