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To modern man It is important to have a certain culture and behave correctly with others, regardless of their social status. To do this, his speech must be correct and polite, and the rules of speech etiquette must be followed.

A good conversationalist is one who knows how to listen carefully, without interrupting and listen respectfully, sincerely empathize and be interested in the story.

What does it mean to be able to persuade a business partner to your point of view and influence him so that he does what is needed in your interests, while respecting his own interests, that is, this is the ability to find mutual language with your partner.

The specificity of speech etiquette is that it characterizes both everyday language practice and the language norm. Indeed, the rules of speech etiquette in Everyday life used by any native speaker (including those with poor command of the norm), easily recognizing these formulas in the flow of speech and expecting their interlocutor to use them in certain situations. Elements of speech etiquette are absorbed so deeply that they are perceived by the “naive” linguistic consciousness as part of the everyday, natural and logical behavior of people. If you do not know the rules and requirements of speech etiquette, and do not comply with them (for example, addressing an adult stranger as “You”), others may perceive them as wanting to offend, as bad manners.

The basis of speech etiquette are speech formulas, example character, which depend on the situation and on the characteristics of communication. Any act of communication has a beginning, a main part and a final part. In this regard, speech etiquette formulas can be divided into 3 main groups:

1. Speech formulas for starting communication;

2. Speech formulas used in the communication process;

3. Speech formulas for ending communication.

Rules and norms of speech etiquette at the beginning of communication: address, greeting.

Address is one of the most important and necessary components of speech etiquette. After all, appeal serves as an integral part of communication and is used throughout the entire communication.

From time immemorial, circulation has performed several functions. The main one is to attract the attention of the interlocutor. This is a vocative function.

Since, as appeals they are used as proper names, and the names of people by degree of relationship (father, uncle, grandfather), by position in society, by profession, by position, by age and gender (old man, boy, girl), the address, in addition to the vocative function, indicates the corresponding attribute.

So, appeals can be expressive and emotionally charged, containing an assessment: Irochka, Irka, a bungler, well done, well done. The peculiarity of such addresses is that they characterize both the addressee and the addressee himself, the degree of his education, his attitude towards the interlocutor, emotional condition. The following words of address are used in informal communication; only some of them, for example proper names (in their basic form), names of professions, positions, serve as addresses in official speech.

Greeting: If the interlocutors are unfamiliar with each other, then they begin communication with an acquaintance. This can happen directly or indirectly. According to the rules of good manners, it is not customary to enter into a conversation with stranger and introduce yourself. However, there are situations when it is still necessary to introduce yourself. Etiquette suggests some formulas:

Allow me to get to know you.

I would like to meet you (you).

Let me get to know you.

I would be glad to meet you.

Let's get acquainted.

Let's get to know each other.

When visiting any institution or office, when you have a conversation with an official, you need to introduce yourself to him using one of the formulas:

Let me introduce myself.

My name is Alexander Gennadievich.

Mikhail Sidorov.

Ekaterina Ivanova.

If the visitor does not identify himself, then the one to whom they came asks himself:

What is your (your) last name?

What is your (your) name, patronymic?

What is your (your) name?

What is your (your) name?

Official and informal meetings of acquaintances, and sometimes strangers start with a greeting.

In Russian, the main greeting is hello. It comes to us from the Old Slavonic verb zdravstva, which means “to be healthy,” i.e. healthy. Also, in addition to this form of greeting, a greeting is common that indicates the time of the meeting: Good morning, Good afternoon good evening.

Speech etiquette greetings also stipulates the nature of behavior, i.e., the order of greetings. First to greet:

Man - woman;

Younger (younger) in age - older (elder);

A younger woman - a man who is significantly

older than her;

Junior in position - senior;

A member of the delegation is its leader (regardless of whether the delegation is local or foreign).

The initial formulas of communication are opposed to the formulas used at the end of communication. These are formulas for parting, stopping communication. They express their wish:

All the best to you!


Hope for new meeting: Until evening (tomorrow, Friday). I hope we won't be apart for long. I hope to see you soon.

Speech etiquette, one way or another, is connected with the situation of verbal communication and its parameters: the personalities of the interlocutors, the topic, place, time, motive and goals of communication. First of all, it represents a complex of linguistic phenomena that are focused on the addressee, although the personality of the speaker (or writer) is also taken into account. It's possible the best way demonstrate the use of You - and You - forms in communication. General principle is that you are a form that is used as a sign of respect and greater formality of communication; You are a form, on the contrary, it is used in informal communication between equals in age and position. However, the implementation of this principle may involve various options depending on how the participants in verbal communication are related by age and/or service hierarchy, whether they are in family or friendly relationships; on the age and social status of each of them, etc.

Speech etiquette is revealed in different ways. It depends on the topic, place, time, motive and purpose of communication. So, for example, the rules of verbal communication may differ depending on whether the topic of communication is a sad or joyful event for the participants in the communication; There are specific etiquette rules associated with the place of communication.

Speech etiquette provides for several principles that are determined by the situation. The most common 3 situations are: solemn, working, mournful. Solemn occasions include public holidays, anniversaries of the enterprise and employees, receiving awards, birthdays, name days and significant dates of the family or its members, presentation, conclusion of an agreement, creation new organization etc. For every special event, significant date invitations and congratulations follow. Depending on the situation (official, semi-official, informal), invitations and greeting cliches change.


Allow me (allow me), I will invite you.;

Come to the celebration (anniversary, meeting..).


Please accept my (most) heartfelt (warm, sincere) congratulations..;

On behalf of (on behalf of) congratulations;

I sincerely (warmly) congratulate you.

As in many other situations of interpersonal communication, congratulations must be extremely correct, appropriate and sincere. Congratulations - accepted by society a ritual of respect and joy for a loved one, loved one, but this is in no way a way to conduct a conversation or correspondence; congratulations should not contain purely personal topics and questions of the congratulation addressee.

A sad situation is associated with death, death, murder and other events that bring misfortune and grief. In this case, condolences are expressed. It should not be dry, official.

Formulas of condolences, as a rule, are stylistically elevated and emotionally charged:

I want to express (to you) my (my) sincere condolences.

I offer (to you) my deepest condolences.

I share (understand) your sadness (your grief, misfortune).

The listed beginnings (invitation, congratulations, condolences, expressions of sympathy) do not always turn into business communication, sometimes the conversation ends with them.

In everyday business settings (business, work situation) speech etiquette formulas are also used. For example, when summing up the results of work, when determining the results of the sale of goods, there is a need to thank someone or, conversely, make a remark. At any job, in any organization, someone may have the need to give advice, make a proposal, make a request, express consent, allow, prohibit, or refuse someone.

Here are the speech cliches that are used in these situations.


Let me (let me) thank you;

The company (directorate, administration) expresses gratitude to all employees for…

In addition to official thanks, there are also ordinary, unofficial thanks. This is the usual “thank you”, “thank you”, “you are very kind”, “no need for thanks”, etc.

Politeness and mutual understanding.

Let's consider the relationship between such phenomena as etiquette and politeness. Since politeness is one of the concepts of morality, let us turn to the Dictionary of Ethics, which defines politeness as follows: “... a moral quality that characterizes a person for whom respect for people has become an everyday norm of behavior and a habitual way of treating others.” This means politeness is a sign of respect. Politeness is both a willingness to provide a service to someone who needs it, and delicacy, and tact. And, naturally, timely and appropriate speech manifestation - speech etiquette - is an integral element of politeness.

If politeness is a form of showing respect for another, then respect itself presupposes recognition of the dignity of the individual, as well as a sensitive and sensitive attitude towards another.

Rules and norms of speech etiquette at the end of communication: farewell, summarizing and compliments.

End of communication: At the end of a conversation, the interlocutors use formulas for parting and ending communication. They express their wish:

All the best to you!;


Hope for a new meeting (See you in the evening (tomorrow, Sunday);

I hope for a short separation. I hope to see you soon.

In addition to the usual forms of farewell, there is a long-established ritual of compliments. A tactfully and timely compliment lifts the mood of the recipient and sets him up for a positive attitude towards the interlocutor.

A compliment is said at the beginning of a conversation, during a meeting, acquaintance, or during a conversation, when parting. A compliment is always nice. Only an insincere compliment, a compliment for the sake of a compliment, an overly enthusiastic compliment are dangerous. The compliment refers to appearance, speaks of the recipient’s good professional abilities, his high morality, and gives an overall positive assessment:

You look good (wonderful).

You are (so, very) charming (kind, beautiful, practical).

You are a good (excellent, wonderful) specialist.

It’s a pleasure (excellent, good) to do business (work, cooperate) with you.

It was very nice to meet you!

You are a very nice (interesting) person (interlocutor).

When parting and saying goodbye, according to custom, there are verbal clichés. They are called parting words. They originate from antiquity, when they were almost spells, for example, “the path is like a gulley,” “neither fluff nor feather,” etc. It was believed that from parting words a happy journey or the success of some business depends. Now the parting words have been simplified: “Goodbye”, “All the best”, “Farewell”, “You will be healthy”.

Features of speech etiquette during distance communication: communication via telephone, Internet.

Scientific and technological progress has introduced into etiquette new culture communication - communication using the telephone. ON THE. Akishina in her book “Speech Etiquette of Russian Telephone Conversations” writes:

“The etiquette of a telephone conversation requires a short course of time, which is caused by the following reasons: the impossibility of a conversation with many subscribers at once, the daily routine of the recipient of the call is unexpectedly and unplanned, the telephone is intended to resolve urgent issues, the time of the telephone conversation is paid.

As can be seen from the above, phone conversation“is a form of oral spontaneous dialogue carried out using technical means.”

Unlike contact oral communication, a telephone conversation is indirect. The interlocutors do not see each other, and therefore communication takes place without such important means nonverbal communication, such as somatism (gestures, posture, facial expressions), reliance on the situation, the significance of the spatial location of the interlocutors, and this leads to the activation of verbal expression.

Among the etiquette requirements for oral speech, the intonation of the statement occupies an important place. A native speaker can accurately identify the entire range of intonations - from emphatically polite to dismissive. Although it is important to determine which intonation corresponds to speech etiquette and which goes beyond it, general view, without taking into account the specific speech situation it is unlikely to work. The same statements pronounced with different intonations express different oppositions: in meaning, in actual division, in stylistic shades, and including in expressing the attitude of the speaker to the listener.

This relationship can determine which intonation structure in in this case should be used and which should not. Thus, in accordance with etiquette rules, intonation should not indicate a dismissive or patronizing attitude, an intention to lecture the interlocutor, aggression or challenge. This is especially true for various kinds of interrogative statements.

In addition to intonation, oral speech distinguishes from writing the use of paralinguistic signs - gestures and facial expressions. From the point of view of speech etiquette, the following paralinguistic signs are distinguished: those that do not carry a specific etiquette load; required by etiquette rules (bows, handshakes, etc.); having an invective, offensive meaning.

At the same time, the regulation of gestures and facial expressions covers not only the last two categories of signs, but also signs of a non-etiquette nature - up to purely informative ones; cf., for example, the etiquette prohibition of pointing a finger at the subject of speech.

In addition to all this, the requirements of speech etiquette can extend to the paralinguistic level of communication as a whole. For example, in Russian speech etiquette it is prescribed to refrain from too animated facial expressions and gestures, as well as from gestures and facial movements that imitate elementary physiological reactions.

At the same time, it is significant that the same gestures and facial movements can have different meaning in different linguistic cultures.

Conclusions on the first chapter

Every native speaker should strive to improve their own speech culture; they need to know and understand means of expression of the Russian language, being able to use them, being able to use the stylistic and semantic riches of the Russian language in all its structural diversity. When applying speech etiquette transmission in progress social information about the speaker and his addressee, whether they are familiar or unfamiliar, about their official and social status, about personal relationships, about the setting in which the conversation is being conducted (official or informal), etc.

Any society at any moment of its existence is heterogeneous, multifaceted, and that for each layer and layer there is both its own set of etiquette means and neutral expressions common to all. And there is an awareness that in contacts with another environment it is necessary to choose either stylistically neutral or means of communication characteristic of this environment.

schoolboy speech etiquette teacher

The Dictionary of Russian Speech Etiquette is the most complete reference guide to date, the vocabulary of which contains about 6,000 words and stable formulas of greeting, address, introduction, request, invitation, proposal, advice, gratitude, apology, wishes, congratulations, praise, compliments, consolation, condolences, farewells. The dictionary is richly illustrated with examples from the works of Russian fiction, folk dialects, colloquial speech and vernacular. Addressed to a wide range of readers: schoolchildren, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, teachers of Russian literature, philologists, ethnographers, psychologists, culturologists - everyone who is interested in the Russian culture of communication.

Composition of the dictionary.
The dictionary contains vocabulary and phraseology of Russian speech etiquette, that is, words and stable verbal formulas visually reproduced by members of the language community (or its individual social, professional, territorial groups) in order to establish speech contact and maintain polite, friendly or official relations in situations of greeting, appeal and attraction of attention, acquaintance, request, advice, invitation, apology, gratitude, congratulations, wishes, compliment, praise, approval, consolation, sympathy, condolences, farewell and some others. The main part of the vocabulary consists of verbal signs that function, as a rule, in a situation of direct communication between communicants in the pragmatic coordinates “I - you - here - now”: hello, thank you, you are welcome, welcome, etc.

At the same time, the compiler considered it expedient to include in the Dictionary signs of speech courtesy that partially do not fit into the system of the above-mentioned coordinates, a) Some words and expressions, characteristic mainly of epistolary speech etiquette, addressed through the addressee to a third party; for example: I bow to your sisters, or transmitted by those speaking to the interlocutor in the third person: N. I bow to you.

Composition and structure of the dictionary, lexicographic characteristics of speech etiquette signs
Lexicographical sources
List of abbreviations
Subject index
1.Greeting when meeting
Replies to greetings
2. Appeal, attracting attention
Answers to questions
4. Request. Invitation. Offer. Advice
Consent, positive response to a request, proposal, order
Disagreement, objection, refusal
Responses to objections, refusals
Responses to gratitude
Replies to an apology
7. Wishes, congratulations
Answers to wishes, congratulations
8.Compliments, praise, approval. Etiquette epithets. Politeness intensifiers
Responses to praise, compliment
9. Condolence, sympathy, consolation, encouragement
Russian proverbs and sayings about language, speech and culture of speech behavior
Index of names.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Dictionary of Russian Speech Etiquette, Balakai A.G., 2001 -, fast and free download.

  • Working with text in the Russian language lesson, Teacher's Manual, grades 5-11, Aleksandrova O.M., Dobrotina I.N., Gosteva Yu.N., Vasiliev I.P., Uskova I.V., 2019


1. Specifics of Russian speech etiquette

Speech etiquette is a system of rules of speech behavior and stable formulas for polite communication.

Possession of speech etiquette contributes to the acquisition of authority, generates trust and respect. Knowing the rules of speech etiquette and observing them allows a person to feel confident and at ease, and not experience awkwardness or difficulties in communication.

Strict adherence to speech etiquette in business communication leaves clients and partners with a favorable impression of the organization and maintains its positive reputation.

Speech etiquette has national specifics. Each nation has created its own system of rules of speech behavior. IN Russian society Of particular value are such qualities as tact, courtesy, tolerance, goodwill, and restraint.

The importance of these qualities is reflected in numerous Russian proverbs and sayings that characterize ethical standards of communication. Some proverbs point to the need to listen carefully to your interlocutor: A smart person does not speak, an ignorant person does not allow him to speak. Tongue - one, ear - two, say once, listen twice. Other proverbs point to typical mistakes in constructing a conversation: Answers when not asked. Grandfather talks about chicken, and grandmother talks about duck. You listen, and we will remain silent. A deaf man listens to a mute man speak. Many proverbs warn about the danger of an empty, idle or offensive word: All a person’s troubles come from his tongue. Cows are caught by the horns, people by the tongue. A word is an arrow; if you release it, you will not get it back. What is unspoken can be expressed, what has been said cannot be returned. It's better to understate than to overtell. It buzzes from morning to evening, but there is nothing to listen to.

Tactfulness is an ethical norm that requires the speaker to understand the interlocutor, avoid inappropriate questions, and discuss topics that may be unpleasant for him.

Consideration lies in the ability to anticipate possible questions and wishes of the interlocutor, the willingness to inform him in detail on all topics relevant to the conversation.

Tolerance means being calm about possible differences of opinion and avoiding harsh criticism of the views of your interlocutor. You should respect the opinions of other people and try to understand why they have this or that point of view. Closely related to such a character quality as tolerance is self-control - the ability to calmly respond to unexpected or tactless questions and statements from an interlocutor.

Goodwill is necessary both in relation to the interlocutor and in the entire structure of the conversation: in its content and form, in intonation and choice of words.

2. Technique for implementing label forms

Any act of communication has a beginning, a main part and a final part. If the addressee is unfamiliar to the subject of speech, then communication begins with acquaintance. Moreover, it can occur directly or indirectly. Of course, it is advisable to have someone introduce you, but there are times when you need to do it yourself.

Etiquette offers several possible formulas:

Let me get to know you.

I'd like to meet you.

Let's get acquainted.

Let's get to know each other.

When contacting an institution by phone or in person, it becomes necessary to introduce yourself:

Let me introduce myself.

My last name is Sergeev.

My name is Valery Pavlovich.

Official and informal meetings of acquaintances and strangers begin with a greeting.

Official greeting formulas:


Good afternoon

Unofficial greeting formulas:


The initial formulas of communication are opposed to the formulas used at the end of communication; they express the wish: All the best (good)! or hope for a new meeting: See you tomorrow. Until the evening. Goodbye.

During communication, if there is a reason, people make invitations and express congratulations.


Let me invite you...

Come to the celebration (anniversary, meeting).

We'll be glad to see you.


Let me congratulate you on...

Please accept my sincere (heartfelt, warm) congratulations...

Warm congratulations...

The expression of the request should be polite, delicate, but without excessive ingratiation:

Do me a favor...

If it’s not difficult for you (if it’s not difficult for you)…

Please be kind...

May I ask you...

I beg you very much...

Advice and suggestions should not be expressed in a categorical manner. It is advisable to formulate advice in the form of a delicate recommendation, a message about some important circumstances for the interlocutor:

Let me draw your attention to...

I would suggest you...

The wording of refusal to fulfill a request may be as follows:

- (I) cannot (unable, unable) to help (allow, assist).

It is currently not possible to do this.

Please understand that now is not the time to make such a request.

Sorry, but we (I) cannot fulfill your request.

I am forced to refuse (prohibit, not allow).

3. Interaction of speech and behavioral etiquette

Etiquette is closely related to ethics. Ethics prescribes the rules of moral behavior (including communication), etiquette presupposes certain manners of behavior and requires the use of external formulas of politeness, expressed in specific speech acts.

Compliance with etiquette requirements when violating ethical standards is hypocrisy and deception of others. On the other hand, completely ethical behavior that is not accompanied by adherence to etiquette will inevitably make an unpleasant impression and cause people to doubt their moral qualities personality.

In oral communication, a number of ethical and etiquette standards, closely related to each other.

Firstly, you must treat your interlocutor with respect and kindness. It is prohibited to offend or insult your interlocutor with your speech, or to express disdain. Direct negative assessments of the communication partner’s personality should be avoided; only specific actions can be assessed, while maintaining the necessary tact. Rude words, a cheeky form of speech, an arrogant tone are unacceptable in intelligent communication. And from a practical point of view, such features of speech behavior are inappropriate, because never contribute to achieving the desired result in communication.

Politeness in communication presupposes an understanding of the situation, taking into account age, gender, work and social status communication partner. These factors determine the degree of formality of communication, the choice of etiquette formulas, and the range of topics suitable for discussion.

Secondly, the speaker is instructed to be modest in self-assessments and not to impose own opinions, avoid excessive categoricalness in speech.

Moreover, it is necessary to put the communication partner in the center of attention, show interest in his personality, opinion, and take into account his interest in a particular topic.

It is also necessary to take into account the listener’s ability to perceive the meaning of your statements; it is advisable to give him time to rest and concentrate. For this reason, it is worth avoiding too long sentences, it is useful to take short pauses, and use speech formulas to maintain contact: you, of course, know...; you might be interested to know...; as you can see...; note…; should be noted... etc.

The norms of communication also determine the behavior of the listener.

First, you need to put other things aside to listen to the person. This rule is especially important for those specialists whose job is to serve clients.

When listening, you must treat the speaker with respect and patience, try to listen carefully and to the end. If you are very busy, it is permissible to ask to wait or reschedule the conversation for another time. In official communication, it is completely unacceptable to interrupt the interlocutor, insert various comments, especially those that sharply characterize the interlocutor’s proposals and requests. Like the speaker, the listener puts his interlocutor at the center of attention and emphasizes his interest in communicating with him. You should also be able to express your agreement or disagreement in a timely manner, answer a question, or ask your own question.

The rules of ethics and etiquette also apply to written speech.

An important issue of etiquette business letter is the choice of treatment. For standard letters on formal or minor occasions, the following address is suitable: Dear sir Petrov! For a letter to a senior manager, a letter of invitation, or any other letter on an important issue, it is advisable to use the word “respected” and call the addressee by name and patronymic.

In business documents it is necessary to skillfully use the possibilities grammatical system Russian language.

So, for example, the active voice of a verb is used when it is necessary to indicate actor. Passive voice It should be used when the fact of performing an action is more important than mentioning the persons who performed the action.

The perfect form of the verb emphasizes the completeness of the action, and the imperfect indicates that the action is in the process of development.

In business correspondence, there is a tendency to avoid the pronoun I. The first person is expressed by the ending of the verb.

4. Speech distances and taboos

Distance in verbal communication is determined by age and social status. It is expressed in speech by using the pronouns you and you. Speech etiquette determines the rules for choosing one of these forms.

In general, the choice is dictated by a complex combination of external circumstances of communication and individual reactions of the interlocutors:

the degree of acquaintance of the partners (you - to an acquaintance, you - to a stranger);

the formality of the communication environment (you are informal, you are official);

the nature of the relationship (you are friendly, “warm”, you are emphatically polite or tense, aloof, “cold”);