Oge on literature kim. Purpose of CMM for OGE

A text fragment (or a poem, or a fable) is accompanied by a system of written tasks (three tasks for each option) aimed at analyzing the problems of a work of art and the main means of revealing the author's idea. Each of the first two tasks requires a written response of approximately 3–5 sentences and is worth a maximum of 3 points.

The third task (1.1.3 or 1.2.3) involves not only thinking about the proposed text, but also comparing it with another work or fragment, the text of which is also given in the examination paper (approximate volume - 5-8 sentences).

Part 2 exam paper contains four essay topics that require extensive written argumentation. The examinee chooses one of four topics proposed to him (the student is asked to spend 115 minutes to create an essay). In an essay on lyrics, the examinee must analyze at least two poems (their number can be increased at the discretion of the examinee). Examinees are recommended to have a volume of at least 200 words (if the essay contains less than 150 words, then such work is considered incomplete).

The essay is assessed with a maximum of 12 points.

Scale for converting points to grades:

"2"– from 0 to 6

"3"– from 7 to 13

"4"– from 14 to 18

"5"– from 19 to 23

System for assessing the performance of individual tasks and the examination work as a whole

The assessment of the completion of the examination work tasks is carried out on the basis of special criteria developed for the three specified types of tasks that require a detailed answer in different volumes.

For completing each of two tasks basic level complexity (1.1.1, 1.1.2; 1.2.1, 1.2.2), the examinee can receive a maximum of 3 points (2 points for the content criterion and 1 point for the verbal format of the answer).

Completion of a task of an increased level of complexity (1.1.3 or 1.2.3) is assessed according to three criteria: “The ability to compare works of art”; “The depth of the judgments made and the persuasiveness of the arguments”; “Following speech norms.” The first criterion is the main one: if the expert gives 0 points on it, the task is considered unfulfilled and is not assessed according to other criteria (0 points are given in the answer verification protocol). The examinee can receive a maximum of 5 points for completing task 1.1.3 or 1.2.3.

Completion of the task in Part 2 (essay) is assessed according to five criteria: “The depth of disclosure of the topic of the essay and the persuasiveness of judgments” (maximum – 3 points); “Level of mastery of theoretical and literary concepts” (maximum – 2 points); “The validity of using the text of the work” (maximum – 2 points); “Compositional integrity and consistency of presentation” (maximum – 2 points); “Following speech norms” (maximum – 3 points). Thus, the examinee can receive a maximum of 12 points for the essay. The first criterion is the main one: if the expert gives 0 points on it, the task is considered unfulfilled and is not assessed according to other criteria (0 points are given in the answer verification protocol). When evaluating an essay, its length is also taken into account. A minimum length of 200 words is recommended for examinees. If the essay contains less than 150 words (the word count includes all words, including function words), then such work is considered incomplete and is scored 0 points.

235 minutes are allotted to complete the examination work.

control measuring materials for
in 2018 main state exam
on literature

1. Purpose of CMM for OGE

The purpose of the examination work is to assess the level of general education training in literature of graduates of IX grades of general educational organizations for the purpose of state final certification of graduates. The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes high school.

OGE is carried out in accordance with Federal law Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation.”

2. Documents defining the content of CMM

The examination paper is compiled in accordance with the Federal component of the state standard of the basic general education on literature (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089 “On approval of the Federal component state standards primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education").

3. Approaches to content selection and CMM structure development

Conceptual approaches to the formation of CIM from the literature for conducting the OGE were determined in accordance with the regulatory document specified in paragraph 2, the specifics of the subject, and proven traditional and new forms of final control.

The examination model for literature differs in a number of fundamental positions from examination models for other subjects. It contains only tasks with detailed answers. The KIM for the Unified State Exam does not include short-answer tasks, although this type of task is actively used in the Unified State Exam in literature. At this stage of training, it does not seem appropriate to formulate special questions to test students’ knowledge literary facts and their level of proficiency in literary terminology. The examinee indirectly uses this layer of content academic subject when writing detailed answers (in the essay evaluation system there is a criterion “Level of proficiency in theoretical and literary concepts”).

The examination paper is designed for graduates of IX grades of educational organizations different types(schools, gymnasiums, lyceums), including classes with in-depth study literature. The structure of the examination paper meets the goal of building a system of differentiated education in modern school: reveals the degree to which graduates have mastered the compulsory (basic) part of the literature program; provides information about the increased level of preparation of a ninth-grader in literature; allows us to draw conclusions about the examinee’s literary abilities and his readiness to study literature in senior classes in the humanities.

The examination work is structured taking into account the principle of variability: examinees are given the right to choose one of two options for Part 1, as well as one of four tasks for Part 2.

Grading system individual tasks and the examination work as a whole was created taking into account the requirements of the theory and practice of pedagogical dimensions and traditions of teaching literature.

4. Connection of the OGE exam model with the Unified State Exam KIM

The examination model for conducting the Unified State Exam is in principle consistent with the examination model of the Unified State Exam.

Examination work for the OGE, similar to the KIM Unified State Examination, is based on tasks of a standardized form: the documents defining the development of examination materials indicate the content to be tested, the characteristics of the options for the examination work and the tasks included in them are established, and the evaluation system for the examination work is described.

Completing the examination work on literature will require the IX grade graduate to intensify the same types of activities as during passing the Unified State Exam: analysis and interpretation of a literary text, searching for grounds for comparing literary phenomena and facts, writing a reasoned answer to a question, etc. The graduate's level of preparation in literature in both exams is determined primarily by testing the examinee's ability to create coherent statements on a literary topic.

Chichikov looked very carefully at the young stranger. He

I tried to talk to her several times, but somehow I didn’t have to.

Meanwhile the ladies left, a pretty head with delicate features

face and thin figure disappeared, like something similar to a vision, and again what was left was the road, the chaise, the three horses familiar to the reader, Selifan, Chichikov, the smooth surface and emptiness of the surrounding fields. Wherever in life, whether among the stale, rough-and-poor and unkempt and moldy low-lying ranks of it, or among the monotonously cold and boringly neat upper classes, everywhere at least once a person will encounter on his way a phenomenon that is not similar to all that what he had seen before, which at least once would awaken in him a feeling different from those that he was destined to feel all his life. Everywhere, across whatever sorrows from which our lives are weaved, shining joy will rush merrily, as sometimes a brilliant carriage with golden harness, picturesque horses and the sparkling shine of glass will suddenly suddenly rush past some stalled poor village, which has seen nothing but a rural cart, and the men stood there for a long time, yawning, with their mouths open, without putting on their hats, although the marvelous carriage had long since sped away and disappeared from sight. So the blonde, too, suddenly appeared in our story in a completely unexpected way and disappeared in the same way. If at that time, instead of Chichikov, some twenty-year-old youth had come across, whether he was a hussar, a student, or simply someone who had just begun the field of life - and God! no matter what wakes up, moves, speaks in him! For a long time he would stand senseless in one place, with his eyes senselessly gazing into the distance, forgetting the road, and all the reprimands awaiting ahead, and scoldings for delay, forgetting himself, and the service, and the world, and everything that is in the world.

But our hero was already middle-aged and cautiously cool

character. He also thought and thought, but more positively, not like that

his thoughts were unaccountable and even partly very grounded. “Nice grandma! - he said, opening the snuff box and sniffing the tobacco. - But what, most importantly, is good about it? The good thing is that she has just now, apparently, been released from some boarding school or institute, that, as they say, there is nothing feminine about her yet, that is, exactly what they have that is most unpleasant. She is now like a child, everything about her is simple, she will say whatever she wants, laugh wherever she wants to laugh. You can make anything out of it, it can be a miracle, or it can turn out to be rubbish, and it will turn out to be rubbish! Now let the mothers and aunties take care of her. One year she will be so filled with all kinds of women that her own father himself will not recognize it. Where does the pout and stiffness come from, he will begin to toss and turn according to the established instructions, he will begin to rack his brains and figure out with whom, and how, and how much to talk, how to look at whom, he will be afraid every minute so that

not to say more than is necessary, she will finally get confused herself, and will end up lying all her life, and what will come out is just God knows what!” Here he was silent for a while and then added: “Wouldn’t it be interesting to know whose it is? what, how is her father? Is he a rich landowner of respectable character or simply a well-meaning person with capital acquired in the service? After all, if, let’s say, this girl was given a dowry of two thousand thousand, she could make a very, very tasty. This could constitute, so to speak, happiness decent person" Two hundred thousand rubles began to appear so attractively in his head that he inwardly began to be annoyed with himself, why, while continuing to fuss around the carriages, he did not find out from the postilion or coachman who the travelers were. Soon, however, the appearance of Sobakevich's village dispelled his thoughts and forced them to turn to their constant subject.

(N.V. Gogol. “Dead Souls”)

Basic State exam(OGE) in literature 2018 will bring with it some changes to the final certification from Federal Institute Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) with the support of Rosobrnadzor and the Ministry of Education. Ninth-graders graduating from school who want to connect their lives with the world works of art, must be prepared for new assessment criteria, improvement of instructions and high-quality refinement of existing tasks.

In 2018, 9th grade students will most likely need to take a total of 5 subjects instead of 4: 2 compulsory ones (mathematics and Russian language) and 3 optional ones, which include the OGE in literature. In 2020, there may be 6 exams, because today representatives of the Ministry of Education, interested in motivating schoolchildren and encouraging them to conscientiously study secondary school courses, are seriously thinking about this.

From now on, the results of works written electively will be taken into account when creating a certificate - with this innovation education system I met you this year. Children will need to successfully pass all examination tests (grade “satisfactory” or “3” or higher). For those who fail to pass the OGE the first time, the Ministry of Education will provide an additional attempt, but this provision will only be relevant for 2 certifications. Students who are unable to take advantage of this opportunity and fail to cope with at least one of the repeated tasks will not be awarded the coveted document on completion of the high school course. They will be left within the walls educational institution for one more year.

Preparation for the OGE in literature 2018 can begin in different time depending on whether the student wants to write the test in an early or general format, the main difference of which is the dates of the exams. Thus, “early-term” students usually undergo certification starting in the second ten days of April. The start of testing for the main stream of schoolchildren occurs in May/June, and the retake period begins in September. In 2018, early submission of literature is scheduled for April 27 (Friday). The majority of graduates will start writing their work only on June 7 (Thursday).

General information about the examination certification for the subject is as follows:

  • duration – 235 minutes (3 hours 55 minutes);
  • minimum primary score, corresponding to “three” – 7;
  • number of tasks – 4.

More about retaking

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1394 dated December 25, 2013 “On approval of the Procedure for conducting state final certification in educational programs basic general education", for re-admission to take the OGE in the current academic year can only hope certain categories students. It's about about teenagers who:

  1. Received unsatisfactory grades in no more than 2 subjects.
  2. They filed an appeal due to a violation of the rules of the event and were found to be right.
  3. Did not come to the exam or did not complete the test for a valid and documented reason (illness, etc.).
  4. Subsequently canceled work was submitted if third parties were at fault for violating the certification procedure. These may be the heads of examination points (EP), representatives of state commissions, technical specialists, law enforcement officers, medical workers, assistants helping children with disabilities health, and other persons.

The educational organization is notified of the results of writing the work no more than 10 days after the control check. A change in the result or complete cancellation of the test is carried out within 12 days. A teenager admitted to retaking the OGE will need to appear again at the PES (possibly a new one) with an identity document.

Structure of CMMs

Control and measurement materials are tickets that require a written or oral answer to the question posed. IN currently This knowledge testing system is considered well-established and proven, so FIPI employees are not going to make significant adjustments to the forms. And yet, teachers, students and their parents should know and remember about some new provisions:

  1. Co next year The instructions given to examinees along with the tasks will be more detailed, thorough, consistent and clear. This way, graduates will be able to more clearly understand what is required of them, and therefore unnecessary organizational questions during the exam will be avoided.
  2. The criteria for assessing detailed answers will henceforth be based on the Unified State Exam standards.
  3. The highest score you can get for writing a paper will increase from 23 to 29.

Important! Children will be able to get an idea of ​​the OGE in literature 2018 thanks to open jar tasks, as well as demo versions, specifications and codifiers presented on the official website of FIPI. You can find them in the appropriate sections on the page fipi.ru/oge-i-gve-9 (menu on the left).

The CMM consists of 2 parts. The first includes fragments of works (prose and poetry), from which the student must choose one for subsequent analysis. The essence of the work is to write detailed, reasoned answers to 3 questions posed. In the first tasks you will need to correctly, harmoniously and completely express your thoughts in 3-5 sentences, and in the last one you will also need to cite comparative analysis two different passages in 5-8 sentences.

The second part will require the student to write an essay of at least 200 words on one of 4 assigned topics. At the same time, here the organizers of the OGE-2018 allow teenagers to use the full texts of works (including lyric works) from the list of references available in official sources to argue their position and quote. Books will be located on separate table examiner and be freely available.

The evaluation criteria take into account:

  • meaningful correspondence of the answer to the task (understanding of the given fragments without distorting the author’s point of view);
  • the degree of analysis of images, details, micro-themes, motifs, etc.;
  • factual, logical and verbal accuracy;
  • ability to compare works and work with texts;
  • correspondence of the essay to the topic and its disclosure;
  • mastery of theoretical and literary terms;
  • compositional integrity and consistency;
  • compliance with speech norms (the maximum possible number of errors that does not entail the loss of points on this item is no more than 2).

For each of the tasks you can get:

  • No. 1 and No. 2 – 5 points each;
  • No. 3 – 6 points;
  • No. 4 (essay) – 13 points.

The final results are correlated with a grade, which is then entered into the certificate:

  • 0-9 points correspond to a “two” grade;
  • 10-17 – “three”;
  • 18-24 – “four”;
  • 25-29 – “five”.

How to prepare

In order to prepare for the OGE in literature 2018, you need to hone your own literacy and engage in tireless analysis and interpretation of works included in the official list of FIPI, required reading for 9th grade graduates.

Video tips from “experienced” ": which books to read first:

They also think about which disciplines are best to take as an elective subject. Among the options for passing the OGE is literature.

Most often, it is taken by guys who want to become philologists or linguists in the future. This subject does not cause difficulties for schoolchildren who have devoted enough time to studying domestic and foreign classics. And before passing the OGE It wouldn’t hurt to find out what innovations await you in the structure and content of tickets, what the exam schedule will be, and what requirements the commission puts forward for ninth-grade graduates!

Demo version of OGE-2018

Dates of the OGE in literature

When preparing for the OGE, it is important for students to know in advance in what order and on what dates they will have to take this or that subject. For the literature examination, Rosobrnadzor has allocated the following dates:

  • April 27, 2018 (Friday) is the date for early passing of the literary OGE. The reserve date for this period is May 7, 2018 (Monday);
  • June 7, 2018 (Thursday) is the main exam upcoming for high school graduates. June 22, 2018 (Friday) – reserve;
  • September 12, 2018 (Wednesday) is the day of additional examination. The reserve became September 20, 2018 (Thursday).

Changes in the OGE-2018 in literature

The relevant commission considered that several clarifications need to be made to this CMM.

  1. The instructions for the work have been improved and formulated so that the student clearly and clearly understands the logic of the tasks and the criteria requirements.
  2. The criteria by which long-answer tasks will be assessed have changed.
  3. The point that can be obtained for the KIM solution will be increased by 6 in 2018 and will amount to 29 points.

Structure and content of KIM

The main purpose of the literature examination is to assess the level of preparation of students educational institutions By this subject. The results obtained will be used to enroll students in specialized classes. Important point: Literature exams are different from other subjects—students should not rely on assignments with short answers in this paper.

The literary OGE, unlike, is not aimed at testing basic linguistic knowledge. Your ability to provide reasoned answers to questions posed will demonstrate how well you understand the terminology. The main goal of the OGE is to test schoolchildren’s analytical thinking, their ability to interpret literary texts, their ability to compare facts and reason logically. At the same time, the ticket is designed so that the student can solve it according to his reading preferences.

In the exam you will have to complete 4 literary assignments in 235 minutes

KIM in literature was created on the principle of absolute variability - schoolchildren have the right to choose tasks from several proposed options. To get the highest score for the work, the student will have to:

  • learn artistic text and analyze it;
  • highlight the main semantic parts in the text;
  • determine the type and genre of a work of art;
  • understand and formulate main idea or the problem underlying the work;
  • characterize the main characters of the work, its plot features, composition and means of expression, used by the author;
  • conduct benchmarking literary texts;
  • express a personal position in relation to the work read;
  • retell and give feedback in writing.

The compilers of KIMs paid attention to the main theoretical and literary terms and conceptual apparatus, Russian folklore, ancient Russian literary works, Russian XVIII literature, XIX, XX–XXI centuries, as well as classics foreign literature. Now let's look at the structure of the work in a little more detail. In KIM, two components and 10 tasks await you, from which you will need to choose 4 (3 tasks from the first part and 1 from the second).

  • The first part of the work is tasks in which students will have to analyze a fragment of the work artistic character. This part presented in two options - the student can choose the passage that best suits his level of preparation. Option No. 1 - an excerpt from an epic, dramatic or lyric-epic work. In option No. 2 you will find an analysis of a poem or fable. In each option, you will need to cope with three tasks that will show whether you can perceive texts, make value judgments and understand the author's idea. A detailed answer to questions No. 1 and No. 2 should consist of 3-5 sentences. Each task will earn you up to 5 points. In task No. 3, the student must not only write his thoughts about the text he read, but also make a comparison with another text passage or work. The answer must be presented in the form of 5-8 sentences, for which you can receive another 6 points;
  • The second part of the work is an essay on one of four topics. This part of the OGE has a relationship with the options from the first part. Topic #1 refers to a piece of fiction, #2 to a fable or poem. However, the student can choose topics No. 3 or 4 - they concern ancient Russian literature, literary heritage XVIII century or classics of the 19th century-XX centuries. When solving this part of the ticket, it is necessary to comply with the norm - the essay must contain at least 200 words. If the student was unable to write more than 150 words, then the task is considered uncompleted and is scored 0 points. The maximum allowed for an essay is 13 points.

Maximum primary points for the literary OGE it is equal to 29 points.

Criteria for assessing the OGE in literature

Pledge high score– acquaintance with the classics of Russian and world literature

When evaluating works, commission members will be guided by the following criteria:

  • in the first part of the ticket, an assessment is made of how well the answer corresponds to the task. In addition, the commission will give points for the argumentation and connection of the answer with the author’s text, the accuracy of the facts and the consistency of the statements;
  • When evaluating an essay, the commission takes into account seven criteria. The student must: write an essay that corresponds to the chosen topic; argue your point by using quotes; rely on literary concepts; maintain compositional integrity; do not violate the logic of the story; be accurate with facts; comply with everything literary norms. The first criterion can earn you 1 point, the rest - 2 points each. In this case, the first criterion is the most important - if the examiner gives 0 for it, then the entire essay will be graded 0 points.

Regulations and features of the literary OGE

Ninth grade graduates will get 235 minutes to work with a ticket. The specialized commission recommends wisely distributing the time allocated for CMM:

  • up to 120 minutes – for tasks from the first part of the ticket;
  • up to 115 minutes for writing.

You should rid your pockets in advance of unnecessary things that could be tools for cheating. Do not bring smartphones or smartwatches into class that can be loaded with answers or essays, otherwise you may be kicked out of the classroom and your exam results will be invalidated.

It is worth saying that it will be easier for ninth grade students than for eleventh graders, because they are allowed to use texts when working with a ticket literary works and lyrical collections. Of course, all students will not be given a set of books - they will be on a separate table, to which each student taking the exam will have free access.

How does the OGE grade affect the school certificate?

The mark received for the OGE in literature can adjust your grade for the subject. The scale for transferring points is as follows:

  • from 0 to 9 points – the student is given a “two” for the OGE;
  • from 10 to 17 points – the student receives a “C”;
  • from 18 to 24 points – a ninth-grader wrote the OGE with a “B”;
  • from 25 to 29 points – the exam mark is identical to “five”.

If a student wishes to continue his studies in a specialized class or college, he will need to score at least 19 points for the OGE.

Practice putting your thoughts on paper so you don't make mistakes.

How to prepare for the OGE in literature?

When preparing and writing a literary OGE, students can use the following tips and recommendations:

  • focus on school curriculum and make sure that you have a set of literature books for all years of study;
  • Check out the demo version of the OGE for 2018 to understand which topics and tasks are problematic for you. In addition, the demo will help you practice filling out the form;
  • make a schedule for reading literary works submitted to the OGE. The amount of information on this subject is so large that you definitely won’t be able to cope with it in a couple of nights;
  • read not only full text works, but also reviews from critics - this will help you argue your thoughts in the essay. Tickets for 2018 may include works by M.V. Lomonosova, D.I. Fonvizina, G.R. Derzhavina, N.M. Karamzina, I.A. Krylova, V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Griboyedova, A.S. Pushkina, M.Yu. Lermontova, N.V. Gogol, A.N. Ostrovsky, F.I. Tyutcheva, A.A. Feta, N.A. Nekrasova, M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrina, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhova, I.A. Bunina, A.A. Blok, V.V. Mayakovsky, S.A. Yesenina, M.A. Sholokhova, A.T. Tvardovsky, V.M. Shukshina, A.I. Solzhenitsyn, B.N. Strugatsky and others (a list of specific works is in the codifier, which can be downloaded at the beginning of the article);
  • Don’t just grab the first topic suggested - read the entire ticket to understand which tasks are closer to you;
  • do not write the full text of the essay on a draft form, wasting precious minutes - a draft is better used for a thesis statement of thoughts, recording quotes and main arguments.