Recognize a work by its beginning or fragment. Literature Olympiad assignments

Olympiad assignments in literature for grade 5 on the website
The people's soul is the cradle of true literature. (A. Mickiewicz). Brilliant literature lives forever. (M. Bulgakov)

Literature 5 - 11 grade

Russian language 5 - 11 grade



    Only literature is not subject to the laws of decay. She alone does not recognize death.
    (M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin).

    In literature, as in life, it is worth remembering one rule: a person will repent a thousand times for saying a lot, but never for saying little.
    (A.F. Pisemsky).

Quotes Aphorisms

The work that is being read has a present; a work that is reread has a future.

Alexander (son) Dumas

Nice style should not keep a trace of effort. What is written should seem like a happy accident.

Somerset Maugham

Most writers consider the truth to be their most valuable asset - which is why they use it so sparingly.

Mark Twain

The newest and most original book is the one that makes you love old truths.

Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

They (the poets) are not clean enough: they muddy the water to make it seem deeper.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Literature is a deeply responsible matter and does not require coquetry with talents.

Maksim Gorky

Time passes, but the spoken word remains.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

I was fed by laws and this gave me an idea of dark side humanity. Then I began to read poetry to smooth out this impression and get acquainted with its bright side.

Thomas Jefferson

To successfully prepare for the Literature Olympiad, I recommend that you read and try to answer the following questions: real options olympiad assignments on literature.
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Olympiad assignments in literature grade 5 with answers

Olympiad assignments in literature for grade 5.

Olympiad assignments in literature for grade 5. (With answers)

1. Who is this description talking about?
A student at St. Petersburg University, only 18 years old, he was embarrassed to take the manuscript of his fairy tale to the editor and gave it to his favorite professor, who not only read it to the students, but also helped publish it in the very readable magazine"Library for reading." A.S. Pushkin, after reading this fairy tale, said: “Now I can leave this type of writing to me.”

M. Yu. Lermontov P. P. Ershov V. A. Zhukovsky N. V. Gogol.

2. Determine the genre of the work based on the passage:
The ignorant is also blinded
Scolds science and learning, And all scientific works,
Without feeling that he is tasting their fruits.
ballad myth fable poem.

3. Read the lines of the poem dedicated to Russian nature. Identify the author of these poetic lines:
There's already a golden leaf covering
Wet soil in the forest.
I boldly trample my foot
The beauty of the spring forest.
A. Maikov A.S. Pushkin A. Fet F. Tyutchev.

4. "Work ancient Russian literature, containing a weather record historical events" What genre are we talking about?
tale myth chronicle parable.

5. In which work are the following characters found: Vakula, Solokha, Oksana, Chub.
A. S. Pushkin “Dubrovsky”
N. S. Leskov “Lefty”

6. Continue the proverb: Invite guests to someone else’s loaf...
start a song
set the table
don't open your mouth.

7. What fairy tale is this miracle from?
She waved her left sleeve - a lake appeared, waved her right sleeve - white swans swam across the lake.
"Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf»
"Marya Morevna"
"White Duck"
"Vasilisa the Wise".

8. From which fable by I. A. Krylov are these lines taken:
"Being strong is good, being smart is better"
"Lion and Mosquito"
"Lion and Man"
"The Cat and the Cook"
"Mouse and Rat".

9. What remedy artistic expression applied by A. S. Pushkin in the lines:
The moon is like a pale spot
Through the gloomy clouds it turned yellow...
comparison hyperbole personification metaphor.

10. Find out the piece from the beginning.
“By God, I’m already tired of telling you! What do you think? Right. It’s boring: you keep telling and telling, and you can’t get rid of it! Well, if you please, I’ll tell you, just, really, really. last time. Yes, you are talking about the fact that a person can cope, as they say, with an unclean spirit. It is, of course, that is, if you think about it carefully, there are all sorts of cases in the world... but don’t say that. Wants to faint devilish power, then he will faint. By God, he’ll faint!”
A. S. Pushkin “Blizzard”
A. P. Chekhov “Surgery”
N. S. Leskov “Lefty”
N.V. Gogol “Enchanted Place”.

11. Find out the story by its ending
“They looked at each other and only then understood the meaning of the old psalm:
Roses are blooming... Beauty, beauty!
Soon we will see the baby Christ.
So they sat side by side, both already adults, but children at heart and soul, and it was a warm, blessed summer outside.”
I. S. Turgenev “Biryuk”
A.S. Pushkin “Dubrovsky”
G. H. Andersen " The Snow Queen»
V. A. Zhukovsky “The Sleeping Princess”.

12. Remember from which work the following “ popular expression»:
“If you go to the forest, take food, take matches.”
V. P. Astafiev “Vasyutkino Lake”
M. M. Prishvin “Pantry of the Sun”
V. G. Rasputin “French Lessons”
K. G. Paustovsky " Warm bread».

13. What event are the lines of M. Yu. Lermontov dedicated to:
“The enemy experienced a lot that day,
What does Russian fighting mean?
Our hand-to-hand combat!..
The earth shook like our breasts;
Horses and people mixed together,
And volleys of a thousand guns
Merged into a long howl..."
Battle of Poltava
Balaklava battle
Battle of the Dvina
Battle of Borodino.

14. Name which story by N.V. Gogol this miracle is from?
Then the grandfather stopped, took out a horn, poured tobacco on his fist and was preparing to bring it to his nose, when suddenly there was a “sneeze” above his head. – something sneezed so loudly that the trees shook and grandfather’s face was splashed all over.
"Enchanted Place"
"Christmas Eve"
« Sorochinskaya fair»
« Terrible revenge».

15. Recognize the work by its beginning: “Children are strange people, they dream and imagine. Before the Christmas tree and right before Christmas, I met on the street, on a certain corner, a boy, no more than seven years old.”
I. S. Turgenev “Bezhin Meadow”
A.S. Pushkin " Stationmaster»
F. M. Dostoevsky “The Boy at Christ’s Christmas Tree”
I. S. Turgenev “Biryuk”.

16. Find out the work by its ending: “She came,” answered Vanka, “I looked at her from afar. She lay down here and lay there for a long time. And there the lady went to the village and called the priest, gave him money and went, and gave me a nickel in silver - a nice lady!
And I gave the boy a penny and no longer regretted either the trip or the seven rubles I spent.”
N.V. Gogol “The Night Before Christmas”
N. S. Leskov “Lefty”
A. S. Pushkin “Station Warden”
M. M. Prishvin “Pantry of the Sun.”

17. Remember the work in which these characters meet: Tatiana, Kapiton, Stepan?
A. S. Pushkin “The Young Lady-Peasant”
I. S. Turgenev “Mumu”
L. N. Tolstoy " Prisoner of the Caucasus»
A.P. Chekhov “Horse surname”.

18. Think and answer about the work of which Russian the poet is coming speech in the given passage:
"High fat man; a large head with gray curls, his face seems sleepy, but his eyes look young and sly from under his overhanging eyebrows. In his youth he published the magazine “Mail of Spirits”. During the war with Napoleon, His Serene Highness Prince Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov read his work “The Wolf in the Kennel” in front of the officers.”
I. A. Krylov
A. S. Pushkin
M. Yu. Lermontov
N.V. Gogol.

19. From which fable by I. A. Krylov are these lines taken, which carry the moral of the entire fable?
When there is no agreement among comrades,
Things won't go well for them,
And nothing will come out of it, only torment.
"The Monkey and the Glasses"
"Siskin and Dove"
"Swan, Pike and Crayfish."

20. What is the name of the hero who became famous for stealing fire for people?
Prometheus Hercules Jason Zeus

Literature Olympiad answers for 5th grade:

1 - P. P. Ershov / 2 - fable / 3 - A. Maikov / 4 - chronicle

5 - N.V. Gogol “The Night Before Christmas” / 6 - Keep your mouth shut / 7 - “Vasilisa the Wise”

8 - “Lion and Man” / 9 - comparison / 10 - N.V. Gogol “Enchanted Place”

11 - G. H. Andersen “The Snow Queen” / 12 - V. P. Astafiev “Vasyutkino Lake” / 13 - The Battle of Borodino

14 - “Enchanted Place” / 15 - F. M. Dostoevsky “The Boy at Christ’s Christmas Tree”

16 - A. S. Pushkin “Station Warden” / 17 - I. S. Turgenev “Mumu”

18 - I. A. Krylov / 19 - “Swan, Pike and Cancer” / 20 - Prometheus.

1. Which poet speaks like this about his work, merits, and goals of creativity?(Maximum amount points – 2 points)

      ...I was the first to dare in a funny Russian syllable

To proclaim Felitsa’s virtues,

Talk about God in simplicity of heart,

And speak the truth to kings with a smile.

But I live, and on earth is mine

It is kind to someone to be:

My distant descendant will find him.

In my poems; who knows? My soul

Will find himself in intercourse with his soul,

And how I found a friend in a generation,

I will find a reader in posterity.

2. Which heroes of which works are we talking about?

      Ah, my father! What do cab drivers do? It's their business. This is not a noble science either. Nobleman just say: take me there. They'll take you wherever you want. Believe me... it’s nonsense that my son doesn’t know.

      23 years old, average height, clean face, shaves his beard, has brown eyes, light brown hair, straight nose. Special signs: there were none.

3. Identify the author of the aphorism:

(Maximum number of points – 4 points)

3.1 The legend is fresh, but hard to believe.

3.2. Man is created for happiness, like a bird is created for flight.

      And peasant women know how to love.

      One born to crawl cannot fly.

4. Find out the work by its beginning, name the author.

(Maximum number of points – 6 points)

4.1 A few years ago

Where, merging, they make noise,

Embracing like two sisters

Jets of Aragva and Kura

There was a monastery...

      There's nothing better Nevsky Prospekt, at least in St. Petersburg; for him he is everything. Why does this street not shine - the beauty of our capital!

      Kings and kingdoms of the earth are a delight,

Beloved silence,

Bliss of villages, joy of cities,

How useful and beautiful you are!

Flowers are colorful around you,

And the classes in the fields turn yellow;

The ships are full of treasures

They dare to follow you into the sea;

You sprinkle with a generous hand

Your wealth on earth.

    Historical and literary assignments.

1. What unites the poets of three different times: Horatio, G. Derzhavin, and S. Pushkin?(Maximum number of points – 1 point)

2. List 3 works of ancient Russian literature of different genres.(Maximum number of points – 3 points)

3. What is the name of N.V. Gogol’s collection, which included the works “Old World Landowners”, “Viy”, “Taras Bulba”, “The Story of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich”

(Maximum number of points – 1 point)

    Knowledge of literary theory

1. What means of artistic expression are used in the passage?(Maximum number of points – 3 points)

A sea of ​​shine, roar, blows,

And the earth is shaken, -

It's a glass wall

Shattered on the rocks,

Then they run through the steep mountains

Watery Niagara

Width and depth!

(N.M. Yazykov “Waterfall”)

Find out the work by its beginning, name the author.

I. Knowledge of texts works of art


Academic year

On literature

1. Which poet speaks like this about his work, merits, and goals of creativity?

1.1 ...I was the first to dare in a funny Russian syllable

To proclaim Felitsa’s virtues,

Talk about God in simplicity of heart,

And speak the truth to kings with a smile.

But I live, and on earth is mine

It is kind to someone to be:

My distant descendant will find him.

In my poems; who knows? My soul

Will find himself in intercourse with his soul,

And how I found a friend in a generation,

I will find a reader in posterity.

2. About which heroes of which works? we're talking about?

2.1 Ah, my father! What do cab drivers do? It's their business. This is not a noble science either. Nobleman just say: take me there. They'll take you wherever you want. Believe me... it’s nonsense that my son doesn’t know.

2.2 23 years old, average height, clean face, shaves his beard, has brown eyes, light brown hair, straight nose. Special signs: there were none.

(Maximum number of points – 4 points)

3.1 The legend is fresh, but hard to believe.

3.2. Man is created for happiness, like a bird is created for flight.

3.3 And peasant women know how to love.

3.4 Those born to crawl cannot fly.

(Maximum number of points – 6 points)

4.1 A few years ago

Where, merging, they make noise,

Embracing like two sisters

Jets of Aragva and Kura

There was a monastery...

4.2 There is nothing better than Nevsky Prospekt, at least in St. Petersburg; for him he is everything. Why does this street not shine - the beauty of our capital!

4.3 Kings and kingdoms of the earth are a delight,

Beloved silence,

Bliss of villages, joy of cities,

How useful and beautiful you are!

Flowers are colorful around you,

And the classes in the fields turn yellow;

The ships are full of treasures

They dare to follow you into the sea;

You sprinkle with a generous hand

Your wealth on earth.

II. Historical and literary assignments.

1. What unites the poets of three different times: Horatio, G. Derzhavin, and S. Pushkin? (Maximum number of points – 1 point)

2. List 3 works of ancient Russian literature of different genres.(Maximum number of points – 3 points)

3. What is the name of N.V. Gogol’s collection, which included the works “Old World Landowners”, “Viy”, “Taras Bulba”, “The Story of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich”

(Maximum number of points – 1 point)

1. What means of artistic expression are used in the passage?

A sea of ​​shine, roar, blows,

And the earth is shaken, -

It's a glass wall

Shattered on the rocks,

Then they run through the steep mountains

Watery Niagara

Width and depth!

(N.M. Yazykov “Waterfall”)

2. Identify genres the following works:

"Russian language" I.S. Turgeneva, "Undergrowth» D.I. Fonvizina, « Poor Lisa» N.M. Karamzina, “ Bronze Horseman » A.S. Pushkin, "Sea" V. Zhukovsky. (Maximum number of points - 5 points)

3. About what literary concept it goes: This is a figurative definition that gives additional artistic description object or phenomenon? Give an example. (Maximum number of points – 2 points)

IV. Literature and other arts.

1. What poems by M.Yu. Lermontov were set to music?

(Maximum number of points – 2 points)

2. Name art films, created based on the works of A.S. Pushkin. (Maximum number of points – 3 points)

A few years ago

Where, merging, they make noise,

Hugging like two sisters,

The streams of Aragva and Kura,

There was a monastery... (Lermontov M. Yu. “Mtsyri”)

  1. How much does a book cost if you have to pay two five-alt coins for it? Altyn – how much is it?(Two five-altyn is thirty kopecks. Altyn is antique coin three kopecks)

Eliminate the 4th extra

  1. COFFEE, TABOO, ORphan, CRUISE, TULLE, SHAMPOO. (orphan is a common gender).

  2. Running broke. Sit on the shore. Sit on suitcases. Sit in the liver. (Sitting on the shore is not a phraseological unit)

  3. Find the fourth extra word. Give reasons for your choice.
Architect, radish, trace, estate.

(Superfluous word- estate, since only in it the letter d means ringing sound[d], in the other three words [d] is deafened and sounds like [t])

  1. VOLLEYBALL, GYMNASTICS, FOOTBALL, BASKETBALL (gymnastics, all other words are borrowed from English).

  2. Carry out the match
1. L.N. Tolstoy “Prisoner of the Caucasus” 1. Poem

2. P. P. Bazhov " Copper Mountain mistress" 2. Tale

3. I. A. Krylov “Wolf in the kennel” 3. Fairy tale

4. “The Tale of Bygone Years” 4. Chronicle

5. A. P. Chekhov “Surgery” 5. Tale

6. N. A. Nekrasov “Frost, Red Nose” 6. Ballad

7. R. Stevenson “Heather Honey” 7. Fable

8. V. A. Zhukovsky “Sleeping Beauty” 8. Story

(1-2, 2-5, 3-7, 4-4, 5-8, 6-1, 7-6, 8-3)

  1. Which phraseological units from the second column are antonyms to the phraseological units of the first column?

1. Carry on your hands;

A) Pour from empty to empty;

2. Punch yourself;

B) Work with light;

3. At a snail's pace;

B) Pull yourself together;

4. Sitting on someone else's neck;

D) Keep a tight rein;

5. Lose your temper;

D) Make money with your own hump;

6. Speak to the point

E) Rush headlong

1.G; 2.B; 3. E; 4.D; 5.B; 6.A

  1. One of the chapters of the novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov “The Twelve Chairs” is called “The Union of Sword and Ploughshare.” What stands for word plowshare? What's it like meaning stable expression beat swords into ploughshares? Name source this phraseological unit. (A plowshare is a plow, a device for plowing the land. “Let’s beat swords into plowshares” is the slogan of the transition from war to a peaceful creative life. Biblical origin)

  1. This hero has been known to everyone for 3 centuries. V. G. Belinsky wrote about him this way: “Here is a young man, the son of a great king, the heir to his throne, carried away by a thirst for knowledge, lives in an alien and boring country... Returning to his homeland, this prince becomes a murderer - voluntary or involuntary - of his mother , stepfather, lover, her father, brother." Say his name. (Hamlet)

  1. They say that one of the young nobles recognized himself in the hero of this work and was so shocked that he threw himself into learning, studied at home and abroad, studied languages, philosophy, the history of painting, became an artist and, ultimately, the president of the Academy of Arts. It was Nikolai Alekseevich Olenin. Name the work that so shocked N.A. Olenin.
    (“Minor” Fonvizin).

  1. Write the word using the 3rd sound from the word radish , stressed vowel from the word will call , 4th sound from a word moved out , 3rd letter from the word humor . (Quiet).

  1. Sort out the words according to their composition goof up, quietly . (O-simple-hair-and-th-sya, quiet-oh-oh).

  1. Find and write down words with the same root in an excerpt from “The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes" by A. S. Pushkin.
The princess walked around the house

I put everything away in order,

I lit a candle for God,

I lit the stove hot,

Climbed onto the floor

And she quietly lay down.

(I removed - climbed, lit - a candle)

  1. You write grammatical basis sentences from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A. S. Pushkin.
And the queen laughs

And shrug your shoulders

And wink your eyes,

And click your fingers,

And spin around, arms akimbo,

Looking proudly in the mirror.

(The queen laughs, shakes, winks, clicks, twirls)

  1. Make up phrases with the words blowing, tearing, warmth - so that these words are in different parts speech. What are these words called from a lexical point of view? (The barrel of a gun is a barrel from the window; I’m tearing cornflowers - there’s a lot of water in the ditch; dress warmly - save the heat. These words are called homoforms)

  1. In set expressions one word is used incorrectly, it should be replaced
Crocodile in a bag. Like water from an owl. Duck song. Tiger's share. Horse stubbornness. Shot rooster. Add a lamb. Badger service.

(Pig in a poke. Water off a duck's back. Swan song. The lion's share. Donkey's stubbornness. Shot sparrow. Put the pig down. A disservice.)

  1. Find and correct speech errors.

    1. Metaphors and epithets play a large role in this poem.

    2. The passenger is required to pay for travel and baggage.

    3. The young actress made her debut in the play.
(Perform - play, pay - pay, debuted for the first time - debuted)

  1. Eliminate the 4th extra. Dutch, Chinese, winch, sweatshirt, tartan (Chinese, it is unambiguous and cannot denote an animate person and inanimate object).

  2. Eliminate the 4th extra. Go into your shell, fence yourself off with a Chinese wall, stew in your own juice, waste your life (waste your life - this phraseological unit is an antonym in relation to all the others)

  3. Eliminate the 4th extra. “Sasha”, “Peddlers”, “Frost, Red Nose”, “ Bakhchisarai fountain"("The Bakhchisarai Fountain" does not belong to N. A. Nekrasov).

  4. Carry out the match.
1. Birds of the same plumage stay 1. When the crayfish whistles on the mountain.

2. When the sea returns all those who died in it. 2. There will be a holiday on our street

3. Every dog ​​has its day. 3. Two boots in a pair.

4. Not worth a button. 4. Take care of it like the apple of your eye.

5. The grass is greener on the other side of the hill. 5. Call a spade a spade.

6. Up to your elbows. 6. Like twice is two.

7. Easy as pie. 7. Not worth a penny.

8. Kill two birds with one stone. 8. Kill two birds with one stone

9. Calling a shovel a spade. 9. It’s good where we are not.

10. Store in cotton wool. 10. Up to your neck.

(1-3; 2-1; 3-2; 4-7; 5-9; 6-10; 7-6; 8-8; 9-5; 10-4)

  1. What vowel sound never occurs at the beginning of native Russian words? (A)

  1. Which lexical meaning has the word "glamour"? (charm, charm, chic)

  2. What is the gender of the word glasses in Russian (it is impossible to determine the gender, since the word is plural).

  1. In the following examples, distinguish between a) litotes b) anaphora c) antithesis d) personification e) hyperbole

    1. Why am I known as a charlatan? Why am I known as a brawler?

    2. Just a second! Now open!

    3. I told you a thousand times: “Wash your hands!”

    4. I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening.

    5. Like a blizzard, the bird cherry waves its sleeve.
1b, 2a, 3d, 4c, 5d.

  1. What would be Wagner's name? famous composer, if he were not German, but French?
1) Richard 2) Riccardo 3) Richard

  1. Look at the words appetite, brains, tenderness, cold and decide who is the odd one out?

  1. dog 2) calf 3) cat 4) chicken 5) wolf
(dog cold, veal tenderness, chicken brains, ravenous appetite).

Literature Quiz

  1. The nobles stood in a crowd

And they waited silently for the spectacle;

Sitting between them

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"Literature Quiz"

Literature Quiz

(6th grade, 2nd part of the textbook by V.Ya. Korovina).

“Recognize a work by its beginning.”

    In one village, near the Bludov swamp, near the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, two children were orphaned. ("Pantry of the Sun")

    The nobles stood in a crowd

And they waited silently for the spectacle;

Sitting between them

The king is majestically on the throne... (“The Glove”).

    In a certain village of La Mancha, whose name I have no desire to remember, not so long ago there lived one of those hidalgos... (“Don Quixote”)

    When I was six years old, in a book called " True stories”, where they talked about virgin forests, I once saw an amazing picture. ("A little prince")

    Last rays of sunset

They lie on a field of compressed rye.

Embraced by pink drowsiness

Unmown grass. ("Summer evening")

    When the soul is exhausted in the struggle,

When I hate myself.

When I can't find a place in the world

And, tired, I curse fate. ("Book")

    Son Konstantin Ivanovich came to the old woman Agafya Zhuravleva, with his wife and daughter. ("Cut off")

“Recognize the hero by description.”

    A thick-lipped, blond man of forty, well-read and malicious. (Gleb Kapustin)

    His age was approaching fifty: he had a strong build, a lean body, a thin face, a lover of getting up early in the morning and an avid hunter. (Don Quixote)

    Tall and strong, noticeable for his strength and power, a guy with long red bangs, who went to the 7th grade (Vadik)

    A half shawl is on the head, its ends are passed under the arms and crosswise tied on the back. Under the short shawl is a burgundy-dyed jacket. This jacket was taken out of the chest on major holidays and on the occasion of a trip to the city. (Grandmother)

    She got up far before the sun, in the pre-dawn hour, along the shepherd's chimney. With a twig in her hand, she drove out her beloved herd and rolled back to the hut. Without going to bed again, she lit the stove, peeled potatoes, made dinner, and so busied herself with the housework until nightfall. (Nastenka)

"Carry on"

(Give the writer's last name).

    Anna Andreevna (Akhmatova)

    Gabdulla (Tukay)

    Vasily Makarovich (Shukshin)

    Mikhail Mikhailovich (Prishvin)

    David Samuilovich (Samoilov)

    Victor Petrovich (Astafiev)

    Alexander Stepanovich (Green)

    Fazil Abdulovich (Iskander)

    Star of the fields in the icy darkness

Stopping, he looks into the wormwood.

The clock has already rung twelve,

And sleep enveloped my homeland...

(“Star of the Fields” by Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov)

    Our village stands on a steep hill.

A spring with chilled water is just a stone's throw from us.

Everything around me is joyful, I know the taste of water,

I love with soul and body everything in my land.

(“Native ancient” by Gabdulla Tukay)

    Small forest. The steppe and the distance.

Moonlight to all ends.

Suddenly they started crying again

Spill bells. (“Small forests. Steppe and distance” by Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin.)

    “...The British could not do anything to tempt him to become seduced by their life, but only persuaded him to stay for a short time, and at that time they
    They will take people to different factories and show all their art.
    “And then,” they say, “we’ll bring him on our ship and bring him alive to
    We will deliver to St. Petersburg ." (“Lefty” by N.S. Leskova)

    “..Ivan Evseich looked blankly at the doctor, smiled somehow wildly and, without saying a single word in response, clasped his hands and ran towards the estate as quickly as if a mad dog was chasing him.” (“Horse name” by A.P. Chekhov)

    The streams are noisy! the streams are shining!

Roaring, the river carries

On the triumphant ridge

The ice she raised! (“Spring, Spring! How clean the air is...” A.A. Fet)

    “...And two boys standing in front of a huge solid glass window
    grocery store, began to laugh uncontrollably, pushing each other
    friend in the side with his elbows, but involuntarily dancing from the cruel cold. They are already
    spent more than five minutes in front of this magnificent exhibition, which excited their minds and stomachs in equal measure.” Wonderful doctor"A.I.Kuprina)