Re-read the introductory and concluding description of Nevsky Prospekt. “Scary world” in N.V. Gogol’s story “Nevsky Prospekt”

The story “Nevsky Prospekt” was written in 1834. This one and next year were the most fruitful in the writer's life. During this period, he not only created many great works, but also conceived all those that were written subsequently.

One of the famous stories is called Nevsky Prospekt (Gogol), a brief summary and analysis of its main ideas will be offered below.

Young Gogol was quite close to artistic world capital Cities. For three years (1930-1931) he attended courses Art Academy, where he studied drawing. He had many familiar painters, including such luminaries as Venetsianov or Bryullov.

Nikolai Gogol studied the world of artists very well, knew what kind of people they were, how they lived.

Two are dedicated to creative life famous works writer: “Nevsky Prospekt” and “Portrait”. In them, the author expressed his views, doubts and thoughts about the role, meaning and possibilities of creativity. The image of the creative person in the writer’s works is always the artist, the painter.

Note! It is useful to read the short story Nevsky Prospekt for review if you need to quickly remember any details of the plot.

However, if you read the summary of Nevsky Prospekt, it will not be able to replace the entire work of the great writer. Read brief retelling chapter by chapter means not reading classic at all.

The story “Nevsky Prospect” was believed to have been conceived in 1831, and written by October 1934. The work is part of the famous cycle “Petersburg Tales”, which contains works different years. What unites them is their place of action - St. Petersburg.

Gogol himself did not collect these stories into one cycle. This tradition appeared in literature after the death of the writer. All “Petersburg Tales” are considered to be largely similar in theme. Literary critics find artistic unity in them. This is the story of the creation of the story.


The narrative begins with a description of Nevsky Prospekt, which contains the whole soul of St. Petersburg. Here you can see many characteristic types people from a variety of social backgrounds.

Life never stops here, it only changes different time days.

Gogol describes dignitaries, ladies, men, shop owners, governesses with noble children, artisans, merchants, officials of various ranks, who, as if in a line, walk along Nevsky. Finally, from this entire crowd, the author singles out two people who became the main characters of the story - the young artist Piskarev and his frivolous friend, Lieutenant Pirogov.

Both of them were walking along the evening avenue when women attracted their attention. The lieutenant noticed some “blonde” and immediately followed her, hoping for an easy love affair. The artist’s thoughts and feelings were much more sublime. He saw a young dark-haired girl who seemed to him the ideal of beauty.

In her face he saw something “divine”, “holy”. The artist followed her, without any bad thought, which his pure soul simply could not contain, wanting only to see where such a magnificent beauty could live.

The "lady" noticed young man, smiled at him, and approaching her house, she motioned for the young man to come inside. The dreamy artist imagined a whole novel. He thought that some mysterious circumstances were forcing the beautiful lady to seek his help and, for sure, she wanted to give him a very important assignment.

The young romantic did not believe his happiness; with all his soul he longed to serve this ideal of beauty, to carry out any of her commands. So the artist went up to the fourth floor, followed his “lady” into one of the apartments and, looking around, realized with horror that he was in a brothel.

This discovery had a very painful effect on the pure, modest young man. After all, beauty for him was an object of religious worship, the appearance of God on earth.

But before his eyes there was "beauty touched by the corruptive breath of debauchery".

The artist felt something mystical here: “by some terrible will of a hellish spirit, eager to destroy the harmony of life, she was thrown with laughter into this terrible abyss.”

Then the beauty turned to him and started talking about something. The voice was “gentle”, “melodic”, but the words were terrifying in their stupidity and vulgarity. It was beyond anyone's strength! The artist rushed to run as fast as he could.

Returning home, he could not sleep for a long time from shock, and finally, well after midnight, he began to doze off. Suddenly someone knocked on the door. It turned out to be a richly dressed footman. He reported that he had come from a lady whom the artist had seen a few hours ago.

The lady sent a carriage for him and asks him to visit her. The young man was very happy. This means that his beauty is a noble lady and cannot work in that terrible house. There's some kind of secret here! He willingly got into the carriage.

So the artist Piskarev ended up in a palace with “marble columns”, where a ball was celebrated. The halls were crowded with people. The young man was somewhat lost from the noise, unfamiliar faces and surrounding luxury. He leaned against a column and began to look at the crowd.

Many gorgeous ladies passed by, but one of them especially stood out for her elegance of attire and beauty. With difficulty squeezing through the crowd, the artist approached the beauty, wanting to get a good look at her. Finding himself face to face with her, he suddenly realized that this queen of the ball was the same girl he had seen the day before.

The lady also recognized the artist and called him to the other end of the hall where they could talk. And so they met there. The beauty was explaining something to him, talking about some mysterious circumstances that caused her to end up in that terrible house yesterday.

But what kind of secret there was, the artist did not have time to find out, their conversation was interrupted by an unknown person old man, and the beauty was forced to step away for a minute.

The artist was impatient to continue the conversation, unable to wait, he went to look for his lady. Piskarev walked from room to room for a long time, but did not find her anywhere. Finally, tired, I leaned against the wall... and woke up.

Reality again appeared before him as it was. But he couldn't come to terms with it. The sleep was much better! And he began to live only in dreams, and in order to stay awake as little as possible, he began to take opium. Now the meaning of his existence was to induce dreams again and again.

See that incarnation again perfect beauty, to understand that in fact she does not work in a brothel at all, this is simply impossible! The reason for everything is complex, mysterious circumstances...

Waking up he thought: “It would be better if you didn’t exist at all! She would not have lived in the world, but would have been the creation of an inspired artist!”

One day he dreamed that this girl became his wife. He was completely happy. And when I woke up, I thought: “What if this beauty can still be saved?” What if he really marries her and pulls her out of the abyss of depravity? With this thought, the artist again came to the brothel.

The door was opened by the same girl, still as beautiful, although now looking somewhat sleepy and pale. The artist revealed his feelings to the beauty, offered to marry him and start a new life with him. working life- He will paint pictures, she will do some handicrafts.

But it turned out that the girl was not at all delighted with his proposal. Debauchery did not bother her at all; on the contrary, she liked the fact that she could laze around, drink, and sleep until two o’clock.

The noble life of poverty and labor did not attract the girl. The artist realized that her soul was already completely devastated. The last straw was the vulgar jokes of the beauty’s friend who was present at this conversation.

The artist ran out of the house and wandered around the city all day, not knowing where he was going. His mind became clouded. Finally, he returned to his room and locked himself in. A week later, they sensed something was wrong in the house and broke down the door. The artist Piskarev lay on the floor with his throat cut, and a razor lay next to him.

Immediately after this tragedy comes a comedy - the story of a comrade dead artist, the same Lieutenant Pirogov who tagged along with some blonde. As it turned out, this was the wife of a German tinsmith whose name was Schiller.

Pirogov followed the blond German woman all the way to her house, from where she was rudely kicked out by her drunken husband. However, the lieutenant did not give up. He went to the tinsmith the next day and ordered spurs for himself so that he would have an excuse to visit his house. Then he needed a sheath for his dagger.

All this time, Pirogov secretly tried to flirt with the master’s wife, but she did not respond to his advances. Finally, the lieutenant came on Sunday, when the German tinsmith was not at home, and began pestering his wife, despite her indignation and screams.

Just then the husband came with his fellow craftsmen. They were all drunk. Pirogov was flogged and thrown out the door.

The lieutenant was extremely indignant at such an insult to his noble honor and wanted to complain about the German to all courts in the country, right up to the sovereign himself.

However, after visiting a pastry shop, reading a newspaper, walking along Nevsky, going to see friends for the evening, I completely calmed down and forgot everything unpleasant.

Brief Analysis

In the story “Nevsky Prospekt” several semantic layers can be distinguished: philosophical, social, psychological.

Here are the main ideas of this work:

  1. First of all, it should be said about the social themes of the story. The work begins and ends with a description of St. Petersburg, or rather its main street - Nevsky Prospekt. This is a city of contrasts, wealth and poverty. This is a city of deceit, where “nothing is what it seems.”
  2. Gogol's description of St. Petersburg can be called “ironic pathos” in style. This is how Gogol depicts the life of this city, externally magnificent, internally vulgar and empty.
  3. Then the writer stops at two heroes, as if randomly choosing them from the crowd. One of them, an artist, in spirit is the complete opposite of the world in which he lives.
  4. « This young man belonged to that class which constitutes quite a lot among us. strange phenomenon and belongs to the citizens of St. Petersburg just as much as the person who appears to us in a dream belongs to the essential world“- this is the characteristic given by Gogol to his hero. Piskarev is a romantic, pure in heart a dreamer, completely alien to all vulgarity and dirt. His story is the tragedy of an idealist who failed to come to terms with the ugly reality.
  5. The other hero, unlike the artist, fits perfectly into the life around him. If the first is “not of this world,” the second is completely a child of his world. If the first dies, unable to bear the encounter with vulgarity, the second gets along well with it.
  6. The story of the lieutenant’s adventures follows immediately after the artist’s tragedy and therefore seems absurd and inappropriate. So Gogol even more clearly emphasized the paradox, unreasonableness real life, where farce is mixed with genuine tragedy, high with stupid and empty.

Note! Deep philosophical idea works Nevsky Prospekt - the duality and tragedy of beauty and love in our world.

Here the story “Nevsky Prospekt” echoes three other works of Gogol - “Viem”, “Taras Bulba” and “Notes of a Madman”, each of which covers the issue from a special angle.

In Nevsky Prospekt the idea is formulated most clearly. Beauty, as the hero-artist, and with him Gogol himself, believes, has a divine nature; it is, in essence, a manifestation of the heavenly on earth.

IN real world everything is perverted, in the power of evil.

Beauty is doomed to destruction itself and destroys others:

  • in the story she pushes the hero to betray his homeland,
  • in “Notes of a Madman” - leads to madness,
  • in the work “Viy” the ambiguity of beauty is embodied in demonic form lady witches.

In “Nevsky Prospekt” this issue is examined, first of all, in the light of creativity, through the eyes of a “servant of beauty.” That is, in essence, we're talking about about the relationship between art and reality. Main character, having sensed all the irregularity and perversity of reality, he completely abandons it in favor of a fictitious ideal.

However, escaping from reality does not save the artist and turns out to be impossible. Still, in the end, he makes a desperate attempt to bring reality closer to his dream and, as a result, dies.

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Let's sum it up

Whether Gogol, when he wrote Nevsky Prospekt, agreed with his hero, the artist Piskarev, in everything is difficult to say. At least he himself completely found a way to reconcile art with reality, since he became a great Russian realist writer.

In the poem " Dead Souls"Nikolai Gogol brilliantly portrayed surrounding life in all its ugliness, but this was the late stage of his work.

Many writers who worked in the 19th century turned to the theme of St. Petersburg in their work. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol and his “Nevsky Prospekt” are no exception. Analysis of this story is, first of all, a study of the image of this city and how it appears to us in the work. Petersburg is truly amazing city, because it was built in defiance of all the laws of nature for extremely short term, and by the will of just one person. For centuries, it has been a symbol of the struggle of contrasts: poverty and prosperity, beauty and ugliness - all these extremes coexisted here in some incomprehensible way.

The image of St. Petersburg in the work of N. V. Gogol

Most outstanding minds Russia from early years They strove to St. Petersburg, and it was in this city that they won the status of the best publicists, writers, critics, etc. However, here they came face to face with poverty and humiliation. The city seemed to be sucking people into a swamp of ostentatious luxury, vulgarity and stupidity. The center and place where these seemingly incompatible concepts met was the main street of the city - the same Nevsky Prospekt.

The analysis of N. Gogol's story necessarily pays great attention namely the image of the city itself, which seems to be endowed with its own soul. This is not just a capital, not just a metropolis with amazingly beautiful streets, majestic palaces and the picturesque Neva. Petersburg in the author's view is a kind of animated giant that has its own unique face, disposition, whims and habits.

Hundreds of people walk along Nevsky Prospekt every day. And they are also the owners of the most different characters. Gogol separately emphasizes that, despite the fact that at any time of the day you can meet a huge crowd of people on the avenue, there is no feeling of unity or any community between them. The only thing that unites them all is the meeting place. Describing the street, the author says that it creates a feeling as if some demon had crushed the whole world into many tiny fragments and “meantlessly, senselessly mixed it together.”

The similarity of destinies and the contradictory characters of Pirogov and Piskarev

However, as the story progresses, the story “Nevsky Prospekt,” which we are analyzing, includes two characters to whom the author pays close attention. The first is Lieutenant Pirogov, and the second is Piskarev, “a young man in a tailcoat and cloak.” Pirogov knows the laws well modern world. He knows that life in a majestic city is in many ways like playing roulette. But the one who is ready to constantly take risks in order to fulfill his most secret, hopeless and even sometimes absurd dreams will be able to conquer him.

The lieutenant, following his convictions, takes risks. He does not see anything unusual or tragic in his loss and, not without the influence of the cool evening Nevsky Prospect, quickly copes with the “anger and indignation” that has overwhelmed him.

The second hero, Piskarev, the same “young man in a cloak and tails,” is trying to act the same way as his friend. He too fails. But for him, feeling lonely and alien in northern capital empire, such an event becomes fatal. Timid and shy by nature, the artist, who all his life carried sparks of feeling in his heart, which were always just waiting in the wings to “turn into flame,” literally entrusted his fate to Nevsky Prospekt. Analysis of the work “Nevsky Prospekt” is an analysis of two similar in appearance, but completely different in essence stories. Both heroes risk everything, but Pirogov, for whom everything that happens is a game, essentially loses nothing. For Piskarev, this is life. A person who subtly senses the world is unable to instantly become rude and callous and stop trusting the world. However, he cannot quickly forget about the disappointment that he experienced due to the fault of the famous avenue.

What did Gogol want to show when completing Nevsky Prospekt? The analysis of this story is an analysis of a parallel narrative about two characters who are opposites of each other in character and attitude. For the reader, such a contrast allows a deeper understanding of the inconsistency of Nevsky Prospect itself. The comical nature of the situation in which Lieutenant Pirogov finds himself is contrasted tragic fate poor Piskarev. In the same way, the atmosphere of comic vulgarity, characteristic of Nevsky in the morning, is combined with tragic evening vulgarity and lies. “...he lies at all times, this Nevsky Prospect,” says Gogol.


A tiny light that dances before your eyes, beckons and lures you into dangerous networks, - this is exactly how the author strives to present Nevsky Prospekt to the reader. Analysis of the story makes you think deeply philosophical questions. For the artist Piskarev, the meeting with Nevsky and its inhabitants becomes fatal; it literally devastates his soul. Before his eyes, the beauty of the world turns into nothing, and the question itself arises: “If all this is a ghostly mirage, what in this case is real at all?” And the author gives the answer - Nevsky Prospect itself remains real, in which the eternal mystery is combined with eternal deception.

“Nevsky Prospekt” was written in 1833-1834 and belongs to the cycle of St. Petersburg stories, in which the writer painted landscapes of the northern capital. The description of St. Petersburg has always been ambiguous in creativity writers of the 19th century century. In particular, in Gogol’s works, this city was the embodiment of various human contradictions, a place where prosperity was in an eternal struggle with poverty, and the beautiful fought with the terrible. It was in this city that young outstanding figures of the country could realize their ambitious dreams. Well, the center of everything that was happening and the heart of St. Petersburg was, of course, Nevsky Prospekt.

N.V. Gogol’s story “Nevsky Prospect” begins with a description of this street, which the author is in no hurry to expose: “There is nothing better than Nevsky Prospect, at least in St. Petersburg; for him he is everything.” He gradually reveals all the secrets of the avenue at different times of the day. From early morning until late at night, thousands stroll along the avenue different people. As soon as you climb it, it already smells like a party. However, if in the morning you can only see beggars or sleepy people hurrying to work. IN daytime the prospectus becomes “pedagogical”. Hundreds of foreign governesses and tutors appear on it, leading restless children by the hand. From two to three, the entire elite of St. Petersburg, or the so-called “parade of ranks,” comes out onto the avenue. That's when it begins main exhibition best works person." Here you can see the best frock coats with beaver, thousands of varieties of hats and scarves, expensive rings on dandy little fingers, fashionable sideburns, charming shoes. Thus, the street above the Neva has its own character, its own habits, just like the people passing along it.

From this human mishmash, the author singles out two: Lieutenant Pirogov and the artist Piskarev. The first one knows his way around the harsh reality of the city well and is not afraid to lose. The second has a romantic character and a gentle disposition. Pirogov is not interested in anything except rank and personal gain, and Piskarev, in accordance with his artistic talent, sees only a beautiful and good beginning in everything. Having missed each other on the avenue, the friends each chose their own path. The lieutenant followed the charming blonde, smugly and self-confidently savoring the upcoming victory. And the artist followed the young brunette, hoping to find pure and immaculate love. Both knew that the reality of St. Petersburg could be cruel, but each perceived it differently.

Pirogov subsequently received cuffs from the blonde’s husband, a German tinsmith. A little angry at the circumstance, he quickly forgot about what had happened, eating away his grief with two puff pastries and dancing a mazurka at a reception with friends. And Piskarev, having learned that the young lady he loved was from a brothel, could not cope with disappointment. For him, this disappointment became fatal. Like a true artist who saw beauty in everything, he was unable to look at the terrible reality; could not understand and accept that the immaculate beauty of the girl of his dreams was touched by the pernicious breath of debauchery. This loss literally devastated his soul. If for Pirogov this incident was just another game, then for Piskarev it was his whole life.

At the end of the story, the author blames Nevsky Prospekt for what happened. After all, it was he who could destroy all dreams and deceive anyone. For him, everything that happens on the avenue day after day is an illusion, a mirage. He walks along it himself, heavily wrapped in his cloak, trying not to look at passers-by. After all, on Nevsky Prospekt everything is not as it seems.

The theme of St. Petersburg in the works of writers of the 19th century is by no means last place. A city built contrary to all laws of nature, by the will of only one person; a city created in an incredibly short period of time, as if in a fairy tale; a city that has become the embodiment of various human contradictions, a symbol of the eternal struggle between prosperity and poverty, splendor and ugliness - this is how St. Petersburg appears to us in the works of A. S. Pushkin, N. V. Gogol, and many writers of the so-called natural school.

The assessment of St. Petersburg has always been ambiguous: hatred and love were intertwined. It was here that the most outstanding figures of Russia strove when they were young; here they turned into wonderful writers, critics, and publicists. In St. Petersburg their ambitious dreams came true. But on the other hand, here they had to endure humiliation and poverty; the city seemed to suck people into a swamp - a swamp of vulgarity, stupidity, ostentatious luxury, behind which extreme poverty was often hidden, and the center of this swamp, the heart of St. Petersburg, was the famous Nevsky Prospekt.

N.V. Gogol wrote in the story “Nevsky Prospekt”; “There is nothing better than Nevsky Prospekt, at least in St. Petersburg; for him he is everything.”

St. Petersburg appears before the reader not just as a capital, a grandiose metropolis with magnificent palaces, beautiful streets and the Neva, “dressed in granite,” but as a living giant, with its own face, its own character, its own special habits and whims.

And the people who walk along Nevsky Prospekt in the hundreds throughout the day are also bearers of the most diverse characters. “Creator! What strange characters one meets on Nevsky Prospekt!”

But despite great amount people passing along the avenue at any time, yet there is no feeling of community or integrity created between them. The only thing that unites them is the meeting place, Nevsky Prospekt. It’s as if “some demon chopped up the whole world into many different pieces and mixed all these pieces together without meaning, to no avail.”

And out of this human jumble, two stand before the reader: Lieutenant Pirogov and “a young man in a tailcoat and cloak” - Piskarev. The first is well oriented in his contemporary reality, he is perfectly familiar with the “roulette” of the majestic city: risk, eternal risk, and if you are ready to take it, then St. Petersburg is cruel and merciless, but at the same time capable of helping to realize the most secret, most hopeless, most absurd dreams - will become yours.

The lieutenant takes risks and ends up losing, but for him this is nothing unusual, much less tragic. He easily copes with the “anger and indignation” that has gripped him, and this does not happen without the influence of Nevsky Prospect: “A cool evening forced him to walk a little along Nevsky Prospect; By nine o'clock he had calmed down...”

But another character - a hero in a cloak and tails - follows the example of his friend and, just like him, loses. However, for him - alone and a stranger in the northern capital - this loss becomes fatal. “Shy, timid, but in his soul he carried sparks of feelings that were ready to turn into flames on occasion,” the artist Piskarev trusts Nevsky Prospect all his life, while Pirogov, seemingly risking everything, loses nothing. For him it’s a game, but for Piskarev it’s life. A person who has a keen sense of the world cannot suddenly become callous and rude, stop believing the world, and forget about the disappointment that the famous avenue brought him.

A parallel story about two heroes, opposite in character and fate, helps the reader better understand the inconsistency of Nevsky Prospect itself. The comical situation in which Lieutenant Pirogov found himself is contrasted with the tragic fate of poor Piskarev. In the same way, the comic vulgarity of the morning prospectus is combined with the evening, tragic vulgarity, with deception, because “he lies at all times, this Nevsky Prospekt, but most of all when the night falls on him in a condensed mass...”.

N.V. Gogol presents us with Nevsky Prospekt as a small flame dancing before our eyes, beckoning us and luring us into dangerous nets. It is difficult for any person to survive the trials that befell Piskarev, especially for an artist. The author writes: “Indeed, pity never takes possession of us so strongly as at the sight of beauty touched by the corrupting breath of depravity.” For the artist, the meeting with Nevsky Prospekt and its inhabitants became the reason for the collapse of all hopes; it literally devastated his soul. Not seeing the beauty of the world means not wanting to live, and when beauty turns into nothing before your eyes, you involuntarily ask the question: if this is all a mirage and a ghost, then what is real? And Nevsky Prospekt with its eternal mystery and eternal deception remains real.

The title of this work suggests that the main image and kind of main participant in the events that Gogol created is Nevsky Prospekt. Summary, of course, will not be able to tell so vividly about this street that it “smells like a party.” So, let's try to remember what this book is about.

Description of Nevsky Prospekt

Let us turn to how N.V. begins. Gogol "Nevsky Prospekt". The summary of this work should begin with a description of this street. The writer's rich language very vividly conveys to us the atmosphere of St. Petersburg at that time. This is how we see people walking along main street of this city. In the morning on Nevsky you can meet beggars, working people, and officials. At noon, governesses with children appear there, and this avenue can safely be called “pedagogical.” From two to three o'clock you can see a real “parade of ranks” on the avenue. This is a real exhibition of ladies' hats, shoes, shoes, dresses, men's sideburns and mustaches. After four o’clock the avenue becomes empty and comes to life again at dusk, as Gogol writes. The story “Nevsky Prospekt,” the summary of which we are considering, further introduces us to two characters.

Meeting of Pirogov and Piskarev

In the evening, two comrades meet on the avenue. This is how Gogol continues in Nevsky Prospekt. A summary of the book is impossible without a description of these two characters. Pirogov is a narcissistic lieutenant, confident in his success with women. Piskarev, on the contrary, is a shy and timid artist who does not dare to hope for mutual attention from young people. On Nevsky, the lieutenant noticed a charming blonde, and the artist took a liking to the brunette. Then the young people missed each other.

A beautiful stranger

It should be noted that central work in the cycle “Petersburg Tales” by Gogol - “Nevsky Prospekt”. The summary of this work makes us follow along with Piskarev a beautiful young girl. He just wanted to know where she lived - he didn’t dream of anything else. However, the smile with which the stranger turned to the young man inspired him. And what happened to him when, approaching the house, the young lady motioned for him to follow her!


Piskarev followed the stranger, nourishing the most tender and sublime feelings. A woman opened the door for them. The apartment they entered amazed Piskarev: he realized that he had ended up in a shelter of debauchery. The shocked young man ran away.

Dreams and Dreams

Once at home, Piskarev fell asleep. He had a dream. It is with this episode that Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol continues “Nevsky Prospekt”. The summary of this story will further tell us what the young man dreamed.

So, Piskarev saw that the footman had come for him, and, saying that the same lady had sent him, he ordered to follow him. He found himself at a ball in a magnificent mansion. All the ladies were beautiful, but the most brilliant of all, of course, was She. The girl tried to say something to Piskarev, but they were constantly interrupted. He woke up. Life has lost its meaning for the young man. To sleep better, he bought opium. His existence gained meaning only in dreams.

Piskarev imagined that he would marry this girl, and she would leave the terrible path she was on. One day he decided to propose to her. Going to that house, he saw her again and told her about his plan. The response to his words was contempt. Piskarev fled again and did not leave his room for several days. When the door was broken down, they found a young man with his throat cut.

About Pirogov

Gogol's "Nevsky Prospekt" continues with the story about the friend of the unfortunate Piskarev. The summary of this story takes us in the footsteps of the blonde and Pirogov to the house of the tinsmith Schiller, whose wife was the blonde girl. Besides Schiller, there was also the shoemaker Hoffmann in the room. Together they put Pirogov out, but he decided not to give up and, coming the next day, began to flirt with the young woman. She threatened to complain to her husband. Pirogov ordered spurs from Schiller in order to have a reason to appear in this house again. Pirogov’s impudent behavior infuriated the tinsmith. He, in agreement with his wife and friends, decided to teach him a lesson. The blonde invited him to her room, where after a while Schiller and his friends burst in and, having beaten the young man, threw him out.

However, Pirogov was not annoyed for long. Having refreshed himself with pies, the lieutenant began to enjoy life again.