“Dream Interpretation of Gold Coins dreamed of why gold Coins appear in a dream. Find old gold coins

Why do you dream about gold coins in a dream according to the dream book?

We saw gold coins - according to Felomena’s dream book, such a vision foreshadows a prosperous family life and a sharp improvement in well-being. In real life, you will be lucky in all your planned transactions.

The darker the color of gold, the harder it will be for you to gain success and respect. Seeing scratched or bent gold pieces promises enormous damage to your business reputation.

What did you do with gold coins in your dream?

Found gold coins in a dream

If you dreamed that you found gold coins, such a dream is clearly interpreted as a significant increase in your material wealth. Perhaps a rich inheritance awaits you, maybe a very valuable gift. Financial support from a wealthy friend is not excluded.

Dreaming that you are collecting gold coins

If you saw in a dream that you were collecting gold coins, this is a warning that excitement and worries in business are expected. If you receive a tempting offer, be sure to accept it, despite your fears and doubts. The success and profit of this business are guaranteed.

Why do you dream about coins?

Coins appeared back in the days when trade had just begun to develop, and they could be of completely different shapes. Today, many people dedicate their lives to collecting various coins, while for others it is just part of their monetary capital. What could the dream in which you saw coins mean? To answer this question it is worth using interpretation.

Why do you dream about coins?

Such a dream can be seen by a person for whom the material issue comes first. The dream book reminds you that money is not the main thing at all, and such behavior can cause various problems. Large coins promise little profit in real life. It may also symbolize the discovery of promising prospects for you, for example, moving up the career ladder or starting your own business. A large number of kopecks is a warning that in order to make a profit you will have to make considerable efforts.

If you see coins, but cannot take them, this is a hint that you like to exchange small things. It's time to choose one path and achieve your goal.

Why do you dream of gold coins?

If you hold such coins in your hand, it means that in the near future your financial situation will change for the better, and the transactions that were planned will end successfully. You found gold coins - this is a sign of huge profits or a valuable gift that will significantly improve your financial situation.

Why do you dream about ancient coins?

Collectible coins will tell you that you can find the missing money and finally realize your ideas and dreams. The dream also foreshadows the receipt of an unusual gift, and its cost will be completely unimportant, for example, it could be a talisman or an interesting book. Coins that are no longer in use symbolize that it is time for you to leave the past behind and start a new life.

Why do you dream about collecting coins?

Such a dream is a warning about possible unrest, but do not worry, everything will end well and beneficial for you. Another dream can symbolize an improvement in your financial situation. Collecting coins in a hat means you will be able to bring one of your ideas to life and receive a reward for it.

Why do you dream of small coins?

In this case, the dream promises a lot of trouble and worry. It can also be a reminder that adding up small pennies can add up to a larger sum.

Dream Interpretation Coin

Why do you dream of a Coin in a dream according to the dream book?

Why do you dream of coins in a dream? Soon you will experience changes in your family life that will be related to your well-being. New shiny coins promise a happy family life.

A trifle in a dream is a symbol of minor troubles. Strangers will interfere with business. Such interference will bring you a lot of inconvenience; it is better to avoid such “well-wishers”.

Scattered small pennies on the table or on the floor - to unexpected tears and anxiety. Beware of scandals, as well as noisy quarrels, avoid all conflict situations in the family, at work, and in public places.

What material did you see coins made of in your dream?

Dreamed of iron coins

Why do you dream of iron coins? The interpretation of such a dream comes down to the fact that at the moment you need to gain strength and patience and wait for a more favorable period to start new things. Don't live with old troubles, move forward to a new life!

Copper coins in a dream

If you look at copper coins in a dream, the dream book warns that the current moment is not very favorable for your well-being. Hard physical labor will not meet your expectations, and meager earnings are unlikely to solve material problems.

How unique were the coins you dreamed about?

Dreamed about commemorative coins

A dream in which you saw new commemorative coins indicates that the time has finally come to completely change your environment, lifestyle, possibly work and place of residence. Success and good luck await you in your new life.

We saw foreign coins in a dream

If you dream of foreign coins, an unplanned trip abroad or an unexpected trip around the country will bring you a lot of pleasant impressions and positive emotions.

Dream about rare coins

I dreamed of rare collectible coins - the interpretation of such a vision comes down to the fact that your relationship with your loved one is built on a very strong mutual attraction and emotional attachment, which you both value greatly.

What size coins did you dream about?

Big coin in a dream

We saw a large coin - the dream book interprets this dream as unexpected wealth, an unexpected promotion in the service. Moreover, the larger and newer the coin, the more favorable the period begins for financial investments and starting your own business.

What did you do with coins in your dream?

Counting coins in a dream

Counting coins - according to the Felomena dream book, this is a reminder of the need to keep track of every ruble, and that money loves counting and those who can do it. Thanks to these qualities, success in financial matters will always accompany you.

Giving coins in a dream

If you dreamed that you were giving away coins, this is a good sign. By giving away money in a dream, you increase your chance of fulfilling your most cherished desire in real life. Moreover, if your desire is not material and cannot be purchased for money.

How many coins did you see in your dream?

I dreamed about a lot of money

Seeing a lot of small money in a dream is an unpleasant sign. In the near future you will have to work a lot physically, having only the bare necessities. If you hold a lot of small change in your hand, poverty and a hopeless situation await you.

To see a piggy bank that is filled to the top with money, on the contrary, portends you good luck and a great opportunity to improve your financial situation thanks to newly opened prospects.

What denomination coins did you see in your dream?

We saw 10 rubles in a dream

A dream in which you see 10 gold rubles suggests a sudden promotion, success in a new place and, as a result, gaining respect from colleagues. Golden royal chervonets in a dream are a sign of good luck, success in business or in the workplace.

Who gave you coins in a dream?

I dreamed that a dead man was giving coins

If you dream that a dead person gives money in the form of coins, you should pay attention to what kind of person he was during his lifetime. Receiving money from a good person promises sudden profit or wealth. Otherwise, along with money, you can get serious problems.

If you received gold or large paper money from a deceased person, this is a sign of good wealth that is expected in the near future. If it was small change or old bills, on the contrary, serious financial problems and big losses await you.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Miller's Dream Book

Golden coins

Dream Interpretation Gold coins dreamed of why you dream about Gold coins? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Gold coins in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Dream Interpretation - Gold coins

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Dream Interpretation - Gold

gold coin

Dream Interpretation Gold Coin dreamed of why you dream about a gold coin? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Gold Coin in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Seeing small coins in a dream foreshadows pleasant family chores, large coins of ancient mintage - to receiving unexpected wealth. Making or counterfeiting coins means wasted effort. Melting coins into metal is a sign of money-grubbing and greed. A dream about a one-ruble coin foreshadows troubles accompanied by tears. Seeing a piggy bank full of coins in a dream means that excellent prospects will open up for you to improve your financial situation. Coins scattered from a broken piggy bank promise little return with a lot of effort. Counting coins means that you can achieve your intention if you are practical and thrifty. If your wallet or purse full of valuable coins is stolen, this is a sign that you are in danger, so you should be especially attentive and careful in crowded places, and even more so avoid deserted ones. Finding coins of insignificant denomination in a dream means you are in danger of losing business due to the intervention of a person close to your affairs. Discovering a treasure of ancient coins of enormous value - such a dream foreshadows an increase in mental strength and efficiency. A chest filled to the brim with gold coins foretells that your wishes will come true. A monisto of gold coins means that your strengths will allow you to achieve a lot if you also overcome your shortcomings. Receive gold coins as a gift - you will marry a rich but stingy man. Seeing gold chervonets of royal coinage in a dream means you will gain honor and respect thanks to your successes in the business field. Hearing the ringing of chervonets means wealth and prosperity. Handing over the treasure with them to the state means that in reality you will lose the trust of people who know you from your work. Sell ​​gold coins - you will reach a ripe old age in complete solitude. Seeing silver coins in a dream foretells happy times if the coins are large. Small silver coins indicate that your dreams will not come true. Melted in fire, they portend losses. Copper coins are a sign that you will be forced to engage in work that brings little income. Seeing a whole bag of copper coins in a dream means that you will quickly achieve success in business, not being afraid to take risks and clearly reacting to any change in market conditions.

Dream Interpretation - Gold coins

Seduction, harm, passions; grief; poverty. For women additional Prostitution or deception in love (idiom: “worship of the golden calf”).

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Gold – prosperity, pleasure, new travels; silver – failure, squabbles, family discord; for a girl - your lover gives you a silver coin - he will undeservedly offend you; copper - to hard physical labor; nickel - you have to do work of a rather low quality; You have miles of silver coins, they are bright, clean and clearly belong to you - a favorable sign. Also see Gold, Copper, Silver, Corpse.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Silver - for profit, copper (pennies) - for gossip. Imagine that copper coins were hiding silver coins. You have a lot of silver coins.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

If you dreamed of a shiny coin, it means problems, small gains are possible. Old coins mean an unexpected find. There is a danger of negative subtle influence.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Ancient coins - unexpected rich profit, inheritance. New coins mean a lot of troubles and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

(See interpretation: money) Seeing gold dishes in a dream, eating or drinking from it means honors and wealth. The same thing means a dream where you will see a richly decorated table and many expensive gold objects. However, if you dream of jewelry made of gold, then see the interpretation: jewelry and objects by name. To see a dream about gold chains, icons, and headdresses is a harbinger of deception, flattery, a warning about possible betrayal or betrayal that will plunge you into poverty and deprive you of peace of mind. For a woman to receive gold trinkets as a gift in a dream, it means that her life will be comfortable and prosperous. If objects made of gold are lost or broken in a dream, then you will experience a break in relationships, loss, humiliation, and poverty. If you dream that some parts of your body are made of pure gold, then do not build castles in the air. It's better to have a bird in a cage than a pie in the sky. Losing gold is a sign that you have missed a brilliant opportunity to improve your situation. Sometimes such a dream predicts a break in your relationship with a loved one. Finding gold in a dream is a warning that you should not miss your chance. Exchange gold for something else - you may miss out on benefits. See interpretation: statue, jewelry, dishes. Holding gold in your hands is a sign of prosperity and prosperity. Finding a gold mine in a dream means great opportunities and hard work. Working with gold in a dream yourself or seeing others doing such work is a sign of danger due to your excessive desire to easily get rich. This dream also warns you that you should be more careful to avoid shame. Seeing a golden crown on your head in a dream is a sign of poverty and ruin. For a patient, such a dream predicts death. See interpretation: crown. Carrying gold on your hump or back is a sign of a heavy burden. Catching a goldfish or holding it in your hands in a dream means extraordinary changes in life. If the fish dies or jumps out (if you don’t hold it), then you will miss your chance. See interpretation: fairy tale. Buying gold in a dream means trouble. Seeing a lot of gold metal in a dream means poverty and lack in the family. Gilding in a dream is a sign of deception, falsehood, treason, betrayal. See interpretation: money, buy.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Seeing gold in a dream means falsehood and delusion in any form. Holding gold in your hands means success and luck in everything. If you dream that you have discovered a gold mine, it means that in reality you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task. Finding a gold bar in a dream means achieving complete success in your business in reality. Finding gold things means that your merits will allow you to easily advance on the path to honors and wealth. Losing gold in a dream means you risk losing it in life, perhaps. your happiest occasion. Seeing golden sand in a dream means that in reality you will have the idea of ​​acting dishonestly towards people you do not know. Gold in coins or jewelry foreshadows a young girl's marriage to a rich but dishonest man. A gold chain means that you will spend your free time profitably, a gold medallion means you will receive a round sum for your services, a gold necklace means you will find happiness with your loved one. To see golden chervonets of royal coinage in a dream - you will gain honor. Receive them in payment for your work - your hopes will come true. Pay in gold chervonets - you will live to a ripe old age. If you find a treasure with them, you will be happy. If in a dream you melt them, this means a loss of trust with your superiors. Hearing the ringing of falling gold pieces is a sign of wealth. A golden thread in a dream means that in reality you will receive good and timely advice. If in a dream you embroider with gold thread, in reality your work will bring great income after some time. If you see golden spiders in a dream, then in life you will find friends who will help you get money. Seeing a chest full of gold in a dream foretells that if you do not pay attention to rumors addressed to you and continue to stick to your line, this can lead to a bad end. Seeing gold dishes in a dream and eating from them portends a promotion at work; changing them to silver dishes means a headache from many troubles and worries. Swallowing gold in a dream means success in science or art. Seeing fake gold means succumbing to flattery and deception. Buy gold - you will be left with nothing, sell - big changes await you. Receiving gold as a gift - beware of losing your head in a love frenzy.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

The appearance of gold in your dream may be associated with the well-known phrases: “All that glitters is not gold” (external impressions can be deceptive), “Small is the spool, but dear,” “The word is silver, silence is gold.” There are also quite common words: “Golden hands”, “Golden heart”, “Golden character”, “Golden hair”. If you dreamed that you lost a gold piece of jewelry, then this warns you that an unpleasant event will soon happen; if you lost a wedding ring, then this is especially unpleasant because it may foreshadow illness or separation from a loved one. Seeing gold coins in a dream - such a dream indicates that you will receive a reward for the work you have done, only this reward may not necessarily be material. If you dreamed that you were a gold digger, then this means that you are trying to find profit in some business, but because of your outright selfish desire, you will lose the respect of those around you, who will stop providing you with the help that they previously offered. Finding a golden thing in a dream - such a dream predicts that you will have false hopes; you are hoping in vain for chance; you need to act actively.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Success in all matters. In the form of utensils, dishes - lofty hopes will become reality. In the form of money, jewelry - you will be able to prevent deception. You are melting gold - gossip cannot ruin your reputation. Embroider with gold - receive news that will help you achieve what you want. Carrying gold in handfuls is a profitable business. Buying gold is a new acquaintance that will relieve you of sadness and loneliness. Find gold - you will become the keeper of a secret that will change your life. There is gold - a promotion. Meet with a goldsmith - avoid fraud. Golden shower - receive an inheritance. Wear gold on yourself - avoid a dangerous disease. Give - you will be invited to a wedding. A gold mine has been discovered - the search for a new job will end with a lucrative offer. Wash golden sand - your diligence and hard work will bring tangible success. You work in a gold mine - fame and honor will fall on you. Imagine gold as brightly and as much as possible. This gold is everywhere: in your home, on yourself, on your family and friends.

Find a lot of coins

Dream Interpretation Find a lot of coins dreamed of what it means to dream about Finding a lot of coins? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Find a lot of coins in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Seeing small coins in a dream foreshadows pleasant family chores, large coins of ancient mintage - to receiving unexpected wealth. Making or counterfeiting coins means wasted effort. Melting coins into metal is a sign of money-grubbing and greed. A dream about a one-ruble coin foreshadows troubles accompanied by tears. Seeing a piggy bank full of coins in a dream means that excellent prospects will open up for you to improve your financial situation. Coins scattered from a broken piggy bank promise little return with a lot of effort. Counting coins means that you can achieve your intention if you are practical and thrifty. If your wallet or purse full of valuable coins is stolen, this is a sign that you are in danger, so you should be especially attentive and careful in crowded places, and even more so avoid deserted ones. Finding coins of insignificant denomination in a dream means you are in danger of losing business due to the intervention of a person close to your affairs. Discovering a treasure of ancient coins of enormous value - such a dream foreshadows an increase in mental strength and efficiency. A chest filled to the brim with gold coins foretells that your wishes will come true. A monisto of gold coins means that your strengths will allow you to achieve a lot if you also overcome your shortcomings. Receive gold coins as a gift - you will marry a rich but stingy man. Seeing gold chervonets of royal coinage in a dream means you will gain honor and respect thanks to your successes in the business field. Hearing the ringing of chervonets means wealth and prosperity. Handing over the treasure with them to the state means that in reality you will lose the trust of people who know you from your work. Sell ​​gold coins - you will reach a ripe old age in complete solitude. Seeing silver coins in a dream foretells happy times if the coins are large. Small silver coins indicate that your dreams will not come true. Melted in fire, they portend losses. Copper coins are a sign that you will be forced to engage in work that brings little income. Seeing a whole bag of copper coins in a dream means that you will quickly achieve success in business, not being afraid to take risks and clearly reacting to any change in market conditions.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Gold – prosperity, pleasure, new travels; silver – failure, squabbles, family discord; for a girl - your lover gives you a silver coin - he will undeservedly offend you; copper - to hard physical labor; nickel - you have to do work of a rather low quality; You have miles of silver coins, they are bright, clean and clearly belong to you - a favorable sign. Also see Gold, Copper, Silver, Corpse.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Silver - for profit, copper (pennies) - for gossip. Imagine that copper coins were hiding silver coins. You have a lot of silver coins.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

If you dreamed of a shiny coin, it means problems, small gains are possible. Old coins mean an unexpected find. There is a danger of negative subtle influence.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Ancient coins - unexpected rich profit, inheritance. New coins mean a lot of troubles and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Dream Interpretation - Coin

If money appears to you in the form of coins or small change, it means it’s time for a change. If you find money: this means that your financial situation should improve. This sign may be a warning to pay more attention to your financial affairs, at least for a while.

Dream Interpretation - Find

Finding something means profit. Finding a horseshoe or a key means luckily solving problems.

Find gold coins

Dream Interpretation: Finding gold coins dreamed of why you dream about finding gold coins in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see gold coins in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Seeing small coins in a dream foreshadows pleasant family chores, large coins of ancient mintage - to receiving unexpected wealth. Making or counterfeiting coins means wasted effort. Melting coins into metal is a sign of money-grubbing and greed. A dream about a one-ruble coin foreshadows troubles accompanied by tears. Seeing a piggy bank full of coins in a dream means that excellent prospects will open up for you to improve your financial situation. Coins scattered from a broken piggy bank promise little return with a lot of effort. Counting coins means that you can achieve your intention if you are practical and thrifty. If your wallet or purse full of valuable coins is stolen, this is a sign that you are in danger, so you should be especially attentive and careful in crowded places, and even more so avoid deserted ones. Finding coins of insignificant denomination in a dream means you are in danger of losing business due to the intervention of a person close to your affairs. Discovering a treasure of ancient coins of enormous value - such a dream foreshadows an increase in mental strength and efficiency. A chest filled to the brim with gold coins foretells that your wishes will come true. A monisto of gold coins means that your strengths will allow you to achieve a lot if you also overcome your shortcomings. Receive gold coins as a gift - you will marry a rich but stingy man. Seeing gold chervonets of royal coinage in a dream means you will gain honor and respect thanks to your successes in the business field. Hearing the ringing of chervonets means wealth and prosperity. Handing over the treasure with them to the state means that in reality you will lose the trust of people who know you from your work. Sell ​​gold coins - you will reach a ripe old age in complete solitude. Seeing silver coins in a dream foretells happy times if the coins are large. Small silver coins indicate that your dreams will not come true. Melted in fire, they portend losses. Copper coins are a sign that you will be forced to engage in work that brings little income. Seeing a whole bag of copper coins in a dream means that you will quickly achieve success in business, not being afraid to take risks and clearly reacting to any change in market conditions.

Dream Interpretation - Gold coins

Seduction, harm, passions; grief; poverty. For women additional Prostitution or deception in love (idiom: “worship of the golden calf”).

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Gold – prosperity, pleasure, new travels; silver – failure, squabbles, family discord; for a girl - your lover gives you a silver coin - he will undeservedly offend you; copper - to hard physical labor; nickel - you have to do work of a rather low quality; You have miles of silver coins, they are bright, clean and clearly belong to you - a favorable sign. Also see Gold, Copper, Silver, Corpse.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Seeing gold in a dream means falsehood and delusion in any form. Holding gold in your hands means success and luck in everything. If you dream that you have discovered a gold mine, it means that in reality you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task. Finding a gold bar in a dream means achieving complete success in your business in reality. Finding gold things means that your merits will allow you to easily advance on the path to honors and wealth. Losing gold in a dream means you risk losing it in life, perhaps. your happiest occasion. Seeing golden sand in a dream means that in reality you will have the idea of ​​acting dishonestly towards people you do not know. Gold in coins or jewelry foreshadows a young girl's marriage to a rich but dishonest man. A gold chain means that you will spend your free time profitably, a gold medallion means you will receive a round sum for your services, a gold necklace means you will find happiness with your loved one. To see golden chervonets of royal coinage in a dream - you will gain honor. Receive them in payment for your work - your hopes will come true. Pay in gold chervonets - you will live to a ripe old age. If you find a treasure with them, you will be happy. If in a dream you melt them, this means a loss of trust with your superiors. Hearing the ringing of falling gold pieces is a sign of wealth. A golden thread in a dream means that in reality you will receive good and timely advice. If in a dream you embroider with gold thread, in reality your work will bring great income after some time. If you see golden spiders in a dream, then in life you will find friends who will help you get money. Seeing a chest full of gold in a dream foretells that if you do not pay attention to rumors addressed to you and continue to stick to your line, this can lead to a bad end. Seeing gold dishes in a dream and eating from them portends a promotion at work; changing them to silver dishes means a headache from many troubles and worries. Swallowing gold in a dream means success in science or art. Seeing fake gold means succumbing to flattery and deception. Buy gold - you will be left with nothing, sell - big changes await you. Receiving gold as a gift - beware of losing your head in a love frenzy.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Silver - for profit, copper (pennies) - for gossip. Imagine that copper coins were hiding silver coins. You have a lot of silver coins.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

If you dreamed of a shiny coin, it means problems, small gains are possible. Old coins mean an unexpected find. There is a danger of negative subtle influence.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Ancient coins - unexpected rich profit, inheritance. New coins mean a lot of troubles and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

(See interpretation: money) Seeing gold dishes in a dream, eating or drinking from it means honors and wealth. The same thing means a dream where you will see a richly decorated table and many expensive gold objects. However, if you dream of jewelry made of gold, then see the interpretation: jewelry and objects by name. To see a dream about gold chains, icons, and headdresses is a harbinger of deception, flattery, a warning about possible betrayal or betrayal that will plunge you into poverty and deprive you of peace of mind. For a woman to receive gold trinkets as a gift in a dream, it means that her life will be comfortable and prosperous. If objects made of gold are lost or broken in a dream, then you will experience a break in relationships, loss, humiliation, and poverty. If you dream that some parts of your body are made of pure gold, then do not build castles in the air. It's better to have a bird in a cage than a pie in the sky. Losing gold is a sign that you have missed a brilliant opportunity to improve your situation. Sometimes such a dream predicts a break in your relationship with a loved one. Finding gold in a dream is a warning that you should not miss your chance. Exchange gold for something else - you may miss out on benefits. See interpretation: statue, jewelry, dishes. Holding gold in your hands is a sign of prosperity and prosperity. Finding a gold mine in a dream means great opportunities and hard work. Working with gold in a dream yourself or seeing others doing such work is a sign of danger due to your excessive desire to easily get rich. This dream also warns you that you should be more careful to avoid shame. Seeing a golden crown on your head in a dream is a sign of poverty and ruin. For a patient, such a dream predicts death. See interpretation: crown. Carrying gold on your hump or back is a sign of a heavy burden. Catching a goldfish or holding it in your hands in a dream means extraordinary changes in life. If the fish dies or jumps out (if you don’t hold it), then you will miss your chance. See interpretation: fairy tale. Buying gold in a dream means trouble. Seeing a lot of gold metal in a dream means poverty and lack in the family. Gilding in a dream is a sign of deception, falsehood, treason, betrayal. See interpretation: money, buy.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

The appearance of gold in your dream may be associated with the well-known phrases: “All that glitters is not gold” (external impressions can be deceptive), “Small is the spool, but dear,” “The word is silver, silence is gold.” There are also quite common words: “Golden hands”, “Golden heart”, “Golden character”, “Golden hair”. If you dreamed that you lost a gold piece of jewelry, then this warns you that an unpleasant event will soon happen; if you lost a wedding ring, then this is especially unpleasant because it may foreshadow illness or separation from a loved one. Seeing gold coins in a dream - such a dream indicates that you will receive a reward for the work you have done, only this reward may not necessarily be material. If you dreamed that you were a gold digger, then this means that you are trying to find profit in some business, but because of your outright selfish desire, you will lose the respect of those around you, who will stop providing you with the help that they previously offered. Finding a golden thing in a dream - such a dream predicts that you will have false hopes; you are hoping in vain for chance; you need to act actively.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Success in all matters. In the form of utensils, dishes - lofty hopes will become reality. In the form of money, jewelry - you will be able to prevent deception. You are melting gold - gossip cannot ruin your reputation. Embroider with gold - receive news that will help you achieve what you want. Carrying gold in handfuls is a profitable business. Buying gold is a new acquaintance that will relieve you of sadness and loneliness. Find gold - you will become the keeper of a secret that will change your life. There is gold - a promotion. Meet with a goldsmith - avoid fraud. Golden shower - receive an inheritance. Wear gold on yourself - avoid a dangerous disease. Give - you will be invited to a wedding. A gold mine has been discovered - the search for a new job will end with a lucrative offer. Wash golden sand - your diligence and hard work will bring tangible success. You work in a gold mine - fame and honor will fall on you. Imagine gold as brightly and as much as possible. This gold is everywhere: in your home, on yourself, on your family and friends.

Find gold coins

Dream Interpretation Find gold coins dreamed of why you dream about finding gold coins? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see gold coins in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Seeing small coins in a dream foreshadows pleasant family chores, large coins of ancient mintage - to receiving unexpected wealth. Making or counterfeiting coins means wasted effort. Melting coins into metal is a sign of money-grubbing and greed. A dream about a one-ruble coin foreshadows troubles accompanied by tears. Seeing a piggy bank full of coins in a dream means that excellent prospects will open up for you to improve your financial situation. Coins scattered from a broken piggy bank promise little return with a lot of effort. Counting coins means that you can achieve your intention if you are practical and thrifty. If your wallet or purse full of valuable coins is stolen, this is a sign that you are in danger, so you should be especially attentive and careful in crowded places, and even more so avoid deserted ones. Finding coins of insignificant denomination in a dream means you are in danger of losing business due to the intervention of a person close to your affairs. Discovering a treasure of ancient coins of enormous value - such a dream foreshadows an increase in mental strength and efficiency. A chest filled to the brim with gold coins foretells that your wishes will come true. A monisto of gold coins means that your strengths will allow you to achieve a lot if you also overcome your shortcomings. Receive gold coins as a gift - you will marry a rich but stingy man. Seeing gold chervonets of royal coinage in a dream means you will gain honor and respect thanks to your successes in the business field. Hearing the ringing of chervonets means wealth and prosperity. Handing over the treasure with them to the state means that in reality you will lose the trust of people who know you from your work. Sell ​​gold coins - you will reach a ripe old age in complete solitude. Seeing silver coins in a dream foretells happy times if the coins are large. Small silver coins indicate that your dreams will not come true. Melted in fire, they portend losses. Copper coins are a sign that you will be forced to engage in work that brings little income. Seeing a whole bag of copper coins in a dream means that you will quickly achieve success in business, not being afraid to take risks and clearly reacting to any change in market conditions.

Dream Interpretation - Gold coins

Seduction, harm, passions; grief; poverty. For women additional Prostitution or deception in love (idiom: “worship of the golden calf”).

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Gold – prosperity, pleasure, new travels; silver – failure, squabbles, family discord; for a girl - your lover gives you a silver coin - he will undeservedly offend you; copper - to hard physical labor; nickel - you have to do work of a rather low quality; You have miles of silver coins, they are bright, clean and clearly belong to you - a favorable sign. Also see Gold, Copper, Silver, Corpse.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Seeing gold in a dream means falsehood and delusion in any form. Holding gold in your hands means success and luck in everything. If you dream that you have discovered a gold mine, it means that in reality you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task. Finding a gold bar in a dream means achieving complete success in your business in reality. Finding gold things means that your merits will allow you to easily advance on the path to honors and wealth. Losing gold in a dream means you risk losing it in life, perhaps. your happiest occasion. Seeing golden sand in a dream means that in reality you will have the idea of ​​acting dishonestly towards people you do not know. Gold in coins or jewelry foreshadows a young girl's marriage to a rich but dishonest man. A gold chain means that you will spend your free time profitably, a gold medallion means you will receive a round sum for your services, a gold necklace means you will find happiness with your loved one. To see golden chervonets of royal coinage in a dream - you will gain honor. Receive them in payment for your work - your hopes will come true. Pay in gold chervonets - you will live to a ripe old age. If you find a treasure with them, you will be happy. If in a dream you melt them, this means a loss of trust with your superiors. Hearing the ringing of falling gold pieces is a sign of wealth. A golden thread in a dream means that in reality you will receive good and timely advice. If in a dream you embroider with gold thread, in reality your work will bring great income after some time. If you see golden spiders in a dream, then in life you will find friends who will help you get money. Seeing a chest full of gold in a dream foretells that if you do not pay attention to rumors addressed to you and continue to stick to your line, this can lead to a bad end. Seeing gold dishes in a dream and eating from them portends a promotion at work; changing them to silver dishes means a headache from many troubles and worries. Swallowing gold in a dream means success in science or art. Seeing fake gold means succumbing to flattery and deception. Buy gold - you will be left with nothing, sell - big changes await you. Receiving gold as a gift - beware of losing your head in a love frenzy.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Silver - for profit, copper (pennies) - for gossip. Imagine that copper coins were hiding silver coins. You have a lot of silver coins.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

If you dreamed of a shiny coin, it means problems, small gains are possible. Old coins mean an unexpected find. There is a danger of negative subtle influence.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Ancient coins - unexpected rich profit, inheritance. New coins mean a lot of troubles and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

(See interpretation: money) Seeing gold dishes in a dream, eating or drinking from it means honors and wealth. The same thing means a dream where you will see a richly decorated table and many expensive gold objects. However, if you dream of jewelry made of gold, then see the interpretation: jewelry and objects by name. To see a dream about gold chains, icons, and headdresses is a harbinger of deception, flattery, a warning about possible betrayal or betrayal that will plunge you into poverty and deprive you of peace of mind. For a woman to receive gold trinkets as a gift in a dream, it means that her life will be comfortable and prosperous. If objects made of gold are lost or broken in a dream, then you will experience a break in relationships, loss, humiliation, and poverty. If you dream that some parts of your body are made of pure gold, then do not build castles in the air. It's better to have a bird in a cage than a pie in the sky. Losing gold is a sign that you have missed a brilliant opportunity to improve your situation. Sometimes such a dream predicts a break in your relationship with a loved one. Finding gold in a dream is a warning that you should not miss your chance. Exchange gold for something else - you may miss out on benefits. See interpretation: statue, jewelry, dishes. Holding gold in your hands is a sign of prosperity and prosperity. Finding a gold mine in a dream means great opportunities and hard work. Working with gold in a dream yourself or seeing others doing such work is a sign of danger due to your excessive desire to easily get rich. This dream also warns you that you should be more careful to avoid shame. Seeing a golden crown on your head in a dream is a sign of poverty and ruin. For a patient, such a dream predicts death. See interpretation: crown. Carrying gold on your hump or back is a sign of a heavy burden. Catching a goldfish or holding it in your hands in a dream means extraordinary changes in life. If the fish dies or jumps out (if you don’t hold it), then you will miss your chance. See interpretation: fairy tale. Buying gold in a dream means trouble. Seeing a lot of gold metal in a dream means poverty and lack in the family. Gilding in a dream is a sign of deception, falsehood, treason, betrayal. See interpretation: money, buy.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

The appearance of gold in your dream may be associated with the well-known phrases: “All that glitters is not gold” (external impressions can be deceptive), “Small is the spool, but dear,” “The word is silver, silence is gold.” There are also quite common words: “Golden hands”, “Golden heart”, “Golden character”, “Golden hair”. If you dreamed that you lost a gold piece of jewelry, then this warns you that an unpleasant event will soon happen; if you lost a wedding ring, then this is especially unpleasant because it may foreshadow illness or separation from a loved one. Seeing gold coins in a dream - such a dream indicates that you will receive a reward for the work you have done, only this reward may not necessarily be material. If you dreamed that you were a gold digger, then this means that you are trying to find profit in some business, but because of your outright selfish desire, you will lose the respect of those around you, who will stop providing you with the help that they previously offered. Finding a golden thing in a dream - such a dream predicts that you will have false hopes; you are hoping in vain for chance; you need to act actively.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Success in all matters. In the form of utensils, dishes - lofty hopes will become reality. In the form of money, jewelry - you will be able to prevent deception. You are melting gold - gossip cannot ruin your reputation. Embroider with gold - receive news that will help you achieve what you want. Carrying gold in handfuls is a profitable business. Buying gold is a new acquaintance that will relieve you of sadness and loneliness. Find gold - you will become the keeper of a secret that will change your life. There is gold - a promotion. Meet with a goldsmith - avoid fraud. Golden shower - receive an inheritance. Wear gold on yourself - avoid a dangerous disease. Give - you will be invited to a wedding. A gold mine has been discovered - the search for a new job will end with a lucrative offer. Wash golden sand - your diligence and hard work will bring tangible success. You work in a gold mine - fame and honor will fall on you. Imagine gold as brightly and as much as possible. This gold is everywhere: in your home, on yourself, on your family and friends.

Find ancient coins

Dream Interpretation Find ancient coins dreamed of what it means to dream about Finding ancient coins? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Find ancient coins in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Seeing small coins in a dream foreshadows pleasant family chores, large coins of ancient mintage - to receiving unexpected wealth. Making or counterfeiting coins means wasted effort. Melting coins into metal is a sign of money-grubbing and greed. A dream about a one-ruble coin foreshadows troubles accompanied by tears. Seeing a piggy bank full of coins in a dream means that excellent prospects will open up for you to improve your financial situation. Coins scattered from a broken piggy bank promise little return with a lot of effort. Counting coins means that you can achieve your intention if you are practical and thrifty. If your wallet or purse full of valuable coins is stolen, this is a sign that you are in danger, so you should be especially attentive and careful in crowded places, and even more so avoid deserted ones. Finding coins of insignificant denomination in a dream means you are in danger of losing business due to the intervention of a person close to your affairs. Discovering a treasure of ancient coins of enormous value - such a dream foreshadows an increase in mental strength and efficiency. A chest filled to the brim with gold coins foretells that your wishes will come true. A monisto of gold coins means that your strengths will allow you to achieve a lot if you also overcome your shortcomings. Receive gold coins as a gift - you will marry a rich but stingy man. Seeing gold chervonets of royal coinage in a dream means you will gain honor and respect thanks to your successes in the business field. Hearing the ringing of chervonets means wealth and prosperity. Handing over the treasure with them to the state means that in reality you will lose the trust of people who know you from your work. Sell ​​gold coins - you will reach a ripe old age in complete solitude. Seeing silver coins in a dream foretells happy times if the coins are large. Small silver coins indicate that your dreams will not come true. Melted in fire, they portend losses. Copper coins are a sign that you will be forced to engage in work that brings little income. Seeing a whole bag of copper coins in a dream means that you will quickly achieve success in business, not being afraid to take risks and clearly reacting to any change in market conditions.

Dream Interpretation - Antique coins

Gain wisdom and valuable experience; to know the secret.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Gold – prosperity, pleasure, new travels; silver – failure, squabbles, family discord; for a girl - your lover gives you a silver coin - he will undeservedly offend you; copper - to hard physical labor; nickel - you have to do work of a rather low quality; You have miles of silver coins, they are bright, clean and clearly belong to you - a favorable sign. Also see Gold, Copper, Silver, Corpse.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Silver - for profit, copper (pennies) - for gossip. Imagine that copper coins were hiding silver coins. You have a lot of silver coins.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

If you dreamed of a shiny coin, it means problems, small gains are possible. Old coins mean an unexpected find. There is a danger of negative subtle influence.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Ancient coins - unexpected rich profit, inheritance. New coins mean a lot of troubles and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Coins - Seeing means fun. Finding it means spending on entertainment. Lose - small income awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Coins - new - accidental wealth - old - troubles - minting - making wasted efforts - having gold or silver - misfortune - copper - great happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Antiques

Buying antiques - a dream means success in financial matters. Add your energy to this positive symbol (for example, imagine a photo of yourself in an antique frame on an antique bureau).

Dream Interpretation - Coin

To illness - the larger and more significant the coin in terms of monetary value, the more dangerous and serious the illness.

Gold coins in a dream are the most common sign of deception, trickery and fraud. If you happen to see gold coins in a dream, don’t even doubt that in reality they want to deceive you. You don't even have to take the time to carefully consider the tempting and exciting exclusive offers, especially those related to large deals and loans.

In the near future, beware of going to sales or make a strict list of necessary purchases and take a friend with you who will not allow you to deviate from the list. Save your money. Let's look at what gold coins mean in dreams according to the dream book.

Basic values

  • Money in a dream indicates concerns about your financial situation and profits. This means that in reality you think a lot about money. When an intelligent and mature person pays active attention to a topic, he usually achieves success. In all cases, except for gold coins in a dream.
  • Gold coins, if you are not a numismatist, betray a romantic nature, prone to empty dreams. Currently, gold coins are not in circulation. They are stored in the vaults of large banks or in ancient treasures. It turns out that you do not look at life realistically, you dream not about money, but about treasures. Such people easily fall for scammers. You should probably get rid of dualism in your dreams. You cannot dream of wealth and the absence of problems at the same time. Choose one thing - either the difficult path to wealth, or the absence of hardships, stress, risk, but without big money. Each choice has its advantages. People who dream of finding treasure are usually valued for their easy-going, pleasant nature. Even their own dogs can hardly stand people who see stock quotes even in their dreams.
  • Gold coins in a dream indicate inflated expectations with minimal data. Desire for the best, the most expensive, the most golden and sparkling will play a bad joke on you. Perhaps there is a tendency to gamble. In pursuit of treasure, you risk losing your own modest income and even the money of loved ones, causing them serious displeasure. It's time to settle down and stop chasing illusory gold.
  • If you dream of a small coin, most often it signifies the birth of a child in your family or in your immediate circle.
  • Finding it by chance means a good idea.
  • Collecting scattered ones means worries and useless troubles.
  • Finding a treasure means you'll spend a lot of money on pleasure, but you won't be able to remember much.
  • Gold coins collected in a monisto - your candidacy is being considered.
  • Trampling coins with your feet, stepping on them, walking along the road paved with money and pure gold - to great luck and success, success in negotiations. You will be able to convince respected and serious people of the feasibility of your project. You will be able to convince investors to give money.
  • Swimming in gold coins, like the miser duck from the cartoon, means success, tight-fistedness, and successful investments.
  • If money flows like a wide river from your sleeve or pocket, you will not be able to prevent large expenses.

Interpretations of authorities

  • The English dream book considers gold coins in a dream as a prank of leprechauns that clouds the mind. A pot of gold buried in a garden bed means a rich harvest. Finding a treasure in a potted indoor plant means taking part in a gardening competition has a high probability of success. If you clearly see the treasure at the bottom of a well or in a pool, beware of false promises.
  • Gold coins in a dream mean wanderlust. Perhaps you are thinking about how to see the world and earn extra money at the same time.
  • Felomena's dream book says that a dream can also mean wealth in real life, but only on the condition that all the money was intact, sparkling and beautiful. Magical and deceptive gold in a dream gives off a slight glow around each coin and the treasure as a whole. Dirty or broken money means the need to humiliate yourself.
  • Miller's dream book claims that you will go on a happy voyage by sea. If you dream that you are counting coins, perseverance will become the basis of prosperity. Finding a treasure from Miller’s point of view means you will be inspired or simply have a very good idea, the implementation of which will help you get rich.
  • Freud's dream book claims that the dream is characterized by stinginess and stinginess, which the dreamer is unable to fight and tries to show off his greed, prudence and emotional coldness as dignity. Freud warns that greed can cause poverty.
  • Hasse's dream book assures that if you are a blacksmith or smelter, engaged in smelting and forging money from precious metals, success awaits you. In all other cases, it is better to show distrust and refuse to participate in profitable projects.


Seeing gold coins in a dream means a dream of a fabulous treasure that will fall into your hands, as if in a fairy tale. There is nothing terrible or bad in a naive dream, if not for the danger of falling into the hands of scammers or under the influence of the ghostly flame of excitement.

The dream of easy enrichment is actually harmful, since it destroys any real effort, does not require work on oneself - it’s enough to lie on the couch and dream of untold riches.

Seeing small coins in a dream foreshadows pleasant family chores, large coins of ancient mintage - to receiving unexpected wealth.

Making or counterfeiting coins means wasted effort. Melting coins into metal is a sign of money-grubbing and greed.

A dream about a one-ruble coin foreshadows troubles accompanied by tears.

Seeing a piggy bank full of coins in a dream means that excellent prospects will open up for you to improve your financial situation.

Coins scattered from a broken piggy bank promise little return with a lot of effort.

If your wallet or purse full of valuable coins is stolen, this is a sign that you are in danger, so you should be especially attentive and careful in crowded places, and even more so avoid deserted ones.

Finding coins of insignificant denomination in a dream means you are in danger of losing business due to the intervention of a person close to your affairs.

Discovering a treasure of ancient coins of enormous value - such a dream foreshadows an increase in mental strength and efficiency.

A chest filled to the brim with gold coins foretells that your wishes will come true.

A monisto of gold coins means that your strengths will allow you to achieve a lot if you also overcome your shortcomings.

Receive gold coins as a gift - you will marry a rich but stingy man.

Seeing gold chervonets of royal coinage in a dream means you will gain honor and respect thanks to your successes in the business field.

Hearing the ringing of chervonets means wealth and prosperity.

Handing over the treasure with them to the state means that in reality you will lose the trust of people who know you from your work.

Sell ​​gold coins - you will reach a ripe old age in complete solitude.

Seeing silver coins in a dream foretells happy times if the coins are large.

Small silver coins indicate that your dreams will not come true.

Melted in fire, they portend losses.

Copper coins are a sign that you will be forced to engage in work that brings little income.
Seeing a whole bag of copper coins in a dream means that you will quickly achieve success in business, not being afraid to take risks and clearly reacting to any change in market conditions.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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A coin in a dream is always a significant symbol that is difficult not to pay attention to. You can come across the statement that coins appear in the dreams of people for whom material wealth is higher than spiritual values. But such a statement is not unambiguous. To understand what money - coins - mean in dreams, you need to compare information from dream books about various dream plots with events occurring in the real world.

Also, in order to correctly decipher dreams in which coins were seen, it is necessary to remember their type and value. An important factor for the correctness of interpretations is the actions that were carried out with coins in night dreams.

Golden coins

Most often, dreamers are interested in the question of what gold coins mean in dreams. In most cases, this symbol is interpreted positively, because gold is a reflection of light and the sun. A dream in which gold coins appear foreshadows well-being and prosperity in real life. Very often, gold coins symbolize the wealth of the dreamer’s inner world.

Why do you dream of gold coins in your hands?

If, according to the plot of your dream, you happened to hold gold coins in your hands, then in reality you can count on good benefits from any event. In addition, such a dream foreshadows successful career advancement, and perhaps an opportunity will arise to implement your own interesting project. Such night dreams, in general, are an indicator of financial stability, which is not threatened during this period.

Find gold coins

When you dreamed that you found gold coins, it means that events will happen in real life that will bring you real joy. Also, this symbol can be a harbinger of bright life changes.

In various dream books, other interpretations of plots are highlighted:

    Ancient gold coins foreshadow an exciting journey; A very small gold coin predicts the birth of a child in the family. And if several of them appear in a dream, then this indicates that more than one child will be born in the family.

Give away gold coins

If in a dream you give away gold coins, then this is not a very good sign. It indicates that in real life a stressful situation may occur that will be very difficult to cope with. It will require incredible effort and time.

Gold coins as a gift - interpretation of a dream for a woman

For a woman, a very good omen is a dream in which she is presented with gold coins as a gift. This indicates that she will have a happy marriage. Moreover, she will connect her fate with a wealthy man.

Spend gold coins

If you dream that you have to spend gold coins, it means that in real life you will face unexpected, but obligatory expenses. You need to be more economical so as not to bring yourself to complete bankruptcy.

Silver coins - the meaning of sleep

Silver coins symbolize the favor of fate. In reality, this is a good period for new beginnings; you have enough strength and energy to bring your wildest ideas to life.

Also, silver coins may indicate that you will not be bored in the coming period of life. Unplanned and very interesting trips are possible, and you are also not immune from serious showdowns with people from your environment; adventures and escapades await you.

Copper coins in a dream

When you saw copper coins in your night dreams, you need to prepare for the fact that a period is coming in which you will have to work a lot. But you will be well rewarded for your hard work. You will not only be able to improve your financial situation, but also earn honor and respect in society.

Why do you dream about ancient coins?

Very often, ancient coins appear in dreams, and the question immediately arises, why do we dream of such monetary objects? This is quite a multi-faceted symbol. If you dreamed of unsightly-looking coins, tarnished by time, then you need to wait for the revelation of some secret. Moreover, this can be either secret information concerning you or your loved ones. Perhaps you will learn a secret that is many decades old, but it has not lost its relevance in the present period of time, so it came as a surprise to you.

If, according to the plot of the dream, you had to pay with ancient coins instead of modern money, then such a dream is of a warning nature. In real life, you should try not to trust people you don’t know well, and you shouldn’t share your innermost thoughts with them. During this period, there is a risk that your frankness may turn against you.

A dream in which you managed to find a treasure with ancient coins is considered a good sign. In reality you may receive a large inheritance. Moreover, this will be unexpected, since relatives whose existence you did not even suspect will be connected with him.

Ancient coins in a dream may portend the receipt of a rare gift. Moreover, its cost will be absolutely unimportant, since it will be dear to the soul. In addition, if in a dream you saw a large number of coins, then this indicates that the time has come to part with the past and start a new life.

Iron money

If in a dream you saw iron money that no longer circulates, but cannot be classified as ancient coins, then this indicates that you will soon gain enormous experience, which you will later be able to successfully apply.

Commemorative coins

When you see commemorative coins in your night dreams, you may soon have to change your surroundings. Sometimes such a dream is a harbinger of a change of residence. The main thing that commemorative coins focus the dreamer’s attention on in night dreams is that in the coming period of life one cannot sit with folded hands.

Miller's Dream Book

In accordance with the interpretation of Miller’s dream book, if you found coins on the road in a dream, then pay attention to the following:
    Small coins portend anxiety and a lot of everyday troubles; Large coins predict changes for the better.
When you had to hold metal coins in your palms in your night dreams, this promises great prospects in real life. If the dreamer counts coins in a dream, then this symbolizes his thriftiness in reality. When, according to the plot of the dream, someone gives you silver coins, this does not indicate that someone in reality may treat you dishonestly. Therefore, in order to insure against such a case, during this period of life you need to exercise increased caution.

Shares coins

It is important to know why you have a dream in which you have to share coins with someone. This portends serious conflicts with people from your inner circle. Moreover, they will be caused by fundamental disagreements, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to find a compromise. Other plot lines of dreams with coins can be interpreted as follows:
    Giving someone metal money means, in the near future, successfully completing the work you started; Finding money that is in use means participating in entertainment events soon; Collecting change on the road means success in everyday affairs.
When you see in your night dreams that you are scattering coins, this indicates that you cannot make a choice or make an important life decision. Such a dream focuses your attention on the fact that no matter what choice you make, you will still need to sacrifice something. Therefore, you need to focus solely on the goal and this will allow you to decide what needs to be done.

Seeing small coins in a dream foreshadows pleasant family chores, large coins of ancient mintage - to receiving unexpected wealth.

Making or counterfeiting coins means wasted effort. Melting coins into metal is a sign of money-grubbing and greed.

A dream about a one-ruble coin foreshadows troubles accompanied by tears.

Seeing a piggy bank full of coins in a dream means that excellent prospects will open up for you to improve your financial situation.

Coins scattered from a broken piggy bank promise little return with a lot of effort.

If your wallet or purse full of valuable coins is stolen, this is a sign that you are in danger, so you should be especially attentive and careful in crowded places, and even more so avoid deserted ones.

Finding coins of insignificant denomination in a dream means you are in danger of losing business due to the intervention of a person close to your affairs.

Discovering a treasure of ancient coins of enormous value - such a dream foreshadows an increase in mental strength and efficiency.

A chest filled to the brim with gold coins foretells that your wishes will come true.

A monisto of gold coins means that your strengths will allow you to achieve a lot if you also overcome your shortcomings.

Receive gold coins as a gift - you will marry a rich but stingy man.

Seeing gold chervonets of royal coinage in a dream means you will gain honor and respect thanks to your successes in the business field.

Hearing the ringing of chervonets means wealth and prosperity.

Handing over the treasure with them to the state means that in reality you will lose the trust of people who know you from your work.

Sell ​​gold coins - you will reach a ripe old age in complete solitude.

Seeing silver coins in a dream foretells happy times if the coins are large.

Small silver coins indicate that your dreams will not come true.

Melted in fire, they portend losses.

Copper coins are a sign that you will be forced to engage in work that brings little income.
Seeing a whole bag of copper coins in a dream means that you will quickly achieve success in business, not being afraid to take risks and clearly reacting to any change in market conditions.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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