Culture and traditions of foreign Asia. Wild customs of Central Asia

East Asia (East)– Adjacent to the Pacific Ocean in temperate, subtropical and tropical zones. The relief is characterized by a complex combination of mountains and plains. A significant part of East Asia is located in the Western Pacific geosynclinal belt. Volcanism and significant seismic activity are inherent.

The climate is monsoonal, seasonally humid, typhoons and floods are frequent.

Natural vegetation is represented mainly by forests, in the northern part the forests are predominantly mixed and taiga, in the south - broad-leaved subtropical and tropical. In areas with low humidity forest-steppe and steppe.

The plains are cultivated and densely populated.

The East Asia region includes Far East Russia, China, Taiwan, Japan, North Korea, Republic of Korea and Mongolia.

The East is fraught with mystery and mystery. The culture of eastern countries has evolved over thousands of years; it is rich, diverse, sophisticated and attractive. The art of the East plays special role, it is not like the art of other countries in the world.

In the East people went through their long haul development, original and self-sufficient, based on their religious beliefs and wise philosophical teachings. In the East, any action turns into art. For them, art is not only architecture, literature, music, dancing and painting, but also tea ceremonies, martial arts, based on observations of the movements of wild animals, special gymnastics, the art of yoga, leading to the harmonious existence of the human soul and body, they even turned their lifestyle into art.

The East has been developing steadily and continuously for thousands of years; all the new trends that came did not cause the destruction of established values, but rather organically fit into the already established way of life and became part of it. The main feature of the East is that various religions and religious and philosophical movements have always coexisted peacefully here. People in these parts have not lost touch with nature, so all their actions are aimed primarily at improving the soul and body, at achieving harmony between man and the world around him. This is what they teach eastern religions. First improve yourself, and then the world around you.

In the East important role play traditions and rituals, the violation of which is condemned by society. Traditions are preserved in art, even many literary works and poems are still written in compliance with the meters that were used before our era, and the same melodies are used in music. For Eastern people, life is seen as a closed chain of events, each of which has already happened and will happen again. Everything new must be supported by experience from the past.

In the East, everything is subject to order, here every person has his own duties and must strictly fulfill them. Duty comes first. If something was destroyed as a result of any natural disasters, then it must be restored in the form in which it existed before. Art in the East also reflects this order, since it is a means of maintaining the universe, implementing law and order.

IN ancient world art conveyed the lives of gods and rulers, so works of art mostly depicted figures of gods and ritual poses. Central big figure There was always a deity or ruler, and people were depicted as small figures. Divine power extended from the king to the people. This concept left its mark on modern Art East, thereby bringing specific features, which distinguishes it from Western art. In general, in the East, culture and art mean things that can decorate a person and make his life more beautiful.

All oriental works of art have a hidden meaning. This approach has been used since ancient times, when cruel foreign rulers dominated the East. In those days, artists and poets, when creating their masterpieces, put into them messages that they wanted to convey to the people. They often contained elements that embodied the interaction of two forces: active - male and passive - female. This approach has been maintained in oriental art and in our time. A man in the East never takes central place, he is usually portrayed as a bystander. In this regard, in Eastern art there is no gap between realism and formalism, rational and expressive sensual principles, “ideological” and “ideologicalless” creativity.

Knowledge in the East is a means of moral improvement, and the main issue reflected in art is the relationship between good and evil. Despite the fact that we extend the concept of “East” to a whole group of countries, such as China, Japan, India, Iran and others, the culture of each of them is significantly different. All eastern countries have their own special cultural customs and values. For example, the art of painting in China is closely intertwined with poetic art, as evidenced by hieroglyphic inscriptions on paintings depicting landscapes. These texts explain the essence of the picture. And Japan has its own special poetic genre Hoku, which cannot be found in any other culture.

Popular tourist routes have long been established. Russians can go there even in winter, because most of The region is located in the tropics, where the weather is always good. It's exotic there ancient culture and even reasonable prices for everything. And also hospitable local residents. However, you can count on hospitality when it follows traditions and follows all the rules.

The countries of Southeast Asia include Indonesia, the Philippines, and some other states. They are known for their mixture of religions and cultures. This is what leaves a unique imprint on everything. Buddhism and Islam go side by side here. And ancient pagodas coexist with eateries fast food. A tourist should know that there are certain norms and traditions here that are common everywhere, without exception. They operate throughout the region. Be it or .

For example, in the countries of Southeast Asia it is not customary to touch the heads or shoulders of local residents. The explanation for this is simple. There is a belief that somewhere on the shoulder there is a good spirit that protects a person. If you touch him, you'll scare him away. Touching your head is fraught with the fact that damage will be sent to you. That's why . In Southeast Asia, the head is considered to be the “clean” part of a person, and the legs are considered the “dirty” part. This is why you should never touch Asians with your feet. You should also not sit with the soles of your feet pointing at someone.

There is another one in Vietnam unusual tradition. Here it is customary to hang mirrors on the outside of doors. The Vietnamese believe that if a dragon comes to them, it will be afraid of itself and leave after looking in the mirror. . Their superstitions are mainly associated with the lunar calendar, as well as with those foods that are allowed or prohibited to eat during a certain phase of the moon. In July, for example, moon calendar“forbids” taking on important matters, otherwise there will be no luck. Laying out cutlery for one person on the table is the same as meeting a woman on the street when you leave the house in the morning.

Thailand attracts many people because of Thai massage. It costs no more than $20 here. This is much or the USA. You have to pay the most for massages at hotels. The service is cheaper in large massage parlors. They will charge inexpensively for a massage on the street. However, the quality of the massage will be low, and the room will probably be cramped and dirty.

Typically, in Southeast Asian countries, Russians are interested not only in architectural monuments. They are also attracted by the beauty of nature. They also want to know what it is. Especially in Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia. In Bangkok, Pattaya or Jakarta, bars, discos and nightclubs are open until the early morning.

While having fun, everyone should remember the following. There are strict anti-drug laws in force here. In Indonesia, for example, there is the death penalty for possession of hard drugs, for possession of marijuana - up to 20 years in prison. And, in which the court sentences a person to death for 480 grams of marijuana. It is especially necessary to emphasize that local authorities are reluctant to extradite foreigners to their homeland. This means that the offender could spend several years in prison in the southeast of the continent for drug use. Advice for tourists is this: ! Don't even touch them. Do not take anything for safekeeping from strangers.

And they are famous for beggars and swindlers who develop the most different schemes of their crimes. There are, say, “students” begging foreigners for money to study. There are “businessmen” offering “lucrative” shipping deals jewelry abroad. Anyone who neglects these tips returns from a trip with a bunch of penny trinkets for which he paid a lot of money, or is detained at the border with luggage containing heroin.

It is impossible to fully understand all the rules. Only someone who has been living with Asians for several years can do this. Therefore, there can only be one piece of advice: remain calm in any situation and do not act hastily. Respect other people's culture and religion. Never raise your voice to local residents. They will forgive you for small mistakes if they see that there is no malicious intent in your actions.

Incredible facts

Asia- the largest and most populated part of the world our planet, part of the continent of Eurasia. The area of ​​Asia exceeds the entire total area of ​​the Moon: 37 versus 44.5 million square kilometers respectively.

Lives in India alone more people than in North, South and Central America combined! Lives in Asia 60 percent all people on Earth. More than half of Asia's total population lives in China and India. Today, Asian residents are moving to cities, so by 2025 it is predicted that 7 of the 10 largest cities in the world will be located in Asia.

Contrasts of Asia

One of the most unusual cities in the world - Istanbul in Turkey located partly in Asia and partly in Europe. The European and Asian parts are crossed by the famous Bosphorus, through which hundreds of ships sail every day. The city can rightfully be called "a city of contrasts", as it harbors the incredibly overlapping cultures of East and West.

Photo from the European part of Istanbul with a view of historical Center, Golden Horn and Sea of ​​Marmara

Bridge from Europe to Asia. One of the bridges over the Bosphorus in Istanbul - Sultan Mehmed Fatih Bridge

Asia has always been considered a world of contrasts, where you can find the poorest and richest people in the world. The richest and most luxurious cities and resorts on the planet, the poorest slums, the most technologically advanced the developed countries and even the countries where they live primitive tribes- you will find all this in Asia.

Shanghai garbage man filmed at work

Taming nature with man: artificial Palm Islands in Dubai

Typical for the capital North Korea Pyongyang city public transport

One of the most luxurious hotels peace Marina Bay Sands in Singapore with a giant rooftop pool and the most expensive casino

Neighborhood cultural capital Pakistan, Islamabad city

Asian landscapes of incredible beauty, which became the inspiration for the creators of the world of Pandora in the movie "Avatar"

The most polluted cities in the world are in Asia, and more precisely in China. In some places people have to wear masks like this

Not all oriental women characterized by modesty. If in Muslim countries in the East a woman cannot even show her face, then in other countries sexual liberation breaks all records. In Thailand, for example, number of prostitutes per capita more than any other country in the world.

Cultural barrier: unusual eastern traditions

Residents of some European countries can feel the shock Having visited Asia, the culture, customs and traditions there are so different. However, Asians themselves are no less shocked when they come to Europe for the first time.

For example, some Japanese have been diagnosed with the so-called "Paris syndrome", a mental disorder that manifests itself after visiting France. The problem is mainly caused by mismatch of ideas Asians about Europeans. Coming to Europe, they expect hospitality and kind treatment, but are met with rudeness, arrogance and lack of culture.

Inemuri- a practice adopted at work in Japanese institutions that allows employees take a nap during the workday. If you sleep at work, no one will judge you or fire you; on the contrary, by doing so you will show that you work so hard that You don’t even have time to sleep at home. Moreover, it has been proven that short-term sleep during the day helps to relax and gain strength, therefore a person will work more efficiently.

It is known that in Asia certain animals are highly revered, and in some cultures they don't eat them at all. In the old days, due to the vegetarian diet, it was impossible even to use animal manure as fertilizer in agriculture, so in Japan they got the hang of using it for these purposes. human excrement. The feces of rich people were more valuable and worth more than the feces of poor people, since the rich ate a more varied diet.

Sacred cow in India

Moreover, in India, for example, in some places you can purchase cow urine in bottles- everything is sacred among cows. People buy it to drink, rub it on their skin like oil, and even bathe their children!

Cows on the streets of Indian cities and towns are as common as stray dogs and cats in our country.

Snake Charm

Very ancient profession in India - snake spell. However, the cobras that can often be seen in performances are completely don't hear the pipe snake charmer. The snake does not move in accordance with the music, but in time with the movements of the instrument. The caster hits the snake with a pipe, and it, afraid of receiving another blow, tries to be on the alert. Today, the profession of snake charmers is no less popular, since attracts a large number of tourists.

These cobras are completely safe, since their poison is removed in advance.

Famous Japanese dish sushi was born in South Asia, and it is prepared from the main ingredients of oriental cuisine - rice and fish. The Japanese have been so accustomed to this dish for many generations that they even there are unique microbes in the intestines that process carbohydrates seaweed better than people of other nationalities.

The largest mosaic of sushi and rolls made by the Chinese...they love sushi too

Eastern festivals and holidays

In Japan every year you can get to the festival... of crying children. The festival is a competition among sumo athletes, who must take children in their arms and make them cry as quickly and loudly as possible. In Japan they believe that evil spirits They are afraid of a child's crying, so the child will be healthy and happy.

The Crying Children Festival has been held annually in Tokyo for over 400 years.

In February it is held in Japan Hadaka Matsuri festivalFestival naked men who want to attract good luck in the new year. Many rituals and fights are carried out, for example, in a cramped room you need to find a sacred incense stick thrown into the crowd and swim in the icy water of the Yesiya River.

U dwarfs of China There is big chance find Good work- in an amusement park "Kingdom of the Little People". This theme park employs only dwarves who amuse and entertain the public. Some people criticize the organizers that they created a zoo of people, but if not for this park, more 100 dwarfs would remain unemployed.

The original tradition exists in Thailand. In one of the provinces, local residents annually throw a banquet for...monkeys. The tradition is associated with the legend that an army of monkeys helped the god Rama defeat his enemies. Monkeys are loved and revered here, so they organize a holiday in their honor. Monkeys don't complain.

In Japan, the coming of age day is 20 years.. The national holiday Coming of Age Day is celebrated on the second Monday of January. On this day, newly-minted adults wear traditional clothes, visit temples, where they pray and make wishes.

It's sad to say goodbye to childhood

New Year in China celebrated on the second new moon after the winter solstice, usually in late January - early February. In 2013, the New Year will be celebrated in China February 10.

Eastern bazaars

Oriental bazaars and street food– an integral part of culture Asian countries. They say that the best street food can be found in capital of Thailand Bangkok. The Thais are especially successful rice noodles with eggs, sauces and lemon. And although they say that Asians love all sorts of exotic dishes, like fried spiders and beetles, National cuisine nevertheless, it was created on the basis of products that are very familiar to us.

Worms and caterpillars are Asian delicacies. There are so many people, and everyone needs to be fed something...

Cat cafes

If Japanese homeowners they don't allow you to have a cat You can play, hold and stroke her in specially designated areas. Enterprising Japanese came up with the so-called "cat cafe", where cats interact freely with visitors.

Cats are allowed to do everything: beg food from guests, sleep on tables and in the kitchen, scratch furniture... as long as they attract visitors

In response to Japanese cat cafes in South Korea opened in Busan dog cafe, in which visitors are invited to interact with more than 20 dogs different breeds and sizes.

For Busan residents, having a dog is a luxury; they work a lot and can only interact with dogs in such establishments

Some Asians are so devoted to their faith that they are willing to... prove it the most different ways , including very original ones. For example, a Hindu from the city of New Delhi named Mahant Amar Bharti Ji lives with his hand raised up and has not lowered it day or night since 1973. The monk became a saint for many followers who followed his example.

The Hindu dedicated his raised hand to the god Shiva; for 40 years it has not been lowered.

Eastern fashion

And here representatives of the Apatani tribe, which is also in India, mutilate themselves not at all out of religious convictions. Back in the first half of the 20th century, women of this tribe inserted wooden corks that they have worn all their lives. Ear piercings may seem cruel to some, but plugs that change the shape of the nose are too much! However, the women of this tribe were forced to do this because they were once beauties and could become victims of kidnappings, because the men of neighboring tribes wanted to get them.

In another Asian tribe that lives in Thailand and Myanmar, women wear brass rings around their necks, which artificially lengthen their necks. Rings begin to be worn at the age of 5 and continue for the rest of life. Many people believe that the rings cannot be removed and the poor woman is forced to wear such a collar all her life until the end of her days, but this is not so. Women can take off and put on rings whenever they want.

The Padug tribe believes that the longer the neck, the more beautiful woman. Such decorations also attract tourists who buy souvenirs on which the tribes live

Korean fashion 17-19 centuries allowed and even encouraged outfits that exposed women's breasts. This “fashion squeak” existed until the beginning of the 20th century, after which, apparently, the Koreans decided to follow fashion trends the rest of the civilized world.

In New Guinea, men of some tribes do not wear loincloths or swimming trunks: they cover their penis with a special sheath - cat, which is made from the dried fruits of local trees. Already from the age of 4-5 years boys are starting to wear this accessory.

The size of the cat can be any and does not depend on social status a person or the size of his organ

There are a great many in Asia various religious movements. One of the eastern religious and philosophical teachings - Jainism requires followers to renounce worldly life and do not harm any living creature. Some monks wear gauze bandages and filter the water, and also sweep the road in front of them so as not to step on anyone or kill small insects.

The most beautiful Jain temple in Palitana, northwestern India

Bhutan in the Himalayas is a poor and rather closed country that has preserved its age-old traditions. For example, local residents, and quite decent people, they paint on houses phalluses for... attracting good luck. There are even phalluses in churches, where they are used to hit childless women on the head during rituals so that they can become pregnant.

Some images of male penises on the walls of houses are very realistic

Features of the nature of Asia

The nature of Asia is incredibly beautiful, here you can find unique species of plants and animals. For example, in Asia it is growing tallest grass in the world, which reaches a length of up to 30 meters! This bamboo. The longest plant also grows in Asia - Indian rattan vine, the length of the stem can reach 300 meters. In the mountains of India there is vegetation even at unprecedented heights - 6400 meters above sea level.

Islands South-East Asia Java and Sumatra have similar natural conditions, but in Java 30 times the population than on Sumatra, although the latter island is much larger in size. This is primarily due to the fact that there are about 120 volcanoes in Java, and almost every fourth of them is active. The island's soils are very fertile due to volcanic activity. Residents of these places do not seem to be at all afraid of eruptions.

Many tourists come to Java solely to watch the eruptions

It is sometimes very difficult to survive in Asia, and not because there are too many people living here, and poverty is a common thing. Asian nature is often merciless: floods, tsunamis, earthquakes and others natural disasters not uncommon here.

Animals of Asia

The diversity of animals in Asia is simply amazing, and some representatives of the animal world have unusual features. For example, Heikegani crabs, living off the coast of Japan, have special shells that look like...the faces of evil samurai. Apparently, the species developed such unusual appearance features not by chance. Many generations of fishermen released crabs with such an “emblem” on their shells back into the sea, and the “normal” ones were caught and eaten. Over time, crabs "human face" were more likely to produce offspring.

Sailors released these crabs because they believed that samurai who died in the 12th century were reborn into them.

In Asia you can also find spiders with unusual appearance . Their abdomen is shaped like a flat disk with original drawing, that makes him similar to a seal. This structure of the abdomen helps the spider hide in the hole. The flat disk serves as a kind of “plug”, and the unusual pattern allows for good camouflage.

Spider of the species Cyclocosmia truncata from the genus Cyclocosmia

In Asia, fighting animals, such as fish, is a popular form of entertainment. Beautiful fish species Betta splendens very warlike and aggressive, so if 2 males are placed in one aquarium, a fight begins. The Thais use this feature to entertain the public.

Technologies and inventions

When the Japanese were asked a question about the most important, in their opinion, inventions of the 20th century, they replied that these were things like karaoke, a mini video camera, a player and computer games. But in first place, oddly enough, it was not a technological miracle at all, but a culinary dish, or rather, instant noodles.

Robot restaurant

The world's first robot restaurant appeared in Asia. The convenience is that the cook receives all orders automatically, and robots take on the role of waiters, delivering orders and clearing dishes. Some restaurants even have their own robot chefs, saving on labor force. However, it is not a fact that such innovations pay off very quickly. Similar restaurants already exist in China, Japan, Thailand, as well as in some Western countries.

The most alpine Railway is located in China. On the most high point passengers are at their best 5 thousand meters above sea level. Some passengers may have difficulty breathing, so the trains have special carriages that are supplied with oxygen. Each passenger can wear oxygen masks if desired.

Qinghai-Tibet Railway connects Xining and Lhasa

The first paper money in China

The first paper money, which began to be widely used, appeared in China in 1165, although there are suggestions that the invention took place 500 years earlier. Paper bills came into circulation during Sunn Empire. The money bore an official red seal confirming its authenticity and a design depicting the value of the bill in silver bullion.

An ancient Chinese paper bill measured 20 by 30 centimeters

Toothbrush, it turns out, was also invented by the Chinese. The first mention of this personal hygiene item was found in the Chinese encyclopedia 1498. Toothbrush was made from pig bristles inserted into bamboo stick. Toothbrushes came to Europe only 150-200 years later.

Yoga not only means a system of exercises and breathing techniques, this concept in Indian culture, which brings together a variety of practices, spiritual and physical. Yoga was invented and developed in ancient times during the Harappan civilization, who lived in the 4th-2nd millennia BC along the banks of the Indus River. Today, yoga has gained fame as simply a popular health-improving gymnastics.

Asians have always been good at building. The architecture of Asia is sometimes quite amazing. For example, in the city of Osaka, Japan, there is an unusual building, through which passes...urban expressway. The city authorities planned to build a road in 1983, but the land owners had other plans for this. As a result, both parties came to an agreement, and the highway had to be routed directly through some floors of the building (from the 4th to the 8th floors). Everyone was happy.

The Gate Tower building with the highway running underneath it

Another example of compromise: the owners of this building did not want to sell the land for road construction. The elderly couple who owned the building did not want to sign an agreement to demolish it, since the amount of compensation was not sufficient to build a new house. I had to get out... Later, the building was demolished when an agreement was reached for a higher amount of compensation.

Road near Wenling city, Zhejiang province, China with stubborn house

IN big picture Asian culture can be divided into five subcultures. The first is meta-Confucian, which includes the cultures of China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and the countries of East and Southeast Asia with a predominant Chinese population (primarily Hong Kong and Singapore). For countries with a meta-Confucian culture, strong “cell” group formations, the ideology of state centralism, and a value system oriented towards economic achievements are typical. The second subculture is formed by the cultures of peoples professing Theravada Buddhism - Thai, Laotian, Burmese, Khmer, Sinhalese. In them, the way of life and human behavior were formed under the influence of the prevailing industries in these areas, structures usually characterized in literature as “loose.” These structures determined the rather individualized behavior of the individual and required the presence of a strong state power. The third type is Asian, subculture - Hindu. It includes different, but at the same time connected into a single whole, local cultures of Hindustan. It is characterized by organization Everyday life based on the subtle system and rules of caste relations, which penetrated deeply into religious consciousness. The Hindu subculture emphasizes group orientations, realized in family or intra-caste structures. In the fourth type - Islamic - there is a strong influence of local pre-Islamic traditions. Weggel distinguishes two subgroups in this type: Malay-Islamic - Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, South. Philippines, partly Singapore and Indo-Islamic - Bangladesh, Pakistan, Maldives.

The cultural traditions of the countries and peoples of Asia that are part of these large cultural communities have common systems of worldview, values, ideas and behavioral stereotypes. The framework of these communities is outlined either very broadly by inclusion in the cultural and historical spheres of the great Asian civilizations - Arab-Persian (Islamic), Indian (Hindu-Buddhist) and Chinese (Confucian), which actually leads to complete identity of the concept of A.K. with the concept of “eastern cultures”, or locally limited to the regions of the East, South-East. and Yuzh. Asia, which makes it possible to more accurately and clearly determine the specifics of A.c. in their commonality and particularity. The German orientalist O. Weggel (Hamburg. Institute of Cultural Research) recognizes the geographical and cultural boundaries adopted with this approach as most closely corresponding to the concept of A.K. Although “Asia” (in the work of a German researcher) means the regions of East, Southeast and South Asia; the regions of the Near and Middle East, Middle, Center, and North Asia are not included in the concept of Asia, as are the cultures of the peoples of these regions into the concept of A.K.) is more likely a geogr. than a cultural one. concept. In the use of the term A.k. There is makes a lot of sense, since it includes common characteristics for different countries, peoples and cultures of Asia features that allow us to talk about their cultural identity: statehood that has historically, deeper roots and is territorially more extensive than in other parts of the world; predominance in Asian cultures, historical peoples. more ancient than in other cultures, autochthonous (mostly) religions. And yet Asia is perceived by the peoples inhabiting it as a single cultural whole. According to Weggel, in the value systems of A.K., in the way of thinking of Asians and peoples, there are common orientations towards a holistic perception of the world and its phenomena, which sharply differs from the Euro-American desire for differentiation and demarcation.

Lecture No. 11 (2 hours) Asian continent: regional division. Races and ethnicities. The role of Confucianism and Shintoism in the formation of economic activity, material and spiritual culture of the peoples of China and Japan. Life and family. Rituals, customs, traditions. Modern centers of international tourism. Requirements for the behavior of tourists in China and Japan.

Seminar lesson No. 11 (2 hours) China and Japan: territory, modern population. Races. Ethnic history. Material and spiritual culture of the peoples of China and Japan. Rituals, customs, traditions in public and family life. Influence modern processes globalization on traditional world peoples of China and Japan.

Independent work (4 hours) Using the recommended sources, make a summary, reflecting the following questions: Asian continent: regional division. Races and ethnicities. The role of Confucianism and Shintoism in the formation of economic activity, material and spiritual culture of the peoples of China and Japan. Life and family. Rituals, customs, traditions. Modern centers of international tourism. Requirements for the behavior of tourists in the countries of Asia, China and Japan. China and Japan: territory, modern population. Ethnic history. Material and spiritual culture of the peoples of China and Japan. Rituals, customs, traditions in public and family life. The influence of modern globalization processes on the traditional world of the peoples of China and Japan.

Topic 6.2 Buddhism in the customs and traditions of the peoples of Asia.

Lecture No. 12 (2 hours)

Directions, traditions and schools of Buddhism. Short review history of Buddhism. Buddhist picture of the world. Buddhist monasticism as “leaving home,” breaking ties with family, leaving the mundane social framework. Monastic names. Donations to churches from the laity: food, clothing and utensils, land. Temple farms. Patronage of temples to various worldly communities: artisans, sailors, etc. Buddhist holidays. Pilgrimages to Buddhist shrines. Requirements for the behavior of tourists in Asian countries.

Seminar lesson No. 12 (2 hours)

The question of the laity's membership in the Buddhist community. Offerings to the Three Treasures. Orders for rituals. Training with monastic mentors. Rituals performed mainly by lay people.

Independent work (4 hours) Using the recommended sources, make a note, reflecting the following questions: Directions, traditions and schools of Buddhism. A brief overview of the history of Buddhism. Buddhist picture of the world. Buddhist monasticism as “leaving home,” breaking ties with family, leaving the mundane social framework. Monastic names. The question of the laity's membership in the Buddhist community. Offerings to the Three Treasures. Orders for rituals. Training with monastic mentors. Rituals performed mainly by lay people.

Form of control: survey during a seminar lesson, preparation of abstracts.

Section 7. Problems of preserving traditions and interethnic conflicts in the modern world

Topic 7.1 The problem of preserving the customs and traditions of modern peoples of the world in the process of globalization

Seminar lesson No. 13 (2 hours)

Globalization and the problem of preserving customs and traditions modern peoples peace. Intercultural interaction and cultural tolerance.

Independent work (2 hours)

Prepare an abstract on the proposed topic.

Form of control: preparation of abstracts.