2100 summer literature assignment. Grozny and blast furnace

List of literature works for 5th grade
(according to the program of G.S. Merkin)

1. Kun N.A. Legends and Myths Ancient Greece(2-3 myths)
2. "Birth of Zeus"
3. Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece"Olympus"
4. Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece"Odysseus"
5. Russians folk tales (2-3 fairy tales).
6. Russian folk tales"Princess Frog",
7. Russian folk tales"Stepdaughter"
8. Russian folk tales“What doesn’t happen in the world”
9. Literary tales. V.F. Odoevsky“Moroz Ivanovich” (+ 2 to choose from),
10. Literary tales. L.N. Tolstoy“Two Brothers” (+ 2 to choose from),
11. Literary tales. A.N. Tolstoy“How the old woman found the bast shoe” (+ 2 to choose from).
12. "The Tale of Bygone Years"(T. Mikhelson)
13.Aesop Fables "The Crow and the Fox"
14. Aesop Fables "The Fox and the Grapes"
15. I.A. Krylov. Fables. : "A Crow and a fox",
16. I.A. Krylov. Fables "Demyanov's ear"
17. I.A. Krylov. Fables "Wolf in the kennel"
18. I.A. Krylov. Fables "The Pig under the Oak"
19. A.S. Pushkin. Fairy tales. Lyrics. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"
20. A.S. Pushkin Poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila".
21. M.Yu. Lermontov."Borodino"
22. F.I. Tyutchev. Lyrics.
23. A.A. Fet. Lyrics.
24. N.V. Gogol"Christmas Eve"
25. I.A. Bunin"In the village",
26. I.A. Bunin"Mowers"
27. I.A. Bunin"Lapti."
28. L.I. Andreev"Petka at the dacha"
29. L.I. Andreev"Nipper",
30. L.I. Andreev"Bargamot and Garaska"
31. A.I. Kuprin « Kindergarten»,
32. A.I. Kuprin « Wonderful doctor»,
33. A.I. Kuprin"Golden Rooster"
34. A.I. Kuprin"Firstborn"
35. A.P. Platonov « Unknown flower»,
36. A.P. Platonov"Nikita"
37. A.P. Platonov"Cow",
38. A.P. Platonov"July Thunderstorm"
39. A.P. Platonov"Still Mom"
40. P.P. Bazhov"Stone Flower",
41. P.P. Bazhov « Mining master»
42. E. Nosov“How a gramophone saved a rooster from death.”
43. V.G. Rasputin“Live forever, love forever”
44. D. Defoe"Life and extraordinary and amazing Adventures Robinson Crusoe"
45. G.H. Andersen"The Snow Queen",
46. G.H. Andersen"Nightingale"
47. M. Twain"Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
48. J. Roni Senior Tale “Fight for Fire”
49. J. London"The Tale of Kish"
50. I.S. Turgenev"Mu Mu",
51. I.S. Turgenev"Notes of a Hunter"
52. ON THE. Nekrasov"Peasant Children"
53. A.P. Chekhov. Humorous stories"Intruder"
54. A.P. Chekhov. Humor stories “Surgery”
55. A.P. Chekhov. Humor stories “Over salted”
56. A.P. Chekhov. Humor stories "Chameleon"
57. A.P. Chekhov. Humor stories “Horse name”
58.A.P. Chekhov. Humor stories “Letter to a learned neighbor”
59. V. Garshin"The Tale of the Toad and the Rose"
60. L.N. Tolstoy « Prisoner of the Caucasus»
61. S.A. Yesenin. Lyrics.
62.A. Lindgren"The Adventures of Emil from Lenneberga"
63. V.P. Astafiev“Why did I kill the corncrake?”
64.IN AND. Belov"Fun night".
65. A. Likhanov"The last cold."
66. R. Bradbury"All summer in one day."

A RG reader sent to the editor a list of books recommended by the school for his sixth-grader child to read in the summer. There are about a hundred (!) works in total. Folk ballads"The Terrible and Domna" and "The Pied Piper of Hamelin", "Poltava" by Pushkin and "The Battle of Blenheim" by R. Southey, "Gulliver's Travels" by J. Swift and "Don Quixote" by Cervantes, "The Dragon" by E. Schwartz and "The Romance of Tristan" and Isolde" by J. Bedier...

Not only is he just huge. Why does it contain so many “adult” works? By what principle is literature selected? "RG" talks about this with the teacher of Russian language and literature at Moscow school No. 57, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Literature" Sergei Volkov.

Sergei Vladimirovich, how do literature teachers make summer reading lists?

Sergey Volkov: There are several approaches. Some teachers include in the list what will be covered in class: so that the children are prepared, so that they find books in advance and can bring them to class. On the other hand, it is clear: if a child reads all the main works in the summer, then by the middle of the school year they will lose the sharpness of their “first impression” for him. And repetition may no longer interest him. Therefore, the second strategy is not to reveal all the cards, but to give something that may simply be interesting to the child, that will broaden his horizons, books “around the program.” That’s why extended lists appear from which you can choose something during the holidays and read for pleasure.

Sergey Volkov: No. The logic of the list they sent you is clear to me. It is built at the intersection of two strategies. The teacher acted honestly: here is the basic literature, and here is the additional literature, here is what to read in the summer, and here is what is needed for the lessons. And the required “set” here is relatively small.

Please note that teachers are in many ways not free, because they must pass works that are included in the standard and programs. All lines of textbooks are oriented towards the standard. And they contain works that children of 12 years old may not be interested in, but which the teacher must go through.

Another problem: in the same 7th grade there are only 2 literature lessons per week, there are 68 lessons per year. You won’t read or really discuss many books during this time. And the programs are voluminous. On the other hand, the teacher knows some other books that can “hook” a child so that he starts reading. And he also wants to touch on these works. When? Sometimes this happens during extracurricular reading, during cool hours or even in conversations during breaks. Well, Yuri Koval is on the list sent. What would it be like without him? He is beautiful. And even if it is not in the program, it is necessary to slip it to the children. So the teacher has to get out.

But still have questions about the contents of the list?

Sergey Volkov: Yes. In my opinion, including poems in this list, even if they are historical ballads, means “shooting wide open.” All the same, seventh graders will not read them on their own. In the summer this is not necessary, it will be enough to read for the literature lesson. And the list would immediately shrink - look, among the “hundred works” that horrified the parent, there are many poems.

You also need to understand that the presented list is focused on the program of Tamarchenko and Streltsova; this is a program for humanitarian-oriented classes, not for general education. There are such classes in gymnasiums and lyceums, and they have longer reading lists.

Understand that the teacher is not the enemy who overloaded the child with unnecessary reading. For him, the list problem is very difficult. On the one hand, I want to give a lot so that the child sees this “sea” and can choose from it. On the other hand, someone may be discouraged by these volumes. And if parents perceive the list for the summer as difficult gravestone, this is, of course, sad. If parents disagree with something, if they have questions, these questions should be asked. First of all, to the teacher. The school today is open to dialogue. Many teachers are present on social networks. We have telephones and email - just ask.

Some works from the school list are seriously studied by students of the philology department: Schwartz, Astafiev, Bedier, Cervantes... Let's say, can 12-year-olds master such a serious novel as "Don Quixote"?

Sergey Volkov: Many works in school are given "for growth." In middle school, children develop very differently. Some are already reading serious literature and experiencing it, while others are only interested in comics or science fiction. And so big list gives a chance to “hook” everyone. We must be aware that a significant part school curriculum It's not written for children at all. "Don Quixote", "Crime and Punishment", "War and Peace", " Dead Souls", "Eugene Onegin" were written neither for 9th graders nor for 10th graders. They are written for an adult reader. And when the teacher gives a big and complex list literature, he - there is such hope - understands what he is doing. Focuses primarily on a specific class, its capabilities and interests.

Cervantes, of course, is not studied in full in the 7th grade. From the novel, children read only selected, brightest chapters that made the image of the main character eternal. "Don Quixote" has been translated for children for a long time. Getting to know him is a useful thing. Many times I witnessed how in the seventh grade the chapters of the novel were read with interest, how children wrote bright works on them.

In general, if children are not told that something is difficult, then they absorb serious literary works like a sponge.

Including poems in this list, even if they are historical ballads, means “missing the mark.” Seventh graders won't read them on their own

We had a great teacher at school No. 57, Zoya Aleksandrovna Blyumina: she read Pasternak’s “Second Ballad” to fifth-graders - a very difficult poem for adults. I read it aloud in class. Once, twice, three times. The children didn’t understand everything, they simply repeated after her, felt the rhythm, the magic of the words, these poems began to live in them - and they themselves asked: “Let’s read Pasternak.”

When I was a student and my son had just been born, the teacher of Georgian literature gave me, a young parent, an automatic test. But on the condition that I read to my son when he grows up, the poem “The Knight in tiger skin". Then, of course, I easily promised this: if only they would pass the test. And when my son grew up, I remembered given word. And he began to read the poem in Zabolotsky’s translation when he was still a child. Complex syntax, fancy words, unusual rhythm. It seems that nothing is clear, but the son demanded more and more. And not because it is something special - it’s just beautiful and strong that fascinates. Then the same trick was repeated with the second son...

So meeting with a complexly organized work can have a very beneficial effect on children. The main thing here is not to force, not to “shove” something in by force, but to allow the child to float in it, to give as much as he can absorb.

Infographics RG/ Anton Perepletchikov

How to teach a child to love literature?

Sergey Volkov: Is it possible to teach a person to love? The maximum that you can be interested in is reading, talking about it with enthusiasm, reading aloud... When a child watches an adult living in literature, he wonders: what did he find in these books? This is how interest is born.

One day a schoolboy realizes that he suddenly gets pleasure from reading and discussing an interesting book. This is a special magic, we must master it at least partially. There are no exact recipes: it requires charm, charisma, and technological know-how.

  • "The Song of Roland"
  • W. Scott "Rob Roy"
  • N. Aseev "Blue Hussars"
  • E. Baratynsky "Ring"
  • G.R. Haggard "Beautiful Margaret"
  • A.A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky "Test"
  • Novels about King Arthur and the Knights Round table
  • G.K. Chesterton "Sapphire Cross"
  • A. Daudet " Extraordinary Adventures Tartarina from Tarascon"
  • M. Druon "Tistou - the boy with green fingers"
  • I. Efremov "On the edge of the Oikumene"

Efim Rachevsky, folk teacher Russia, director of education center No. 548 "Tsaritsyno":

The summer reading list is recommended, not required. Teachers compose it on the basis of the school's educational program. And that, in turn, is based on a sample program recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science. The situation, in my opinion, is absurd. All the necessary works can be read in a good way during the school year. And the lists for the summer are a tribute to a tradition that dates back to the times of the USSR. The Soviet Union had the longest holidays in the world. And, as they say, “the less occupied the troops are, the faster they decay.” Therefore, teachers loaded schoolchildren with literature so that the children “didn’t relax.”

What should a parent do if he sees this list? First of all, don't panic. Together with your child, choose the most interesting works for them and read for pleasure. No one will force them to master the entire volume. Big secret I won’t reveal it if I say that few teachers ask on September 1 whether schoolchildren have read the list of literature for the summer. No one expects the guys to master the entire list.

Yuliy Gusman, film director:

I believe that Don Quixote by Miguel Cervantes is not only correct, but necessary to read in the sixth grade. I read it myself in primary school- in the second grade, and everything was clear to me. This book is much better than that"garbage" that is lying around in our bookstores. Thank God Don Quixote is on the sixth grade reading list. You can rest assured about the compilers of extracurricular reading programs for schoolchildren. A very smart choice.

Pavel Lungin, director:

I think it's too early to read Don Quixote in sixth grade. I remember that I first picked up this book around this time and did not understand it. And it remains in my memory as a rather boring and incomprehensible book. I didn't understand the whole game then. I tried to return to Cervantes later, but, to be honest, I never returned. It is generally very dangerous to start reading some works too early. Therefore, happy are those who read Dostoevsky in mature age, and those who returned to War and Peace after school. Although the issue is, of course, controversial. If you close your eyes and pretend in the sixth grade that Don Quixote does not exist, then no one will ever pick it up. This is such an eternal contradiction. We need to expand our knowledge about culture and literature, but, unfortunately, the pleasure from culture and from books is “lubricated” at an early age.

Alexander Kabakov, writer:

I read Cervantes' Don Quixote at about the same age. Don Quixote is one of the world's greatest novels. The book is wonderful for everyone. The idea of ​​a hero who finds himself in a crazy future, being more normal than everyone around him, is wonderful in itself. In essence, the characters in Don Quixote grew great amount other characters from all over world literature. Suffice it to recall Prince Myshkin from Dostoevsky’s “The Idiot.” Don Quixote is a universal example of a novel. I think that Don Quixote is one of those books that needs to be reread many times. The first time was in the sixth or seventh grade, and then as an adult. The book is simply a must-read. It is wrong to put off the first reading of various, as many people think, “adult” works, because this way you can put off all literature, including War and Peace. If you put off reading, it will be very difficult to pick up these books at a later age. If a thirty-year-old person picks up Don Quixote for the first time in his life, he simply will not be able to read it to the end.

Elena Postnova, candidate philological sciences, member of the Union of Artists of Russia, mother of a fifth-grader:

The bibliography is a good “cheat sheet” for a parent. Every summer, my son and I sit down and pick out books together. Now the child is captivated by the stories of Jack London; before that he read Stevenson’s “Treasure Island” and other books. I'm thinking of offering him "The Adventures of Oliver Twist" by Dickens. All works from the school list are best samples world literature, the most worthy examples that adults would do well to re-read. But getting through the entire list over the summer is a utopia. That's why teachers give big choice, and there is something for every family. And everywhere - very different traditions. Some kids are already reading “Eugene Onegin” at the age of 12, and somewhere they don’t even sit down to read the book.

Prepared by Ksenia Kolesnikova and Natalya Sokolova

After finishing third grade, schoolchildren receive a vacation assignment - a list of literature for summer reading when moving from 3rd to 4th grade. Future fourth-graders should read at least 30-40 minutes every day in the summer. The list of recommended literature for future fourth-graders includes books from both Russian and foreign writers.

List of literature for the summer when moving to 4th grade

  • Aksakov S. " The Scarlet Flower»
  • Aleksin A. “In the land of eternal vacations”
  • Andersen G. H. “Persistent tin soldier», « The Snow Queen", "Wild Swans"
  • Astafiev V. “Strizhonok Skrip”
  • Bazhov P. « Malachite Box", "Ural Tales", "Stone Flower", "Blue Snake", "Sinyushkin Well", "Silver Hoof"
  • Ballads of Robin Hood
  • Barry D. "Peter Pan"
  • Bianchi V. “Orange Neck”
  • Brabury R. “All summer in one day”
  • Bulychev K. “Alice and her friends”, “Reserve of Fairy Tales”
  • Epics: Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber. Sadko.
  • Wallner N. “Holgin grad”
  • Veltisov E. “Adventures of Electronics”
  • Verne J. “The Children of Captain Grant”, “The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain”, “The Mysterious Island”
  • Volkov A. “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, “Yellow Fog”, “The Mystery of the Abandoned Castle”
  • Gaidar A.P. " Blue cup", "Chuk and Gek", "School", "RVS", "The Tale of a Military Secret", "Far Countries", "The Fate of the Drummer"
  • Heroes of Hellas. From the myths of Ancient Greece
  • Hoffmann "The Nutcracker or mouse king»
  • Grigorovich D.V. “Gutta-percha boy”
  • Greenwood D. “Little Raggedy”;
  • Gubarev V. “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”, “Three on an Island”
  • Defoe D. “The Life and Amazing Adventures of the Sailor Robinson Crusoe”
  • Dragunsky V. “Main Rivers”, “What Mishka Loves”
  • Druzhkov Y. “The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin”
  • Ershov P. “The Little Humpbacked Horse”
  • Zoshchenko M. “Yolka”
  • Carroll L. “Alice in Wonderland”, “Alice Through the Looking Glass”
  • Koval Y. “The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov”
  • Korolenko V.G. "The Blind Musician"
  • Krylov I. “Wolf and Crane”, “Quartet”
  • Cooper F. "St. John's wort"
  • Lagerlöf S. “The wonderful journey of Nils with the geese.
  • Lagin L. “Old Man Hottabych”
  • Lindgren A. “Baby and Carlson”, “Pippi” Long stocking and etc."
  • Medvedev V.V. “Barankin, be a man!”
  • Nekrasov A. “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel”
  • Nosov N. “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”, “Dunno in Sunny city»
  • Odoevsky V.F. "Town in a snuffbox"
  • Olesha Yu. “Three Fat Men”
  • Oseeva V.A. "Dinka"
  • Pogorelsky A. “Black chicken, or Underground inhabitants»
  • Raspe E. “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen”
  • Raut E. "Muff, Low Boot and Mossy Beard"
  • Russian folk tales: " Sea king and Vasilisa the Wise"
  • Rybakov "Bronze Bird", "Dirk"
  • Swift D. "Gulliver's Travels"
  • Twain M. “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “The Prince and the Pauper”
  • Tolstoy A.N. "Nikita's Childhood"
  • Troepolsky "White Bim" Black Ear"
  • Travers P. "Mary Poppins"
  • Chekhov A.P. "Kashtanka", "Boys"
  • Schwartz E. “The Tale of Lost Time”

List of literature for the summer for children who have entered 4th grade (according to the “School of Russia” program)

  • A. S. Pushkin. Tale of dead princess and seven heroes
  • M. Lermontov. Ashik-Kerib
  • P. Ershov. The Little Humpbacked Horse
  • I. Krylov. Wolf and crane. Quartet
  • V. Odoevsky. Town in a snuffbox
  • A. Chekhov. Boys
  • V.Garshin. The Tale of the Toad and the Rose
  • S. Aksakov. The Scarlet Flower
  • L. Andreev. Nipper
  • P. Bazhov. Silver hoof
  • E Schwartz. A Tale of Lost Time
  • N. Nosov. The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends
  • V. Dragunsky. Main rivers. What does Mishka like?
  • B. Zhitkov. How I caught people
  • K Paustovsky. Shopping cart with fir cones. dense bear
  • M. Zoshchenko. Christmas tree
  • V. Bianchi. Orange neck
  • Mamin-Sibiryak. Adopted
  • A. Kuprin. Barbos and Zhulka
  • M. Prishvin. Upstart
  • V. Astafiev. Haircut Creak
  • Yu. Koval. The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov
  • K. Bulychev. Alice's Travels
  • D. Swift. Gulliver's Travels
  • G.H. Andersen. Mermaid
  • M. Twain Adventures Tom Sawyer
  • F. Baum. Oz
  • F. Burnet. Little Lord Fauntleroy
  • D.Barry. Peter Pan
  • A. Lindgren. Baby and Carlson
  • R. Bradbury. All summer in one day
  • T. Jansson. Tales about Moomintroll
  • A. Saint-Exupery. A little prince

Summer literature list for children entering 4th grade (according to the “Perspective” program)

Russian literature

1. S.T. Aksakov. The Scarlet Flower

2. A.P. Chekhov. Kashtanka

3. A.M. Bitter. In people

4. L. Lagin. Old Man Hottabych

5. V. Kataev. Son of the regiment

6. A. Pogorelsky. Black chicken or Underground inhabitants

7. Yu. Olesha. Three fat men

8. N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky. Tyoma's childhood

9. K. Bulychev. Alice's Adventures

10. G.A. Skrebnitsky. Tales of the Pathfinder. Forest voice

11. N.I. Sladkov. Bureau of Forest Services

12. G.Ya. Snegirev. Little monster

Foreign literature

1. Fairy tales: C. Perrault, Brothers Grimm, G. H. Andersen

2. L.Carroll. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

3. M. Twain. Adventures of Tom Sawyer

4. E.T.A.Hoffman. The Nutcracker and the Mouse King

5. J. Swift. Gulliver's Adventures

6. E. Raspe. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen

7. A.S. Exupery. A little prince

8. V. Hugo. Gavroche. Cosette

9. Charles Dickens. The Adventures of Oliver Twist

Summer literature list for those entering 4th grade (according to the School 2100 program)

1. Kuprin A.I. "White Poodle"

2. Garin-Mikhailovsky G.M. "Childhood Topics"

3. Alekseev S.P. Stories about the War of 1812; One hundred stories from Russian history

4. Gaidar A.P. "Timur and his team"; "Drummer's Fate"

5. Guryan O. “The Boy from Kholmogory”

6. Koval Y. “The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov”

7. Kryukova T. “Unlearned lessons”

8. Lagin L. “Old Man-Hottabych”

9. Nosov N. “Vitya Maleev at school and at home”

10. Y. Olesha Y. “Three fat men”

11. Oseeva V. “Vasek Trubachev and his comrades”, “Trubachev’s detachment is fighting”

12. Gauf V. Fairy tales: “Frozen”; "Little Longnose"

13. Hugo V. “Gavroche”; "Cosette"

14. Lagerlöf S. “The Wonderful Journey of Nils with the Wild Geese”

15. Seton-Thompson E. Stories about animals. - Animal heroes. Little savages

16. Voskoboynikov V.M. “The Life of Wonderful Children” Books 1,2,3.

17. Krapivin V. “Squire Kashka”, “Shadow of the Caravel” Stories

18. Tomin Yu.G. “Carousels over the city” Fantastic story

19. Lindgren A. “Mio, my Mio!” Fairy tales

20. Maeterlinck M. “Blue Bird”

21. Ilyina E. “The Fourth Height”

22. Kataev V. “Son of the Regiment”

List of literature for the summer after finishing 3rd grade (between 3rd and 4th grade) according to the “Harmony” program

  • N. Nosov. Vitya Maleev at school and at home
  • A. Lingren. Madike and Pims from Junibakken
  • S. Prokofiev. Astrel and the guardian of the forest. Sorcerer's Apprentice. The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase
  • I. Akimushkin. Traces of unseen beasts
  • D. Sabitova. Circus in a box
  • T. Kryukova. Miracles are not make-believe
  • I. Tokmakova. Marusya will be back
  • Yu. Aleshkovsky. Shoo and two briefcases
  • V. Golyavkin. My good dad
  • V. Chaplin. Zoo pets
  • P. Ershov. The Little Humpbacked Horse
  • B. Zhitkov. What happened
  • S. Kozlov. Hedgehog in the fog
  • T. Janson. Moomintroll and others
  • E. Levitan. Fabulous adventures of a little astronomer
  • V. Kurchevsky. A true tale about pencils and paints
  • V. Durov. My artists. My animals
  • G. Pivovarova. By page entertaining geography
  • A. Chekhov. White-fronted
  • I'm Larry. Extraordinary Adventures Karika and Vali
  • S. Alekseev. Stories about Suvorov and Russian soldiers
  • G. Cherneno. Journey to the land of robots
  • Yu. Koval. The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov
  • V. Krapivin. Squire Kashka
  • E.Veltisov. Adventure Electronics
  • S. Aksakov. The childhood years of Bagrov's grandson
  • A. Bolotov. The life and adventures of Andrei Bolotov, written by himself for his descendants
  • A. Pogorelsky. Black chicken or Underground inhabitants
  • K. Ushinsky. Child's world and reader
  • L. Charskaya. Notes of a little schoolgirl
  • B. Zhitkov. Sea stories
  • K. Chukovsky. Silver coat of arms

Good afternoon

Here we are summer holidays, it's time to think about summer reading.

My son has already finished 2nd grade, which means the books should be more serious :)).

We study under the “School of Russia” program. Our list of literature is posted on the school website. But friends and neighbors have different lists. From this we conclude that literature for the summer is set taking into account the teacher's priorities. And what difference does it make which list you read from? The main thing is to read! And read interesting and exciting books. It is clear that different children will have different literary preferences.

Literature for the summer 2nd grade School of Russia

List of books for extracurricular reading for students who have completed 2nd grade:

  1. Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess"
  2. B. Zakhoder “Funny Poems”, “Bird School”
  3. L.N. Tolstoy “Kitten”, “Two Comrades”, “Bulka”
  4. G. Andersen “Wild Swans”, “The Princess and the Pea”
  5. Anne Hogard "Muffin Bakes Pies"
  6. N. Nosov “Steps”, “Patch”. "Entertainers", "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"
  7. S. Mikhalkov “Drowsiness and Yawning”, “About Mimosa”, “Uncle Styopa”, “Cleanmanship”
  8. S. Marshak “Child in a Cage”, “A Memory for a Schoolchild”, “A Story about an Unknown Hero”
  9. G.A. Skrebitsky "Cat Ivanovich"
  10. Brothers Grimm "Three Brothers"
  11. M. Prishvin " birch bark tube", "Hedgehog"
  12. A.P. Gaidar "Chuk and Gek", "Conscience"
  13. V.A. Oseeva " Magic word", "Conscience", "Sons"
  14. V.V. Bianchi “How the ant got home”, Arishka-Coward”, “Who sings with what”
  15. E.N. Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and his friends”, “Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat”
  16. G.B. Oster “Tail Charger”, “Bad Advice”
  17. V.Yu. Dragunsky "Deniska's stories"
  18. V.P. Kataev “Tsvetik-semitsvetik”
  19. MM. Zoshchenko “Christmas tree”
  20. V.V. Medvedev "The Ordinary Giant"

List of literature for summer 2nd grade Federal State Educational Standard

The picture is clickable. Enlarge to see better.

Summer reading list “Perspective”

For future third graders:

(summer reading list)

  1. Alexandrov T. “Kuzka the Brownie”
  2. Andersen G.H. " Ugly duck", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "Ole-Lukoje", "Flint"
  3. B. Grimm “The Town Musicians of Bremen”
  4. Bianchi V. “Forest Newspaper”, “Forest Houses”
  5. Volkov A. “The Wizard Emerald City»
  6. Gaidar A. “Chuk and Gek”
  7. Garshin "Frog - Traveler"
  8. Gauf V. “Dwarf Nose”, “Little Muk”
  9. Dragunsky V. “It’s alive and glowing”, “First day”, “Where has this been seen?”, “A cunning way”
  10. Durov V. “My animals.” Stories
  11. Zhitkov B. “How I caught little men”
  12. Zhukovsky V. “How mice buried a cat”
  13. Zakhoder B. “About everything in the world.” Poems and fairy tales
  14. Zoshchenko M. “Scientific Monkey”
  15. Kataev V. “Seven-flowered flower”
  16. Mamin - Sibiryak D. “Seraya Neck”
  17. Nosov N. “Dunno on the Moon”, “Steps”
  18. Odoevsky V. “Town in a snuffbox”
  19. Oseeva V. “Before the first rain”, “Thank you”, “Cookies”
  20. Paustovsky K. “Hare’s paws.” Stories and fairy tales
  21. Platonov A. “Multi-colored butterfly”
  22. Plyatskovsky M. “Carousel horses”
  23. Prokofiev S. “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase”
  24. Pushkin A.S. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"
  25. R. Kipling "Rikki - Tikki - Tavi"
  26. Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess”, “Ivan the Peasant Son”
  27. Tolstoy A. “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”
  28. Tolstoy L. “Filippok”
  29. Ushinsky K. “Two plows”
  30. Harris D. "Tales of Uncle Remus"
  31. Charushin E. “Nikitka and his friends”
  32. C. Perrault "Sleeping Beauty"
  33. Schwartz E. “The Tale of Lost Time”, “The Absent-Minded Wizard”, “The New Adventures of Puss in Boots”

But here is a completely different list of literature on the same program "Perspective". Choose according to your taste!

  1. Russian folk tales: Tiny Khavroshechka, Princess Nesmeyana, The Flying Ship, Finist the Clear Falcon
  2. Aladdin's magic lamp ( Arabian tale), The Woman Who Lived in a Bottle (English fairy tale)
  3. Epics: Dobrynya Nikitich, Dobrynya and the Serpent, Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber
  4. Krylov's fables
  5. L. Lagin “Old Man Hottabych”
  6. V. Garshin “Frog Traveler”
  7. L. Geraskina “In the land of unlearned lessons”
  8. N. Nekrasov “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”
  9. D. Mamin-Sibiryak “Alyonushka’s Tales”
  10. Lindgren A. “The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof”
  11. P. Bazhov “Silver Hoof”
  12. V. Dragunsky “Girl on a Ball”, “Enchanted Letter”
  13. C. Perrault “Ricky with a tuft”
  14. Yu. Dmitriev “About nature for big and small”
  15. R. Kipling “Rikki - Tikki - Tavi”, “What causes a camel’s hump”
  16. S. Prokofiev "The Magician's Apprentice"
  17. V. Gauf “Dwarf Nose”, “Little Muk”
  18. E. Schwartz “The Tale of Lost Time”
  19. N. Nosov “Dreamers”
  20. Poems by Y. Moritz, A. Barto, Y. Akim, B. Zakhoder, I. Tokmakova, G. Graubin “Stranger Friends”
  21. Mythological stories of Ancient Greece (1-2 stories to choose from)

Summer reading list “21st century”

  1. V.F. Odoevsky “City in a snuffbox”, “Poor Gnedko”
  2. V.M. Garshin "The Tale of the Toad and the Rose"
  3. P.P. Bazhov “Silver Hoof”, “Blue Snake”
  4. S.T. Aksakov “The Scarlet Flower”
  5. E.S. Veltistov "Adventures of Electronics"
  6. K. Bulychev “Alice’s Journey”, “Girl from Planet Earth”
  7. D. Swift "Gulliver's Travels"
  8. G.H. Andersen "The Little Mermaid", "Snail and Rosebush"
  9. M. Twain “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “Dick Baker and His Cat”
  10. S. Lagerlöf “Holy Night”, “In Nazareth”, “The Amazing Journey of Nils Holgersson in Sweden”
  11. A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"
  12. M.Yu. Lermontov "Three Palms"
  13. L.N. Tolstoy “Book for Children: Stories, Fairy Tales, Fables”
  14. N.S. Leskov “The Lion of Elder Gerasim”
  15. I.S. Turgenev "Dog"
  16. A.P. Chekhov "The Fugitive", "Children"
  17. IN AND. Dahl “About the toothy mouse and the rich sparrow”
  18. K.D. Ushinsky “The Postman’s Bag”, “The Blind Horse”
  19. M. Gorky “About Ivanushka the Fool”
  20. A.K. Tolstoy "Ilya Muromets"
  21. S. Cherny “Silver Christmas tree”
  22. K.G. Paustovsky “Hare’s Paws”, “The Adventures of the Rhinoceros Beetle”
  23. M. M. Zoshchenko “Galoshes and Ice Cream”, “Stupid Story”
  24. V.Yu. Dragunsky “There is a lot of traffic on Sadovaya”
  25. A.P. Platonov “The Soldier and the Queen”, “The Magic Ring”
  26. MM. Prishvin "Chicken on poles"
  27. V.P. Astafiev “Spring Island”, “Horse with a Pink Mane”
  28. A.I. Solzhenitsyn “Duckling”, “Ball”, “Bonfire and Ants”
  29. S.A. Ivanov “Winter Girl”
  30. S.G. Georgiev "House of the Sunny Bunny"
  31. D. Tolkien “Farmer Giles of Hem”, “Blacksmith of Big Bud”
  32. F. Salten “Bambi”

The school year has come to an end and the guys are going to rest again. Some people dream of a trip to the sea, others are more interested in a walk in the forest. But in any case, we should not forget about reading your favorite book. Moreover, reading is not only good vacation, but also the development of speech, the acquisition of reading analysis skills. Below is a list of works that 4th grade students should be looking at before 5th grade.

Novels and short stories, Russian literature, list of books

1 P.P. Bazhov “Fire-Jumping”, “Mistress copper mountain”, “Stone Flower”, “Ivanko Krylatko”, “About the Great Snake”
2 A.M. Volkov “Yellow Fog”, “The Mystery of the Abandoned Castle”, “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, “Petya Ivanov’s Journey to an Extraterrestrial Station”
3 D.V. Grigorovich "Gutta-percha boy" “Cat and Mouse”, “Fishermen”
4 A.P. Gaidar “Distant Countries”, “The Fate of the Drummer”, “Timur and His Team”, “ A military secret", "Gak and Burtik in the Land of Idlers"
5 V.G. Korolenko “The Blind Musician”, “Episodes from the Life of a “Seeker””, “Wonderful”, “Yashka”
6 V.V. Medvedev “Barankin, be a man!”, “Barankin’s fantasies”, “The unknown adventures of Barankin”, “There were Grunkins and fables”, “Who will be who?”
7 V.A. Oseeva "Dinka"; "Magic word", " blue leaves", "Good hostess"
8 Yu. Olesha “Three Fat Men”, “At the Circus”, “Cherry Pit”
9 A.P. Platonov “Dry Bread”, “Love for the Motherland, or the Journey of a Sparrow”
10 .A. Rybakov "Bronze Bird"; "Dirk"
11 A.N. Tolstoy “Nikita’s Childhood”, “Magpie’s Tales”, “In the Forest”, “Mishuka Nalymov”
12 A.P. Chekhov “Kashtanka”, “Fugitive”, “Angry Boy”, “Burbot”
13 Yu.Ya. Yakovlev Stories; “But Vorobyov didn’t break glass”, “Where the sky begins”
14 M.P. Prishvin “Dear animals.”, “For with a magic kolobok”, “Big road", "Vasya Veselkin"
15 M. Zoshchenko “Smart animals”, “ Funny stories", "Lelya and Minka"
16 V. Belov “Ball”, “Greedy Rooster”, “How a Crow Offended a Sparrow”
17 A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”, “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”
18 B. Shergin “A carpenter thinks with an axe”, “Pick one berry at a time and you’ll fill up a box”, “The fairy tale is soon told, things get done in a hectic way”

Tales and stories of foreign writers

1 J. Verne "The Children of Captain Grant"; "The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain", "The Mysterious Island"
2 D. Greenwood "Little ragamuffin"
3 THIS. A. Hoffman "The Nutcracker or the Mouse King"
4 D. Defoe "The Life and Amazing Adventures of the Sailor Robinson Crusoe"
5 F. Cooper "St. John's wort"; “Prairie”, “The Last of the Mohicans”
6 L. Carroll "Alice in Wonderland", "Alice Through the Looking Glass"
7 A. Lindgren "The Adventures of Kalle Blumkvist"
8 G. Malo "Without family"
9 D. Swift "The Travels of Lemuel Gulliver"
10 M. Twain "Prince and the Pauper"

Myths and ballads

1 Ballads of Robin Hood
2 The Trojan War and its heroes. Adventures of Odysseus.
3 Heroes of Hellas. From the myths of Ancient Greece.

Summer is coming soon, school ends and summer holidays begin. But since the programs in schools are now extensive, children are assigned reading for the summer. IN different classes This list varies in the amount of information, but often it is quite large. But parents do not need to be upset and think that even in summer their child is not allowed to rest. We agree - reading is given differently to every child, there are people who like to read and they read summer literature very fast. There are children who read more slowly, then parents need to distribute the literature so that the child does not get tired, but also has time to read over the summer what was assigned at school. Extracurricular reading is very useful. You will ask why? It's easy to explain. Firstly child receives in summer useful information in free mode. Secondly extracurricular reading makes it easier to master the information that will come next academic year. Thirdly, the child does not forget that he has tasks and even in the summer the child develops responsibility for himself. Children who are not very good or fast readers can improve their reading technique and not lose their reading skills over the summer. There are so many more things that could be listed.

Remember that extracurricular reading in the summer very well develops children’s memory, develops perseverance and endurance. So summer is coming and don’t forget about the benefits of reading. And parents try to interest their children so that they read with pleasure, with interest, and not under pressure, because this way they will not remember anything and will develop a reluctance to read, since when reading they were shouted at and forced all the time. Good luck to you!