Sentences with the word “secondly. Daniil Kharms - Firstly and secondly: A fairy tale And secondly because of

Firstly Secondly Thirdly…

introductory word

Identified by punctuation marks, usually commas. For details on punctuation for introductory words, see Appendix 2. ()

There, firstly, discipline // Weak against ours. // And please, a picture: // Here is a column, there is a crowd. A. Tvardovsky, Terkin in the next world. The letter was indeed from Petenka, short, but “appropriate,” as the judge said. Firstly, he explained why he didn’t come for the holidays: he was on an excursion in Leningrad. Secondly, he was amazed at my appearance in Ensk and expressed his heartfelt feelings about it. Third, he scolded me terribly for not writing, not looking for him, and generally “behaving like an indifferent horse.” Fourthly, there was another letter in the envelope, for Sanya, and she laughed and said: “What a fool, he could have just attributed it.” V. Kaverin, Two captains.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .

See what “firstly / secondly / thirdly...” is in other dictionaries:

    See firstly / secondly / thirdly... ... Dictionary-reference book on punctuation

    FIRSTLY- FIRST, an introductory word. First, first, first (the first member of the enumeration, in which the remaining members are sequentially designated by the words: secondly, thirdly, etc.). Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    FIRST-HAND- find out, receive information, etc. Directly, without intermediaries. It is understood that information, news, information, etc. are accurate, reliable and trustworthy. This means that a person or group united by common... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Get up before the first, second, third roosters.- Stand up before the first, second, third roosters. See ELEMENTAL PHENOMENA... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    FIRSTLY- adv. or number, first, first to first, in advance, first of all, in the beginning, first; at the head, most importantly. First, always take care of others, not yourself. Give me, firstly, paper, secondly, a pen, thirdly, sealing wax, etc. Firstly, I don’t drink; in... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    THIRD- THIRDLY, an introductory word. used to indicate the third item in the listing. Firstly, a trip requires money, secondly, time and thirdly, desire. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Drunkenness (alcoholism) and the fight against it- P. is the excessive consumption of all kinds of stimulating and intoxicating substances and, in particular, alcoholic beverages. P.'s influence on a person is extremely diverse, affecting not only his physical and mental nature, but, to a large extent... ...

    Drunkenness and the fight against it- (alcoholism) P. is the excessive consumption of all kinds of stimulating and intoxicating substances and, in particular, alcoholic beverages. P.’s influence on a person is extremely diverse, affecting not only his physical and mental nature, but, in... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

    The fight against alcoholism in the 19th century- Drunkenness (alcoholism) and the fight against it. Main article: Alcoholism Article based on materials from the encyclopedia of Brockhaus F. A. and Efron I. A. (1890 1916) ... Wikipedia

    Chapter 2. CHANGES IN THE DAILY AND FESTIVAL TABLE MENU IN RUSSIA OVER THE LAST TWO CENTURIES- In order to be at the level of solving any problems of our time, it is necessary to know the history of each problem, to know how the same issues that interest us now were solved in the past. Taking into account historical experience is the basis of strategy in activities... Great Encyclopedia of Culinary Arts

If these words are introductory in a sentence, then they are separated. (For details of isolation, see paragraphs 1 - 3). If a word can be removed from a sentence while maintaining its meaning, then it is introductory. Also, you cannot ask him a question.


Firstly, do you need to install the gearbox, secondly, tension the belt, thirdly, lubricate the gears? (Introductory words).

It's always worse to see in the second rows. (Definition with preposition).

Features of isolating introductory words

1. If the introductory word is at the beginning or end of a separate phrase, then it is not separated from the phrase by any sign. (For example, participial, adverbial, comparative or application).

Mikhail hit the road firstly, by buying a new map, and secondly, by carefully thinking through the route.(Adverbial phrases)

The counselor especially honored the guys who, firstly, showed courage, and secondly, helped their comrades. (Participial phrases).

2. If the introductory word is in the middle of a separate phrase, then it is separated by commas on a common basis.

Mikhail hit the road having, firstly, bought a new map, and secondly, carefully thought out the route.

3. Introductory words are separated from the previous coordinating conjunction if the introductory word can be omitted or rearranged to another place in the sentence without disturbing its structure (usually this happens with conjunctions “ And" And " But"); if deletion or rearrangement of the introductory word is impossible, then a comma is not placed after the conjunction (usually with the conjunction “ A»).

He planned to leave today, but, firstly, it was too late, and secondly, it started to rain.

Nikolai wanted to make it in the evening, but, firstly, he ran out of screws, and secondly, there was little gasoline left.

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Sentences containing "secondly"

We found 79 sentences containing the word "secondly". Also see synonyms for "secondly".
Meaning of the word

  • But the grandmother, firstly, adored her husband, and Secondly, was a Terek Cossack with an admixture of Georgian blood.
  • Secondly, Stalin’s position, already very strong among the people, could only get stronger after the elections.
  • Secondly, it was precisely understanding from “people” that he instinctively did not want.
  • Secondly, he gathered all the designers for a meeting and, informing them about the decision of the Central Committee, proposed to discuss all the details again.
  • Secondly, he always sympathized with Jewish dissidents and dissidents from the intelligentsia.
  • Secondly, from January 1, state insurance of bank deposits comes into force for all accounts up to $2,500.
  • Secondly, Hitler in 1940, at the height of the battle for France, had no means of influencing Stalin.
  • A Secondly, with this pretense we want to please the world, make the best impression on society, i.e.
  • Secondly, Pyotr Fedorovich received, as the father of a newborn, 60,000 rubles, which, of course, were more than necessary for him.
  • Secondly, insured himself in case the uprising failed: he defended those who were against.
  • Secondly, the palace conservatives from the tsar’s inner circle disliked Stolypin even more than the Bolsheviks and other socialists.
  • Speaking to you before and after March 4, I always emphasized that, firstly, I do not promise miracles, but Secondly, I will do my best.
  • Secondly, the “moms” and “dads” of the clubs looked after us.
  • A Secondly, those buns also needed to be worked on.
  • Secondly, at least briefly highlight the political situation in the USA and England during the period when I was there.
  • Secondly, do not want any territorial changes that are not consistent with the free will of the peoples concerned.
  • Secondly, the “psychiatrists” of the institute, or rather their owners, are so experienced that they would not be satisfied with this alone.
  • Secondly, we need electricity for future projects.
  • Secondly, he prepares for each question specifically, using all the accumulated investigative experience.
  • Secondly, doctors tell each person less and less comforting things with age.
  • A, Secondly, divisions intensified in the Habsburg-Catholic camp between the Catholic League, Spain, the Empire and the Holy See.
  • Firstly, now there was no time to indulge in emotions, but Secondly, “Hercules” watched the reaction of “Omphale” too eagerly.
  • Secondly, in prison there are people who have at least once rebelled against the law, against society, against the regime.
  • Secondly, why would Beria, who had no military experience, be appointed commander of a security platoon of the Baku commune?
  • Secondly, this was one of the most affluent segments of the population.
  • Secondly, such a manifestation can be understood as a call from the Soviet government to the whites to come to the aid, i.e.
  • Secondly, a reasonable and stable international order can only be built on respect for nations and nation-states.
  • Secondly, he was seen in relationships with noble Spanish women.
  • Secondly when there is not enough money to develop a business.
  • A Secondly, he did not consider it necessary to explain anything at all.
  • A Secondly, because the question of influences is not so simple and is not resolved so directly.
  • Firstly, Kuchborskaya knew the material perfectly, Secondly, each of her performances at the department resembled a performance.
  • Secondly, Putin does not care about foreign accounts.
  • Secondly, I discovered a scientist with rare abilities and achievements.
  • Secondly, projects must ensure that a significant portion of the money spent goes directly to labor costs.
  • A Secondly, why did Pavlov behave like a traitor even before his arrest?
  • Secondly, I think about world constants and the essence of existence (which, by the way, is also a labor-intensive process).
  • Secondly, I met several times with Demichev, who at that time was the first secretary of the MK.
  • Secondly, I knew that only Koreans go to Oriental, and I didn’t want to work with them.
  • Secondly, if the countries that Columbus talks about really exist, then why haven’t they been discovered yet?
  • And now there is, firstly, instability, and Secondly, I don’t think it’s worth making a purchase for the money they are now asking for the company.
  • Secondly, the operative must cultivate in the agent the desire and need to devotedly and actively work for intelligence.
  • Secondly, he received two pence a day (5 kopecks) for his work and thus could already help his parents.
  • A Secondly, NEP at this time was in full bloom.
  • Secondly, it was interesting to see how Americans feel about this.
  • Secondly, they were then oriented not towards a “sudden attack”, but towards defense!
  • Secondly, the decision will be illegal also because the conference does not have the right to deprive someone of a delegate mandate.
  • Secondly, Katerina Romanovna was only fifteen at that time, and the Grand Duchess was already approaching thirty.
  • A Secondly, we answered the question about prices and limits for ourselves and realized that in all tenders we are talking about tens of billions.
  • Secondly, war was declared on Denmark in defense of the interests of Holstein.
  • Secondly, it was possible to set it on fire (this, however, was done by older guys).
  • But, firstly, this is for the time being, and, Secondly, the interrogation yielded absolutely nothing new.
  • Secondly, I stopped being panicky about communicating with guys and just tried to have a pleasant conversation.
  • Secondly, On November 24, the guard was ordered to set out on a campaign to Vyborg, where military operations were taking place against the Swedes.
  • Secondly, how do you explain to her what a “trump card” is?
  • Secondly, the Kosovo campaign was seen and justified as a “humanitarian intervention” from the very beginning.
  • Secondly, a party-bureaucratic tavern aimed at world revolution, creates conditions under which it is absolutely impossible to really work.
  • Secondly, it was clear that something was tormenting him, something was preventing him from being calm or cheerful.
  • Secondly, she characterizes Merkulov as a person.
  • Secondly, we are talking about accelerating the construction of a chain of stores and reorganizing the logistics and purchasing part of the business.
  • But our hero considered himself, firstly, an outstanding statesman, and Secondly, an irresistible lover.
  • Secondly, this is a reduction in trade barriers to resume the flow of exchange of food and industrial goods between countries.
  • Secondly According to contemporaries, monasticism in Rus' often saved criminals from punishment.
  • A Secondly, after the bath, my mother and I went to Stoleshnikov Lane to the Red Poppy cafe, where we ate sausages and peas, washing them down with soda!
  • AND, Secondly, at one time I myself studied at a school similar to the one described by Boris Chernykh.
  • Secondly(and this is brought to the head of the medical history), PROPHESIES: predicts that Nikita Sergeevich will be removed in the fall.
  • Secondly, I’ve always been shy about men in general, but here I needed to dance in front of them.
  • Secondly Just as importantly, the French peasants still received enough land.
  • But I soon got tired of being on the sidelines.
  • I was on the second sleigh, which carried grenades and magazines for heavy machine guns.
  • If you are very lucky (this is my idea, but I think John Gould would have subscribed to it), there will be more of the former than the latter.
  • Frustrated that his team was forced to play a secondary role, Beria summoned one of the Dynamo coaches.
  • By the end of the second day, completely exhausted, the detachment settled down to rest under cover of darkness just five kilometers from the wells.
  • Just one example: I didn’t have second trousers.
  • Nikiforova, who later played a supporting role under Makhno for a long time, at that time enjoyed much greater fame than he.
  • He returned either along the same road, or along Panteleimonovskaya, past the second gate of the police department, to the main entrance on Fontanka.
  • Secondly, visit the places marked with crosses and try to find out: are there any mysteries or solutions there?
  • They were separated from the second and first by a barrier.
  • This very division of children into loved and unloved was bound to spoil the former and deeply offend the latter.

Source – introductory fragments of books from liters.

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Many people wonder: is a comma necessary in the phrase “firstly” or not? The answer to this question is quite clear: with the introductory word “firstly,” a comma is necessary.

“Firstly” is separated by commas

On both sides

Unlike many other introductory words, “first” can only be introductory, which means we do not have the problem of deciding whether the word is set off by commas; you just need to decide where to put the commas. Most often it is separated by commas on both sides.

  • First of all, we are no longer children.
  • The dream was, firstly, scary, and secondly, confusing.

Before the word

A comma is placed exclusively before “firstly”, but not after it, if the word is at the beginning of a separate phrase.

  • He was wrong, firstly, considering Ignat a friend, and secondly, trusting him.
  • The house began to shine, firstly repainted, secondly covered with a new roof.

After the word

1. Only after the word “firstly” is a comma placed if it is at the end of a separate phrase.

  • So he remained sitting, already forgotten by everyone, firstly, and secondly, of no interest to anyone.
  • We tried to do a better job, trying to please Valentina Petrovna firstly, wanting to show off our art secondly.

2. A comma is placed only after the introductory word and if it is preceded by an connecting conjunction.