Ninth natal house. Managers

I think there is no point in reminding that the Eighth House is negative and has a limited number of favorable interpretations. However, the position of the Ruler of the Ninth House in the Eighth, provided that the planet is generally harmonious, may indicate university studies at budgetary basis, receiving a state scholarship. In the event of the defeat of the Manager, this provision can be interpreted as the need to take out a loan or borrow money to pay for education.

Most often, this situation promises problems in the process of obtaining an education. This may represent, for example, difficulties in entering higher education. educational institution. Of course, any person entering university experiences a lot of stress and anxiety, but for those in this position, the stress is many times stronger and more powerful. For them, entering a university is literally a matter of life and death. This situation may also symbolize disappointment in the university, in the chosen specialty and direction, or the native will experience a serious psychological crisis due to studying at the university.

In addition, with the position of the Ruler of the Ninth House in the Eighth, the likelihood of expulsion from the university (the death of education occurs, so to speak), interruption of education, and the need to take academic leave increases significantly. Situations are not excluded in which the native balances on the verge of expulsion, but in the end, successfully copes with problems and troubles (again, depending on the aspect and strength of the planet).

As an example negative influence I can give the following example of the eighth house in the education sector. As a student, an acquaintance of mine experienced the death of his father, who paid for his studies at the institute. This was the reason for his expulsion, since the guy was very upset about the loss of a relative, and he did not have the strength to gather strength to pass the exams. And even if my acquaintance had successfully passed all the tests, he still did not have the money to pay for the next semester.

The ruler of the Ninth House can also suggest in what field the native can receive education. Sometimes, to answer this question, it is enough to consider the sign on the cusp of the house; sometimes it is necessary to evaluate the position of the planet as the Ruler in the house and sign (or the position of the Rulers of any houses inside the Ninth House).

The connection between the Ninth and Eighth houses indicates, most often, the receipt of economic or psychological education(for example, my psychologist friend has such a connection in her chart). I often see this situation among people interested in esotericism and astrology. Many of them enter specialized schools and academies to receive, for example, an astrological education.

A few weeks ago, a girl came to me for a consultation, in whose chart Mars, the Ruler of the Ninth House, was located in the Eighth at the corner of the tau square. She received a sports education in extreme sports. In my opinion, this is a very eloquent example: Mars is sport, the Eighth House is extreme. Moreover, the girl initially applied for archery, but they took her without any problems to the extreme sports department. Plus, the girl admitted that studying was not easy for her, and if in the first two years she studied excellently, then several times she was on the verge of expulsion.

The ruler of the Ninth House in the Eighth can also indicate stress, some unpleasant situations that await the native in another country (during travel or due to relocation, emigration), and connections with foreigners and/or people of other faiths will bring him more problems than good (if the planet is affected). Depending on the planet and its aspect, this could be an accident (Mercury or Mars), the danger of violence or actual rape (Mars, Pluto) or simply depression (Moon, Venus).

Or the opposite option - the crisis experienced will cause emigration and relocation. For example, a person who has natal chart connection between the Eighth House and the Ninth, I had to move to Moscow with my family. Previously, they lived in the North Caucasus, where the brother of this young man greatly annoyed someone, crossed the road and was killed. To protect the family, the father decided to move to the capital of Russia.

This situation can speak of complete atheism (denial of the existence of God and higher intelligence), to which a person will come in the course of life. But more often this situation is played out through, on the contrary, the acquisition of faith, a change of religion and worldview under the influence of crisis situations, losses, deep and intense experiences, and stress.

Ruler of the 9th house in the 1st house

You belong to the category of people who have their own philosophy of life, and you will not hesitate if you need to express your ideas to the people with whom you come into contact. If other parts of the horoscope confirm this, you will strive to get a good education and may be in a position where you can pass on your own thoughts and theories to others as you learn. If Jupiter, Neptune or the Moon are included in this constellation, you may find yourself quite religious and may even serve as a priest in a church.

Here are two examples of people who influenced others with their views. One of them is the famous fighter for the independence of his people, the Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi. In his horoscope, Gemini was on the cusp of the ninth house, and Mercury in Scorpio was in the first. Another is Werner Erhardt, the founder of a school of philosophy that teaches people how to develop their own personality so that you can understand your own problems and be able to take responsibility for any of your actions. In his horoscope, Cancer was in the ninth house, and the Moon was in the first house in the philosophical sign - Sagittarius. His Moon was in square with the Sun, Saturn and Neptune, which provided him with a lot of energy. These aspects are also related to the influence he had on the way of thinking of other people.

With a strong Sun, Mars or the fifth house, it may happen that you will be attracted to sports, and when correct use planetary energy you will have no rivals in this area. You may choose to become a lawyer, but if any of your planets have strong disharmonious aspects, you may come into conflict or clash with the law.

This person is of a religious, generous nature and is well known for his good qualities. He may be devoted to his teacher. His father's life will be long. These people will have a chance to travel and have good offspring. (Vedic astrology)

Negative: swagger, conceit and complacency;. exaggerated self-esteem, difficulty adapting to an alien environment, dangers away from home.
Positive: adventure-seeking romantic, religious philosopher, humanist ideologist. Foresight, good opportunities to reveal abilities.

This person has his own philosophy of life and does not hesitate to express his ideas to people with whom he comes into contact. He strives to obtain a good education and in the future will be happy to pass on his own thoughts and theories to others in the learning process. High religiosity and desire for priesthood are possible. Often these people are fond of sports, and with the correct use of energy they have no equal. They are successful in legal pursuits, although they may from time to time come into conflict and clash with the law when they use their powers incorrectly.

In order to find oneself and realize oneself, a person needs to understand his dreams and realize his ideals.

Long journeys, learning, wisdom, prudence; happiness with strangers, foreigners, in-laws and on voyages. Interest in science, invention, law, philosophy, or political economy.

Ruler of the 9th house in the 2nd house

Sometimes you may get the impression that all you do is talk about money. Your outlook on life may be overly materialistic, but you may be more capable than others of using your possessions to realize your theories and ideas, as was the case with Sam Goldwyn, a film producer who spared no expense in order to enchant with his fantasies on the silver screen. the public. On the other hand, you can earn money from travel, foreign trade, teaching and preaching, as well as from matters related to religion.

Our files contain the horoscopes of a Christian priest and a rabbi. Here both have Sagittarius on the cusp of the ninth house, and Jupiter in the second. The priest's Jupiter is in Gemini, and the rabbi's is in Taurus. Both make their living by interpreting the words of the Lord. Another example is the female economist Sylvia Porter (her horoscope can be found in this book). Here the Moon is in Sagittarius in the second house and rules the ninth house. She became famous after she published (ninth house) her financial theories and advice (second house). Although her Moon is in opposition to the Sun and Pluto, but thanks to the trine with Mars, she provides the necessary energy that allows her to achieve the highest qualifications in her field. Most of your trips and trips will be of a business nature and will bring you profit, many educational and travel expenses will be reimbursed, or you will be able to reduce your taxes.

Negative: losses and damages away from home, loss of confidence in chosen spiritual values, expensive trips, danger of ruin in another area.
Positive: many opportunities and means for earning money, benefits from contacts with rich people from another area, the effectiveness of ideological work. Success in commercial travel.

A false impression may be created that such a person lives only by money. His outlook on life seems overly materialistic, but he is more capable than others of using his property to materialize his ideas and bring his theories to life. Can earn money by traveling or trading in another area. Earnings are often associated with teaching and preaching, as well as with activities religious organizations. Most trips and trips are of a business nature, the expenses for them are successfully reimbursed, and often such a person manages to achieve a significant reduction in his taxes.

Higher education and long-distance travel can be very fruitful in findels. Money obtained through foreign merchants or the sea, science, learning, publications, travel, invention, or bank deposits.

Ruler of the 9th house in the 3rd house

This is a classic constellation of a writer, teacher or teacher, as it links the ninth house (ideas) with the third house (communication). If other indicators in the horoscope support the situation in question, it will be easy for you to convey to other people what you know, or you will write books with which you will spread your ideas. Unless the ruler aspects are too heavy, you will be interested in traveling and are always ready to pack your things to go somewhere.

Bill Mitchell, who commanded American troops in Europe in World War I, had Pluto in Taurus in the third house and Scorpio on the cusp of the ninth. His Pluto was in opposition to Venus in the ninth house. Mitchell was court-martialed for insubordination by criticizing the Department of Defense and the Navy. He was suspended from military service for a period of five years and he resigned. He dedicated the rest of his life literary work. The connection between his third and ninth house indicates the possibility of long-distance travel, as well as his communication skills and problems with the law. Often such a situation in the horoscope leads to the fact that a person becomes a missionary, since he needs to communicate his views and beliefs to someone (usually located far away).

This outgoing person with the ability to make money, finding good luck thanks to his brother or other relatives. These people may have the ability to writing work. Their parents' means are moderate. (Vedic astrology)

Negative: ideological chaos, many unnecessary contacts, empty trips, restlessness and unnecessaryness. Aimless wanderings.
Positive: relatives are ideological authorities. A person knows how to constantly learn and learn about life, benefiting from any contacts. Such people become successful lecturers, philosophers and popularizers.

Often such people are noted for the gift of writing and teaching, since the ideas in their lives are related to effective communication. They easily convey to other people what they know, and willingly write books through which they disseminate their own ideas. They travel a lot and with interest and are very easy-going. Travel is very long, although it may involve communication problems and clashes with the law. Often such people become missionaries, because they strive to convey their views and beliefs to someone distant.

The ability to “keep your nose to the wind” and practical acumen allow you to apply lofty theories to the needs of the day.

Travel and relocation in connection with beliefs and beliefs. Learning, education and progress through study, travel, research or writing.

Ruler of the 9th house in the 4th house

It is most likely that in certain period life you will live abroad. You have a pronounced interest in other cultures, peoples and everything that may happen in other countries. You have the ability to get along with people whose interests differ from yours. If there are disharmonious aspects, you may come into conflict with the law in connection with the acquisition of real estate. There is a chance that due to disrespectful attitude to the law you will end up in prison, especially if Mars, Uranus or Saturn are involved in the situation.

Theodore Bandy is convicted of multiple rapes. His appearance in any area inspired terror among local residents. His horoscope had Aries in the ninth house and Mars in Sagittarius in the fourth house in opposition to Uranus in the seventh house (another house associated with the law). He was tried several times, and the last sentence ended in life imprisonment. This is a clear example of the misuse of the energy of the ninth and fourth house connection. Among the many people who remained for a long time or forever in a foreign country are the famous humanist Albert Schweitzer, the British archaeologist, military man and writer T. E. Lawrence, the movie star Zaza Gabor and others. Philosophical views or the religion you imbibed with your mother's milk will probably be what you believe in all your life, unless Uranus is the ruler of the ninth house, which has disharmonious aspects. In the latter case, this may be due to the fact that you were raised in a home where everyone was given freedom of thought, where you were allowed to find answers to numerous questions yourself.

The veneration of everything connected with family and home traditions reaches almost a religious cult. It is possible to create a family and a home far from home or abroad.

Spiritual or scientific heritage. Ownership through partner's relatives. Travel in connection with family matters or with his wife's mother. Traveling home in order to die at home.

Ruler of the 9th house in the 5th house

The essence of your philosophy can be summed up in the words “live and let live”, and sometimes you can behave in the style of “what do I care”, as was the case with the world-traveling artist, enjoying life, Eroll Flynn. Here Libra is on the cusp of the ninth house, and Venus in Cancer is in the fifth house in conjunction with Neptune and opposition with Uranus. Before last days he led the life of a romantic adventurer. By his own admission, he never allowed himself to worry or worry, no matter what happened around him or what others said.

You can pursue your own philosophy through some form of creativity, for example, music, as was the case with conductor Henry Manzini, films, like Walt Disney, or literature, like John McDonald. He created the image of the philosopher-savior, detective Travers McGee. In his horoscope, Libra was at the top of the ninth house, and Venus in Cancer was conjunct Pluto in the fifth house, and, in addition, Venus was in square with Mars in the eighth, and yet John MacDonald’s “other self”, Travers Mac- G talked about everything, including sex, death and taxes.

Another possibility related to this situation is that you can become a teacher and preacher of religion or philosophy, or even excel in sports, since the solar energy of the fifth house combines well with the expansive energy of Jupiter. In the horoscope of the famous basketball player Kareem Abdullah Jabbar, Cancer is on the cusp of the ninth house, and the Moon is in Pisces in the fifth. He was able to attend college because he received a scholarship due to his success in sports.

Negative: deceptive perception of a loved one, seduction and seduction by a manipulator, chaotic love life, troubles from loving people from another area, possible lack of contact with children and their early departure from home. Characterized by creative breakdown, disappointment and the inability to reveal one’s abilities far from one’s homeland.

Positive: romantic love to a distant lover, a taste for adventure, the possibility of posthumous fame. Interest in platonic relationships. The children of such a person are superior to their parents. Creative recognition and freedom come to such people only far from home. The aspect helps a person do what he wants.

The motto is “Live yourself and let others live,” which occasionally changes to the indifferent “What do I care?” Such a person can pursue his own philosophy through all kinds of creativity (music, cinema, literature). He can become a teacher or a religious preacher, a successful athlete or a philosopher.

Games and entertainment reach Dionysian proportions. Pedagogical talent.

Liberal or unconventional ideas in connection with the union. Free life. Child from a foreign spouse, travel in connection with children. Have a nice trip. Finds satisfaction in science, philosophy, voyages, air flights, sports, foreign investments or speculation.

Ruler of the 9th house in the 6th house

Your philosophy or religion has everyday, everyday, practical nature. It is simple, but comfortable to live with. You can express yourself in a variety of ways, but always in a simple, matter-of-fact manner, without being overly thoughtful, and usually with a sense of humor. You can be a mentor, a teacher, or work in the export-import industry.

We have three clients (all three men) whose horoscopes place the ruler of the ninth house in the sixth house, and all of them are drivers of large cargo trailers. One of them has Cancer in the ninth house in his horoscope, and the Moon in Aries in the sixth. It works on international transport routes. Your work may involve other countries, and you may need to travel to distant places to find work, as was the case with our client who, as a geologist, traveled around the world collecting soil samples. In his horoscope, Capricorn is in the ninth house and Saturn is in the sixth.

Another client of ours is a fitter and he also travels a lot for his job. In his horoscope, Libra is on the cusp of the ninth house, and Venus is in Cancer in the sixth. Venus is also in conjunction with Mercury here, and therefore he cannot live in one place for more than three years. Ogden Nash, a humorist and songwriter, has Aquarius on the cusp of the ninth house and Uranus in Sagittarius in the sixth house. Uranus here is in opposition to Pluto in the twelfth house. This is where the energy Nash needs to go it alone comes from. His wide trine to the Sun in Leo in the second house indicates the ability to earn money through spiritual poetry.

This person may work hard in anticipation of success, but luck will not come to him easily. He serves religious people. Such people may serve the state, have disagreements with their father, or be separated from their children. (Vedic astrology)

Negative: obstacles and restrictions in everything - on long trips, in ideological work, in the service. Everyone tries to limit such a person, he is not allowed to speak out, he finds himself within the framework of unfair restrictions. Diseases can overtake him on long trips.

Positive: work wears spiritual character, or associated with travel and movement. Changing the climate while traveling improves your health. Such a person does not like to endure unpleasant things or adapt to them - he simply avoids irritating factors.

The life philosophy of such a person has an everyday pragmatic character. She is simple-minded, but it is convenient to live with her. He expresses himself in a variety of ways, but always in a business-like manner, without excessive profundity, and with a sense of humor. Can be a mentor, teacher or specialist in the field of foreign trade. Perhaps the work will be associated with travel; it is possible that in search of work you will have to go to distant lands.

The distant is connected with the near and everyday: work can be connected with foreign countries.

Illness through travel or vice versa. Study of hygiene, medicine, healing, etc. Difficulties due to work abroad or in connection with export.

Ruler of the 9th house in the 7th house

It is very important for you to have a partner who shares your ideology and who comes from the same social environment, as you. However, if Mars, Uranus or Pluto are involved in the situation, you may quite consciously choose someone whose views are completely opposite to yours. You need this in order to sharpen and make your own view of the world more specific in verbal and intellectual duels. It may also turn out that your views will be influenced by your partner or your attitude towards him.

This situation is often found in the horoscopes of people who are related to the law - they write laws, break them, or implement them. You may be attracted to a vocation to the priesthood, as was the case with evangelist Kathryn Coolman, who had Gemini at the cusp of the ninth house and unaspected Mercury in Taurus in the seventh house (society). She found it easy to share her religious beliefs with an audience seeking spiritual knowledge. You may be attracted to a partner of a different nationality, and you may have frequent contact with your partner's family. How you will get along with him or them in this case will be shown by the aspects of the ruler.

This position indicates an inclination towards the spiritual; about success in commercial activities; fortune favors them in dealings with foreigners; such a person gets a righteous marriage partner and many of his desires are fulfilled. He is born into a good family. (Vedic astrology)

Negative: ideologically educated opponents, the danger of losing in ideological battles, lack of spirituality in marriage, strong enemies far from home, noisy scandals in another area.
Positive: the spiritual nature of the marriage, the life partner understands everything and is himself an authority on issues of interest to both. Marriage with a person from another area is likely. Such a person usually wins disputes and litigation. He overcomes any obstacles with his intelligence and logic, and is especially successful in direct confrontations in open trials, when he can enlist the emotional support of the public.

The partner must share the ideology of such a person and come from the same social environment. Sometimes a conscious choice is made of a partner whose views are diametrically opposed to the views of the person himself. This allows you to sharpen your thinking in verbal intellectual duels and make your own views more definite. Often, the views of such a person are strongly influenced by their partner, or are associated with their attitude towards him.

Often people with this aspect have a direct relationship with laws - they write them, break them, or monitor their implementation. Such people are able to share their religious beliefs with the public and direct people towards spiritual knowledge. They may be attracted to a partner from another area and in most cases have frequent contact with the family of the life partner. How these relationships will develop depends on the correct use of energies.

Idealization of law and order. Married life is perceived as the embodiment of the highest harmony.

Public enemies through religious people, scientists or sailors. Marriage to a person of foreign culture or refinement, whose relatives may be hostile.

Ruler of the 9th house in the 8th house

Yours life philosophy may be associated with metaphysics or the occult. It is safe to say that your curiosity will be attracted by the mystery of life and what happens after it. You are receptive and your intuition is well developed, especially if Neptune or the Moon is included in the situation. If the ruler is well located in the horoscope, and you are able to track your inner sensations and listen to inner voice, then the decisions you make will be error-free. Mary Baker Eddy, founder of the Christian Science Society, was able to connect and solve metaphysical, spiritual and religious problems. She developed and offered people a new world religion- a doctrine that is based on spiritual healing. In her horoscope, Mercury is in Leo in the eighth house and rules the ninth house with its cusp in Virgo.

Ralph Wilde Emmerson had Taurus on the cusp of the ninth house and Venus in Aries in the eighth, sextile Mercury in the tenth house and in iodine with Jupiter and Neptune. He studied to be a priest (ninth house), but after he had doubts about the truth of religion, he created his own transcendental philosophy, according to which Nature is a symbol of the inner life, which, along with individual freedom, implies reliance on own strength(eighth house). He traveled all over the world to popularize his ideas.

Negative: dangers on the road, death far from home or while traveling, road accidents, troubles associated with people from another area or representatives of other nationalities.
Positive: many romantic adventures, adventurous trips, constant update outlook on life, restructuring of the worldview under the influence of difficult circumstances, a tendency towards an esoteric worldview.

Life philosophy is almost certainly associated with esoteric knowledge. The curiosity of such a person is attracted by the mystery of life and is determined by the desire to unravel the mysteries of the universe. Very receptive, well-developed intuition. And if he is able to track his inner sensations and listen to his inner voice, then the decisions he makes will be unmistakable. Able to connect and comprehensively resolve philosophical, spiritual and religious problems. Tends to develop and offer people new world esoteric doctrines aimed at spiritual healing humanity. In one form or another, such people engage in priesthood, view nature as a symbol of inner life and develop their own transcendental philosophy. They have enviable individual freedom and rely on their own strength. They travel to popularize their ideas.

Mystical experience abroad.

Persecution for religious, scientific or cultural beliefs, as well as for publications. Profit through long journeys concerning the inheritance or property of the deceased. Death of a partner's relatives. Psychic experiences.

Ruler of the 9th house in the 9th house

Three famous lawbreakers are associated with this situation in their horoscopes. One of them is Arthur Bremmer, who tried to assassinate presidential candidate George Wallace. In his horoscope, the Sun was in Leo in the ninth house and ruled the cusp of the same house. It was in opposition to Jupiter, the planet of order and law. The second is officer William Kelly, the perpetrator of the massacre of people in one of the villages of Vietnam. In his horoscope, Cancer was in the ninth house, with the Moon in Leo and also in the ninth house in square with Mercury in Taurus in the seventh house (by the way, this is also one of the houses associated with the law). The third is the famous film director Roman Polanski. He often came into conflict with the law due to his sexual proclivity for minors. He had Leo in the ninth house, the Sun in Leo and also in the ninth house. Having a trine to Uranus gave him the opportunity to escape punishment.

IN in a positive way this situation may indicate exceptional abilities for the profession of a teacher, able to tune into the way of thinking of his students and interact with them on the same wavelength. This is especially true if Mercury, Uranus, Neptune or the Moon happen to be the rulers. It is possible that you will be a traveler or explorer who is constantly in search of new worlds, as was the case with astronaut Tom Stayford with his Venus in Scorpio ruling the cusp of the ninth house in Libra.

This combination is characterized by a great religiosity of character, the ability to lead others and inspire them to action. These people may set political goals, enjoy frequent travel, they are rich, and have a good relationship with their father. (Vedic astrology)

Negative: tireless ideological struggle with conservatives, the danger of undermining authority, many convinced opponents, empty trips and failures in them.
Positive: active expansion of life positions, comprehensive interests, many trips, brilliant return of energy to others. This authoritative person is good teacher and a preacher. He does not rest on his laurels and involves many people in his work. Many exciting trips to another area are possible.

The aspect indicates exceptional teaching abilities, the ability to tune into the way of thinking of your students and resonate with their minds and hearts. This explorer constantly travels in search of new worlds.

Philosophy or travel become a center of interest and an important factor in personal development.

Travel for cultural, scientific or religious purposes. Prophetic dreams. Many subtle qualities. Excellent opportunities for development through culture.

Ruler of the 9th house in the 10th house

For such people, their careers are often the result of long trips and trips to other countries. Perhaps one of your relatives will work abroad. If other parts of the horoscope confirm and support this, you can become an ambassador, diplomat or do some kind of embassy work. Several American astronauts have just this situation in their horoscopes.

Buzz Aldrin has Aquarius in the ninth house and Uranus in the tenth house. Charles Conrad and Edd White have Cancer on the cusp of the ninth house and the Moon in Leo in the tenth house. Gordon Cooper has Aries in the ninth house and Mars in the tenth in Gemini. One can definitely say that their career and recognition came as a result of long travels, and they went straight to the stars, which is quite typical for the ninth house and for Sagittarius. Richard Byrd, the polar explorer, had Virgo in the ninth house and Mercury in Scorpio in the tenth and square Saturn, which gave him the stubbornness and perseverance to succeed in his enterprise. He was also a composer, which is a possible option that a person with such a constellation in the horoscope can realize.

If Mercury, Jupiter, Sun or Moon are included in the situation, you will be able to learn, do successful career, and then teach others what you know well. If the planetary energy is materialized to the maximum, you can become a sports superstar or succeed in show business. Your philosophy can have a profound impact on state power, and you can play a decisive role in national policy, as was the case with Jawaharlal Nehru (India), Napoleon Bonaparte (France).

You can expect success in professional field, widely known. You can also note friendship with influential people, participation in humanitarian activities, having significant wealth and courage. (Vedic astrology)

Negative: travel goals are not achieved, travel distracts from main activities, prestige can be undermined far from the homeland, aspirations are unrealistic and chimerical, ideological collapse and moral decline in full view of the crowd are possible.
Positive: Good aspect for elevation in priesthood and moral authority. Prestige is enhanced by travel. Success is possible far from home; great popularity in another area is likely.

The career of such a person is usually associated with long trips and travel. One of the relatives may work in another area. Can become an ambassador, diplomat or employee of a foreign economic mission. He is able to make a successful career and then teach others what he knows well. Can become a sports hero or succeed in show business. Personal philosophy has a serious influence on the use of power and plays a decisive role in the implementation of national policy by such a person.

An integral part of ideology is the desire to succeed in society.

If kind; honour, trust and respect through science, literature or travel: success in foreign affairs. On the contrary, if the planet is evil without good aspects.

Ruler of the 9th house in the 11th house

Many of your buddies and friends come from the same background as you and have similar upbringings and outlooks on life. This happens more often if the ruler has harmonious aspects. Otherwise, you will be attracted to companies and people with directly opposite views, which, however, can also push you to further accumulate knowledge, study and expand your worldview. If the planetary energies are used correctly, you may become a diplomat or be sent by the government to carry out some important work.

It may also turn out that you use knowledge of the laws as a trump card to enter political circles. The likelihood of this increases if the ruler is Mercury, the Sun or the Moon. If the energy of the planets and aspects is not used correctly, you may lose your talent in entertainment and group activities, traveling here and there with friends, neglecting specific work.

In the horoscope of the Dutch Queen Beatrice, Sagittarius is in the ninth house, and Jupiter in Aquarius in the eleventh, conjunct the Sun, Moon and Venus and in exact square Uranus. She became queen rather unexpectedly (Uranus) when the Queen Mother abdicated the throne in her favor on the day she turned 42 years old. This is a suitable example of the positive implementation of this situation in life.

Negative: ideological chaos, unpredictable travel situations, many turning points in spiritual life, outrageous behavior, anarchism in relationships, loss of prestige and losses associated with the betrayal of friends.
Positive: friendship with people from a different area, inclusion in a romantic community, periodic renewal of views and beliefs, the presence of wonderful well-wishers and patrons who help you move forward in life.

Buddies and friends come from similar social backgrounds and have an upbringing similar to that of such a person. True, such people are often attracted to companies and friends with directly opposite views, which pushes them to further accumulation of knowledge - active study and expansion of their worldview. With the correct use of energy, such a person can become a diplomat or government envoy doing important work. In order to enter political circles, he must use knowledge of the laws as a trump card. If you use energy thoughtlessly, you may lose your talent for entertainment and group pastimes, giving up specific work for frivolous travel with friends.

Exceptional hospitality, cult of friendship.

Suffering for religious or other beliefs. Happy friendship during voyages and friends among foreigners and abroad. Dating among travelers, scientists and legislators (legislators).

Ruler of the 9th house in the 12th house

Your worldview is based on your deepest feelings and the strength you draw from your own beliefs. You feel that you do not need outside help to formulate your beliefs. You are able to express them, for example, in literary form as a writer, which is a very personal profession and corresponds to the twelfth house. You may engage in intensive research, perhaps in the medical field.

As a positive use of this situation, we cite Wernher von Braun, who successfully worked for the American space program for many years. In his horoscope, Capricorn was in the ninth house, and Saturn was conjunct the cusp of the twelfth house in Taurus. If the energies of the horoscope are used incorrectly, you may have doubts about yourself, your beliefs and standards of behavior. Perhaps you will visit a psychoanalyst for some time, trying to understand yourself by analyzing your feelings and actions.

Perhaps in your horoscope there will be indications of your extroversion, orientation towards a group of friends, but this will be only one side of your essence, your nature, and the other part will remain deeply hidden. You may travel to distant lands to study philosophy, metaphysics, or the occult. You are always searching, always striving to experience everything that life has to offer.

This person strives to achieve spiritual liberation. Such people are generous, optimistic, and spend money for the benefit of others. They suffer due to lack of parental guidance; luck does not come to them easily. They must work hard to achieve it. They argue with the authorities or are often subject to penalties and fines. (Vedic astrology)

Negative: many fears, misconceptions and inferiority complexes, secret enemies among people from another area. Difficulties in traveling, danger of imprisonment, hospital far from home.
Positive: pursuing secret goals while traveling, a tendency towards espionage activities, participation in the work of criminal structures and cooperation with intelligence services. The aspect favors missionaries and ideologists of secret organizations. Often such people are fond of esotericism.

The worldview of such a person is based on the deepest feelings and strength that he draws from his own beliefs. He does not need outside help to formulate his beliefs. He is able to express himself as a writer or composer. May engage in intensive research in the fields of psychology and medicine. When energies are used incorrectly, self-confidence decreases and doubts arise in their own beliefs and norms of behavior. Such people gravitate toward visiting psychoanalysts and try to understand themselves by analyzing their feelings and actions. The aspect indicates the shadow, hidden side of the individual nature, which is never the surrounding one. Often such people travel to distant lands in order to study philosophy and esotericism. They are always in search, always ready to experience what life offers them.

Traveling alone or studying and exploring on your own. The ideal is selflessness and willingness to sacrifice oneself.

Difficulties and grief through religion, science, travel. It's a difficult time for a writer and inventor to get their work done and be recognized by the public. In the middle or last part of life seeks solitude for development, occult training, etc.; long journeys for the same purpose.

Define language Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengali Burmese Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kannada Catalan Chinese (UPR) Chinese (T glad) Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer Laotian Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuano Serbian Sesotho Sinhala Slovak Slovenian Somalia Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Tajik Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uz Bek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Chewa Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengal Burmese Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kannada Catalan Chinese (Sup) Chinese (Trad) Korea Chinese Creole (Haiti) Khmer Laotian Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuano Serbian Sesotho Sinhala Slovak Slovenian Somalia Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Tajik Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Chewa Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese

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120 lecture 120. 9th house of the horoscope. Introductory lecture, part 3

Jurisprudence comes under the 9th house (by analogy with the Sign of Sagittarius). And in principle, he is responsible for how Nativ’s “meetings” with the judiciary take place. According to the state of the 9th house, one can generally describe how relevant court cases will be, and how harmoniously or, conversely, intensely, these issues will be resolved.
If you see the 9th house highlighted, then one of the possible areas of implementation of the Native may be jurisprudence. This may be expressed in professional activity, or may serve as an indication that Nativ, for some other reason, will quite regularly participate in litigation.
If at the same time, the 9th house is afflicted, then it is obvious that the court will not be favorable to the Native. But if the house is harmonious, then this is an indication of success in court (again, I note that these are GENERAL instructions; current prognosis can significantly complicate initially good results).
In general, the court and judicial process are a very delicate and complex matter. Thus, the 9th house shows the process of litigation itself, and also describes the defenders of the Native.
The 7th house represents the opposition party in court - if the Native is the plaintiff, then the 7th house is the defendant, if the Native is the defendant, then the 7th house is the prosecutor and the injured party, etc.
The 3rd house (like 9 from the 7th) describes how the native’s counterpart sees the process. It also indicates a defender of the opponent’s interests.
The 10th house can represent the judge and the highest authority.
8 – fiscal authorities, police and prosecutor’s office.
But in general, general trend to success or difficulties in legal matters, it is the 9th house that describes.
At the same time, each specific process, especially for a professional lawyer, should be studied using dynamic maps, or, if necessary, by horary.
9th house is the house of doctors. And according to the state of the 9th house, we determine the degree of qualification of doctors, how they fit into helping the Native - whether they are of any use or not.
Here it makes sense to use the rule from horary practice - a strong Planet related to the matter indicates a strong, qualified specialist.
The planet is in a neutral position, roughly speaking, the usual one.
But the Planet in exile and fall indicates that a person greatly exaggerates his professional skills.
In our case, considering the 9th house, we are talking about doctors and, therefore, according to the state of the Planet related to the 9th house, we will evaluate their qualifications (the same can be said about teachers and lawyers of the Native).
Let's take an example from the video lecture “6th house. Practice"
On the cusp of the 9th house is Sagittarius. Generally speaking, an excellent position that promises

famous and successful doctors. People, popular and famous.
But at the same time, the ruler of the 9th house, Jupiter, falls into Gemini - exile. So it turns out that our Native is faced with doctors, whom everyone constantly praises, whose name is constantly heard and who “pretend to be” extra-specialists - BUT, most often, the first doctor (the ruler of the 9th house is usually the first of the doctors, to which we get with every new disease) – in fact – none! In fact, his qualifications leave much to be desired.
Let's look at what's next in the 9th house - next is Neptune in Sagittarius. But Neptune is strong in the Sign (officially, this is his junior abode) - therefore, another specialist (not necessarily, of course - the second, maybe the twenty-second, here, unfortunately, you can’t say for sure) will be a very competent person.
We look at the aspects - and Jupiter makes a sextile to Saturn in the 6th house, and a trine to the Moon (ruler of the 6th house), and Pluto - the ruler of the 8th, and Neptune does the same. That is, even the first doctor can relieve symptoms and ease the course of the disease. But the one under Neptune (and he, by the way, controls the ASC) will be able not only to relieve the symptom, but also to cure the Native.
In addition, we can select doctors by visual or methodological approach, suitable for the signification of the corresponding indicators of the 9th house.
So - a young, smart and famous doctor who talks a lot and provocatively (exercise of the 9th house in Gemini, in the third house) - is suitable for us only to alleviate the situation, but is not suitable for its deep solution.
But an old doctor (very ancient), or, say, VERY plump, or loose, or somehow still suitable for the Neptunian image, can be very effective.
You can approach it from the other side - a doctor who uses modern techniques, everything fashionable, everything that is at the peak of popularity - this is Jupiter in Gemini - only for local solutions to issues.
But some herbalist, or homeopath, or something else in this spirit is already Neptune and, again, good.
Or, a doctor who was recommended to Nativ by a friend (3rd house) - relief of symptoms. And the doctor I found myself (because I “drew a urge”, “had a dream”, “felt”, etc.) – ex. ASC in the 9th Neptune is the way to go.
Using the example of doctors, we can consider both the topic of courts and the topic of teachers. In our example, Nativ has a quite decent 9th house, and even if not right away, he will still find his teachers and his doctors and his defenders.

The 9th house is all distant relatives and relatives of the spouse. All stories related to them are considered in the same way as relatives “living” in the 3rd house are considered.
Let's say, if we consider the 3rd house in Sagittarius, we say that the relatives are rich, noble, generous, but at the same time (especially in case of defeat) proud, pompous, arrogant. If, at the same time, we see that Jupiter makes a harmonious aspect to the 1st house (or to its elements), we conclude that relations with these relatives will be good. But the tense aspect will say that because of this pride or wastefulness, for example, we can be in very tense relationships.
If the aspect is between Jupiter and the element of the 2nd house, then if the aspect is harmonious, we support each other with money or have a good influence on finances. Stressful – we spend a lot on them, they take advantage of our money, or don’t support us even though they could, etc. or, for example, they attack our self-esteem. And so on for every house.
We will evaluate relationships with the spouse’s relatives in exactly the same way. If Sagittarius and Jupiter stand not in the 3rd, but in the 9th house, then, accordingly, such will be the husband’s relatives and relationships with them.
We remember, at the same time, that if the Native is married more than once, and we separate the spouses into houses (), then we will also have to separate their relatives.
If the first husband is in the 7th house, then his relatives are in the 9th. If the second husband is the 9th house, then his relatives are the 11th, if the third husband is the 11th house, then his relatives are the 1st, etc.
We will watch them as will be described in the topic “3rd house”.

Ruler of the Eighth House in the Twelfth House

It is difficult for you to show your true nature in sex, which may be due to fear of misunderstanding or increased vulnerability. However, under certain circumstances, the opposite will happen and you will find yourself involved in a large number of love affairs, although most of them will be secret. If the ruler aspects are heavy, you may focus too much on sex and this will cause problems that will affect your relationships with other people.

Your feelings are deep, but not always clear, especially if the Moon has something to do with it. Sun, Mars and Pluto. They are an integral part of you, but their manifestations may not be noticeable for a long time. It is very likely that you will die in hospital. Often this situation entails a fear of death, the reason for which may be unclear to you.

With favorable aspects, you will often have the opportunity to dispose of the property of others, but either you will not be aware of this, or you will hide it from others. Oil billionaire Paul Getty did not want to know the size of his wealth, where his money came from, and the like. In his horoscope, Leo was on the cusp of the eighth house, and the Sun was in Sagittarius in the twelfth house.

From the point of view of the situation under consideration, the Russian composer Igor Stravinsky is interesting, whose famous ballet “The Firebird” is based on the legend of the Phoenix. In his horoscope, Aries was on the cusp of the eighth house, and the ruler Mars in Leo was in square with Neptune and Saturn in Taurus in the ninth house. At one time he was forced to leave his homeland, and new homeland, in the USA, he was considered almost a hermit. However, this did not stop him from composing more best music, but completely different from the one he created in Russia.

The ninth house is the cadent house and is the house of life. Sagittarius is the symbolic sign and Jupiter is the symbolic lord of the ninth house.

The warmth and comfort of Sagittarius fire combines with the open and optimistic nature of Jupiter, and this house is the home of the higher intellectual realms, philosophical and spiritual approach to life. But despite Jupiter’s desire for growth and Sagittarius’ need to rest its arrow directly on the stars, the inspiration they generate can be extinguished by the peculiarities of the traditional upbringing of a particular person. Note that the ninth house is in opposition to the third house, the house primary education and the immediate environment of a person. Since the ninth house is in the western half of the horoscope, which relates to contact with and dependence on others, the actions you choose to take must be related to how supportive you will be. Except when the ruler of the ninth house is Uranus or Pluto, and also when the aspects are so challenging that you have no choice but to become a fighter against political system, you will strive to achieve your goals. If the ruler has good aspects with Jupiter, then in your life important role religion will play.

The arrow, as a symbol of Sagittarius, suggests that the goals related to this house are significant and long-term and are often associated with long journeys and foreign contracts. Since the ninth house is the third house to the seventh, which represents your marriage partner, it is considered the house pertaining to your relatives. By the same logic, the ninth house can be considered as the fifth house in relation to the fifth, that is, the house relating to your children's children or your grandchildren.

Since the end of June, Jupiter has “activated” in my horoscope and several planets are passing through the 9th house of the horoscope. Both Jupiter and the 9th house of astrology are associated with what is far from us, other cultures. At this time I accidentally saw it on the Domashny TV channel. documentary“Married Abroad”, it was interesting to listen to the stories of women who found their love “far away”, what awaited them there, and I watched other episodes from this series on the TV channel’s website. It's not only beautiful fairy tales, and sometimes even dramatic stories and the heroines of the plots, for the most part, did not set a specific goal to leave for foreign lands forever, but this is how the circumstances developed.

And at the same time, I received an order for a horoscope from a new client from London, who emigrated there almost 15 years ago. The move was a whole adventure for her, but overall everything turned out well, she got married in another country and gave birth to children. Although, of course, there are problems, like all people, where without them. In my astrological database there are more than two dozen horoscopes of people who moved to live abroad, or for a long time lived there. And most of these horoscopes belong to women who married foreigners. I did some research to find out the most common moving instructions.

Traditionally, the 9th house, Jupiter and the sign of Sagittarius are responsible for long trips abroad in astrology, if we're talking about about emigration, then the 12th house, Neptune and the sign of Pisces should also be taken into account. But the 4th house, the Moon and the sign of Cancer are responsible for a person’s house itself, place of residence, homeland, his roots, so to speak. Usually the move is given by the relationships between these three houses of the horoscope (4,9,12). For example, the planet that rules the 4th house can be in the 9th or 12th house. But in most of the horoscopes I examined there was simply an aspect connection between the ruling planets of the 4th and 9th houses.

Jupiter, Neptune, the sign of Sagittarius or Pisces are disposed to move if they are related to the 4th or 9th house of the horoscope. For example,

Jupiter or Neptune in the 4th or 9th house,

4th or 9th house in the sign of Sagittarius or Pisces,

Ruler of the 4th or lord of the 9th house in the sign of Sagittarius or Pisces

Ruler of the 4th house in aspect to Jupiter

In my examples, the leading position was taken by the ruler of the 9th house in the sign of Sagittarius. This is a significant position because the 9th house symbolically corresponds to the 9th sign - Sagittarius. And if the planet-ruler of the 9th house is also in the sign of Sagittarius, then this enhances the manifestations of this house of the horoscope in a person’s life, that is, it can create big interest to a foreign culture, the desire to move, and in general, even if a person does not strive for this, everything related to the themes of the 9th house will one way or another be of great importance and clearly manifest itself in a person’s life.

Another important indication, which is practically not written about in books on astrology, is due to the fact that the air element, which is related to the 4th house of the horoscope, is conducive to moving. For example, the 4th house itself may be in some air sign of the Zodiac - Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, or its ruler. The element of air in astrology is associated with mobility, variability, contact, therefore, those who have air signs related to the 4th house or its ruler may feel the need for a change of environment, it is easier for them to decide to move and they can also adapt more easily to a new environment. Fire element in principle, it can also give a desire to change places and activity in this matter.

I also noticed that of those who moved twice as many as those who were born under the air or fire sign Zodiac. Water and earth signs Unlike fire and air people, they are more cautious, more affectionate, and it is more difficult for them to decide on any radical changes.

Very often there was a connection between the 1st and 9th houses of the horoscope. For example, the ruler of the 1st house in 9 or the ruler of 9 in 1, aspect connection between the ruler of the 1st and 9th houses

The first house is very important in a horoscope. It also has to do with a person’s character, his personal efforts and initiatives. It shows in what environment a person manifests himself best, in what conditions he feels at home. The connection between the ruler of the 1st and 9th houses may indicate that a person is attracted to distant countries and foreign cultures, contributes to the creation and strengthening of ties and contacts with other countries and their representatives. All this can also be indicated

1st house in the sign of Sagittarius

Ruler of the 1st house in the sign of Sagittarius

Jupiter in 1st house

Aspect between the ruler of the 1st house and Jupiter

A pronounced 9th house, if there are several planets in it, or there is a Sun or Moon, can also give a great craving for everything “not ours.”

In many horoscopes there is also the influence of Uranus on the 4th house. This planet is associated with sudden and radical changes, and Uranus in the 4th house, or in aspect to the ruler of the 4th house, can also indicate a break with one’s roots, a radical change of place of residence, or frequent moves.

The tense aspects of the Moon with Uranus are also in the lead. The moon symbolically is the familiar, established environment for a person to live in; it is closely connected with the concepts of security, home, family, in a word, the usual way of life. And Uranus brings serious changes to this area. In general, I noticed that in many horoscopes the Moon is inharmonious, in a flawed sign, with a large number of tense aspects. This may partly indicate that the person did not feel very comfortable in his homeland, in the environment in which he lived, and also serves as an indication of a break, parting with his usual environment, a separation from his roots. As an additional indication, aspects of the Moon with the ruler of the 9th house or Jupiter can be considered.

The instructions may be very different, but it is important that the horoscope contains not just one of them, but several.

Let's look at a few examples.

This is the horoscope of a woman who, from a young age, dreamed of leaving for the USA and intensively studied English. Fate gave her such a chance. She went there after winning a Green Card.

What in her horoscope indicates a move? The 4th house is in the sign of Gemini, the ruler of the 4th house is Mercury in the sign of Libra. Both signs (Gemini and Libra) are airy, as I already said, the air element more often gives a tendency to change place of residence.

Mercury (ruler of the 4th house) in aspect to Jupiter

Moon conjunct the ruler of the 9th house

The Moon has a connection with Jupiter

In total, we have 4 instructions. It is also interesting that this woman has Neptune in the sign of Sagittarius in exact conjunction with the border of the 10th house of the horoscope. The 10th house is the most supreme house horoscope and it, among other things, is connected with what goals a person sets for himself and what he strives for. Sagittarius is abroad, and Neptune is dreams, ideals, that is, in this case, Neptune in Sagittarius in the 10th house indicates that a person from a young age dreamed of going to America, this was a very important life task.

This is the horoscope of a girl who has been interested in the cultures of other countries since childhood, knows 5 foreign languages. Emigrated to England

The 4th house is in Aries, its ruler Mars is in the 9th house and in the air sign Libra. Two instructions at once (ruler 4 in 9 and in the air element)

Jupiter in the 4th house

First house in Sagittarius

Sun in 9th house

Moon in tense aspect to Uranus

Total, 6 instructions

Horoscope of a girl who purposefully met foreign men on the Internet and one fine day an American came to meet her and proposed marriage. A few months later a visa was issued, the bride left for America, and got married the same year.

Ruler of the 4th house Pluto is in the air sign Libra, has a connection with the ruler of the 9th house (Mars) In the 4th house Uranus and Neptune in Sagittarius Jupiter in the 1st house Ruler of the 1st house (Sun) in harmonious aspect with Mars (ruler of the 9th)

Total, 6 instructions

This is the horoscope of a girl who met a Spaniard, and he did everything in his power to bring her to his sunny kingdom.

The 4th house is in Aquarius (air sign), the ruler of the 4th house is Uranus in the sign of Sagittarius, that is, two indications. The 9th house is ruled by the Moon, which is in harmonious aspect with Uranus (ruler of the 4th)Sun in the 9th houseJupiter in the 1st house

Total 5 instructions

Moving to permanent residence in China

In this example, the 4th house is in Cancer, and its ruler, the Moon, is in Capricorn. The air element has nothing to do with the 4th house. However, the Moon has a tense aspect with Uranus and in general the Moon is the most flawed planet in this horoscope. She is in a weak sign for herself and has no harmonious aspects at all. At home, the person did not feel very comfortable. But the ruler of the 9th house (abroad), on the contrary, is very strong. The 9th house is in Sagittarius, and its ruler Jupiter is also in Sagittarius, that is, in the sign of its domain. It's very strong and rare position Jupiter. Jupiter in Sagittarius related to the 9th house can give a very strong interest in other countries. In this horoscope, Jupiter is also in aspect with Neptune, which is related to the 12th house of the horoscope; the connection between 9-12 makes it possible to travel long distances.

This horoscope is borrowed from the book of astrologer Sergei Shestopalov “Astrology of Relationships”.

This is the horoscope of a girl who came to Leningrad from Baghdad in the first half of the 70s. Student exchanges, which became traditional later, had not yet gained momentum. And such immigrants from the East were rare in Leningrad at that time. A young Soviet scientist became interested in this girl. Ultimately, the lovers decided to get married, a rather bold step for that time. Many believed that cultural differences and national characteristics would be a serious obstacle. But contrary to the opinion of skeptics, their marriage lasted a long time.

In this girl’s horoscope, the ruler of the 4th house is the Sun in the sign of Sagittarius, the ruler of the 1st house is also in the sign of Sagittarius. Ruler of the 9th house in the 1st house. The Moon is in a flawed sign without harmonious aspects (separation from native roots, familiar environment) There are 4 instructions.