Young stand-up comedian. Stand-up residents

Photography: PhotoXPress

Igor Meyerson

former member of the KVN team "Megapolis", comedian

Igor Meyerson Photo: TASS We are the first generation of stand-up in Russia, and we had no other way to realize ourselves in humor other than to go through the KVN muzzle. I am grateful to KVN for the efficiency that he taught. Constant games constant need come up with new material - all this sets the mood for good speed. In this regard, we give a big head start to our foreign colleagues. I heard that in America there are competitions of comedy troupes, but they rather stage plays, and, of course, it is not on the same scale as ours. This is a real army: every institute has a KVN. Our Soviet past was dominated by collective culture and collective consciousness. This was also expressed in creativity, so KVN resonated with the times. However, humor is a rather individualistic thing, in which main role plays the opinion of one person, his personal life, his experience. Therefore, the stand-up genre, when one person stands on stage and shares his thoughts, was initially more popular in the West. Thank God that now more and more of our young people are trying to find themselves in it. In almost all major cities open mic parties open (that is, an open microphone), where anyone can go on stage for 2-3 minutes. Only live, on stage, talking with people in the audience, will you understand whether it’s yours or not. A lot of comedians have appeared on the Internet, most often video bloggers. But in my opinion, despite great amount subscribers, people who put their iPhone on a tripod in their room and read something in front of it have nothing to do with stand-up. On the Internet it is much easier to create the illusion of one’s own importance. I advise all of them to go on stage in their city and see if it works with real spectators. Fortunately, even now, for example, in Novosibirsk there are at least three points with an open microphone: you can come to one on Monday, another on Thursday, and a third on Saturday. But there is no stand-up industry in Russia yet. There are no producers, no promoters, no managers dealing with comedians. And television programs are therefore very important and useful - they create a certain basis, introduce people all over Russia to the genre.

Dmitry Romanov

permanent participant of the “Stand Up” project on TNT

Dmitry Romanov I'm from Odessa, where everything was always in order with humor. Odessa residents don’t joke at all, they just talk like that. This is probably the influence of the southern air, southern latitudes: thanks to them, people are sociable and cheerful. Odessa has KVN, its own comedy shows, and young guys who do stand-up at the local level. Stand-up began to develop not so long ago, but now it already has its own clubs and open microphones. Becoming successful in stand-up requires hard work. You need to work a lot, write a lot, perform a lot. Of everything you write, 10% will be good, and you need to continue writing without losing your enthusiasm. And only after a couple of months, another 10% will be added to that 10%, and this can already be put together into one good 10-minute speech. If you always have a lot of new material that you release on a regular basis, you will be invited to appear in a TV show. Unfunny jokes are not broadcast. What's happened funny joke in Russia? In principle, the topic can be any, but more often it concerns Russian realities, something about provincialism or problems with traffic jams in Moscow. In the West they have been doing stand-up for a very long time, they have already made jokes on all topics, so now they joke about religion, about gays, about some things below the belt. There is more freedom there, and all this is broadcast, because cable channels are very common there, and not state-owned ones. And people already perceive any topic adequately. Our people are not ready for jokes about religion. Society takes this very seriously, and many years must pass before they begin to take it more lightly. It’s the same with jokes about physiology: if you joke about it now, people will say something like: “Ugh, how disgusting,” “What a spoiled person, why are we watching this.” But gradually the audience begins to get used to harsh jokes too.

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    Members of the KVN team “New Armenians” are touring the United States. Garik Martirosyan is responsible for the repertoire; in the future, he will be one of the main Russian television comedians. Arthur Janibekyan is in charge of finances - it is he who will turn stand-up into a business empire.

    The first Moscow party is taking place " Comedy Club" Kirkorov, Yudashkin and other television stars are present. After several parties, Comedy residents move to the Maner cafe, where they perform every Saturday throughout the year.

    The pilot version of the television program of the same name was filmed in the Maner cafe. Soon the comedians will be noticed by Dmitry Troitsky, general producer of TNT, who is looking for an alternative to Full House and other similar shows.

    The show will debut on TNT. Main presenters: Garik Martirosyan, Pavel “Snowball” Volya, Garik “Bulldog” Kharlamov, Timur “Kashtan” Batrutdinov, Vadim “Rambo” Galygin.

    Arthur Janibekyan registers the production company Comedy Club Production and the company 7 ART. In the spring, Comedy Club takes 300 tourists to one of the hotels in Antalya. The show's performers wake up the guests and conduct morning exercises, organize general evening concerts. The trip costs $1500.

    Natalya Yeprikyan, former member KVN team "Megapolis", organizes the humorous show "Made in Woman" in Moscow clubs. These variety skits will become the basis of the program in the future." Comedy Woman».

    The first Comedy Club franchise opens in Ukraine. Selling licenses is one of Arthur Janibekyan’s successful business decisions. KVN, for example, has never done this.

    Comedy Club presents its own clothing line at Moscow Fashion Week together with designer Ivan Ayplatov. The collection is characterized by humorous inscriptions “The rooks have arrived” and “Gopher suka personality” on belt plaques and on T-shirts.

    Semyon Slepakov, together with Pavel Volya and Garik Martirosyan, are launching the sketch show “Our Russia” on TNT, a copy of the British “Little Britain”.

    Vadim Galygin leaves the Comedy Club on STS. The first work of his own studio was the show “Very Russian TV” - a parody of the main state channels

    The first programs are launched on TNT - social elevators that educate future residents of the Comedy Club. In the “Slaughter League,” completely green comedians are trying to get into the show “Laughter Without Rules.” Presenters: Pavel Volya and Vladimir Turchinsky.

    On November 6, the “Comedy Club” opens in Belarus and the premiere of an analogue of the project “Our Russia” - “Our Belarus” - takes place.

    The presentation of Pavel Volya’s first music album “Respect and Respect” is taking place. Volya performs optimistic hip-hop with jokes and biting choruses: “Everything will be awesome”, “Mama!”, “Barvikha”, “Samaya” best song" and "Penza City".

    The exodus of “Comedy” residents to big cinema begins. The first comedy, “The Best Movie,” grosses more than $30 million with a budget of $5 million.

    The “Comedy Club” program is being released with an updated design. The studio is looking less and less like a classic stand-up bar with a brick wall and a microphone - now it is something reminiscent of the hall from the Blue Light.

    The talk show “ProjectorParisHilton” is airing on Channel One - a rare example of an original format that was not purchased under a license. Alexander Tsekalo, Garik Martirosyan, Ivan Urgant, Sergei Svetlakov joke about news items and invite guests.

    Arthur Janibekyan launches a satellite comedy channel Comedy TV.

    The first episode of the sitcom “Univer”, produced by the “Comedy” team, appears on TNT. In the future, the series will receive a continuation, “Univer. New Dorm" and even the romantic spin-off "Sashatanya".

    On September 21, a sketch show based on “Our Russia” - “Faina Yukraina” - will be launched on Ukrainian television.

    A film is being released with the first dramatic role of a Comedy Club resident. Pavel Volya stars in the film “Plato” as a Moscow heartthrob who is reformed in the finale.

    Residents of the Comedy Club take part in the television talk show Gordon Quixote. Alexander Gordon accuses Comedy of vulgarity and use of profanity.

    TNT is launching the program “Killer Night” - an unusual format for Russia: a comedy panel show. In fact, team game, based on improvisation and discussion of current news.

    The humorous show “Comedy Woman” is starting, among the scriptwriters is Alexander Gudkov, a member of the KVN team “Fedor Dvinyatin”.

    In Kazakhstan, “Our Kazasha” is broadcast on the KTK TV channel.

    The reality show “Dom-2”, in its fifth year, comes under the responsibility of Comedy Club Production.

    "The Best Film 2" is released. With a budget of $10 million, the sequel to last year's comedy blockbuster grosses only $12 million.

    The sitcom “” begins on the STS channel. The series about the lives of four friends - Galygin plays himself - is closed after the first season.

  • Bard foreman Semyon Slepakov, who previously remained behind the scenes of numerous Comedy Club Production shows as a producer, begins performing songs at the Comedy Club.

    The comedy “Our Russia: Eggs of Destiny,” with a budget of $2 million, collects more than $22 million at the box office. For full-length film, based on a TV show, is a unique case.

    The premiere of the humorous “Bulldog Show” is taking place on the NTV channel. The program was taken off the air in July due to low ratings and because Kharlamov was busy filming “The Best Movie 3-DE.”

    The first episode of the sitcom about doctors “Interns”, produced by Comedy, is being released. The head of the department is Ivan Okhlobystin. The fusion of "Doctor House", "Scrubs" and Russian reality is received with a bang by the audience.

    Among the residents of the “Comedy Club” appears the group “USB Boys” - a parody boy band that releases real albums, following the example Lonely groups Island from the American "Saturday Night Live".

    A new section appears in the Comedy Club - “Foreplay” - where jokes are made exclusively about sex and relationships. Presenter - fresh face in "Comedy" Sergei Gorelikov - also plays in USB group. In the program he appears in the image of a secular macho.

    Arthur Janibekyan sells the Comedy Club Production company to the TNT television channel for 7.5 billion rubles and remains its general director.

    “Zaitsev + 1” is being released - a Russian comedy television series about the life of a “nerd” student suffering from a split personality. “Mr. Hyde” is played by Mikhail Galustyan. The series will run for three whole years.

    Semyon Slepakov records his second music album “Semyon Slepakov. Album No. 1."

    In Russian cinemas - “That Carloson”, a fairy-tale comedy by Sarik Andreasyan. The film is a deafening failure at the box office, and film critics are shocked by how the director treated a children's fairy tale dear to every person's heart.

    In the city of Heihe in China, the restaurant “Our Russia” opens, where the service staff is dressed as characters from the show of the same name.

    The low-budget series “Super Oleg” is released on the “2x2” channel. The scriptwriters are the ubiquitous members of the Comedy Club.

    Another dramatic debut of a comedian from the Comedy Club. Sergei Svetlakov in the film “Stone” plays a native of orphanage who intends to take revenge on his former friend for betrayal.

    The radio station Comedy Radio is launched. The broadcast is based on daily talk shows, with permanent presenters, including Comedy residents Club. During breaks, audio tracks from Comedy Club television sketches and music are heard. Soon Comedy Radio will displace “Radio Chanson” from the radios of capital’s taxi drivers

    A resident with cerebral palsy appears at the Comedy Club - Sergei Kutergin from Ufa, better known as Sergeich.

  • Alexander Kapadya People get into stand-up comedy in Russia in different ways. There are people who come to this through KVN, but they are complete losers. KVN destroys, completely grinds down the personality. The performances of all post-Kaveen comedians look like something cliched. There is no naturalness there. They just tell jokes on stage, but they are afraid to be funny, they hide behind their material. Maybe KVN gives some positive traits, but in most cases it is trash that needs to be burned. Others come to stand-up after watching Western comedians, or they simply grew up in the yard, where you need to talk and joke a lot. It's easier with them. They are alive, but completely chaotic and just as brainless as the Kaveen soldiers, only for a different reason. The most important thing that makes a person a comedy artist is work. Some people come and think: from the second, or at most from the fourth performance, they will become kings and earn their living from this. Few people think that they will have to go on stage several times a week and vomit all their insides from how hard you twisted and tried. I didn't puke, but Woody Allen did in his youth. Now one criterion of success has been established for any comedians (even for completely abstract and truth-telling humorists) - these are broadcasts. No matter how the idea that television is a lie and falsehood becomes stronger in our environment, getting on TV is an opportunity to make money. There are no alternatives to Comedy Club now. This is the only clear and viable structure, something fundamental. Even after the Comedy Club ceased to be avant-garde and fashionable in the mid-2000s, when everyone had hairstyles like Bilan’s; even when they moved to a half-full hall and began to wear pretentious jackets; in provincial cities there are still a bunch of regional branches where young comedians perform. But no matter how much we flutter and are proud of how avant-garde and underground we are, how we make comedy with soul, we do not have a significant alternative to the Comedy Club in any city. Maybe something will develop in 5 years, some kind of community based not on something on television - rather, it will be on the Internet, as happened with indie music or Versus Battle. Perhaps comedy will become the new rock and roll. So far, all that exists in Russia now is a wild, ugly fusion of Soviet satire, George Carlin, jokes about pussy and the desire to assert oneself. But the main difference from Western stand-up is that Russians love stories. We all listen to stories.

    Nikolay Kulikov

    participant of “Central Microphone”, screenwriter of “Legend No. 17” and “Gorko”

    Nikolay Kulikov Photo: RIA Novosti We're looking at an industry that's five years old. And people are already saying: “Listen, your industry is not as high quality as the Western one. I don’t even know what you guys need to do with yourselves.” At the same time, most of the comedians we see in the West are the tip of the iceberg, under which there are still thousands, seriously, thousands of people who write jokes and perform. We see the best. We see those who worked for a long time, who were innovative people, who did not give up, who were constantly on their feet. If you do stand-up in America or the UK, it means you see giants live. As a child, you could go to Dylan Moran, George Carlin, Louis C.K. And you, watching them, are able to grow. Unfortunately, in Russian stand-up there are still few people you can learn from. You can take something from the guys at TNT, but they have only been working for a few years. We must give it a chance. There are no stand-up comedians in Russia who would spend 10,000 hours at the stove. I've been doing stand-up for five or six years, and I figure I've done about 2,800 hours of it. You need 10,000. You know, there is a book called “Talent Is Overrated”, where it says that the formula for professionalism has been mathematically derived. There will be 10,000 hours of practice, there will be 10,000 stand-up comedians in the country, then everything will be fine. So I relaxed. I understand that I am the manure on which truly cool comedians will grow. I’m now working to ensure that my children and their friends have somewhere to go, because they will have cool comedians who look at us now and think: “Ah-ah, these dudes from TNT, sold-out bastards, this arrogant... [fool] Kulikov - we are better!” I wish they would come and tear us apart and make a really funny comedy.

Vyacheslav Protasov answers important questions about Russian stand-up.

To bookmarks

Photo from the Stand-Up Club community on VKontakte

What is stand-up

Stand-up comedy (“ Stand-up comedy») - humorous genre, in which a comedian performs a monologue of his own composition in front of a live audience. It can be short jokes, stories from the life of a comedian or his observations. Often, a comedian talks about personal experiences and experiences.

This is a typical definition for Russian stand-up. At the same time, there may be more than one comedian on stage, the monologue can be parody or musical, and its author can be in character. In fact, the genre has no clear boundaries, and the style of performances of most comedians on Russian TV easily fits into it.

Where did he come from in Russia

Who and when in Russia was the first to call himself a stand-up comedian, we don’t know for sure. This is not important, because the genre, which has existed in the West for decades, could be transferred to Russian scene anyone. Massive interest in the new comedy appeared already in the Internet era.

In 2009 on social networks broke up stand-up comedy by Eddie Murphy called “Raw” with Russian voice acting by Vladimir Zavgorodniy. The 1987 jn performance is the second and last big concert recorded on video, after which the comedian left to pursue a career in cinema. The translator found “Raw” by accident while studying a Wikipedia article that listed the films with the most “fuck” content. He laughed so loudly that his wife asked him to translate the jokes for her.

Eddie Murphy. Still from the “Raw” concert

Around the same time, translations of concerts by George Carlin, the evil grandfather of American stand-up comedy, who in the United States is considered one of the best comedians of all time, appeared. Carlin died in 2008, and many of the translated concerts were released in the 1990s. But his jokes, like Eddie Murphy’s jokes, have not lost their relevance during this time.

Both talked about what is important at all times: relationships, sex, politics, religion and the hopeless stupidity of people.

Thanks to the rapidly developing social networks, stand-up became viral: short jokes were divided into quotes and published with pictures, and long bits (thematic block in a monologue - TJ's note) were cut out from concerts and published in videos and on YouTube.

Why did stand-up become popular?

Western stand-up comedians broke the mold: the person on stage is not necessarily a clown, and hilarious jokes can be built on logic, accurate observations and personal experience. In stand-up comedy we saw something that no Russian humorous TV show has provided - the individuality of the artist. One person stands on stage and is responsible for everything that happens.

Concerts of Western comedians began to be translated regularly. Public pages appeared and quickly grew on VKontakte - AllStandUp And Rumble. At some point, the number of concerts translated during the year exceeded a hundred. As a result, there are performances in Russian by all more or less famous English-speaking stand-up comedians. With subtitles or voiceover you can find any concert by George Carlin and Louis C.K., and some are dubbed several times.

An example of translation of a stand-up performance by George Carlin

In 2013, a television show appeared on TNT, where comedians with the pathos and enthusiasm of the early Comedy Club presented new genre. In Russia, the broad masses learned about stand-up. If we put aside comparisons with the American stage, it turned out to be one of the highest quality and most successful humorous shows in our country.

Stand-up comedy - perhaps the most accessible view art. Even a beginner can rise to the stage with his own story. No conventions or assumptions are needed. Instead of “Imagine a case in your family...” or a monologue with a piece of paper, you can just start talking. Without miniatures, dances and collective creativity, addressing directly the viewer in the hall.

Why is stand-up so important?

For decades stand-up development in the West became fertile soil for the entire comedy culture. Almost everyone who makes American audiences laugh in movies and on TV started out with a microphone on stage. We know Eddie Murphy as an actor, but he was more successful as a stand-up comedian. Robin Williams and Jim Carrey had better luck in the cinema, but at the beginning of their career they tore up the halls with their monologues and antics.

Comedy is a craft like any other. She needs to study and practice constantly.

In the West, stand-up comedians have been writing jokes and performing on stage almost every evening for decades, improving their acting and screenwriting skills. Only after local success on city stages do they appear on television, sign contracts with Netflix, and become authors of sitcoms and shows. Watch the performances of the best Western comedians; any of their monologues is a ready-made script for a hilarious sketch. They create comedy content for the whole world - films, TV series, shows. In their speeches they raise important social issues, influence politics and people's thoughts.

Where to watch Russian stand-up

Showcase and at the same time the only successful stand-up show on Russian television- StandUp on TNT channel. A high-quality copy of Western comedy in our own way. Other channels also tried to launch their shows, but “Leningrad Stand-up Club” (STS) and “Stand-up from Paramount Comedy” did not gain a foothold on the television network for long. TNT knows how to make long-running comedy shows, plus they recruited almost all the best comedians at the time the program was created.

What if I don't watch TV?

Internet. You can start getting acquainted with Western comedians. Public accounts on VKontakte AllStandUp and Rumble make translations on an almost industrial scale. Among the high-quality Russian alternatives to stand-up on TNT, we can recommend two seasons of “Stand-up from Paramount Comedy” - most likely there will be no new episodes, but all those already released are on the Internet.

"Stand-up from Paramount Comedy"

There are more entries solo concerts Russian comedians. Not all of them are of television quality, and you can count them on one hand:

All of them, of course, were professional comedians - but can this be called stand-up? It’s unlikely - after all, homemade preparations, read from a piece of paper (in the case of Raikin, also with dressing up in various images), even directly in the face of the audience, even with good interactivity (he was one of the first to work with the audience) - this is not stand-up .

“Raikin, Khazanov, Kartsev are more like conversational artists, comedians,” reflects a resident of the “Stand Up” show. — Of course, their performances can partly be considered the prerequisites for the emergence of stand-up, because everyone understands it in their own way, but still this is a slightly different story. Plus, we must not forget about the peculiarities of the Soviet political regime.

In the West, freedom of speech also appeared not simply because the state decided so. Comedians felt that television looked too clean and sleek, and began to fight against this, to allow themselves more. However, in the USSR, given censorship, this was impossible.”

Stand-up, as shown by the work experience of Andy Kaufman, Kay, Jimmy Carra and others foreign comedians, this is when they don’t hesitate to go into a nerve with a drilling machine, without thinking about anesthesia. And without looking at the piece of paper, because stand-up is not reading a script, but a conversation with the audience face to face. The flowing stream of thoughts, its pain, problems, complexes, fears and joys. Society must be ready for this genre.

In the West, stand-up has been developing for a long time, and only extensive echoes of its success have reached Russia. So, we only learned about the great Andy Kaufman from the film "Man on the Moon", where the image of the god of trolling was embodied.

However, despite the unconditional merits of comedians post-Soviet period— the country needed fresh blood. New energy, presentation, a different approach to the development and development of the topic. A special level of frankness when communicating with the viewer. The country, fed up with fake talk shows, longed to see people ready to speak directly and openly.

Residents of the Comedy Club were among the first to trample this road. Some short monologues Pavel Volya liked them, others thought they were blatantly bad taste.

One way or another, gradually the nightly airwaves of TNT began to be filled with almost pure comedy stand-up shows. The programs “Slaughter League” and “Laughter Without Rules” were the first such experiences - there was absurd humor, paradoxical, experimental, and traditional. Many of these projects have already been forgotten, but they completed their important task - they sowed a seed that bore abundant fruit in the form of the flourishing of stand-up comedy in Russia.

Almost all the comedians from those first programs turned out to be in demand: they work with Kosyakov, write scripts, act in films and TV series, filmed their own stand-up show “Comedian in the City”, some artists settled in the “Comedy Club”.

Today the genre is actively moving across the country and, of course, is not limited to TNT alone. Each city has its own leagues, open microphones (club venues where anyone can go out and read a monologue) and a lot of gifted artists.

Young and very daring comedians post their performances on YouTube, not constrained by the framework in which central TV channels exist: Danila Poperechny, and many others. There are a lot of not very promoted, but certainly talented stand-up comedians who are not shown on TV, but whose work can be easily appreciated online: Idrak Mirzalizadeh, Denis Alien, Kostya Pushkin (the same one from “Laughter Without Rules”) and, ex-host “ Good jokes."

It is important that almost none of them are identical. Only bright individuals survive. It's not enough to be honest and good guy with a great sense of humor. Stand-up comedy welcomes an unhealthy level of cynicism, abnormal self-irony, black humor or self-criticism - everyone chooses their own method of reaching the public.

“It’s common to criticize Russian stand-up on the Internet. For several years they criticized Russian rap in the same way, but then one day within a month Oksimiron, Scryptonite and ATL released a powerful album, and the critics slowly calmed down. Rap has gone beyond its own boundaries and become number one music, says stand-up comedian Denis Chuzhoy. — I think the same will happen with stand-up. People who want to convey their views on life in a funny way will be listened to and money will be given to them. We’re probably still missing a couple of breakthrough concerts that would silence the critics.”

In his opinion, “in general, the genre in Russia is already in order.”

"Eat good show on TNT, but all the great comedians no longer fit there. This means they will spill out onto competing shows and onto the Internet. The beauty of stand-up is that it’s an incredibly cheap genre to produce,” he continues. —

This is not KVN, where you need to cut out beautiful decorations from drywall, bring a sober, handsome presenter and call the head of the youth and tourism committee. All you need is a microphone, a bar stool and mineral water (and even then you can do without the latter). This means that almost anyone can upgrade in this.

Today you know ten comedians, but tomorrow you won’t be able to breathe from them. At least I want to believe.”

Stand Up comedian Slava Komissarenko calls stand-up “the broadest form of humor” that “can have hundreds of manifestations.”

“It can be a smart stand-up or an acting one with a lot of gags, like Jim Carrey. One person can go on stage and speak on some socio-political topics. And another after him, on the same stage, hit a watermelon with a huge sledgehammer. And this will also be a stand-up,” says Komissarenko. — Therefore, we can say that stand-up can contain satire. However, if you think about what percentage of the total performance it takes up, then it’s probably small.”

According to the creative producer of the show, Ruslan Bely, “humor can be considered a form of social communication.”

“Have you ever thought that at the root of a joke there is always truth? Therefore in Lately very often they began to take offense at humor. After all, we are telling the truth. And she often offends,” he emphasizes. — A stand-up should always represent what the author thinks. A joke should always cause controversy. Because only his audience goes to see a comedian. Then the concert turns out to be truly frank and of high quality.”

Bely’s colleague and “Stand Up” resident Yulia Akhmedova believes that the mood of society affects the mood of the stand-up, because “the comedian perceives the events happening around him through the prism of himself.”

At the same time, few stand-up comedians work in an exclusively entertaining manner. Almost everyone has a journalistic passion and an easy philosophy of life, but there is no toxic snobbery that repels the viewer.

The public always feels when they are talking down to them; stand-up comedians do not have such a habit.

At the same time, stand-up comedians are extremely attentive. What we see on TV performed by them is not a stream of consciousness, but material honed at open microphones - open T-shirts - with a clear composition and concept. In fact - literary work, the genre boundaries of which are shaken by caustic reprises and caustic jokes.

Arkady Raikin also conveyed to the kind spectator in the ninth row a simple truth: “Conflict-free literature is the invention of idiots.” Time has slightly adjusted the classic’s quote: judging by the pace of development of stand-up in Russia, it’s also time for conflict-free humor to retire.

“It is very important not to look artificial and not to say something that goes against your inner self,” Nurlan Saburov is sure. — The audience should feel sincerity. If you are really worried about some problem, and most importantly, you can make a funny joke about it, this is one conversation.

Many good Western comedians, for example, can during a performance express an opinion that is unpopular among the majority and, thanks to a successful joke, change the audience's reaction from negative to positive. This is real art. And if you're just saying what people want to hear, what's the point? Again: if you really think the same as the other 90%, there is nothing critical about it. It’s just important not to change your shoes in the air, but to remain yourself.”

New episodes of “Stand Up” air on TNT on Sundays at 22:00. Big concert of participants the show will take place September 29 at Crocus City Hall.

The Stand Up show, which appeared on the TNT channel several years ago, gained popularity among viewers almost from the first episode. For many, his appearance was not clear, because there is Comedy project Club, where comedians of all genres perform. Why did stand-up need to be included in a separate program?

The answer to this question is known by Ruslan Bely, who proposed his ideas to the channel’s producers, and by Alexander Dulerain himself - at first it was planned to search for young talents, comedians who had never been noticed anywhere. But when comedians came from all over Russia, with a completely new approach to humor, it became obvious that they couldn’t do without a separate project.

The Stand Up show in Russia is the most honest humorous event on TV. There is a small hall of those who love to laugh, there are no additional decorations on the stage, the artists perform without musical accompaniment, their jokes are not supplemented by a recording of laughter - in a word, everything happens in real time with real emotions.

Not a single monologue of a participant is a pre-planned skit - of course, comedians prepare jokes and rehearse them, but every time they perform on stage, they tell the prepared material, supplementing it with improvisation.

You never know how the audience will react to your line; for this reason, stand-up comedians’ performances sometimes turn into crazy adventures that delight not only the audience, but the comedians themselves.

The Stand Up genre originated in Great Britain around the 18th century.. At that time, all jokes were strictly censored, and they were heard within the music halls. In Russia, one of the first comedians to perform in stand-up genre Arkady Raikin believes that perhaps he had no idea that he was working in this direction, but the surviving recordings of his speeches are direct evidence of this.

The TNT channel project started in 2013 and almost immediately gathered around him many aspiring comedians. All of them already had some experience, performed at weddings, corporate parties and concert events in their cities, some of them tried their hand at KVN. After season 1 of Stund Up, it was clear that the public demanded a continuation.

These guys have one thing in common - they have their own opinion and are ready to express it through remarks, through a humorous presentation. Each performance is a sharp look at familiar problems. At the same time, the participants have their own special style:

  • Ivan Abramov is the only comedian in our country who combines humor and music,
  • Timur Karginov, a black comedian of the project, but in his opinion just a hack,
  • Dmitry Romanov, emphasizing his Jewish roots,
  • Nurlan Saburov, charming and at the same time an arrogant type, ready to make fun of anyone,
  • Alexey Shcherbakov, a jerk from the airborne troops,
  • Slava Komissarenko, Belarusian guy,
  • Stas Starovoitov, who doesn’t worry about his style at all,
  • Ivan Usovich, young, but so sharp,
  • Viktor Komarov, lives with his mother, girls constantly leave him,
  • Inspirer and creative producer Ruslan Bely,
  • AND only girl in Stand Up Yulia Akhmedova.

Now Stund Up participants travel around Russian cities and give big concerts. Athena for autumn 2016:

  • October 7 at 19.00 Krasnoyarsk, Grand Hall Siberia;
  • October 8 at 19.00 Tomsk, BKZ;
  • October 9 at 19.00 Novosibirsk, KKK im. Mayakovsky;
  • October 15 at 17.00 Prague;
  • October 16 at 19.00 St. Petersburg, Palace of Culture named after. Lensovet.

Anyone can become a participant in the project, to do this, just send a video of your performance or come to the Open Microphone festival, which takes place annually. All participants in the show actively go on tour to all cities of Russia, perform in clubs and actively promote the Stand Up genre. And he, apparently, will not lose his popularity.

Many fans of the show liked Alexey’s jokes. Alexey’s humor is similar to photographs, but taken from a certain angle, “comic”. In it, everyone will hear something that he personally met and experienced more than once in his life, but did not pay much attention to. The humor is built on personal observations, jokes on the topic of family. Alexey has a wife and son.

A tall guy with luxuriant hair. Stand-up audiences appreciated his Jewish humor. Odessa. Dima doesn’t invent jokes, but takes them from life, not only his own, but also that of his friends and family. Talks about natural frugality and control over financial spending, observes human relationships. Roman has a legal wife, Christina.

Elena does not hide her age, but always clarifies it in her speeches. He talks about his teenage son and little daughter. The humor is harsh in places, about the whole truth in raising children, about the behavioral characteristics of each child. She graduated from the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School, course of Yu. Eremin, in Moscow. From 1998 to 2004 - actress of the Moscow Drama Theater named after Pushkin.

Every time he goes on stage, he feels jittery. A glass of water helps him cope with anxiety. Ivan Abramov does not accept nicotine and alcohol. The genre in which he performs is described by his colleagues as musical - Abramov himself calls himself an intelligent comedian. The guy affects domestic and foreign show business. He is married, and a daughter was born into the family.

Ivan came from Belarus. A young guy confidently storming the stand-up stage. The guy’s jokes tell about the life of a newcomer to Moscow, about how he rents an apartment, girls and friends from Belarus. Vanya’s witty jokes were well remembered by the viewer back in the Comedy Battle.

In the show, Standup often jokes about his nationality, wife and daughter, these are stories from real life, which he presents from a completely incredible angle. The guy is remembered for his manner of speaking and facial expressions. He tells the funniest things with a completely serious face.

The comedy show “Comedy Club” became a real springboard in the artist’s career. The performance cemented his image of “ glamorous scumbag", who based his speeches on offensive jokes. The performance was so successful that he continued their format in the future. Pavel successfully attracts audiences at his own concerts with monologues, and acts in films.

Already while studying at school, the artistic inclinations of the future showman began to appear. In life, Ruslan is serious and thoughtful. In his stand-up monologues, the guy talks about his service in the army, about his father, and about how he moved to live from Voronezh to Moscow. Doesn't forget about Russian show business and modern rap singers. On stage he masterfully approaches monologues and shows a first-class level.

Most often, Slava talks about his friends, acquaintances, as well as about his girlfriend and the relationship between them. On the one hand, these numbers are similar to ordinary reasoning ordinary person, but this guy’s observation skills and his ability to look at a trivial situation from a non-standard angle make these scenes truly funny.

He is a native of Tomsk. The understanding that a technical education would not be useful to him came to Starovoitov during his active participation in the performances of the university KVN team. The guy himself writes scripts and jokes for the team. Together with a colleague he created the duet “Revolver”. It was this project that became lucky ticket, who brought the artist to central television. In stand-up, Stas talks about his relationships with his wife and child. Viewers loved the stand-up comedian’s “family-friendly” jokes.

Also in school years the boy attracted the attention of classmates and teachers with his unusual sense of humor. Timur never minced words; he had a witty joke ready for every situation. Most of performances are dedicated to Caucasians and their difficult life in Moscow. Officially not married, but has a girlfriend.