The best foreign stand-up comedians. The best stand-up comedians in the world (photos)

“Stand-up” (show): participants

The idea of ​​​​creating the program belongs to Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely. Former KVN players turned to the management of the TNT channel, and they met them halfway. In the fall of 2013, viewers saw the first episode of the humorous program.

The stand-up show participants are young, bright and talented people. Many of them at one time participated in KVN. They have an amazing sense of humor and natural charm. Who are these people? Let's take a closer look at them.

Ruslan Bely - “eternal bachelor”

The creator and presenter was born on December 28, 1979 in Prague. He was raised in a military family. In this regard, mom, dad and Ruslan often changed their place of residence. About 15 years ago the family finally settled in Voronezh. The father dreamed that his son would follow in his footsteps. At first it was like that. Ruslan graduated from the Military Aviation Engineering University and served in the army. But then the guy realized that his main calling was the stage. Our hero became interested in playing KVN. He was a member of the Voronezh team “Seventh Heaven”. Ruslan Bely appeared in humorous programs broadcast on the TNT channel. Among them are “Laughter without Rules” and “Slaughter League”.

The personal life of Ruslan Bely resembles a roller coaster. It consists of ups and sharp downs. A talkative and smiling guy easily meets girls. He has experience living together with representatives of the opposite sex. But all of Ruslan’s relationships were short-lived. He is still in bachelor status.

Yulia Akhmedova - “a lady in active search”

The first and so far only girl in the show. The rest are male participants. “Stand-up” allowed Yulia to realize her creative ambitions.

She was born on November 28, 1982 in the Kyrgyz city of Kant. Her father is a purebred Azerbaijani. In 1999, Yulia arrived in Voronezh, where she entered the local university. As a student, Akhmedova began playing in KVN. In 2005, the girl finally moved to Moscow and began developing her humorous career. Julia is the author of scripts for the TV series “Univer” and the show “Comedy Woman”.

From the stage, Stand Up talks about how hard it is for a girl without a man’s shoulder. Her monologues often voice topics such as losing weight, finding a soul mate, cheating, and so on. Many viewers are sure that the girl does not invent anything, but takes stories from her own life.

At the moment, Yulia Akhmedova’s heart is free. She herself is in search of her soulmate.

Stas Starovoitov - “an exemplary family man”

Born on October 11, 1982 in a small village in the Tomsk region. Like many stand-up show participants, he participated in KVN during his student days. Then Starovoitov conquered Laughter Without Rules (TNT) three times. In 2013, he became a regular participant in the Stand Up program.

In his speeches, Stanislav often talks about family life, raising his daughter Mashenka and his relationship with his beloved wife Marina.

Ivan Abramov - “intellectual”

He was born in Vologda. Ivan has Jewish roots. At one time, Abramov performed in KVN as part of the Parapaparam team. Since 2013, the guy has been using various musical instruments in his performances. Ivan is married and has a little daughter.

Timur Karginov - “Caucasian”

Born in 1984 in the Republic of North Ossetia. I always dreamed of becoming a famous actor or TV presenter. From 2006 to 2010 he played in KVN as part of the Pyramid team. In “Stand-up,” Timur talks about the difficult life of Caucasians in Moscow.

Dmitry Romanov - “sad clown”

An Odessa resident with Jewish roots tells funny stories in a unique manner. And even if all the people in the hall were rolling on the floor laughing, he would calmly watch it.

Slava Komissarenko - “cheerful Belarusian”

A charming guy, 2 meters tall, could become a basketball star. But back in high school, he realized that he wanted to make people laugh. In “Stand-up” Komissarenko found his niche. The guy talks about how a Belarusian can survive in Moscow, meet a girl and maintain a relationship.


We talked about those who create Stand-Up Comedy. Participants in this program are listed in the article. Now you know the details of their biography and personal life. Let's wish these cheerful guys creative success and family happiness!

When the Comedy Club was still walking under the table, American stand-up stars were already filling stadiums and having sex no less often than Mick Jagger. But even after the death of such monsters as Richard Pryor and George Carlin, the genre is still alive and well. WNS compiled a hit parade of the 10 funniest modern stand-up comedians.


Who it: A very energetic Irishman. O'Brien is called Britain's most beloved Irishman: he constantly hosts various TV shows, stars in TV series and regularly produces concert programs that attract full houses. One of Dara’s main tricks is communicating with the audience, and for every line from the audience he is able to instantly come up with two or three jokes, a sketch or a small one-man show.
What's good: Improvisation.
Fact: Unlike many comedians who are completely focused on their profession, Dara took the time to graduate from college. So he's the funniest graduate theoretical physicist ever.

“If you seriously think that God created you exactly the way you are, I highly recommend looking at yourself in the mirror after your morning shower. This is the same author who created sunsets and mountain peaks - what a bad day he had if at the same time he decided to create this too!”

“Once you become a Catholic, there is no way to stop being one. Even a lack of faith in God is not considered a valid reason to leave the ranks of Catholics. You can join the Taliban - and still the most you will get is the status of a “bad Catholic”.


“I remember my parents’ family quarrels: dad holding a chair, mom swinging an ax...”

"If you're old enough to buy beer but your mom still makes you breakfast, you're banned from the boys' club as of today."


Who it: Blonde with an accent. It's difficult, of course, to take seriously a man who barely caught Windows 95, but in the case of Daniel Sloss this is not necessary: ​​the 22-year-old Scot has already established himself as a promising comedian. While his peers are making wisecracks on the Internet, Sloss is writing full-length performance scripts. His first set lasted only five minutes, but was liked by both the audience and the critics. At the moment, the guy is considered one of the most promising young stand-up artists, so it’s worth remembering his name.
What's good: He is old enough to be the son of most famous stand-up comedians, and therefore fits well into the image of the “voice of the new generation.”
Fact: I entered the history department, but abandoned my studies in favor of stand-up and, it seems, I was right.

“Nature hates me. Every time we meet, she tries to kill me. There is nothing like this at home in Scotland, the wildlife there is a gopher at most.”

“I don’t tell stories about sex because of my appearance. If I start talking about my relationship, it will look like testimony in court."

“I didn’t start drinking rum and juice because I was questioning my sexuality. I watch my figure. I know I sounded like a 16-year-old girl right now.”

7. Dylan Moran

Who it: Famous Irish actor, screenwriter and stand-up comedian without the slightest signs of stardom. On stage he usually looks like he has just been pulled out of bed. Moran's first performances took place while still in school, and at the age of 24 he became the youngest winner of the Perrier Comedy Award. But real popularity came to Moran in 2000, when television aired the first season of the sitcom “Black’s Bookshop.” The image of Bernard Black, a sarcastic Irish misanthrope with a lot of bad habits, has become so ingrained in the comedian that he still appears in his live performances.
What's good: Intellectual jokes, good reactions and developed imagination, as well as the fact that, unlike other comedians, he went to Russia with concerts.
Fact: In his youth, he got a job as a florist, and did this backbreaking slave labor for a whole week.

“I’m a vegetarian, but not a strict one. You see, I like to eat meat, but only because I like the taste.
In my opinion, morally I won.”

“But there were times when a man was a man. He could, without hesitation, express his authoritative opinion on an issue that he did not understand at all.”


Who it: A witty artist and a good actor. And yes, he is a transvestite. Izzard has a surprisingly harmonious stage image and amazing charisma, so that even the most conservative homophobes forget after a minute that they are looking at a bearded man in a dress. Most often, Izzard's performances are compared to a Monty Python show, and even one of the band members, John Cleese, acknowledged this similarity. In an hour and a half on stage, the stand-up artist plays so many roles that it would be enough for four, transforming himself into a dog, a tractor, or a god, parodying different voices and accents and not allowing the audience to be distracted for a second. They say that at the beginning of his career, performing on the street, he attracted more spectators than the fire that happened nearby.
What's good: Healthy self-irony and the ability to play several roles simultaneously.
Fact: On stage, Eddie most often works without a script, although he is the author of the super popular British sitcom “Ideal” about a good-for-nothing huckster from Manchester.

"During puberty, you think, 'I want to date.
with someone, I want to look great!” And Mother Nature to you
in response: “Nah, you'll look worse than ever
In my life".


Who it: Paradox Man. “Underground” English stand-up artist Stuart Lee, despite all his intelligence, has a rather scandalous reputation. Encyclopedically well-read and well versed in history, art and philosophy, this comedian can afford to make fun of any problem. For example, in 2003, together with Richard Thomas, he wrote the musical “Jerry Springer: The Opera,” the production of which, in addition to success with the audience, resulted in a summons to court on charges of blasphemy.
What's good: Intelligent, but at the same time uncompromising humor.
Fact: Lee is ranked 41st on the list of the top 100 comedians of all time.

“You know those shows for young angry comedians? I'm not invited to them. There is a microphone in the center, and all the comedians run towards it. Whoever gets there first is the evil one.”

“What appeals to me most about Catholicism is that it combines the search for spiritual meaning with a love of souvenirs.”

“Catholicism is my favorite form of world evil.”


Who it: Provocateur and cynic. Namesake of the author of a best-selling book on quitting smoking and a true master of short jokes. Essentially, his speeches consist of hundreds of short one-liners - offensive, provocative, cynical and extremely frank. Carr loves to mock his viewers. Anyone who buys a ticket to his show should be prepared for shock treatment. It feels like there are absolutely no boundaries for Jimmy Carr. For example, speaking in Ireland, he might say to the audience: “I don’t know much about your politics, but I think we need a united Ireland!” And then, after waiting for jubilation and applause, add: “United under British rule.”
What's good: Makes people laugh, even if it makes them feel awkward.
Fact: Before taking up stand-up, Carr was a religious youth who maintained his virginity until he was 26, graduated with honors from Cambridge and successfully worked for a multinational corporation.

“It’s stupid to beat your wife. After all, this is YOUR wife. It’s like scratching your own car with a key.”

“Many people cry when they cut onions. This can be avoided: just don’t get so attached to him.”


Who is she: Beautiful girl. Actress and composer Sarah Silverman looks like a typical “girl next door”, but she is charming, smart and sharp-tongued. She won the hearts of Americans back in the early 90s, when she took part in the “Saturday Night Live” project. With a deliberately innocent expression on her face, she harshly ridicules racism, sexism and religion, while not mincing her words at all. Thanks to Sarah's melodious voice and big brown eyes, she can get away with even crude jokes that are not allowed on TV. Not long ago, Comedy Central launched Sarah’s personal TV show, which is now airing on the Russian version of the channel – Paramount Comedy.
What's good: Her jokes do not fit into traditional ideas about “female humor” and are sometimes quite cynical. Plus, she's just a joy to look at.
Fact: I met with another famous joker - Jimmy Kimmel. The couple broke up, but some good things still came out of their union - everyone laughed until they cried over the videos I'm F**king Matt Damon and I'm F**king Ben Affleck, shot by Sarah and Jimmy solely out of love trolling Internet.


Who is he: An English comedian beloved by Americans. Some have accused Gervais of being arrogant, but after two Emmys, three Golden Globes and seven BAFTAs, he's entitled to any antics. Gervais is actively working on films and TV series (The Office, which was later remade by the Americans, brought him worldwide popularity). In stand-up, this comedian takes the position of a provocateur and jokes about religion, politics and social norms on the verge, and sometimes beyond the bounds of what is permitted. Ricky is an atheist, animal rights activist and a confirmed bachelor. It seems that he simply has an inhuman gift of persuasion, since he makes people laugh at what is sacred to them, and manages to date the same woman for 30 years without leading her down the aisle.
What's good: Everyone (as a comedian).
Fact: Became a character in the GTA game.

“I am with both hands for the eradication of hunger. Provided that it doesn’t affect me in any way.”

“No topics are taboo. There are bad jokes."


Who it: A bearded middle-aged man, inclined to share with the audience such thoughts and observations that few would dare to voice even to a confessor. According to rumors, Louis made the decision to become a comedian at the age of seven. It is unknown how everything really happened, but in general his creative biography can be called quite successful: at the moment, Szekely’s luggage includes five special shows for HBO, collaboration with Chris Rock, two of his own sitcoms and the unofficial title of the best American stand-up artist of recent years . It's no secret that comedians often use facts from their own biography in their performances. Székely squared this frankness and built his programs on personal experiences. Marriage, divorce, children, sex, health problems - the comedian brings these topics to the public's attention, adding very frank details. His performances often go beyond the bounds of decency, but are completely devoid of aggression. He laughs at himself, and this sets him apart from all other artists.
What's good: Relieves fears of growing up and complexes about appearance. Looking at Székely, you understand that you can be red-haired, freckled, chubby, balding and forty-five years old - and still be very cool.
Fact: He spent the first seven years of his life in Mexico City.

“There's a reason they say 'girls go crazy' and not 'women go crazy'. When girls go crazy, they show their breasts to people. When grown women go crazy, they kill men.”

“You can tell how bad a person you are by how quickly you were able to masturbate after the tragic events of 9/11. In my case, this is the interval between the falls of the 1st and 2nd buildings.”

“My lunch ends not when I’m full and can’t fit in anymore, but when I start to hate myself.”

Their humor is loved all over the world, they are called idols and in some ways they are even imitated by modern Russian comedians. If you have never watched an English-language stand-up in your life, we advise you to start getting acquainted with these guys from the selection. Believe me, their stand-up performances are a great alternative to TV series.

George Carlin

When we talk about modern stand-up comedy, we most often think about George Carlin. There are many excerpts of his speeches circulating on the Internet, and people share scathing quotes, without even knowing whose words they are. For example.

“Religion is like a penis. It's normal when you have it. It's nice if you're proud of him. But please don't take it out and wave it around in public. And please don't try to push it on my children."

George Carlin is one of the pioneers of the genre, an actor and writer, winner of four Grammy awards and the Mark Twain Award. He shared his insightful observations with the audience, joked about politics, religion, sex, ridiculed the vices of Americans, and he was applauded for it.

“I was wondering why people, as they get older, read the Bible more and more actively. And then it dawned on me: they are preparing for the final exam.”

Carlin started as a DJ at a radio station, then staged comedy numbers in nightclubs, and was a frequent guest on various television shows. His popularity grew like a snowball. Most of his jokes were, in one way or another, a form of ironic social criticism. But real popularity came to Carlin with the release of his monologue “Seven Words You Never Say on Television.” Not only fame then fell on the comedian, but also a lot of criticism. But the court did not punish for such an extraordinary monologue.

Carlin has released 14 full-length stand-ups (one and a half to two hours of humor). The last It's Bad for Ya was filmed four months before his death. Carlin died at age 71 (2008) from heart failure.

Louis C.K.

The main American comedian of our time, the heir to the grumbling style of George Carlin, is Louis C.K. I started by writing texts for other comedians and TV presenters. Success came to him when Louis was already over 40. The theme of the midlife crisis turned out to be a gold mine; C.K. exploits with might and main the image of an irritated man who is divorced, has two daughters and eats immoderately. Humor may seem very cynical, but it’s worth watching HOW he delivers his monologues, and you understand that everything he says is imbued with love for people.

“I never judge other parents. You know, that moment when you see a mother at McDonald's or somewhere else and she yells at the child: “Shut up! I hate you". And people stand and look condemningly: “God, what a terrible mother!” Just so you know: these people are not parents, they don’t have children. Because any parent in their place would think: “What did this little asshole do?!” Poor woman!"

From 2010 to 2015, Louis personally created a television sitcom with his own name “Louie” - perhaps the best series in the “sitcom about a stand-up comedian” genre.

Dylan Moran

Having stumbled upon a video of this Irish comedian on YouTube, most will probably think: “Hey man, looks like you had a fun night.” Sticking hair, careless clothes, a cigarette in hand, and often a glass of wine. Dylan Moran is one of the best comedians in the world, funny, sometimes ridiculous, but leaves no one indifferent. His humor is essentially classic observational comedy.

“I don't do drugs. I don't need this anymore. I’m old, and if I need a visit now, I just need to suddenly get up from my chair.”

At the same time, Moran tries not to talk about his personal life and simply hates giving interviews. The comedian began his career at the age of 20, at 24 he became the youngest winner of the Perrier Comedy Award, and at 25 he went on his first UK tour. At the beginning of the 2000s, he created the cult sitcom “Black’s Bookstore,” where Moran plays Black himself, the owner of a bookstore who drinks, smokes and hates everyone in the world.

Moran now still acts in films, but spends most of his time touring. By the way, he has performed in Russia more than once.

Eddie Izzard

The most famous transvestite in stand-up comedy and seemingly the only one so far. He came to success in the early 90s, when he appeared on stage exclusively in women's dresses, stiletto heels and full makeup. Now he is more reserved: men's shirts, ties and suits - however, the eyeliner, heels and painted nails remain. Despite his stage image, he was and remains a heterosexual man.

Izzard has dyslexia (a selective impairment of the ability to master reading and writing skills while maintaining general learning ability), and there are rumors that it is because of this that he does not prepare for performances. Therefore, it may seem that he jumps from place to place and the events of his monologue are incoherent. But this is the peculiarity of Izzard’s humor: reduction to the absurd, improvisation and unusual views on things. For example, Izzard said, like Jesus preaching to dinosaurs.

Eddie Izzard is one of the rare comedians who makes full use of pantomime and parody, and he is also a man of unprecedented erudition, often joking about historical events, ballet and space programs.

You might not know him as a comedian, but you definitely noticed him in movies or TV series. Appearance in "Hannibal", the role of a criminal expert in "Ocean's Friends", the main role in the film "Lost Christmas". He's really damn talented.

Jimmy Carr

Carr is English to the core. Dry British presentation, theatrical pauses and... a minimum of emotions. His sharp jokes and dark humor are not everyone's cup of tea (Jimmy got in trouble for making jokes about people with Down syndrome), which Carr takes in stride, saying that people have the right to be offended, but he also has the right to freely joke about things. wants.

“The most widespread superstition in the world is the belief in horoscopes. And there is a name for people who believe in horoscopes, they are called single women.”

Having received a good education and starting to build a career in an oil and gas company, Jimmy suddenly changed his professional future, moving into the field of stand-up comedy in 2000. Now he constantly tours, performing at comedy evenings and festivals. By the way, Carr is a master of “oneliners” (short jokes), he even wrote a book about this.

Having earned a good reputation in the stand-up environment, Carr began working as a presenter on television.

Bill Burr

Many fans of the show liked Alexey’s jokes. Alexey’s humor is similar to photographs, but taken from a certain angle, “comic”. In it, everyone will hear something that he personally met and experienced more than once in his life, but did not pay much attention to. The humor is built on personal observations, jokes on the topic of family. Alexey has a wife and son.

A tall guy with luxuriant hair. Stand-up audiences appreciated his Jewish humor. Odessa. Dima doesn’t invent jokes, but takes them from life, not only his own, but also that of his friends and family. Talks about natural frugality and control over financial spending, observes human relationships. Roman has a legal wife, Christina.

Elena does not hide her age, but always clarifies it in her speeches. He talks about his teenage son and little daughter. The humor is harsh in places, about the whole truth in raising children, about the behavioral characteristics of each child. She graduated from the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School, course of Yu. Eremin, in Moscow. From 1998 to 2004 - actress of the Moscow Drama Theater named after Pushkin.

Every time he goes on stage, he feels jittery. A glass of water helps him cope with anxiety. Ivan Abramov does not accept nicotine and alcohol. The genre in which he performs is described by his colleagues as musical - Abramov himself calls himself an intelligent comedian. The guy affects domestic and foreign show business. He is married, and a daughter was born into the family.

Ivan came from Belarus. A young guy confidently storming the stand-up stage. The guy’s jokes tell about the life of a newcomer to Moscow, about how he rents an apartment, girls and friends from Belarus. Vanya’s witty jokes were well remembered by the viewer back in the Comedy Battle.

In the show, Standup often jokes about his nationality, his wife and daughter, these are real life stories that he presents from a completely incredible angle. The guy is remembered for his manner of speaking and facial expressions. He tells the funniest things with a completely serious face.

The comedy show “Comedy Club” became a real springboard in the artist’s career. The performance cemented his image as a “glamorous scumbag” who based his performances on offensive jokes. The performance was so successful that he continued their format in the future. Pavel successfully attracts audiences at his own concerts with monologues, and acts in films.

Already while studying at school, the artistic inclinations of the future showman began to appear. In life, Ruslan is serious and thoughtful. In his stand-up monologues, the guy talks about his service in the army, about his father, and about how he moved to live from Voronezh to Moscow. He does not forget about Russian show business and modern rap singers. On stage he masterfully approaches monologues and shows a first-class level.

Most often, Slava talks about his friends, acquaintances, as well as about his girlfriend and the relationship between them. On the one hand, these numbers are similar to the usual reasoning of an ordinary person, but this guy’s observation skills and his ability to look at a trivial situation from a non-standard angle make these scenes truly funny.

He is a native of Tomsk. The understanding that a technical education would not be useful to him came to Starovoitov during his active participation in the performances of the university KVN team. The guy himself writes scripts and jokes for the team. Together with a colleague he created the duet “Revolver”. It was this project that became the lucky ticket that brought the artist to central television. In stand-up, Stas talks about his relationships with his wife and child. Viewers loved the stand-up comedian’s “family-friendly” jokes.

Even during his school years, the boy attracted the attention of classmates and teachers with his unusual sense of humor. Timur never minced words; he had a witty joke ready for every situation. Most of the speeches are dedicated to Caucasians and their difficult life in Moscow. Officially not married, but has a girlfriend.

American comedians are the most popular on the planet today. All actors who plan to perform in this genre are guided by them.

Jim carrey

Many American comedians today admire the talent of Jim Carrey. This actor continues to delight audiences today with new roles in hilarious comedies, and also acts as a producer and screenwriter. The films “The Mask”, “Ace Ventura: Pet Detective”, “Dumb and Dumber” brought him fame. He has two Golden Globes and a BAFTA nomination. True, he was never considered among the contenders for the main US film award, the Oscar. Film academics prefer dramatic actors, often belittling the merits of comedians.

His characters are always naive and appear to the audience as people of small minds. At the same time, they are spontaneous and constantly find themselves in various absurd situations. Many American comedians, a list of which you will find in this article, have adopted many professional techniques from Kerry that simply captivate the viewer. Jim Carrey works hard on his comic timing. With just one facial expression, he is able to make everyone in the cinema laugh.

Robin Williams

American comedians are often not only funny and absurd, but also evoke a range of other feelings in the audience. They know how to compassion and love. These are the images Robin Williams often created on screen. He gained popularity after the TV series “Mork and Mindy.” In it he played an alien from a distant planet who came to Earth to study people and their habits. One thing Williams could never be denied was his charm, even when playing an alien who bore little resemblance to a normal human.

Many American comedians are learning this from him today. Actors who are called upon to amuse the audience often dream of playing dramatic roles. Williams managed to combine comedy and drama in one character. After the musical film Popeye, where he played the lead role of a classic cartoon sailor, the Harold Ramsey comedy The Paradise Club, where Williams played a Chicago fireman who goes to the Caribbean to spend his insurance money, he got real dramatic roles. .

In 1987, Robin Williams plays a pacifist DJ in Barry Levinson's drama Good Morning, Vietnam. He played the host of an American army radio station in Saigon at the height of the Vietnam War, who refuses to take up arms and kill. This work received an Oscar nomination. As a result, he received the highest American film award once - in 1998 for Best Supporting Actor in Gus van Sant's drama Good Will Hunting. In the memory of most viewers, Williams will remain the consummate comedian with a sad smile.

Richard Pryor

American comedians often joke about sensitive and unpopular topics. For example, about the problem of racism and social difficulties. One of the most famous actors in this field is Richard Pryor. His speeches were often politically incorrect, filled with rudeness, obscene language and vulgar jokes. Pryor is one of the founders of the stand-up genre. Many modern Russian and American stand-up comedians look up to him.

He began performing on stage in the late 50s. At first he was quite traditional, not standing out from the rest of the comedians. Back then, many American stand-up comedians joked on certain topics, without going beyond the established framework. Pryor changed that. He began to base his performances on the incredible autobiographical material that he had in abundance. What is worth mentioning is that his parents were a boxer and a prostitute. And he was raised by his grandmother, who had her own brothel. His crazy performances are still remembered today. This is the kind of fame many of today's American comedians would desire. Actors on stage often transform themselves, and Pryor never seemed to get out of character. One day he doused himself in rum from head to toe and then started smoking, causing him to catch fire.

George Carlin

Photos of American comedians present us with an actor like George Carlin. This is another famous stand-up comedian. He is considered a specialist in black humor; most of his jokes are vivid examples of social criticism of the life of modern society. And it doesn’t matter what he’s talking about - about private little things or global problems. For example, Carlin once noted the balance in nature in that most opponents of abortion are women with whom no one would ever want to have sex.

This comedian is one of the most recognizable faces of HBO. He is an ardent supporter of permissiveness on the silver screen. There is a well-known story when his number called “7 words you can’t say on TV” became the cause of a lawsuit. As a result, the court ruled by one vote that the US government has the right to regulate the broadcast of obscene materials on public television channels. This was an important milestone in the history of television censorship.

Louis C.K.

Louis C.K. is one of Carlin's most famous and successful followers. He started his career and the Letterman show, like many American comedians. The actors whose photos you will find in this article often attended this TV show. Louis CK began his path to fame with her. True, from the beginning of the 90s to the mid-2000s, he did not stand out much from the general background. Until he found a gold mine - a topic that he still makes fun of to this day. This is a midlife crisis for men who have unsuccessfully married, but have already managed to have children.

His stage image is that of a rude irritated by everything and everyone. He criticizes everyone around him - his own children, hipsters and even deer. Despite the fact that he insults everyone around him and wishes death on many of them, it is felt that this comedian has a big and kind heart. This is another feature of Louis CK that sets him apart from other politically incorrect comedians.

Bill Hicks

At one time, Bill Hicks was an alternative to Carlin. His speeches were often even angrier and more cynical. At first he looked like a comedian who would not be able to rise from the level of mid-level clubs. The illegal substances he abused played a certain role in this.

However, he eventually managed to achieve fame, mostly scandalous. Few people liked him because he insulted everyone from the stage. Even those who treated him with reverence. He was sure that there were no taboo topics in humor. He could enthusiastically joke about Hitler and the genocide of the Jews if the number seemed successful to him.

Andy Kaufman

Kaufman constantly performed on stage in different roles. He had a lot of stage roles. Elvis Presley impresario, Polish immigrant, bad vocalist.

Many who closely followed his career believe that the comedian himself was in these images. But practically no one knew the real Kaufman. His signature joke was a skit dedicated to staging his death. Therefore, when he died of lung cancer, many did not believe it. And they still don’t believe it.