Interview with Ruslan Mukhtarov. Ruslan “Kinder” Mukhtarov: everyone wants to get on TV In Ufa you had your own stand-up project - “Smetana comedy”

Photo by Miron Dorovskikh.

25.11.2016 18:16:29

A famous stand-up comedian, organizer and host of humorous events, participant in the popular television projects “Comedy Battle”, “Make the Comedian Laugh”, “Battle for the Air”, “Laughter Without Rules”, “You’re Funny”, “Comedians” came to Ufa "Kinder" Mukhtarov. A few years ago, he moved to Moscow with his family, became deeply involved in creativity and achieved some success.

In an exclusive interview with Elektrogazeta, Ruslan spoke about his numerous humorous projects, life in Moscow and explained the place stand-up occupies in his work.

Stand-up allows you to be open on stage, without any cuts. Many Russian stand-up comedians came to this genre from KVN - in our country this is the main school of humor. Unexpectedly, when I moved to Moscow, I began to prove myself in stand-up. I studied, made certain decisions for myself, and at this stage I came to something.

- In Ufa you had your own stand-up project - “Smetana comedy”.

The project will turn ten years old in December. But this is not stand-up. When we started, stand-up was unpopular. We made miniatures similar to the Comedy Club program. Then we had musical elements of the show, video, stand-up. The show became rich and vibrant. But I wasn’t doing stand-up then. It was only when I moved to Moscow that I mastered this genre. Now stand-up is my main area of ​​activity.

- How did you decide to move from Ufa to Moscow?

This question is often asked to me. They also add, why at this age? Because mostly young people go there. I will answer that every comedian has a dream, certain goals. The main place in my life is occupied by creativity and family. Together with my wife and sons, we decided to move to Moscow and did not regret it at all. In addition to participating in stand-up projects, interesting offers constantly appear. I receive invitations to appear in short films, TV series, and voice-overs for radio commercials. It’s impossible to list everything. But the main thing is stand-up. I've been touring a lot lately. It’s good that there are trips, interesting acquaintances, friendships with creative people.

- Tell us about your projects in Moscow.

In Moscow, together with my wife Marina (this is the creative association “Just for Joke”), we organize several stand-up projects. We have our own team - the guys help us a lot. We hold manimakes - a new direction when strong comedians compete with each other for a cash prize, open microphones where anyone can test their strength, and other events: women's stand-up, wild stand-up, there was an unusual event in the theater. We try and experiment. In two years we held about 150 events.

- How do the Moscow public perceive your projects?

In Moscow there is very good, proper competition that promotes development. If someone pushes you, tries to move you, you force yourself to work even harder. We have friends, we have competitors. In Moscow there is always a choice. The public comes to us and attends other events. But the main indicator is that we have regular viewers, comedians who always perform with us. Young guys who are just discovering stand-up come to us, as well as strong comedians whom the whole of Russia loves and sees on TV channels.

- Compared to Ufa, do more prospects open up in Moscow?

It all depends on the person who holds his weapon in his hands. My weapon is humor. I understand perfectly well that some people like me, some don’t, some follow my work, others, on the contrary, do whatever they can to avoid hearing my name. But when you do what you love, there will definitely be some kind of result, regardless of what city you live in. But Moscow, naturally, gives you more chances to make your dreams come true. The rest is completely up to the person. There will always be people who will tell you which direction to move in, who will notice you and give you a chance. You need to try and believe in yourself. It is very important to me that my family supports me in everything.

- You participate in various television projects. Do you dream of being on TV?

It's not that easy to get there. It all depends on who you are and what you represent. I periodically act in television shows. Some things work out for me, some things don’t. Among my most recent achievements, I can name my victory in the show “Make a Comedian Laugh.” I've always liked to compete. Everyone wants to be on TV. Those who say otherwise are lying. For those who deal with humor, getting on television is a kind of outcome, an indicator of what you were able to achieve.

- What is your main goal at this stage?

To be funnier, more interesting to the viewer, richer, brighter, more productive. I'm always dissatisfied with myself. I'm currently working on adding more depth to my performances. I haven't fully found myself yet.

- What are the main topics of your speeches?

The topics are always different. Sometimes I want to talk about my experiences, for example, I am worried about aging and baldness. I also discuss whether certain parents raise their children correctly; this is interesting to me because I myself have two sons. Through the prism of envy, I talk about the victories of my eldest son - he is a seven-time Russian champion in hip-hop dancing. I envy him with good white envy, because at ten years old I did not have such achievements. I can also tell you about my mother-in-law with humor.

- Your eldest son also tried himself in stand-up.

Yes, he is also a little into stand-up. So far he is not doing very well, but there are achievements. He took part in the “Make the Comedian Laugh” project. But dancing comes first for him. The youngest son is five years old, and he also goes to hip-hop.

You don’t forget about your native republic, you perform in Ufa. Is there a difference between how you are received in Bashkiria and in Moscow?

The audience is always different. Those who know you well and are waiting for you come to Bashkiria. In Moscow I am an artist among other artists. I need to prove to the public that I am worthy of attention, that I need to be listened to, that I can convey my thoughts. Sometimes it’s difficult, sometimes it’s easy. There are very demanding spectators. You have to adapt to the audience.

After moving to Moscow, your image changed. First a mustache appeared, then you cut your hair short and got your ear pierced.

When I worked at the university, hosting certain events, I couldn’t afford to look the way I wanted. Now my direction is humor, and I can afford it. I like it, I feel so comfortable.

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The comedian, a participant in the TV project “Weekend Show” on STS, became the owner of “Small KiViN in the Dark” as part of the KVN team “Let’s be friends with families” at the music festival “Voting KiViN 2018”.

I made it to the Major Leagues at 35 years old. It is very strange

How did you find him?
Every comedian is always looking for himself. I was looking too, but it often happens that the desired image is nearby. This is my life. I often joke about everyday things, my real experiences, and I enjoy it. Ninety percent of what I say on stage is true. The remaining ten are to make the material funny.

Did you grow a mustache specifically for the image?
It happened by accident. I love fishing, I once took myself on a mini-vacation, came to Ufa to visit my mother and for a week straight I just fished and slept, fished and slept. I didn’t shave all this time, and then I decided to leave the mustache, I just liked it. Now no one can imagine me without a mustache, but at first all my friends reacted very strangely, I immediately began to look ten years older. The mustache added some color to the look, but it turned out that this is actually who I am. I am an old man at heart, although my wife scolds me for it.

Danila Poperechny with her stand-up attracts an audience of thousands, and then millions of views on the Internet. You also have something specifically for YouTube, are you developing this area?
So far I haven’t been able to find myself for an online audience. I was invited to various projects in the image of Bati - I like it. If there are clear boundaries on TV, then on the Internet they are wider. And along with this, our own project “Father for Fun” appeared, which we are now planning to continue with one Ufa guy who moved to Moscow and plays music here. We'll record a new track, shoot a new video.

You have participated in many competitive comedy projects on TNT, and there are comedians who, it seems, for the last ten years have only been doing these shows, although they never win anything. What's the point?
Any comedian wants to realize himself, to do this more effectively, naturally, he needs to get on TV. You can go to bars and clubs and find your audience there, but if you appear on TV, it will be easier for you, because they will already be calling you.

How did you get into the “Weekend Show” on STS?
Invited. STS needed a family comedian, and they invited me. I am listened to by a family audience, but since I also joke about my sons, I am also interesting to young people. I really enjoy it there. This is one of the most comfortable platforms because there is no competitive element there. Now we are waiting for the second season.

How many years did you play in KVN and how long did you not play before you started again?
Apart from school KVN, I have been playing it since 2000. There was a team called Crazy Lawyers, from which I was invited to “Shiza” when I was a 2nd year student. And I never finished with KVN. I had a period when I was already sitting at home in Moscow, and suddenly I had a free day. I google and look: there is a KVN festival in the Moscow region. I write to the organizers, come alone and play as a one-man team. This is how I won the Summer Cup of the Moscow Region League. Yes, there were long breaks, but I didn’t forget KVN. And then the Ural team in the Premier League final invited me to play the frontman’s dad in an episode. It lasted 30 seconds, but there was a response, there were memes in the KVnov public pages. This is not my merit, but the merit of a funny joke, but after that the calls began, including from the “Let's be friends with families” team.

At this year's Voice Kivin you won the Small KiViN in the Dark. Big achievement for the team?
Our first trip together was “Voting KiViN” a year ago. We tried very hard, we made it to the gala concert, but we understood that we would not get the bird. When after that we played the Mayor's Cup, the Sochi Festival, one eighth and one fourth in the Major League, we set a goal to go for the bird. This was a clear position. We have a good efficient team, a wonderful group of authors, we worked hard and wanted this bird. I don’t know what the audience will say when they watch it, but there is a result and we are very happy.

In the fall you will have the semi-finals of the Major League...
Yes, it will be a makhach!

It’s obvious that you dreamed of this while playing in “Shiz”. How did you feel when you achieved this now?
I made it to the Major Leagues at 35 years old. It is very strange. Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov is unlikely to know, but the director, editors - everyone knows that I am from “Shiza”, everyone remembers this team and treats it very well. And when you go on stage in front of this entire elite, led by Ernst, it seems like, yes, a dream has come true, somewhere in your soul a lyrical slow song is playing, but naturally I would have been more happy if I had gotten on this stage when I was sick game.

On Channel One you are now also an expert in the “Saw Video” program. Will you continue?
If they call. This is essentially a modern “Your own director.” There are two sofas: on one there are guests from the videos, on the second there are experts who are invited to discuss them. I was invited twice, I enjoyed sitting there, everything was nice, positive, animals, children, broadcast at 18:15 for housewives. You sit on the couch with Levkin from “Na-Na,” adult actresses, participants in “Star Factory,” someone from “Full House.” And you realize that in this project, you are not the oldest - it’s cool.

Ruslan Mukhtarov graduated from BSPU, was the head of the KVN league Season and the KVN league of USPTU in Ufa. He took part in such television projects as “Open Microphone”, “Comedy Battle. Without Borders" and "Laughter Without Rules" on TNT. Became a semi-finalist in the KVN Major League with the team “Let’s be friends with families.” He performs stand-up and organizes open microphones within the framework of the creative association “Jokes for the Sake”.

Text: Andrey Yurtaev
Photo: Marina Mukhtarova

This man is familiar to everyone who has heard at least a little about the Ufa KVN and has at least once attended the game. He is the author of all kinds of humorous projects, the leading and editor-in-chief of the KVN league “Season”, director of the creative association “Jokes for the Sake...”. His name is Ruslan Mukhtarov, but many know him by the simple and sonorous name Kinder.

Just for fun, I went to an Internet search engine. At the request of Kinder, the virtual monster gave me all kinds of sites about children and eggs with surprises. The request “Ruslan Mukhtarov” was even more surprising. It turned out that among the namesakes of our captain there is a fencer, a mental patient, a border guard, and even a maniac. Everything was clarified by my last request “Ruslan “Kinder” Mukhtarov.” There is no competition here! Just like the song says: “He’s the only one in this world, he’s the only one on this planet...”. Our favorite kaveen player reigns supreme in as many as 400 pages!
Well, many people really know Kinder. Still would! After all, this is not the first year that this person has been in KVN. He managed to play in many famous teams: “Sixth Project”, “Shesare”, “Lamp”, “K-2”, and still participates in various KVN leagues, traveling throughout our vast country. For the third year now he has been leading the Ufa KVN league, and for two years he has been involved in the most popular Ufa stand-up project “Smetana Comedy”. In general, Kinder’s life is bright and unusual, and he is not going to stop there!
“I have plans to travel around the country, take part in different KVN leagues,” says Ruslan. By the way, my KVN team “K-1” consists of only one person. That is, I myself am the author, the performer, and the captain.
- How did it happen that you were left alone?
- You see, it is very difficult to find a person who is completely suitable for you. Previously, the team was called “K-2”, and I played in it together with Kim Akatiev. He and I matched very well in terms of playing, authorship, and energy. Our team had its own style, the acting skills were at the highest level. But Kim left KVN, and replacing him with someone is unrealistic. So now there is only “K-1” this is “Kinder”.
Isn’t it difficult to play alone?
- Of course, it can be difficult, but I can cope. I knew before that I could work alone, but I had no idea that I could play KVN alone. And the “Laughter Without Rules” project instilled confidence in me. There I realized that I could cope alone. After all, it’s easier when you yourself are both the author and the performer - you write for yourself, you know what you can master and what you can’t. Of course, it’s difficult in the sense that you have to play all the roles alone. But you can also get out of this situation. For example, at one of the games in the “Musical Homework” competition, I sang alone and danced.
- Do you travel to other cities all alone?
- Of course not. My wife Marina always supports me. She rides with me everywhere. You can say that she is the only one in the hall rooting for me. After all, it’s difficult in another city. Each team already has its own fans, but I have to win the love of the viewer from scratch. By the way, I heard that there is another team consisting of one person. A very bright girl from Zaporozhye plays in it. She calls herself “Yulia Blue - that’s me.” She also travels around the country alone, playing in various KVN leagues. And there don’t seem to be any more one-person teams.
Do you know her?
- No, but I would love to meet this girl.
- So maybe you should team up and play together?
- No, I think both she and I won’t be so interested in playing in this case.
In general, how do the audience react when the K-1 team is announced, and you go out alone?
- Yes, that's all right. We have to fight stereotypes. Take, for example, the Samara KVN League. Kim and I also performed at the festival, received the Grand Prix and an invitation to the 1/8. But Kim was no longer able to go, and I decided not to refuse the invitation. Then at 1/8 I took first place and went straight to the semi-finals. As a result, I reached the finals, where I took an honorable fourth place.
Why not the first?
- In fact, the place is not the main thing. The fact is that the jury began to have stereotypes; a KVN team cannot consist of one person. Like one person cannot compete with numerous singing and dancing teams. But I really liked the atmosphere of the Samara KVN League. The audience there is kind, they take humor well and understand my humor. I haven’t experienced such drive during a performance for a long time. I had a blast. When I went to the game, I assumed that I would initially not see a prize place.
I heard that you managed to go to St. Petersburg...
- Yes, and I really liked the audience in St. Petersburg. I went to the St. Petersburg festival of KVN teams, where I also performed absolutely alone. There were no prizes as such. But the jury especially noted me, and I was also invited to join them in one of the KVN leagues. But, unfortunately, due to lack of funding, I abandoned the games.
- What if you look for sponsors?
- Of course, I had ideas about finding sponsors. But money is not the main thing! I do everything for the soul, and I don’t want to turn K-1 into some kind of commercial project.
- Are you going to go to the Sochi festival?
- The desire to go is great. But, of course, not alone. There are ideas, but I won’t give up yet. I wanted to go this year too, but it didn’t work out. So let's wait and see. But the dream remains!
- What are your plans for the upcoming season?
- I’m not going to abandon the Smetana comedy project. In the next season, a lot of surprises await us all. I’m planning a big Smetana concert at the beginning of September. We will definitely continue the series of “Funny, Damn” parties. This project showed that there is interest in improvisational genres in our city. And, by the way, there are many who want to test their strength in this genre. The project itself is very bright, although a little complicated for the participants themselves. It is unexpected, it reveals new hidden talents of people, new faces constantly appear. There will definitely be a festival of women's humor. Now we can't live without women's humor! Video festival too. That is, all the projects that we have started will definitely be in the new season.
Will there be any new projects?
- There is an idea to make another club project - experimental and based on improvisation. Throughout the evening, several people will do something in front of the audience. But for now it will remain a mystery, wait for the season. Also in the new season, our KVN league will risk holding the first open school festival of KVN teams. We will try to make a very bright event and show that school teams are no worse than others. We will look for new faces, new talents both among schoolchildren and college students. After all, not only university students should play in KVN. I would like a new rise in KVN in our republic. That is, this year we would like to get closely involved in the Ufa KVN. I would also, for example, be happy to take up theater. I used to have my own theater studio. And now there are many different ideas. For example, I have had one project in my head for a long time. I would like to involve our bright Kaveen players in a real theatrical production. You can take some famous classic work, preferably a comedy, and make a real performance. We would invite a real director, so as not to disgrace the theatrical art, and we would do everything beautifully.
- What are you planning to do in the summer?
- I have been working at a pioneer camp as a counselor for many years. This year I did not break this good tradition. So, with my wife Marina and son, we are going to camp for the whole summer. We actually met Marina at the camp when we worked as counselors.
Are you also raising your son to become a Kaveen player?
- No. Who he becomes will be his choice. Time will tell everything. He is still small, he is about three years old. The main thing is that he chooses what he likes. And I will only be glad if he finds some creative hobby. After all, creativity makes life much brighter and more fun.