Self-guided guitar lessons. Self-instruction manual for playing the electric guitar

It’s hard to imagine a friendly hike without a fire, favorite songs and warm company. And here there remains one unsolved problem: “how to learn to play the guitar from scratch on your own?” If you are already ripe for such practice, if your hands are ready to play, if your soul is torn by familiar motives, and your fingers are looking for support for picking - congratulations, you are ready to learn to play the guitar. We will try to guide you!

Learning to play the guitar: how to choose an instrument?

Undoubtedly, great desire, this is already half the battle, but you also need a guitar. We really hope that you know that there are guitars today:

  • Classic.
  • Acoustic.
  • Electrical.

The guitar may have:

  • Six strings.
  • Seven strings.
  • And even twelve strings.

In order to learn to play the guitar, beginners will only need to master classical instrument with six strings. It is advisable to first take nylon strings. They will help you keep your fingers safe - and this is extremely important in the first stages.

So, we've decided on the guitar, all that remains are the accessories. Since we study on our own, we must be fully prepared that no one will tune the instrument for us every hour. In this regard, we need a tuner. You can also buy a case to easily travel with your instrument, a pick, and a stand for your left foot.

How to learn to play guitar from scratch at home? For newbies:

So you've got your hands on a guitar, where do you start to get beautiful music flowing out of it?

Or, in other words, how to learn to play guitar from scratch? Of course, you will need video tutorials for beginners. But even this is not a guarantee of success.

Get ready that between your statement “I want to play the guitar” and the real “I already play the guitar” time will pass. Before your chords form a full-fledged melody, you will have to learn many basics. But don't worry, all aspiring guitarists have gone through this. The main thing is to devote at least half an hour a day to studying. Practice regularly at home and you'll soon surprise your friends with a decent game.

So, first learn what elements a guitar consists of. Now this is your comrade, friend, assistant, adviser, and also the best outlet in life. Thus, you just need to know what a guitar is made of.

Any guitar has a head, body and neck. Take a close look at the photo of the structure of this musical instrument: pay attention to the frets, strings, fret nuts and sound hole - you will need all this to produce sound. In order to hold your guitar correctly, it is very important to know where the shell, bridge and saddle are located.

Correct fit

First of all, you need to understand how to properly hold the instrument in your hands. Of course, you need to take the right attitude. It consists of always keeping your back straight, without leaning your elbows, without throwing your body back. In this case, the left leg is elevated. IN right leg The base of the tool always rests. Next we will tell you how to learn to play the guitar, and there will also be video lessons at your disposal.

Correct hand placement

You and I have not yet learned how to extract sound from a guitar. After all, a guitar definitely requires a special approach.

Let's look at the hands:

  • The left hand covers the bar well.
  • The right hand is responsible for producing a clear, clear sound. In order to do this, you need to relax her.
  • Place your right elbow at the intersection of the bridge and the side of your guitar. To do this, you need to draw a conditional line from the stand to the shell.
  • Get your fingers ready for fingering.

It is impossible to quickly learn to play an instrument until you learn the position of your fingers. Each finger has its own position and is also responsible for its own string. All strings are numbered from bottom to top, that is, in the order of sound decay: from the highest to the lowest. Since we have five fingers and six strings, the distribution will be like this:

  • Thumb – fourth, fifth, sixth string (p).
  • Index finger – third string (i).
  • Middle finger – second string (m).
  • The ring finger is the first string (a).

Now is the time to learn what the rhythmic pattern of the right hand is. This is the way you produce sound. Let's say you touch thumb(p) to the sixth string. You place your index finger (i) on the third string, middle finger (m) on the second, and ring finger (a) on the first. Notice that your thumb and forefinger form a cross, and thumb ahead of the rest.

How to learn to play the guitar yourself from scratch: exercises!

Help you learn to play the guitar simple exercises for the right hand:
  • Let's try bass 3, 2, 1, 2, 3.
  • Get your fingers ready to play.
  • Hook your thumb on the sixth string and you get a low, hollow sound.
  • Now pluck strings No. 3, 2, 1, 2, 3 alternately.
  • Repeat the picking, hooking your thumb on the fifth string.

Bass pluck 3, 2, 1. Hook your thumb on the sixth string, and then pluck three strings together: first, third and second.

Learning chords

All we have to do is install the left hand on the guitar, which will help to extract chords or sounds that form the pleasant sound of the musical instrument. At first, it will be unusual to pinch the strings that are located on the fingerboard, but with regular practice your fingers will quickly get used to it.

  • Bend your thumb and place it parallel to the frets.
  • At the same time, you also need to keep your hand slightly rounded, placing all your fingers closer to the frets.
  • The pads of your fingers only touch the strings of the guitar top part, so it’s better for girls to cut their nails.

We already know the numbering order of the strings, now let's study the numbering of the frets (usually they are designated by Roman numerals). One fret on a guitar occupies the space between two iron lines, which are located on the fingerboard perpendicular to the strings. These are called fret saddles. All frets are numbered starting from the beginning of the guitar head. Beginners typically draw chord diagrams starting with the very first three frets (i.e. the Am chord in the key of A minor). In the diagrams, the guitar strings are numbered from top to bottom (1, 2, 3...).

On a guitar it looks like this: you place your left index finger (first fret) on the second string, and middle finger– on the fourth string (second fret). There is also a place for the ring finger on the second fret, but on the third string.

By analogy, the other chords are taken to the Am chord: Dm, E, G, F, C. Their diagrams can be easily found in any tutorial for beginners. You can also watch a video with an analysis of small nuances of chords and frets.

Once you can play chords with confidence on the right strings without touching the ones next to you, you can move on to strumming, picking, or soloing on the guitar by connecting right hand.

It's like the guitar best friend and, as befits any creativity in general, it will put you in the best mood, calm you down Hard time. Many of those who picked up a guitar for the first time believe that it is very difficult to make friends with it, but if you imagine all the problems on the way to mastering this instrument, you will easily succeed in this matter.

Problems in mastering the guitar

  • The opinion is that learning to play the guitar is very difficult. This confidence is formed from someone else’s negative experience, the fear that you will have to learn a lot, and your fear of starting. Well, you still have to learn the notes. As a result, you need to pick up a tutorial, or even more than one, and study a bunch of completely unnecessary information.
  • How to learn to play the guitar at home? The opinion is that to play this musical instrument talent is required. Perhaps you were instilled with fear of your efforts as a child, told that you had no voice or hearing, so now if you dare to sing, it is only in front of the mirror.
  • Confidence that you can learn to play any guitar. A beginner tries to learn from everything that comes to hand, but the wrong guitar, which is suitable only for experienced “grandfathers,” can discourage him from learning.
  • The opinion of teachers is that you should start with the classical guitar. An outside experience, when your friend had to study unsuccessfully and for a long time, discouraged you from learning anything new.
  • Inconvenience and pain after the first steps in mastering the instrument. The first stages of the training are the most difficult, because you develop the motor skills of your fingers, the skin on them begins to ache, the hand quickly gets tired from constant tension, and your back begins to ache from the incorrect position of the body and arms. Pain can definitely turn away the most resistant.
  • Repulsive sound. Perfectionism prevents you from easily exploring new horizons. And also maximalism, which pushes you to study complex songs, while bypassing the easy ones. And as a result, you will study only one song for months, achieving the best sound, picking up the instrument through force and, in the end, just quitting the whole thing.
  • It’s impossible to play and sing at the same time. Once you learn to play and sing separately, you will immediately want to try to combine these skills, but without practice, your first attempts will be quite disastrous.
  • No listeners. There are many reasons why they may not listen to you at all, but the main thing is your lack of love for your work and self-confidence.

We solve problems

  • Don't listen to others. To play the guitar, three months of hard training is enough for you, and you don’t need to know the notes, but ear for music Everyone has it. Unless it needs to be developed, just like the voice.
  • Forget what you were told. Regular training will give results after a month or two. Your singing will change a lot. The guitar will speed up progress, as it is a great stimulus.
  • Choose a guitar for yourself. For beginners, it is better to take an instrument with a small resonator, as well as steel strings for later replacement with others, approximately 10 thick or less.
  • Get ready to work. Remember that your fingers will definitely hurt for the first two months of training. It’s better to exercise every other day, and after exercising, dip your fingers in a little warm water. Your posture should be extremely straight. Never lean over the instrument, do not raise your right elbow, and do not wrap your thumb around the neck of the guitar.
  • Play a variety of simple melodies first. Choose those with a maximum of six chords. When you start playing more confidently, diversify your game and start improvising.
  • Metronome. Get a metronome and play your favorite song slowly. The most important thing is the rhythm. After that, try singing with a metronome, adjust your rhythm to the beat of the metronome. When you realize that you don’t need a metronome, play without it, along with the original recording of the composition.
  • Reflection is your best friend. Tune the instrument and start playing while looking in the mirror. Remember that the singer must be open, look directly at the viewer, and not at all hunched over his guitar. Of course, for this you will need to learn the chords to the point of automaticity.

You now know how to learn to play the guitar from scratch on your own.

How to learn to play guitar from scratch on your own? Video lessons:

Many people consider mastering the guitar an impossible task that takes them long years. This is partly true, but only if you want to master the instrument at a professional level.

Much more often, people want to learn to play the guitar in order to perform their favorite songs in a company or just for fun. In this case, training will not take much effort and time: in two to three months you can easily learn the basic chords and ways of playing.

Don't give up, even if you've already had a bad experience. Talent is only a tenth of success. Determination and regular practice are much more important.

What you will need

  1. Guitar.
  2. Wish. It is even more important than the instrument itself.
  3. Time to study. You can do it easily too, if the desire is strong enough. Moreover, 30 minutes a day will be enough for you.
  4. Teaching aids. There are no problems with them at all: you can buy a tutorial in a bookstore, watch video lessons on YouTube, and find chords on the Internet.

As you can see, nothing supernatural.

Choosing and purchasing a guitar

Let's assume that you have the desire and time. All you have to do is get the tools. They say that any guitar is suitable for a beginner, but this is not true. When the strings touch the frets and cut into your fingers, and the guitar does not stay in tune, there can be no talk of any progress.

A bad instrument will almost certainly discourage you from learning.

Therefore it is better to find good guitar. At first, you can borrow an instrument from one of your friends, and then, if things work out and you like it, get your own. Not necessarily expensive and branded, the main thing is more or less high quality.

There are two main types of acoustic guitars: classical and dreadnought (western). There is an opinion that they are more suitable for beginners classical guitars due to the wide neck and nylon strings. The first feature reduces the chances of accidentally touching an unnecessary string with your fingers, because the distance between the strings is greater than that of a dreadnought. And the nylon strings themselves are softer than metal ones, so they don’t dig into your fingertips as much and cause less calluses.

On the other hand, if performing classical compositions is not part of your plans, it is better to immediately take a dreadnought. This guitar sounds louder and more resonant due to metal strings, and on a narrower neck it is more convenient to play chords. Again, when playing on metal strings, your fingers will become rougher faster and there will be no more calluses.

As a compromise, you can take the dreadnought and replace metal strings nylon ones at least for the duration of training.

When going to the store to buy a guitar, take a friend with you who knows how to play: each instrument has many little details and a beginner may simply not notice them. Choose a guitar not only by appearance, but also for convenience. Pay attention to the possibility of adjusting the neck, the tuning mechanism, and the strings.

Getting to know the guitar

The tool is purchased (or borrowed from friends), and you are one step closer to the goal. Take a close look at the guitar.

The larger part is called the soundboard. A neck is attached to it, ending with a head with pegs: with the help of them the strings are stretched.

The neck is divided into frets by metal sills, against which the strings are pressed to produce sound. The first fret is at the headstock, the last is at the soundboard.

There are only six strings. The countdown starts from the bottom, thinnest one.

Guitar tuning

Before you try to play, your guitar needs to be tuned. Don't be alarmed, even a beginner can do this. And without this skill you will not be able to play.

By tuner

You will need a tuner in the form of a separate device (you can buy it in a music store or on AliExpress) or an application for your smartphone. In both cases, tuning consists of alternately tightening or loosening all the strings in accordance with the tuner's prompts.

By the fifth fret

This method does not require any additional equipment. Its essence is that the strings, clamped on certain frets, sound in unison and can be adjusted relative to each other.

According to the rules, the first string should be tuned to the note E, using a tuner (for example, its online version) or another tuned instrument as a reference. However, this only makes sense when playing in a group, so that all instruments sound in the same key.

If you play alone, or even just learn, then the first string can be adjusted arbitrarily by approximately selecting its tension. All others are configured like this:

  1. Press the second string at the fifth fret and loosen or tighten it until it sounds the same as the open first string.
  2. Press the third string at the fourth fret and tune it in unison with open second string.
  3. Press the fourth string at the fifth fret and adjust it to the open third string.
  4. Press the fifth on the fifth fret and adjust it to the open fourth.
  5. The sixth fret is clamped in the same way on the fifth fret and tuned in unison with the open fifth.

It sounds complicated, but in reality everything is simpler than simple. Each string pressed at the fifth fret should sound in unison with the previous, lower string. The only exception is the third string: it must be clamped not on the fifth, but on the fourth fret.

The setup process itself is also extremely simple. For example, to tune the second string, you need to loosen it, and then pull the open first string and gradually rotate the second peg until the sound of both strings merges into one tone. That's all.

Let's try to play

Finally we got to the most interesting part - the game itself. It seems there is nothing complicated here. Know to press the strings with your left hand and hit them with your right: you’ve seen this a million times and probably tried it yourself. Why then doesn't it work? The strings rattle, the fingertips burn, and the joints become tired and stiff.

It's all about experience, which comes with practice.

Take your guitar and sit on the edge of a chair or sofa, crossing your legs or placing your left foot on a low stand, such as a stack of books. This way the instrument will not rest against the chair and slide off your leg.

The right arm should be relaxed and the hand should not be twisted. The left one covers the fingerboard, but the thumb is always parallel to the frets. There is also no need to squeeze the bar as hard as you can, otherwise your hand will quickly get tired.

You already know that fret numbering starts from the headstock, and strings - from the thinnest, bottom. Try playing random notes by pressing the first string with your index finger on different frets. Try to fully press the string so that it sounds clear. It won't be easy, but over time the technique will improve.

Try playing on other strings, as well as using other fingers, letting them get used to it.

Playing melodies on one string

Just making sounds is boring. Therefore, to make it more interesting, you can learn simple melodies on one string and practice on them. Here are some example tunes.

Classic “A grasshopper sat in the grass”:

"Smoke on the Water" by Deep Purple:

Introduction to “ Iron Man"Black Sabbath:

Melody from the movie "Boomer":

"Imperial March" from Star Wars:

Spend some time playing on one string. Bring your actions to automaticity and achieve coordinated work of both hands. Practice until the melodies sound smooth and clear, without stopping or stuttering.

During this time, your fingers will get used to the loads, which means you can move on to more complex things.

Playing chords

The next step you have to climb is playing chords. This is much more difficult than single string melodies, but don't be discouraged. Once you learn the chords, you will be able to play full songs.

The principle here is the same, but you will need to press not one string, but several at once: usually three, less often two or four. There are many chords. However, to perform most songs, only five to seven are enough. First, let's learn the three main, so-called thieves chords: Am, Dm, E.

All chords are indicated with Latin letters depending on the main note:

  • C - before;
  • D - re;
  • E - mi;
  • F - fa;
  • G - salt;
  • A - la;
  • H - si.

If there is a small letter m next to the chord symbol, this means that the chord is minor. If there is no such prefix - major. The chords are read either by letter designation, or by name. For example, “a-um” (Am) or “G major” (G).

Chord patterns are called fingerings. A neck with strings is drawn on them. Frets are signed with Roman numerals. Arabic denotes the strings and - in circles - the fingers that should be used to press the strings (1 - index, 2 - middle, and so on). A zero opposite the string means an open sound (unpressed string), and a cross means that the string should not sound.

Let's return to our thieves chords. Here are their fingerings:

To play the Am chord, you need to press the second string on the first fret with your index finger, and the fourth string on the second fret with your middle finger, ring finger- third string on the second fret.

The rest of the chords are taken using the same principle: we look at which frets and which strings need to be pressed.

With these three chords you can already play simple yard or army songs. But it’s better to learn three more chords, with which your repertoire will expand significantly. Here they are:

There should be no difficulties with the first two, but the third is a little different from the previous ones. It uses barre - a technique where the index finger is used to pinch all the strings on one fret. Barre chords are a little more difficult than open chords, but with practice you can get the hang of them.

As always, to make learning more interesting, you can practice on some song right away. For example, on the canonical “Pack of Cigarettes” by the group “Kino” or “Watchmen” by “Boombox”.

You can also find any other songs that you like on the Internet (for example, by searching for “Louboutin chords”). If you come across unfamiliar chords in the selection, you can try to find another one or simply learn something new.

Fight and bust

There are two ways of sound production: busting and fighting. Some songs are played only by fingerpicking or only by strumming, others by both methods. The same chords are used, the only difference is whether you pluck the strings with your fingers or hit them.

Overkill, like fighting, exists great amount. And they are, of course, different in different songs. Usually, in the analysis, along with the chords, it is indicated which fingering or strumming should be played.

Let's look at some of the most common ones as an example. You'll learn the rest as you go.

What's next

Now that you have become acquainted with the basics, studied the chords and have gained some experience, the main thing is not to give up on your training. Your fingers will get sore and tangled when changing chords, and the strings won't always sound.

Don't stop under any circumstances and just keep playing. Every day you will do better and better, and in the end you will achieve your goal.

Finally, a few tips that will help you learn to play the guitar on your own and won’t let you despair:

  1. Always use multiple sources of information to fill in possible gaps and inaccuracies from one teacher to another.
  2. Play every day: Regular exercise will boost your confidence. Remember that talent is only a tenth of success, the rest is practice.
  3. Once you've learned a couple of songs and are comfortable performing them, be sure to invite your friends over and play for them. Listeners will help develop and point out shortcomings.

How to choose a guitar

Before you learn to play the guitar, you need to choose the right instrument. But after visiting the store, the aspiring musician begins to involuntarily get lost in all the assortment and variety of models. Therefore, when choosing a guitar, you need to adhere to certain actions.

Initially, you should pay attention to the strings, which are iron and nylon. Nylon ones are better suited for training, since iron strings unaccustomed fingers will cut.

Next, you should visually inspect the guitar for the integrity of the body and the absence of dents or cracks. The upper and lower decks should be made of a single sheet of plywood, and all joints should be well taped. You need to ask the seller about the material from which the tool is made. Purchase better guitar made from pine.

The neck must be perfectly straight, without bending, otherwise a beginner will not be able to properly tune the instrument. It is better to give preference to a guitar with a neck that is bolted on rather than glued. This will allow, through a bolted connection, to change the distance between the neck and the strings and slightly level it in case of bending.

An important factor in the sound of a guitar is the condition of the tuning pegs, since they are used to tune the guitar. They should fit tightly, without gaps, spin well and not creak. All that remains is to check the acoustics and sound of the instrument. In general, the strings should "sound" and not "chatter". Considering all the features, it is still better to entrust the choice of guitar to a professional in order to be able to purchase a quality instrument.

How to learn to play the guitar

To play the guitar, in addition to acquired skills, you need an ear for music. If you don't have it, it will be quite difficult to learn the game. The main stages that need to be completed when learning are reading tablature, studying the construction of chords, possible ways to perform accompaniments, and also going through practical exercises. The choice is also important suitable method learning to play the guitar in.

One of them is printed tutorials - a free manual that contains the basic elementary lessons. They describe in detail the guitar's tuning, frets, notes, chords, etc. The potential student decides for himself when to study, but this method is more suitable for patient, diligent people. If a person lacks self-discipline, you should not study according to self-instructions, as this can take forever.

Video tutorials on the Internet are also a free option. The guitarist chooses his own lessons and practices them. However, an inexperienced user may unknowingly miss useful information or rush from one lesson to another in a hurry. There is also the possibility of constant distractions by others, which will interfere with learning.

The optimal option providing individual approach, is considered a private tutor. Using this method, there is a possibility of getting quick results, study at a convenient time and not be distracted by everyday trifles. But not everyone can afford to pay a tutor for lessons.

Popular in Lately Paid video courses have become available, which are compiled by teachers and include only the necessary information. The lessons are designed “from simple to complex”, while maintaining the sequence of knowledge acquisition. You just need to insert the disc and repeat the necessary chords and fingerings after the teacher, and then consolidate what you have learned in free mode. The lesson can be viewed as many times as necessary to understand the material. The cost of such lessons is much cheaper compared to a tutor, and the result is no worse.

By choosing the appropriate learning method and showing perseverance, patience and dedication, you can learn in a short period of time basic principles playing the guitar, and then polishing the acquired knowledge over time.

How to play chords

Learning to play the guitar begins with the main stage - learning chords. Each chord has a combination of several notes, which are indicated in the form of letters of the Latin alphabet from A to G, making them easy to remember: the first note is “A” (letter A), and the last is “G” (letter G).

The chords are different in sound character due to minor and major scale. Major means cheerful, joyful, minor means sad, calm. In the notation minor chord the letter "m" is always present, while in major everything remains unchanged. Also, music cannot do without accidental signs - sharp (#) and flat (b), which raise or lower the chord by a semitone, respectively. For example, G#m means the note "G sharp" in a minor mode.

To learn chords, you will need fingerings - these are chords on the neck of a guitar, in which strings are indicated horizontally, and frets are indicated vertically by numbers. Each pattern corresponds to one chord. On it, dots highlight the places on the fretboard where you need to press the strings in order to get this or that chord.

For convenience and ease of play, you can find a songbook on the Internet, where a large number of chords with words above them. This is where fingerings are needed. According to the proposed scheme, you need to place your fingers on the required frets and play the chord once.

It is better to practice on simple chords, for example Em (E minor), Am (A minor), C (C), since most others require knowledge of a special “barre” technique, in which you need to pinch several strings of the same fret with one finger at the same time. With a large “barre” all the strings are clamped at once, but this will require long training.

There are many ways to play the guitar, but the most common are picking, when the guitarist alternately plucks the strings and parses the chord into sounds, and strumming - playing a chord with one hit on the strings. The following symbols are present in the combat game:

1) P - blow from the top string to the bottom;

2) V - blow from the lower string to the upper;

3) + - mute the strings with your thumb;

4) x – the same with the edge of the palm.

For a beginning guitarist, to get a clear sound when strumming, it is better to strike with the tips of your nails rather than with your entire hand. If, when playing simple chords, you get a melody, and not just a set of harmonies, then you can start learning songs and in the future please your friends with good music.

Tell me honestly, who knows these names: Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Eddie Van Halen. And who knows who Sergei Sedykh is. Probably not everyone knows them. But this is famous musicians. Professionals and fans an indispensable tool chanson, a constant companion at home parties and meetings of friends, probably knows these world-famous guitarists.

Do you want to be like them or at least learn to play the guitar? Watch this video lesson “Playing Guitar for Dummies”, it will help you master the basic techniques of playing the guitar.

Video training “Playing the guitar for dummies”

As a rule, beginning guitarists associate the first lessons of their career with the first three chords.

Let's start with something simple: let's drink some wine

First of all, let's sit back and learn the rhythmic musical movements:

  • down-up, down-up;
  • pause, up-down, up.

Please note that one bar is missing in the second row. During the game this place is skipped; as the musicians say more precisely, they play by it.

Practice keeping this rhythm. Have you practiced? Now try just strumming the guitar, memorizing and learning the movements:

  • We place our hand loosely on the guitar in the area of ​​the right elbow;
  • Now we put the brush on the socket, i.e. guitar hole; fingers - vertical;
  • completely relax the hand and move it up and down, imitating the movements of a guitarist, until it touches the strings;
  • we separate the index finger, bend it when moving up, and straighten it down;
  • Now bark, practicing the up-down movement, lightly striking the strings: you are unlikely to get aesthetic pleasure, but you will practice the movement with the brush.

Let's start playing

Now let's remember the rhythm we learned at the beginning of the lesson and try to play it. The downward movement is played with the thumb. All others use the index finger. We play very slowly:

  • thumb down;
  • up: index finger;
  • down: index finger;
  • up: index finger;
  • down, this time past the strings;
  • up: index finger;
  • down: index finger;
  • again - up;
  • finished playing.

Repeat a few more times. On the last accent, you can try your thumb instead of your index finger.

Repeat the movements, gradually increasing the tempo, and use your thumb more often when moving the hand down. You can start singing along to yourself, for example: “Na-na-nam, na-na-nam, na-na-nam.” If you want, use other words. This singing exercise helps improve coordination between singing and playing the guitar. Play rhythmically, slowly, keep the tempo even.

You can try beating the rhythm to the beat of the music with a count from “one” to eight. Please note, do not skip the first one, top string and the bottom one.

Next part of the lesson: muting the strings

When the first part of the game is well mastered, you can begin to learn the next one element - muting:

  • relax the hand again;
  • let's market on lower strings, this time only with the index finger;
  • and we sharply lower our palm down, it seems to hang in the air;
  • muting is done with the edge of the palm, palm or the edge of the thumb.

Try to find the best one for yourself convenient way muting. Practice this movement through two strokes on the strings. Muting shouldn't feel like a hit. The sound should be abrupt and muffled.

Work on the technique again on your own. Play smoothly, start counting from “one” to eight again. Listen to the rhythm of the music, avoid grunting: the rhythm of the game should be smooth and melodic.

While learning the techniques of playing the guitar, listen to recordings of pop masters playing this instrument. This will get you excited about the game and encourage you to practice.

successful musical career! Go for it!

Guitar tutorial

Guitar tutorial for beginners

Well, dear readers, here we come directly to the beginning of your learning to play the six-string guitar.

Now you already know the history of the guitar, its structure and the name of all its components (I hope). The tool has been purchased and configured.

Let's just agree on some things right away.

  • I made this site to help beginning guitarists gain basic playing skills and perhaps discover something new for hobbyists.
  • I myself am quite passionate about the art of playing the guitar, and believe me, I made a lot of mistakes during the learning process.
    Therefore, try to be careful guitar lessons which I offer you. There is not a single extra word in my course.
    Brevity and clarity even for a child - this is the meaning of this guitar tutorial.
  • Everything I am going to talk about was not invented by me. This is just my understanding of the essence of what is happening and the result of the translation incomprehensible texts textbooks and tutorials, of which I have read a considerable number.
  • I write articles myself, so if you want to use my material for yourself, then the link to mine guitar lessons required. I will do the same.
  • Don't jump from lesson to lesson. I understand that the desire is great, but this will not achieve anything. Be patient, and in a few days we will learn the first piece.
  • In order for you to fully learn to play the guitar, you will need to devote at least 1-2 hours a day to it.
  • Take your time!!! - This is the most important mistake I made. As soon as you learn a part of a piece, you just want to play it back at the speed of light, so that the fretboard starts to fire. I beg you, don’t fall for this, although it’s probably inevitable - such is human nature;)
  • At the beginning of class, stretch your hands by clenching them into a fist to increase blood flow. Before playing serious pieces, spend some time on scales and simple pieces.
  • For successful learning, you can use special guitar programs, which can be downloaded in the section of the same name.

Well, that's basically it. You will learn the rest as you read my self-instruction manual. Some lessons will be accompanied by videos for best understanding material. Click the link FIRST guitar lesson and go ahead!