How old was Alsou when she got married? Alsou's biography and details of the singer's personal life

Cancer Horoscope for November 2017

General horoscope Cancer for November 2017

November 2017 will be a month of significant changes for representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign. The horoscope promises the beginning of a bright streak in life. So, some people are modernizing their personal path, while others are planning “shifts” in the professional sphere. Changes may affect different parts of your life. But mid-autumn is unlikely to be complete without them for all representatives of this zodiac constellation. Even if at first certain life “redevelopments” unsettle you or even become a reason for frustration, soon you will probably understand that they are only for the better. So don't make hasty conclusions!

Cancer work and finance horoscope for November 2017

In work, cooperation with foreign partners will be especially productive now for Cancers. So on this part professional activity recommended and emphasized. In addition, if possible, you should not avoid business trips (especially foreign ones). Surely, the trip will turn out to be very fruitful and enjoyable: in addition to completing the main tasks, you will be able to have a good rest at the same time. Also, don't be afraid to try new ways to solve trivial problems at work.

IN financially November 2017 gives representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign the green light to take risky steps. Despite the potential unsafety of this or that event, your innate forethought and rational view of things are unlikely to let you “burn out”, but if you take into account all the pros and cons, you will increase financial situation quite possible. In mid-autumn it is favorable to make large purchases and plan further financial investments.

Love horoscope and family Cancer for November 2017

During this period, Cancers in a relationship are advised to spend more time with their other half. Elementary dealing with everyday issues and solving seemingly trivial problems will help you better understand your chosen one: in particular, the motives of his actions and the vision of a joint future. If you are already a parent, there is a high probability that heart-to-heart conversations are not enough for your child. Try not to deprive your child (no matter how old he is) of your warmth and care.

For those Cancers who are still single, the stars advise not to hide the passion of their nature from a potential chosen one. There is a high probability that you, for fear of being misunderstood, will behave too calmly. The stars recommend that you remain yourself, and not be afraid to say something unnecessary or take some action in the wrong way. Be bolder: don’t hesitate to take the initiative and show your interest to someone you really like.

Cancer health horoscope for November 2017

Representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign should pay particular attention to the health of the genitourinary system. In particular, you need to avoid hypothermia, otherwise, as they say, you won’t have any problems later. If you have any chronic illnesses, their prevention will be very helpful. Be sure to remember about the safety of your intimate area, and in case of the slightest ailment, rush to the doctor.

Favorable and unfavorable days November 2017 Cancer

Favorable days Cancer November 2017 – November 2, November 6, November 10, November 16, November 21, November 24, November 29, 2017.

Unfavorable days Cancer November 2017 – November 9, November 15, November 22, 2017.

What will November 2017 bring for Cancers: enjoyment of mutual feelings or frustration due to unfulfilled expectations? An accurate love horoscope for Cancers for November will give advice on how to use last month autumn with benefits for your personal life.

The first two months of autumn for many single Cancers were quite successful in terms of new acquaintances and making romantic relationships. In November, the stars recommend that representatives of this zodiac sign begin strengthening relationships that began earlier. In order to give your communication with your chosen one a chance to dial full force and the opportunity to develop their feelings, Cancers need to be ready to prove their intentions with actions in November. Attention, help and support will help lonely Cancers find faster mutual language with the object of sympathy than beautiful words.

Mutual understanding in the families of married Cancers will be complete at the end of autumn this year. The stars promise stability in relationships with their other half in November to most representatives of this zodiac sign. Of course, some minor disagreements cannot be avoided by couples, especially young ones. But they will not be able to influence feelings and spoil the favorable atmosphere in most families. An accurate love horoscope recommends that Cancers listen more often to the ideas of their loved one in November. With the input and help of your spouse, some long-awaited events will be possible in the near future.

Love horoscope for Cancer woman for November 2017

Active searches ideal man in November may be replaced by the readiness of Cancer girls to move from flirting and first dates to more serious relationships. Most girls belonging to this zodiac sign will understand the right choice of their partner at the end of autumn soon after meeting and meeting for the first time. IN last weeks in the fall they will be more cautious and will not enter into unreliable communications. The probability of creating a stable couple, bound by love and pleasant emotions are greater than ever among Cancer girls. Therefore, the exact love horoscope for November 2017 advises free girls Those born under the constellation Cancer should not take their personal life lightly.

IN family nest For most Cancer women, a cozy and romantic atmosphere will reign in November. Passions and intensity of emotions during this period are not characteristic of most of them. For many couples, the intimacy and tenderness in a relationship will be comparable to the very beginning of their history together. Cancer women will feel the attention and support of their men, which will give them strength and success in other areas of life. Even if small conflicts arise between spouses or other family members in the families of representatives of the constellation Cancer, intuition and attention to detail will help resolve all controversial issues in November.

Love horoscope for a Cancer man for November 2017

The period full of new communication, flirting and acquaintances that befalls Cancers in the first half of autumn will begin to gradually reduce its influence. In the last autumn weeks, single Cancer men will not be very spoiled by the obvious interest of girls. Therefore, at this time they should think about creating a permanent couple. Love horoscope for November draws the attention of representatives of the sign of Cancer to the fact that this month there is a favorable opportunity to choose a suitable object for their romantic feelings and feel happy in love.

Married Cancer men will feel quite happy in the family circle in the last weeks of autumn. November 2017 will allow them to enjoy an almost ideal relationship with their significant other. For some men born under the constellation Cancer, this month will be fateful. Those few couples who previously thought about breaking up will find compelling reasons to save their marriage in November. The stars are very supportive of the personal happiness of Cancers at the end of autumn, so representatives of this zodiac sign should listen to the advice of astrologers.

For people born under the sign of Cancer, November 2017 will be a completely non-canonical time, in the sense that for most other signs we're talking about about a rather peculiar period, to which one will have to adapt to one degree or another. For Cancer, everything will be different, because his main celestial assistant, the Moon, will now occupy a dominant position. And even Mars, which traditionally does not have particularly warm feelings for this sign, will take his side. In total, all this suggests that from the first days of the month it is worth focusing on the highest indicator. The higher the bar you set, the faster you will achieve the desired result, and the larger this result will be. In the workplace, you obviously shouldn’t be shy about looking for additional features to improve your situation. This may be purely physical comfort, or maybe something more, for example, a transition to new position. Of course, your planetary assistants will not do the main work for you, you will have to try, but nothing can compare with the satisfaction of what is accomplished, you can be sure. On the “love front” everything will work out in your favor, although here you will obviously need to think hard and act quickly. Overall, this would be an ideal stage if not for the position of Saturn. The Lord of the Rivers of Time will be extremely unkind to you, so you should not rely on past experience and be proud of your current position. Arrogance and outright shortsightedness will only bring you problems.

If we dwell in more detail on the area of ​​work, it should be noted that the first ten days of November 2017 will be the most important time for Cancer. It is during this period that you will have to act in the most active way. But don’t worry - nothing out of the ordinary, everything will develop clearly in line with the guidelines you have outlined. And if at the previous stage you made a mistake in something, then now you will have to sort things out, although even with the most significant shortcomings you are unlikely to face serious negativity. If you work for yourself, try to act quickly, but do not forget that Everest cannot be conquered alone; you need someone who will help in a critical situation, someone you can rely on. If you don’t have your own business, then try to focus on positions that exceed the expectations of your closest colleagues in the shop. But don't confuse ambition with pride and selfishness, otherwise it will end badly. In general, you should be lucky, and an aggressive Saturn will have a significant impact on your life only if you allow it. Don’t allow yourself too much, just do your job; additional and absolutely unnecessary “troubles” will only complicate your situation.

Regarding the sphere of personal relationships, it must be said that Cancer in November 2017 can count on a permanent change in circumstances. That is, the situation around you will begin to change consistently, although not particularly quickly. If we are talking about a lonely Cancer, then he will appreciate the benefits of this stage almost immediately. The main thing is not to “slow down” too much, but to act in proportion to what is happening. Perhaps it makes sense at certain moments to go ahead headlong, boldly and even a little arrogantly. It's important not to overdo it here, so be careful. Family members can be advised not to resort to any significant changes; everything will return to normal by itself, with or without your participation. After all, we are talking about an extremely favorable period when you have many allies on the celestial ribbon. Although you shouldn’t rely too much on others, don’t let your guard down either, and if the situation is “pressing”, it still makes sense to take it seriously, otherwise you may not have the most favorable ending.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for November 2017 for the zodiac sign Cancer, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is of a general nature and makes sense only when defining general trends For typical representatives zodiac sign Cancer. More accurate horoscope can be found out by making one of personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Cancer sign: Personal horoscopes for the Cancer sign:

In general, November 2019 is favorable financially, but some problems may still arise with work. At the end of autumn, the activity of Cancers is at its peak, so all difficulties will be overcome easily, and your enemies will fail, predicts the horoscope for November 2019. Cancer must only think through every step during this period, set priorities correctly and punctually follow the developed strategy.


Those Cancers who will keep their emotions under control and will not throw hysterics about something that has fallen on their head out of nowhere. extra work, will be able to significantly increase capital.

Despite the fact that Rakov now has a fairly good income, he should be very economical with the expenditure side of the budget. Next year will be very favorable for investments in own business, and many representatives have long been dreaming of their own, albeit small, business.

The Yellow Pig, the patron saint of the year, does not recommend borrowing money. This fully applies not only to the personal funds of Cancers, but also to their professional activities. If circumstances are unforgiving, borrow only small amounts for short periods.


In November 2019, it will be quite difficult for Cancers to lead a sedentary life. Representatives of the zodiac house will rush about, undertake business trips, look for themselves and their place under the Sun, conduct extreme experiments with own life- change workplace, move from place to place, apply your own energy in new activities and hobbies. And it’s no wonder that in family life Cancers may experience tension, because paying attention to the family in such an environment is very difficult. It will be much easier for representatives of the sign who live with their parents to survive this difficult and eventful month, because loving parents will not demand their share of attention, but will accept Cancers as they are.

Despite all the worries in the professional field, family Cancers, and especially those who have children, must take into account the interests of their family: a crack that could disrupt the integrity of your spiritual ties will appear this winter, and correcting the situation will be quite problematic. For many representatives of the zodiac house, family troubles in November can end in a break in relations with their soul mate. The most correct tactic at the end of autumn is to captivate your household with something that interests you. Very soon, both your children and your husband (wife) will become not only your most devoted friends, but also like-minded people.

Cancer Woman

Confident victories in the professional field will provoke the Cancer woman to challenge primacy in the family, says the horoscope for November 2019. The Cancer woman with her commanding voice, requests that are more like orders and neglect of the small joys of the family will cause misunderstanding and rejection of the household.

November 2019 will be a month of discoveries in the emotional sphere for many Cancer ladies: a lot of things will become simple and understandable. You will want purity and lightness, and the stars will ensure that you meet people who will provide this for you. But you will have to say goodbye to some of your friends: in November you will understand that the one you considered your devoted friend has long been putting a spoke in your wheels and is jealous with black envy. Don't hesitate, you made the right decision.

Cancer Man

The stars predict that in November 2019, representatives of the strong half of humanity belonging to this horoscope sign will be forced to train their endurance. Cancers will be irritated by little things that they never had to pay attention to before. Forgotten keys, an alarm clock that didn’t ring on time, or a broken cufflink will drive you crazy and provoke mini-outbreaks of aggression, warns the horoscope for November 2019. A Cancer man can provoke all his anger towards his surroundings, and this will cause retaliatory aggression from those who are close to Cancer. Do not blame the representative of the zodiac house for bad upbringing: his behavior is actively influenced by the evil dwarf Pluto. By the middle of the month, Cancers will become the same – flexible and sweet.

Your hobby will receive new round and will reach a new level if you communicate more with like-minded people. A small idea submitted by a colleague, skillfully cut by you, will bring not only moral satisfaction, but will also become a reason for discussion with more experienced “colleagues” in the hobby.

Cancer children

Like the adult representatives of the zodiac house, little Cancers succeed in everything, although not without difficulty. But in November 2019, their success in studies, creativity or sports is especially pronounced. Little Cancers delight their parents with their great achievements, and they themselves draw positivity from their successes. Praise your child, especially a teenager, more often - this will set him up for further success.


In November 2019, the activity and determination of Cancers may be hampered by diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. What started out as a normal cough can end in bronchitis or tracheitis, with attacks of a suffocating dry cough and an increase in body temperature. Therefore, when the first signs of the disease appear, you should immediately consult a doctor: self-medication or ethnoscience will not live up to your expectations and will only aggravate the severity of the disease, and Cancers have no time to get sick now.

The passion and passion of the representatives of the zodiac house will play with them cruel joke, and many representatives of the sign will have to think for the first time in their lives that an ordinary hobby has long grown into gambling addiction. You won’t be able to cope with this on your own, warns the horoscope for November 2019. Cancer needs the support of loved ones, and sometimes even the help of a highly specialized psychologist.

Elderly representatives of the sign may be bothered by joint problems. The doctor will recommend what is feasible physical exercise, do not ignore the purpose.


Horoscope for November 2019, Cancers should not borrow money, they should be more economical.
The Cancer woman says goodbye to one of her envious friends.
In the first half of the month, the Cancer man will be nervous and irritable.
Horoscope for December 2019 Cancer.

Life famous people seems to their fans a fairy tale, filled with expensive cars, glitter of spotlights and universal love. Of course, in reality, things are not so simple for celebrities. But among famous personalities there are also those whose creative and life path resembles a carpet lined with pink petals. Alsou, a singer who conquered the world with her talent and unique beauty, belongs to the category of such people. This is exactly what we will talk about today.

Singer Alsou: brief biography

The girl was born in the early eighties of the last century into a Muslim Tatar family. Full name The singer sounds like Alsou Ralifovna Safina. The girl's father was very famous person in the country. In Bugulma, where Alsou was born, her parents’ family was highly respected.

Since 1992, singer Alsou studied in Moscow, during the same period she began to study music. Subsequently, the girl studied in the USA, Denmark and London, where she was engaged in creativity and studied the rules of doing business.

Alsou made her debut in 1999 with a stunning video for the single " Winter dream". From that moment it began professional career girls. Literally from the first song, she won a lot of fans with her amazingly melodic voice, gentle beauty and modesty, combined with good manners. Each new single released added the singer an entire army of fans.

During her career, she released three English-language albums, one in her native Tatar language, and seven discs for the Russian-speaking public. A beautiful voice is not only talent Alsou. In the thirty-three years of her life, the singer managed to star in two feature films- in the historical film by the famous Svetlana Druzhinina and in the horror film Spirit Trap by David Smith. In 2000, singer Alsou went to the Eurovision Song Contest from Russia. The girl’s biography was replenished with a triumphant performance, which brought her second place. At that time it was the most significant victory Russia. In addition, Alsou became the youngest performer ever to perform at a European song competition - she was only sixteen years old.

IN currently singer Alsou is married to businessman Yan Abramov and is a happy mother of three children - two daughters and little son. She continues to give concerts and work on releasing albums. Now Alsou gives only major concerts and practically does not go on tour.

How was her childhood?

The future celebrity was born into a very wealthy family. The singer's father was once a senator of the Altai Republic and vice-president of the Lukoil oil company; he currently occupies a high position in the Forbes magazine ranking. Ralif Safin's net worth is estimated at $500,000,000. Alsou's mother worked famous architect with connections and acquaintances all over the world. She was the author of several unusual projects.

Due to the line of work of Alsou’s father, the family had to move often. In addition to the daughter, the family had two sons - Marat and Renard. The girl was brought up in patriarchal traditions, which greatly helped her in building her family relations. Until 1992, Alsou lived in Kogalym. The singer remembered this northern period of her life for its bitter frosts and lack of fruit in stores. Alsou recalled that for many years she saw only potatoes and apples on the shelves.

The girl began studying music at the age of five. She asked to buy her a piano, and her father fulfilled the request on the condition that her daughter would not quit after the first failures. Although at that time no one could have imagined that Alsou would become a singer, captivating with her talent almost everyone who heard her voice. Music lessons were simply of a general educational nature.

Arriving in Moscow, the father assigned his daughter to one of the best capital music schools. We can say that this was the singer’s first small step on the way to worldwide fame. A year later she went to study in England.

Education Alsou

In England, the girl entered the London MPW Academy. She took a course in painting and mathematics, and listened separately to lectures on the basics of doing business. The singer graduated from the academy after winning Eurovision. Immediately after this, she became a student at GITIS, where she studied with V. Teplyakov according to a specially developed program. Later this education helped her when filming films.

Singer titles

In 2000, Alsou became an Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, and in 2011 she was awarded the title People's Artist Republic of Tatarstan. In the same year she became a UNESCO Artist for Peace. It is worth noting that this title became the most expensive for Alsou.

The youth of singer Alsou

From the age of ten, the girl lived abroad almost all the time. She studied in the USA, then went to Copenhagen. Alsou spent more than one year there; later she moved to London, where she continued her studies. The girl often came home, precisely for family holidays She began to sing for the first time, performing songs from Whitney Houston's repertoire.

Stages of the musical journey: the beginning

Alsou never dreamed of becoming a singer; her love for music at that time was just a pleasant hobby. Alsou sang in public for the first time in Switzerland at the age of ten. She was on vacation at a children's camp and participated in a talent competition. The girl's voice turned out to be extremely pleasant and melodic, causing a lot of delight among the audience. But Alsou happily forgot about this performance for five long years.

At the age of fifteen, she decided to make a gift for her brother’s wedding and again performed a song from Whitney Houston’s repertoire. The girl’s talent amazed even her loved ones, and on the urgent advice of her mother’s friend, they decided to show her to the famous producer Valery Belotserkovsky. After listening to Alsou, he realized that she was amazingly talented and had a beautiful timbre of her voice. The producer introduced future singer with some of the country's most popular composers. Previously they only worked with celebrities high level, but gladly took on the task of writing hits for the talent.

As a result, at the age of fifteen, Alsou sang the tender song “Winter Dream,” which immediately became a hit. Beautiful clip based on Nabokov's "Lolita" added popularity to the song. Almost immediately, Alsou released a new single, “Sometimes,” created in the same gentle manner. IN as soon as possible was created solo album"Alsu", followed by two tours with concerts around the country. The singer had just turned sixteen at that time.

Musical career: flourishing

All the girl’s fans know that Alsou is a singer who sings without a soundtrack. This became the main rule of her speeches, for the first time tour she went with the company professional musicians and accompanists. Until now, the singer has never violated this rule, which arouses great sympathy from her fans.

In a year solo career the girl traveled to many cities in Russia, worked on a new English-language album, concluding an unprecedented contract with Universal. Therefore, when the question arose about which of the Russian celebrities send to Stockholm for the Eurovision Song Contest, then the jury clearly voted for Alsou. Her performance created a huge sensation and gave our country second place, although many Alsou fans argued that the performance was worthy of first place.

Immediately after returning home, the singer devoted herself entirely to her favorite work, which yielded incredible results within a year - in 2001 Alsou was recognized as the most popular singer in Russia. She released her first English-language album, which included two songs written by her. Alsou also recorded a duet with Enrique Iglesias, this single is still in demand.

In 2002, Alsou had a new producer, and for the first time they decided to stage a grand show in Moscow, where the girl had never performed before that day. As a result, the Moscow public received three completely different concert programs. They took place at different venues and were not repeated. It was an amazing experience that has never been done before Russian performers. Until now, few people can repeat such work.

In 2003, the nineteen-year-old singer released a new Russian-language album, which was significantly different from her first works. There was a sense of depth of perception and great emotionality here. Alsou in the same year managed to fulfill her old dream and sing a duet with Jon Bon Jovi.

Since 2005, the artist began to perform much less frequently, but periodically released new albums. She was a co-host of Eurovision and took part in charity project, releasing together with others popular singers Russian stage disc of lullabies. Alsou's last two albums were released in 2014. One of them was English speaking. The second was intended for the Russian public, so beloved by Alsou.

In the two years since the release of the albums, Alsou has presented several new videos and songs. They, according to fans, indicate significant creative growth singers. She is currently preparing to release a new album, the presentation of which is scheduled for 2018.

Singer Alsou: biography, personal life

During her career, the wise girl never once questioned her impeccable reputation. The personal life of singer Alsou has never become the property of reporters. And the young talent did not have any significant hobbies before meeting her future husband. This story, like many other things, reminds fans of the beautiful Alsou fairy tale story about love.

The girl’s husband was the famous businessman Yan Abramov, who was considered the most eligible bachelor in Moscow. He received attention from Ksenia Sobchak and other Moscow socialites. But Ian turned his attention to young Alsou even before they actually met. He followed the girl’s dizzying career, admiring her talent and gentle beauty.

The first acquaintance with my future husband did not receive further continuation. For several years, the young people lost sight of each other and went about their own business. But in 2005, at one of the parties, Alsou and Ian met again, which became the beginning of a great and strong love. It is worth noting that Alsou did not want this acquaintance at all; she even refused to go to a social party. But the girl’s friend, singer Ariana, persuaded her to give it a chance young man, having painted it positive sides. From that evening on, the couple practically never separated.

Jan beautifully courted Alsou and three months later proposed marriage to her. In March 2006, the couple celebrated their marriage on a grand scale. More than six hundred guests sat at festive tables V concert hall Russia. The newlyweds were in the center of the celebration, their area was decorated in the shape of a lotus. On this event Almost all the cream of society were present. Alsou and Yan received a marriage certificate from the hands of the then mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov. After the wedding, the couple went to Fiji, where they spent their honeymoon.

At the moment, the couple has been together for more than ten years, during which time they have had three children. The family is built according to patriarchal traditions, which completely coincides with Alsou’s upbringing. She happily devotes all her time to raising her children and her beloved husband, considering herself absolutely happy woman behind a strong male shoulder.

Although the girl does not forget about her career, her husband supports her in all her endeavors. The only thing that is prohibited for Alsou is speaking at corporate events. The husband does not allow the girl to sing to the clink of glasses. At all social events, the singer appears only with Ian and looks more and more beautiful every year. This amazing, unfading beauty always raises questions about how old Alsou is. The singer will be thirty-four years old this year, but she looks at most twenty-five years old. The girl herself attributes it to healthy image life and genetics.

How many children does Alsou have?

The children of singer Alsou make up the most main part her life. Six months after the wedding, she gave birth to her first daughter, Safina, and two years later, the Alsou family was replenished with baby Mikella. Last August in Israel, the singer became a mother for the third time, giving birth to her long-awaited son Raphael.