The horoscope for June is accurate for Taurus. Taurus - horoscope for June

At the beginning of June, Taurus will feel that the wind of luck is dying down. Urgently look nearby for a disguised envious person. The enemy will be disarmed and the month will end peacefully. This period will not be too easy for you, but you should not worry about it. The solution to the June problems will have the most beneficial effect on the rest of the year.

Favorable days for Taurus in June 2018 – 1, 5, 9, 18, 27, 30
Unfavorable days of June 2018 for Taurus – 3, 11, 13, 20, 21, 29

Career and finances of Taurus in June 2018
In June, Taurus will have to rely only on themselves in their professional activities, although this is not usual. You really need support for a new project, but you don’t know where it might come from. Try to implement everything you have planned as soon as possible. This is not easy to do because you will face various kinds of obstacles. And yet it is worth gathering your will into a fist and, without succumbing to the provocations of the planets, boldly go towards your goal. Don't let your words match your actions.
The financial issue will be quite acute for Taurus in June. This is where the unexpected will happen most often. Original ideas and plans born of your inquisitive mind do not find understanding. Wait this time and everything will work out.

Personal life of Taurus in June 2018
The personal life of Taurus in June is going quite well. You can earn the trust of your chosen one by sincerely sharing his interests with him. And there will always be topics for conversation. Talk about something meaningful, such as art, personal development, or ways to advance your career. Be sure to demonstrate your erudition, it will make an impression. Be aware of your lover's affairs. In difficult situations, rush to his aid. Your chances of winning his heart will increase if you manage to come across as a reliable, loyal and purposeful person. Don't be modest and share your successes and achievements with him.

Taurus health in June 2018
The health of Taurus in June will directly depend on their emotional state. The work environment can disrupt your peace of mind. Rest more, get enough sleep, spend your weekends in nature, discarding all negative thoughts. It's good if you can go on vacation. The most vulnerable place is the head area (face, teeth, jaws and skull bones).

In the life of Taurus, a bright streak comes so rarely that representatives of the sign even forgot the last time they rejoiced at positive events in the love sphere. They are very tired of the monotony, and therefore the wards of Venus have high hopes for June 2019. The stars have their own plans for this. The love horoscope for Taurus for June will tell you about them.

Love horoscope for Taurus for June 2019

Zodiac signs under the patronage of Venus, contrary to stereotypes, have never had privileges on the love front. Over the past year, Taurus have experienced more than one disappointment in matters of the heart. The love horoscope in June decided to compensate for the losses of Taurus and rewarded them with the most optimistic forecasts for the month.

The most important thing is that Taurus will not experience disappointments in June. There will be no breaks in their lives, at least with their lovers. The love horoscope for June predicts only positive emotions and bright feelings for Taurus. During the month, representatives of the sign will be in the clouds, infecting others with their positivity.

The beginning of summer this year will allow Taurus to feel loved and needed. The hearts of people of this sign have not been filled with such warmth for a very long time. In June, Taurus can safely make such fateful decisions as getting married, conceiving children, and starting a life together with their chosen ones. A love astrological forecast guarantees Taurus that they will never regret their choice made in June 2019.

As for the warnings of the love horoscope, June could not have done without them either. The stars predict intrigues from envious people for Taurus. If you do not pay attention to them, then life will go on as usual. But the sensitivity of Taurus may well lead to the fact that the evil intentions of ill-wishers will negatively affect the general emotional background of the representatives of the sign and indirectly affect their ability to build ideal relationships. By taking into account the recommendation to be above spiteful critics in June, Taurus will protect themselves and their personal happiness next to their loved one.

Love horoscope for Taurus woman for June 2019

Taurus girls will begin a very interesting period in June. On the one hand, they will be immensely happy and excited about the opportunities that have opened up, but on the other hand, they will be dissatisfied. If Taurus digs deeper, they will understand what this is connected with. But the stars know that they can’t darken their happiness now, so they will quickly give the girls a chance to distract themselves and do more interesting things than reflection.

Taurus women will want thrills at the beginning of summer. Heavenly patrons recommend looking for them together with your significant other and in no case on the side. Good luck awaits those girls who will remain faithful to their life partners in June. Every Taurus woman will love the care and attention that their chosen ones will begin to show in June. Isn't this the main cosmic gift?

Love horoscope for a Taurus man for June 2019

The love horoscope for June 2019 turned out to be no less positive for Taurus men. In June they are destined to experience completely unexpected feelings. Every lonely wolf of this sign suddenly wants family warmth and begins to search for that one girl who will take the place of his wife. It is unlikely that this venture will be crowned with success immediately, but it will definitely bear certain fruits. As a result, Taurus men and their beautiful girls will either start dating or become very close, which will be the perfect start to a passionate fairytale romance.

Taurus spouses will have excellent opportunities to become happy again in June. The stars will help them find long-awaited peace. But to do this, Taurus will have to take several steps towards their beloved, perhaps even yielding to her in some ways like a man. The reward will not be long in coming, and by the end of the period the couple will find their well-deserved, hard-earned happiness.

Love horoscope for Taurus for other months of 2019

Taurus - horoscope for June

Magazine: Horoscopes and predictions No. 5, May 2018
Category: Horoscope for June

Lucky color of the month: green.
Good luck talisman: jade.
Motto of the month: “Calm, just calm!”

Work and money

In addition to the Sun, in June, Mercury, which is responsible for communication and perception of information, will also be located in the 2nd house, which is also called the house of prosperity. Therefore, most Taurus will be able to maintain sanity and practicality. Try in the first week of June, when the Cosmos is entirely on your side, to hold all important meetings and improve relationships with colleagues and management. If you were planning to move to a new job, attend interviews from the 1st to the 6th. You will make the most favorable impression. From the 7th to the 16th, life will become more difficult. The Moon will shake your peace of mind, Uranus threatens drastic changes that can disrupt your well-ordered plans, and aggressive Mars will push you into conflicts. It will be difficult to make informed decisions and control emotions, so it is advisable to postpone serious ideas. But from June 17 to June 24 there will be an opportunity to cope with many important matters. In the last week of the month, many will feel tired. Some representatives of the sign will even want to quit their boring job. Do not give in to provocations: this Sun, which demands complete freedom, conflicts with Saturn, which is responsible for discipline. In short, don’t make rash decisions.

Love and family

At the beginning of June, everything is fine for most married Taurus. The planet of love Venus is on your side, thanks to which communication with your spouse and children is filled with warmth and mutual understanding. This is a good time for family holidays, short trips and meetings with friends.
Free representatives of the sign are recommended to spend more time in the company of friends. It is possible that you will begin a romantic relationship with one of your old acquaintances with serious consequences. Perhaps a new person will appear in your circle, with whom at first you will be connected by common views and hobbies, but later mutual sympathy and common interests may develop into something more. After June 7, even in the most friendly families, disagreements cannot be ruled out due to the conflict between the Moon and Mars. Some representatives of this sign will perceive any comment from their spouse as a tragedy. Take this feature into account and try not to make a mountain out of a mountain.
On June 14, Venus moves into the fourth house, which is associated with family, traditions, and parents. This is a good time to arrange your home and, of course, to communicate with older relatives. If you have a tense relationship with one of them, leave grievances in the past and try to make peace - and Mercury, which throughout the month helps Taurus establish contacts with others, will certainly support you.
In the last week of the month, Mars and Venus are at odds, so relationships in a couple of people who love each other can become quite tense. Try to smooth out rough edges and resolve any conflicts in a timely manner.

Health and beauty

The well-being of Taurus in June does not cause serious concerns. Thanks to the favorable location of Mars, your vitality is high, so you have more than enough strength.
Excess energy must be channeled in a positive direction. Play sports, be sure to take a walk before bed. Otherwise, you are at risk of “Martian” ailments - headaches, inflammatory processes, as well as “accidental” injuries.
Avoid dangerous workouts: there is a risk of injury. Especially after June 24 due to the difficult position of Saturn, which is responsible for the bones and spine.
Well, your patron Venus will tempt the Taurus ladies all month long, tempting you with cakes and other tasty but unhealthy foods. Control yourself, otherwise you will not only gain extra pounds, but also develop metabolic problems.
But there is a chance to pamper yourself with new things all month long. Venus will help you buy inexpensive clothes that will decorate you. Mercury will not allow you to waste money, so there is no risk to the budget.
Experimenting with your appearance is undesirable, as is agreeing to extreme cosmetic procedures. Difficult aspects of Uranus, the most unpredictable planet, warn that the effect may not be what you expect.

Favorable days: June 1, 11, 27.
; Unfavorable days: 3, 7, 28 numbers.

Taurus Man

The strong position of Mars will give Taurus men in June determination and the will to win; they will not want to notice any obstacles. Unfortunately, they will encounter obstacles on their way, and more than once. The position of the Moon at the most inopportune moment can provoke self-doubt, Uranus can destroy plans and agreements, Saturn will force one to correct the mistakes of the past. But Mercury will not allow you to give up, it will help you find like-minded people and soberly assess your capabilities.
In the last week of the month, due to the difficult aspect between Mars and Venus, it is better to spend your free time separately from each other. Let your man after work communicate with friends or visit family - and then, satisfied and happy, return home.

Taurus Child

Now it is especially important for little Taurus to feel that their home is a reliable fortress, and that mom and dad love and accept them unconditionally. Some children can be hot-tempered and impulsive. If you direct the child’s energy in a peaceful direction, the baby will quickly switch gears and begin to explore the world with interest. Starting from mid-June, both kids and schoolchildren will happily communicate with their grandparents. Feel free to send your children to the dacha or to a holiday home with their parents or parents-in-law: this will benefit both old and young.
Teenage girls may have a fad about their appearance. Be sure to go shopping with your daughter; if necessary, take her to a hairdresser and a children's cosmetologist. If young Taurus have exams coming up, don't worry: in June they are quite prudent and will do everything possible to get good grades.

In June, it is very important for you to maintain contact with your element - the Earth. So spend more time in the park, and be sure to get out into nature on the weekends. And on June 14 or 15, get Kalanchoe at home: this plant harmonizes the energy of your home.

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The life of Taurus in June 2018, under the influence of the astrological situation, will stabilize and become calmer and more balanced. No extraordinary events or activities are expected during this period, but anything can happen.

Taurus needs to be fully prepared. Perhaps around the next corner you will meet your future life partner. Make sure that your image is constantly decorated with an impeccable, sincere and wide smile, radiating warmth, tenderness and positivity.

The more creative Taurus is this month, the brighter and more interesting life will be. Look for activities for yourself that will not only help you pass your free time, but also inspire you to more serious achievements.

The results of your work will directly depend on the performance and productivity of your employees; you are unlikely to be able to have a significant impact on the final result. Unless you refuse to take part in collective projects and take on single tasks.

Horoscope by decade

Taurus will spend the first ten days of June 2018 with maximum pleasure and great benefit. In any case, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a material benefit, or for your own well-being and mood. The astrological situation during this period will have a positive effect on the sensitivity of representatives of your zodiac sign; do not be surprised if you suddenly feel drawn to romantic adventures, want to experience wild passion or fall in love. Taurus will spend all their free time outside the home in noisy companies. As for the family representatives of your zodiac sign, they will have a second honeymoon in their married life. Fading feelings will flare up with renewed vigor, and lovers will enjoy the flame of passion. During this period, there is a chance to take relationships to a new level if their development has stopped or frozen at some stage. This is especially important for those Taurus who have been in a relationship for a long time, but a marriage proposal never follows.

In the second ten days of June 2018, many Taurus, under the influence of aspects of the planets, will wholeheartedly desire rest and a real holiday. Some of them will still take a week off and leave the city. Even if circumstances at work do not allow you to quit everything and finances do not allow you to buy a ticket to a resort, still try to have a good rest for at least one day on your day off with your loved ones. You can go to the village to visit your grandparents, visit close relatives or friends in a neighboring city, or you can even go to the dacha alone and reflect on life, plans, dream, breathe fresh air away from the bustle of the city. Taurus are creative people, it is not surprising that their energy reserves do not last long. Try to regularly communicate with positive individuals who radiate positivity and optimism, charging them with inspiration, good mood and energy.

In the third decade of June 2018, Taurus’ financial affairs will go up, thanks to which they will be able to deal with all debt obligations. You should not make unplanned purchases this month, even if the need arises. Try to find another way out of the situation to postpone the purchase until a more favorable time. The influence of planetary aspects will not have the best effect on financial transactions; postpone all investment projects and future acquisitions until next month. But in the final period of the month, Taurus can pamper themselves to their hearts content with all sorts of delicacies, go to the spa, change their hairstyle, or have several sessions of a relaxing massage. Spending this kind of money will only benefit you.

Horoscope for June 2018

June is not the most favorable and stable period for Taurus, as they may feel a lack of creative energy and disorientation in the direction of their efforts. And if positive trends continue until the 4th and they succeed in many projects, then in the period from the 7th to the 16th the actions of Taurus and their partners will become more scattered and fussy. It is possible that they will have to act alone, without the support of colleagues and friends, which may affect their material and financial stability. In the personal life of Taurus, resentment and disappointment are also possible, since loved ones will not be ready to understand and accept their new ideas and unbridled desires. The period after June 24 may turn out to be even more difficult and conflict-ridden, when relationships at work and with management can become quite tense.

Horoscope for June 2018 for Taurus women

At the beginning of June, the plans of Taurus women may change. Household chores will take over your entire life, making it increasingly difficult to find time for friends. And the relationship may not be entirely clear. It is possible that a material issue will arise between you and your friends, as a result of which you will have to adjust your goals.

  • Talisman of the month: golden color, round medallion.
  • Favorable days: June 5, 15, 19.
  • Unfavorable days: June 2, 9, 10, 17.
  • Priority of interests: financial issues, home purchases, interior changes.

Love horoscope

It will seem to you that your partner is demanding the impossible from you. Both of you will want to take a little break from each other. You are already being torn apart both at work and at home, but your loved one has found the time to strike a pose. It is unlikely that you will be able to agree on anything now. Remember that a bad peace is still better than a good quarrel. You tend to exaggerate the meaning of words. Do not pay attention to what is said in the heat of the moment and there will be a chance to make peace. This period is absolutely not suitable for breaking up; you may later regret it for a very long time.

Health horoscope

From June 3 to June 11, health-related plans are best implemented if you do not advertise them. Any wellness procedure is beneficial, so if you have been planning to see a massage therapist for a long time, now is the time! In the second half of the month, you will suddenly feel that communication is taking too much energy from you. At the same time, ambition will spur you to rush through the thorns to the stars. Tension in relationships with others will increase. Save your strength. To normalize your psychological state, drink herbal teas.

Horoscope of work and finances

Be careful with your spending. You should not make large purchases or start businesses that require significant expenses. Now both excessive stinginess and excessive wastefulness are equally bad. Financial assistance from relatives will arrive on time, you won’t have to wait. On June 17 or 18, you will want to give a generous gift, perhaps to yourself. Your hard work can bring good results; catch the eye of your superiors more often. But from June 21, there is no time to take initiative at work; wait for a more favorable moment. Financial difficulties can now be solved extremely easily; friends will not let you go to waste.

Horoscope for June 2018 for Taurus men

Romantic relationships will be of particular importance to a Taurus man. Dreams and fantasies will not give him peace, but, most likely, he will never decide to take active action; there are too many obstacles on the way and too much opposition from others. This is due to the tense aspects of neighboring planets.

  • Talisman of the month: zodiac symbol of Mercury, image of Pegasus.
  • Favorable days: June 1, 6, 15, 18.
  • Unfavorable days: June 3, 10, 11, 16.
  • Priority of interests: buying clothes, solving personal financial issues.

Love horoscope

The beginning of the month is a good time to show feelings. But from June 12, confrontation in relations may arise. Also, in love affairs you may fall under the influence of acquaintances. This will double your indecision. You worry, but are unable to change the situation. It is important for you that your loved one shares your point of view. Overcome your pride; if she is ready to take a step forward, support her. By the end of the month, you will become quiet and flexible and will not claim a dominant role in the relationship.

Health horoscope

In the first week of the month, take the time to learn the basics of your diet. This will be very useful to you soon. It's time to change your lifestyle, especially with regard to diet. You need to choose some kind of light diet and stick to it. A favorable time to complete any treatment cycle and take stock. Your conclusions will be correct. Dedicate your days off to yourself: visit a sauna, swimming pool or open pond; now water procedures are very useful for you.

Horoscope of work and finances

Find time for private conversations with friends and those on whom your career depends. Watch what you say and promise; your unreliability can lead to a decline in authority. But colleagues, friends and loved ones will provide you with real help in your business. Appreciate their support. During this period, be prepared to take responsibility for what is happening and find a balance between your career and personal life. The last week of the month is a good time to plan vacations and long trips. But remember that it wouldn’t hurt to let your bosses know about these plans, otherwise they simply won’t let you go.

Children's horoscope for Taurus for June 2018


Your boy will become interested in something new. Probably by collecting figurines, stickers or cars. This is a good time to teach your child the value of things. Buy a beautiful album for stickers, a box for figures, explain to your child how to store and take care of his treasure. Notice the changes in his communication style. Perhaps your son will now seek solitude. Don't worry, this is a temporary phenomenon.


Taurus girls, even very attractive ones, can suddenly begin to doubt themselves. Perhaps this is just coquetry, but it is better to talk and convince him otherwise. In addition, your daughter will have a favorite topic of conversation - the hero of the film. Moreover, any attempts you make to look at this character impartially will be met with indignation. Take an educational effect from the situation by analyzing the actions of her idol together with your daughter.

June promises to be a favorable month for most people born under the zodiac sign Taurus ♉. Your energy potential will be directed to mastering new things. You will want to do something you have never done before. The mood will be summer - upbeat and cheerful. Your health will also make you happy; you will forget about insomnia and stress.

As the horoscope for June 2018 says, Taurus will meet the summer on a wave of success. The stars predict unprecedented financial growth. You can use your income in different ways, but the best way is to spend the money on vacation. Taurus needs a vacation in June like air. At this time, you can restore your strength - both physical and moral. You will need them for further important matters, of which you will have many in 2018.

At the end of the month you will be too emotional and this will drain your inner state. Therefore, you will really need rest. But the horoscope does not recommend traveling to distant countries - it is better to spend your June vacation in your hometown. In addition, there are enough unfinished tasks at home. Now is a great time to get your home in order.

The whole of June is a difficult period in which it will be difficult for you to cope with some projects alone. Reach out to close friends and tell them about your problems. Together you can achieve significant success.

Favorable days in June 2018: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20, 22, 27, 29

Unfavorable days in June 2018: 9, 10, 13, 23, 25, 30

Family and love horoscope

June 2018 promises to give the Taurus zodiac sign many positive moments in love relationships. Throughout the month you will be surrounded by exclusively positive emotions.

Taurus men who still have not found their chosen one, can correct the situation in June. Venus and the Yellow Dog, the mistress of 2018, will help you find your soul mate. But the horoscope warns that a miracle will not happen on its own; it will also require a little effort from you. Don’t yawn, look around, don’t miss the one with whom you are quite likely to go to the registry office! Your heart will tell you that it is She. And this is where you will need to act decisively. Taurus know how to look after beautifully, so the horoscope does not give recommendations on what to do. You yourself know this well.

For romantically inclined Taurus men, Gemini, Aries, Capricorn and Leo girls are most suitable. With them, the Taurus guy will be able to create strong, trusting relationships, which will soon develop into marriage bonds. It is very likely that if you meet your chosen one in June 2018, you will be together until old age.

Taurus women, girls- June is your month! You will shine at every party, you will be noticed, you will be complimented, courted and escorted home. There will be more than enough gentlemen! But to achieve this, you will have to try a little. First of all, we are talking about your leisure time. Don’t sit at home, attend various events, not only entertainment, but cultural ones.

You are encouraged to spend more time at exhibitions, theaters, public libraries and similar institutions. Here you can meet an intelligent and intellectually developed man who can give you what other guys couldn’t. With your abilities and need for development, you need a worthy companion!

Taurus who have a second half, there is no need to rush into a wedding in June 2018: the horoscope recommends living the first period without official registration. If you hurry, then in the future you and your chosen one may have many quarrels. In order for the relationship to be calm, you need to spend all your free time with your significant other. During this period, friends and relatives will disturb you, so you need to distance yourself from them. It is best to go on vacation somewhere in June 2018. Give such a gift for your chosen one and then love and positivity will reign in your relationship.

Lonely Taurus in June they will be lucky - they will finally be able to find their love. Those Taurus who do not care about love and romantic feelings will be able to calmly continue their activities. According to the horoscope, Taurus are pragmatic and down-to-earth, they are not so easy to control. Therefore, girls who have chosen a Taurus man as their partner - do not delude yourself that you will be able to command your soulmate. And if you decide to “build” your Taurus lover, then know that nothing will work out for you. This zodiac sign is painfully stubborn and self-willed.

Horoscope for June 2018 predicts that family representatives of the Taurus sign It won't be easy during this period. The home environment will be full of quarrels, leading to a protracted, more serious conflict. It could even lead to divorce. If such a course of events is undesirable, then you need to restrain your emotions and words and meet your partner halfway.

Their excessive jealousy can ruin a Taurus marriage. This zodiac sign is an ardent owner, so never test his patience, and even more so, do not flirt with others in his presence. Don't even look in the direction of a potential opponent. Otherwise, you risk losing your loved one forever.

Family Taurus are advised to diversify their personal relationships in order to improve the atmosphere in the family. In this regard, you can go on a picnic or go to the sea together. Activities such as playing sports together or walking in the park with your children can also help restore peace. But it’s better not to make repairs and generally solve everyday problems. Routine difficulties can only exacerbate your internal conflict.

Career and financial horoscope

In June, Taurus will work hard on themselves: increase their independence and achieve new goals. Many will try their hand at another job. You will have a desire to start your own business, you will make inquiries and study legislation and legal issues.

At the beginning of the month for Taurus businessmen Career affairs will turn out quite well - friends and business partners will come to the rescue. Your intuition will tell you at what point you need to move on and enter into new deals. Astrologers say that almost all commercial contracts concluded in June will be successful, and benefits will not be long in coming in the near future.

Taurus employees, at the end of the month you will often remember your achievements at work, which can lead to conflicts with your superiors. Behave naturally and do not try to deceive management, otherwise your actions may harm you.

In June, Taurus employees working in the company will receive encouragement from their superiors. The unemployed will be no less lucky: most likely they will find a good position, but to achieve their goal they need to successfully pass the interview.

For Taurus bosses June 2018 will be the month of business travel. The horoscope says that some of them will be failures. Many managers may be worried that an experienced employee could leave at any time. The projects that Taurus are working on should not be abandoned, since at the end of the month they may find sponsors, which will have a positive impact on their financial situation.

In June, Taurus will have a part-time job that they shouldn’t refuse. Spend your finances wisely - buy only what you need. Leave any questions regarding real estate for later.

Well-being of the Taurus sign in June 2018

Your health will be normal during this period. It’s hard to call it ideal, but it’s not bad either.

For most representatives of the sign, this state will be normal. Taurus will be able to work, relax and do other things as usual.