What is the role of literature in the spiritual life of society. Video lesson “Literature and its role in the spiritual life of a person”

Teacher of history and social studies Andrianova T.E.

Subject: "What did the Chinese sage Confucius teach"

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson Objectives: 1. Students should:

A) Know: the provisions of the teachings of Confucius on family, state, learning, behavior; facts from the biography of Confucius, geographical position and major rivers of China.

B) Be able to: work with text, historical maps, additional literature (dictionaries, encyclopedias), analyze and draw conclusions.

2. Develop thinking, spatial concepts, creative abilities.

3. Cultivate respect for elders and parents.

Teaching methods: verbal, visual.

FOPD: frontal, individual.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, textbook, map, encyclopedia.

On the board: topic of the lesson, new words: Yellow River, Yangtze, Confucius, bamboo.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

Greetings from students, wishes fruitful work, creating a friendly atmosphere. Psychological and emotional mood for the lesson.

2. Update background knowledge students on the topic “Indian castes”.

1. What is caste?

2. How do castes differ from classes?

3. What castes existed in India?

4. What was the name of the god from whose body parts castes emerged?

When did the unification of India take place? – in the 3rd century BC

Which king united India? - King Ashoka.

What did Buddha teach?

What is so attractive about the legendary Buddha?

What is the difference between the ideas of the Buddha and the teachings of the Indian Brahmins?

3. Learning new material.


1. Nature and people of China.

2. Personality in history - Confucius.

3. Teachings of Confucius.

We got acquainted with the religious beliefs of the ancient Indians. They found out that Buddha, the founder of the world religion - Buddhism, taught to give preference to a person’s personal merits rather than his origin. But what the Chinese sage Confucius taught, we will find out today in class.

1. Working with the map.So, first, we must learn as much as possible about the country - the homeland of the famous sage. Where do you start exploring an unfamiliar country? - geographical position. There are messages (the time limit for each message is no more than 2 minutes) from the guys about the Great Chinese Plain, the Yellow River, the Yangtze River. China is located in southeast Asia. The banks of the Yellow River are made of loess, a rock similar to fine compacted sand. Loess soils are soft and, with good watering, very fertile. Therefore, already three and a half thousand years ago, settlements of farmers and cattle breeders existed on the banks of the Yellow River. At the same time, the banks of the Yangtze, covered with dense forests, were not inhabited. Archaeological finds confirm that the inhabitants of the Great Chinese Plain were engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding, and crafts, facing considerable difficulties. They had to cut down forests, develop new lands, irrigate fields, and build dams.

Vocabulary work.

China is a country located in East Asia on the Great Chinese Plain.

The first states in the valleys of these rivers arose around 1700 BC. The rulers of the countries were constantly at odds with each other. In the 3rd century BC. Almost all the kingdoms were united under his rule by Qin Shihuang.

2. Personality in history - Confucius.

Confucius was born in 551 BC. in a noble but impoverished family in the city of Lu. Therefore, his life was filled with hardships, and at the same time with a passionate desire to break through and become a worthy and respected member of society. He was distinguished by a greedy desire for knowledge. The young man read a lot and tried to acquire all the books he could find. In the time of Confucius, they wrote on narrow tablets of split bamboo. Confucius studied a lot and at the age of 22 began teaching himself. He became famous as one of the the best teachers China. At the School of Confucius, children studied four sciences: morality, language, politics and literature.

At the age of 50, Confucius began political activity and soon took a high position in Lu. For three months, traders did not dare raise prices, “no one dared to raise what was left on the roads,” and there was peace and tranquility in the kingdom. But soon he had to leave the service due to intrigues.

After this, Confucius traveled around China for 13 years, but was never able to find application for his abilities and ideas. As you can see, it is not easy to be honest and fair at all times.

Confucius traveled until he was 66 years old, preaching his teachings, and then returned to his homeland. Confucius died at the age of 72. And on the site of his house a temple was built. Confucius entered the history of world culture as the founder of a special religion - Confucianism.

The spread of Confucius's ideas began in the 2nd century BC. Then the philosopher’s idea about the need for scientists to work in the government was accepted. Soon the ideas of Confucius were recognized state religion China and remained so until 1912, when the people dethroned the last emperor of China.

Today, Buddhism has replaced Confucianism in China.

Count what year Confucius died and mark the dates of his life on the time line.

In what century was Confucius born and in what century did he die? Died 479 BC

3.Teachings of Confucius.

In China, many tales and legends about the famous sage have been preserved. Books were written about him, poems and fairy tales were composed. But what a fable time has brought to us. Listen to her. – Students speak (fable “The Wise Man’s Answer”).

Questions: How do you feel about what Confucius sought to instill in his students?

What do you need most in life: intelligence, courage, hard work, caution, joy?

What would you like to learn from your teachers?

Working with the document (handouts). Questions and tasks regarding the document:

1. Select statements that characterize the attitude towards knowledge and learning. How do you agree with his statements?

2. Select statements by Confucius that talk about how to treat elders, parents, and other people. Why is it important to respect your parents?

3. What should a person strive for, according to Confucius? Give an example from own life, when you acted according to the rule that coincides with the advice of Confucius.

4. Explain the meaning of the penultimate statement of Confucius. Which school subject can help in studying the “old”?

5. Explain the meaning of Confucius’s last statement. Which Russian proverb corresponds to the words of the Chinese sage?

6. How should a person, from the point of view of Confucius, relate to wealth, fame, and service?

7. What statements bring Confucius closer to Buddha?


Confucius taught.

In the family circle, honor your parents. Outside the family, honor your elders.

Be honest and merciful with people, love goodness.

Be hard on yourself and gentle on others. This way you will protect yourself from human hostility.

Good must be done. Evil will create itself.

Try to become at least a little kinder, and you will see that you will no longer be able to do a bad deed.

People do bad things out of laziness. To do good deed, you have to put in the work.

Learn! For life always reminds us that all our knowledge is not enough. When a person stops learning, he may lose what he previously learned.

People want wealth and fame for themselves; if both cannot be acquired honestly, they should be avoided. People are afraid of poverty and obscurity; if both cannot be avoided, they should be accepted with dignity.

Don't worry about not being in a high position. Worry about whether you are serving well in the place where you are.

Be respectful to your parents and teachers. Only in mercy and self-sacrifice be ahead of them.

Don't envy anyone and don't despise anyone. Meeting with noble man, think about how to match him; When meeting a low person, think about how not to become the same yourself.

Don’t be easy on your words, don’t say what is unlawful.

If you want to learn something new, turn to the old one.

What you don’t wish for yourself, don’t do to others.

4. Lesson summary

China is a country where everything is unique, wise, amazing! Everything in this country is majestic and amazing: the Great Chinese Plain, the Yellow and Yangtze rivers. The Chinese nation has centuries-old history and brilliant culture. U Chinese people developed and raised so beautiful traditional features character, such as hard work, courage, simplicity and kindness.

5. Reflection

– There are stickers stuck on the corners of your desks Pink colour, you need to write down three words on them that you remember and would characterize your attitude towards China and its ancient wisdom.


Create a cluster.

Group 1 - family relationships,

Group 2 - relations in the state,

Group 3 - behavior of a well-mannered Chinese,

1. The country where the Chinese lived. China is located in East Asia. In the first millennium BC. e. The Chinese settled throughout the Great Chinese Plain between the Yellow and Yangtze rivers. Several states arose on this vast territory, the rulers of which were often at enmity with each other. But the inhabitants of all these states considered themselves one people, because they had similar languages ​​and writing, beliefs and customs. The sage Confucius, who was greatly revered by the Chinese, often spoke about these customs.

2. The highest virtue is respect for elders. Confucius said that it is necessary to observe those orders that have been established since ancient times.

Confucius. According to the Chinese image.

In family younger brothers should show signs of respect to elders, children to parents. And elders should treat younger ones with fatherly attention and care.

The Chinese revered their deceased parents and more distant ancestors as powerful and kind patrons. Sacrifices were made in their honor. The best praise was to compare a person with some ancient hero. The Chinese were very fond of stories about antiquity and carefully preserved them in their memory.

China in ancient times.

Thickets of bamboo.

Bamboo book.

Like other peoples, they believed in supernatural creatures: into gods, spirits, monsters, winged serpents - dragons. But the highest being for them was Heaven. They considered Heaven to be the ancestor of the ruler, so the king in China was called the Son of Heaven, and the country subordinate to him was called the Celestial Empire.

3. Wisdom is in the knowledge of ancient books. Confucius explained the contents of ancient books to his students so that they would become familiar with the wisdom of the ancients. Among these books were legends, sayings, and songs.

And the books themselves looked completely different from ours. During the time of Confucius, they wrote on narrow tablets made of split bamboo. A thin brush or stick was dipped in black ink and hieroglyphs were applied from top to bottom. If they made a mistake, the writing was scraped off with a knife. Then holes were made in the planks and string was threaded through. The bundle of bamboo was an ancient Chinese book.

A Chinese scholar had to memorize thousands of hieroglyphs that denoted individual words. Just like in Egyptian writing, in Chinese characters originated from drawings, and sometimes in their form you can still guess the original image.

From the sayings of Confucius

An insignificant person strives for profit, and a noble person strives for justice.

A noble person is free from anxiety and fear. After all, if you don’t find a flaw inside yourself, what to worry about, what to be afraid of.

A noble person blames himself, and a worthless person blames others.

Wealth is something that people crave. But if I got it undeservedly, I will not use it. Poverty is something that scares people. But if it befell me undeservedly, I will not be ashamed of it.

Eating simple food and drinking water, sleeping with your elbow under your head - this is also joy.

Chinese characters.

4. How polite Chinese should behave. Confucius believed that a well-mannered person can be easily recognized by his behavior. Before entering the house, a polite Chinese man took off his shoes and walked barefoot. Walking in shoes on mats laid out on the floor was considered simply indecent. The Chinese sat either on the same mat or on a low seat, but always with their heels tucked under. Only completely ill-mannered people could sit with their legs dangling, much less stretching them forward. Already in ancient times, the Chinese mastered the art of eating with two chopsticks. They continue this custom to this day.

The ancient Chinese created complex hairstyles on their heads, collecting their hair in a bun. They considered those who walked with their hair down to be savages. Usually the Chinese wore a robe. U ordinary people the robes were made of cheap material. Noble rich people dressed in silk robes, with beautiful embroidery with flowers and figures of dragons.

Confucius taught that not only in the family, but throughout the state, order should be maintained in relations between elders and younger ones.

A well-mannered Chinese is polite to everyone, he is not rude to those who are lower in position, and does not curry favor with those who are higher. But he behaves with those and with others, knowing his place well - with the elders respectfully, and with the younger ones favorably. Confucius taught that the state is like big family. Subjects must respect the ruler as a father. But Confucius also advised rulers to treat their subjects as their children. Wise ruler does not torment people with harsh punishments, but patiently educates them - first of all, by his example.

Cruelty does not suit a ruler at all; fatherly guidance is sufficient. “To execute someone instead of guiding him on the true path is inhumane,” said Confucius.

Explain the meaning of the words: Celestial Empire. Son of Heaven, dragon, bamboo book.

Test yourself. 1. What religious beliefs did the Chinese have? What was their relationship to their ancestors? 2. How is Chinese writing similar to Egyptian? What did Chinese books look like?

Work with the map (see reverse side front cover). Find and locate China and its main rivers.

Work with dates. Confucius and Buddha lived in different countries, but at about the same time: five centuries BC. e. Calculate how many years ago these sages lived.

Think about whether Confucius was right in our time when he believed that a well-mannered person can be easily recognized by his behavior. Read the document “From the Sayings of Confucius” and answer who the Chinese sage considered a noble, that is, worthy, person. Do you agree with Confucius?

In the entire history of China, no one has been able to eclipse the glory of Confucius.

He was neither a discoverer nor an inventor, but every inhabitant of the planet knows his name thanks to his outstanding philosophical teachings.

From the biography of Confucius:

About it outstanding person little is known, but this does not prevent us from believing that Confucius is an influential figure in the development of China.

Confucius (real name Kong Qiu) is an ancient sage and philosopher of China. He was born around 551 BC. e. His mother Yan Zhengzai was a concubine and was only 17 years old at the time. Shuliang He's father was already 63 years old at that time; he was a descendant of Wei Tzu, the emperor's commander. The boy was given the name Kong Qiu at birth. When the child was one and a half years old, the father died.

After the death of little Confucius’s father, serious quarrels occurred between the two wives and the young concubine, which forced the boy’s mother to leave the house. Having moved to the city of Qufu, Yan Zhengzai began to live on her own with her son. Confucius had a difficult childhood; from a young age he had to work. Yan Zhengzai's mother talked about his ancestors and their great activity. This was a huge incentive to regain the great title that had been lost. Listening to his mother's stories about his father and his noble family, Confucius understood that in order to be worthy of his family it was necessary to educate himself.

To begin with, he studied the basis of the education system for young aristocrats - the six arts. In this he succeeded, and he was appointed to the post of official manager of barns, then - official responsible for livestock. At about 19 he got married and had two children.

My successful career he started around age 20. + At the same time, Confucius received recognition and created an entire doctrine - Confucianism, which was of great importance for the development of China. He became the founder of the first university and wrote rules for all classes. He taught 4 disciplines: literature, language, politics and morality in his own private school, which accepted everyone who wanted independence from class and material wealth.

Around 528 BC, his mother dies, and according to tradition, he must leave government work for 3 years. During this period, Confucius was completely immersed in thoughts of creating an ideal state.

When Confucius was 44 years old, he took over the seat of the Principality of Lu. He was very active in his post and was an experienced and skillful politician. +Soon big changes began in the country. The stable reigns of dynasties were replaced by corrupt, greedy officials, and internecine strife began. Realizing his hopelessness, Confucius resigned and, together with his students, began traveling around China. At this time, he tried to convey his ideas to the governments of different provinces. Confucius began to preach philosophical teachings together with his followers. His idea was to preach knowledge to the poor, the ploughmen, the old and the young.

Confucius charged for his tuition nominal fee, lived on funds allocated by wealthy students. He began teaching new students and systematizing the ancient books Shi Jin and I Jin. The students themselves compiled the book of Lun Yu. It became the founding book of Confucianism, containing short statements, notes, actions of their teacher.

At about the age of 60, he finished his wanderings, Confucius returned to his homeland, which he did not leave until his death. The rest of his life he works on his creations: “Books of Songs”, “Books of Changes” and many others. + Interestingly, according to scientists, he had approximately 3,000 students, but there are approximately 26 by name.

Although Confucianism is considered a religion, it has nothing to do with theology. It reflects the principles of creating a harmonious society. The basic rule that Confucius formulated is: “Do not do to a person what you do not wish for yourself.” +Confucius died in the 73rd year, before which he predicted his imminent death, which he told his students about. He died around 479, and there is an opinion that before that he simply slept for 7 days. He was buried in the cemetery where his followers were supposed to be buried. +On the site of the house after his death, a temple was built, which was rebuilt more than once and its area was increased. The House of Confucius has been under the protection of UNESCO since 1994. In China, it is customary to give the Confucius Prize for achievements in the field of education.

Of course, legends have been partially created around the life and biography of Confucius, but the fact of the influence of his teachings on future generations should not be underestimated.

He was one of the first to propose the idea of ​​​​building a highly moral and harmonious society. His teaching found such a wide response among people that it was accepted as an ideological norm at the state level, and it remained popular for almost 20 centuries. The lessons of Confucius are easy for everyone to understand, which is probably why they inspire people so effectively.

Confucius was an ordinary person, but his teaching is often called religion. Although issues of theology and theology as such are not important for Confucianism at all. All teaching is based on morals, ethics and life principles human-human interaction.

25 interesting facts from the life of Confucius:

1.The family tree of Confucius, with a history of approximately 2500 years, is the longest in the world. To date, the tree spans 83 generations of the Confucius clan.

2. Confucius is also known by the names: “ Great Sage", "The Wisest Teacher Gone", "The First Teacher" and "Forever an Exemplary Teacher".

3. Qiu (“Qiū”, literally “Hill”) is the real name of Confucius, given to him at birth. The second name of the teacher was Zhong-ni (仲尼Zhòngní), that is, “Second of Clay.”

4. Confucianism, founded by Confucius and developed by his followers, is one of the most widespread and ancient teachings in China and throughout the world.

5. The laws issued by Confucius were based on his teachings and were so successful that crime in the kingdom of Lu came to naught.

6. Confucius believed that every citizen should respect and honor their ancestors.

7. At the age of 19, Confucius married a girl named Ki-koan-shi from the Qi family, who lived in the kingdom of Song. A year later they had a son, who was named Lee.

8. At the age of 50 (501 BC), Confucius took the post of judge. All the law and order of the kingdom of Lu was concentrated in his hands.

9. Students of Confucius, based on the teacher’s sayings and conversations, compiled the book “Sy Shu” or “Four Books”.

10. “The Golden Rule” of Confucius says: “Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself.” He is also credited with the saying: “What you cannot choose for yourself, do not impose on others.”

11. The name “Confucius” arose at the end of the 16th century in the writings of European missionaries, who thus Latin(Latin: Confucius) conveyed the combination Kun Fu-tzu (Chinese: 孔夫子, pinyin: Kǒngfūzǐ), although the name 孔子 (Kǒngzǐ) is more often used with the same meaning “Teacher [of the clan/surname] Kun.”

12. According to Confucius, a person must overcome himself, cultivating his personality through morality and humanity, and destroy the barbarian and egoist within himself.

13. According to the Confucius Family Genealogy Committee, operating in Hong Kong and China, the genealogical books listing the descendants of Confucius are considered the largest in the world: they number 43 thousand pages and include the names of more than 2 million people.

14. Confucius served as a judge for five years, but the machinations of spiteful critics led to his resignation in 496 BC.

15. Confucius returned to teaching and over the next 12 years as a teacher won universal love and respect.

16. He believed that the country's elite would become positive example for the rest of the nation. Thus, peace and harmony will reign in society.

17. To the most important human qualities he referred to honesty, benevolence, humility, politeness and common sense. Confucius encouraged people's leaders to be models of good behavior.

18. Confucius taught students the ideas of ancient Chinese sages, which he himself studied in order to achieve reforms in the government, which at that time was mired in corruption and autocracy.

19. Confucius’s mother died when he was 23. A year later (in 527 BC), Confucius changed his career and took up teaching.

20. When Confucius was one and a half years old, his father Shuliang He, a military officer, died. The boy grew up in poverty, but was able to get a good education.

21. At the age of 60, Confucius left labor activity and returned to small homeland. 12 years later, November 21, 479 BC. he died.

22. One of the most outstanding students Confucius and his spiritual heir - the Chinese philosopher Mengzi. The thinker's most beloved student was Yan Hui.

23. Several tens of thousands of descendants of the “teacher of all Chinese” live outside of China in Korea (34 thousand) and Taiwan.

24. C early childhood Confucius had to work hard to feed his family. Starting as a simple worker, he rose to the rank of official responsible for issuing and receiving grain. Later, livestock also came under his control.

25. Confucius (birth name Kong Qiu) was born in 551 BC. in the city of Ceou (now the city of Qufu in Shandong province), which belonged to the kingdom of Lu.

25 wisest quotes Confucius:

1. In fact, life is simple, but we persistently complicate it.

2. Three things never come back - time, word, opportunity. Therefore: do not waste time, choose your words, do not miss the opportunity.

3. In ancient times, people studied in order to improve themselves. Nowadays people study in order to surprise others.

4. A noble person is serene at heart. A low person is always preoccupied.

5. He is not great who has never fallen, but he is great who has fallen and gotten up.

6. Intemperance in small things will ruin a great cause.

7.If they spit in your back, it means you are ahead.

8. Three paths lead to knowledge: the path of reflection is the noblest path, the path of imitation is the easiest path and the path of experience is the most bitter path.

9. Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, true happiness is when you love.

10.People in ancient times did not like to talk much. They considered it a shame for themselves not to keep up with their own words.

11.Gemstone cannot be polished without friction. Likewise, a person cannot become successful without enough hard attempts.

12.Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a single day in your life.

13. Try to be at least a little kinder, and you will see that you will not be able to commit a bad act.

14.You can curse the darkness all your life, or you can light a small candle.

15. There is beauty in everything, but not everyone can see it.

16.We accept advice in drops, but give it out in buckets.

17. In a country where there is order, be bold in both actions and speeches. In a country where there is no order, be bold in your actions, but careful in your speech.

18. Give instructions only to those who seek knowledge after revealing their ignorance.

19. A noble person makes demands on himself, a low person makes demands on others.

20. Misfortune came - man gave birth to him, happiness came - man raised him.

21.I don’t get upset if people don’t understand me, I get upset if I don’t understand people.

22. Before you take revenge, dig two graves.

23.If you hate, it means you have been defeated.

24.You can overcome bad habits only today, not tomorrow.

25.Only when the cold comes, it becomes clear that pines and cypresses are the last to lose their decoration.

Temple of Confucius

from Wikipedia, photo from the Internet

Lesson topic: “What the Chinese sage Confucius taught.”

Target: form an idea of ​​the life of Chinese society, philosophical teaching Confucius, using active forms of learning and information technology.


Cognitive tasks:

Mastering the system of theoretical knowledge: main events, historical figures and practical knowledge of maps;

Formation of a historical approach to events;

Creating conditions for adequate assessment of learning outcomes and self-esteem among 5th grade students

Developmental tasks:

Development of creative thinking of students;

Development of independence;

Development of abilities to analyze, systematize and generalize historical facts and events;

Development of the ability to use information technologies in the learning process.

Educational task: fostering respect among people for each other.

Key learning outcomes:

Personal: Students, getting acquainted with the basics of Confucianism, gain experience, form ideas about ancient civilizations and the forms and rules of human interaction.

Subject: Practicing the skill of working with a map (emphasis on marking historical sites on the map); mastering problem-based learning technology educational material. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing historical facts and events proved the problem posed at the beginning of the lesson “China - amazing, wise, unique”;

Meta-subject: Formation of skills in working with various sources information (textbook, reference books Internet resources) Students prepare their own messages on a new topic (advanced learning); express survey, in the form test task used at the end of the lesson optimizes testing of learning material new topic and motivates students to work with electronic teaching aids

Methods for managing educational activities and perceiving information:

a) according to the source of transmission and perception of information - verbal, visual, practical;
b) according to the logic of transmission and perception of information - inductive and deductive;
c) according to the degree of independence of students - reproductive and problem-searching;
d) according to the degree of management of educational activities – educational activities, organized and managed by the teacher, independent activity studying, working with a textbook.

Control and evaluation system: A) frontal work, survey; express survey; self-control


Multimedia projector, board-screen; Map “China in ancient times” History textbook for grade 5 (authors Vigasin A.A., Goder G.I., Sventsitskaya I.S. year of publication – 2000)

During the classes

1. Introductory part.

1. Greeting. Organizing time.

My friends, the bell is ringing and I'm glad to start the lesson.

Openings are waiting for us ahead, So, go ahead and have a good journey!

2. Checking homework.

In today's lesson we will continue to get acquainted with states Ancient world, but first, let's remember everything you learned about India. To do this, I will give each group cards, read them carefully and complete the tasks (2 minutes).

“Correct the error in the text”: “The country of India is located in South Africa. In the north of India are the Himalayas, the most high mountains in the world. In India the climate is dry and it never rains. The Euphrates and Tigris rivers flow through India. India has many dense and difficult forests. They are called jungles. There are a lot of predatory animals and birds in the jungle. They considered the crocodile and the bull to be sacred animals. They believed that after death a person will definitely live in the guise of only a rich person.”

In the proposed text, you must name words denoting objects that came from Ancient India. “Despite the fact that my father and I stayed up late yesterday playing chess, my mother

woke me up early in the morning, because today my class and I are going on a hike.

There was already hot rice porridge on the table and a steaming cup of tea. I put a couple of spoons of sugar in there and happily drank the sweet, invigorating drink. I checked after breakfast

backpack. The compass is in place! I also took a spare cotton T-shirt with numbers written on it. You can go!” Performance by 1 person per group, joint

1. The northern border of India is the highest mountains…………..

2. How many castes were there in Indian society?.........

3. About whom we're talking about?

“...they were forbidden to live in the village. They ate garbage and lived in miserable shacks. They went out into the village to pick up trash or do other menial work..." ………

4. Could, for example, an Indian move from one caste to another? For example, a warrior into a clergyman? ........

5. Who are Kshatriyas? …….

Key for peer review: Himalayas, 4, untouchables, no, rulers and warriors.

3. Motivation.

Teacher. Well done. And now guys, I have this question for you: have you ever played computer games? (Children answer). Amazing. Today I invite you to conduct our lesson in the form computer game. Every computer game is based on one story or another. And we will also base our game on the history of one amazing country.

In order to find out which country we are talking about, I bring to your attention video.

So, you've watched the video. What country do you think we will talk about today? (Children answer: China).

4.Preparation for active assimilation of new knowledge.

You are right, the state whose history we will take as the basis for our game is China. This is what our contemporaries say about China: “This is a truly unique country. Once on its territory, you will immediately plunge into the spirit ancient East, its atmosphere. One gets the feeling that one is at the intersection of the past and the future: on the one hand, it is rich and interesting culture, history spanning thousands of years, exquisite art, amazing musical language. And on the other hand - fast pace development of technologies that have great prospects in the future.”

Guys, I invite you to think about the question: “Why is China still considered a unique country?” To answer this question, I suggest you do the following exercise: Each of you has information in front of you consisting of various facts about China. Your task will be to carefully read and write down those facts that, in your opinion, can prove the uniqueness of China. You have 3 minutes to work.

Option 1.1.China is the most populous country in the world. According to statistics, every fifth person in the world is Chinese. 1 billion 350 million people live here. This is almost 4 times more than the population in the United States of America.

2. The Chinese are the discoverers of printing, the compass, gunpowder and paper.

3. Approximately 35% of the country's territory is occupied by mountains, deserts, plains - about 19%, high plateaus - 27%, low plains - 13% and mountainous and hilly areas - 8% of the total area.

4. China borders on countries such as Russia and Mongolia in the north, Myanmar, Vietnam, India, Nepal, Bhutan and Laos in the south, and Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan in the west.

Option 2. 1. The main attraction of China is the Great Wall of China. The length of the structure reaches 8851.8 km and it passes through the entire northern China.

2. The most important holiday in China is the Chinese New Year, or as it is also called, Lunar New Year. On this day, it is believed that every person becomes a year older, thereby New Year in China it is also the birthday of all its residents.

3. Compared to European countries In China, the color of mourning is white, not black.

4. China is often called the “Flower Kingdom” because It was there that many varieties of flowers and fruits were developed, which are now grown all over the world.

5. The most popular hobby among Chinese residents is collecting stamps.

Let's complete our exercise. I hope China is now unique to each of you in its own way. And now guys, as in every game, you and I must determine our main character. There have been many in the history of China outstanding personalities. But I would like to draw your attention to one of them. He is one of the great sages of antiquity, was a kind of symbol of China, its culture, philosophical thought. Now look carefully at the screen. Here are various facts from the life of our main character, and you will try to guess who we are talking about.

Chinese thinker, whose main views are set out in the book "Lun-yu" ("Conversations and Judgments"). He belonged to an old aristocratic family, whose genealogy went back to the Shang-Yin dynasty, which ruled China until the 11th century BC. e.

For many dozens of generations, billions of Chinese people sacredly revered him as a teacher of life. In fact, his teaching has been in use for 2,400 years and is still followed in his homeland.

It was established that he began his teaching career at the age of 22. Value guide The teacher considered the life of a person, provided that the life and actions of each person would be filled with wisdom, a sense of duty, justice, sincerity, mercy, humanity and observance of rituals and ceremonies.

The Teacher's followers saw the truth in the development of the idea of ​​jun-tzu - the idea of ​​a perfect man, or a noble man who, by his behavior, maintains order and balance in the world. Study the past if you want to foresee the future - that was the main thing

Teacher's instruction.

You have become acquainted with facts from the life of our hero. Now let's try to determine what his name was? That's right, guys. Today we will talk about Confucius, the great Teacher of China. Why do you think he was called Teacher?

Yes you are right. And today you and I are also lucky enough to gain a piece of his wisdom. Now that we have determined the story of our game, chosen the main character who will accompany us and help us in gaining wisdom, let us now name our game. So what title can you suggest? (Children give sample topic lesson)

Wonderful offers. The name of our game will be: “What the Chinese sage Confucius taught.” Write down the date and topic of the lesson in your notebook.

Like any game, our game will also have levels to complete. Today we have to go through 5 levels. Let's look at the passage map

Game plan:

1. natural - geographical features China

2. ancient thinker and philosopher of China - Confucius

3. writing of Ancient China

4. Basics of education in Chinese society

II. Presentation of new material.

So, we start our game. But in order to meet our main character, we need to determine where he lives. To do this, we will travel back in time and find the location of Ancient China, where Confucius lived.

1.Learning new material:

And here we have the first level. We need to determine - where did Confucius live? To determine the “address” of Ancient China, I suggest using the map, which is in the textbook on page 106. Now you will independently determine the “address” of Ancient China and answer the questions in writing. Exercise.

Where is China? (In East Asia).

What major rivers flow through China? (Yangtze and Yellow River)

On what plain did the Chinese settle? (Great Plain of China).

What is the terrain like in this state? (In the west lie mountains and deserts Central Asia, in the northwest there are steppes, and in the south there are the mountains of South Asia, covered with tropical forests).

Indeed, you and I have determined where the territory of Ancient China was located.

Bottom line. We have determined the "address" of Ancient China. We found out that China is located in East Asia; two large rivers flow through its territory - the Yangtze and Yellow River. The terrain in China is varied: there are mountains and deserts, steppes and tropical forests. I think we have fulfilled all the conditions of the first level and are moving on to the second!


Teacher: Let's remember the work of historians and do physical exercises.

Adults and children know, everyone on the planet knows. How history is important,

Everyone needs it. Everyone knows us historians. Our work is highly respected.

Looking for secrets until sunset - We are great guys!

    One, two, three, four, five - We can all count.

Once! Get up, stretch.

Two! Bend over, straighten up.

Three! Three claps of your hands,

Three nods of the head.

By four – your arms are wider.

Five - wave your arms.

Six - we sat down at the desk.

So, stop resting!

Around 1700 BC The first states arose on Chinese territory. Suggest, based on the natural and geographical position of China, what occupations existed among its inhabitants? (Children answer: agriculture, crafts, trade).

Residents of all states considered themselves one people because they had similar languages, beliefs and customs. They believed in gods, spirits, winged serpents - dragons. The highest being for them was Heaven, which was considered the ancestor of the ruler, therefore the king in China was called the Son of Heaven, and the country was called the Celestial Empire.

Right. The Chinese also paid great attention to education. In the distant past, 4 thousand years ago, the history of development begins Chinese philosophy. One of these philosophers was Confucius. One famous person about his teachings German poet Friedrich Schiller composed a wonderful poem:

Sayings of Confucius

The space in which we live is three-dimensional.
Everything changes in him tirelessly.
LENGTH strives to new distances,
The WIDTH pours out endlessly,
Goes into the depths without a bottom DEPTH.
You must repeat their example:
You must strive forward tirelessly.
Stand your ground, be ready all the time,
Do you want to see the end of the work -
Then you must be able to expand in breadth,
To the world under different angle look,
To reach immeasurable depths in immersion -
Then only you will be able to comprehend the essence.
Only perseverance leads to the goal.
Only content leads to understanding,
At the bottom of which the truth lives!

Guys, how did you understand the meaning of this poem? (Children make assumptions.)

Well done. At the core of his teaching, Confucius believed that morality is main basis human behavior, and therefore assessed people, primarily from a moral point of view. In his opinion, all people are close to each other by nature, but they have different habits. Some become good and moral, while others become bad and evil. Confucius called a man of the highest virtue a “noble man” and contrasted him with a “low man” lacking this quality.

Read the document on p. 107 and tell me what qualities a noble person should have.

What qualities did you condemn?

Now I suggest you do little exercise. Now I will name the actions for you, and you will determine whether they relate to a “noble husband” or a low person. To do this, if the action relates to the “noble husband”, you will raise your hands up, if not, clap your hands. Is everyone clear? Begin!

Exercise. Help elders, take care of younger ones, deceive, fulfill promises, support in Hard time, take what does not belong to you, say bad things behind your back, act according to your conscience.

Bottom line: Thanks guys. Now you have met our main character Confucius and identified the main essence of his teachings.

Guys, let's remember what two types of people Confucius divided people into? (Children answer: to a noble husband and a low person)

Right. What qualities should a “noble husband” have? (Children answer: be honest, don’t lie, help elders)

Right. So, I think we have completed the tasks of the second level with honor and are moving on to the third!

And the third level meets us next question: Guys, what subjects help us in acquiring new knowledge? Look at your desks. (Children answer: notebooks, pens, books).

Right. So our main character, Confucius, passed on knowledge to his students with the help of books. But these books were very unusual and very different, for example, from our books.

What were books like in China? Read paragraph 3 p. 107 and answer the questions:

What was the name of the Chinese writing system?

What were the books? Children answer: the bamboo trunk was split into thin sticks and hieroglyphs were written on them from top to bottom.)

What is the content of the books?

Message about hieroglyphs Writing based on hieroglyphs More than 3.5 thousand years ago, the Chinese created their own writing. They wrote in hieroglyphs. Using a special brush or stick, hieroglyphs were applied from top to bottom onto silk fabric or strips of bamboo.

There were about 50 thousand characters in Chinese writing. Just to learn all the hieroglyphs takes more than 20 years. Writing instruments, despite their apparent simplicity, were very expensive. They wrote with brushes, dipping them in ink made from ash. The art of calligraphy—the beautiful writing of hieroglyphs—was highly valued. Students had to take very a large number of exams. But those students who learned to read, write and count in ancient China could count on a decent and well-off financially. Because they could occupy a very prestigious official position.

Well, I think you have completed the task. That's right. Guys, now I suggest you do a little exercise. Since you and I found out that hieroglyphs are written from top to bottom, that each of them has its own pronunciation. I suggest you write down your names by - Chinese rules. Just to learn all the hieroglyphs takes more than 20 years. So you and I will write our names in syllables.

Result: So guys, we found out what important role books played a role in the life of Chinese society and in the teachings of Confucius. I think it's time to move on to level 4!

We found out what we were doing Chinese society how they acquired knowledge. Let's now figure out how they communicated with each other and what rules of conduct operated in society. All knowledge, according to Confucius, came down to studying historical heritage. “The teacher,” says the Lun Yu, “taught four things: writing, rules of conduct, loyalty and sincerity.” “A well-mannered person can be easily recognized by his manners”

Look at the images on the slides and make conclusions about how a polite Chinese should behave (A polite Chinese always took off his shoes before entering the house and walked barefoot. Walking in shoes on mats was considered indecent. The Chinese sat either on a mat or on a low seat, but be sure to tuck your heels under you. Only completely ill-mannered people could sit with their legs dangling, much less stretching them forward. A guest invited to the table is obliged to try all the dishes that are served for dinner. Otherwise, his manners may be considered rude.

Do you think there are such commandments in our culture? Yes, but which ones?


Guest. - Is anyone home? I was passing by and decided to stop by. (enters the house without an invitation and does not take off his shoes)

Owner. - Hello. The whole family is at home. Come in, sit down at the table. We'll be serving lunch soon.

Guest. - No, I'll just have tea. And then recently I got very poisoned.

Owner: My wife is an excellent cook. But only for those who respect her efforts. And you, with your manners, are afraid to drink tea all your life.

Guys, what rules do you think the guest is violating? (Children answer: didn’t say hello, walked in shoes, was rude, etc.)

Result: Thus, we have found out what a well-mannered Chinese should be like, how he should behave in society. Draw a conclusion: In his teaching, Confucius developed the provisions of ancient teachings, which talked about people respecting each other and the need to observe customs.

IV. Consolidation . Well, we have passed level 4 and our game is coming to an end, we have reached the final fifth level and here I will need your help. Then I received a letter in the mail from my friend from China, although some words were written in illegible handwriting. Help me restore this letter, you have 3 minutes to do this, please sign your last name at the top (task completion 2 minutes)


1. China is located in Eastern …………..

2. Two rivers flow through China: …… and……..

3. The Teacher of Life in China was called……….

4. Books in Ancient China made from a trunk………..

5. A perfect person who has only good qualities called......

6. How many years did it take to learn all the Chinese characters?..........

Key: Asia, Yellow River and Yangtze, Confucius, bamboo, noble man, 20.

Summing up the lesson.

1. Guys, do you remember that at the very beginning of the lesson we talked to you about the uniqueness of China? Let's remember why it is considered unique?(Children answer).

2. Guys, how do you understand the following words of Confucius: “Learn! For life always reminds us that all our knowledge is not enough. When a person stops learning, he may lose what he learned before.”

3. Is it possible to use the teachings of Confucius today? Give examples. The Chinese nation has a long history and a brilliant culture. The Chinese people have developed and nurtured such wonderful traditional character traits as hard work, courage, simplicity and kindness.

V. Reflection Guys, our game has come to an end,

What new did you learn in class today?

What's interestnig?

Did you like today's lesson?

VI. Homework. House. assignment: § 22, What are the similarities and differences between the teachings of Buddha and Confucius? Based additional literature, Internet resources, prepare reports about one of the Chinese discoveries that are used today (gunpowder, Chinese calendar, Chinese medicine, etc.).

Draw a picture