Ready presentation on the topic of heroes of the captain's daughter. The main characters of the novel

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A.S. Pushkin (1799 – 1837)

The basis of the novel The novel is based on the memoirs of the fifty-year-old nobleman Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, written by him during the reign of Emperor Alexander and dedicated to the “Pugachevism,” in which the seventeen-year-old officer Pyotr Grinev, due to a “strange combination of circumstances,” took an involuntary part.

I was promoted to officer. The service did not burden me. In the God-saved fortress there were no inspections, no exercises, no guards. The commandant, of his own accord, sometimes taught his soldiers; but I still could not get them all to know which side was right and which was left, although many of them, so as not to be mistaken, placed the sign of the cross on themselves before each turn.

At that moment a woman's scream was heard. Several robbers dragged Vasilisa Yegorovna onto the porch, disheveled and stripped naked. One of them had already dressed up in her warmer. Others carried feather beds, chests, tea utensils, linen and all the junk. “My fathers!” cried the poor old woman. “Release your soul to repentance. Dear fathers, take me to Ivan Kuzmich.”

Opera "The Captain's Daughter"

Having gone down a steep path, we stopped right next to the river and drew our swords. Shvabrin was more skillful than me, but I am stronger and braver, and Monsieur Beaupre, who was once a soldier, gave me several lessons in fencing, which I took advantage of. Shvabrin did not expect to find such a dangerous opponent in me. For a long time we could not do each other any harm; Finally, noticing that Shvabrin was weakening, I began to attack him with alacrity and drove him almost into the river. Suddenly I heard my name spoken loudly. I looked back and saw Savelich running down the mountain path towards me... At that very time I was stabbed strongly in the chest below my right shoulder; I fell and fainted.

An extraordinary picture presented itself to me: at a table covered with a tablecloth and set with damasks and glasses, Pugachev and about ten Cossack elders were sitting, in hats and colored shirts, flushed with wine, with red faces and shining eyes. Between them there was neither Shvabrin nor our constable, the newly recruited traitors. “Ah, your honor!” said Pugachev, seeing me. “Welcome; honor and place, you are welcome.”

Pugachev was sitting in an armchair on the porch of the commandant’s house. He was wearing a red Cossack caftan trimmed with braid. A tall sable cap with golden tassels was pulled down over his sparkling eyes. His face seemed familiar to me. Cossack elders surrounded him. Father Gerasim, pale and trembling, stood at the porch, with a cross in his hands, and seemed to silently beg him for the upcoming sacrifices. A gallows was quickly erected in the square.

Robber or liberator, Pugachev was a folk hero. Only such a hero could have been produced by the Russian people at that time.

From family legends it is known that he was released from prison at the end of 1774, by personal order; that he was present at the execution of Pugachev, who recognized him in the crowd and nodded his head to him, which a minute later, dead and bloody, was shown to the people.

Father said to me: “Farewell, Peter. Serve faithfully to whom you pledge allegiance; obey your superiors; do not chase their affection; do not ask for service; do not talk yourself out of service; and remember the proverb: take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age.”

Grinev is saved from shame and exile by Masha, who goes to the queen to “beg for mercy.” Walking through the garden of Tsarskoye Selo, Masha met a middle-aged lady. Everything about this lady “involuntarily attracted the heart and inspired confidence.” Having found out who Masha was, she offered her help, and Masha sincerely told the lady the whole story. The lady turned out to be an empress who pardoned Grinev in the same way as Pugachev had pardoned both Masha and Grinev.

Captain's daughter

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A. S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”. Generalizing intellectual game. Goals and objectives of the lesson. Epigraph. “There is more history in “The Captain’s Daughter” than in “The History of the Pugachev Rebellion” by V.O. Klyuchevsky. Classics about "The Captain's Daughter". Stages of an intellectual game. Blitz - survey. The name of Grinev's father The father served under the count... Petrusha Grinev was granted the title of uncle... At what year did Petrusha Grinev learn to read and write? And he could judge the properties well... Who was in his fatherland... And in Prussia... Pyotr Grinev was enlisted from infancy... And had to serve in... And he went to serve (where)... What weapons did Grinev and Shvabrin fight in a duel with? - The Captain's Daughter.ppt

Lesson Captain's Daughter

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Public Defender or Villain? (Emelyan Pugachev is a historical figure and literary character). Well, master, there’s trouble: a snowstorm!... It’s God knows where we ended up: there’s no road, and there’s darkness all around.” A.S. Pushkin. Captain's daughter. Lesson objectives: - through a comparative analysis of historical materials and artistic text, determine the attitude towards E. Pugachev as a historical figure and artistic image; - through the perception of the image of Pugachev, come to the realization of the idea of ​​A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter”. The time of the golden age of Catherine the Great. Catherine II in the office of M.V. Lomonosov. In 1762, Russia was shocked by a new coup d'etat. - Lesson Captain's Daughter.ppt

Pushkin Captain's Daughter

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Highlight the Christian basis in the relationship between Grinev and the counselor. Teacher's opening speech. Conversation with the class on unprepared questions. Creative work: essay - miniature. Does the snowstorm have a symbolic meaning in the novel? Is it possible to consider a collision with a blind element as a test? What attracted Grinev to the counselor? What role does sleep play? How does Grinev express gratitude to the counselor? Does Grinev violate the laws of honor? How does the hero perceive the news of his appointment to the Belogorsk fortress? How do you now understand the title of the chapter? Write a miniature essay: How does Grinev appear in the story with the counselor? - Pushkin Captain's Daughter.ppt

Book "The Captain's Daughter"

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Chukhryaeva Natalya Nikolaevna. A.S. Pushkin. A short story about the writer. Creative history of the story "The Captain's Daughter". “Our eternal companion” A.T. Tvardovsky. The creative history of the creation of "The Captain's Daughter". There are 6 different plans for draft versions of the story. Pushkin does not sympathize with such people. Theory of literature. The new prototype Bashirin is an officer pardoned by Pugachev for his kind attitude towards the soldiers. The author refuses to go over to the rebels. A living contemporary of Pushkin appears - Valuev, a nineteen-year-old youth. The time depicted in the story. June 1762. Catherine II came to power. - Book “The Captain's Daughter”.pptx

Tale The Captain's Daughter

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A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". For the first time, truly Russian characters appeared...” Or you’ll see again...” The shackles are rattling." folk song. What historical event is A.S. talking about? Pushkin in the story “The Captain's Daughter”? What historical figures are the heroes of the story? Which of the characters in the story can be called the main one? Why is the story of interest in our time? - Tale The Captain's Daughter.ppt

The story "The Captain's Daughter"

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The role of everyday details in revealing the character of a literary hero. Detail. Peter. To pay, or to pay for clothes - to mend, patch, put on, or sew on. Putting on the “light robe” after Baptism. I began to read a prayer to myself. I did not lose either my courage or my hope. Pogrebets. Shtof - a decanter of wine. Two robes, one calico and one striped silk, worth six rubles. Calico is a cheap grayish cotton fabric. Uniform - military or civilian uniform. Ratin is a woolen fabric for outerwear. Armenian. Events of the story. Why are there disputes about the genre of The Captain's Daughter? - The story “The Captain's Daughter”. ppt

Lesson Pushkin Captain's Daughter

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A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". Problems to be solved in class. Portrait of a literary hero. The hero's background. How is the character of the hero revealed through appearance? How do the hero’s character traits manifest themselves in relationships with other people? How does the interior help to understand the character of the hero of the work? What role does landscape play in revealing the character of a literary hero? Lesson topic: “Is Savelich a slave? Yes, he..." A lesson-reflection with elements of research based on the story by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter." - Lesson Pushkin The Captain's Daughter.ppt

Pushkin's story The Captain's Daughter

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“Read while thinking...” A general lesson on A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter.” The story "The Captain's Daughter". A.S. Pushkin. Lesson objectives: To deepen the understanding of the ideological and artistic richness of the novel. Learn to unravel the author’s intentions and navigate the text well. To develop moral and social qualities. Voltaire. The table is an assistant. ? The first mystery is the time when the story was written. October 19, 1836 is the date of completion of the story. Lyceum life, dear brother, I share my last moments with you. October 19 (lyceum anniversary day) 1836 is not an accidental date for the completion of the story. - Pushkin's story The Captain's Daughter.ppt

Pushkin's novel "The Captain's Daughter"

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Riddles of A.S. Pushkin in the story “The Captain's Daughter”. Think and answer. Why does Pushkin make Grinev the narrator? Compare. Check yourself. Why does Shvabrin cause our contempt? Sometimes Pugachev behaves truly like a king. What moral discoveries does Grinev’s upbringing with life bring? Similarities with the wives of the Decembrists. The mysteries of the novel are the mysteries of life. - Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter”.ppt

The story of A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”

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The story of A. S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”. Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age. Work on the ideological and artistic features of the story. Skills in analyzing an episode of a literary text. Literary studies. Motive. The motive of deception in literature. Fairy tales. Proverbs. Russian literature. The motive of deception in the works of A. S. Pushkin. The Tale of Tsar Saltan. Captain's daughter. The embodiment of honor and dignity in the story “The Captain's Daughter”. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor. - The story of A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”.pptx

Pushkin's work "The Captain's Daughter"

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"Captain's daughter". One of the last works by A.S. Pushkin. The figure of the rebellious Pugachev. The story of Pugachev. How Pushkin wrote his Pugachev. The significance of the historical work of A.S. Pushkin. "The Captain's Daughter" appears in the Sovremennik magazine. Write in a notebook. Ideological and artistic position. Realism. Novel. - Pushkin’s work “The Captain’s Daughter”.ppt

Historical basis of "The Captain's Daughter"

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Captain's daughter. Historical basis of the story. Explore a historical era. Studies of "Pushkinists". Reign of Catherine II. Travel route of A.S. Pushkin. The name of a terrible rebel. The significance of the historical work of A.S. Pushkin. Research by "historians". The era of the reign of Catherine II. The situation of the people. Mass public demonstration. Ural Cossacks. Peasant War. Peasant War by E. Pugacheva. Position and status of various territories. Troop movement pattern. Pugachev E.I. Uprising. Historians about Emelyan Pugachev. Working on a literary work. - Historical basis of “The Captain's Daughter”.ppt

Pugachev Pushkin

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The image of Emelyan Pugachev. in the story by A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”. Thief, robber. Impostor. Bloody killer. People's rebel. Leader of the peasants. People's hero. Purpose of the lesson: Reasons for the appearance of the rebel Pugachev: Biography of Emelyan Pugachev: Signature of the illiterate Pugachev: Chapter 2 “Counselor”. Pushkin shows the natural qualities of a person who is not yet “playing a role.” Chapter 6 “Pugachevism”. Pugachev is a “villain and impostor” who carries out “robberies and capital murders.” Chapter 7 “Attack.” The Pugachevites are not a gang, but “horse crowds”. The episode after the capture of the fortress. This means that something human remained in the villain’s soul. -

  • In this lesson you will get acquainted with the historical story by A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”. In all the diversity of the poet’s works, this story occupies an exceptional place. Against the backdrop of the terrible events of the Pugachev rebellion, the story of human relationships - love, friendship, hatred and compassion - develops.
  • Everyone knows that Pushkin is a brilliant Russian poet. But Pushkin the historian is a special phenomenon. The poet, even in his Lyceum years, was a student of N.M. Karamzin, and soon after leaving the Lyceum, he enthusiastically read the first eight volumes of “History of the Russian State.” The book shocked the poet; for the first time in it, the history of Russia appeared as the history of a powerful and original people, with outstanding statesmen, warriors and generals. This was a story to be proud of.
  • Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum
  • Starting from his youthful “Memories in Tsarskoye Selo” (1814), the voice of Clio, the muse of history, constantly sounds in Pushkin’s works. The most ancient, ancient Rus' is revealed to us in “The Song of the Prophetic Oleg”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”; Serf Rus' - in “Boris Godunov”; the uprising of Stepan Razin - in songs; Peter's great deeds - in the Bronze Horseman and Poltava."
  • From mid-1832, A.S. Pushkin began working on the history of the uprising led by Emelyan Pugachev. The poet was given the opportunity to familiarize himself with secret materials about the uprising and the actions of the authorities to suppress it; he turned to unpublished documents from family archives and private collections. The “History of Pugachev” was formed from materials about the riot; written in Boldino in the fall of 1833.
  • The work was begun in 1834 under the title that the emperor gave to the work after reading it - “The History of the Pugachev Rebellion” was not successful, unlike the later historical story “The Captain's Daughter”, where Pushkin returned in artistic form to the events of 1773 - 1775.
  • “Many paintings are a miracle of perfection in terms of fidelity, truth of content and mastery of presentation...” - V.G. Belinsky wrote about the story.
  • Pugachev first appeared in Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter” under romantic circumstances, “in the muddy lace of a blizzard”, the second time he appears as a “sovereign”.
  • The author creates this image gradually: from the external description of the hero to his psychological portrait. Pugachev is fair, generous, and responsive. He is closely connected with the people and enjoys their love and support.
  • Pushkin endows the hero with the traits of the Russian national character: intelligence, sharpness, breadth of nature, the ability to perform noble deeds, courage and bravery. But at the same time, the author does not idealize the rebel. Pugachev pays for his freedom with other people's lives. Depicting scenes of massacre, Pushkin openly protests against cruelty and violence.
  • "Captain's daughter". "Fortress".
  • Artist S. Gerasimov
  • On the way with Grinev to the Belogorsk fortress, Pugachev tells a Kalmyk fairy tale. This fairy tale has an allegorical meaning, it is about the possibility of choosing a life path: long, cheap, not rich in bright events, and another: bright, eventful, but short. The heroes of the fairy tale also play a symbolic role: the eagle is a free, regal bird that loves heights and space; The raven is a wise bird, but prosaic, ugly, earthly.
  • Pugachev and Grinev express their attitude to life thanks to this story. For Grinev, a short but bright path, reminiscent of the life of an eagle, is better. Grinev is disgusted by robbery and villainy; it is not for nothing that he calls rebellion senseless and merciless; he was created for a peaceful family life among dear people.
  • The story unfolding before us is written on behalf of Grinev. The most important role here was played by the hero’s belonging to the old nobility, where the words “honor” and “service” are not separated. The idea of ​​the work, indicated in the epigraph and repeated in the instructions of Father Petrushe, is “ Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age.". Peter himself, participating in the events of the uprising, never once violated the moral law of his ancestors, being ready to die for it - both at the hands of the Pugachev robbers, and condemned by the royal court.
  • The genre of the work is a historical story, consistent with the principle of depicting an era through the fate of the main character.
  • The composition of the story is unique. It can be divided into two parts: a historical story about the Pugachev uprising and a family novel. Both of these parts are inextricably linked.
  • After studying the materials of the riot, Pushkin comes to the conclusion that the nobility is the only class of all that remained faithful to the empress. Through the mouth of a fifty-year-old nobleman, memoirist Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, Pushkin, trying to be objective, makes generalizations and conclusions from the heights of the years lived by the main character: “ God forbid we see a Russian revolt, senseless and merciless!”
  • The author emphasizes that cruelty is manifested not only by government officials. Confirmation of this is the execution of Captain Mironov and the torture of a captured Bashkir.
  • The worst thing about Pushkin’s thoughts is that violence and cruelty become the norm of life and almost no one evokes a natural human reaction - cruelty, but it cannot be justified by any lofty ideas.
  • Interrogation of a Bashkir.
  • Pushkin portrays Masha Mironova to us as simple and inconspicuous, like her parents. This is a Russian girl, " chubby, ruddy, with light brown hair, combed smoothly behind the ears, which glowed on her.” She received neither education nor secular upbringing, but she has a lot of feminine charm and spiritual purity. There is no affectation in Masha's love, she is simple and sincere.
  • But the girl’s calm, peaceful life suddenly collapses. The execution of her parents, general confusion, Shvabrin’s harassment - all this did not break Masha, she remains faithful to her lover and can protect her happiness.
  • « For the first time, Pushkin had a heroine fighting for happiness. And this struggle was devoid of an egoistic beginning. That’s why Pushkin named his story after Masha Mironova – “The Captain’s Daughter” - This is what G.P. Makogonenko, a researcher of Pushkin’s works, wrote.
  • Artistic fiction brought to us the spirit of the era, the characters and feelings of the people of the 18th century. All the events of the novel convince us that there is much more good, bright, and kind hidden in people than it seems at first glance. This work is hope for the ineradicability of good in the human soul.
  • 1. What was the name of A.S. Pushkin’s work, published before “The Captain’s Daughter” and dedicated to Pugachev?
  • a) History of the Pugachev rebellion
  • b) Pugachev uprising
  • c) History of Pugachev
  • 2. The peasant war led by Pugachev began...
  • a) in 1775
  • b) in 1773
  • c) in 1774
  • 3. This man, the hero of “The Captain’s Daughter,” was a hairdresser in his homeland, and a soldier in Prussia.
  • a) Savelich
  • b) Beaupré
  • c) Shvabrin
  • 4. Who are these words from the story “The Captain's Daughter” about? “...I sat under the image, in a red caftan, in a high hat and with an important figure akimbo...”
  • a) Shvabrin
  • b) Captain Mironov
  • c) Pugachev

Pugachev Emelyan Ivanovich was born in 1740 or 1742 in the Don village of Zimoveevskaya. The Cossack was not taught to read and write. At the age of 17 he participates in the Seven Years' War - 1770 - participates in the Russian-Turkish War. Earns the title of cornet for bravery for a year - deserts from the army after being refused leave. He is arrested three times, but escapes from custody.

September 17, 1773 - the beginning of the uprising, he replenishes his troops with Cossacks, runaway peasants and soldiers, promises the peasants liberation from serfdom, the army is about 10 thousand people. October 1773 - Emelyan Pugachev besieges Orenburg. The siege lasts until March 23 of the following year. March 1774 - Pugachev’s army is defeated.

Pugachev skillfully evades persecution using guerrilla warfare tactics. The rebels easily recruit hundreds of people into their troops. On August 25, 1774, near Tsaritsyn, the impostor Pugachev was defeated, but again fled from arrest in the Volga region. Traitors appear among his Cossacks. They decide to capture Pugachev and hand him over to the authorities, hoping for a pardon.

September 8, 1774 - Pugachev was captured. He tries to escape several times, but fails. Emelyan Pugachev is delivered to Moscow by A.V. Suvorov. January 9, 1775 - Pugachev was sentenced to death. January 10, 1775 - Emelyan Pugachev was executed (quartered) on Bolotnaya Square in Moscow.

Pushkin gained access to the state archive and began studying the documents of Pugachev's uprising. He went to the Urals and collected Pugachev folklore and talked with the still living participants in the uprising. The result was the study “The History of Pugachev.” Pushkin quit working on Dubrovsky and began writing a new story, The Captain's Daughter.

“... this whole story “The Captain's Daughter is a miracle of art. If Pushkin had not signed it, one might actually think that it was actually written by some ancient person who was an eyewitness and hero of the events described, so naive and artless is the story, so that in this miracle of art art seemed to have disappeared, lost , has come to nature.” F. M. Dostoevsky

"What is The Captain's Daughter? Everyone knows that this is one of the most precious assets of our literature. In the simplicity and purity of its poetry, this work is equally accessible, equally attractive for adults and children. On The Captain's Daughter, Russian children educate their minds and their own feeling, since teachers, without any outside instructions, find that there is no book in our literature that is more understandable and entertaining and at the same time so serious in content and high in creativity.” N.N. Strakhov

Debt is the same as obligation. A man of duty is one who honestly fulfills his obligations. Conscience is a sense of moral responsibility for one’s behavior before other people and society. Do something with a clear conscience (being confident that you are right). Honor 1. The moral qualities of a person worthy of respect and pride, his corresponding principles. Debt of honor. Court of honor (officers). 2. Good, untarnished reputation, good name. 3. Chastity, purity. 4. Honor, respect. Nobility is high morality, dedication and honesty.

1. Portrait: a) Pugachev’s eyes; b) clothes (transformation from a tramp to a “king”). 2. Loneliness. Pugachev is alone even among like-minded people. He understands that they are ready to betray him if there is an opportunity to escape in this way; b) demonism. Pugachev is endowed with the features of a romantic villain. 3. Appeal to folklore (folk element): a) those chapters where Pugachev appears have an epigraph from folk songs where “the good fellow” is sung; b) “burlatskaya” song (predetermined fate of Pugachev). 4. Pugachev’s speech: many proverbs and sayings. 5. The role of Pugachev in the love relationship of Grinev and Masha. Means of revealing the image of Pugachev: 6. Contrasting the image of Pugachev with the image of Savelich (the love of freedom and independence of one and the servitude of the other, which he considers the only possible one for himself). 7. Plug-in elements. A tale of an old Kalmyk woman about an eagle and a raven.

On the way with Grinev to the Belogorsk fortress, Pugachev tells a Kalmyk fairy tale. This tale has an allegorical meaning, it is about the possibility of choosing a life path: long, measured, not rich in bright events, and another: bright, eventful, but short. The heroes of the fairy tale also play a symbolic role: the eagle is a free, regal bird that loves heights and space; The raven is a wise bird, but prosaic, ugly, earthly. Pugachev and Grinev express their attitude to life thanks to this story. For Pugachev, a short but bright path, reminiscent of the life of an eagle, is better. Grinev is disgusted by robbery and villainy; it is not for nothing that he calls rebellion senseless and merciless; he was created for a peaceful family life among dear people.

Epigraph Trace the semantic meaning of epigraphs from chapter to chapter and draw a conclusion about their role in the story. 1.The ancient Greeks had an inscription on a tombstone. 2. A short text (usually a quotation from somewhere, a proverb, a saying, etc.), placed by the author in front of his work or a separate part of it, and giving a kind of illumination to the main idea of ​​​​the work.

The history of creating the image of the main character. Options for creating an image: OPTION 1 Shvanvich officer, second lieutenant of the 2nd Grenadier Regiment, who went over to Pugachev’s side (the union of a nobleman and Pugachev was atypical for that time, and a traitor cannot become a positive hero). OPTION 2 Officer Basharin, pardoned by Pugachev for his good attitude towards the soldiers, then, returning to the government army, fights against Pugachev (the appearance of the hero is double, Pushkin is not satisfied with the hero, even temporarily going over to Pugachev’s side). OPTION 3 Valuev is a contemporary of Pushkin, a merchant’s son (this hero also does not satisfy the writer). OPTION 4 Grinev. Why do you think Grinev was chosen by Pushkin as the main character of the story?

Honor Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language S.I. Ozhegova: 1. Moral qualities of a person and his principles worthy of respect and pride. A matter of honor, a duty of honor. 2. Good untarnished reputation, good name. The honor of the family, the honor of the uniform. 3. Chastity, purity. Maiden honor. 4. Honor, respect. Give honor. “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V.I. Dahl: 1. The inner, moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul, clear conscience. 2. Conditional, secular, worldly nobility, often false, imaginary. 3. High rank, rank. 4. External proof of difference, a sign of superiority. 5. Showing respect and honor. In what meaning does Petrusha understand the word honor at the beginning of the novel?

Comparison criterion GrinevShvabrin 1. Attitude towards Captain Mironov’s family With sympathy and love, with a friendly smile, he sincerely loves and considers him his family. Mockingly, mockingly, spreads slander. 2. Behavior during a duel Fights honestly, bravely, defending the girl’s honor. Inflicts a treacherous blow on the defenseless Grinev when he turned to Savelich’s voice. 3. Behavior during the capture of the fortress by the Pugachevites. Refuses to take an oath to the impostor. Ready to die courageously. Refuses to kiss Pugachev's hand. Takes the side of the rebels, violates the military oath. 4. Attitude towards Masha Mironova Loves her, but gives her freedom of choice, respects her decision, does not force her to do anything. Ready to give my life for her. He risks himself by saving her from the Pugachev camp. Finally, he does not mention her name during the investigation, not wanting to involve Masha in the proceedings. He describes Masha as a complete fool and slanderes her. Keeps you locked up and starves you. And at the last moment he gives it to Pugachev. 5. Behavior with Pugachev Behaves boldly, honestly, and sincerely answering dangerous questions. He behaves worthy of a nobleman and a man. He humiliates himself, twists around, crawls at Pugachev’s feet, begging for forgiveness.

Pugachev is fair, generous, and responsive. He is closely connected with the people and enjoys their love and support. Pushkin endows the hero with the traits of the Russian national character: intelligence, sharpness, breadth of nature, the ability to perform noble deeds, courage and bravery.

Through the mouth of fifty-year-old nobleman Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, Pushkin draws conclusions from the heights of the years lived by the main character: “God forbid that we see a Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless!” Cruelty is manifested not only on the part of the Pugachevites, but also on the part of government servants (the execution of Captain Mironov and the torture of a captured Bashkir). The worst thing, according to Pushkin, is that violence and cruelty become the norm of life and almost no one evokes pity, sympathy and mercy. Cruelty begets cruelty, and it cannot be justified by any lofty ideas.

Slide 2

Pushkin and history

  • Revolutionary events in France in 1830
  • Uprising in Poland in 1830 - 1831
  • Cholera riots in Russia in 1830 – 1831
  • Uprising of Novgorod military settlements in 1831
  • The question of the fate of Russia, the people and the nobility
  • Slide 3

    Work in archives since mid-1831

    “...the desire to write the History of Peter the Great and his heirs before Emperor Peter III...”

    Slide 4

    • Gift from Emperor Nicholas I in 1832
  • Slide 5

    • Scheme of Pushkin's route on his journey in 1833
  • Slide 6

    What classes do the heroes of the story belong to?

    • Grinev
    • Pugachev
    • Mironovs
    • Savelich
    • Shvabrin
    • Zurin
    • Beloborodov
    • Broadsword
    • General R
    • father Gerasim
    • Akulina Pamfilovna
    1. Nobles
    2. Serfs
    3. Clergy
    4. Free peasants (Cossacks)
  • Slide 7

    Comparative characteristics of heroes

    I.K. Mironov:

    1. Hereditary nobleman
    2. Rich, 300 serf souls
    3.Patriarchy in the family
    4. Obedient servant
    5.Semi-literate, kind person, open character

    A.P. Grinev:

    1. From soldiers' children
    3. Matriarchy in the family
    4. Opposition to the government
    5.Educated, tough, strict

    Slide 8

    • Goodwill
    • Informer
    • Self-interest
    • Traitor
    • Knight
    • Slanderer
    • Vindictiveness
    • Sincerity
    • Apostate
    • Defender
    • Prayer book
    • Atheist
    • Cordiality
  • Slide 9

    Divide the vocabulary from Pushkin's story into 2 groups

    • Guard
    • Mentor
    • Recruit
    • I'm longing
    • Blame
    • Narrowed
    • Piitic
    • Cell
    • Communication
    • Petition
    • Tactics
    • Epitaph
    • Betrothed
  • Slide 10

    To which character do these words belong?

    1. This Shvabrin is a big scoundrel. ()
    2. Let the will of the Lord be in everything, Pyotr Andreevich, at least be happy. ()
    3. Gentlemen enaraly!..You’ve had enough of quarreling! ()
    4. Such a bride does not need a dowry. ()
    5. My last thought and last prayer will be for you. ()

    • Captain Mironov
    • Vasilisa Egorovna
    • Savelich
    • Pugachev
    • Masha Mironova
    • General R
    • Peter Grinev
  • Slide 11

    Portrait in a work of art

    1. Entering the billiard room, I saw a tall gentleman, about thirty-five years old, with a long black mustache, in a dressing gown, with a cue in his hand and a pipe in his teeth.
    2. ...a young man of short stature entered, with a dark and distinctly ugly face, but extremely lively.
    3. His appearance seemed remarkable to me: he was about forty, average height, thin and broad-shouldered. His black head was streaked with gray; the lively big eyes kept darting around. His face had a rather pleasant, but roguish expression.

    • Pugachev
    • Savelich
    • Zurin
    • Petr Grinev
    • Shvabrin
    • Captain Mironov
  • Slide 12

    1. His facial features, regular and quite pleasant, did not express anything fierce. He often addressed a man of about fifty, calling him either Count or Timofeich...
    2. He examined the apple trees, bare by the breath of autumn, and, with the help of the old gardener, carefully wrapped them in warm straw. His face depicted calm, health and good nature.
    3. Then a girl of about eighteen came in, chubby, ruddy, with light brown hair combed smoothly behind her ears.

    • Pugachev
    • Beloborodov
    • Broadsword
    • General R
    • Masha Mironova
    • A.P.Grinev
    • Shvabrin
  • Slide 13

    • Meetings between Grinev and Pugachev. Chapter II "Counselor"
  • Slide 14

    Slide 15

    • Meetings between Grinev and Pugachev. Chapter XI “Rebel Settlement”
  • Slide 16

    • Meetings between Grinev and Pugachev. Chapter XII "Orphan"
  • Slide 17

    • The path of Pyotr Grinev and Masha Mironova
  • Slide 18

    “God forbid we see a Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless!”

    Slide 19

    The story was completed 100 days before the death of its author

    • What are the main behests of Pushkin?
  • Slide 20

    "Pushkin and Pugachev"

    Political hatred is not given to the poet. Only human data is given. Only divine and divine wrath is given - for everything that he recognizes everywhere and without recognizing which he opens his arms to the enemy.

    Slide 21

    • “Pushkin did not oppose a single major figure to Pugachev... At best, others are good people” (M. Tsvetaeva)
    • “In “The Captain's Daughter” the only character is Pugachev”
    • “All of Grinev’s meetings with Pugachev are a series of living pictures, our flesh and souls are burned into living flesh. A series of living paintings illuminated not by magnesium, but by lightning. Not magnesium, but magic"
  • Slide 22

    “Pugachev called Grinev into his ranks because he took a liking to his heart, so as not to part forever, in order to bestow once again: first - life, then - power. Both the impatient, unbearable directness of his questions to Grinev, and the gloomy expectation of Grinevsky’s answer are caused not by doubt in the content of this answer, but precisely by its certainty: hopelessness. Pugachev knew that Grinev, who did not kiss his hand under pain of death, could not serve him. He also knew that if he could, he, Pugachev, would not love him, Grinev, so much. It’s precisely because of this impossibility that he loves him so much.”

    (M. Tsvetaeva)

    Slide 23

    • “Pugachev needs Grinev for nothing: for the soul”
    • “Only it was harder for Grinev to say and do: refuse Pugachev. Grinev was grateful to Pugachev - and for good reason. Grinev was fascinated by Pugachev from the first meeting - and there was something. Grinev’s answer is duty: abandonment of a loved one.”
    • “From the first minute Pugachev has been Grinev’s benefactor...Grinevsky’s sheepskin coat himself is grateful to Pugachev for putting him on the road. Pugachev was the first to do good to Grinev. The entire meeting between Grinev and Pugachev was between these two gestures: first he brought him out onto the road, and then he let him go in all four directions. - Counselor!

    (M. Tsvetaeva)

    Slide 24

    Let's compare Pugachev and Catherine in real life:

    “Come out, red maiden, I give you freedom. I am the sovereign." (Pugachev leading Marya Ivanovna out of prison.)

    How much more regal in his gesture is a man who calls himself a sovereign than an empress who presents herself as a hanger-on. And what other kindness! Pugachev enters the dungeon like the sun. Catherine’s affectionateness ... seemed sweet, sweet, honeyed, and this even more affectionate voice was simply flattering: false. I recognized and hated her as a lady patroness.”

    (M. Tsvetaeva)

    Slide 25

    “The contrast between Pugachev’s blackness and hers<Екатерины II>whiteness, his liveliness and her importance, his cheerful kindness and her condescending one, his masculinity and her ladylikeness could not help but turn her away from her... Neither her kindness, nor simplicity, nor completeness - nothing, nothing helped ... "

    “All of Pugachev is this secret heat. This secret heat was not present in Pugachev’s counter-figure, Ekaterina. There was warmth"

    (M. Tsvetaeva)

    Slide 26

    There are some strange men...
    Here he is with a traveling knapsack,
    The forest path announces
    A long, quiet song,
    And mischievous, mischievous...
    ...To our glorious capital
    Enter - God forbid! -
    Enchants the queen
    Vast Rus'...

    “Pugachev did not enchant the queen of boundless Rus', but he went to another and our most glorious capital, he did not enter the capital, and the capitals are different, and the queens are different, but the man is still the same. And the spell is the same... And a hundred years later the poet succumbed to this spell in the same way.”

    (M. Tsvetaeva)

    Slide 27


    1) Pushkin A.S. "The Captain's Daughter" Lenizdat 1972
    2) Smolnikov I.F. “Pushkin’s Journey to the Orenburg Region” Moscow “Thought” 1991
    3) Belova M.G. “Thematic planning of literature lessons in grades 8-9 with test tasks and partial support for lessons”
    4) “Pushkin at school”
