An interesting story about one dacha. A simple country story

Fire Rooster brought a lot of trouble to all signs, but it was especially difficult for Aquarius. Misunderstandings, quarrels and scandals haunted the representatives of this zodiac constellation at every step, and relationships with loved ones did not work out well. in the best possible way. New period will be a turning point, many of them will finally be able to arrange their personal lives. How exactly? The love horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius will tell you where the Dog is buried!

General love horoscope for Aquarius for 2018

The symbol of the year likes Aquarius who are easy-going and flexible in communication, and therefore she will try to make sure that her favorites have the best possible less problems. It means that unrequited love and suffering for the chosen one will bypass lonely people, and married couples will live a year in harmony and mutual understanding.

The stars are quite insidious this year, because despite their obvious favor, they will instill in the lonely representatives of the sign the fear of making a mistake. This feeling will prevent them from objectively assessing who they really need and with whom they want to connect their fate. From the point of view of Vasilisa Volodina, Aquarius men need to be wary strong feelings, otherwise they will face huge disappointment in their chosen one, the reason for which will be their initially inflated demands. Women of this sign will prefer to doubt everything and not take any action until the chosen one himself takes the first step.

This year, a strong and bright personality, which will turn everything upside down. Astrologers advise not to rush headlong into the pool, but to gradually increase the intensity of passions, then the relationship will last many months, or even years.

But Pavel Globa advises family representatives of the sign to listen to their hearts more often, and not to the tunes of “well-wishers.” Your happiness haunts envious people, and therefore do not evaluate your life partner by other people’s standards, do not listen to gossip and rumors that have never led to anything good. Otherwise, the year will be favorable, love and mutual understanding will not leave the cozy family nests Aquarius.

Astro forecast for winter

January seems to be meant for dating. Bad days there will be only 2, 17 and 31 numbers

In winter, Aquarius will have no time for love, they will have to focus on work and leave their personal life for later. However, in February the situation will change, and charm will allow them to achieve the favor of several people at once.

Single representatives of the sign will feel an irresistible desire to be close to their loved one, but there is no need to rush into choosing a life partner; a mistake can be very costly. Carefully analyze your feelings before you say the cherished “yes”. Unmarried men will have to withstand the onslaught of female fans, but they will never decide on a serious relationship.

Family Aquarians will spend the whole winter without any problems. There may be minor disagreements, but by the end of February everything will calm down and go as planned.

What awaits women and men in spring

Mid-May is the most difficult for Aquarius - conflicts definitely cannot be avoided!

In the spring, this sign will want to try something new, and therefore their halves will have a hard time. Inconsistency and optionality can offend your loved one, which threatens to break the relationship. The stars warn that there is a high probability of becoming a victim love affairs, and therefore you need to beware of the influence of the prankster March.

Single girls will take care of their appearance and wardrobe, the result will not be long in coming. Admiring glances from fans and compliments will rain on them from all sides. But the stronger half serious relationship will not work out, the reason will be the frivolity of the chosen one.

For married Aquarius women, things will go smoothly; the husband will finally notice all the advantages of his other half. Men of this zodiac sign will focus on family and loved ones; even spouses who have decided to divorce will find a common language again.

Summer forecast

Tamara Globa predicts a fruitful August for Aquarius: you will finally be able to sort out all the ambiguities in your personal life

But in the summer, representatives of the sign will want to take a break from everyday life, especially since there will be a like-minded person nearby who will have a beneficial effect on the impulsive Aquarius. This time of year is ideal for weddings and marriage proposals, and you should definitely take advantage of your chance.

Single Aquarians will finally decide on their chosen one, but they will be able to take the decisive step only with the help of their loved one. Under the influence of Uranus, representatives of the stronger sex can commit illogical actions, especially if they want to please an insidious seductress. Unexpected breakups with an old friend for the sake of a casual affair are possible; this decision will bring many problems.

Married couples will want to bring something new to their relationship, including intimate life. Small scandals and quarrels are possible, which the spouses will settle very passionately in bed. In August, the representative of the air element will want peace, the sign will even withdraw into itself. Of course, your significant other will notice such a change in behavior and will definitely help you come to your senses.

What will autumn be like?

In November, unmarried Aquarius girls should not look for love. The beginning of a relationship this month is fraught with deep disappointments

In the fall, the blues will try to overcome Aquarius, but that was not the case. Mood swings will cause some inconvenience, but charming representatives of the sign will find a way to cope with this misfortune.

The horoscope from Pavel Globa states that lonely Aquarians have a high probability of making a fatal mistake that could destroy their relationship with a loved one. You should not give in to temptations, because an affair will not bring anything good.

Family members will become obsessed with improving their relationship with their spouse, but the effect will be the opposite. Aquarius women will begin to look closely at their loved one, looking for the slightest flaws in him. The husband is unlikely to be pleased with such attention; he would prefer not to catch the eye of his formidable wife once again. But men of this sign will make a lot of efforts so that their friends gain confidence in their intentions not only to preserve, but also to strengthen the family.

In general, 2018 will bring a lot to Aquarius pleasant surprises, the stars will give them a chance to meet a life partner and create happy family. Those who already have a couple will have to test the strength of the relationship, but whether they will survive the test depends entirely on the Aquarius themselves.

Putting only one bill into each. Get your initial deposits! (Gives the couples candy wrappers money). Banks For your deposits can serve as pockets, lapels, and everything secluded places. Try to complete the process as quickly as possible... eat a banana in a race while blindfolded. It would seem, what could be simpler? But... While the girls are blindfolded, the presenter offers the girls give away hold the bananas for him, at this time a condom is put on the banana. The girls' reaction when they try to take a bite is difficult to describe, but...

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Behind last centuries We have become so far from nature that when we come to a village or dacha, our children are lost, and sometimes even afraid of many ordinary things. The fear of the unknown is as natural as the desire to gain new knowledge.

Our selection today contains books that will help children feel at home in the natural environment and tell readers about the need for understanding and respect for the world around them!

Encyclopedias and books for children:

1. "My Big Farm" (book on cardboard)

Made from real eco-cardboard! A big farm is noisy and interesting. The housewife feeds the chickens in the yard. A cat with kittens climbed into the hayloft in the barn, and the fastest one hid in a haystack - hunting for pigeons. Two lambs have gotten too close to the fence, but a guard dog is keeping an eye on the flock. And on each of the seven spreads of this book there is a little mouse hidden. A wonderful publication for inquisitive toddlers.

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Age: 0+

2. "In the Village" (picture book)

If you want to tell me more small child about village animals, then this book is for you! A dog, a horse, rabbits, chickens, piglets, goats, sheep, geese, ducks and even a donkey - they are all drawn amazingly accurately and tenderly. The book smells of family, village, Russian. Smells of the village. Pictures of everyday life. Calm rural life.

From one year old - they will simply look at pictures, memorize new words, study who “talks” how. Those who are just learning to read will find it no less interesting: the book has large font and short explanatory texts. And the most interesting thing is that this book was drawn in the 1930s in France. But the artist who worked on it was born and received art education in Russia. As fate would have it, she ended up in Paris in 1923.

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Age: 1+

3. "Who lives in our dacha. Bugs"

This book contains 20 bugs, spiders, worms, centipedes and snails. In short, all the little things that children adore so much. Exactly the one that lives in our dachas and garden plots. Each insect is depicted vividly in the book. It is written about each one, what it is called, what it eats, what features it has, where it hides, how to find it, whether it is worth touching or not. And on each page there is a picture-riddle: “Who is this?”, where the child is asked to guess who is hiding in the picture (the bug is depicted in its natural habitat - sometimes hidden by stones or earth, sometimes just a trace of it, sometimes it has almost merged with leaf). The book develops curiosity, attentiveness and helps the child better understand our beautiful world.

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Age: 3+

4. "Nature: Fun Experiences and Adventures" by Helen Pence

Every child wants to be on friendly terms with nature! "Nature: fun experiences and adventures" is a real encyclopedia tricks and tricks that will reveal to you the unexpected secrets of forests and mountains, animals and birds, space and weather. This book contains the most different facts about nature. Even adults themselves don’t know much! With the help of this book, you can conduct fun experiments and experiments with the whole family. For example, collecting meteorite dust, accurately predicting the weather from clouds, growing crystals, collecting cobwebs, making spruce jam or building a hut out of snow. At any time of the year in the city and in the country, in the forest and on the coast, on the balcony and even in the kitchen - funny finds and amazing discoveries await you everywhere.

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Age: 5+

5. “The Book of Cereals and Herbs”, Stefan Casta

We all live off grains, and it is no exaggeration to say that grains are one of the most amazing creations of nature. When a person began to grow wild wheat and bake bread from its grains, he had time to think about something other than just where and how to get food for the day. Without green grass there would not be steak on our plates today.

Swedish nature writer Stefan Kasta is well known to Russian readers. His books are imbued with a love of nature, and he has a rare ability to see the unique in the ordinary, to show and explain it to us.

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Age: 5+

6. "Magic flowers. My herbarium. Collecting and studying garden plants"

This book is dedicated to 16 garden plants- the child will learn a lot of interesting things about each of them. Accurate drawings made by the artist from life will help you easily find and recognize these plants in the garden and dacha. In a fun and accessible way, the book explains where to start, how to work, and what to look for when harvesting and drying plants. And if the future naturalist wants to not just stick flowers in the herbarium, but use them in some other way, the tips will come in handy - what wonderful things can be made from dried flowers, if you approach the matter creatively. There are a lot of ideas - just have time to implement them!

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Age: 5+

7. “Garden on the Windowsill”, Clara Lidström

At all times, people have been fascinated by everything that grows and turns green. The authors of this book not only tell you how to grow edible and ornamental plants, but also describe very unusual experiments - for example, how to “germinate” hare droppings or how to make funny hairstyles from grass. Illustrations and step by step instructions will help children complete all of these experiments on their own, almost without the help of adults. The work does not require any expensive materials or complex instruments. And you need very little space - to grow these plants, a window sill, balcony or garden bed is enough. In other words, this is a book for everyone!

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Age: 5+

8. "Big guide to birds, animals, insects and plants of Russia"

The book talks about both the most common and the rarest and unusual species animals, birds, insects and plants. Each type is detailed and colorfully illustrated. The publication contains many important tips: what features appearance animals, birds, insects and plants should be paid attention to; by what characteristics can one species be distinguished from another, even if they are similar; where and when you can find this or that animal, bird, insect or plant. The convenient structure of the book will allow you to quickly navigate, understand what to look for, and easily identify even species that you have met for the first time.

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Age: 5+

9. "To the dacha! The story of country life", Evgenia Gunter

Find out what grandparents, fathers and mothers played and dabbled in as children! In this book, readers will be able to trace the entire path to the formation of a dacha national culture, from her birth to the present day. Have summer residents always worked only for pleasure and rested whenever they wanted? And if at first the dacha was a place exclusively for recreation and entertainment, where literary, theatrical, musical evenings, then from the middle of the 20th century these are often areas intended only for growing crops.

And only from the end of the twentieth century the dacha was again taken over by hammocks, wicker chairs, flower beds, long tea parties on the terrace and just “doing nothing.” Everything from dacha balls to catching a mole, from potatoes to squash - how the great dacha migration began, how they rested and worked at the dacha, how things are in our time and how dacha villages changed throughout the 20th century.

Bright, lively illustrations made the most talented artist Olesya Gonserovskaya will convey the special flavor of each historical period.

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Age: 7+


10. “Granddaughter Vanya”, Lyubov Voronkova

"Grandson Vanya" - a collection of stories about life by everyone's favorite writer Lyubov Voronkova little boy Vani. Kind, bright and fascinating stories will take readers to summer village. Vanya is still very young, but he is already brave, fair and very a kind person who is interested in everything in the world. This is probably how parents always dream of seeing their children.

The drawings for the book are by E. Bulatov and O. Vasiliev, and the publication itself is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Malysh publishing house.

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Age: 10+

11. "Tiger Beetle", Erwin Moser

The book includes six witty and instructive fairy tales about animals written by the famous Austrian writer and artist Erwin Moser. Their characters - mice and cats, hares and foxes, flies and spiders - perform unexpected actions and experience turbulent events. The innocence of some heroes prevails over the treachery of others, mercy over cruelty, weakness overcomes strength, and His Majesty chance puts everything in its place.

Thanks to dynamic plots, lively language and plenty of illustrations fairy tales Erwin Moser will appeal to children of senior preschool and primary school age.

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Age: 4+

12. “Letters from my farm”, Masha Slonim

Many children dream that when they grow up, they will have ten dogs, twenty cats, a parrot, peacocks, a horse - in a word, a whole menagerie. But, having matured, people for some reason do not strive to implement their childhood plans.

Masha Slonim is a journalist who worked for the BBC and television, as well as big friend animals. Her farm is a childhood dream come true, where people and animals live together happily and amicably. At first, stories about the life of this farm were used to create a separate series of broadcasts on the Ekho Moskvy radio. Then all these stories were released on audio disc performed by the author. And now for the first time we are releasing them as a separate book with a disc inside, and even with wonderful illustrations by Tatyana Kormer.

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Age: 5+

13. "Godfather to the King", Stanislav Vostokov

In his new book, Stanislav Vostokov talks about the life of the Russian village, which he knows and loves so well. He pays most attention to birds. Starlings, robins, gray flycatchers, jays, grosbeaks and many others are the main characters of these leisurely, unusually poetic sketches of nature. They acquire particular relevance against the backdrop of the crazy pace of life and the general preoccupation with gadgets. They don’t just tell you who inhabits the sky of the Middle Zone (except for pigeons and sparrows). They draw attention to wonderful world around us, they teach us to be moved by him and distinguish his chirping.

Stanislav Vostokov is a children's writer and naturalist, whose books, without a doubt, will become classics of literature about animals.

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Age: 5+

14. "Cow Fishing Rod", Stanislav Vostokov

Once in the magazine "Murzilka" Nikolai Ustinov illustrated a story by Stanislav Vostokov. The young author was pleasantly surprised and, of course, delighted. "Why not make a book together with famous artist"- Stanislav had an idea. He knew that Nikolai Ustinov had accumulated an impressive archive of drawings that the artist made for himself. And Stanislav suggested writing stories for works unknown to the general public. An unexpected idea, at first glance, putting the whole process of creating a book in perspective turned upside down, turned out to be not only viable, but also interesting. Maybe because the classic book illustration Nikolai Ustinov and the already famous writer Stanislav Vostokov have something in common. For example, love for nature and good humor.

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Age: 5+

15. "Aleshin's Year", Yuri Tretyakov

Alyosha is only five years old. His parents left to work in the North, and he lives with his grandmother in the village of Ushinka with the kitten Zubastic and friends: the old godfather, Alenka and Vasilko. And little man It's a big year - not a single day is like the other! Spring, summer, autumn, and winter are filled with many amazing discoveries, interesting adventures and, of course, important lessons!

Yuri Tretyakov's short stories for the little ones were illustrated by Olga Fadeeva, in bright illustrations which brings to life mischief and colorful world children's fantasy.

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Age: 7+

16. "Town of Tomboys", Sergei Golitsyn

The children from the boarding school decide not to leave for the summer, but to spend the holidays together, setting up a tent city near Moscow. But where can you get so many tents? How to fold a cooking stove? And who will lead the horde of boys and girls? The tomboys will build the town themselves. And they will also lead themselves!

And what will come of it, Sergei Golitsyn’s story will tell you, accompanied by illustrations by the magnificent graphic artist Stanislav Zabaluev.

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Age: 7+

17. "Stories about nature for children", collection

The collection includes works famous writers K. Paustovsky "Caring Flower", G. Skrebitsky "Four Artists", V. Astafiev "Kapalukha", Y. Koval "Spring Sky", V. Krupin "Spring", I. Sokolov-Mikitov "Karacharovsky House". The drawings for these works were made by Nikolai Ustinov. The artist, with love and deep respect, conveys all the subtleties, beauty and depth of Russian landscapes - you just want to wander along the forest paths with the characters at dawn, or listen to the murmur of a forest spring, or relax under the shade of a spreading tree, or watch the flight of birds.

Country fever. If you recognize yourself in the heroes of our story, do not be upset: you are not alone - “dacha duty”, which rolls in like a wave with the arrival of spring, is a mass phenomenon. And if it bothers you, look with us for ways to correct the situation.

The grass was green and the sun was shining when not a swallow, but mother-in-law Maria Vasilievna flew into the Zvezdochkin house. She chirped and splashed her hands. "Spring! Ah, spring. “Children, how nice it is to be in nature... What air there is... So much space!” Roma sighed heavily and looked gloomily out the window.

If the mother-in-law started talking about air and space, a trip to the dacha was ahead. His wife and, accordingly, Maria Vasilievna’s daughter Katya also became sad. A trip to the dacha implied a protracted conflict with her husband. And Maria Vasilievna continued her monologue: “Lake... Forest... People pay money for such beauty. And we have everything nearby, everything is at hand... The birds are singing. Butterflies fly." “Butterflies! I want to go to the butterflies!” - five-year-old Galya screamed. And Roman realized: the weekend was gone, dacha fever had begun.

Naturally, any foreigner would never understand why the expectation of a pleasant weekend in the fresh air caused so many unhappy emotions in the Zvezdochkin family. But our people would immediately see the essence of the problem.

What is a dacha ordinary family? Not a country villa with a pool. Not an idyllic hammock under the shade of ancient trees. And not even Gingerbread house with a flat lawn. Alas! This is a place of hard agricultural labor. It’s not for nothing that our dachas are called haciendas, apparently hinting at the slave labor of their owners.

Maria Vasilievna left, leaving the spouses in heavy silence. “Romochka, just think about it, a dacha means free vitamins for everyone. The tick eats strawberries straight from the garden. This is so much good for the child!” - Katya broke the silence. “I’d rather pay just not to see these beds,” Roma retorted. “But, Romochka, we ate potatoes from the dacha all winter!” - “You better remember how much it cost us to take her out of there!” - “What about the cucumbers that mom pickled? You praised them yourself!” - “What could I do if your mother looks into my mouth when I bite into a cucumber?”

One way or another, the next day the family left for country cottage area. Indeed, the fresh air and green grass put Roma and Katya in a pleasant mood. After a light breakfast on the terrace of the house, they tried to sneak away to the lake, leaving their daughter to catch butterflies under the supervision of her grandmother. But it was not there. Katya was sent to the garden beds, and Roman was sent to repair the pump.

Then it was necessary to dig and hill up. Then row something and burn it. And at dinner the couple sat dumbly, sitting near the table, not even thinking about the delights of nature. “Dad, let's go into the forest!” - Galya whined. But Roman could barely move his legs, and it was already getting dark. So the trip was postponed until tomorrow. And the next day everything happened all over again. They weeded, sowed and dug again.

“Katya, why can’t we really relax at the dacha for once? — Roma asked when they got into the car. “What did we do there? - her mother-in-law answered instead. - What other rest do you need? Fresh air. Forest. Lake. Breathe, admire.”

Roma said nothing and only watched the bird, apparently a swallow, which was freely soaring in the evening sky.

Psychologist's comment

Love for the land and the desire to work on it are inherent in a person at the genetic level. Perhaps the fear of hunger and, accordingly, the need to make supplies for the winter are “stored” there. Gardeners, as a rule, of retirement or pre-retirement age also have psychological motives. Our grandmothers and mothers, who are also mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law, do not always experience a conscious fear of being “written off,” of becoming forgotten and lonely.

The dacha becomes for them a place where they can prove their “need”. In addition, older relatives are trying to use her as bait to gather the whole family - they say, dacha fever and joint work unite.

In the fight against the “dacha disease,” rational therapy and suggestion, supported by economic calculations, are very helpful. You just need to act slowly and carefully. “Perestroika” may take two, three, maximum four seasons (respectively a year, a year and a half, two), during which you will have to periodically serve your duty, if possible, take time off (this is allowed), preferably by coming up with very convincing reasons.

Start by counting all the costs associated with travel, transportation of crops, purchase of seeds, fertilizers, cans for preservation, salt, sugar, etc. Then compare the amount received (and without taking into account the effort and time spent) with the cost of similar products in the store and on the market. The results will in any case be convincing either for you or for your opponent.

Next, try more than usual, especially in winter period, pay attention to the fan of dacha work, so that the person does not feel lonely and does not dream of the dacha as the only place where he can communicate with you. Trips with the whole family to a winter dacha for barbecue work well.

As if by chance, fantasize about where you can build a stationary barbecue, install an inflatable pool, etc. By using this mechanism, you mentally prepare the enemy for transformation, convincing you that at the dacha you can simply relax together.

The decisive steps are to gradually replace the beds with beds of perennial flowers, trees, a barbecue gazebo and whatever else you want, thus transforming the “plantation” into a vacation spot. At the same time, no one will be able to accuse you of idleness, because you will still work at the dacha, but work for yourself - turning the hated duty into a game and enjoying it.

2014, . All rights reserved.

There are no dachas in any country except the post-Soviet ones. “There” people rent villas and bungalows to take a break from the bustle of the city... And in the previous phrase keyword"relax"! But only our citizens are looking forward to the weekend - and after a week of work they go to work on their dacha acres. This is the national pastime... But not everyone has fun like this - some summer residents indulge in doing nothing, using the labor of relatives. Take our family for example...

We have a rather large family: my husband and I, my mother Antonina Grigorievna and three offspring: daughter Yulia. A very smart young lady of twenty years old. Eighteen-year-old son Nikita and youngest, fourteen-year-old Lenchik. The tradition of spending every weekend from May to October at the dacha is so old that no one even tries to break it. We go there in in full force. My husband gets behind the wheel of the car, my mother sits next to me, Yulia and Lenchik sit behind me, and Nikita accompanies us, like distinguished foreign guests, on a motorcycle. The honor escort is supposed to ride in the back, but I get nervous when I don't see my son on the highway and he rides in front. Sometimes Nikita gets tired of being dragged along, and he tries to break away from us. The husband gives a warning signal, and the son immediately slows down: if he doesn’t do this, then a control signal will follow - his father’s slap on the head.

At the dacha, everyone always does the same thing. Mom stands at the stove. Tolik, my husband, having had a quick bite to eat, declares: “Well, I’m off,” and plays preference with the neighbors. Lenchik - for the fishing rods and to the pond. He never brought a decent catch, but he manages to get inspired on the shore. After dinner, he writes poetry until the evening. As far as I know, they are all dedicated to the girl Tanya, with whom Lenchik has been in love since the sixth grade, but does not dare admit it to her. He wants to write a masterpiece so that when she reads it, she immediately understands everything. But the masterpieces still don’t come out, the scribbled pages are mercilessly burned by the author in the fire, and Tanya continues to be in the dark about Lenchik’s feelings.

Nikita lies in the cold from morning to evening with some science fiction novel. Yulia (she studies at the Faculty of Biology), having changed clothes, rushes to her favorite flower beds. She planted such flower beds in front of the house that all the inhabitants holiday village come to see. Only on our site there are not only flower beds - there are also twenty-four fruit trees and beds on four acres. Guess which member of the household tends the garden? Oh, have you figured it out yet?

One day, having worked myself into a sweat at the dacha, I decided: this can’t go on any longer!

All week she hatched a plan for the revolution, and on Friday she called family members for a big meeting. “Tomorrow we’re going to the dacha,” she announced solemnly. - Everyone looked at each other: they say, what would you think, she discovered America! “I want everything to be fair.”

What do you mean?

What is unfair: some work hard. And others are throwing their weight around.

Well, you don’t have to work either...

Yes? - Mom was indignant. - With what. I wonder, will you eat if I don’t cook? You'll be the first to ask for food!

“And at home you’ll want some pickled cucumber or strawberry jam for your pancakes,” I assented. — Someone needs to grow cucumbers and strawberries.

So what do you suggest? So that everyone at the dacha is hunched over?

I suggest a game: switch roles at least for a day. A drawing of lots will decide who will play whose role. Whoever draws the short match will start counting.

I got the short match. And I began to sing a nursery rhyme:

On the golden porch sat the king, the prince, the king, the prince, the shoemaker, the tailor... Who will you be? Speak quickly, do not delay the kind and honest people... So, we write down: our king is Julia, Tsarevich

Nikita, the king - Tolya, the prince - mother, the shoemaker - me and the tailor - Lenchik. Now pull! “I put the hat with the papers I had prepared in advance on the table.

My daughter drew the lot first.

Tsar! - she read joyfully and, for clarity, placed an empty metal candy bowl on her head.

Well, if everyone is like Yulia. If he pulls out his “code”, the game won’t work!

But surprises began...

What? Should I cook the food? - Lenchik howled. - But I can’t!

It’s okay, I’ll tell you what and how. - Grandmother encouraged. She looked extremely pleased: she got a piece of paper with the word “King”, and, therefore. Neighbors' preference.

Fishing and poetry? - Nikita drawled. - And what. Not the worst option. It might even be funny.

According to the law of supreme justice, my husband got a garden and a vegetable garden, but I

lying on the grass with a book.

Shall we start the game? - I asked on Saturday morning, opening the country house.

Let's begin! - Yulia shouted, grabbed flower seedlings from the trunk and rushed to her favorite flower beds.

“Easy,” Nikita chuckled, fiddling with fishing rods on the veranda.

Lenochka, I put a certified book with bookmarks on the table in the summer kitchen for you. Not small, you'll figure it out. Well, I'm off. - Mom said.

This could no longer continue: some work hard, while others have fun! So I decided to offer my family a game: switch roles and see what happens. The result exceeded expectations...

Antonina Grigorievna, preference game is difficult. You'll be blown to smithereens! - Tolya could not resist the malicious teasing.

Do you think I only know how to roll cutlets? - Mom retorted no less sarcastically. - And I’ll lose, that’s okay.

Lenchik, whining a little, finally began peeling the potatoes. Tolya, with the air of a great martyr, went to the garden to collect Colorado beetles from potato tops. And I lay down on a blanket spread under a spreading apple tree and opened the book.

Nikita, passing by with fishing rods and a bucket in his hands, suddenly bent down and looked at the cover.

Hey, we agreed: don’t break the rules! Now I’ll bring you my reading instead of this crap.

With a sigh, I looked at what I had bought the day before. love story and a minute later, with an equally heavy sigh, she placed the volume brought by her son in front of her. "Robert Sheckley. Stories,” I read on the cover. I've never been into science fiction. Surely some kind of nonsense...

You may not believe it, but I was so carried away that I stopped reading only a few hours later, when Nikita returned from fishing and brought two hefty tench. And I cleaned them myself. And then Lenchik, who was introduced to the culinary art for the first time and suddenly developed a taste for it, began to fry fish with pleasure.

What kind of poetry do you usually write?

- Nikita loomed over him. — Love lyrics, whether? So, we need something like a sonnet or text for a serenade... Well, I'm off...

When I finished reading last story. the day was drawing to a close. “We need to ask Nikita for something else about this Sheckley. He writes great!” - I thought, stretching sweetly.

Ma, will you eat? - asked the surprisingly cheerful Lenchik. — I made soup. And fried the fish. And marinated the meat for kebabs...

Make me some tea. - I asked and sat down on the porch. She just sat and looked at the red disk of the sun, its lower end caught on the neighbor’s roof.

Groaning, Tolya hobbled over.

Tired? — I asked sympathetically.

My back hurts a lot.

This is out of habit. Sit down... Would you like me to apply some ointment to your lower back?

Later. Let’s sit...” He put his arm around my shoulders. — Do you think the potato harvest will be good?

This had never interested him before! Apparently, the fight against the Colorado potato beetle had such an impact...

Lenchik came running with his eyes burning with excitement.

Mom, dad, Nikita wrote such cool poems!!!

It’s a pity to burn... - I was upset.

What are you burning?! I will rewrite them and Tanya in Mailbox I'll throw it.

Son, do you know what it's called? Plagiarism clean water! - said Tolya.

And I admit that I didn’t write them. Then, when she loves me...

The older children came up, sat down on the railing, and began to whisper: Nikita was asking Yulia about one of her classmates.

Mom was the last to catch up. She defiantly waved several bills in front of Tolina’s nose. "Here! I won twenty-seven hryvnia!” She sank down to the bottom step, humming softly.

The air smelled of fire smoke, Julian lilies, and a little pine needles. These familiar dacha smells were clearly mixed with another one - the smell of love, friendship, joy. This is the aroma that should hover over every happy family.

And the porch on which we were sitting was not gold at all, but the most ordinary one - wooden, but there was more than enough room on it for six good and honest people.