Belarusian artists about nature. The most famous artists of Belarus

When the conversation turns to famous Belarusian artists, it rarely moves beyond a couple of names. And not because there weren’t more talented artists in our country, we just don’t talk so much about Belarusian art. Internationally recognized creators stay on top of the trends, while the leaders of national art remain in the shadows. I decided to correct this oversight and talk about wonderful Belarusian artists that are worth knowing about.

Ivan Khrutsky(1810-1885) - known for his still lifes and group portraits, he worked in line with the Russian academic school. Born in the Vitebsk region in the family of a Greek Catholic priest. He received his secondary art education in Polotsk. At the age of 17, he moved to St. Petersburg, where he took lessons from the English painter George Dow, while simultaneously studying at the Imperial Academy of Arts.

The artist’s most famous painting is “Portrait of an Unknown Woman with Flowers and Fruits” (1838), a fragment of which is depicted on the 1000 ruble banknote of 2000

After the death of his father, Khrutsky was forced to leave the cultural capital, because his mother and five younger brothers and sisters were left without their main support. The artist takes the boys to St. Petersburg, where he continues to work hard, earning a living by painting portraits. And then he returns to his native place and buys land near Polotsk, where he builds a house according to his design and lays out a garden. If you familiarize yourself with further events in the life of the painter, you can conclude that many secrets of his biography were never revealed.

Ivan Khrutsky. "Portrait of a Boy with a Straw Hat"

Leon Bakst(1866-1924) - artist, set designer, illustrator and designer, one of the trendsetters in European fashion for exoticism, member of the famous World of Art association. At one time it created a real sensation in France. And he was born in Grodno, in an Orthodox Jewish family. After graduating from high school, he went to St. Petersburg and was a volunteer student at the Academy of Arts. In his free time, he earned money by creating book illustrations. Then a whole string of events awaited Bakst: art exhibitions, life in Paris, communication with like-minded people, teaching painting to the children of Grand Duke Vladimir, marriage to the daughter of the founder of the famous Tretyakov Gallery and the associated adoption of another faith, divorce and return to Judaism...

Leon Bakst. "Ancient Horror" (1908). One of the artist's most famous paintings

Since 1910, Bakst has lived in Paris, where he reveals his talent in creating theatrical scenery.

Sketch for Sergei Diaghilev’s ballet “Scheherazade” (1910)
Costume design for the Firebird for the ballet “The Firebird” (1922). One of the few works of the artist returned to his homeland, Belarus

Yazep Drozdovich(1888-1954) - one of the most unusual Belarusian masters of the twentieth century. Born into a poor noble family on the Punki farm in the Glubokoe region. He studied at the Vilna Drawing School with professor of painting Ivan Trutnev. He served in the army, worked as an art teacher in the capital's girls' gymnasium, and as an illustrator actively collaborated with magazines and newspapers. He painted carpets, collected folk songs and processed the vocabulary of the folk language for dictionaries. He published a popular book on astronomy, “Sky Runs,” and wrote a graphic series of paintings on a space theme.

Yazep Drozdovich “Saturnian Landscape” (1931)

The above facts give the right to assert that Yazep Drozdovich was a comprehensively developed personality. These days he is compared to Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Mikalojus Ciurlionis and even Leonardo da Vinci. However, the artist’s unusual and multifaceted talent was not understood by his contemporaries. He died at the age of 65 in extreme poverty.

Witold Byalynitsky-Birulya(1872-1957) - landscape painter of the late 19th - first half of the 20th century, representative of the lyrical movement. A native of the Mogilev region. Born into the family of a small tenant. The boy's father worked for the Dnieper Shipping Company and often took him sailing along the Dnieper, Pripyat and Sozh. Byalynitsky-Birulya studied first at the Kiev Cadet Corps, and then moved to the Kyiv Drawing School. Later he entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. In Moscow, he met Isaac Levitan and worked in his workshop. Under the influence of teachers, I became interested in landscapes.

Witold Byalynitsky-Birulya. "Winter Dream" (1911)

The artist gradually gained popularity, demonstrating his paintings at various exhibitions, receiving high titles and awards. The master spent most of his life in a small estate in the Tver province called “Chaika”, which he rebuilt himself. The Belarusian writer Viktor Karamazov wrote the story “Roofs on the Earth and in the Sky in the Sky”, dedicated to the life and creative path of the painter.

Witold Byalynitsky-Birulya. "Early Spring" (1913)

Vitaly Tsvirko(1913-1993) - Belarusian painter and teacher, laureate of the State Prize of the BSSR. Born in the Gomel region in a family of rural teachers. The future artist’s father greatly contributed to the formation of his son’s artistic taste: the walls of the Tsvirko family’s house were hung with reproductions of works by such Russian artists as Vasily Perov, Ilya Repin, Ivan Kramskoy. When they moved to Minsk, Vitaly Tsvirko’s drawings were noticed by school teachers, who began giving him private lessons. By the way, the Belarusian writer, poet and playwright Kondrat Krapiva had a special influence on the development of the artist’s creative personality.

Vitaly Tsvirko. "Winter Landscape" (1976)

In 1929, the future artist entered the Vitebsk Art College, and after graduation he lived and worked in Minsk. The colossal success at the exhibition in Moscow leads him to the Moscow Art Institute named after Surikov, where he studies with famous masters of Russian landscape. In 1944, Tsvirko returned to Minsk and became actively involved in creativity and teaching.

Vitaly Tsvirko. "Indian Summer" (1980)

Mikhail Savitsky(1922-2010) - a cult figure in Belarusian art. Born in the village of Zvenyachi, Tolochinsky district, Vitebsk region. The youth of the future People's Artist of Belarus coincided with the bloody events of the Great Patriotic War. At the age of 20, he participated in the battles for Sevastopol, went through several concentration camps - these events had a powerful influence on Savitsky’s worldview, which was later reflected in his work. He received his artistic education after demobilization: he graduated from the Minsk Art School in 1951, then studied at the Moscow Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov. Lived and worked in Minsk. He was the first in the country to be awarded the Order of Francis Skaryna (in 1997).

Savitsky is the creator of a unique series of paintings, “Numbers on the Heart,” dedicated to concentration camp prisoners. “A Curse to Fascism” (1979) - one of the paintings in this series)
Mikhail Savitsky. "Guerrilla Madonna" (1978). One of the most famous works of the master

Many of Mikhail Savitsky's works have gained worldwide fame. The artist’s work focused on both historical and contemporary themes. He revealed them journalistically, with expression. In 2012, the Mikhail Savitsky Art Gallery was opened in Minsk, whose exhibition Adukar advises you to familiarize yourself with.

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    • Artist Fedosenko Roman Fedorovich
    • Artist Vlasyuk Alexander Ivanovich
    • Creative Association Strykova Tatyana Vitalievna
    • Artist Kapchikov Alexey Sergeevich
    • Artist GRIGORIEV Sergey Ivanovich
    • Artist Sidorov Oleg Askoldovich
    • Artist Stasevich Oleg Adolfovich
    • Artist Sinevich Vadim Alexandrovich
    • Artist Filyuta Ekaterina Olegovna
    • Artist Kostsova Irina Konstantinovna
    • Artist Voronin Oleg Vladimirovich
    • Artist Samusenko Sergey Olegovich
    • Artist Korabelnikov Alexey Vladimirovich
    • Artist Emelyanova Anna Sergeevna
    • Artist Zhevnyak Olga Leonidovna
    • Sculptor Galetsky Ivan Ivanovich
    • Artist Silivonchik Anna Dmitrievna
    • Artist Nishchik Liliya Evgenievna
    • Artist Fedyunina Zina Aleksandrovna
    • Creative Association Petrunnikov Nikolai Ivanovich
    • Artist Filinger Serge Sergeevich
    • Artist Latysheva Oksana Vladimirovna
    • Artist Lemeshonok Monika Leonidovna
    • Artist Alferonok Victoria Valerievna
    • Artist Zhuk Elena Nikolaevna
    • Artist Gudkov Grigory Vladimirovich
    • Artist Voitsekhovich Oksana
    • Artist Ra Alexander
    • Artist Reshetova Elena Evgenievna
    • Artist Egorov Igor Valentinovich
    • Artist Kostyuchenko Oleg Vasilievich
    • Artist Kovalev Oleg Alexandrovich
    • Artist Pavlova Anna Valerievna
    • Artist Masliy Dmitry
    • Artist Zagalsky Alexander Alexandrovich
    • Artist Ivashkevich Ekaterina Anatolyevna
    • Artist Chechuy Elena Viktorovna
    • Artist Bolund Inna Andreevna
    • Artist Akenshin Sergey Igorevich
    • Artist Morozov Ilya Borisovich
    • Artist Kuzmich Alexey Vasilievich
    • Artist Denisova Tatyana Sergeevna
    • Artist Kostyuchenko Vasily
    • Artist Butrim Inessa Pavlovna
    • Artist Chebotareva Natalya Vladimirovna
    • Artist Romanova Anfisa
    • Artist Sleptsova Elizaveta
    • Artist Buldakov Dmitry Alexandrovich
    • Sculptor Kuntsevich Alexander Sergeevich
    • Artist Brisev Oleg Viktorovich
    • Artist Azarenka Victoria
    • Artist Krot Mikhail Fedorovich
    • Artist Nikiforova Zoya V.
    • Artist Novitskaya Galina Vladimirovna
    • Artist Burachenko Vladimir Alexandrovich
    • Artist Chebakova Daria
    • Artist Petrovskaya Svetlana Konstantinovna
    • Artist Buka Nadya
    • Artist Levkovich Mikhail Vasilievich
    • Artist Zolottseva Natalya Valentinovna
    • Artist Kozlov Dmitry
    • Artist Zarakovskaya Anna
    • Sculptor Pogozhelsky Andrey Antonovich
    • Artist Zavatski Giovann
    • Artist Evgenia Vladimirovna Dashkovskaya
    • Artist Zaika Kristina Vladimirovna
    • Artist Karpovich Olga Vladimirovna
    • Artist Kupchunas Eduard Vladimirovich
    • Artist Zubkova Natalya Georgievna
    • Artist Berezovskaya Tatyana
    • Artist Dubovets Svetlana Vyacheslavovna
    • Artist Pochopko Alina
    • Artist Osadchaya Kristina Andreevna
    • Sculptor Borzdy Valentin Anatolyevich
    • Artist Bodrakova Anna Yurievna
    • Artist Vitaly Ivanovich Korneev
    • Artist Stasevich Oleg
    • Artist Seminarska (Kozlov) Maria Marie
    • Artist Elena Petrovna Maskolenko
    • Artist Korolenko Ivan Ivanovich
    • Artist Savitskaya Natalya Alexandrovna
    • Artist Pablo Rosso
  • Belarus - Artists of Belarus (Paintings by Belarusian artists)

    Artists of Belarus (Belarusian artists)

    Belarus State of Belarus
    Belarus official name is the Republic of Belarus
    Belarus The Republic of Belarus is a state in Eastern Europe.
    Belarus The Republic of Belarus borders on Russia in the east and north, on Latvia and Lithuania in the north and northwest, on Poland in the west, and on Ukraine in the south.
    Belarus Republic of Belarus The name of the country comes from the phrase Belaya Rus.
    Belarus The Republic of Belarus is administratively divided into six regions. The capital of Belarus is the city of Minsk. The oldest city is considered to be the city of Polotsk (Vitebsk region).
    Belarus History of Belarus Primitive man appeared on the territory of Belarus approximately 100-35 thousand years ago.

    Belarus History of Belarus The oldest settlements of Stone Age people were discovered on the territory of the Gomel region. A Paleolithic site near the village of Yurovichi (Kalinkovichi district) existed approximately 26 thousand years ago, near the village of Berdyzh (Chechersky district) - 24-23 thousand years ago. Traces of ancient cultures were also found in the Brest, Mogilev, Grodno and Minsk regions.
    Belarus History of Belarus The first political associations appeared on the territory of Belarus in the 6th - 13th centuries.

    Belarus History of Belarus The Slavs began to penetrate into the territory of modern Belarus in the first centuries of our era. Over several centuries, they settled throughout the region, gradually assimilating the Baltic tribes living on these lands. In the VI-IX centuries, the first political associations were formed among the Eastern Slavs - tribal unions. The first chronicle mention of the city of Polotsk and the Principality of Polotsk, which existed on the territory of modern Vitebsk and the northern part of the Minsk region and dominated the region until the 13th century, dates back to the 9th century.

    Belarus History of Belarus The Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Russia and Zhemoitsk XIII-XVI centuries. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Russia and Zhemoytsk (GDL) was a powerful power that included the lands of modern Belarus, Lithuania, the Kyiv, Chernigov and Volyn regions of Ukraine and western Russia from the Baltic to the Black Sea.
    Belarus History of Belarus The rise of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania began during the reign of Prince Mindaugas in the 13th century. For several centuries, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania played a serious role in European politics. The influence of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania began to wane only after a series of wars in the 16th century.

    Belarus History of Belarus In 1569, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland signed the Union of Lublin: on equal rights, the Principality and the Crown united into a federal state - the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. A new era has begun in Belarusian history.
    Belarus History of Belarus The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was a particularly turbulent era in Belarusian history. The state was torn apart by internal contradictions and was constantly drawn into wars, including:
    1654-1667 - war with Russia
    1700-1721 - Northern War (Sweden and Russia)
    As a result of endless wars, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was greatly weakened and ceased to exist as an independent state. Its territories in 1772, 1793 and 1795 were divided between Russia, Austria and Prussia.
    Belarus History of Belarus Since 1772, as a result of three divisions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Belarusian lands became part of the Russian Empire.

    Belarus History of Belarus Revolution (1917-1919)
    March 1917 - the revolution in Russia forced Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate the throne.
    November 1917 - October Revolution - power in Russia passes to the Bolsheviks.
    March 1918 - the Belarusian People's Republic (BPR) was proclaimed. It existed for less than a year until the withdrawal of German troops from the territory of Belarus.

    January 1, 1919 - The Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic was proclaimed.
    Belarus History of Belarus Russian-Polish War (1919-1921)
    1921 - the Riga Peace Treaty was signed, according to which the western territories of Belarus went to Poland, and the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic was revived in the eastern territories.
    1922 - The Belarusian SSR became part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).
    1921-1928 - the New Economic Policy (NEP) was carried out in Belarus, as well as throughout the Soviet Union.
    1932-1933 - famine caused by Soviet economic policy and the introduction of collective agriculture (collective farms).

    1936-1940 - the period of Stalinist repressions. More than 86,000 Belarusians suffered from political repression. About 28,000 were shot in the Kuropaty tract near Minsk.
    Belarus History of Belarus Second World War and Great Patriotic War (1939-1945)
    September 17, 1939 - The Red Army entered Western Belarus, as a result of which these territories were included in the BSSR.

    Belarus History of Belarus June 1941 - the Great Patriotic War began.
    June-July 1941 - the resistance of the defenders of the Brest Fortress to the German invaders lasted 6 weeks.
    September 1941 - Belarus is completely occupied by the German army. The occupiers began to establish the so-called new order based on terror.
    June 1941 - the Minsk ghetto was created, into which later, in addition to Belarusian Jews, German and Czech Jews were placed. Mass executions of ghetto prisoners were carried out in Tuchinki immediately before the destruction of the ghetto in October 1943.
    1941-1943 - Holocaust in Belarus. The mass murder of Jews by German troops continued until the end of the occupation.
    end of 1941 - the partisan movement begins to unfold in Belarus, which by 1944 becomes the most massive in Europe.
    1943 - Minsk underground fighters killed the main German protege in Belarus, Commissioner General Cuba.
    end of June - July 1944 - during Operation Bagration, the territory of Belarus was completely liberated by the Red Army from the fascist occupiers. On July 3, Minsk was liberated.
    February 1945 - according to the results of the Yalta Conference, at which, among others, the issue of the territories of Poland was resolved, the lands of Western Belarus, with the exception of the Bialystok region, remained part of the BSSR.
    May 1945 - The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people against the Nazi invaders ended.
    Belarus History of Belarus Recent history
    1945 - Belarus was admitted to the founding members of the United Nations (UN).
    1954 - Belarus joined the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

    1991 - The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ceased to exist. Belarus was declared an independent state.
    Belarus History of Belarus Today the Republic of Belarus is an independent state with its own national culture and history.
    Belarus Culture of the Republic of Belarus The original artistic culture of Belarus has been formed over the centuries. Original architectural and art schools existed here, and unique musical and literary works were created.
    Belarus Culture of the Republic of Belarus All masterpieces of Belarusian art that have survived to this day are under the protection of the Belarusian state. They are stored in the collections of the largest Belarusian museums and library collections. Classics of Belarusian music and drama are demonstrated on theater stages and in concert halls.

    Belarus Culture of the Republic of Belarus Modern cultural life in Belarus is dynamic and diverse. The country hosts many art exhibitions, music, theater and film festivals.
    Belarus Fine arts of Belarus Belarusian artists Artists of Belarus
    Belarus The fine arts of Belarus are diverse in styles, directions and genres. The most interesting works of Belarusian painting and sculpture from various eras can be seen in the country's art museums.
    Belarus The National Art Museum of Belarus in Minsk has the largest collection of works of art. He actively promotes national art. Exhibitions of works by Belarusian artists are constantly held here.

    Belarus Interesting collections of Belarusian art are collected in the Vitebsk Art Museum, the Mogilev Regional Art Museum, and the Polotsk Art Gallery.
    Belarus Artists of Belarus In all regional centers of Belarus and in many regional centers of Belarus there are art galleries where you can see the works of local artists.
    Belarus Artists of Belarus The most famous Belarusian artist Marc Chagall The works of Marc Chagall belong to the classics of world fine art Paintings of Marc Chagall are valued by art lovers and have a high price

    Belarus Artists of Belarus Today there are many new talented artists in Belarus. In our gallery you can find and order works of the best Belarusian artists

    Belarus - Masters of Belarus (Kartsіny Belarusian masters)

    Masters of Belarus (Belarusian masters)

    Belarus Dzyarzhava Belarus
    Belarus official name Republic of Belarus
    Belarus Republic of Belarus dziarzhava va Ukhodnyaya Europe.
    Belarus The Republic of Belarus is from Russia at the end of the day, from Latvia and Lithuania - at the beginning and end of the day, from Poland - at the end of the day and from Ukraine - at the end of the day.
    Belarus Republic of Belarus The name of the country adbyvaetstsa hell of a word of destruction Belaya Rus.
    Belarus Republic of Belarus administratsyina dzelіtstsa na šessts ablascei. Become Belarus from the city of Minsk. The oldest cities are the city of Polack (Vitsebsk region).
    Belarus History of Belarus In the history of Belarus, the first centuries of history appeared 100-35 thousand years ago.

    Belarus History of Belarus The ancient inhabitants of the Stone Age people were found in the territory of the Gomel region. The settlement of the Palaealite era in Yuravichy (Kalinkavitsky districts) began 26 thousand years ago, in Berdyzh (Chachersky districts) - 24-23 thousand years ago. Traces of ancient cultures were widely identified in the Bresk, Magileus, Grodzen and Minsk regions.
    Belarus History of Belarus The first palatine plants appeared in the territory of Belarus in the VI - XIII centuries.

    Belarus History of Belarus The Slavs in the last century of Belarus began to practice in the first century of our era. Over the course of several centuries, the Yans spread throughout the entire region, following similar Baltic tribes that lived on these lands. In the VI-IX centuries, the ancient Slavs farmed the first palettes and "yadnaya" - unions of the tribes. Yes, in the IX century, the first chronicles of the city of Polack and the Polack principalities, which originated in those days private Vitsebsk and paunochny parts of the Minsk region and the region and the XIII century .

    Belarus History of Belarus The principalities of Lithuania, Russia and Zhamoitsk XIII-XVI centuries. The great principalities of Lithuania, Russia and Zhamoitsk (ON) were in great decay, which included the lands of modern Belarus, Lithuania, Kiev, Charniga and Valynsk provinces of Ukraine and western Russia ii hell Baltyki and Chornaga pestilence.
    Belarus History of Belarus Increased ON began under the right of Prince Mindoug in the 13th century. For several centuries, the Principality of Lithuania played a serious role in the European palace.

    Belarus History of Belarus In 1569, the Grand Principalities of Lithuania and the Polish Karalian Kingdom acceded to the Union of Lublin: on the basis of royal rights, the Principalities and Carona were amalgamated with the federal kingdom - Rach Papalita. A whole new era is Belarusian history.
    Belarus History of Belarus Rech The burning season was a very turbulent era in Belarusian history. Dzyarzhava was surveilled by the internal supra-rechnasts, and shepherded the war, from behind:
    1654-1667 - War of Rasiyay
    1700-1721 - Night War (Sweden and Russia)
    In the wake of the endless wars, Rach Paspalitaya’s power weakened and ceased to exist as a self-contained waste. In 1772, 1793 and 1795, the territories of Russia, Australia and Prussia were planted.
    Belarus History of Belarus Since 1772, three lands have been taken out of the Republic of Belarus. The Belarusian lands became the warehouse of the Russian Empire.

    Belarus History of Belarus Revaluation (1917-1919)
    sakavik 1917 - revaluation of the race of Tsar Mikalai II fought the hell of the throne.
    Listapad 1917 - Kastrychnitsa revaluation - settlement of the Rassiy transition and Balshaviko.
    Sakavika 1918 - the Belarusian People's Republic (BPR) was formed in Abvesh. Yana realized less than a year before the withdrawal of German troops from Belarus.

    1st student 1919 - Abveshchan Belarusian Savetskaya Socialist Republic.
    Belarus History of Belarus Russian-Polish War (1919-1921)
    1921 - the Ryzhskiy Mirny Dagavors were adopted, as the incoming territories of Belarus and Poland, on the outgoing territories of the Belarusian Savior Socialist Republic.
    1922 - The Belarusian SSR became a warehouse of the Union of Savetsky Socialist Republics (USSR).
    1921-1928 - Belarus, as well as the entire Savetsky Union, adopted the New Economic Palette (NEP).
    1932-1933 - famine, called out the Savetska ekanamichnaya palitykaya, and ўvyadzenne kalektyўnaga rural gaspadarki (kalgasy).

    1936-1940 bastards - the period of Stalin's reprisals. More than 86,000 Belarusians have endured a hell of political reprisals. Kalya 28,000 were shot down in the Urochchiy "Kurapaty" region of Minsk.
    Belarus History of Belarus Another everyday war and the Great Aichyn war (1939-1945)
    Spring 17, 1939 - The Red Army moved into Western Belarus, and these territories were then taken to the warehouse of the BSSR.

    Belarus History of Belarus Cherven 1941 - the Great Aichyn War began.
    Cherven-Lipen 1941 - the suprats of the Abaronians of Brest fortress fought against the German buryings for 6 thousand days.
    Verasen 1941 - Belarus Tsalka akupavanaya German army. The occupiers pachali ustanaulivats are called the new paradox, they are accused of terrorism.
    Chervenya 1941 - the Minsk Geta was created, in which parts of the Belarusian countries had smaller German and Czech countries. Masavy executions vyaznya geta pravodzіlіsya ў Tuchynka nepasredna da znishchennya geta ў kastrychnіku 1943
    1941-1943 - Halacost near Belarus. Massive slaughter of German troops continued until the occupation was completed.
    the end of 1941 - the partisan movements in Belarus began to flourish, and 1944 became the largest in Europe.
    1943 - Minsk padolish diseases of the German government in Belarus of the General Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Cuba.
    the end of Cherven - late 1944 - at the time of the operation "Bagration" of the territory of Belarus, the Chervonai Army caused the hell of the fascist invaders. 3 LIPENS were called to Minsk.
    in the fall of 1945 - at the outset of the Yaltsa Conference, which was the basis for torture in the territories of Poland, the land of Western Belarus, outside the Bialystok region, it remained in the warehouse of the BSSR.
    May 1945 - The Vyalika Aichynaya war of the Savetsk people of the suprats of the German-fascist zahopniks died.
    Belarus History of Belarus Current history
    1945 - Belarus was adopted as a member warehouse - the head of the Arganizatsy Ab"yadnaya natsy (AAN).
    1954 - Belarus ceded to the Arganization of Education, Science and Culture (UNESCA).

    1991 - the Union of Savetsky Socialist Republics was founded. Belarus abveshchana square dzyarzhavay.
    Belarus History of Belarus Sennya Republic of Belarus is the independent independent country with its national culture and history.
    Belarus Culture of the Republic of Belarus The original traditional culture of Belarus was farmed in the centuries-old practice. Here, original architectural and artistic schools originated, and unique musical and literary creations were created.
    Belarus Culture of the Republic of Belarus All yakіya daishlі and our zen masters of the Belarusian mastastva znahodzyatstsa pad abaronay Belarusian dzyarzhavy. I want to know about the largest collections of Belarusian museums and library collections. The classics of Belarusian music and drama are performed on theater stages and in concert halls.

    Belarus Culture of the Republic of Belarus The daily cultural life of Belarus is dynamic and varied. The region hosts many artistic exhibitions, music, theater and film festivals.
    Belarus Highlights of Belarus Masters of Belarus Masters of Belarus
    Belarus The identified arts of Belarus vary across styles, styles and genres. The most beautiful works of Belarusian life and sculptures from different eras can be found in the craft museums of the country.
    Belarus The largest gatherings of artists are created at the National Art Museum of Belarus in the city of Minsk. Yong actyna propagandize natsyyanalnae mastatstva. Exhibitions of the works of Belarusian artists are held here.

    Belarus Great handicrafts from Belarusian art are collected in the Viciebsk Art Museum, the Magiliou Regional Art Museum, and the Połack Art Gallery.
    Belarus Artists of Belarus In all regional centers of Belarus and in many regional centers of Belarus there are art galleries where you can study the work of butcher artists.
    Belarus Masters of Belarus The most famous Belarusian masters Marc Chagall Practices of Marc Chagall put the classics of the world to reveal the mastery of the Carcinoma Marc Chagall the price of mastery and the possible high price

    Belarus Masters of Belarus Sennaya ў Belarus a variety of new talented masters In our gallery you can know and learn about the examples of the best Belarusian masters

    Belarus has given the world many wonderful artists. And some are so significant, so famous that even those who are not interested in art at all know them. Their style is recognized, and their work is known even by those who can’t stand them. And the masterpieces of these masters amaze people at auction prices.
    Do you want to see which Belarusian collectors are willing to pay sky-high sums for paintings?
    Here they are, the 10 most expensive works artists from Belarus

    1. 37 million 770 thousand dollars, Kazimir Malevich “Mystical Suprematism”

    The painting was painted in 1920−1930. In 2015, it was put up for auction at Sotheby’s for $35-45 million. As a result, they sold it for 37 million 770 thousand.

    2. 32 million 800 thousand dollars, Kazimir Malevich “Suprematism. 18th design"

    "Suprematism. 18th design", 1915.

    The painting was painted in 1915, the year of the birth of Suprematism. 100 years later, Sotheby's auction house sold it for $32.8 million, although the work was estimated at between 30 and 46 million.

    3. 28 million 453 thousand dollars, Marc Chagall “Lovers”

    “Lovers” is currently the artist’s most expensive painting. The work was written in 1928. It was sold in November 2017 at Sotheby’s auction for 28 million 453 thousand dollars.

    4. 28 million 165 thousand dollars, Chaim Soutine “Bull Carcass”

    The “bull carcass” was sold in 2015 at Christie’s auction. The work was written in 1923 by the “genius from Smilovichi”. It is believed that the inspiration for this expressive painting was sought from Rembrandt and his “Bull Carcass”. Soutine made many “meat” sketches and wrote six different “Bull Carcasses”. Five of them are kept in museums around the world, one is from a private collector who bought it for 28 million 165 thousand dollars.

    5. $18 million, Chaim Soutine “The Little Pastry Chef”

    For this amount, Soutine’s painting was sold in May 2013 at Christie’s auction in New York. The work was declared the top lot of the evening and became the most expensive painting by the artist. “This painting, painted around 1927, serves as a kind of final point in a series of paintings of the same name created by the artist over almost ten years - a time during which he managed to turn from an unknown artist into a world-famous celebrity,” the auction house emphasized in a press release.

    6. $17 million 200, Chaim Soutine “Portrait of a Man in a Red Scarf”

    Until 2013, Portrait of a Man in a Red Scarf was Soutine's most expensive painting. In 2006, it was sold at Sotheby’s for $17.2 million—then the work became the most expensive lot at auction. The painting was painted in 1921.

    7. 16 million 830 thousand dollars, Chaim Soutine “Valet”

    In 2001, "Valet" was sold for $1.9 million. In 2015, the amount increased more than 8 times: at the Sotheby’s auction the painting was sold for 16 million 830 thousand - this was significantly more than the most optimistic forecasts of experts.

    8. 16 million 300 thousand dollars, Marc Chagall “Anniversary”

    The painting “Anniversary” (1923) was sold for this amount in 1990 (there are suspicions that the then 16 million 300 thousand dollars were worth more). The painting was painted during Chagall's golden period. It depicts his favorite subject - flying with his beloved wife Bela. The same painting is kept in the Museum of Modern Art in New York, but it is called “Birthday”.

    9. 15 million 600 thousand dollars, Chaim Soutine “The Bride”

    Chaim Soutine wrote The Bride in 1929. At Christie's auction in 2015, it was valued at $3-5 million, but was sold three times more than the maximum amount - for 15 million 600 thousand.

    10. 14 million 583 thousand, Marc Chagall “Three Candles”

    Marc Chagall wrote “Three Candles” in 1938-1940. In 2016, it was sold at Christie’s for $14.583 million.

    Singer Alexander Rybak became the most popular “foreign” Belarusian of the past year. But he is far from the first to glorify his homeland beyond its borders.

    In recent years, many Belarusian media cannot resist the temptation to find out the distant Belarusian ancestors of all kinds of foreign celebrities. Either a grandmother will be found, or a grandfather, of whom the stars themselves do not even suspect. But let's dwell on those of our famous compatriots and more or less contemporaries who at least knew where their homeland was located.

    Flight painter

    The jealous French, with sullen stubbornness, keep silent about the fact that the famous artist Marc Chagall is a Belarusian Jew; they really want to have him as their undivided property. During a tour of the Grand Opera in Paris, the ceiling lamps of which were painted by our internationally recognized compatriot, the guide so persistently did not remember Chagall’s Belarusianness that the portal’s observer had to ask a leading question. The guide changed his face and exclaimed expressively: “He left you!” But, no matter how much the French want to appropriate our artist, they cannot escape the fact that the master’s Vitebsk childhood became the main theme of his work throughout his life, not only painting, but also literary - the autobiographical book “My Life”. It’s sad, but albums with reproductions of Marc Chagall’s paintings are not published in Belarus, because the French copyright holders are not interested in this. But everyone can visit the Chagall art center in Vitebsk and see the house where he was born and grew up.

    Leger's steel muse

    Another Belarusian Nadezhda Khodasevich-Léger, a native of the Belarusian village of Zembin, became a famous French artist and muse of the famous painter and sculptor Fernand Léger. This woman had a huge amount of will and perseverance. Since childhood, she wanted to draw and live in Paris. In the village where she was born, such an idea was perceived solely as a form of madness. Nadya, without her parents' permission, ran away to study painting in Smolensk, from there to Warsaw, where she got married, and together with her husband went to Paris, to the academy of her idol Fernand Léger, who himself invited them. After a quarrel with her husband, who returned to Warsaw, left without money, with a small daughter in her arms, Nadya Khodasevich began working as a servant. But at the same time, with her tiny funds, she published a magazine about painting, where works by Picasso, Le Corbusier, Léger were published...

    During World War II, Khodasevich, an active participant in the French Resistance, worked as a teacher at the academy during the day and posted leaflets around the city at night. After the war, she helped Russian emigrants by organizing an auction at which paintings by the same Picasso and Léger were exhibited. After the death of the teacher’s wife, Nadezhda Khodasevich marries him and adds Leger to his surname, and the most famous people of Russia and France gather in their house. After the death of the master, Nadezhda returned to her first husband, and together they opened a museum in memory of the master, which they donated to France. Khodasevich-Léger herself became famous in monumental art; her mosaic portraits of her contemporaries are exhibited in many galleries around the world. Was an active supporter development of Franco-Soviet relations, for which she was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the Order of the Legion of Honor of France.

    The Greatest Science Fiction

    Writer Isaac Asimov, who, together with Arthur C. Clarke and Robert Heinlein, makes up the top three science fiction writers in the world, was born in the village of Petrovichi, Mogilev region, and at birth received the name Isaac Ozimov. His parents, who worked as millers in Belarus, three years after Isaac’s birth, took the future luminary of science fiction to the USA, where, maintaining their love for flour, they opened a confectionery store.

    Isaac grew up, acquired the profession of a biochemist and became a unique, multifaceted author of science fiction, whose works synthesized all styles and directions of science and literature: detective fiction, humor, astronomy, genetics, chemistry, history. Not to mention the fact that it was Asimov who invented concepts that only many years later appeared in real life and were named with words that he invented: robots, robotics, positronic, psychohistory.

    King of the Air

    The super popular American TV presenter Larry King is also a native of Belarus. His mother Jenny was from Minsk, and his father Eddie Zeiger was from Pinsk (one can assume that before emigration their names were Zhenya and Edik). They left for America, where the future screen star was born. Larry King is the recognized king of news journalism and talk shows, which he conducts in a rather tough manner. It was King who asked Vladimir Putin an uncomfortable question: “So what happened to the Kursk submarine?” To which the then Russian president replied: “It drowned.”

    Larry King is the author of a practical guide, “How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere,” designed to help not only journalists, but also ordinary people who often cannot overcome their indecisiveness.

    Radio amateur and television professional

    An extremely extraordinary and insightful businessman ahead of his time, David Sarnoff, before leaving for New York, was called David Sarnov and lived in the Belarusian village of Uzlyany.

    Already at the age of 15, the enterprising David owned a newsstand, and then his fate developed progressively. At first, Sarnov worked in the company of the famous Italian Marconi, and it was he who, back in 1915, proposed using radio for entertainment and starting the production of household radios. But then this idea, which later brought in billions, seemed so crazy that its implementation was postponed for decades. While working as president of Radiocorporation of America, Sarnov gave the green light and provided conditions for the development of another emigrant, Vladimir Zvorykin, who invented the kinescope and determined the direction of development of the media business for many years.

    The Roaring Lion of the Film Industry

    The film company's most memorable screensaver - the roaring head of a lion - belongs to the Metro Goldwyn Mayer corporation, which was founded by Lazar Meir, who was born in Minsk. After emigrating, turning into Louis Barth Mayer, he gradually began to realize his American dream by selling scrap metal. But he loved cinema so much that for the sake of it he betrayed non-ferrous metals and bought a crumbling cinema in a provincial town. And a few years later he moved his small company to Los Angeles, where, to consolidate success, he lured the first beauty of those times, actress Anita Stewart, from another studio. And then for many years he worked on the lion's share of what would later be called Hollywood. In addition, it was Mayer who founded the American Film Academy and invented what millions of movie lovers wait for every year - the Oscar.

    Presidents of Israel

    The first President of Israel, Chaim Weizmann, was born near Pinsk, in the village of Motol, where he graduated from cheder. Afterwards he entered the Pinsk real school, after which he continued his education in Germany and began his path to the formation of the state of Israel.

    Shimon Peres, the current president of Israel, who took this post in 2007, is also a native of our country: he was born in the village of Vishnevo, Volozhin district, Minsk region. His father was a lumber trader, his mother was a Russian language teacher and librarian. His grandfather, a rabbi, instilled in the future president a love for the culture of the Jewish people. Since childhood, Shimon Peres wrote poetry, and did not abandon his passion for literature when he became a politician. His books were published in Israel and were successful, and one of them was written under a female pseudonym and on behalf of a woman.

    Closer to the sky

    The famous fighter aircraft designer and inventor Pavel Sukhoi was born in the city of Glubokoye, Vitebsk region. His parents were teachers. Pavel Sukhoi graduated from the Gomel gymnasium, went to study in Moscow and went down in history as the general designer of the bureau named after himself. Under the leadership of Sukhoi, the Su line of combat aircraft was created.

    Cosmonaut Pyotr Klimuk was born in the village of Komarovka, Brest region. He made three flights into space as the head of the crew, spending a total of more than 2.5 months in Earth orbit. In the cosmonaut’s homeland, which during space exploration turned from Komarovka into Tomashovka, a museum has been opened that contains unique exhibits, many of which were in space with Klimuk.

    In addition, you can read about space travel in two books written by Peter Klimuk: “Near the Stars” and “Attack on Zero Gravity.”

    Russian businessmen

    The main reformer of the Russian energy system, Anatoly Chubais, was born in the city of Borisov in the family of a retired colonel who worked as a philosophy teacher. After many high positions, he became chairman of RAO UES. Chubais's main project - privatization - turned out to be very controversial and was considered a failure. It is not surprising that nothing worked out, but the people were hungry after the communist past and firmly believed in the promises of Chubais, which stated that each voucher would eventually cost as much as two cars.

    Entrepreneur Andrei Melnichenko was born and raised in Gomel, where his grandmother still lives, whom he visits on a private plane. Having started his career with currency trading in the 90s, Melnichenko subsequently became a co-founder of MDM Bank, and then its sole shareholder. Now Andrey Melnichenko is the chairman of the board of directors of Eurochem. His personal fortune before the crisis was estimated at $10.3 billion. Andrei Melnichenko is married to model Alexandra Nikolic, who is called the most beautiful Serbian woman on the planet.

    Vice-president of the Lukoil concern Sergei Kukura was born in Brest. Very little is known about this businessman, but in 2002 his name made headlines in connection with a high-profile kidnapping: Sergei Kukuru was attacked at a railway crossing by unknown men dressed as police officers and held for two weeks in an abandoned Belarusian village, demanding $3,000,000 and EUR3 for his release. 000 000. Kukura hardly liked this return to his homeland, but then the kidnappers took the businessman to Bryansk, provided him with money and released him, according to Sergei Kukura, for reasons unknown to him.

    Nobel laureates

    Academician Zhores Alferov, born in Vitebsk and graduated from school in Minsk, received the Nobel Prize in Physics for the development of semiconductor heterostructures and the creation of fast opto- and microelectronic components. We use Alferov’s inventions every day. Without them, the operation of mobile phones and disk drives would not be possible; Alferov’s laser is even used in store “readers” of product barcodes.

    Alferov is not the first Belarusian to receive the Nobel Prize. In 1971, its owner was the economist Simon Kuznets, a native of Pinsk, who coined the terms “gross national product”, “human capital”, and also invented and proved the “Kuznets law” for the economies of developing countries: in the first 10 years of development, inequality in income distribution will increase sharply, then there will be trends towards leveling off. He has done a lot for the modern world economy.

    Tatiana Prudinnik

    Belarus- a country of amazing natural beauty. Picturesque landscapes, clean lakes and rivers, healing springs, endless coniferous forests and birch groves, only occasionally interrupted by lonely fields or a whole string of blue lakes, will certainly captivate and inspire everyone who is lucky enough to visit there at least once. You are once again convinced that this region is truly fabulously wonderful when looking at the landscape paintings of the Belarusian artist Viktor Yushkevich, lovingly capturing these corners of nature on his canvases.

    Works by Viktor Yushkevich are in galleries and private collections in Russia, Great Britain, Germany, China, Canada, Israel and Poland. The artist painted more than 3,000 works." alt=""Colors of Autumn."

    My Belarus, White Rus'...
    The white morning grew purity.
    Wherever I am, I strive for you,
    You are mine and I am yours forever." alt=""Before the rain."

    They call you blue-eyed
    Dear Fatherland and mother.
    For someone, you are very distant,
    It’s easy for me to hug you like that.

    (Vadim Antosh-Kozlov)" alt=""Bridge by the Pond"

    A childhood passion for drawing eventually grew into something more, and when his father handed 15-year-old Victor a canvas and professional brushes, the aspiring young artist began a new stage in his creative life. The unusually beautiful landscapes of his native land became the main theme of his works. Victor learned step by step to capture the mysterious world around him, to capture the mood of nature, to create the unity of space, air and light. And he did it perfectly." alt=""Forest Road".

    For the last two years, 30-year-old Viktor Yushkevich has been exhibiting at art exhibitions in his native Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Denmark, Spain, where his canvases are in great demand and decorate the interiors of apartments of many admirers of his talent." alt=""Morning Forest"" alt=""Awakening"." title=""Awakening"." border="0" vspace="5">!}" alt=""Winter morning."" alt=""Spring thaw"." alt=""Fog on the Lake."" alt=""Dawn Beam"