Chemical Villa group. Ville Valo is the most controversial idol of our time

Ville Valo about women.

Question: What do the women you loved have in common?

Ville: I have only loved one woman in my life. I had girlfriends and they were all very different: some had regular day jobs, some were the artistic type. What they have in common is long hair. Short hair not sexy or feminine. But, of course, these are exceptions. I like sensitive and strong women. A woman should be tolerant with me, since I am not at home for half the year. I'm so jealous of the person that open relationships don't work. And I've never had a one-night stand. Ville can sometimes think and reason about women.

Question: How has your idea of ​​women changed since adolescence?

Ville: When my friends started to be interested in girls, I concentrated on music. I thought girls were scary and unnecessary. I don't think so now. But my idea of ​​women changes all the time. Women surprise me every day. Question: What has being a rock star taught you about women? Ville: That women can be vulgar creatures. Because of my strong position, the chickens (who does he mean? Youngsters, probably... - approx. translation.) on high heels trying to get me into bed. They try to maintain their self-esteem. But I will be strong.

Question: Lies that women believe?

Ville: "Our band has practice!" No, I'm quite direct: if I want to stay with friends in a bar or just be alone, I'll say so.

Question: How do women change as they age?

Ville: Everyone has their own path. I know 50-60 year old women who are younger than teenagers. Living your life according to routine can kill yourself at a very young age. Of course, physical changes are inevitable. Debbue Harry and Faye Dunaway are good examples of wonderful older women. I understand plastic surgery, but not entirely. But they are good if they help someone feel more confident. It seems that every woman has a complex about her breasts.

Question: What do you pay attention to in a woman?

Ville: I always pay attention to long hair in good condition, for angelic curls. I don't like bleached blondes. In a way, I'm a shoe fetishist. If you have beautiful woman there are terrible shoes in the world, that would really turn me off. I also worry if a woman can't move naturally. The voice is also very important. You can't build a relationship on physical qualities alone.

Question: What female behavior might confuse you?

Ville: It really embarrasses me when girls grab me between my legs at a concert. Question: If you were a woman, what would you like to be? Ville: I would spend a lot more money on clothes than I spend now. Guys only wear shirts, jeans and ugly underwear. I sometimes bought women's pants. As a woman I might spend my money on unnecessary things. Spending money is great. Although I've always wondered how women can spend so much money on their appearance. I don't understand these horribly expensive face lotions that you wash your face with at night. It's useless. You can take care of yourself by not smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and exercising. Question: What makes a woman unerotic? Ville: Mustaches and hairy armpits turn me off. Perfume is also not erotic, just like too much makeup. There is nothing more erotic than the smell of leather and its softness. Touch. But eroticism depends on the situation. If a woman stands with curlers in her hair and a cucumber mask on her face, it might be the sexiest thing in the world.

Question: What's the worst way to offend a woman?

Ville: I don't know about the worst thing, but the most offensive thing is asking a woman her age. I think it's interesting to find out how old people are. I also have a bad habit of being ignorant which causes bad situations. I don't necessarily always pay attention if the other person needs or wants something. I am a capricious and selfish person: I prefer to take than to give. I don't always remember to call someone, even if I promised to.

Question: When is a woman most beautiful?

Ville: When she sleeps, unprotected.

Question: What is your worst mistake in your relationship?

Ville: Not having a normal job and never being at home. It is very difficult to maintain a relationship when you are away from home for six months. A telephone is sometimes not enough. Your beloved cannot go with you and do nothing.

Question: When do you get distracted when you're around women?

Ville: If my beloved is at my concert, it distracts me, because telepathy immediately starts working. Songwriting is also a sensitive thing. I listen to the resonance of the most high strings guitars and wait for them to inspire me to create. I don't want anyone to be near me at this moment. I also don't want to be watched when I look at porn sites on the Internet.

Question: How long can you be without female company?

Ville: Physically as much as necessary. Women are not things you only look at on the weekends. Question: What did your parents teach you about women? Ville: I had a liberal upbringing. My parents are still together - and this good example. My mother is quite eccentric. I inherited her character. She's an organized hippie: she knows how to work according to rules. She takes care of me and still buys me pillows and blankets. If I have problems in my relationship, we can calmly discuss everything, just like with my father. I inherited my father's character trait - this is how I conquer people.

Question: Which life advice about women would you pass on to your son?

Ville: Look at your father and do everything differently. Treat women better than your father. Take a shower and change your underwear to impress a woman.

Question: What would you tell your daughter about men?

Ville: I would be a father who would like to see all her friends. I would tell my growing daughter with raging hormones that sex is not love.

Question: What would you not be able to forgive a woman?

Ville: If she forgets about my birthday. You must be able to forgive mistakes and carelessness. I can even forgive lies.

Question: What's the biggest compliment you've ever received from a woman?

Ville: That despite my capricious, pseudo-artistic character, they still want to own me again and again. It is impossible to repeat such a compliment. I often hear positive things about my voice, or that I look better in real life than on TV. But these compliments mean nothing to me, ever since I found out that I good singer. It's nice if women like your songs.

Question: When is a woman most scary?

Ville: In the morning, when she still has remnants of makeup from last night. Question: In female company, when do you feel like a real man? Ville: What is a real man? These words remind me of a macho man showing off his physique or his wit.

Question: What do you talk to women about?

Ville: About the same things as with men. Talking about fucking can be an educational discussion with a woman.

Question: What words do you use most often to describe women?

Ville: Any. I can call my girlfriends bitches or witches, it's a little rude, but I say it with humor, in a friendly way, but not as an insult.

Question: Are there any true things about you that you wouldn’t want a woman to tell you?

Ville: I think it was all said out loud. I am reproached for my narrow-mindedness and stubbornness. I've also heard that in many ways - I'm a terrible person, and that really saddens me. When I was younger I took myself more seriously, now I can laugh at my weaknesses.

Question: What do you need women for?

Ville: I need soul helpers so that I can be who I am. It's not a gender issue.

Question: How do you know a woman is faking? Ville: By her eyes, words, actions. I discovered a sixth sense, I can “read” people. Everyone falsifies. Sometimes you have to fake because this empty world is full of mean animals that can tear you apart.

Question: Can a woman be treated like a man?

Ville: Women don't have any special privileges in this regard. You can ask a woman about beer or invite her to a car show.

Question: Is there anything a woman can't do without you?

Ville: I believe that I am a good listener. I also like to do physical things, knowing that I'm not very good at many of them. I can drive a nail into a wall, but girls can do all this too.

Question: What character traits do you dislike in women?

Ville: Excessive pride and self-confidence. I also don’t like it when they do nothing, I like people who are always busy with something.

Question: Have you ever cried because of women?

Ville: I don't cry a lot, but the last time I cried was over relationship problems.

Question: How would you describe a Finnish woman?

Ville: Close and reliable. I can describe my feelings better in Finnish - it's much easier.

Question: Do women cheat?

Ville: Both men and women lie. I can't say that men lie more women, it depends on the individual.

Question: What do you think is the most difficult thing when living with a woman?

Ville: I find it difficult to live in any society because I like to be alone. I find it too limiting to live with someone all the time. It is also difficult to close the door behind you, knowing that you will open it only after 4 months. Music takes time away from first love. Immediately after a long tour it is difficult to feel comfortable at home because this is the time when I have to be alone. Hotel service is good, your mess is cleaned up for you, so it's very easy to get used to, but it creates problems at home. In my heady years, I maintained the illusion that it was all easy. All I want to do is play guitar in my underwear and go drink beer with my friends. But at home, my clothes and CDs are always lying on the floor - this makes it easier for me to find them.

Question: Is it possible to be just friends with a woman?

Ville: Of course. You don't always need an affair. I have many female friends.

Question: Is there anything you want a woman to remember from you?

Ville: The smell of my skin.

At the beginning of the 2000s, Russia was gripped by HIM hysteria: thousands of young girls and boys went crazy over creativity Finnish group, which has become a “calling card” Scandinavian country. The group has already spent two decades, and its popularity in Russia is not falling. After a long break, the Finns returned to Moscow: they will perform at the Stadium Live club on October 25 with fellow countrymen from The Rasmus.

On the eve of the Moscow concert, HIM frontman Ville Vallo told Dystopia about his unfulfilled dream of becoming a musician on a ferry, his hatred of social networks and his unwillingness to rest on his laurels.

You once dreamed of becoming a singer on the Helsinki-Stockholm ferry. But you became the lead singer of the group HIM, a real rock star. That is, your dream did not come true. Are you disappointed?

(laughs). You know, no, because the journey still continues! In any case, I became a musician, and this is the most important thing! Stars fade over time, but music is forever. When we were very young, we didn’t know what to expect, and we still don’t know. Life is full of surprises.

There is a stereotype that Russia is a country of bears and balalaikas. But this is not the first time you have come to our country. What is Russia for you, what is it associated with?

Yes, we were in Russia several times, but we only gave concerts, and we didn’t have any time to feel the atmosphere of the country, get acquainted with the culture, go to some museum, for example. This time, I hope everything will be different. And it seems to me that Russia is not only balalaika, but vodka and balalaika!

Many foreign musicians, for various reasons, refused to go to Russia this year. Did you have any doubts? Have you thought about canceling your trip to our country?

It seems to me that many musicians refused to go to Russia for political reasons. But this is not about us. On the contrary, we try to make people at least temporarily distracted from political differences through our music. And if it really works, that's cool! In general, musicians can cancel concerts for very different reasons.

Ville, tell me why the groupHIMhaven't come to Russia since solo concert so long? You had a big tour with the album.Tears on Tape in all countries of the world, but not in Russia. Answer me honestly?

You know, the world is too big, and there are very few days in the year. And it is simply physically impossible to have time to visit everywhere at the same time, but we try to keep up (although this takes a lot of effort and time). We had a long tour: we visited Latin America, China, it was very exciting! And now we felt that it was time to go to Russia! And we're happy to come with The Rasmus because for a long time didn't perform with these guys! And we ourselves will have fun spending time together, just like in the good old days.

What do you think about doing a big tour of Russia, different cities as they have already done30 seconds to mars, and are going to doLimp Bizkit AndTokyo Hotel?

Yes, yes, we have already thought about this. That would be great! It's always interesting to discover something new for yourself. You know, why not? Maybe very soon we will reach Vladivostok!

That would be a good idea. I once asked Goran Bregovic what he considers the main indicator of a musician’s recognition. The Serb replied: « When my songs are sung at weddings». What is recognition for you?

I don't know... Maybe it's when you're riding in a taxi, you hear your song on the radio and you think: "Wow!" In fact, for every musician it is something very personal. It's very nice when your music brings people together - it's a fantastic feeling. This is the magic of music.

Many musicians, having achieved fame, continue to rest on their laurels and receive money in advance. You are from certificate of honor you refuse peace. What are you in a hurry to do with the group?

We are not legends, we cannot afford to rest on our laurels now. We haven't reached all the heights yet. For this we need to work very hard, and only then can we allow ourselves to rest.

As Nick Cave once noted, rock and roll is a revolutionary form of expression. What can you say about your music ( Love metal) ? Are you planning to jump into the audience at the Moscow concert?

When we were young, we really enjoyed stage diving, and our guitarist Linde was especially good at it. And I even managed to play the guitar while the audience was carrying me in their arms. Stage diving is a fun activity, but quite crazy. I think I'm too old.

Finnish bands are popular in Russia -HIM, The Rasmus, Sunrise Avenue. Do you know any Russian-speaking performers?

I know a few bands, but they are not very famous. Unfortunately, I can’t pronounce the name. I also remember one girl we met. She looked like a female version of Marilyn Manson, very pretty. I believe that you have a better chance of becoming famous when you sing English language- this is suitable for both Russian and Finnish performers. In general, I don’t know Russian music well, but I’ll try to fix that.

At the groupHIM still no official account on Instagram, despite the fact that many musicians actively use social networks in their work. Why are you refusing?

A musician is not a prostitute! Doing business is not our business. Our job is to write good music. There are so many people in show business who tell you what to do, and the main thing here is not to give in, but to do your own thing. And on social media I don’t even have time, I fucking hate them.

Not long ago, news appeared in Finnish publications that you bought a new four-story house. Why so big?

What are you talking about, there are very huge rooms there! Finally, I have a separate place where I can store all my guitars, where I can do what I love and spend free time. Now I have my own discreet place to write new music.

Every year for 16 yearsHIM are the headliners of the New Year's festivalHELLDONE in Finland. Maybe you would like to celebrate the holiday with your family, friends, and not fans? Are not you tired yet?

We don't celebrate New Year in Finland. family celebration. We celebrate Christmas, and on New Year's Eve we have parties, mostly for young people. The last day of the year is a good time for change, but you shouldn’t hope that everything will change by magic. And so, one day we decided to come up with something new and took part in organizing the Helldone festival. And we still continue to perform here, but you can always refuse.

Have you already decided at the upcoming festivalHELLDONE you will only perform as part of a groupHIMor maybe as a drummer in a bandDaniel Lioneye, or with your solo projectRambo Rimbaud Same?

No plans for this yet. We still have a long tour ahead of us. After Russia we will go to Japan, then to South America, then to England. And after the tour is over, I will return home and be able to think about this question. And this does not change from year to year. So, closer to the event we will see.

Ville, do you know any words in Russian?

No, definitely not. I can only say: “Thank you.” I never learned Russian, but we had the opportunity to do it at school. However, I'm bad at foreign languages. We learned Swedish, but I only really understand English well because I listened to a lot of songs in it as a child. In general, I think the Russian language is very beautiful, but I have never tried to learn it because it is very difficult for me.

The Finnish language is also very beautiful.

Yes, I agree. Both languages ​​are very good, but also difficult to learn. By the way, I practically don’t write songs in Finnish, because my music doesn’t really fit our language.

Ville, let's play a little. I will tell you one word, and you will have to describe it with the first three words that come to your mind.

- Russia

(laughs). Train, vodka, Pushkin.

- Love

For some inexplicable reason, I immediately thought about food (laughs). So, I’ll answer - a refrigerator, an ice cream freezer and a coffee machine.

— Finland

Of course, also vodka! Lapland, Santa Claus and home...And vodka!

Love metal

The thing that brings you home. Home, music, everything.

— Ville Valo

Damn... (laughs). Passport, asthma and a dude reflected in the mirror.

Tears on tape (last album HIM)

Oh this is very old thing for us. It takes me back in time, back to 2012 when everything was just beginning, and at the same time makes me think about the next album, about the future.

Now you can say a few nice words to your Russian fans. What do you expect from the concerts?

We expect a lot from the upcoming tour of Russia, because for the first time we will perform not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also in Krasnodar. It's very inspiring, it's always interesting to know what's going on outside big cities! We hope that the concerts will be great and that everyone will be happy! Moreover, we are performing with very good guys from The group Rasmus! So, see you soon!

Are there things or actions that you regret?

Each of us regrets something. For example, I regret that I forgot to take a shower today (laughs). Maybe I'll deal with this later. In general, any business can always be done better. And regretting not making it better is a waste of time!

Please tell me what you dream about now?

We spend so much time on tour that I wish I could just sit at home and play my acoustic guitar, maybe write a couple of new songs - it's that simple.

Ville Valo is a famous musician whose work is loved by many music lovers around the world. His biography undoubtedly arouses interest and deserves attention.

Childhood and youth

Ville was born in Finland.

His dad, Kari Valo, is Finnish, and his mother, Anita Valo, is Hungarian. When Villa was eight years old, his younger brother named Yessie. The musician took an active part in his upbringing. In many ways he helped him and was a support in his life.

From an early age, Valo became interested in music; from the cradle, his mother and father taught him to listen to Finnish singers, in particular Rauli Somerjoki, as well as Tapio Rautavaara. At the age of fifteen, Ville began to get involved in hard rock, he liked bands " Black Sabbath" and "Kiss". As for reading, the future musician's favorite writer was Edgar Allan Poe. The guy studied a little at the capital's conservatory, and then sold goods in his dad's sex shop.

The beginning of a creative journey

Ville Valo also attended a music school, and even then the teachers noticed his undoubted talent. He began to look for information about all kinds of directions, read a lot about it, form his opinion about various groups, he also tried to find something that would touch his soul. He analyzed the music of many rock bands. So his taste gradually developed. Ville really wanted to become a member of some group. And soon his dream came true. Since adolescence, he has participated in many groups. In the late 80s, for example, he played keyboards and not too much successful groups"Kemoterapia", "Eloveena Boys", and also "B.L.O.O.D". In the early 90s, the guy founded his own band, His Infernal Majesty, which initially played covers of Black Sabbath compositions.

Later the group received the name "HIM" and began performing their own songs. Realizing that a career in this group could bring good money, Ville quit his father’s sex shop and devoted himself entirely to music. And indeed, the guy has gained enormous popularity and is gaining more and more respect among music lovers every year.

What can you say about the musician’s appearance?

Ville Valo, who is 184 cm tall, never wanted to be like Hollywood star. In clothes and appearance, he adheres to his own taste. The guy's figure is quite handsome, although he is a little thin. Ville has mysterious green eyes and a pleasant, friendly look. But it’s never clear what’s in a musician’s soul; nothing reveals his true feelings. Black curly hair used to reach his shoulders, but now Ville has a short haircut. Special attention I'm always attracted to his tattoos, of which he has many. Each drawing means something, they are all filled with meaning. Some he filled in memory of some events, others are some kind of symbols.

Character of a musician

Everyone who has heard Valo sing notes his beautiful voice.

This is also noticeable when talking to him. The musician cannot be called sociable; he does not like to burden his interlocutor with endless stories, but prefers to listen thoughtfully. However, conversations with Ville leave only pleasant impressions. It should also be noted that he follows all the rules of good manners, especially when communicating with girls. He prefers to look a person in the eyes, easily reading his soul. Valo is not spoiled and does not have inappropriate pride; he will never mock a person, no matter whether he is a friend or an enemy. His manners pleasantly surprise his interlocutors: it is not often today that you meet such a well-mannered person. Ville Valo does not have any special secrets; he is ready to tell his friends and journalists a lot. However, people always have a feeling of unsaidness. Perhaps it appears because of his mysterious look.

A little more about character

To many casual acquaintances and not very close people, the musician seems a little strange. Perhaps they are right to some extent. Sometimes there is no logic in Ville’s actions; he often stubbornly insists on his vision of a certain situation, even if he understands that he is mistaken. But he has one very good quality: He never gets discouraged if something doesn’t work out for him, although this doesn’t happen very often. People are drawn to him, and this is not surprising, because he charms everyone with his mysterious smile. Ville empathizes with all his friends and often drinks with them when something goes wrong for them. The musician's temperament is melancholic, but he never gets depressed, because he sees in everything and the good side. It is also important that he is never rude to anyone, as often happens with celebrities. If you dig a little deeper, you will find that Ville values ​​friendship very much, and if to a loved one If he needs help, he will do everything possible to help him out. Very good quality, isn't it? After all, that's what friendship is for.

For several years now, the musician has been in a civil marriage with a model.

Her name is Sandra Mitika, she is a native of the capital of France. This pretty girl moved to Helsinki, and now she and the musician live happily. However, it should be noted that Ville Valo, whom many fans are interested in, rarely mentions Sandra in interviews. What this could mean, let everyone think for themselves.

Musician tattoos

He really has a lot of them. Let's look at some of them.

The first tattoo he made was in the shape of a heart. It is located on the right hand, and more specifically, on the wrist. She looks very romantic. This tattoo was made in honor of the release of the group's first single.

The next tattoo is a gorgeous lace that runs through the entire left hand musician.

There is an opinion that Ville made this image while he was drunk.

The heartagram on the neck deserves special attention. Ville Valo got it when he decided to cut his hair short and open the back of his head for everyone to see. Many fans were surprised by the new one and most liked it.

Also, on the musician’s body there is some kind of incomprehensible sign, around which there is fierce debate among fans of his work. No one, including Valo himself, probably knows what meaning is put into it, since each time he explains its meaning differently.

Another cute tattoo is located under the musician's navel. It is made in the form of a heartagram, around which petals curl. This tattoo gave rise to many conversations and gossip.

Another tattoo was done relatively recently.

The group had a new logo, and Ville, of course, wanted to depict it on his body.

In general, everyone already understands that Willie Valo simply loves tattoos and, perhaps, will soon delight his fans with fresh tattoos.

Musician's sayings

Of course, any fan is interested in knowing what his idol said on this or that occasion.

A musician, for example, once said that even what seems to us to be the machinations of Satan can be God’s work.

As for feelings, Ville told us that neither huge money nor luxurious hotel rooms can compare with love.

The musician also said that you need to be an attentive and far-sighted person in order to understand what the next day has in store for you. And there is no need to fear any abyss, because there is always a bottom.

Ville Valo, whose quotes are always laconic and wise, is generally quite clever man, and should be listened to. He shares his experience with us, and this is worthy of respect.

Ville Valo was born on November 22, 1976 in Helsinki, Finland, into a simple working-class family. His father was first a driver, and then began selling intimate goods. His mother, Hungarian by birth, was a housewife.

Ville also has a younger brother, Jesse. Already at the age of eight, the boy became interested in music, in particular creative activity by Kiss. Ville certainly wanted to be like bass guitarist Gene Simmons, so he dreamed that his parents would buy him a guitar and other musical instruments.

The beginning of a musical career

Parents also contributed music education son: they not only captivated him Finnish music, but they also sent me to study at a music school. Over time, Valo, developing his talent and skill, wanted to become a musician in some rock band, so at that time he diligently studied musical styles various teams. To choose his style in music, Ville was a drummer and played keyboards in the most different groups, among which were B.L.O.O.D, Kemoterapia, Donits Osmo Experience.

In the photo Ville Valo in deep childhood

In the early 1990s, the future rock singer, who was not accepted into the army due to asthma, had to work for some time in a sex shop to help his father. During these same years he created own group His Infernal Majesty, who played cover versions at first various compositions. But then the musicians began to create their own songs, in addition, they changed the name of their group, becoming the rock group HIM.

Pictured is Ville in 1994

From that time on, Valo began to study musical activity in his team, while the performer not only enjoyed what he loved, but also gained enormous popularity among music lovers.

Participation in the HIM group

The first performance of the Finnish band HIM took place in 1995 in one of the Helsinki clubs, but then the audience greeted the beginning musicians coolly. That evening Ville performed the song in front of the audience for the first time and was therefore a little embarrassed. Thanks to his first album Greatest Lovesongs vol. 666, published in 1997, the group became famous among music lovers almost all over the world. This work was supervised by producer Hiili Hiilesmaa, in addition, guest vocalists Asta Hannula and Sanna-June Hyde also took part in the recording of the album. The release of the band's second album, Razorblade Romance, was fraught with problems. Firstly, two members left the band, and secondly, when the album was already recorded, it did not make an impression on the musicians themselves, so they had to redo everything.

The third and fourth albums appeared in 2001 and 2003, respectively. Three songs from the Love Metal album (Buried Alive By Love, The Funeral of Hearts, The Sacrament) became singles, occupying quite high positions in the charts, in addition, videos were shot for them, which were shown on MTV. Two years later, the Finnish musicians recorded their fifth album, and in 2007 their sixth album appeared. In the same year, Ville sang a duet with actress Natalie Avelon on the song Summer Wine, which became the main soundtrack for dramatic picture « Wild life" In 2010, fans were able to get acquainted with the seventh album of the Finnish rock band, the compositions of which were written entirely by the vocalist HIM. The eighth album, Tears On Tape, was released in 2013, practically no different from the other albums, but at the same time there is some new sound in some of its songs. From this disc, the musicians shot three video clips for the singles All lips go blue, Tears on tape, Into the night.

From latest news It is known about the Finnish rock band HIM that the band is currently performing a concert program in America. But the musicians do not forget their Finnish fans and intend to give a New Year's concert in Helsinki. The members of HIM have already begun work on a new album and intend to release their ninth disc in 2015. In one interview, Ville Valo spoke about his compositions, imbued with melancholy and tranquility. According to him, all Finns are very melancholic and perhaps this is due to the fact that they practically do not see daylight. Despite the fact that Valo’s work contains such sad notes, in real life he likes to joke and smiles very often.

In March 2017, HIM announced its disbandment. This was reported on the official Facebook page. In connection with this event, the musicians will hold farewell tour in 14 countries where they will give 35 concerts for their fans.

Personal life of Ville Valo

Ville dated TV presenter and model Jonna Nygren, to whom he even became engaged in 2006. The lovers got tattoos with the first letters of their names. But the couple never got married, and in 2007 they separated. The singer was in a pessimistic mood for a long time and even underwent treatment in rehabilitation center due to depression and alcohol problems. This, of course, also affected his music.

In the photo Ville Valo with Jonna Nygren

Now the rock singer’s personal life has returned to normal. He lives in a civil marriage with Frenchwoman Sandra Mittica, who settled in his house in Helsinki in the Munkiniemi district. The musician himself likes to joke about rumors that he is gay: often in Finnish publications you can see pictures of him kissing different men. In addition, Valo in his interviews says almost nothing about new lover. The HIM vocalist admits that he often tells journalists about something in different ways, writing so that later it would not be boring to read the same thing.

In the photo Ville Valo with Sandra Mittica

Director and showman Bam Margera Ville is not only a fan of the group HIM, but also a longtime friend of Ville, so the singer often became a participant in his show Viva la Bam on MTV. IN different time The rock musician has been compared to other singers, such as Brian Molko, vocalist and guitarist of the band Placebo. But Valo himself does not hold such views and considers this comparison inappropriate.

Pictured is Bam Margera and Ville Valo

The HIM singer moved into an old house in the Munkiniemi area, where residents love privacy. Here Ville can sing and play music freely without disturbing his neighbors.

The house where Ville Valo lives

He has a small home studio where he creates his songs at any time of the day. In addition, the singer loves living and working in creative atmosphere. For example, Valo can take a bath at night, and suddenly music appears in his head. The artist has to immediately run into the room to record it.

Pictured is Ville Valo with new girl Christel Karhu

As of 2017, it is known that Ville is dating model Christel Karhu. Many fans say that Valo decided to devote himself to his family, which was one of the reasons for the dissolution of the HIM group.

Style and hobbies

Ville Valo has always attracted fans with his unusual externally: high growth 184 cm and a beautiful, albeit slightly thin figure. At the beginning of his career, the singer had long hair and wore dark suits, but five years later he changed his image, creating the image of a melancholic romantic. The band's lead singer shortened his dark hair and went on stage with painted eyes and nails.

Ville Valo tattoos

But in everyday life, the rock singer always prefers to go without makeup. At that time, black leather trousers and silk shirts appeared in his wardrobe. In 2003, a member of the group gave Ville a knitted hat, which became his constant stage attribute for several years. Now 38, Valo looks more like a country singer with shoulder-length heavy metal hair. IN ordinary life The HIM singer wears skinny jeans and doesn't look like a rock star at all, although, in principle, he never aspired to be like Hollywood stars.

Ville is also known for his numerous tattoos, of which he has about twenty. Each tattoo has a certain meaning for him, since they were all made in memory of some event or became some kind of talismans. The musician really likes heart-shaped images, so he made many tattoos with this element. The singer got his first tattoo after the release of his first single HIM, and it was, of course, in the form of a romantic heart on the wrist of his right hand. Also attracting attention is his unusual huge tattoo, stuffed over his entire left hand in the form of a lace fabric.

He did this tattoo in his friend's salon very long time. At the time when Valo made short haircut, a heartogram containing the heart element appeared on his neck, which became the group's logo. According to the HIM singer, he came up with this image in 1996, giving it the meaning of good and evil. Below the navel, he filled another chart, only with the image of ivy. But the tattoo in the shape of the letter “S” on his left chest has become very personal for the musician, so he does not disclose its meaning. On Ville's left leg there is an image in the form of an ancient Egyptian sign, which he applied while working on his third album. The singer explained that this symbol represents fire, representing calm and silence.

Ville Valo, the lead singer of the famous rock band HIM, is, without exaggeration, an idol for several generations. Among his fans are teenagers and older music lovers, businessmen and office clerks, workers and athletes. They talk and write a lot about him, his personality evokes a sharp taste of scandal, and he himself has repeatedly positioned himself as a violator of all prohibitions.

A fan of Ville Valo's work, Asmodeus Duo wrote a whole treatise dedicated to the rock star: interviews, excerpts from previous performances, his own observations and generally accepted facts. In a word, I literally looked into the soul of His Satanic Majesty...

Ville Hermann Valo was born on November 22, 1976 in Helsinki. Already at the age of eight, he decided to devote himself entirely to music. The reason for such an “adult” act was his passion for Kiss bassist Gene Simmons. For the first time, Ville saw the famous musician on TV and realized that he wanted to be just like him: “He was the most cool person, which I've ever seen, so I needed a bass guitar first." Week after week, the boy snarled and annoyed his parents until they bought him a used guitar and equipment. Since then, there has been music in Ville’s life every day.

He studied poorly, often fought and disturbed public order, so the future rock star was eventually expelled from school. After this, 13-year-old Ville got a job in his father’s sex shop. “For me there was nothing special about it. The work was quite ordinary. Most“I spent time standing behind the counter or putting cassettes and magazines on the shelves,” he recalls.

Because of asthma, Ville was not accepted into the army; he desperately needed something to do so as not to sit behind a counter for the rest of his life. And then, following his dream, in 1995 Valo organized a group called Super Gin Simmons’s Offspring. Subsequently, several members changed in the team, the name of the group was changed to HIM - His Infernal Majesty (His Satanic Majesty).

There were many rumors about the vocalist's dark makeup and equally dark lyrics, which exaggerated the concept of love and death. “A group of Satanists,” they said about HIM. Nevertheless, the facts are as follows: Ville hates Satanists and is not happy with the paraphernalia that he uses to create his image. “As for the name of the group, we came up with it from a lantern. Although it correctly reflects my reputation as a “devil in the flesh,” and absolutely hopeless,” he says himself.

There are legends about the relationship between Valo and alcohol. It must be said that he called himself His Alcoholic Majesty (His Alcoholic Majesty). Before concerts, he does not allow himself beer, but considers it necessary to drink a glass of red wine for his voice. He doesn’t drink anything before or during the filming of videos. But in his free time he drinks beer and whiskey and smokes 4 packs of cigarettes a day.

To all sympathetic questions about his health (especially about his diseased kidneys, which clearly indicate bruises under his eyes), Valo replies that he will not force his body through sports. “I think the new smoking ban law is capable of inciting people to revolt! – the singer says without a hint of humor. – This is terrible discrimination! I'll probably leave my country. Restricting the rights of smokers is the biggest defect in the modern world.” In one questionnaire, to the question: “Who would you be if you had not become a musician?”, he succinctly answered: “Probably an ordinary alcoholic.”

He is a very difficult and contradictory person, woven from continuous paradoxes. His soul cannot be captured even in 1000 pages of printed text. Take for example: - Ville Valo and women. “Girls? I didn’t count them…” comments the singer. — Ville Valo and drugs. “Drugs? I lost a lot of friends because of them...” — Ville Valo and rumors that he is a descendant of Count Dracula. "I wish I knew! My grandmother, who had Hungarian-Romanian roots, said that we are relatives of Dracula. But I try not to be bloodthirsty!”

What has always worried Valo? Injustice. Injustice worried him very much, so any manifestation of a positive reversal of the scales was perceived as something sacred, having a magical meaning. The idea of ​​Love for Ville has always been exactly this: mystery, tragedy with the taste of blood on the lips. This is reflected in his songs, in the music that puts pressure on the brain: “I hate funny songs about love with birds and the sun. All this is boring." Ville hates boyfriends of girls who love to stare at Finn. They say that HIM’s music is hopeless pop, that Valo is a freak with health ruined by drugs and alcohol, and that one cannot adore him because this is the machinations of PR and an unhealthy imagination.

Favorite hobby Valo - doing nothing. Because there is practically no time for it. “I don’t think I have any personal life at all,” says Valo. – I am connected with this rock madness, which takes up my time without a trace. It's not like you have a personal life when you're always on the bus while you're on tour." HIM's tours are really intense: Belgium, Germany, Portugal, Holland... And does the idol of millions really suffer from a lack of personal life? Sex symbol No. 1, the ultimate desire for both girls and guys, most brilliant composer and the poet, talented organizer and owner of the most photogenic face and body wants a Muse to appear in his life. But sexual dissatisfaction contributes to the writing of brilliant hits, he admits.

Unforgiving journalists caught Valo kissing a man several times. Rumors about his homosexuality become the top of the tabloids. “I really hate this side of show business and try to avoid it,” comments Valo. “We are all sinners in the music business.” Times have changed, you can no longer conquer the world just by playing the guitar. This game has high stakes, control your creativity and try to get as dirty as possible. You just can't come out of this game clean, and I've already realized that. Your opponents smile politely at you, but deep down they wish the worst for you. So you have to play all the time. And knowing this gives me more power, more self-confidence."

We were lucky. We became contemporaries of the founder of the new musical genre. Let the critics say that HIM plays gothic rock. This is true to a certain extent. It is also true that Valo writes works of art, melancholic love ballads, inspired by his melancholic element of Water (his zodiac sign is Scorpio) and the cold and long nights of Finland. Ville never explains his music. For him, the most important thing is that HIM’s music evokes its own associations in everyone.