Winners of the Golden Delvig Award. “Golden Delvig” named the best, confirming their commitment to the Russian literary tradition

"Golden Delvig" - first results


The Literary Prize named after Anton Delvig, who founded the Literary Newspaper in 1829 together with Alexander Pushkin, was established by the editors of LG in 2004. The prize was awarded at the end of the calendar year, and in the first New Year's issue newspapers published information about the laureates.
This fall, the editors of " Literary newspaper“has found the opportunity to reformat this award into the All-Russian National Award “Golden Delvig”. The bonus amounts were increased accordingly.
The newspaper reported three times about the acceptance of works for the prize. This year, admission was carried out in an accelerated manner: within two months - until December 1 of this year. inclusive. However, we also reviewed those books that were presented in early December. Review of applicants closed on December 15, 2012 in order to present a long list of applicants to the newspaper before the New Year.
As a result, the number of books submitted and nominated for the award went into the hundreds. Books were sent by publishing houses, libraries, regional and regional authorities, newspapers, cultural institutions from almost all regions of Russia, from republics Russian Federation. Also, the editors received many nominations from near and far abroad. For example, we received books from writers and letters of nomination from Belarus, Israel, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. The list of publishing houses whose books are eligible for the prize is also wide. Among them are such major publishers in Russia as EKSMO, AST, Astrel, and small publishing houses of small and big cities countries. The mail also brought us curiosities. For example, one of the publishing houses sent almost the entire annual production of 2012 and 2011 for the award. Of course, we are also to blame for this: the number of nominated books from a particular publishing house was not specified in the terms of the award. But still we hoped for common sense, who sometimes refuses other colleagues.
One way or another, as a result of the work of the expert commission, a long list was created.
We bring it to the attention of applicants and readers of “LG” who are following the results of the premium race.

1. ABAIMOVA Vlada. Burnt strip. Poetry.
2. ANDREEV Mikhail. Because you can't. Poems, essays.
3. Anthology: Poets of Siberian fires.
4. Anchugova T.V. Near the Silver Age. Essays.
5. AR-SERGI Vyacheslav. Listen to yourself... Poems, prose, interviews, articles about creativity.
6. ARKHIPOV Yuri. New translations of Franz Kafka's short stories.
7. AKHMEDOV Magomed. Twenty first century. Poetry.
8. BELYAKOV Sergey. Gumilyov is the son of Gumilyov.
9. BORISOV N.S. The rise of Moscow. Study.
10. BUDAKOV Victor. I have the honor. Geopolitician Snesarev: on the fields of war and peace.
11. BYLINSKY Valery. Adaptation. An adventurous novel about how to give up everything and start living.
12. VANEEV Vladimir. White clouds on a black sky. Journalism. Tskhinvali, 2012.
13. VASKIN Alexander. Moscow addresses of Leo Tolstoy.
14. GALAMAGA Andrey. Three hours from Greenwich to the East. Book of poems.
15. GARMAEV Vladimir. Choirs. A phenomenon of Central Asia.
16. GEDYMIN Anna. Autumn holidays. Selected Poems.
17. GOLLER Boris. Ninth chapter. December 1825...
18. GUREVICH Alexander. Hidden meanings. Articles about Pushkin.
19. DARSHT Tanya. The angels are not offended. Poems, parables, translations.
20. EGOROVA Lyudmila. Happened.
21. EKIMOV Boris. Hello from afar. Stories, novellas.
22. ZADORNOV Mikhail. Prince Rurik. Where did the Russian Land come from?
23. ZVONAREVA Lola. silver Age Rene Guerra.
24. SEIFERT Elena. Catcher of meanings, or cultural layers. Book of criticism.
25. ZIGANSHIN Kamil. Aldan's gold. Novel.
26. IVANYAN Leah. Transformations. Stories. Yerevan, 2010.
27. ISHMUKHAMETOV Nail. Translations of poetry from Tatar into Russian.
28. KABANKOV Yuri. ...And he grumbles thinking reed. Religious and philosophical essays on literature in two books.
29. KALIKINSKY Vyacheslav. Legionary. Historical novel.
30. KAMINSKY Evgeniy. Translation of the poem and novel by Yegor Neimokhov.
31. KATANOV Vasily. The shore of childhood. Book for children.
32. KIM Anatoly. Squirrel's Drawings (1st volume of collected works).
33. KOBRANOV Oleg. Starlings also sing in the rain.
34. KOZHEDUB Ales. Road to Moscow. Novel.
35. KOZLOV Yuri. Freedom. Novel.
36. KONDRATENKO Alexey. The light of distant stars. Historical essays city ​​of Orel.
37. KOSTIN Vladimir. Bell and swamp. Novel.
38. KOTLYAROV Izyaslav. Heavenly news. Poetry.
39. KRASNOV Peter. Zapolye. Novel.
40. KRASNOVA-GUSACHENKO Tamara. Light has no shadow. Poetry.
41. KUZNETSOVA-CHAPCHAKHOVA Galina. Parisian from Moscow. Novel.
42. KUZNECHIKHIN Sergey. Accurate down to the step. Poetry.
43. KULIK Tatiana. Tales of the Caucasus.
44. LEONTIEV Ivan. How the ironmonger was broken. Storybook.
45. LICHUTIN Vladimir. The soul is indescribable. Reflections on the Russian people.
46. ​​LUKIN Anton. Stories. Manuscript.
47. MALININ A.V. 53+ (again pro tobacco).
48. MASLYUKOV Valentin. The birth of a sorceress. Fantasy for children.
49. MELNIKOV Victor. Life through prose. Stories.
50. MININ Evgeniy. A hundred parodies and more.
51. MURIKOV Genady. Occult dawn of Russia. Research about the Silver Age.
52. NENAROKOVA Maria. 57 author's sheets of new translations, both poetic and prose texts in the anthology “Monuments of the Medieval Latin literature X-XI centuries".
53. NEPONYASCHY Valentin. "Pushkin's personality: modern understanding", "Farewell, Russia" and other recent articles.
54. NESTEROVA Elena. Fairy tales for those who believe in fairies.
55. NECHIPORENKO Yuri. Laugh and whistle. Stories for children.
56. NIKOLSKAYA Anna. Kadyn is the mistress of the mountains. Tale.
57. OVCHININA I.A. - editor of the encyclopedia “A.N. Ostrovsky."
58. OGRYZKO Vyacheslav. Tease or lick. Historical and literary research.
59. OLMEZOV Muradin. Mirror to mirror. Translations from Balkar by G. Yaropolsky. Rostov-on-Don-Taganrog, 2012.
60. ORKIN Vyacheslav. Selected translations from German.
61. ORLOVA Anastasia. Apples-heels. Poems for the little ones.
62. PANIKAROVSKIKH Svetlana. 1. Little joys. Poetry. Stories. 2. Blue Lake. Stories for children.
63. PASIN Vladislav. Bryansk region in Patriotic War 1812.
64. PETROVITSKAYA I.V. (comments), VOLGIN I. Get away from everyone. Lev Tolstoy. The last diary.
65. PIROGOV German. Translations. Anthology of Mari poetry.
66. POLYANSKAYA Ekaterina. A lonely warrior in the field. Poetry.
67. POPOV Mikhail. Preobrazhenskaya Square. Novels and stories.
68. RAKSHA Irina. White light. Novel, novellas and short stories.
69. RUSH Kavad. Officers' time. Letters to a Russian officer.
70. ROSENTHAL Edward. The mystery of Max Voloshin. Monograph.
71. RUBIN Katya. Stories.
72. RYABOV Oleg. KOGIZ. Notes on the margins of the era.
73. SABILO Ivan. Return of "Gardarika". Novel.
74. SANZHAROVSKY Anatoly. Orenburg scarf. Tale.
75. SEGEN Alexander. Pop. Novel.
76. SEMYONOVA Maria. Where the forest does not grow. Novel. St. Petersburg, 2012.
77. SEMYONOVA Svetlana. Paths of heartfelt thought. Essay.
78. SENCHIN Roman. Information. Novel.
79. SKIF Vladimir. The silent will of heaven. Poetry.
80. STEPANOV Alexander. At the fair in Pestravka. For children.
81. STEPANOV Evgeniy. Prophetic functions of poetry, or poets-prophets.
82. SYCHEVA Lidiya. Rus' is waiting for the Varangians. Articles about culture.
83. TARASOV Boris. The mystery of man and the mystery of history (Chaadaev, Tyutchev, Dostoevsky).
84. TRAPEZNIKOV Alexander. New stories of Moscow streets.
85. ULYBYSHEVA Marina. From the locomotive to the Sapsan. For children.
86. FANKIN Yuri. Bogatyr cross. Tales and stories.
87. FROLOV Andrey. The garden floats above the fog. Lyric poems.
88. CHVANOV Mikhail. Russian cross. Essays on Russian self-awareness.
89. CHERNOV Alexander. Letters of Burliuk from the collection of Denisov S.
90. SHARGUNOV Sergey. A book without photographs. Stories.
91. SHATSKOV Andrey. Stairway to Heaven. Poetry. Favorites.
92. SHCHERBAKOV Yuri. Poems by friends. Translations.
93. YAGODKIN Alexander. Running with butterflies. Tale. Stories. Essays.

Lidiya Sycheva won the Delvig Prize

A prestigious literary prize established by Literaturnaya Gazeta was awarded in Moscow. The award is named after Pushkin's friend Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum Anton Delvig - he was the first publisher of Literature, and the “sun of Russian poetry” actively collaborated with him.

We attended the ceremony where we saw a lot of celebrities. Thus, the prize was received, for example, by Alexander Prokhanov and Andrey Dementyev. Among the young people who are well-known is Sergei Shargunov. True, on the sidelines many guests judged and dressed up - for which he received an award Chief Editor « Literary Russia"? The guests, knowledgeable in Russian literature, were lost in riddles...

Vitaly Tretyakov and Nikolai Gubenko were seen at the ceremony (the latter was with his wife, the wonderful Zhanna Bolotova). Among the officials, Igor Slyunyaev honored the event. And, of course, Yuri Polyakov, the editor-in-chief of Literaturka, shone throughout the evening. They say that it is he who decides who to give this monetary award (its fund is 7 million rubles). The sponsor, by the way, is Rosneft.

At the award ceremony, our attention was attracted by the following laureates - the impressive Bakhytzhan Kanapyanov from Kazakhstan (he gave the shortest speech!), the brutal Yuri Belikov (he read the most striking poems) and the witty Lidiya Sycheva , who, when she was awarded, congratulated the jury on her excellent choice: “Don’t doubt, you were not mistaken!”

We asked a writer from Voronezh to answer several questions.

Lydia, how are you feeling today?

Feelings of gratitude. I thank my village native land, which gives me strength to live. I thank my parents who gave me life. And I thank my teacher in literature, the outstanding Russian poet Valentin Vasilyevich Sorokin. He gave me spiritual light.

Tell us about the book for which you were given Delvig.

This is a collection of stories “Three Powers”, published by ITRK publishing house under the federal program “Culture”. I am glad that such readers as Lev Pirogov, Tatyana Shabaeva, Oleg Fenchuk noted my work. These are excellent critics, demanding and strict.

What are you writing about?

About modern life.

Well, then you should also write about the opposition movements on Bolotnaya Square.

This is also in the book.

Have you read the works of other laureates?

I know well the work of Anna Fedorets, a remarkably talented researcher.

I read a lot. If you are interested, I can name books that I think will be useful to everyone. Of course there are many of them...

Let's limit ourselves to three.

Please. “In its own way” by Zoya Prokopyeva, “Golden Flower-Odolen” by Vladilen Mashkovtsev, “Mountain Nest” by Mamin-Sibiryak.

The Delvig Award ceremony ended late in the evening with a grandiose buffet. The writers, laureates and guests did not leave for a long time. Toasts sounded, glasses of champagne clinked. Now it’s up to the reader: he is the main “jury” who will vote for the book with rubles.

Leonid Mirov


Publishing House"A New Look"

“Golden Delvig”: emotions about the reaction of “colleagues”

Yesterday evening I attended the Anton Delvig Prize ceremony, held in State Museum A.S. Pushkin (not named after Pushkin, but Pushkin) on Prechistenka 12/2. Once upon a time it was a city noble estate Khrushchev-Seleznyov. And today - a newfangled phantasmagoria, in which parts of the ancient manor are covered from above with a glass vaulted ceiling, turning the courtyard into a vast hall.

Not everyone probably remembers why Delvig. Let me remind you: he was the first editor of the Literary Newspaper. Since school, we have become accustomed to recognizing A.S. Pushkin is the father of this publication. And from Soviet times I remember two profiles on the front page of the newspaper - A.S. Pushkin and M. Gorky. And no Delvig. However, if we take L.A. for example. Chareysky, then we will read from him: “Pushkin actively participated in Delvig’s publications “Northern Flowers” ​​(1825-1831), “Snowdrop” (1829) and “Literary Newspaper” (1830) ...” But that’s just me, by the way, if anyone I didn’t understand.

“For loyalty to the word and the Fatherland” - this was the slogan of this entire event. I personally know half of this year’s laureates (some past laureates, whom I also know, were also present). In my opinion, not everyone is so loyal to the Fatherland. Yesterday I also saw those who don’t keep their word (what kind of fidelity to a word can we talk about). But I attributed these annoying individual facts to the desire of the organizers to be, so to speak, moderately politically correct and tolerant. The desire to look respectable in the eyes of the, so to speak, liberal wing of the domestic literary community took over. I remember well an old article by Yuri Polyakov, in which he, going on a plane to book fair to Paris, fantasizes: what if this plane falls and crashes; then an irreparable blow will be dealt to this very liberal sector. And only writers and poets, so to speak, of the patriotic wing will remain in the country. However, this dream was not destined to come true, and now in Russia everything is in charge and steered by the same wing that was 99 percent represented in the aircraft described by Polyakov.

I discovered this fact today when, wanting to clarify the names of all the laureates I saw yesterday, I went to the Literaturnaya Gazeta website. I was amazed. No, not names. I heard them yesterday and saw the laureates themselves. Everything is fine here. I was surprised by the comments at the bottom of the website page with the biographies of the laureates. In the best traditions of a free democratic and excessively liberal society, the owners of the site have opened up the opportunity for everyone to, how to say, express themselves... well...

What can I say about expressions? Russian liberals are not yet ready for freedom of speech, that’s what I’ll say. Just latrine arrange from any decent place reserved for the expression of thoughts before they appear. They are given the opportunity to express their thoughts, and they... are clearly doing something different there. Well, it’s not intelligence, honor and conscience, for sure.

Vyacheslav Rumyantsev

The Anton Delvig LG Prize has published a “Long List”

The award named after the first editor of “LG” Anton Delvig “For fidelity to the Word and the Fatherland” was established as an annual Russian national award on October 1, 2012. It is awarded in January - in honor of the founding of the newspaper by Alexander Pushkin and Anton Delvig in 1830.

The purpose of the award is professional recognition and support for writers whose works continue and increase the best traditions and the values ​​of Russian literature, preserve and develop the national literary language, contribute to the strengthening and prosperity of the Fatherland.

The prize is awarded in 10 categories, including “Children’s and Youth Literature.” Premium fund amounts to seven million rubles.

Books in Russian published no earlier than 2012 were presented for the second season award. The geography of applicants turned out to be large: in addition to Russia, authors from Belarus and Kazakhstan, the USA and Australia, Germany, Switzerland and other countries were represented. The “long list” contains over 90 names. The award jury continues to work on the formation of the “Short List”.

In the category “Children's and Youth Literature” the following are presented:

  • Belarusian Sergei “Finger to the sky!.. Poems for children”;
  • Karetnikova Ekaterina “Navigator of the Fifth Sea. Youth romantic story";
  • Lyubimov Yuri “Song about autumn. Poems for adults to read to children";
  • Malenko Vlad “The Adventures of the Dog Kefir. Five stories for children of primary and secondary school age";
  • Naumova Irina “Mr. Kutsekhvost and the foreign spy. Fairy Tale for children";

For every author who has risked publishing his book and presenting it to readers, it is incredibly important to hear the opinion of not only ordinary people, but also experts who will be able to competently and accurately determine its value. That is why participation in competitions and awards is always an event. It not only awakens the competitive spirit, but also causes emotional excitement. After all, you want to not only win, but also win deservedly.

One of the most prestigious domestic literary awards is the Golden Delvig Prize. It was founded in 2012 and is awarded annually in January - on the day of the founding of Literary Newspaper by Alexander Pushkin and Anton Delvig. A memorable event took place back in 1830. The goal that the organizers set for themselves is wonderful and deserves support and respect. By founding the prize, they dreamed of achieving professional recognition and support for writers whose books and publications continue and enhance the best traditions and values ​​of classical Russian, multinational Soviet and Russian literature, are high level mastery, preserve and develop the Russian literary language, fully and uniquely reflect the processes taking place in society, and contribute to the strengthening and prosperity of the Fatherland.

In 2017, a book by our regular author Nina Pavlovna Gavrikova was nominated for the Golden Delvig award. A collection of her stories, “Echoes of Memory,” will appear before strict judges. The book is written at the intersection of two genres - memoirs and historical story. All the events mentioned on the pages actually took place and happened to the author’s relatives and friends. The reader will be transported to the beginning of the last century and step by step will experience this difficult century, which should forever remain in the memory of posterity. The writer very accurately conveys the atmosphere of the time, reflects the life and traditions of the people, draws the characters of the characters, shows their way of life and thinking. The heroism that our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers performed both in everyday life and on the battlefield deserves admiration, which Nina Pavlovna demonstrates with every word. The pages of this wonderful collection are filled with deep love, sincere respect and recognition, which will most likely be appreciated by experienced experts.

The publishing house "Union of Writers" wishes Nina Pavlovna victory. We sincerely hope that in the future this brilliant writer will be welcomed exclusively creative success, bright moments and grateful readers who will be imbued with her works and understand the innermost essence that she is trying to convey to them.

The Anton Delvig Prize “is very promising: we cover all major genres of literature, including criticism, children’s literature, and so on, unlike other awards that focus on the novel or poetic form,” Literaturnaya Gazeta editor-in-chief Yuri Polyakov told the Vzglyad newspaper.

Let us remind you that in Pushkin Museum March 23 took place literary prize“For loyalty to the Word and the Fatherland”, named after one of the poets of Pushkin’s galaxy, Anton Delvig. In addition to the medal and diploma, the laureates also received a cash prize. This year’s bonus fund includes 11 “Golden Delvigs” of 200 thousand rubles each and two “Young Delvig” awards of 100 thousand rubles each, the Tsargrad portal noted.

As the chairman of the jury, Yuri Polyakov, explained to the newspaper VZGLYAD, among young authors there are cases when a person has a bright debut, however, subsequently, hopes for it are not justified. “Therefore, the Golden Delvig award highlights established writers, and for young writers there is a special, so to speak, division of the Young Delvig award,” the interlocutor noted. In his opinion, this approach is “more organic for literature.”

At the same time, Polyakov noted that “the writers received the prize different generations And different directions" Among the laureates, for example, is the oldest Orthodox philosopher and publicist Viktor Trostnikov. At the award ceremony, the 87-year-old author noted: “Once upon a time, I read in the Gospel: “Seek the Kingdom of Heaven,” do not think about food, drink and clothing. Years later, I understood what Jesus meant - we must find our place in the Kingdom of Heaven. My search is outlined in my last book"Thoughts before sunset." When I wrote it, I did not think about food, drink and clothing. They gave me a bonus - now I can buy all this.”

Another representative of the older generation, winner of the award, is the poet and playwright Konstantin Skvortsov. In addition, the Yakut poetess Natalya Kharlampieva was among the laureates. “We definitely have a laureate who writes in his native language. Because our other central awards forget that literature in Russia is written not only in Russian,” Polyakov noted. He added that the winner of the prize was also a Siberian writer, a successor to the traditions of Astafiev and Rasputin - Anatoly Bayborodin.

In addition, the jury tries to ensure that among the laureates there is a major writer - a representative of one of the states that was previously part of Soviet Union: “This time it was the Azerbaijani prose writer working in the difficult genre of intellectual and allegorical prose Abdulla Kamal,” Polyakov noted, recalling that the laureates were also whole line other writers.

The award named after the first editor of Literaturnaya Gazeta, Anton Delvig, “For Loyalty to the Word and the Fatherland” was established as an annual Russian national award on October 1, 2012. The purpose of the award is professional recognition and support for writers whose books and publications continue and enhance the best traditions and values ​​of classical Russian, multinational Soviet and Russian literature, demonstrate a high level of excellence, preserve and develop the Russian literary language, and fully and uniquely reflect the processes taking place in society , contribute to the strengthening and prosperity of the Fatherland.