In which of Leskov’s works does the writer’s historicism manifest itself? What historical time do the characters in the story old genius live in? what problems of society are addressed in the work. How does the historicism of the writer Leskov manifest itself?

The writer's historicism is evident in most of his works. For example, in famous fairy tale“Left-handed” and in the story “The Man on the Clock.” These works show the spirit of that time, its main signs, the feelings of the people who lived then.

The characters in the story “The Old Genius” live in the 19th century, in its second half. Man and the law - this is the main problem raised in the work. How can it happen that the law created for man does not serve this simple man, but is even directed against him? Leskov reflects on this in his story “The Old Genius.” Officials and people are the second problem raised in the story. Officials, in theory, are servants of the people, but in reality this is not at all the case. A formal approach to the matter is carried out, they often not only do not help, but also hinder the person.

These problems are very tenacious, they are still relevant today.

How does the historicism of the writer Leskov manifest itself?

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  • in which works of Leskov is the writer’s historicism manifested?
  • in which works of Leskov is historicism manifested?
  • which historical time the characters in the story live old genius
  • In which of Leskov’s works does the writer’s historicism manifest itself?
  • In which works of Leskov does the writer’s historicism manifest itself? What problems of society are addressed in the story of the old genius? short answer

The writer's historicism is evident in most of his works. For example, in the famous fairy tale “Lefty” and in the story “The Man on the Clock”. These works show the spirit of that time, its main signs, the feelings of the people who lived then.

The characters in the story “The Old Genius” live in the 19th century, in its second half. Man and the law - this is the main problem raised in the work. How can it happen that the law created for man does not serve this simple man, but is even directed against him? Leskov reflects on this in his story “The Old Genius.” Officials and people are the second problem raised in the story. Officials, in theory, are servants of the people, but in reality this is not at all the case. A formal approach to the matter is carried out, they often not only do not help, but also hinder the person.

These problems are very tenacious, they are still relevant today.


  • in which works of Leskov is the writer’s historicism manifested?
  • in which works of Leskov is historicism manifested?
  • what historical time do the characters in the story old genius live in?
  • In which of Leskov’s works does the writer’s historicism manifest itself?
  • historicism in Leskov's works

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Old genius Leskova is a work that is destined to remain for centuries. It tells about the power of reason and ingenuity of the Russian person. The writer tells the story of an old genius who was able to solve a problem beyond the control of any authorities.

Questions and tasks

1. What is the meaning of the epigraph to the story? What feelings did the work you read make you feel?

The epigraph to the story says that a person’s age does not matter in the development of the mind. A person with extraordinary abilities is able to overcome any obstacles on the way to his goal.

When reading the story “Old Genius” emerges a feeling of pride in the talent and ingenuity of simple, uneducated people who do not have rank or title. Also appears a slight feeling of pity for those who cannot resist the bureaucratic “machine”, mired in bureaucracy and not noticing the people behind the pieces of paper.

2. Why is the story called “The Old Genius”?

The title of the story most accurately reflects its essence. The man who helped the deceived old lady was truly a genius. He was able to settle a matter beyond the control of any senior official in all of St. Petersburg. His understanding of the world also speaks of a strong and broad mind - “In Russia there is no impossibility.”

Why the “old” genius? The story goes like thisnamed because thinking Main character very much coincides with the thinking of a person who lived long life. He has his own fee for services - he does not charge less or more. His schemes and ideas have been tested on more than one person, and some people have known him for a very long time (for example, Saechnik).

3. Do you think that the incident that the author told readers about can only be connected with Leskov’s time?

The events described in the story " Old genius" , can occur in any era. IN modern world There are also many cases of “non-payment of debts”, deception and use of official position for personal gain.

4. In which works does Le With How does the writer’s historicism manifest itself?

Historicism is manifested in such works as “Lefty” and “Man on the Clock”. The old genius illuminates the slowness and senselessness of the bureaucratic apparatus that exists in the 19th century.

What historical time do the characters in the story “The Old Genius” “live”? What social problems are addressed in the work?

The characters in "The Old Genius" live in the 19th century - communication was carried out only by letters, and officials were divided into 14 ranks.

5. Consider the illustration by I. Pchelko. Is this how you imagined the heroes of the story “The Old Genius”?

The image of the main characterstory "Old Genius"- old women, conveyed by the artist very accurately. She is hesitant, dazed and scared. Her appearance doesn't talk about great wealth. The dandy who borrowed money from her, as well as his companion, are depicted as skillfully as the coward.

A drunken warrior, it seemed to me, would be more. However, his tipsy appearance, homemade cigar and torn clothes shown exactly as they should have been. The image of the old genius is perfectly conveyed. Wise look White hair, beard and confident pose - this is exactly how I see the image of a simple Russian th person.

The old genius is not only an idealized idea of ​​the talented Russian soul, but also a warning to future generations.

1) In which works of Leskov is the writer’s historicism manifested?

Leskov in his works shows historical eras In Russia, kings change, but the morals of society and the attitude towards ordinary people do not change. The writer was worried about the Russian people and the unfair treatment towards them.

The idea of ​​the tale "Lefty" show the talent of the Russian people, the originality of the masters who can solve any problem. The authorities praised everything foreign, without seeing the “pearls” under their noses. The author raises the topic of patriotism, faith, when ordinary people were the embodiment of hard work, skill and unrequited service to their Fatherland.

"Man on the Clock" - battalion commander Svinin is not tormented by remorse that a person who committed a feat is punished, and what is important to him is not only public opinion, which saves his face, but also the approval of others, he is pleased with himself, he has settled the matter. Postnikov’s feat becomes a duty, only because of the origin of a private .Hypocritically, the ruler turns the holy feeling of compassion, the salvation of life into the fact that holiness is characteristic only of God, and for common people it is only a duty. Behavior powerful of the world this, emphasizes the vices of that time, when tyrants were in power, headless military men carried out commands, the rank and file were weak-willed slaves, and the whole society as a whole had no right to think, but only to observe life indifferently.

Theme of the story by N.S. Leskov "The Enchanted Wanderer"-this is self-knowledge person, life path is a search for an answer to main question about the meaning of life, why man lives on Earth. The story shows life search Ivan Severyanovich Flyagin, having gone through the “seven circles of hell,” he becomes a righteous man, finding the meaning of life in serving the people. Having received freedom, the former serf for a long time does not know what to do with it, wandering around the world, he is looking for his place in life.

2) What historical time do the characters in the story “The Old Genius” live in?

The historical time of the story is the second half of the 19th century. The actions take place in post-reform Russia, in St. Petersburg. Russia is in a severe crisis, the abolition of serfdom, the economy was undermined by the Crimean War. The legacy of Nicholas 1, the economy is in decline, the country is a backward power, lack of reforms and prohibitions on progress.

3) What problems of society are addressed in the work.

Leskov touches on the problems of the callousness of officials who cause the old lady suffering. The author denounces the bureaucratic system, which relies on ranks and titles. Nobody wants to get involved with the rich and powerful, except for the “old genius”. Ivan Ivanovich solves the old lady’s problem, he returns her debt, but he does it at the call of the Russian soul, huge and omnipotent. The people themselves, the craftsmen of the Russian land, stand up for the elderly man, who make the impossible possible. Leskov condemns bribes, the old woman tried to “grease up” the officials, but the amount is insignificant for them, the problem of bribes has always been acute in Russia. The author also touches on the gullibility of the Russian people, out of the kindness of her heart, taking her word for it, the old woman lends an unbearable amount and this almost leads to tragedy. The author shows the problem of taking her word for it as a national trait.

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