How does the historicism of the writer Leskov manifest itself? In which of Leskov’s works does the writer’s historicism manifest itself? What historical time do the characters in the story old genius live in? what problems of society are addressed in the work

A joint celebration has been established for Saints Athanasius and Saints Cyril, Archbishops of Alexandria, as a sign of deep gratitude to the Holy Church for many years of tireless work in establishing the dogmas of the Orthodox faith and zealously defending them from heretical teachings.

Saint Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria

Saint Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria, great father of the Church and pillar of Orthodoxy, was born around 297 in the city of Alexandria into a family of pious Christians.

He received a good secular education, but acquired even deeper knowledge through diligent study of the Holy Scriptures.

From his adolescence, the future great Saint Athanasius became known to the Patriarch of Alexandria, Saint Alexander (Comm. May 29 (June 11) under the following circumstances. One day a group of children, among whom was the youth Athanasius, was playing on the seashore. The Christian children decided to baptize their peers - pagans. The youth Athanasius, whom the children elected “bishop,” performed baptism, exactly repeating the words he heard in the church during this sacrament. All this was observed from the window by Patriarch Alexander. Then he ordered the children and their parents to be brought to him, and had a long conversation with them and, having made sure that the baptism performed by the children in the game was in everything in accordance with the church charter, recognized the baptism as valid and supplemented it with confirmation.

From that time on, the Patriarch supervised the spiritual education of young Athanasius and over time added him to the clergy, first as a reader, and then ordained him to the rank of deacon. In this rank, Saint Athanasius accompanied Patriarch Alexander in 325 to the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea.

At the Council Saint Athanasius spoke out with a refutation of the heresy of Arius. This speech was approved by the Orthodox fathers of the Council, and the Arians - open and hidden - hated Athanasius and persecuted him throughout his life.

After the death of Saint Patriarch Alexander, Saint Athanasius was unanimously elected as his successor to the See of Alexandria. He refused for a long time, considering himself unworthy, but at the insistence of the entire Orthodox population he had to agree, and at the age of 28 he was ordained bishop and placed at the head of the Alexandrian Church.

Saint Athanasius ruled the Church for 47 years, experiencing many persecutions and tribulations from his opponents during this period. Several times he was expelled from Alexandria and hid from the Arians in deserted places, since they repeatedly attempted to kill the Saint.

Saint Athanasius spent more than 20 years in exile, then returning to his flock, then again being exiled. There was a moment when he remained the only Orthodox bishop, yet other bishops deviated into heresy. At false councils of Arian bishops, he was declared deprived of his episcopal rank.

Despite many years of persecution, the Saint continued to firmly defend the purity of the Orthodox faith and tirelessly wrote letters and treatises against the Arian heresy.

When Julian the Apostate (361 - 363) began the persecution of Christians, his anger first fell upon Saint Athanasius, who was revered as a great pillar of Orthodoxy. Julian intended to kill the Saint in order to deal a crushing blow to Christianity, but soon he himself died ingloriously. Mortally wounded by an arrow during the battle, he exclaimed in despair: "You have won, Galilean".

After the death of Julian, Saint Athanasius ruled the Alexandrian Church for seven years and died in 373, at the age of 76.

Preserved numerous creations Saint Athanasius: four "Words", directed against the Arian heresy, as well as letter to Epictetus, Bishop of the Corinthian Church, about the Divine and human nature in Jesus Christ, 4 letters to Bishop Serapion of Tmuit about the Divinity of the Holy Spirit and His equality with the Father and the Son - against the heresy of Macedonius.

Other works of an apologetic nature in defense of Orthodoxy have also been preserved, including letter to Emperor Constantius. Known

Saint Athanasius the Great, Archbishop of Alexandria

Saint Athanasius the Great, Archbishop of Alexandria, was born around 297 in Alexandria into a virtuous Christian family. From childhood, he fell in love with church services so much that, imitating what he saw, he arranged a game with his peers: he “appointed” them as priests and deacons, and he, like a bishop, performed the church service with all precision. When children from pagan families joined the boys, Saint Athanasius told them about Christ the Savior, and then, if they agreed, performed the rite of baptism on them on the seashore. Saint Alexander (312-326), Bishop of Alexandria, drew attention to this game. Having made sure that Saint Athanasius performed the sacrament of baptism in accordance with the church charter, he recognized it as valid and completed it with confirmation.

When Saint Athanasius turned 21 years old, Saint Alexander ordained him to the rank of deacon of the Alexandrian Church. In this rank, Saint Athanasius accompanied him in 325 to the Council of Nicea, where he came out with a refutation of the heresy of Arius [1]. After the death of Saint Alexander, Deacon Athanasius was chosen as his successor - the High Hierarch of the Alexandrian Church. On July 8 [2] 326 he was ordained Bishop of Alexandria.

Having headed the Alexandrian Church, Saint Athanasius continued his zealous struggle against the heretics, the followers of Arius, who, using support at court, achieved the condemnation of the saint. In 336 he was sent into exile in Trier. After the death of Emperor Constantine, Saint Athanasius returned from exile. He continued to denounce the Arians, but Emperor Constantine's successor, Emperor Constantius (337-361), favored the Arians. By his order, the Arian Gregory was installed as Archbishop of Alexandria.

Saint Athanasius of Alexandria went to Rome to see Pope Julius I (337-352), through whose efforts he was acquitted at the Council of Sardica in 343. The Council of Sardicia recognized the Nicene Creed as true, and the teaching of St. Athanasius as consistent with the dogmas of the Church. After this, Saint Athanasius returned to Alexandria, but at the instigation of the Arians he was expelled from the city several times.

Despite many years (a total of more than 20 years) of persecution and persecution of heretics, Saint Athanasius continued to relentlessly defend the purity of Orthodoxy and tirelessly denounce the Arians, against whom he wrote many epistles and theological treatises.

Under Emperor Julian the Apostate (361-363), Saint Athanasius found himself in exile in the Thebadian desert. After the inglorious death of the emperor, the high priest ruled the Alexandrian Church for another 7 years until his blessed death on May 2, 373.

He left a huge spiritual heritage: numerous commentaries on the Holy Scriptures, ascetic instructions, words and conversations, letters, apologetic and dogmatic writings, in which he defended the purity of Orthodox doctrine. Special meaning in polemics with the Arians they had “The History of the Arians for Monks”, “Four Words against the Arians”, “The Book of the Trinity and the Holy Spirit”. Saint Athanasius also wrote a biography of Saint Anthony the Great (January 17).

The joint celebration of Saints Athanasius and Saint Cyril of Alexandria was established for their many years of great labors and exploits suffered in defense of the dogmas of the Universal Church against heresies.

1. Arius (256-336) Alexandrian presbyter and theologian, who believed that the Son of God is not equal to God the Father and is not eternal, since he was created by the Father. ^

2. Dates in the text are given in the old style. ^


Saint Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria

Saint Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria, the greatest theologian, was born in Alexandria in the second half of the 4th century into a noble and pious Christian family. He received good upbringing and a brilliant education, he perfectly studied the secular Greek sciences, including philosophy, but most of all he succeeded in knowing the truths of the Christian faith and in understanding the Holy Scriptures. In his youth, Saint Cyril entered the monastery of Saint Macarius in the Nitrian mountains. After 6 years he was ordained a deacon, and then elevated to archdeacon. Patriarch Theophilus (385-412), seeing the extraordinary abilities and knowing the chaste lifestyle of the young cleric, instructed him to preach sermons.

In 412, after the death of Patriarch Theophilos, Saint Cyril was elected high priest of the Alexandrian Church. Having become Patriarch, he led the fight against the Novatian heresy that had spread in Alexandria [1]. Protecting his flock from this teaching, contrary to the spirit of evangelical love, Saint Cyril expelled the heretics from Alexandria. However, even more dangerous for the Alexandrian Christians at that time were the Jews, protected by the ruler of Alexandria, Orestes. After the massacre of Christians they carried out, Saint Cyril and his surviving companions expelled the enemies of the faith of Christ from the city. After some time, he obtained from Emperor Theodosius the Younger (408-450) the removal of Orestes from power and the punishment of those responsible.

The enlightened and zealous shepherd of the Alexandrian Church tirelessly preached the Word of God and explained the Holy Scriptures to his flock. At the same time, he wrote some dogmatic works, for example, an interpretation of the Gospel of John, several books about the Holy Trinity, works on the worship of God in the spirit of truth, “Glafira, or the innermost thoughts of the Pentateuch.”

In 429, the heresy of Nestorius [2] spread in the monasteries of the Egyptian desert, and the monks began to come to Archbishop Cyril, demanding that he defend Orthodoxy. Then the saint published the letter “To the Hermits,” in which, without naming Nestorius’ name, he condemned his opinion. He then sent several letters of exhortation to Nestorius himself, containing an extensive treatise on the dogma of the Incarnation. At the same time, he wrote letters to Emperor Theodosius, who supported the heresy, and to his sisters. To enlighten the people, the saint wrote “Five Books against Nestorius.” A Local Council was convened in Alexandria, denouncing Nestorianism. However, Nestorius did not heed the admonition and, in turn, wrote a series of letters defending his teaching and accusing St. Cyril himself of heresy. Disputes and discord between them became so sharp character that Emperor Theodosius, at the request of both sides, announced the convening of an Ecumenical Council.

In 431, the Third Ecumenical Council met in Ephesus, to which about 200 bishops from all Christian Churches came. The Council of Ephesus, which was presided over by the high priest of the Alexandrian Church, condemned the teachings of Nestorius as heresy. Nestorius did not submit to the Council and did not repent. Patriarch John of Antioch, a supporter of Nestorius, opened an independent council, which declared St. Cyril a heretic. The enemies of Orthodoxy slandered Saint Cyril, and he, by order of the emperor, was taken into custody together with the Bishop of Ephesus Memnon. But soon the machinations of the heretics were exposed, and the saint received his freedom. Nestorius was defrocked and sent into exile, where he died.

Saint Cyril ruled the Alexandrian Church for 32 years. During this time, he cleansed the Church of all the heresies that existed at that time, and wrote many apologetic, dogmatic, explanatory and moralizing works. The ascetic’s personal piety was combined in him with the wisdom of a mentor and zealous defender of Orthodoxy.

Saint Cyril died peacefully in 444.

1. Novatians - followers of the Roman bishop Novatian (†238). They taught that those who fell during persecution and in general were subjected to mortal sins should be thrown out of the Church and accepted back into the Church, no other way than through repetition of baptism. The Novatian sect existed in the 3rd-4th centuries in Carthage, Alexandria, Asia Minor, and Spain. ^

2. Nestorius - Patriarch of Constantinople from 429 to 431. In 431, at the Council of Ephesus, he was condemned for his teaching, according to which he sharply distinguished between the human and divine natures in Jesus Christ. He claimed that from the Virgin Mary the man Jesus was born, with whom, from the moment of His conception, God the Word united by His grace and dwelt in him as in a temple. That's why Holy Virgin he called Christ the Mother of God, not the Mother of God. Nestorius died in 440. ^

Pat-ri-ar-hu Alek-san-driy-sko-mu, and from-da-la to the temple to serve God. And he began to spend his life at the temple, zealously fulfilling God’s commandments.

In 319, the pat-ri-arch ru-ko-po-lo-lived him in the dia-ko-na of the Aleksandriya Church. Already at this time, Saint Afa-na-siy began to write co-chi-ne-niya. The future saint saw that those who have come to the Church of Christ have no zeal, they have no truth God's blessings, many of them seek glory for themselves, empty words, celebrations and all languages Czech customs, which they used to have, were transferred into Christian life. A certain Arius appeared, who blasphemed Christ, destroyed the Mother of God and disturbed the people, teaching the people to beat -to gain honor, glory, and into the Church, to achieve priesthood and even arch-priesthood. And many listened to him and followed him to this heresy - ari-a-na-mi. And this heresy spread so widely that it almost overwhelmed the entire Church - there was a great war. In 325, Saint Afa-na-siy was at the Nicaei So-bo-re, where you marched against Arius.

In 326, after the death of Pat-ri-ar-kha Alek-sandra, Saint Afa-na-siy was elected to the Alek-san-dri-ka-fed-ru. Episcopal Afa-na-siy went around the church, stood up a lot, fought against the Ari-an, pissed, insulted them , and all the untrue Christians rose up against him and began to slander him. At that time, Constantin the Great reigned (306-337), he was considered the blood of the Church of Christ. howl. He is good at military strategy, diplomacy, state affairs, but church affairs and -by-ve-di Evan-ge-lia didn’t know, that’s why the ko-le-bal-sya is between the Ari-an-stvo and the right-to-sla-vi-em.

Taking advantage of the kindness and simplicity of them-per-ra-to-ra, here-ti-ki surrounded his entire yard, penetrated into everything properly -sti and began to whisper heresies and lies and introduce races. They about-vi-nya-li ar-hi-episco-pa Afa-na-siya, that he is a bad person, that he does not listen to the king, he works separately from the royal treasury and believes that he is doing bad things, that he is both a sorcerer and a criminal -nick, and fornication-nick. He-per-ra-tor saw a great rift, enmity, tried to restore peace, but would-have such times, that a war could have opened, then he proposed to the saint Afa-na-this to retire for a while to some-where . And the saint spent most of his long reign in exile, and then he often used supported by the monks, was in friendship with both the fathers of the monks - the saints, the pre-loving ones and .

In particular, heresies and evil people have become aware of the problem with Saint Afa-na-siya in the fact that he does not listen to -ve-le-niy im-per-ra-to-ra, does not pay attention to his pre-pi-sa-niya, does not accept Aria into the church - the general public that he is a sorcerer and a sorcerer, who himself is manifested by the cha-ro-de-i-mi, and that through the means of some dead hand, supposedly at the Kli-ri-ku Ar-se-niu, is creating a spell. Im-per-ra-tor ordered the investigation. Ar-se-niy was a cleric, a reader, having completed some kind of step, he hid for a long time, and when rumors about This began to spread all over the place, then he developed a sense of truth, fairness, somehow invisibly. but the saint of Christ Afa-na-siy was, and Ar-se-niy himself did not suffer, not from him -ku, another person was found somewhere by evil judges, although many of them were bishops. Talking about my father and the good-de-te-le and grieving in my heart about the fact that the truth is lawless Yes, it’s a lie, he secretly came to Afa-na himself, coming to his honest feet Blessed Afa-na -this one, rejoicing at the presence of Ar-se-niy, ordered him not to show his name to anyone before the trial.

Meanwhile, the vicious hatred of Afa-na-siya’s opponents grew so much that to one lie they added a new one: support ku-pi-whether one shameless woman bring-up a cle-ve-tu on the holy Afa-na-siya, what he did with her without-for-ko-nie. When the trial began, the judges sat down in their places and slandered before the court, and this woman was brought in . She cried for a long time about the saint, something she had never seen and didn’t even know , what does he look like? Everyone listened in bewilderment. But she didn’t even want to know the blessings of Evan-Gel’s, being glad that they had given her a lot of money. At that time, Afa-na-siya’s friend Pre-sweeter Ti-mo-fey, standing with him outside the door and hearing everything, was troubled by the spirit and, suddenly -dan-but having entered inside the court, he hastily stood before the eyes of that slanderer, as if he were Afa himself -na-siy; he boldly turned to her: “Have I done violence to you at night, as you say?” And she, with great shamelessness, cried out to the judges: “This, this man is my corrupter and evil-minded against the mo- she's clean; he...” The judges laughed when they saw the meanness, playing a wounded comedy, and drove her away. But against St. Afa-na-siya, although they were tired, they did not calm down and began to blame him for the murder of Ar-se-niy, apparently - some scary-looking dead hand. Saint Afa-na-siy listened to them and was silent, then he asked: “Are there any among you who knew Ar-se-sho well?” nia? Which of you can confirm whether this is his hand? And the majority of unjust judges rose up, quickly and began to assert that this was in fact the hand of Arse -nia. And then, when they re-examined their dirty heart and their cunning, the saint moved away behind the weight, behind when Ar-seniy was standing, he brought him out in front of his companions and asked: “And who is this standing in front of you? You said that Ar-se-niy is no longer alive, this is his hand.” And everyone was horrified. “Here, men, is Ar-se-niy! - announced Saint Afa-na-siy. - Here are his hands, which wouldn’t have been the same! Let-you know your Ar-se-niya, if you have one, and give it to someone you belong to “There lies a hand that will condemn you for committing this crime.” But the judges must carry out the trial, exhausting all their slander. And Saint Afa-na-siy, you are not the one who agrees with my injustice, out loud he testified everything -to-so-bo-ru: “The right-of-right has died out, in-the-right-of-the-ti-na, the right-of-su-die has died, disappeared from the judges for - horse-investigation and careful examination of cases! Is it legal for someone who wants to be acquitted to be kept in prison, and the court of the whole case would be slandered? -to no-names and enemies, and so that the thief-schi-ki su-di-go, on whom they are biting?” By him, the saint was acquitted and sent to his Aleksandriya cathedral.

When Kon-stan-tin the Great died and his second son Kon-stan-tsiy took over the throne, the entire court of the imperial palace was re- re-went to the hundred-ro-well ary-an. They began to drive out the right-wing Christians, exile the bishops, place wicked people, treacherous people on the thrones , fornicators, heretics, who did not recognize Jesus Christ as God. And Saint Afa had to flee to Rome, where he stayed for three years.

Then the Lord judged everything with His judgment: Aria and the heretics were punished, and the wicked king died. After him, Yuli-an the Renegade reigned for two years, followed by Jovi-ni-an the blessed one, then Valent, who -that, although the Church did a lot of evil, but, having woofed the Alek-San-Driy-tsev, he pretended to be a saint -let Afa come back and manage the Aleksandriya Church without any language. And it is described in the life of Saint Afa-na-siya that during the last part of his life he lived in peace and serenity -koy, died about the State on May 2, 373 at the age of 76 years.

For 46 years Saint Afa-na-siy was the bishop of the city of Aleksandria and many times left the cathedral and returned - talked about-rat-but, because the Ari-ans, who call themselves chris-sti-a-na-mi, believe-in Evan-ge-lie, is-ka-li, come-we-vi-well, to condemn and put to death the saint. But the Lord, proclaiming the Gospel, did not try to kill his enemies; these same evil-deeds have created Baptism, Christianity and faith without goodness.

See also: "" in the text of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.


Troparion to Saint Athanasius the Great of Alexandria

You were the pillar of Orthodoxy, / Confirming the Church’s divine dogmas, / Hierarch Athanasius: / Having preached to the Father the Son of Consubstantiality, / You put Ariya to shame. / Most Reverend Father, / Christ God pray // grant us great mercy.

Translation: You have become a pillar of Orthodoxy, establishing the Church as divine, Athanasius, for having proclaimed the Son consubstantial with the Father, you have put Arius to shame. Father, pray to Christ God to grant us great mercy.

Troparion to Saints Athanasius and Cyril of Alexandria

O God our Father,/ deal with us according to Your meekness,/ do not forsake Your mercy from us,/ but through their prayers// guide our lives in peace.

Translation: God of our fathers, who always deals with us according to Yours, do not remove Your mercy from us, but through their prayers, peacefully manage our lives.

Troparion to Saints Athanasius and Cyril of Alexandria

The deeds of Orthodoxy have shone, / extinguished all slander, / victorious, victorious faster, / enriched everything with piety, / adorned the Church with greatness, / worthy of finding Christ God, // who gives us everything I have mercy.

Translation: Having shone with deeds in defense of Orthodoxy, having extinguished all wrong-thinking, you have become victors, bearing trophies; Having enriched everyone, majestically decorating the Church, you have found Christ God according to your dignity, who through your prayers bestows great mercy on everyone.

Troparion to Saint Cyril of Alexandria

Teacher of Orthodoxy,/ piety to the teacher and purity,/ lamp of the universe,/ God-inspired fertilization of the bishops,/ Cyril the Wise,/ with your teachings you have enlightened everything,/ the spiritual treasure,// pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Translation: Orthodoxy mentor, teacher and purity, lamp of the universe, adornment of bishops, Cyril the Wise, with your teaching you have enlightened everything, spiritual lyre, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion to Saint Athanasius the Great of Alexandria

Having planted the teachings of Orthodoxy,/ you have cut off the slander of the thorns,/ having multiplied the seed of faith by the rain of the Spirit, O Reverend, // we also sing to you, Athanasius.

Translation: Having planted the teachings of Orthodoxy, you destroyed the thorns of unrighteousness and multiplied the sowing of faith with the shower of the Spirit; That’s why we praise You, Athanasius.

Kontakion to Saints Athanasius and Cyril of Alexandria

Priests of the greatest piety,/ and virtuous champions of the Church of Christ,/ observe all the singing:/ Save, Generous,// those who honor Thee with faith.

Translation: Hierarchs of the greatest piety and valiant defenders of the Church of Christ! Protect all who sing: “Save, O Merciful One, those who honor You with faith!”

Kontakion to Saint Cyril of Alexandria

You have poured out for us the abyss of theological teachings/ manifestly from the source of the Spasovs,/ plunging into heresy, Blessed Kirill,/ and saving the flock unharmed from troubles,/ I am a mentor to all the countries, Reverend,// I Ko Divine manifestation.

Translation: You have clearly poured out to us the abyss of theological teachings from the sources of the Savior, drowning, Cyril, and keeping us unharmed from storms, for you are a teacher of all ends of the Earth, explaining the Divine.

Prayer to Saint Athanasius the Great of Alexandria

Oh, all-validated and glorious Saint Athanasius the Great, for the Orthodox faith you were in long labors, many labors, in five-fold exiles and flights, you endured many pecks These and slander, many times you want to kill your enemies for nudes, and only God Himself miraculously preserved you from death. And you endured all this from the wicked heretics - the Arians, and you fought with them, and having immersed them in the abyss of words, with your patience you defeated them, and drove away their evil from the Church Having planted the Orthodox teaching, you multiplied the seed of the faith of Christ. Truly you are a brave warrior of Christ, like a warrior, until the end of your days you fought gloriously for the right faith against the heretics. Truly you are the pillar of the Orthodox faith, for your Orthodox faith was in no way shaken by these heretical persecutions, but was even more established and strengthened, and not only with you and your flock, but throughout the entire Church Christ's. We pray to you, saint of God, ask Christ our God for us to have unshakable faith and not to deviate from the right path, but to remain on it until the end of our days, not afraid of flattery, reproach, or yes. even persecution, and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven in the glory of God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, where you and all the saints abide. Amen.

Oh, all-holy fathers Athanasius and Kirill, our warm intercessors, consumers of heresies, defenders of piety, physicians for the sick, helpers in troubles and all the warm representatives who come to you, help us sinners in this life, and beg the Lord God to grant us remission of sins and The Kingdom of Heaven is our inheritance, may we always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to Saints Athanasius the Great and Cyril, Archbishops of Alexandria

Kontakion 1

In the election from the Heavenly Shepherd, our fathers, the blessed duo of Saints Athanasius and Cyril, the great city of Alexandria, the first throne, the enemies of the Church of Christ who were victorious with the weapon of the cross and prayer, with spiritual songs we praise you, our holy intercessors. You, who have boldness towards the Lord, pray for the Orthodox Church, for your city and all the people who call with love:

Ikos 1

Angels of earth and men of heaven appeared, Saints Athanasius and Cyril, ever illuminated by the light of true knowledge of God, as two luminaries enlightened nature by succession to each other on the patriarchal throne throughout the whole earth, and as the greatness of our hierarchs and teachers blocked the teaching of the evil heretics of nature, infusing the faithful with piety. In the same way, we, confirmed by the true faith of Christ, sing to you, defenders of the Orthodox Church:
Rejoice, having rejected the charms of this world.
Rejoice, vigilant guardians of a pure and immaculate life.
Rejoice, having loved the One Christ with all your heart.
Rejoice, having submitted your will to the will of God.
Rejoice, you who have shown the image of true faith in yourself.
Rejoice, having courageously taken upon yourself the yoke of Christ.
Rejoice, divine wisdom has been fulfilled.
Rejoice, vessels of the Holy Spirit of election.
Rejoice, faithful workers of the grapes of Christ.
Rejoice, decoration of the Orthodox Church.
Rejoice, archpastors of the holy Church of Alexandria.
Rejoice, eternal joys of the heiress.
Rejoice, Saints Athanasius and Kirill, pillars of Orthodoxy, teachers of steadfastness and divine wisdom.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the Lord, the Knower of the Heart, your firm will, wisdom and piety, he appoints you, Father Athanasius, to the candlestick of the Church of Alexandria, so that the light of the Holy Gospel will shine in the countries of the East and, enlightened by you, people will sing a song of praise to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having obeyed the will of God with a bright mind and a pure heart, having taken the good yoke of Christ, in the footsteps of the apostles our fathers Athanasius and Cyril followed nature into spiritual fields, abundantly sowing the word of God, enlightening their flock with grace and confirming many in the true faith. Likewise, we, enlightened by your godly teachings, cry out to you:
Rejoice, blessed by God.
Rejoice, having lived in true simplicity and silence.
Rejoice, having dedicated yourself to God from your youth.
Rejoice, even in adolescence you were filled with love for the word of God.
Rejoice, you who have loved the monastic life.
Rejoice, you who have served the Lord faithfully.
Rejoice, you who have worthily received the grace of the priesthood.
Rejoice, you who made a bloodless sacrifice for the people.
Rejoice, shepherds and teachers of the Church of Wisdom.
Rejoice, worthy successors of the apostles.
Rejoice, unceasing heralds of true piety.
Rejoice, shield and fence of the city of Alexandria.
Rejoice, Saints Athanasius and Kirill, pillars of Orthodoxy, teachers of steadfastness and divine wisdom.

Kontakion 3

By the power of your mind, enlightened by grace, you preached the Trinity of One Essence: the Father Without Beginning, the Son Incarnate and the All-Holy Spirit, Blessed Cyril, and having appeared as a champion and defender of the Mother of God from heretical teachings. We glorify you, as the divine secret writer of the Divine Trinity, and having been illuminated by your teaching, we sing to Christ God who glorified you: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having great zeal for God, having armed ourselves with the weapon of the Cross of Christ and accepted the sword of the word of God, as the good-victory warriors of the Heavenly Father resisted the natural enemy of salvation, the devil, the blessed fathers Athanasius and Cyril, quickly cutting off the tares of heretical teachings, saving the souls of the erring children of God, being faithful in piety and Orthodoxy strengthens the faith. Likewise, enlighten us with your intercession, singing with love:
Rejoice, you who were jealous of the great desert dweller in fasting and abstinence.
Rejoice, for by the example of your life you have turned many to the Lord.
Rejoice, evangelizers of the Gospel truth.
Rejoice, our teachers in the confession of the Orthodox faith.
Rejoice, admirers of the Life-Giving Trinity.
Rejoice, for the Seraphim burned with the fire of love for the Lord.
Rejoice, eradicators of heretical worship.
Rejoice, having glorified the true God in the Holy Trinity worshiped.
Rejoice, accusers of the godless and wicked.
Rejoice, guardians of your flock.
Rejoice, as the holy faith is glorified by you.
Rejoice, for we too, sinners, call on your name with faith.
Rejoice, Saints Athanasius and Kirill, pillars of Orthodoxy, teachers of steadfastness and divine wisdom.

Kontakion 4

The devil has raised a storm of malice and hatred, seeking with Arian malice to destroy the Church of Christ through those seduced by him. But you, Father Athanasius, you loudly proclaimed the word of salvation in Nicaea at the First Ecumenical Council, you abolished all Arius’ opinions, and you preached the power of the Holy Trinity throughout the world. Moreover, you preached the true faith to all the ends of the earth, teaching the faithful to sing with love to God, the Creator of all: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard, Saints Athanasius and Cyril, the voice of Christ, calling to the feat of standing for the faith even to death, following the Chief Shepherd Christ, having no rest for the sake of tireless labor to save the flock from the wolves who plundered it, and this feat has been carried through your entire life, now eternal peace in the heavenly abodes has been found. We raise the eyes of our hearts to the Lord, out of duty of love we glorify your memory, with tenderness calling to your face:
Rejoice, faithful servants of the Trinity.
Rejoice, ardent zealots of the truth of Christ.
Rejoice, you who courageously exposed the heretical teachings of the mad Arius.
Rejoice, champions of the right and unshakable faith.
Rejoice, you who have blocked the lips of the erring with wise words.
Rejoice, you who preserve the Church of Christ from false teachings.
Rejoice, shepherds, who drive away the wolves from the flock of Christ.
Rejoice, lay down your soul for your spiritual children in preparation.
Rejoice, treasuries of theology in abundance.
Rejoice, planters of true piety.
Rejoice, blessed confessor of the Orthodox faith.
Rejoice, guides to the salvation of the faithful.
Rejoice, Saints Athanasius and Kirill, pillars of Orthodoxy, teachers of steadfastness and divine wisdom.

Kontakion 5

The godly star that rose in Alexandria, you appeared to Saint Cyril, enlightened by the Sun of Truth of Christ God, illuminating the countries of the East with its unflickering light and like the Star of Bethlehem, you showed the right path to Christ, so that through your enlightenment people will sing a song of thanks to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the children of the Church of Alexandria your gospel gospel and standing to death for the Church of Christ and the truth of God, I turn from heretical errors to truer faith. You, like good shepherds, accepted nature with love. seeking salvation, Thanking the Lord with all my heart for His mercy towards the repentant. For this reason, we praise you, holy fathers, with joyful songs and say:
Rejoice, prayer books, illuminated by the Spirit of God.
Rejoice, luminaries who enlighten our souls.
Rejoice, having given your mind to the obedience of faith.
Rejoice, you who have bequeathed to us the right to glorify God.
Rejoice, you who have overcome heretical wisdom by the grace of Christ.
Rejoice, you who have protected the faithful from heresies.
Rejoice, having exposed the devil and his servants.
Rejoice, glorification of the faithful intercessor.
Rejoice, having become like the prophet of God Elijah through your zeal for faith.
Rejoice, for the prophet Daniel and the three youths courageously glorified God.
Rejoice, having labored in the field of the Lord throughout your life.
Rejoice, even after death you were not separated from your flock by love.
Rejoice, Saints Athanasius and Kirill, pillars of Orthodoxy, teachers of steadfastness and divine wisdom.

Kontakion 6

You appeared to the world as a preacher of the true teaching about Christ and His Most Pure Mother, Saint Father Athanasius, by the power of your gracious word and God-inspired writings, you put to shame the blasphemous flattery of Arius and you endured many troubles from the enemies of Orthodoxy: unrighteous expulsion from the throne of Alexandria, imprisonment and persecution. For this reason, seeing you as the good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep, let us cry out to God who glorifies His saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Saints Athanasius and Kirill have naturally shone like lights in the church sky, by the feat of your life showing all the faithful the path to the unstoppable Light of Christ. We also pray to you, help us to disperse the darkness of unbelief and corruption in the world of God, so that all who love and honor God in spirit and truth cry out to you:
Rejoice, having illuminated the whole world with your words.
Rejoice, bright stars, illuminating us in the night of sin.
Rejoice, unfading radiance to the Church of Christ.
Rejoice, zealots of the true faith.
Rejoice, for your teaching has gone forth to all the countries of the East.
Rejoice, you who gave thanks to God in exile and persecution from heretics.
Rejoice, you who bravely endured much reproach from them.
Rejoice, fearless champions of faith in Christ.
Rejoice, all of you who are persecuted for the truth, a refuge.
Rejoice, we are all spiritual fathers and teachers of piety.
Rejoice, our guides to the Heavenly Fatherland.
Rejoice, Saints Athanasius and Kirill, pillars of Orthodoxy, teachers of steadfastness and divine wisdom.

Kontakion 7

Wanting to expel you from the throne of the Church of Alexandria, the heretics slandered you, Father Cyril, before Tsar Theodosius. When will this one be kinder? your life take away, disgracing those who slandered and dispersing their heretical council, overthrow the heretic Nestorius from the patriarchal throne of Constantinople, and place him as the head of the Ecumenical Council in Ephesus. But you, holy father, disgraced the heresy of Nestorius at the Council, you magnified the Mother of God and the Mother of Light and you glorified God, singing a song of gratitude to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The new grapes of Christ have been planted by your labors, worthy workers and guardians have appeared, holy fathers, and like the faithful servants of Christ, having entered into the joy of their Lord, you now rejoice in Heaven and with your prayers confirm our faith, interceding for salvation before God for us sinners, let us sing with gratitude. sitse:
Rejoice, accusers of heresies Arius and Nestorius.
Rejoice, our protectors from harmful wisdom.
Rejoice, teachers of those who have gone astray from the right path.
Rejoice, for with the light of the knowledge of God you enlighten those who are darkened in mind.
Rejoice, having filled the hearts of many with streams of grace.
Rejoice, vigilant guardian of our salvation.
Rejoice, soldiers of Christ, having been crowned with glory from Him while still alive.
Rejoice, for your faith is silently singing about your deeds and labors.
Rejoice, having brought spiritual wealth to many people.
Rejoice, you who guided them to the haven of salvation.
Rejoice, you who teach us to rejoice in the Lord.
Rejoice, you who transform our sorrows into joy.
Rejoice, Saints Athanasius and Kirill, pillars of Orthodoxy, teachers of steadfastness and divine wisdom.

Kontakion 8

It is truly strange and wonderful to see how a new storm came to the Church of God, when King Julian opened the entire idolatry, creating sacrifices to false gods. And again against you, Saint Athanasius, he rose up, as if he had defeated the faith of Christ, telling the king: “Unless you destroy Athanasius, Christianity will not be powerfully destroyed.” But you, Holy Father, prophesied that this rebellion would soon collapse and you opposed the apostate Julian, begging the Lord and His Most Pure Mother to destroy his evil intentions against Christians, so that all the faithful would gratefully sing to God the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All the sons of Russia preach your gracious help, holy hierarchs Athanasius and Cyril, since our fathers led you away from the years of ancient times, as intercessors from foreign invasions and deliverers from pestilences. Likewise, we, faithful children of the Church of Christ in the Russian lands, bring you this praise of ours:
Rejoice, faithful beloved in the Russian lands.
Rejoice, our champion of Orthodoxy in the country.
Rejoice, O representatives who love and honor you.
Rejoice, givers of the light of Christ to the Orthodox people.
Rejoice, you have opened the doors to the Kingdom of Heaven for many.
Rejoice, intercessor for the salvation of the Christian race.
Rejoice, you have surprised all the surrounding countries with your righteous life.
Rejoice, for all pious people rejoice at your names.
Rejoice, guardians of the true love of Christ.
Rejoice, Christians of all times in the prayers of your mentor.
Rejoice, crown of patience on the land of marriage.
Rejoice, shining with eternal light in Heaven.
Rejoice, Saints Athanasius and Kirill, pillars of Orthodoxy, teachers of steadfastness and divine wisdom.

Kontakion 9

Every angelic nature was amazed at your glorious life on earth, Saint Father Cyril, for the Lord has shown you to be a steadfast defender of Orthodoxy. You proclaimed the truths of the Gospel everywhere, comforting the faithful, and thus preserved them from heretical teachings. Even now, do not forsake us sinners, but strengthen all the children of God in Orthodoxy and unanimity, so that in spiritual joy we may sing a song of thanksgiving to the Trinity of Saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The prophets of many things have surpassed nature by the power of your divinely inspired words and writings, saints of divine wisdom Athanasius and Cyril, for you theologized the incarnate Word of nature, enlightening the souls of many, faithfully showing them the path to salvation, after which you yourself steadily walked by nature until your blessed death. We, rejoicing, as such are the imams, teachers of spiritual life and prayer books, glorifying you, holy fathers, saying:
Rejoice, good shepherds, who were zealous for the glory of the Lord.
Rejoice, having multiplied the talent given to you.
Rejoice, wanderers of earth, who have entered the Heavenly Fatherland.
Rejoice, from the faces of the heavenly powers now triumphant.
Rejoice, luminaries, who have illuminated those in the darkness of error.
Rejoice, for this sake of greatness in the Kingdom of God.
Rejoice, confessor crowns adorned by God.
Rejoice, in the person of the great saints, you are exalted with much glory.
Rejoice, teachers of the wisdom of the universe.
Rejoice, with all the saints of God who pray to the Lord for us.
Rejoice, as you glorify the Christian faith.
Rejoice, for your names are written in Heaven.
Rejoice, Saints Athanasius and Kirill, pillars of Orthodoxy, teachers of steadfastness and divine wisdom.

Kontakion 10

Although you saved the flock of Christ from destruction, Saint Athanasius, you were not afraid of royal reprimands, nor slander from heretics, nor imprisonment, but all this, as a valiant warrior of Christ, you endured, you did not cease to enlighten your flock, praying to your disciples to stand firmly in the true faith , fear the machinations of the enemy, but even in sorrows and misfortunes, thank God for everything, singing to Him the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The wall is naturally indestructible by all Orthodox people, all-praised and worthy of the two, Saints Athanasius and Cyril, for the Creator of Heaven and earth chose you to be on earth as the firmament of the protector and the unshakable pillars of the true faith, and to count among the great saints and teachers of the Church of Christ. In the same way, beg for the grace of God to be worthy and to stand in the truth for all of us who love you and cry out for this:
Rejoice, you who fearlessly spoke the truth of Christ before people.
Rejoice, guardians of church dogma.
Rejoice, you who bore divine words in your hearts.
Rejoice, having left us a spiritual treasure with your God-wise writings.
Rejoice, O protector of our souls from the flattery of Satan.
Rejoice, for through your prayers we defeat the wiles of the devil.
Rejoice, healers of our mental and physical ailments.
Rejoice, a quiet refuge for those overwhelmed by misfortunes.
Rejoice, giver of all temporal and eternal good.
Rejoice, our intercessors before the throne of the Heavenly Judge.
Rejoice, for with a pure heart See God now.
Rejoice, for even after departing to the heavenly abodes you do not leave care for us.
Rejoice, Saints Athanasius and Kirill, pillars of Orthodoxy, teachers of steadfastness and divine wisdom.

Kontakion 11

Our prayer singing, offered today in the temple before your miraculous icon, mercifully hear, O Saints of Christ Athanasius and Cyril, and for those who require your gracious help, be intercessors and prayer books, granting them all good things: healing for the sick, consolation for the grieving, deliverance in times of adversity, and Rejoicing you and glorifying God, let us sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The luminaries of light and miracle workers appeared, the saints of God Athanasius and Cyril, from the ancient years to this day our Fatherland has not abandoned: as the ancient chronicler says about it, during the time of Batu’s invasion of Veliky Novgrad, God and you, the saints of Christ, interceded. We also pray to you, holy fathers, to grant remission of sins to all Russian people who honor your holy memory with love and cry out like this:
Rejoice, for in all Orthodox countries your names are glorified.
Rejoice, for in the lands of Russia churches are being built in your name.
Rejoice, you blocked the hordes of Hagarians from getting to Veliky Novgrad.
Rejoice, great patrons of our country.
Rejoice, having consecrated the city of Moscow as a temple in your honor.
Rejoice, you who have loved our land and the faithful children of the Russian Church.
Rejoice, for the sons of Russia are being saved through your intercession.
Rejoice, for all the faithful are freed from troubles and sorrows through your prayers.
Rejoice, in difficult circumstances and misfortunes, our hope and intercession.
Rejoice, this is a wonderful consolation for all of us in this time of sorrow.
Rejoice, for with your prayers you appease the Lord of all.
Rejoice, for the Church of Christ is proud and strengthened by you.
Rejoice, Saints Athanasius and Kirill, pillars of Orthodoxy, teachers of steadfastness and divine wisdom.

Kontakion 12

The grace given to you by God knowingly, we celebrate your common memory, Saints of Christ Athanasius and Cyril, and zealously flow to your honorable image, through your intercession, as if by an insurmountable wall we are protected, for healers of ailments have appeared to us, guides to the lost and quick helpers to all who call on you and those singing the hymn to Christ God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your wondrous life on earth and your glory in Heaven, we humbly pray to you, Saints Athanasius and Cyril, to grant power from above to Orthodox Christians against visible and invisible enemies; awaken to us, blessed fathers, helpers in all good things, bless us with peace and love, give us firm faith, purity of life and fear of God, so that we all, having found peace of mind, will sing to you in joy like this:
Rejoice, Athanasius, namesake of immortality.
Rejoice, great teacher of the Church of Christ.
Rejoice, Cyril, destroyer of the superstitious wisdom of Nestorius.
Rejoice, glory and confirmation to the throne of Alexandria.
Rejoice, Athanasius, expelled from your Fatherland for the sake of truth.
Rejoice, kept in secret by the love of your flock.
Rejoice, Kirill, you have labored kindly and faithfully for the honor of the Most Holy Theotokos.
Rejoice, for the Most Pure Mother of the Lord Herself is imminent of your outcome.
Rejoice, Athanasius, for the great Anthony bequeathed his robe to you.
Rejoice, for your relics were in the Church of St. Sophia of Constantinople.
Rejoice, Cyril, preacher of the wisdom of God.
Rejoice, bishop of the Most High God.
Rejoice, Saints Athanasius and Kirill, pillars of Orthodoxy, teachers of steadfastness and divine wisdom.

Kontakion 13

O our all-validating shepherds, Saints Athanasius and Cyril, accept this little prayer of ours, offered to you from a tender heart, ask us from Christ God for confirmation in the truer faith, so that we may walk in the commandments of the Lord blamelessly, and through your intercession bring us all to the Kingdom of Heaven, yes Let us be worthy to joyfully sing together with you the song of victory: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos: “Election from the Heavenly Shepherd...” and the 1st kontakion: “Angels of the earth...”

Prayer to Saints Athanasius and Cyril of Alexandria

O all-holy Fathers Athanasius and Cyril, our warm intercessors, consumers of heresies, defenders of piety, sick doctors, helpers in troubles and warm intercessors for all who come to you, help us sinners in this life, and beg the Lord God to grant us remission of sins and the Kingdom Heavenly inheritance, may we always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

* Saints Athanasius (373) and Cyril (444), archbishops of Alexandria. * The Venerable Schemamonk Cyril and the schemanun Maria (c. 1337), parents of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh. Saint Maximus the New, Despot of Serbia (1516).
Saints Marcian of Cyrus (c. 388), Silvanus of Palestine (IV), Hilarion, Emilian, Demetrius. Martyrs Cyriacus, Xenia, Theodosius. Saint Ephraim, Bishop of Milas (V). Venerable Athanasius of Syandemsky, Vologda (1550). Righteous Athanasius of Navolotsky (XVI-XVII). Hieromartyr Michael (Kargopolov) presbyter, Krasnoyarsk (1919). Hieromartyrs Vladimir (Zubkovich) Archpriest, Belorussky (1938), Nikolai (Krasovsky) and Sergius Presbyters (1938).

Feast of St. Athanasius the Great, Archbishop of Alexandria

Saint Athanasius the Great, Archbishop of Alexandria, was born around 297 in Alexandria into a virtuous Christian family. From childhood, he fell in love with church services so much that, imitating what he saw, he arranged a game with his peers: he “appointed” them as priests and deacons, and he, like a bishop, performed the church service with all precision. When children from pagan families joined the boys, Saint Athanasius told them about Christ the Savior, and then, if they agreed, performed the rite of baptism on them on the seashore. Saint Alexander (312-326), Bishop of Alexandria, drew attention to this game. Having made sure that Saint Athanasius performed the sacrament of baptism in accordance with the church charter, he recognized it as valid and completed it with confirmation.
When Saint Athanasius turned 21 years old, Saint Alexander ordained him to the rank of deacon of the Alexandrian Church. In this rank, Saint Athanasius accompanied him in 325 to the Council of Nicaea, where he refuted the heresy of Arius (Arius (256-336) - Alexandrian presbyter and theologian who believed that the Son of God is not equal to God the Father and is not eternal, since he was created by the Father ). After the death of Saint Alexander, Deacon Athanasius was elected as his successor - the High Hierarch of the Alexandrian Church. On July 8, 326, he was ordained Bishop of Alexandria.
Having headed the Alexandrian Church, Saint Athanasius continued his zealous struggle against the heretics, the followers of Arius, who, using support at court, achieved the condemnation of the saint. In 336 he was sent into exile in Trier. After the death of Emperor Constantine, Saint Athanasius returned from exile. He continued to denounce the Arians, but Emperor Constantine's successor, Emperor Constantius (337-361), favored the Arians. By his order, the Arian Gregory was installed as Archbishop of Alexandria.
Saint Athanasius of Alexandria went to Rome to see Pope Julius I (337-352), through whose efforts he was acquitted at the Council of Sardica in 343. The Council of Sardicia recognized the Nicene Creed as true, and the teaching of St. Athanasius as consistent with the dogmas of the Church. After this, Saint Athanasius returned to Alexandria, but at the instigation of the Arians he was expelled from the city several times.
Despite many years (a total of more than 20 years) of persecution and persecution of heretics, Saint Athanasius continued to relentlessly defend the purity of Orthodoxy and tirelessly denounce the Arians, against whom he wrote many epistles and theological treatises.
Under Emperor Julian the Apostate (361-363), Saint Athanasius found himself in exile in the Thebadian desert. After the inglorious death of the emperor, the high priest ruled the Alexandrian Church for another 7 years until his blessed death on May 2, 373.
He left a huge spiritual legacy: numerous commentaries on the Holy Scriptures, ascetic instructions, words and conversations, letters, apologetic and dogmatic writings, in which he defended the purity of Orthodox doctrine. Of particular importance in the polemics with the Arians were “The History of the Arians for Monks,” “Four Words Against the Arians,” and “The Book of the Trinity and the Holy Spirit.” Saint Athanasius also wrote a biography of Saint Anthony the Great (January 17).
The joint celebration of Saints Athanasius and Saint Cyril of Alexandria was established for their many years of great labors and exploits suffered in defense of the dogmas of the Universal Church against heresies.
Dates in the text are given in the old style.

Day of Saints Cyril and Mary, parents of Saint Sergius of Radonezh

Reverends Kirill and Maria lived in the ancient Principality of Rostov. According to legend, their estate was located four miles from Rostov the Great. Boyar Kirill was in the service of the Rostov princes. Cyril and Maria strictly followed church rules and customs, were diligent in prayer and loved the temple of God. They were especially concerned about works of mercy.
The pious couple already had a son, Stefan, when God gave them another son, Bartholomew, in the future - St. Sergius of Radonezh. Even before the birth of Bartholomew, the Lord showed a sign of His favor to the future ascetic: once during the Divine Liturgy, a child in the womb of the Mother exclaimed loudly three times. The righteous spouses made a vow: if a male child is born, they will dedicate him to serving the Church and God
After Bartholomew, Cyril and Mary had a third son, Peter. The couple raised their children in the Law of God, piety and purity. When the time came, boyar Kirill sent his sons to learn to read and write. Stephen and Peter learned easily, but Bartholomew was not given the letter. The boy wept bitterly and prayed earnestly that the Lord would enlighten him. And miraculously, through the appearance of a mysterious monk, Bartholomew was given the great gift of God - the knowledge of book teaching.
In his old age and impoverishment, boyar Kirill was forced to settle in the town of Radonezh, in the land of Moscow. Stephen and Peter got married, and Bartholomew wanted to take monastic vows. Righteous Cyril and Mary were zealous admirers of monasticism, but they asked Bartholomew to wait to fulfill his intention until their death, in order to put their old age to rest. The blessed son obeyed his holy parents.
At the end of their lives, the Monks Cyril and Maria wished to take monasticism themselves. They headed to the Intercession Khotkov Monastery, which was located three miles from Radonezh and at that time united two monasteries: for the elders and for the elders. Here the Monks Cyril and Maria spent the rest of their days in preparation for eternal life. They first took monastic vows and then the schema. Burdened with illness and old age, the schema-monks did not labor for long in their new rank. Around 1337 they departed to the Lord in peace.
There is a legend that St. Sergius commanded, before going to his monastery, to first pray for the repose of his parents over their tomb. The veneration of Saints Cyril and Mary dates back to the 16th century. At their relics in the Intercession Cathedral of the monastery, the Psalter was constantly read and requiem services were served. The power of the saints' intercession was manifested in many miracles that occurred through prayer to them from their relics.
In 1992, the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church canonized Saints Cyril and Mary.

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