Your life is Eremeevna. Minor

Krylov traced the truth he discovered on the small and large, on the particular and the general, on the main state institutions and small fry controls. In particular, he wrote about the “council” under the king. And in “Divers”, and in “Fish Dances”, and in “Motley Sheep”, and in “Wolves and Sheep” for a number of years, Krylov angrily mocks this “institution”, clearly depicting its anti-people essence and anti-people character. The hypocrite Fox circulates in the council, where her opinion takes over and becomes a force.

And the Wolves, the old godfathers of the Fox, sit on the council.

Krylov revealed the logic of the formation of this institution in one of his last fables. The fable “Wolves and Sheep” is apparently the most significant for understanding the principles of formation government agencies“on the subject” of the welfare of the people. Here the poet showed himself to be a great politician, an expert in the theory of state and law. But let's listen to Krylov himself. IN in this case he doesn't need any comments.

The sheep had no life at all because of the Wolves,

And until finally

The government of animals took good measures

To intervene in the salvation of Sheep, -

And a Council was established for this end.

Advice for “saving” Sheep from Wolves. What is its composition? Krylov makes no secret of the principles of constructing such institutions: it consisted mainly of Wolves. But Krylov is filled with understanding of the need for such a design, its national importance and the deep wisdom of the organizer of this institution. Some Wolves walked near the herds

Smirnekhonko - when you were full.

So why shouldn’t there be Wolves on the Council? - as if the poet is indignant at the skepticism of “whiners and people of little faith.” He speaks in all seriousness. Not a shadow of a smile on his face or - God forbid! - a vulgar giggle on his lips: everything would be ruined. No, Krylov is “full of faith” not only in the inevitability and necessity of these foundations public policy, but what is especially important is that he firmly “believes” in the highest justice of these principles, if you like, in their divine origin:

Although it is necessary to protect the Sheep,

But the Volks cannot be oppressed at all.

This is truly true. We see here the “finger of God” and the will of “providence.” We see here the great art of the poet to transform. He sets out the very foundations of feudal jurisdiction as if in his own name, as if he himself established all this. He is not a hypocrite. What great artistic tact reveals in a poet.

Hypocrisy, as long as we talk about it we're talking about, is revealed through the main contradiction. Public actions contradict secret passions - this is the essence of reproof. Hypocrisy should not be exposed, otherwise it will not be hypocrisy, this thick garment of untruth and injustice. Hypocrisy doesn't have to be quickly recognizable, doesn't have to be itself, to be true hypocrisy. Otherwise it will not play the role it is intended to play. To be a reliable cover of untruth, it must appear in the form of supreme justice - be beyond all doubt and suspicion. And expose it as hypocrisy, not with petty antics and grins, but through the basic contradiction of form and content.

This was especially necessary for Krylov, because he did not expose a petty swindler, an unjustified thief caught red-handed, but exposed state hypocrisy, that is, hypocrisy that has become universal and obligatory, manifesting itself daily and hourly as a form government controlled. Among those who supported this hypocrisy in its absoluteness, there were also those who were not at all hypocrites in spirit, in their mentality and character, people who sincerely believed that they were speaking in the name of the law, which in their eyes amounted to truth and justice. They considered themselves servants of Predestination. Hence, Krylov’s tone of truth and veracity, rigor and inevitability, fidelity and incorruptibility, holiness and immutability is understandable. And all these time-honored categories of divine justice in a single moment turned into vile lies and vile hypocrisy. The poet uttered one phrase

Wolves are still Sheep

They drag you into the forests, -

and everything fell into place, the whole herd was clear: “fair” laws contradict the purpose they should serve. The Council, in order to “save” Sheep from Wolves, consisting of Wolves, adopted a law “promoting” (to use the word of that time) the extermination of Sheep by Wolves!

Such is statesmanship and justice. Krylov immediately exposed, wholesale, the entire system of state hypocrisy and robbery, and did not begin to catch petty thieves and freelance hypocrites separately. This was facilitated by the poet's concept - the concept of a broad realistic image of reality.

Effective preparation for the Unified State Exam (all subjects) - start preparing

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The fable “Sheep and Dogs” by Krylov will tell listeners how the Dogs, assigned to guard the sheep, ate the entire flock.

Read the text of the fable:

In some flock of Sheep,
So that the Wolves can no longer disturb them,
The number of Dogs is supposed to be multiplied.
Well? Finally, so many of them divorced
It’s true that the Sheep survived from the Wolves,
But dogs also need to eat.
First the wool was taken from the sheep,
And there, according to the draw, their skins flew off,
And there were only five or six Sheep left,
And the Dogs ate them.

Moral of the fable of the Sheep and the Dog:

The moral of the story is that power can corrupt anyone. The dogs were assigned to guard the herd, but ultimately they were worthy competition for the Wolves. In reality, this happens quite often. People placed in high positions instead of those who break the law, over time, begin to engage in theft and bribery no worse than their predecessors. And also the fable condemns thoughtless acceptance management decisions. After all, there were too many Dogs - that is why they began to devour Sheep. By limiting their number, it would be easier to avoid problems.

Kuteikin. Peace to the lord's house and many years of joy to the children and household.

Tsyfirkin. We wish your honor to live a hundred years, yes twenty, and even fifteen. Countless years.

Milo. Bah! This is our serving brother! Where did it come from, my friend?

Tsyfirkin. There was a garrison, your honor! And now I’ve gone clean.

Milo. What do you eat?

Tsyfirkin. Yes, somehow, your honor! I indulge in a little bit of arithmetics, so I eat in the city near the clerks at the counting departments. The Lord has not revealed science to everyone: so those who don’t understand it themselves, hire me either as an accountant to believe it or to sum it up. That's what I eat; I don’t like to live idly. I teach children in my spare time. So their nobleness and the guy have been struggling with broken parts for three years, but something doesn’t stick well; Well, it’s true, man doesn’t come to man.

Mrs. Prostakova. What? Why are you lying, Pafnutich? I didn't listen.

Tsyfirkin. So. I reported to his honor that in ten years you cannot hammer into another stump what another catches in flight.

Pravdin (to Kuteikin). And you, Mr. Kuteikin, aren’t you one of the scientists?

Kuteikin. Of the scientists, your honor! Seminaries of the local diocese. I went as far as rhetoric, and yes, God willing, I came back. He submitted a petition to the consistory, in which he wrote: “Such and such a seminarian, one of the church children, was afraid of the abyss of wisdom and asks her to be dismissed.” To which a merciful resolution soon followed, with the note: “Such and such a seminarian should be dismissed from all teaching: for it is written, do not throw pearls before swine, lest they trample him underfoot.”

Mrs. Prostakova. Where is our Adam Adamych?

Eremeevna. I tried to push myself towards him, but forcibly carried away my legs. Pillar of smoke, my mother! Damn, he strangled him with tobacco. Such a sinner.

Kuteikin. Empty, Eremeevna! There is no sin in smoking tobacco.

Pravdin (to the side). Kuteikin is also smart!

Kuteikin. Many books allow it: in the Psalter it is precisely printed: “And the grain is for the service of man.”

Pravdin. Well, where else?

Kuteikin. And in another Psalter the same thing is printed. Our archpriest has a small one in eighth, and the same in that one.

Pravdin (to Mrs. Prostakova). I don’t want to interfere with your son’s exercises; humble servant.

Milo. Neither do I, madam.

Mrs. Prostakova. Where are you going, my lords?..

Pravdin. I'll take him to my room. Friends who haven't seen each other for a long time have a lot to talk about.

Mrs. Prostakova. Where would you like to eat, with us or in your room? We just had our own family at the table, with Sophia...

Milo. With you, with you, madam.

Pravdin. We will both have this honor.

Scene VI

Mrs. Prostakova, Eremeevna, Mitrofan, Kuteikin and Tsyfirkin.

Mrs. Prostakova. Well, now at least read your backs in Russian, Mitrofanushka.

Mitrofan. Yes, butts, why not?

Mrs. Prostakova. Live and learn, my dear friend! Such a thing.

Mitrofan. How could it not be! Study will come to mind. You should bring your uncles here too!

Mrs. Prostakova. What? What's happened?

Mitrofan. Yes! just look at what the uncle is doing; and there with his fists and for the Book of Hours. No, thank you, I’m already done with myself!

Ms. Prostakova (frightened). What, what do you want to do? Come to your senses, darling!

Mitrofan. Vit is here and the river is close. I’ll dive, so remember my name.

Ms. Prostakova (beside myself). Killed me! Killed me! God be with you!

Eremeevna. Uncle scared everyone. I almost grabbed him by the hairs. And for nothing... about nothing...

Ms. Prostakova (in anger). Well…

Eremeevna. I pestered him: do you want to get married?..

Mrs. Prostakova. Well…

Eremeevna. The child didn’t hide it, it’s been a long time since he started hunting, uncle. How he will become furious, my mother, how he will throw himself up!..

Ms. Prostakova (shaking). Well... and you, beast, were dumbfounded, and you didn’t dig into your brother’s mug, and you didn’t tear his snout head over heels...

Eremeevna. I accepted it! Oh, I accepted, yes...

Mrs. Prostakova. Yes... yes what... not your child, you beast! For you, at least kill the little kid to death.

Eremeevna. Ah, Creator, save and have mercy! If my brother hadn’t deigned to leave at that very moment, I would have broken down with him. That's what God wouldn't put in place. These would become dull (pointing to nails), I wouldn’t even take care of the fangs.

Mrs. Prostakova. All of you, beasts, are zealous in words alone, but not in deeds...

Eremeevna(crying). I'm not zealous for you, mother! You don’t know how to serve anymore... I would be glad if nothing else... you don’t regret your stomach... but you don’t want everything.

Kuteikin. Will you command us to go home?

Tsyfirkin. Where should we go, your honor?

Mrs. Prostakova. You're still old witch, and burst into tears. Go and feed them with you, and after lunch immediately come back here. (To Mitrofan.) Come with me, Mitrofanushka. I won't let you out of my sight now. As soon as I tell you, little one, you will love to live in the world. It’s not a century for you, my friend, it’s not a century for you to learn. Thanks to God, you already understand so much that you can raise the kids yourself. (To Eremeevna.) I won’t talk to my brother your way. Let everything good people they will see that it is mother and that mother is dear. (He leaves with Mitrofan.)

Kuteikin. Your life, Eremeevna, is like pitch darkness. Let's go to dinner, and drink a glass of grief first...

Tsyfirkin. And there’s another one, and that’s multiplication.

Eremeevna(in tears). The difficult one won't clean me up! I have been serving for forty years, but the mercy is still the same...

Kuteikin. Is charity great?

Eremeevna. Five rubles a year and five slaps a day.

Kuteikin and Tsyfirkin take her by the arms.

Tsyfirkin. Let’s figure out at the table what your income is all year round.

End of the second act.

Pitch darkness

(external) - complete darkness

Wed....Torn apart from now on

Contact with the past! The time has passed

TO rome darkness- the sun is shining again -

And holds the scepter for truth and goodness

Only Tsar Boris - no more Godunov.

Gr. A. Tolstoy. Tsar Boris. 1. Boris.

Wed. It is clear from everything that the time will soon come when the sun will fade away, the stars will fall from the firmament of heaven and it will dawn everywhere. pitch darkness!

Zagoskin. Yuri Miloslavsky. 3, 4.

Wed. Your life, Eremeevna, is like pitch darkness. Let's go to dinner, and drink a glass of grief first.

Fonvizin. Minor. 2, 6. Kuteikin.

Wed. And the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into outer darkness.

Mat. 8, 12; 22, 13; 25, 30.

Cm. meal.

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and apt words. Collection of Russian and foreign quotes, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. St. Petersburg, type. Ak. Sci.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

See what “utter darkness” is in other dictionaries:

    From the Bible (Church Slavonic text). In the Gospel of Matthew (chapter 22, v. 13), this expression means hell, the underworld “outer darkness” (Russian translation). These words entered everyday speech in their literal meaning. Allegorically: 1.… … Dictionary winged words and expressions

    Pitch darkness (external) complete darkness. Wed. From now on, the connection with the past is severed! The time of pitch darkness has been survived, the sun shines again And holds the scepter for truth and goodness Only Tsar Boris is no more Godunov. Gr. A. Tolstoy. Tsar Boris. 1. Boris... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Pitch darkness- wing. sl. To the church glory In the text of the Gospel (Matt. 22:13) this is the name of hell, the underworld. This expression is used allegorically, meaning: complete, hopeless darkness; ignorance, painful, gloomy life... Universal additional practical Dictionary I. Mostitsky

    Book 1. Complete, absolute darkness. BMS 1998, 578; BTS, 472. 2. Ignorance, painful, gloomy life. BMS 1998, 578. 3. Psk. Remote wilderness place. SPP 2001, 74. 4. Jarg. school Iron. Schooling. VMN 2003, 137 ...

    dark- Pitch-utter darkness, hopeless darkness. It’s only seven o’clock in the evening, and it’s pitch dark outside. Darkness of darkness 1) one hundred thousand (old); 2) great multitude (colloquial). This side is baptized, there are too many people in it. Nekrasov. Darkness… … Phrasebook Russian language

    pitch black- pitch darkness pitch night pitch darkness pitch darkness pitch black... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

    Demon (damn) darkness. Psk. The same as darkness. SPP 2001, 74. Egyptian darkness. Book 1. Hopeless, threatening darkness. 2. Ignorance, spiritual darkness. BTS, 294, 1356. /i> Expression biblical origin. BMS 1998, 578. Korimyoshnaya... ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

    dark- absolute darkness bottomless darkness impenetrable darkness hopeless darkness deep darkness pitch darkness grave darkness dense darkness pitch darkness impenetrable darkness complete darkness perfect darkness complete darkness... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

    1) y, f. 1. Darkness, darkness. She quickly walked towards the gate, and was immediately swallowed up by the thick darkness of the night. Kuprin, Duel. The workshop was plunged into darkness. All the lamps immediately went out, and large stars became visible through the windows of the ceiling frames. B. Field, Hot shop. 2. transfer... Small academic dictionary

    Darkness, Egyptian darkness, pitch darkness, impenetrable darkness, darkness, darkness, darkness, gloom, haze Dictionary of Russian synonyms. pitch darkness noun, number of synonyms: 13 pitch darkness (9) ... Synonym dictionary


  • Pitch darkness, Ilya Goryachev. Ilya Goryachev is a historian by training, leader of the nationalist movement "Russian Image", assistant to the State Duma deputy from " United Russia", author of analytical reports on the radical left for...

1.1.2. What role do words with reduced stylistic connotation (“grunt”, “beast”, “snout”) play in Prostakova’s remarks?

1.2.2. What role do repetitions play in the above poem?

Read the fragment of the work below and complete task 1.1.1.-1.1.2 SCENE VI

Mrs. Prostakova, Eremeevna, Mitrofan, Kuteikin

and Tsyfirkin

Mrs. Prostakova. Live and learn, my dear friend! Such a thing.

Mitrofan. How could it not be! Study will come to mind. You should also bring your uncles here!

Mrs. Prostakova. What? What's happened?

Mitrofan. Yes! just look at what the uncle is doing; and there with his fists and for the Book of Hours. No, thank you, I'm already done with myself!

Ms. Prostakova ( scared). What, what do you want to do? Come to your senses, darling!

Mitrofan. After all, the river is close here. I’ll dive, so remember my name.

Ms. Prostakova ( beside myself). Killed me! Killed me! God be with you!

Eremeevna. The uncle scared everything. I almost grabbed him by the hairs. And for nothing, for nothing...

Ms. Prostakova ( in anger). Well...

Eremeevna. I pestered him, do you want to get married?..

Mrs. Prostakova. Well...

Eremeevna. The child didn’t hide it: it’s been a long time since he started hunting, uncle. How furious he will be, my mother! how it gets up...

Ms. Prostakova ( trembling). Well... and you, beast, were dumbfounded, and you didn’t dig into your brother’s mug, and you didn’t tear his snout over the ears...

Eremeevna. I accepted it! Oh, I accepted, yes...

Mrs. Prostakova. Yes... yes what... not your child, beast! For you, at least kill the little kid to death.

Eremeevna. Ah, creator, save and have mercy! If my brother hadn’t deigned to leave at that very moment, I would have broken with him. No matter what God puts it at. These would become dull ( pointing at nails), I wouldn’t even take care of the fangs.

Mrs. Prostakova. All of you beasts are zealous in words only, but not in deeds...

Eremeevna ( crying). I'm not zealous for you, mother! You don’t know how to serve anymore... I would be glad if nothing else... you don’t regret your stomach... but you don’t want everything.

Kuteikin. Will you command us to go home?

Tsyfirkin. Where should we go, your honor?

Mrs. Prostakova. You, an old witch, burst into tears. Go and feed them with you, and after lunch immediately come back here. ( To Mitrofan) Come with me, Mitrofanushka. I won't let you out of my sight now. As soon as I tell you something good, you will fall in love with living in the world. It’s not a century for you, my friend, it’s not a century for you to learn. Thanks to God, you already understand so much that you can raise the kids yourself. ( To Eremeevna) I’ll talk to my brother, not your way. Let all good people see that mother is *** and that mother is dear. (He leaves with Mitrofan.)

Kuteikin. Your life, Eremeevna, is like pitch darkness.

* Life (Slavic).

** Something, a secret.

*** Here: nanny.

D. I. Fonvizin “Minor”

Read the poem below and complete task 1.2.1.-1.2.2.

N. M. Rubtsov, 1964


1.1.2. Fonvizin characterizes his heroes through their own remarks. Prostakova’s remarks use words with a reduced stylistic connotation, which indicates the rudeness and limitations of her world and interests. The words often heard in Prostakova’s speech: mug, mug, beast - expose the world of hypocrisy and tyranny.

1.2.2. Lexical repetition - stylistic figure, which consists in the deliberate repetition of the same word or speech structure in a visible area of ​​the text. Repetitions enhance the emotional expressiveness of the text. In Rubtsov’s poem, the combination “star of the fields” is repeatedly repeated, thereby drawing the reader’s attention to the main image of the poem, symbolizing the image of the world. In addition, repetitions in this poem create a special mood by thinking about the essence of the world and the place of the Motherland in the world:

She burns over the autumn gold,

It burns over the winter silver...