Are the Russians Slavs? Russians are not Slavs

Last time we discussed it with you. Today I would like to remind you of the existence of another type of task - this is the eighth task of the Unified State Exam (to supplement information). It is dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War, that is, all questions in this task will be related to the period 1941-1945. Let's see what this task is like in the demo version of the Unified State Exam.

Exercise 1

A) ____ the Big Three conference took place in 1943.

Missing elements:

    Yalta (Crimean)

    N.F. Gastello

    Prokhorovka station


    V.V. Talalikhii

    Dubosekovo crossing


Three sentences, six missing elements. The answer is formatted as follows: under the letter you write the appropriate number, and then transfer the resulting combination of numbers to answer form No. 1.

We read the proposals.

A) The _____ conference of the Big Three took place in 1943.

You and I know that the Big Three - the leaders of the USSR, the USA and Great Britain - met three times: in Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam. What options do we have in the missing elements? Yalta (Crimean) and Tehran conferences. 1943 is the Tehran Conference. The Yalta Conference took place in February 1945. But you can, if in doubt, think so: was it even possible to hold a meeting of state leaders in Crimea at the end of 1943? In order to hold a meeting in Crimea, it is necessary that it be liberated, that the Nazi troops be moved very far from the territory. Otherwise how to ensure security? That is, Yalta and 1943 do not go together.

B) One of the first rams in the night air combat produced Soviet pilot ___, who shot down an enemy bomber on the outskirts of Moscow.

What surnames do we have? N. F. Gastello and V. V. Talalikhin. Let's remember: Gastello is the crew commander who sent a downed, burning plane into a column of military equipment. These are summer battles on the territory of Belarus. Talalikhin - pilot who made the first night ram in the battles near Moscow. We choose this surname - 5.

C) During the Battle of Kursk, the largest tank battle at ___.

There are answer options: Prokhorovka station and Dubosekovo crossing. Let's remember. This is generally very famous battle. About 1,200 tanks from both sides took part in the battle of Prokhorovka. Well, the Dubosekovo crossing, if you remember, is connected with the Battle of Moscow, where Panfilov’s heroes, one might say, blocked the path of the Nazis with their lives. Famous words political instructor Klochkov: “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat: Moscow is behind us.” That is, we choose point 3.

As a result, we got the following combination of numbers: 453. We transfer this combination of numbers to answer form number one.

Task 2

Let's practice one more task.

Fill in the gaps in these sentences using the list of missing elements below: for each sentence, indicated by a letter and containing a blank, select the number of the required element.

Missing elements:

    Battle of Kursk

  1. Nuremberg

    Operation Bagration

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Let's solve this problem.

A) Completed a radical fracture ___.

It is clear that this is some kind of battle. What battles do we have on the list? Battle of Kursk and

Operation Bagration. A radical change in the Great Patriotic War associated with the Battle of Stalingrad and the victory at Stalingrad, when Paulus’s army was surrounded and destroyed, and the Battle of Kursk. The Battle of Kursk completed a radical turning point. We choose her. Operation Bagration for the liberation of Belarus is already an event that occurred after a radical turning point, in the summer of 1944, one of the famous ten “Stalinist strikes”.

B) The International Tribunal for Fascist Criminals met in the city of ___.

We have cities: Berlin, Nuremberg, Potsdam, Prague. But obviously not in Prague. The conference of the victorious powers took place in Potsdam. The international tribunal could have taken place there, but it would have taken place elsewhere. It took place not in Berlin, but in the town of Nuremberg, which was considered the place where the fascist movement in Germany was born. The Nuremberg Tribunal can be remembered simply as the name "Nuremberg Tribunal".

But here it is clear that we are not talking about Potsdam. We know this is not Potsdam. Therefore, we have a real choice between Berlin and Prague. But the Berlin garrison capitulated on May 2, and after the signing of the general surrender, one of the groups of German troops continued to resist in Prague. And two Soviet tank armies were transferred to the territory of Czechoslovakia. Prague was liberated.

We get a combination of numbers: 136.

And one more task of the same type.

Task 3

Fill in the gaps in these sentences using the list of missing elements below: for each sentence, indicated by a letter and containing a blank, select the number of the required element.

A) ___ -Red Army sergeant, who became famous during the defense of the house during the battles for Stalingrad (later the house was named after his last name).

Missing elements:

    V. Zaitsev

  1. F. D. Roosevelt

    K. Rokossovsky

    Y. Pavlov

    G. Truman

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Write down the resulting combination of numbers as an answer without spaces or any punctuation marks.

Let's decide.

A) ___- a sergeant of the Red Army, who became famous during the defense of the house during the battles for Stalingrad (later the house was named after his last name).

Let's remember: Pavlov's house. It was not restored after the war. This is such a unique monument to the fierce battles that took place in Stalingrad.

V. Zaitsev is a famous sniper, who also became famous during Battle of Stalingrad. But he became famous for others - as a sniper.

B) The Potsdam Agreement of 1945 was signed by President ___ on behalf of the United States.

There are two American presidents on the list: Roosevelt and Truman. Roosevelt led the country from 1932 and during the war, but he died by the time of the Potsdam Conference, and he came to it new president USA, former vice president under Roosevelt - Harry Truman. So let's choose his last name.

B) The Victory Parade on Red Square was hosted by Marshal ___.

Rokossovsky commanded the parade and received Zhukov.

The result was: 562. We enter this combination of numbers into the answer form.

Good luck on the exam!

For many centuries, it has been believed that Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians are peoples from the East Slavic group. No one has doubted this for many years. This, so to speak, is an axiom - it does not require proof. And this would seem to be confirmed by numerous written sources, data from excavations.

But today opinions are emerging that Russians are not Slavs. But the people of Belarus are Slavs, but Western. So who are we anyway? Slavs or Russians? And why are Russians not Slavs?

In means mass media you can see that everything said in textbooks and other literature is literally old wives’ tales. When asked where the Russians came from then, they answer: from the Finno-Ugric peoples. The latter, allegedly, simply turned out to be Slavicized. We remind you that the Finno-Ugric group includes residents of modern republics: Udmurtia, Komi, Mari-El, Karelia. In addition, our neighbors from Finland, Hungary and Estonia are also Finno-Ugric. Yes, last information there is no doubt and can be taken as a basis. But it was believed that the Finno-Ugrians were a branch Eastern Slavs.

So, if we continue the thought of modern times, then the Russians simply took their language from the Slavs. Moreover, they modified it so much that it “became unrecognizable.” And more than half of the words in the Russian language are far from Slavic origin. What about the Slavic-Aryans? No and no again. Russians, if you believe current point view, belong to the Ural group.

“What about the settlement of the Slavs?” - you ask. And then the answer was found. These were small tribes of Finns (traders, squads of princes).

And Ukrainians are not our brothers at all either.

Genetic research

The information, you will agree, is unusual and discouraging. To resolve all the fuss, scientists want to conduct a large-scale study of the Russian gene pool. His goal is to prove that the Slavs are not Russians. If earlier the leading science was anthropology (description of appearance, features of the skeleton and skull, etc.), then today, in the era of scientific technical progress you can go into the very “thicket of the forest” called genetics. In short, deciphering the DNA code (double-stranded nucleic acid found in the nuclei and mitochondria of cells) is not a problem today.

And some results have already been obtained. They compared the chromosomes of the Russian and the Finn and came to the conclusion that they are closely related. An analysis and comparison was also carried out between the genotype of the Russian and one of the Finno-Ugric peoples (Mari, for example). Here science has generally proven almost one hundred percent similarity. But why be surprised? After all, this should be logical if the Finno-Ugrians are still a branch of the East Slavic group.

As a result, we get that there were Finns who were simply Slavicized by the Varangians. This is what some people think today (in particular Vadim Rostov). And the Russians, when they say that they are Slavs, are greatly mistaken.


The data was published in one of the journals (around 2013), which claims the reality of the research. So what now? Rewrite history? Change the opinion of the entire population of a huge country? Start making friends with Finland? But it must be said that these discoveries never received wide resonance. Maybe this was done by someone on purpose? Maybe someone wants to finally sow the seed of hostility between the Slavic peoples, refuting their kinship? In any case, centuries-old historical data are not empty words. And in order to challenge them, you need to be very prepared. After all, a lot of questions arise that the newly minted theory is not yet ready to firmly answer.

Now let’s remember how, according to our chronicle, the Slavs appeared in Rus':
For many times, villages are the essence of Slovenia along the Dunaevi, where there are now Ugrian and Bulgarian lands.
From those words it spread throughout the earth and became known by its own names, where it sits and where it sits.<…>Volokh, who found the words on the Danube, and sat in them and raped them. The Slovene Ovi came and sat on the Vistula, and was nicknamed the Lyakhov, and from those Lyakhov they were called the Polyane, the Lyakhov's friends - Lutitsa, some Mazovshans, and some Pomeranians.

Likewise, the same words, who came, sat along the Dnieper and drugged the glade, and the friends of the Derevlyans, sat in the forests, and the friends sat between the Pripetya and the Dvina and drugged the Dregovichi, and the other sat on the Dvina and drugged the Polotsk, for the sake of the river, I flow into Dvina, by the name of Polota, from this was nicknamed Polotsk. Slovene sat near Lake Ilmera, and was called by her own name, and made a city and called Novgorod. And the friends are sitting on the Desna, and along the Semi, and along the Sula, and driving north. And so the Slovenian language disappeared, which is why it was called the Slovenian letter.

Now let's look at the corresponding genealogical maps.

And we will immediately see a bright spot of concentration of haplogroup I1b in Bosnia and Croatia. And indeed: this marker dominates among 63.8% of Herzegovinians, 52.2% of Bosnians, 32.2% of Croats. And among the population of the islands of the Dalmatian coast, the frequency of I1b reaches 80%! But group R1a is found among the Balkan Slavs -
- with a frequency of 15.2% among Macedonians, 14.7% among Bulgarians and 12.1% among Herzegovinians.
The second spot I1b is in the region of Moldova, Ukraine and Romania
And thus, both centers of concentration of this haplogroup are located where in the VI-VII centuries AD. e. contemporary authors found the Slavs:
The Sklavens live from the city of Novietuna and the lake called Mursian, to Danastra and north to Viskla...
Novietun is believed to have been located in what is now Slovenia. Thus, we find the Slavs along the Danube in the territory from almost Italy to Transnistria.
Danube means the Balkans.
At the same time, it has been confidently established that the mass migration of Slavs from Central Europe to the east occurred in the 7th-9th centuries. It went in two directions - northeast and southeast.
And in the northeast we see - genetically - not I1b at all! Not the Slavs, that is! And we see there a group of R1 carriers of unknown origin
Now let's add up our data. The Slavs were located where today we see haplogroup I1b in mass composition. Then they moved from there to Rus', as evidenced by the ancient chronicler and modern historical data. After this, we see a “Balkan” haplogroup among the Russian people. True, only 23%, i.e. in the minority.
But frequency is the main thing. After all, it is clear that no one can give another more than he himself has. Let me remind you that the vast majority of Russians have the R1a marker. And this means that if the Slavs came to Rus' from the Balkans, and the Balkan Slavs are carriers of the I1b marker, then, consequently, the majority of Russians are not Slavs!
Moreover, the “Balkan-Slavs” are genetically closer to the European peoples than this majority of Russians. In any case, in Western Europe subgroup I1a is prominently represented. And generally speaking, -

The Russian ethnos consists genetically of three main components (although others are present in small doses): the as yet unknown origin of the R1a1 group (the majority), the Finnish N1c and the “Balkan” I1b, which corresponds to the chronicle legend about the arrival of the Slavs from the Danube. Since the Russians are an ethnic group genetically identical to the Polish, Belarusian and Ukrainian, then either these ethnic groups are not Slavic, or the legend about the arrival of the Slavs to Rus' from the south does not correspond to reality.
Haplogroup R1a, the closest relative of R1b, prevails in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and India. Both of them come from haplogroup R, which originates in the territory of modern Kyrgyzstan. R1a are now believed to have been nomadic farmers, the first speakers of the Proto-Indo-European language that gave rise to Indo-European family languages, including English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, several Indian languages, such as Bengali and Hindu, and many others. Today, every second man in Russia and Poland is a carrier of the genes of this haplogroup, which is relatively common in Northern Europe, particularly in Norway and Scotland.
Roughly speaking, these peoples spoke almost the same language. Which, according to modern ideas, means that they were one people. Not related to the Balkan “Slavs” with marker I1b
This means that in Russia we - the majority of Russians belonging to the R1a1 haplogroup - are autochthonous. And we have inhabited the territory now known as Russia for centuries! Even if we don’t take our previous genetic “variations” and limit ourselves only to this marker, it turns out that “we” here are the indigenous inhabitants since the Ice Age! The latest genetics suggests that the Proto-Indo-Europeans are truly a product of Western Asia. And those who are considered Indo-Europeans today - carriers of markers of the R1 group - are genetically very, very distant from the original linguistic Indo-Europeans... Just as the Semitic-Hamitic languages ​​are far from the Indo-European ones.

Thus, we are again convinced: the Indo-Europeans are not those who went on a further campaign with the future Papuans. This is the part of the “Nostratics” that remained in place, in Western Asia.

By the way, the already familiar carriers of haplogroup I1b - the “Balkans”, a genetic component of the Russian people - also turn out to be not Indo-Europeans!

The fact is that in the 5th millennium BC. e. It was here, in the Balkans, that the oldest center of civilization in Europe arose. Wherein -

- culture of the ancient Balkans of the 5th and 4th millennia BC. e. characterized by developed agriculture and the use of cereals of ancient Near Eastern origin, copper metallurgy, which was also formed under the probable influence of Asia Minor, the presence of a rather complex religion and corresponding symbols, including pictographic signs of a linear nature.

According to these signs this culture bring you closer to us even more ancient civilization west of Asia Minor - Catal Huyuk (VI millennium BC). Archaeologists and linguists find it difficult to determine ethnic character both of these civilizations, but from a genetic point of view it is possible that these were people of haplogroup I1b...

So, “we”, the carriers of R1a1, are not exactly Slavs! Not even Indo-Europeans! It turns out that the Indo-Europeans are the aliens on “our” territory! It was they - one of the groups or several groups - who migrated here, to the post-Nostratic hunters. Where, according to genetics, they were assimilated so much that they did not even leave their own male chromosomal line in their offspring. But they left the language.

Russians are not Indo-Europeans. But - Aryans!

mummies and bone remains found in ancient Scythian burial mounds, scattered from the Black Sea to Mongolia, made it possible to say that the people buried there have the R1a1 haplogroup.

So, the Scythians are “ours”.

Mummies and bone remains found in ancient Scythian burial mounds, scattered from the Black Sea to Mongolia, suggested that the people buried there had haplogroup R1a1.
One of the tribes that played very important role In the history of Europe during the Great Migration, there were Goths. But in order to understand the context in which they acted (and contributed to the emergence of the Slavs on the historical stage)

They began their campaign quite a long time ago - even before our era. By the 1st century AD e. they are recorded along the coast of the Baltic Sea between the Oder and the Vistula by both ancient authors and archeology. The history of the Goths is known to us from the writings of Jordanes:

From this very island of Scandza, as if from a workshop [making] tribes, or rather, as if from a womb [giving birth] to tribes, according to legend, the Goths once came out with their king named Berig.
- the advance of the Goths in the Black Sea region did not have the nature of conquest. The Germans joined local communities, forming a certain part of them and quickly absorbing elements of their culture. Unlike the northern regions, the culture of the Goths is not represented here in its pure form.

As a result, by the middle of the 3rd century the Goths -

- established political dominance over all the tribes that lived in the forest-steppe part of Ukraine in the Black Sea region, the Azov region and Crimea, creating the Gothic union.

No, of course, there could not have been wars and clashes - at least with the nomads living in the steppe, and especially at first. But, one way or another, the Gothic “empire”, judging by archaeological and written monuments, consisted or included in its orbit such peoples as:

- Gepids, with which the late phase of the Wielbark penetration to the south is associated;

- Vandals who joined the “empire” from the Przeworsk culture;

- the Heruls, who in the middle of the 3rd century were ousted by the Danes from the Jutland Peninsula;

- Burgundians (however, they quickly went west);

- singers who entered the Chernyakhov conglomerate because they lived on the border with the Romans and turned up along the way;

- taiphals, about which practically nothing is known, because their archeology has not been highlighted;

- Borans, who allegedly specialized in navigation.

These are the Germans (if the Borans are classified as Germans, which some people doubt; but this does not fundamentally change the picture).

In addition to them, the “Chernyakhovites” included:

- Hellenistic groups, primarily Hellenized Scythians;

- the late Scythians, who survived the first Gothic onslaught and have now assimilated;

- Sarmatians who settled on the earth;

- roxolans;

This, by the way, is a very noticeable part of the population: Sarmato-Alans make up approximately 20% of all burials in the Black Sea region.

Finally, the Gothic power included the Getae, Dacian and Thracian tribes, as well as representatives of the Cherepin-Teremtsy cultures as a continuation of the Zubritsa and Kyiv cultures.

The latter, however, with reservations of the order that, rather, it was adjacent to the Goths, rather than being part of their state. But, in any case, in the second quarter of the 4th century, Chernyakhov monuments were formed in the forest-steppe zone on the left bank of the Dnieper, which was part of the area of ​​Kyiv culture.

So we now have the concept that unites the above-mentioned conglomerate of tribes under the supremacy of the Goths. For this union received its material expression in the Chernyakhov archaeological culture:

In essence, the Goths began - hardly thoughtfully and according to plan, but - to build a new “political” nation (for the sake of historiographical rigor, we will also put this word in quotation marks: “nation”). They began to create, one might say, an empire, almost in complete analogy with those distant Romans who once launched the expansion of one small tribe across half the world. They, too, once had the same town and a legend about brothers raised by a she-wolf. And they, too, at first created only politically - not ethnically - single space from exclusively their own, mixed, colonized and allied settlements. And then one of the conquered tribes received the rights of Roman citizens and only remembered from their ancestors their origin, say, from the Sabines. Someone quietly joined the Roman population, like the Etruscans. Some were destroyed, like the Samnites. And so on.


III-IV centuries. From Volyn to the Black Sea region and Crimea, the Chernyakhov culture is emerging as a material reflection of the “political” power of the Goths, which gradually emerged in this space from many different tribes. The leading role of the Goths in this association was based not only on their own strength, but also on the fact that they were the main participants and distributors of loot obtained during raids on the Roman Empire. But booty also meant cultural influence, and its distribution is political power. Thus, other peoples and cultures were drawn to the Gothic power, and it was on the way to becoming a full-fledged public education according to the type of early medieval barbarian kingdom. In this sense, the Goths also influenced the “Kievans,” on whose borders with the Gothic power a patchwork of two cultures arose, which necessarily led to their synthesis, at least in the zone of this contact.
According to Jordan, Germanaric built a real empire:

After the king of the Goths, Geberich, retired from human affairs, after some time the kingdom was inherited by Germanaric, the noblest of the Amals, who conquered many very warlike northern tribes and forced them to obey his laws. Many ancient writers compared him in dignity to Alexander the Great. He conquered the tribes: Goltescythians, Tiuds, Inaunxes, Vasinabronks, Merens, Mordens, Imniskars, Horns, Tadzans, Atauls, Navegos, Bubegens, Kolds.

In parentheses, we note that the names of these tribes have already been used by many enthusiasts. Some of them extended the power of Germanarich right up to the Baltic Sea and the Volga. Why! - there are “tiuds” - Chud, and “merens” - Merya, and “mordens” - Mordovians...
and one Russian, if you grab him by the button, look thoughtfully into his eyes and boldly ask:

- So you say, you’re a Slav... And what tribe are you a Slav? —

- he hesitates and does not answer anything. Because there is no history Slavic tribe Russians. There are Croats. Let's go from the Croats. There are Serbs. From the Serbs. Czechs. Poles. Slovaks. Even in Germany there live miserable remnants of the Slavs, embodied in the Lusatian Sorbs - but they know what kind of Slavs they are descendants of. What about the Russians?

Descendants of the glades?

Nobody knows who the Polyans are.

So the Russians liquidated the Drevlyans. Iskorosten was burned.


They ran away from the Russian governor Wolf Tail.

But the Russians fought with them and conquered them.

And the point is not that they fought and conquered - the fact is that the Russians, it turns out, existed next to the Vyatichi and outside the Vyatichi.

And outside of Radimichi. And outside of Krivichi. And outside the northerners. And outside of Dregovichi.

And in general, no matter who you name from the famous East Slavic tribes, the Russians stand outside them. Russians are different.

Not Slavs. For they are not among the Slavs. They're out all the time.

And at the same time - inside.

So where did they come from?

For many centuries, it has been believed that Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians are peoples from the East Slavic group. No one has doubted this for many years. This, so to speak, is an axiom - it does not require proof. And this, it would seem, is confirmed by numerous written sources, data from excavations.

But today opinions are emerging that Russians are not Slavs. But the people of Belarus are Slavs, but Western. So who are we anyway? Slavs or Russians? And why are Russians not Slavs?

Russians: Slavs or not?

In the media you can see that everything said in textbooks and other literature is literally an old wives' tale. When asked where the Russians came from then, they answer: from the Finno-Ugric peoples. The latter, allegedly, simply turned out to be Slavicized. We remind you that the Finno-Ugric group includes residents of modern republics: Udmurtia, Komi, Mari-El, Karelia. In addition, our neighbors from Finland, Hungary and Estonia are also Finno-Ugric. Yes, the latest information is beyond doubt and can be taken as a basis. But it was believed that the Finno-Ugrians were a branch of the Eastern Slavs.

So, if we continue the thought of modern times, then the Russians simply took their language from the Slavs. Moreover, they modified it so much that it “became unrecognizable.” And more than half of the words in the Russian language are far from Slavic in origin. What about the Slavic-Aryans? No and no again. Russians, according to the current point of view, belong to the Ural group.

“What about the settlement of the Slavs?” - you ask. And then the answer was found. These were small tribes of Finns (traders, squads of princes).

And Ukrainians are not our brothers at all either.

Genetic research

The information, you will agree, is unusual and discouraging. To resolve all the fuss, scientists want to conduct a large-scale study of the Russian gene pool. His goal is to prove that the Slavs are not Russians. If earlier the leading science was anthropology (description of appearance, features of the skeleton and skull, etc.), then today, in the era scientific and technological progress you can go into the very “thicket of the forest” called genetics. In short, deciphering the DNA code (double-stranded nucleic acid found in the nuclei and mitochondria of cells) is not a problem today.

And some results have already been obtained. They compared the chromosomes of the Russian and the Finn and came to the conclusion that they are closely related. An analysis and comparison was also carried out between the genotype of the Russian and one of the Finno-Ugric peoples (Mari, for example). Here science has generally proven almost one hundred percent similarity. But why be surprised? After all, this should be logical if the Finno-Ugrians are still a branch of the East Slavic group.

As a result, we get that there were Finns who were simply Slavicized by the Varangians. This is what some people think today (in particular Vadim Rostov). And the Russians, when they say that they are Slavs, are greatly mistaken.


The data was published in one of the journals (around 2013), which claims the reality of the research. So what now? Rewrite history? Change the opinion of the entire population of a huge country? Start making friends with Finland? But it must be said that these discoveries never received wide resonance. Maybe this was done by someone on purpose? Maybe someone wants to finally sow the seed of hostility between the Slavic peoples, refuting their kinship? In any case, centuries-old historical data are not empty words. And in order to challenge them, you need to be very prepared. After all, a lot of questions arise that the newly minted theory is not yet ready to firmly answer.

Russians are not Slavs - proven by excavations.

Strictly speaking, there is no Slavic gene, just like a Turkic, Finnish, Germanic or any other gene. Genes are structural and functional units of genetic material, hereditary factor, which can be roughly represented as a segment of a DNA molecule - much older than any people on earth. Nevertheless, geneticists identify a haplogroup that is characteristic of representatives Slavic peoples. A haplogroup is a set of nucleotides on the male Y chromosome that is passed on from generation to generation without any changes for thousands of years. It is transmitted exclusively through the male line. So, approximately 4.5 thousand years ago, on the Central Russian Plain, a boy was born with a slightly different haplogroup than his father. The genetic classification of the father's haplogroup looks like this: R1a. Modern geneticists classified the mutated haplogroup of the son as R1a1. This mutation turned out to be very tenacious. And currently, holders of haplogroup R1a1 make up 70% of the population of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, and also make up the majority of the population in others Slavic countries Oh. Actually, this very set of nucleotides is, in a certain sense, a biological marker of Slavism. But, of course, in our days there can be no talk of any “pure” peoples who have avoided mixing with other ethnic groups. Therefore, the Slavs are also very heterogeneous. Along with this very haplogroup R1a1, many peoples left their genetic traces in them. Among the Russian population, indeed, about 14% are carriers of the haplogroup characteristic of the Finno-Ugric peoples, which is completely natural, since the Finno-Ugric tribes are the ancient inhabitants of the lands where Russia is now located. But the haplogroup characteristic of the Mongols, contrary to the common saying “scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar,” is extremely rare among Russians - only from one and a half to three percent, and among Ukrainians also a little - about five percent. But among Ukrainians, almost 37% of the population are owners of haplogroups characteristic of the Balkans, which, again, is quite natural due to geographical proximity and frequent contacts. Residents of other Slavic countries also have their own characteristics. In Belarus, for example, there are many carriers of haplogroups characteristic of the peoples of the Baltic group, Czechs and others Western Slavs Closer to Western European peoples, the Bulgarians have a fair Thracian trace, which was bestowed on the incoming South Slavic tribe ancient inhabitants this region. A people is determined not by genes, but by language, traditions, religion and everything that we call culture. Therefore, the concept of “Slavic gene” should still be attributed to the realm of poetic metaphors, and not science.